Mission 05:Ahab's Quest

Started by John Brown, April 07, 2014, 11:01:10 AM

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James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 02:32:05 AM

"Good News Intellgience is behind that door...Bad News its 80 CM Thick so we would need a big explosion and also my tricorder picks up 60 Gorn at the otherside of that room and the slight issue we don't have the explosives to open the door" Finished Brown

Booth grabbed the bridge of his nose. "This is frakked up we're all doomed" He said inwardly. Lowering his hand, he observed the Admiral and shook his head. "What did we always say in Alpha Six, haste is the Mother of all Frak ups." He turned his back on Brown at that point. "Well I suppose we could knock and use our charm."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 23, 2014, 02:49:05 AM

Booth grabbed the bridge of his nose. "This is frakked up we're all doomed" He said inwardly. Lowering his hand, he observed the Admiral and shook his head. "What did we always say in Alpha Six, haste is the Mother of all Frak ups." He turned his back on Brown at that point. "Well I suppose we could knock and use our charm."

Gorn Wessel

John smiled and walked forward towards the Door after arriving at the door he looked to the left of the door seeing the control panel for access then he looked up seeing the gears of the Door

"Williams Pass me your Photon Grenade" Finished Brown as he was passed the Grenade he looked at it the top of the door then taking his tricorder he scanned then finding the readings he unscrewed the top of the Grenate looking at the internals he looked over at Booth

"Do you got a Type One Phaser?" asked Brown

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 03:05:36 AM

Gorn Wessel

John smiled and walked forward towards the Door after arriving at the door he looked to the left of the door seeing the control panel for access then he looked up seeing the gears of the Door

"Williams Pass me your Photon Grenade" Finished Brown as he was passed the Grenade he looked at it the top of the door then taking his tricorder he scanned then finding the readings he unscrewed the top of the Grenate looking at the internals he looked over at Booth

"Do you got a Type One Phaser?" asked Brown

Booth frowned at the Admiral's plan of action, with a look of bewilderment, Jimmy looked at the control panel and tapped the open control. There was a hiss all of a sudden, his head flicked across to the door as it raised and disappeared into the ceiling. Inside the large room, several green faces turned towards the door.

"Oh shit." Booth shouted diving to one side. Seconds later a volley of green energy bolts and beams began to light up the corridor.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 23, 2014, 03:30:24 AM

Booth frowned at the Admiral's plan of action, with a look of bewilderment, Jimmy looked at the control panel and tapped the open control. There was a hiss all of a sudden, his head flicked across to the door as it raised and disappeared into the ceiling. Inside the large room, several green faces turned towards the door.

"Oh shit." Booth shouted diving to one side. Seconds later a volley of green energy bolts and beams began to light up the corridor.

John jumped to the right side of the hallway as the green vollys of shots leaped out towards him he looked at Booth then rolled his eyes before speaking

"Good Going......they are trying to kill us how about we give them a party" Finished Brown as he threw a greanate into the room

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 03:39:27 AM

John jumped to the right side of the hallway as the green vollys of shots leaped out towards him he looked at Booth then rolled his eyes before speaking

"Good Going......they are trying to kill us how about we give them a party" Finished Brown as he threw a greanate into the room

"What the hell are you talking about, they would have tried to kill us anyway." Booth said, as he quickly looked inside and let off a couple of phaser bolts. One of the Gorn went down, pulling back into cover he announced. "One down fifty nine to go, what do you mean a party?"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 23, 2014, 03:42:50 AM

"What the hell are you talking about, they would have tried to kill us anyway." Booth said, as he quickly looked inside and let off a couple of phaser bolts. One of the Gorn went down, pulling back into cover he announced. "One down fifty nine to go, what do you mean a party?"

