Mission 05:Ahab's Quest

Started by John Brown, April 07, 2014, 11:01:10 AM

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Ezra Shanara

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Ezra's eyes dropped to her sensor panel, it indicated that the port bow shields of the Gorn ship were disabled. She also became aware of a text only message coming through, but with the situation being as it was, she cast it aside and concentrated on the battle.

"Their port forward shields are down." Reaching to the top right of the console, the Lieutenant opened a comm line to transporter room two.

=/\=This is the bridge, begin transport. It's now or never=/\=

Native of Dahkur Province

James Booth

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on April 20, 2014, 05:00:01 AM

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Ezra's eyes dropped to her sensor panel, it indicated that the port bow shields of the Gorn ship were disabled. She also became aware of a text only message coming through, but with the situation being as it was, she cast it aside and concentrated on the battle.

"Their port forward shields are down." Reaching to the top right of the console, the Lieutenant opened a comm line to transporter room two.

=/\=This is the bridge, begin transport. It's now or never=/\=

=/\=Acknowledged.=/\= The Transport Chief called as the ship vibrated violently. "Stand by." He called to Brown, Booth and the Security team.

The transporter pad hummed as it came to life, Jimmy looked forward as the Transporter Chief faded and changed to a view of a darkened corridor. Switching on his light beacon, he looked left then right, it was clear. Clear for now He thought to himself. Looking around he gave the security detail hand signals, giving them each an area to cover.

"Admiral, I recommend we head straight to the bridge."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'


Nacelle access tube

Amy and Scott were just reaching the access hatch to the nacelle control room, as she passed upwards through the hatch. The ship took another pelting and it sounded very close to the strut. At the bottom of the strut, there was a cracking boom like noise. Wrapping his left arm around one of the rungs of the ladder, he looked down.

"Oh God." He said as he became gripped with horror. A rush of green was rapidly rising through the tube, one of the plasma conduits had ruptured. Looking back up Scott thrust his free hand up and pushed Amy the rest of the way through. Once she was clear, he used the same hand to pull down the manual operation lever. With a last look at Amy, he called. "I'm sorry." The access hatch closed at that point, isolating the inards of the nacelle.

It wasn't long before the heat could be felt from the gushing plasma, closing his eyes he pushed his face into his arm and waited for the inevitable blackness. The plasma pummeled the hatch, but it was not getting any further. It'd had it's journey through the tube and consumed everything, everyone, in its path....

Amy Lee Grix

Quote from: Scott Anderson on April 20, 2014, 05:43:33 AM

Nacelle access tube

Amy and Scott were just reaching the access hatch to the nacelle control room, as she passed upwards through the hatch. The ship took another pelting and it sounded very close to the strut. At the bottom of the strut, there was a cracking boom like noise. Wrapping his left arm around one of the rungs of the ladder, he looked down.

"Oh God." He said as he became gripped with horror. A rush of green was rapidly rising through the tube, one of the plasma conduits had ruptured. Looking back up Scott thrust his free hand up and pushed Amy the rest of the way through. Once she was clear, he used the same hand to pull down the manual operation lever. With a last look at Amy, he called. "I'm sorry." The access hatch closed at that point, isolating the inards of the nacelle.

It wasn't long before the heat could be felt from the gushing plasma, closing his eyes he pushed his face into his arm and waited for the inevitable blackness. The plasma pummeled the hatch, but it was not getting any further. It'd had it's journey through the tube and consumed everything, everyone, in its path....

"SCOTTTTTTTT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Amy screamed as she watched helplessly as he closed the hatch, Amy heard the noise from the tube and knew instantly what it was and what Scott had done.

As she sat rocking backwards and forward she sobbed uncontrolably after a few seconds she tapped her comm badge =/\= Lieutenant Grix to the bridge, Sco.......... he's gone, he just ,    he's gone =/\= She couldn't talk any more it just wasn't possible but one thing she would make sure of was this damn hatch would not open itself again, she rolled back and pushed the hatch with both feet jamming it shut with her boots and then kicking it repeatedly "You piece of crap, you just cost my friend, the man i love his life!"  she screamed as she kicked over and over again before she curled up into a tight ball and lay on the floor crying.

