Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 29, 2014, 06:41:52 AM

"Captain, I did not drop the charges easilly Sir, i agreeed with Mr Martland that it was for the good of the ship and with that in mind Sir. The decision on what to agree to here is a simple one"

Grix reached up to his comm badge and removed it from his tunic placing it on the desk "I will accept trial by court martial Sir"

Carver watched as Grix removed his tunic and placed it on the desk. The Chief had made his decision, standing he came to eye level with Grix. "Very well Commander, you are hereby relieved all duties on board this ship. Security to the ready room, I will allow you thirty minutes to pack and report to Starfleet security"

Two Security Officers entered a moment later. "Gentlemen, escort Mr Grix to his quarters allow him to pack and then to the transporter room"

"Aye Sir" Replied one of the Officers, who stepped forward an simply said "Commander, if you'll come with us please"

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Deon Essai on January 28, 2014, 09:51:37 PM

"Oye, Hughes." Deon said as he enter the shuttlebay.  He walk over to the big man.

"I got a call to come down.  Do you know what's going on?",


"Not a clue," Raynor said, raising a hand in greeting to Essai.  So far, the man was the only other cadet to arrive.  Then again, Raynor was still a little early, but not by much.

"I don't know whether the captain himself is going to do it, or he's sending someone, but apparently there is to be an...inspection," he said, rolling his eyes in disgust.  "I don't know about you, but I was actually in the middle of doing something today.  And that something didn't include spit-and-polish inspections."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb

Cayden McConnell

McConnell shook his head as he heard Grix call him over the communications system. Apparently,  Mr.  Martland had gone down to Engineering and made another spectacle of himself.
Surprisingly,  Grix had rescinded those very same charges, a few moments later. Not surprising, the Captain was not about to let his pet be charged. Of course, Grix had been summoned to the ready room and McConnell knew that it was going to end badly. His concerns seemed justified as he watched two security officers approach and enter the ready room.
McConnell shook his head. The Captain was apparently not concerned with the morale of his crew. McConnell noticed several crewmembers watching the ready room door. He needed to keep their minds off of what was going on.
The ship's rumor mill had already started churning out rumors about the Captain and Mr. Martland. The rumor that seemed to be gaining the most traction was that the Captain and Martland were from Starfleet Command and that they were here to find a way to get rid of the senior officers. McConnell didn't like rumors, as they too, we're bad for morale.

"Make sure that your different areas are prepared for the drill that will be run in an hour. I want everyone at their best."

The bridge crew turned their attention from the door and continued to work nervously.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 29, 2014, 06:50:09 AM

Carver watched as Grix removed his tunic and placed it on the desk. The Chief had made his decision, standing he came to eye level with Grix. "Very well Commander, you are hereby relieved all duties on board this ship. Security to the ready room, I will allow you thirty minutes to pack and report to Starfleet security"

Two Security Officers entered a moment later. "Gentlemen, escort Mr Grix to his quarters allow him to pack and then to the transporter room"

"Aye Sir" Replied one of the Officers, who stepped forward an simply said "Commander, if you'll come with us please"

Christian turned to leave "Gentlemen, you have my word i will not try anything stupid, infact i look forward to it" Grix walked from the ready room with a nod to Cayden "See you later Cayden, i'm off to the JAG office" as he stepped into the turbolift.

Grix Quarters

Grix packed quickly and sat on the bed, he would leave when he was told to but not before.

Jack Martland

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 29, 2014, 08:12:31 AM

Christian turned to leave "Gentlemen, you have my word i will not try anything stupid, infact i look forward to it" Grix walked from the ready room with a nod to Cayden "See you later Cayden, i'm off to the JAG office" as he stepped into the turbolift.

Grix Quarters

Grix packed quickly and sat on the bed, he would leave when he was told to but not before.

[Cheif Engineers Office]

Jack walked around the desk and sat down at the terminal he entered the confirmation Command

========U.S.S Churchill=====

User Login: Grix, Christian Cheif Engineer

Jack saw this and Smiled knowing what he now knew the quickly entered a few commands looping into the Sub-Systems and after several moments he got the User ID of the person he wanted he then entered the secondary commands inputting a program inbeded into the Seconary Systems transfer Hun to the Primary Systems nothing that would be noticed but a back door program.

"Logoff" Ordered Martland as he stood up he grab a PADD then left the Room heading for the Shuttle Bay he planed on making an apprence there

After Several Moments Martland entered the Shuttle Bay he saw a few of the Cadets Gathered he walked up then Smiling at the Cadets he Spoke ,

"Good Job guys you doing good I am sure the Captian will be pleased with your Procress


Quote from: Ezra Shanara on January 29, 2014, 06:11:36 AM

[Bridge - Portside Turbolift]

Ezra looked to the Flight Cadet and replied. "Not at all please do"

The doors to the turbolift hissed as they closed, Ezra called. "Deck eight" Looking to her fellow Cadet, she felt compelled to ask. "Is it me or is there some tension on the bridge?"

There was a sigh as Jiseth she shook her head and crossed her arms, "Slightly. I honestly think we cadets are more disciplined than our... Mr. Martland was it?"  So many things she wanted to see happen to that man that she didn't necessarily want to say out loud.