"Well I know that Smartass" Finished Brown then he looked at him "Oh Yes I know of your Partys Jimmy......Just Like 73 on Risa" Finished Brown as he ducked around and Shot a few more "Fiftty Eight and Fiffty Seven....See I got  Two I am winning" Finished John with a Smile

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 03:47:42 AM

"Well I know that Smartass" Finished Brown then he looked at him "Oh Yes I know of your Partys Jimmy......Just Like 73 on Risa" Finished Brown as he ducked around and Shot a few more "Fiftty Eight and Fiffty Seven....See I got  Two I am winning" Finished John with a Smile

"This is no time for catch up or brag." Jimmy replied as the heat of the battle intensified. Leaning out again, he fired off several more blasts. One of the bolts impacted on some kind of power junction box, the explosion that followed injured one of the reptiles. However the shower of sparks from the box started a fire, which in turn triggered the fire suppression system. "Oh great, its be shot, bitten or burned to death now."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 23, 2014, 04:00:43 AM

"This is no time for catch up or brag." Jimmy replied as the heat of the battle intensified. Leaning out again, he fired off several more blasts. One of the bolts impacted on some kind of power junction box, the explosion that followed injured one of the reptiles. However the shower of sparks from the box started a fire, which in turn triggered the fire suppression system. "Oh great, its be shot, bitten or burned to death now."

John looked into the Room to see White Smoke oozing out of the ceiling like slim covering the Gorn with a White Power within a few moments the Fireing from them started to slow down as small groups of them starting falling to the ground

"You come out smelling likes roses" Finished Brown as he ran into the room with his Tricorder he scanned one of them "There Asleep but not forlong; Williams access the Terminal start the Download" Ordered John

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 04:07:11 AM

John looked into the Room to see White Smoke oozing out of the ceiling like slim covering the Gorn with a White Power within a few moments the Fireing from them started to slow down as small groups of them starting falling to the ground

"You come out smelling likes roses" Finished Brown as he ran into the room with his Tricorder he scanned one of them "There Asleep but not forlong; Williams access the Terminal start the Download" Ordered John

Looking into the room, Booth saw what Brown meant. The Gorn were either going limp or backing off, his eyes moved and observed the jetting fire suppression chemical. "It's the cold, reptiles hate it." Turning his head to look at Williams, Jimmy barked. "Come on Williams, I don't want to take up residence, move your ass."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'


Quote from: Christian Grix on April 22, 2014, 04:41:17 PM

=/\= SPECTRE, If you harm her in any way.......... =/\= Christian calmed down quickly =/\= Spectre, I am going to trust you on this occasion , Ezra drop the shields, he had us dead in the water, OK beam Scott and Amy back over  =/\=  Grix wondered what Spectre would want to tell him about the Admiral.

"Transfer this to the ready room Lieutenant" He walked to the ready room, as the doors closed behind him he asked one simple question "Ok what do you want to tell me about the Admiral that i don't already know?"

=/\=Commander Grix, I can assure your threats will serve no purpose, If I had wished to harm her, I would have and you would not been able to stop me.=/\=

Grix's image swapped locations, he'd taken refuge in the ready room.

=/\=A wise choice to lower your shields.=/\= Spectre leaned forward, almost as though he was going to pop out of the screen. =/\=I know much more about your dear Admiral Brown than you will ever know, he is the Master of darkness and fate.=/\= Moving back from the screen, he finished with. =/\=I will return your crew to you immediately=/\= On that the signal was cut.


Christian Grix

Quote from: Spectre on April 23, 2014, 06:44:47 AM

=/\=Commander Grix, I can assure your threats will serve no purpose, If I had wished to harm her, I would have and you would not been able to stop me.=/\=

Grix's image swapped locations, he'd taken refuge in the ready room.

=/\=A wise choice to lower your shields.=/\= Spectre leaned forward, almost as though he was going to pop out of the screen. =/\=I know much more about your dear Admiral Brown than you will ever know, he is the Master of darkness and fate.=/\= Moving back from the screen, he finished with. =/\=I will return your crew to you immediately=/\= On that the signal was cut.

"What do........." Grix slammed his fist hard against the bulkhead leaving a crimson stain as his knuckles split open. =/\= Grix to engineering, Mr Miller do we have an eta on getting warp drive back?=/\=. Walking back onto the bridge , he looked around and watched the view screen come on you son of a bitch give me them back

He now knew why Mike used to come down to the engine room so much, right now he would much rather be in engineering himself.

