Mission 05:Ahab's Quest

Started by John Brown, April 07, 2014, 11:01:10 AM

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Quote from: Amy Lee Grix on April 17, 2014, 06:35:09 PM

Amy sat down and looked at the two men "not well Henriks, you more than anyone know how much I care for her, we were once lovers and we were still friends" she started to sob again "I just want to see her walk in this room so I can say goodbye, It's crazy I know but because I haven't seen the body my mind won't let me believe it is real"

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 17, 2014, 08:41:42 PM

Henriks sipped his tea, blinking back his own tears, but he could feel one work its way slowly down his cheek. Pushing his chair back, he gave her a hug, saying, "I can't believe it either. It's just all..." His words faltered, and he slid back into his chair. His gaze fell to his untouched plate of food. He hated to see anybody cry, especially friends, and the quick fix would be to just tell her everything, how he wished he could. While he, as well as Fornell, held that secret knowledge, he still knew how they felt. He mourned the loss of another, just not Jiseth. Henrik's gaze shifted briefly to Fornell, wondering what was going through the man's mind at the moment. Back to Amy. "If you ever do need a shoulder to cry on," he offered, stopping once again. At this state, putting thoughts into words was becoming increasingly difficult.

There was a large exhale as the giant of a man rubbed the bridge of his nose, clenching his eyes closed. His lips stiffened as he held back a yawn, exhaling heavily through the nose. It might have looked like him trying to hold back tears as well, especially when he opened his eyes, somewhat bloodshot now. "The EPH was on duty when she jumped. Wondrous how a computer-generated consciousness can feel as much as he can. Ensign Meru thinks of the two like father and daughter or some sort of guardian for her. Perhaps that's why his programming almost crashed. A parent losing their child." Bringing his hand down from his face he tapped on the table a few times, looking to the oncoming stars, "Do you think she would want to see any of you like this?"

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on April 17, 2014, 08:42:45 AM

Grix nodded at her plan Thank you Lieutenant I was thinking something more surgical, maybe take out the engines, but your plan will cause a much bigger diversion for the Admiral, I want you to coordinate the attack with helm and tactical and Miss Ezra congratulations you've earned it!"

Christian was still worried about the Admiral's part of the plan but it had to be done "John get your team ready and let us know when you want us to knock on the door for you........ And admiral try not to die this time" he stood and held his hand out for the Admiral "good luck sir!"

"Chris, Keep the Ship Save she yours just get the Crew Home if I do'nt make it" Finished Brown then stoping he removed his Rank Pips the placed them on his chair looking at Chris "I expect those back" Finished John as he walked to the troubolift


"Transporter Room Two" Finished John

==^==Brown to Secuitey Team Alpha report to Transporter Room Two==^==

[Transporter Room Two]

John Entered the Room and grabbed a Phaser and A Phaser Rifle from the nearby locker he closed his eyes for a few moments preparing himself looking at the Transporter Cheif "When you are given the Mark put us in the Aft Section" Ordered John

James Booth

Transporter Room Two

Despite what had happened between Booth and Brown, Jimmy made his way into the Transporter Room. Walking across to the control console, he removed his comm badge and rank insignia. Passing them to the Transporter Chief, he stated. "I'll be back for those."

Walking to the weapons locker, the Chief pulled a double grip phaser rifle, his rifle of choice and a type 2 phaser, which he secured to his hip. Walking to the pad, he dropped a nod to PO1 Josh Farber of Security Team Alpha, it was a way of thanking the man. Standing alongside Brown, he looked to the Admiral.

"You didn't think I'd let you do this alone did you?"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 18, 2014, 01:09:27 AM

Transporter Room Two

Despite what had happened between Booth and Brown, Jimmy made his way into the Transporter Room. Walking across to the control console, he removed his comm badge and rank insignia. Passing them to the Transporter Chief, he stated. "I'll be back for those."

Walking to the weapons locker, the Chief pulled a double grip phaser rifle, his rifle of choice and a type 2 phaser, which he secured to his hip. Walking to the pad, he dropped a nod to PO1 Josh Farber of Security Team Alpha, it was a way of thanking the man. Standing alongside Brown, he looked to the Admiral.

"You didn't think I'd let you do this alone did you?"

[Transporter Room Two]

"To Be Honest yes how can we go over there risking our lifes if you do'nt even trust me anymore or have faith in me" Finish Brown then taking a breath "As what I have to do is Kill a Friend and thats somthing you ca'nt witness" Retorted John as he replied to Booth

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 18, 2014, 01:16:30 AM

[Transporter Room Two]

"To Be Honest yes how can we go over there risking our lifes if you do'nt even trust me anymore or have faith in me" Finish Brown then taking a breath "As what I have to do is Kill a Friend and thats somthing you ca'nt witness" Retorted John as he replied to Booth

Booth gave his Old friend a stern look, he resisted the urge to stun the man. "Faith is for Nuns and Amateurs. Trust that's a different issue, I certainly don't trust you not to get yourself killed." Taking a deep breath. "Even if you have, I have not given up on a friendship of more than twenty years." Arching his left eyebrow, he finished with. "Besides if you want to kill somebody, I think you'd need me. You know someone who can shoot straight."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 18, 2014, 01:32:39 AM

Booth gave his Old friend a stern look, he resisted the urge to stun the man. "Faith is for Nuns and Amateurs. Trust that's a different issue, I certainly don't trust you not to get yourself killed." Taking a deep breath. "Even if you have, I have not given up on a friendship of more than twenty years." Arching his left eyebrow, he finished with. "Besides if you want to kill somebody, I think you'd need me. You know someone who can shoot straight."