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 18, 2014, 03:26:57 PM


Henriks smiled back upon seeing Chira. She was attending to a patient when he walked in. "What'd I miss?" he asked, belatedly realizing that it was not just any patient lying there on the biobed; it was Zero. Henriks grimaced. What had the poor chief done to herself? Would that have happened to him if he had waited around to see the extent of her wrath? Nonetheless, he had no doubt her injuries were an indirect result of what he'd said to her. He should have just kept quiet, but the damage was done now.

"All I did was pass on a message that Jiseth had left for her before she... she..." Henriks began to explain, but he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. First blowing out a puff of air, he asked, "What are the extent of her injuries, and is she currently sedated or just out cold?"


Nodding, Chira looked down at the still form of her CMO, konked out on a sedative cocktail.  As she glanced back up at Abols, she could feel her eyes brimming with tears.  Silently, she chastised herself.  Shore it up, Arthur.  You're supposed to be a damn professional!

"She's...well, she's both," Chira said, moving over closer to Henriks and handing him a padd listing the treatment Alpha had been given.  "She hurt herself, badly, running out of here in both a state of disorientation and confusion.  I had to put her under, she..." Chira's voice caught again, and she drew a deep breath, steadying herself.  "God, Henriks.  She...she still thinks Jiseth is alive.  She's convinced herself of this, and wrapped herself in her mind around this fact...er, what she thinks is fact.  And I..." Chira faltered, shaking her head and looking sadly at the pale girl, "...I don't know if I know how to bring her out of this...fantasy."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Christian Grix

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on April 20, 2014, 05:00:01 AM

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Ezra's eyes dropped to her sensor panel, it indicated that the port bow shields of the Gorn ship were disabled. She also became aware of a text only message coming through, but with the situation being as it was, she cast it aside and concentrated on the battle.

"Their port forward shields are down." Reaching to the top right of the console, the Lieutenant opened a comm line to transporter room two.

=/\=This is the bridge, begin transport. It's now or never=/\=

"Helm, get us out of here, anywhere you like and then set course for the rendezvous" Christian stood and then realised he was in command =/\= Grix to security, can you send a team to Lieutenant Grix location and find out what has happened =/\= He knew just from her voice what ever had happened was bad.

=/\= Amy this is Christian, what has happened, talk to me please?"

James Booth

Gorn Ship - Corridor

"Stay with the Admiral." Booth ordered.

Raising his rifle he started in the assumed direction of the Gorn bridge, he could see with his tricorder he was facing the bow. He was beginning to sweat, reaching up he unzipped his turtle neck. "God damn reptiles why do they like it so warm?" He asked himself. Reaching a ninety degree turn to the left, he poked his head around, but only for a second. Another breath later he moved on, it was slightly alarming that there were crew members present.

When he got to about half way down the connecting corridor, he realized the air was warmer. A bead of sweat ran down his back, but why was it warmer, his question was quickly answered. From above he heard "Zzzzz" Lifting his head, Jimmy was greeted to a large green hand. It snagged his tunic and pulled him upwards with extreme ease, until he was met by an equally green face and razor sharp teeth. Grabbing the thick wrist, that belonged to the hand, losing his rifle in the process, all the snagged Chief could do was kick. It was like striking a solid object and made no difference to the Gorn's grip. "Prepare to die human." said the reptile, in a voice that sounded like it was belching as it spoke.

"Oh...." Jimmy struggled to get his words out. "Shit...." He found himself regretting stepping on the transporter pad.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'


Red flashing lights began to appear over Meru's engine displays, "Plasma rupture in the starboard nacelle strut! Temperature is 150 degrees above red line and rising, if we don't depressurize that section it's going to melt!" The Ensign looked over her shoulder to Grix. If there was the slightest chance anyone or anything survived the heat and radiation, they would not the venting. The automatic fire suppression systems had been burnt out and from Meru's console it was their last option before losing a nacelle.

James Booth

As the huge reptile pulled Jimmy up close, Booth reached down and pulled his type 2 phaser. Aiming upwards as best he could, the Chief tapped the trigger. The orange beam was close enough to burn his face off, as it was it missed both of them, but it hit a power junction box above. The sudden flash and shower of sparks caused the creature to hiss and release its many grips.