The pain in his hand suddenly got through to his brain as the adrenaline wore off and he looked at the mess he had made of his hand, that can wait he thought as he waited for a response from anyone.


Quote from: Christian Grix on April 23, 2014, 07:25:35 AM

"What do........." Grix slammed his fist hard against the bulkhead leaving a crimson stain as his knuckles split open. =/\= Grix to engineering, Mr Miller do we have an eta on getting warp drive back?=/\=. Walking back onto the bridge , he looked around and watched the view screen come on you son of a bitch give me them back

He now knew why Mike used to come down to the engine room so much, right now he would much rather be in engineering himself.

The pain in his hand suddenly got through to his brain as the adrenaline wore off and he looked at the mess he had made of his hand, that can wait he thought as he waited for a response from anyone.

Miller, and those around him, heard the question being posed over the intercom. Miller himself heard the anger and urgency in Grix's voice, and didn't hear a question so much as a command. Without directly responding to Grix, he spoke up to the other people in Engineering. He voiced boomed through the room as he called up as much volume as he felt was necessary and accompanied it with hand gestures to make sure he was understood.

"Alright people, I need three teams of five! Starboard, Port, and Support! We're getting these Nacelles back online and we're doing it quickly! Sign on to a team and follow the instructions you're given. Let's move people!"

After he'd finished shouting, he looked back to the Master Console and began to type out more detailed instructions. He also pressed his combadge to open a channel and respond to Mr. Grix.

=/\= "We're starting it now. We can have it done in 45 minutes, provided we don't take any more fire sir." =/\=

He continued typing his additional instructions:

Starboard and Port Teams: Report to your respective Nacelles. Begin taking out components that cannot be salvaged first. After all lost components have been removed, begin repairing the components that can be repaired. The Support Team will report to you with components that can replace the earlier discarded ones. After they have given you said components, finish replacements and repairs with all speed possible.

Support Teams: Prep 10 EVA suits, one for each of the members on the Starboard and Port Teams. Coordinate with Team members to find out which components in the Nacelle need to be replaced instead of repaired, and if any other tools/materials are necessary for them to do their job. Bring the EVA suits and all necessary components, tools, and materials to each team. After this has been completed, remain on standby in case additional components, tools, or materials are needed/requested.


Quote from: Christian Grix on April 23, 2014, 07:25:35 AM

"What do........." Grix slammed his fist hard against the bulkhead leaving a crimson stain as his knuckles split open. =/\= Grix to engineering, Mr Miller do we have an eta on getting warp drive back?=/\=. Walking back onto the bridge , he looked around and watched the view screen come on you son of a bitch give me them back

He now knew why Mike used to come down to the engine room so much, right now he would much rather be in engineering himself.

The pain in his hand suddenly got through to his brain as the adrenaline wore off and he looked at the mess he had made of his hand, that can wait he thought as he waited for a response from anyone.

"Sir..." Meru inhaled and gathered her strength. The idea might be immediately shot down, but so could they at any moment. Her Lieutenant had warned her about the galaxy-spanning soap opera that had become the Gorn War and advised her to focus on killing Spectre or at the very least destroying his warbird. There were no emotional attachments for their judgment to be clouded. No one he could dangle in front of them she was not unprepared to lose. This was war. Nothing stood in her way. If you have the shot, take it. "When they drop their shields for transport, I doubt we'll get another opportunity, so why not fire on his bridge? A phaser blast along with photo torpedoes on a 5 second delay timer would give us enough to clear the explosion on impulse."

Christian Grix

Quote from: Bradley Miller on April 23, 2014, 09:59:14 AM

Miller, and those around him, heard the question being posed over the intercom. Miller himself heard the anger and urgency in Grix's voice, and didn't hear a question so much as a command. Without directly responding to Grix, he spoke up to the other people in Engineering. He voiced boomed through the room as he called up as much volume as he felt was necessary and accompanied it with hand gestures to make sure he was understood.

"Alright people, I need three teams of five! Starboard, Port, and Support! We're getting these Nacelles back online and we're doing it quickly! Sign on to a team and follow the instructions you're given. Let's move people!"