"Well I for one am not giving up on something we have had for the Past Twenty Years as Old Man you are stuck with me until your stone dead" Replied John with a small chuckle "Well to be honest Jimmy, I just have to Kill an old friend and it something I have to burden myself with" Finished Brown

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 18, 2014, 01:38:33 AM

"Well I for one am not giving up on something we have had for the Past Twenty Years as Old Man you are stuck with me until your stone dead" Replied John with a small chuckle "Well to be honest Jimmy, I just have to Kill an old friend and it something I have to burden myself with" Finished Brown

Booth was checking the power level of his rifle, when once again Brown said it. "I just have to Kill an old friend and it something I have to burden myself with." He took a long breath and rolled his eyes. He didn't want to pry into the Admiral's private life or reasons for wanting to kill someone. "John, who the frak are you wanting to kill?. You keep saying it."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 18, 2014, 01:47:10 AM

Booth was checking the power level of his rifle, when once again Brown said it. "I just have to Kill an old friend and it something I have to burden myself with." He took a long breath and rolled his eyes. He didn't want to pry into the Admiral's private life or reasons for wanting to kill someone. "John, who the frak are you wanting to kill?. You keep saying it."

John took a deep breath then looking at him for a long moment before speak "Sometimes the pain of ones past can return to cause great pain that can distroy all you hold dear.....When it comes you learn of a Friends betrayal I hope you can be as strong" Finished Brown

Ezra Shanara

[Bridge - Ops]

Ezra was keeping an eye on the forward sensors, when the ship finally got to the required position. "Commander, we're now in weapons range of the Gorn ship, putting it on screen." The viewer showed the fleeing ship, the Churchill was clearly approaching its starboard aft quarter. "They're charging weapons Sir, they're locking on."

Native of Dahkur Province

John Brown

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on April 18, 2014, 02:25:59 AM

[Bridge - Ops]

Ezra was keeping an eye on the forward sensors, when the ship finally got to the required position. "Commander, we're now in weapons range of the Gorn ship, putting it on screen." The viewer showed the fleeing ship, the Churchill was clearly approaching its starboard aft quarter. "They're charging weapons Sir, they're locking on."

[Transporer Room Two]

John was watching the Bridge Moniter then nodded he pressed the Button on the Side of the Transporter Station

==^==Brown to Bridge....Now.....Now....Now==^==

"Cheif Once you get a Transporter Lock Beam us across do'nt wait for the Bridge" Ordered Brown

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on April 18, 2014, 02:29:30 AM

[Transporer Room Two]

John was watching the Bridge Moniter then nodded he pressed the Button on the Side of the Transporter Station

==^==Brown to Bridge....Now.....Now....Now==^==

"Cheif Once you get a Transporter Lock Beam us across do'nt wait for the Bridge" Ordered Brown

"Helm take us in fly like Jiseth and get us that Broadside, tactical on the Lieutenants mark unleash everything we have i want them blinded to the transporter and Lieutenant Ezra lock the tractor beam on the bow as we pass so we can use the slingshot escape"

Grix looked at Admiral Brown's pips and put them in his pocket you better come back for these i'm not stealing another bloody ship to save your ass again.

"Shields up, sound Red Alert"   =/\= All Crew this is Commander Grix, report to battle staions, this is not a drill =/\=. He turned to look over his shoulder and saw T'Mautlan working away on diagnostics, it looked like the same ones she had been running earlier  "Syrika if there is a problem let Mr Miller know, if not i'm going to need all the power you can give me" Grix knew there was nothing wrong with the ship, it was him she was watching to see how he was coping with the death of a friend and his worries for the Admiral and crew.

I love that woman he thought and decided after this was all done he would book them both some shore leave and go of somewhere quiet and marry her.


Quote from: Ezra Shanara on April 18, 2014, 02:25:59 AM

Ezra was keeping an eye on the forward sensors, when the ship finally got to the required position. "Commander, we're now in weapons range of the Gorn ship, putting it on screen." The viewer showed the fleeing ship, the Churchill was clearly approaching its starboard aft quarter. "They're charging weapons Sir, they're locking on."