Booth landed with a thud, opening his eyes he found himself in what could be called a compromising position. Pushing himself away, he scrambled along the floor in the direction of his rifle. His hand phaser was nowhere to be seen, as his hand was about to grab the long barreled weapon, another hand grabbed his ankle and pulled him backwards. Rolling on to his back, Jimmy saw the grinning Gorn. Making the Zzzz noise again and kind of chuckling.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Christian Grix

Quote from: Jiseth on April 20, 2014, 10:33:05 AM

Red flashing lights began to appear over Meru's engine displays, "Plasma rupture in the starboard nacelle strut! Temperature is 150 degrees above red line and rising, if we don't depressurize that section it's going to melt!" The Ensign looked over her shoulder to Grix. If there was the slightest chance anyone or anything survived the heat and radiation, they would not the venting. The automatic fire suppression systems had been burnt out and from Meru's console it was their last option before losing a nacelle.

I'm Sorry Amy Christian's head dropped to his hands "Do it!" He then looked up wondering if he was suitable for a command position.

"Once the venting is complete beam anyone in the area directly to sickbay" the thought of what he had just ordered and the outcome of it made him feel sick to the stomach.


Unknown Location

Opening his eyes Scott found himself to be in darkness, but he was aware of the darkness. Was it death?, surely heaven was not a place of blackness. Mike/Scott had always believed it was a good place, where you would have no more worries and reunite with lost loved ones.

"He's awake." Stated a voice.

He was somewhat groggy and obviously confused. The last thing he remember was pushing Amy to safety and then seeing a rush of green coming at him from below. "What?" Scott asked. Sitting up he looked around and became filled with dread as someone approached.


Quote from: Christian Grix on April 20, 2014, 11:36:06 AM

I'm Sorry Amy Christian's head dropped to his hands "Do it!" He then looked up wondering if he was suitable for a command position.

"Once the venting is complete beam anyone in the area directly to sickbay" the thought of what he had just ordered and the outcome of it made him feel sick to the stomach.

Turning back to her console, it was an unceremoniously simple few key strokes. It the vacuum of space, even with the vibrant display of particle weapons streaming energy into shimmering shielding, there was complete silence. A row of panels running up the length of the starboard strut raised and puffed out green flame and smoke and small debris. Little more than a second passed before they closed, the plasma taking a detour now around the damaged piping.

Meru sunk in her chair as the string of red on her display turned to grey. There was still an amber cautionary regarding the engine, but it was to remind her work had to be done by engineering. In total only a fraction of a minute had passed, but combat in space, much like the ancient submersibles, was quite brutal. "It's done."


Quote from: Scott Anderson on April 20, 2014, 12:47:20 PM

Unknown Location

Opening his eyes Scott found himself to be in darkness, but he was aware of the darkness. Was it death?, surely heaven was not a place of blackness. Mike/Scott had always believed it was a good place, where you would have no more worries and reunite with lost loved ones.

"He's awake." Stated a voice.

He was somewhat groggy and obviously confused. The last thing he remember was pushing Amy to safety and then seeing a rush of green coming at him from below. "What?" Scott asked. Sitting up he looked around and became filled with dread as someone approached.

"Finally." Spectre growled. The process had taken longer than he'd expected, in the pit of his stomach he thought it'd failed. Had it not worked, the Doctor who stated "He's awake." was destined to have a conversation with a disruptor blast. "You have done well Doctor, you may leave us."

With a simple nod, the Doctor made a fast departure. Spectre approached Scott and smile. "Welcome home Son."



Quote from: Spectre on April 20, 2014, 01:37:46 PM

"Finally." Spectre growled. The process had taken longer than he'd expected, in the pit of his stomach he thought it'd failed. Had it not worked, the Doctor who stated "He's awake." was destined to have a conversation with a disruptor blast. "You have done well Doctor, you may leave us."

With a simple nod, the Doctor made a fast departure. Spectre approached Scott and smile. "Welcome home Son."

Scott's mouth dropped open, when he came to realize two things. One of course he was a clone and that Spectre must have been using Dominion technology, like that used for the Vorta. But the real shock came, when he saw who was looking back at him. "It can't be!"
This had to be a nightmare. "No...it can't be...Father....."

Amy Lee Grix

Amy woke up in total darkness and unable to see or hear anything, she tried to stand but found she could not move. She screamed as loud as she could "Scott, SCOTT!" What had happened in the nacelle, was she still there ? She thought hard to herself there was the bang, Scott pushed me and closed the hatch and then , and then he died, I curled up in a ball crying and then, and then the blue flash and I woke up here am I dead?

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