After he'd finished shouting, he looked back to the Master Console and began to type out more detailed instructions. He also pressed his combadge to open a channel and respond to Mr. Grix.

=/\= "We're starting it now. We can have it done in 45 minutes, provided we don't take any more fire sir." =/\=

He continued typing his additional instructions:

Starboard and Port Teams: Report to your respective Nacelles. Begin taking out components that cannot be salvaged first. After all lost components have been removed, begin repairing the components that can be repaired. The Support Team will report to you with components that can replace the earlier discarded ones. After they have given you said components, finish replacements and repairs with all speed possible.

Support Teams: Prep 10 EVA suits, one for each of the members on the Starboard and Port Teams. Coordinate with Team members to find out which components in the Nacelle need to be replaced instead of repaired, and if any other tools/materials are necessary for them to do their job. Bring the EVA suits and all necessary components, tools, and materials to each team. After this has been completed, remain on standby in case additional components, tools, or materials are needed/requested.

=/\=Thank you Mr Miller, I may have some more help for you shortly =/\= Grix held his breath every instinct in his body was screaming at him to take the shot, as he thought it over Meru spoke......

Quote from: Jiseth on April 23, 2014, 10:13:20 AM

"Sir..." Meru inhaled and gathered her strength. The idea might be immediately shot down, but so could they at any moment. Her Lieutenant had warned her about the galaxy-spanning soap opera that had become the Gorn War and advised her to focus on killing Spectre or at the very least destroying his warbird. There were no emotional attachments for their judgment to be clouded. No one he could dangle in front of them she was not unprepared to lose. This was war. Nothing stood in her way. If you have the shot, take it. "When they drop their shields for transport, I doubt we'll get another opportunity, so why not fire on his bridge? A phaser blast along with photo torpedoes on a 5 second delay timer would give us enough to clear the explosion on impulse."

"Meru I was thinking the same thing but our priority right now is to get the warp engines up and running and getting the Admiral and his team back, I want to blow the son of a bitch out of the sky as much as anyone". It was driving him mad the best chance he had to damage Spectre and he couldn't take it.

Suddenly a Red haze shimmered on the bridge and two people began to take form, as the lights faded Scott and Amy stood before him, SPECTRE had kept his word, which made Grix wonder why, was it a plan to try to turn him against the Admiral or at least make him doubt John or was it just an evil gesture to prove he could do what he wanted when he wanted.

The second the transport completed the Avenger recloaked the last thing they saw of it that day was the warp trail as it cloaked seconds before hitting warp.

At a loss for words Grix just looked to them both and simply stated "report, what the hell happened?"

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 22, 2014, 05:05:09 PM


"Yeah," Henriks replied, a little absentmindedly, "but there was no word at all. The last thing she told me was how much I reminded her of her son. Then she sent me galavanting onto the station, and when I got back, she was gone." He didn't voice his thoughts that he believed it to be his fault. Oswald must have been in so much pain. How could he not have seen it? What a fool he was. He was a constant reminder of the boy she had lost. "It's amazing how close you were to meeting her. You missed her by less than a day, perhaps maybe only a few hours.

The ship shook again, and so Henriks had to brace himself, gripping the chair tightly as it began to tip. He sighed as the chair settled back down into position. "Most of my family's in a little European country on Earth." Everyone except his twin... and Oswald, but he didn't know where she was. Henriks found himself grinning slightly at the request. "Coffee sounds wonderful." It was just a shame they couldn't go get some right that moment. But as far as he knew, everyone was supposed to be at battle stations. And for them, that meant sickbay, not the lounge, though he'd settle for being in a bed, asleep.


Thankfully, her slightly-awkward offer for a drink later on didn't seem to scare the poor man away.  Honestly, Chira would have liked something harder than coffee to drink, now...or later.  She was partial to vodka cranberry...

As the ship slowed down from its latest round of shaking, Chira put her chair away.  "Let's hope the drama's settled down for a little bit, hm?"  She glanced at Alpha, and then to Henriks.  "So...um...I guess with Dr. Alpha out of the game, would that make you in charge of sickbay for now?"

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

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