Quote from: Christian Grix on April 18, 2014, 03:09:07 AM

"Helm take us in fly like Jiseth and get us that Broadside, tactical on the Lieutenants mark unleash everything we have i want them blinded to the transporter and Lieutenant Ezra lock the tractor beam on the bow as we pass so we can use the slingshot escape"

Meru looked over her shoulder to Ezra, "Get the tractor beam on their disruptor battery, it will cut the effectiveness while we get close! At the very least we can slow them down while we catch up..." With a swipe her hand, the ensign set the throttle to maximum on the impulse engines. Quickly alternating the thrust direction for each, the ship began to jink to the left and then back to the right in Evasive Maneuver Delta.
Quote from: Christian Grix on April 18, 2014, 03:09:07 AM

=/\= All Crew this is Commander Grix, report to battle stations, this is not a drill =/\=

Fornell looked to the ceiling and then back to Amy and Henriks, "Pleasant to see you both." Taking his plate, he recycled it in the replicator and charged through the doors to get to the shuttle bays.

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on April 18, 2014, 12:17:47 AM

There was a large exhale as the giant of a man rubbed the bridge of his nose, clenching his eyes closed. His lips stiffened as he held back a yawn, exhaling heavily through the nose. It might have looked like him trying to hold back tears as well, especially when he opened his eyes, somewhat bloodshot now. "The EPH was on duty when she jumped. Wondrous how a computer-generated consciousness can feel as much as he can. Ensign Meru thinks of the two like father and daughter or some sort of guardian for her. Perhaps that's why his programming almost crashed. A parent losing their child." Bringing his hand down from his face he tapped on the table a few times, looking to the oncoming stars, "Do you think she would want to see any of you like this?"

[Mess Hall]

Henriks struggled to keep his face straight. If Jiseth were there with them at the table, or at the very least walking about the ship freely, he would have replied with something sarcastic like 'I think she'd rather see us all in pajamas.' Instead he poked at the crackers on his plate, but his stomach was not in the mood to accept anything. The way Fornell had described the EPH reminded him of Oswald, and how her transfer was like losing a parent. Sighing, he looked back up at the rest of the group. "She'd probably rather have us cracking jokes," he said quietly. But all the somber tension in the air seemed to stifle any hope for that.

Quote from: Christian Grix on April 18, 2014, 03:09:07 AM

=/\= All Crew this is Commander Grix, report to battle stations, this is not a drill =/\=

Quote from: Jiseth on April 18, 2014, 09:28:44 AM

Fornell looked to the ceiling and then back to Amy and Henriks, "Pleasant to see you both." Taking his plate, he recycled it in the replicator and charged through the doors to get to the shuttle bays.

Henriks exhaled sharply at the call for all the crew to report to battle stations. Do beds count? Henriks asked in his head, trying to count how many hours he had been up, not that it really mattered. Offering a quick goodbye to Amy, Henriks disposed of his own dishes and made his way back to sickbay as quickly as his legs would carry him.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb


Quote from: Christian Grix on April 18, 2014, 03:09:07 AM

"Shields up, sound Red Alert"   =/\= All Crew this is Commander Grix, report to battle staions, this is not a drill =/\=. He turned to look over his shoulder and saw T'Mautlan working away on diagnostics, it looked like the same ones she had been running earlier  "Syrika if there is a problem let Mr Miller know, if not i'm going to need all the power you can give me" Grix knew there was nothing wrong with the ship, it was him she was watching to see how he was coping with the death of a friend and his worries for the Admiral and crew.

As the red alert noises and lighting came on, Miller looked up from the mess of used Ice Packs on the floor, half of which had been loaded into a container to bring back to Sickbay. In a flash, his emotions changed from being idle and remorseful, to that of complete neutrality, knowing that it was time for business once again.

He logged off the Standard Terminal he had been using and approached the Master Terminal that surrounded the Warp Core. He expected to see his engineering staff entering the room shortly ...

Chira Arthur


Glancing up sharply from the CMO's bedside, Chira sighed deeply at the command from the Admiral, putting the ship on Red Alert.  Battlestations, hm?  Well.  Here I am.  Setting the padd she'd been using to interface the biobed aside, Chira moved quickly over to the nearest terminal, checking the rest of the log output from the bridge.  It was quiet, still, and she hoped it'd stay that way.  So far, so good.

Her long-legged gait took her back over to Alpha's bedside.  She seemed to find herself unable to move away from it.  Mainly because her CMO was one of the oddest beings she'd ever encountered...so far.  Her heart went out to the snow-pale girl, utterly...to have lost the one she loved, and then to have injured herself to the point of not knowing that her lover was dead...

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 18, 2014, 11:22:30 AM

Henriks exhaled sharply at the call for all the crew to report to battle stations. Do beds count? Henriks asked in his head, trying to count how many hours he had been up, not that it really mattered. Offering a quick goodbye to Amy, Henriks disposed of his own dishes and made his way back to sickbay as quickly as his legs would carry him.

The doors slid open, admitting Abols.  Chira had likely never been more glad to see anyone in her life.  "Henriks!" she said, smiling softly.  She glanced down to the sleeping doctor.  "You've...uh.  You've missed some things."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

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