She had heard the stories of Elim Garak and heard the rumors of Cadet Ezra's involvement with the late Admiral Kelly. She didn't care about the motives or the opinions of others on the ship; this cadet she knew very little about and in many ways from what she read of her dossier she was the most interesting to Jiseth. There were thoughts of being "partners in crime" as it were on their adventure through the stars.

Her arms slid to her sides and one hand extended towards the other cadet, "I'm Jiseth, but you can call me Oddball."

Deon Essai

Quote from: Raynor Hughes on January 29, 2014, 07:04:45 AM


"Not a clue," Raynor said, raising a hand in greeting to Essai.  So far, the man was the only other cadet to arrive.  Then again, Raynor was still a little early, but not by much.

"I don't know whether the captain himself is going to do it, or he's sending someone, but apparently there is to be an...inspection," he said, rolling his eyes in disgust.  "I don't know about you, but I was actually in the middle of doing something today.  And that something didn't include spit-and-polish inspections."

A small laugh escape Deon lips as he listened to Raynor.  He felt the same way.  It was inefficient, duties neglected for what.  For what seem to him like an ego trip.  But who was he to judge, he was just a cadet.
Quote from: Jack Martland on January 29, 2014, 08:24:08 AM

[Cheif Engineers Office]

After Several Moments Martland entered the Shuttle Bay he saw a few of the Cadets Gathered he walked up then Smiling at the Cadets he Spoke ,

"Good Job guys you doing good I am sure the Captian will be pleased with your Procress

Deon move smoothly into attention when he saw Martland.  He'd met the man once so far, and for some reason, Martland gave him an uneasy feeling.

TMautlan Syrika

Syrika started out for Shuttlebay 2 but a few minutes into her lift ride she called out "Transporter Room 3".

The lift stopped for a few momens, changed direction then whirled to life again.  I have got to find Admiral Brown and quickly! she thought to herself. There was a lot riding on her young shoulders and she must not fail.

First on her agenda would be to procure some clothing that did not scream Star Fleet and to loose her comm badge. Then she would set about finding Admiral Brown and give him  Grix's message.

The lift doors opened and Syrika exited. She walked quickly and in a manner as to not draw attention herself, toward Transporter Room 3.

She took a quick look around as she entered. Seeing no one she moved to the  transporter console and programmed the destination  coordinates. Then set the computer to erase her departure from all logs a few seconds after she transported.

Quickly she ran round the console and  up onto the pad, just as the transporter engaged. A blue beam surrounded her as she dematerialized from the Churchill and a few seconds later rematerialized at Star Fleet Headquarters.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Scott Anderson on January 29, 2014, 03:55:04 AM

[Sick Bay]

Scott observed his hand for a moment, clenching and then opening it again, he smiled to Henriks. "Thanks, Mate, that feels much better." Sliding off the bed and onto his feet, Anderson patted the man's shoulder and made his way out of sickbay.

"Glad to be of service," Henriks replied as Anderson hopped off the biobed. He turned to straighten up the biobed and prep it for the next patient when something hit him softly in the back, accompanied by a retching sound and a particularly gruesome odor. Henriks had an idea as to what it might be, his own stomach queasy in complaint. He peeked over his shoulder to find a green-faced crewman standing behind him and another nurse at his back.

The nurse gave him a sympathetic look. "Next patient is ready for you, Á,,â,¬bols."

"Oh, I'd say he's more than ready," Henriks griped. "He's your patient now, unless you want me to join the queue."

Quote from: William Carver on January 29, 2014, 04:44:12 AM

Carver leaned forward onto his desk, as Dr Oswald entered. The woman was direct and didn't hold back, he liked that. More to that, she had a point when it came to Medical care.

"You can go Doctor" Carver replied with a sinister smile. A smile he'd been told could send chills through a person.

Oswald gave a curt nod and excited for the turbolift. While she had somehow managed to escape the wrath of the captain, she still found his treatment of her fellow officers to be despicable. How a tyrant like him ever became a starship captain was beyond her. If he's not careful, he could have a mutiny on his hands, she thought to herself as she stepped into the turbolift. "Deck five, please," she commanded the computer. The computer chirped and immediately complied.


Lieutenant Oswald stepped back into sickbay to find that hardly anything had changed since she had left, which wasn't all that surprising considering how long she had been gone. Captain hadn't kept nearly as long as she had expected, and for that she was grateful. One thing that caught her eye was a crewman standing in the middle of sickbay, almost blocking the flow of traffic. It was crewman Á,,â,¬bols. "What's the hold up, crewman?" she asked him.

Henriks did his best not to screw up his face as he replied, "A patient retched on my uniform, permission to go clean up?" The number of patients were slowly beginning to decline. And he was starving. His stomach grumbled.

Oswald nodded. "Go ahead, Mr. Á,,â,¬bols. I think you've done enough work for today." Henriks nodded appreciatively and scuttled out of sickbay, heading straight for his quarters.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 29, 2014, 08:12:31 AM

Christian turned to leave "Gentlemen, you have my word i will not try anything stupid, infact i look forward to it" Grix walked from the ready room with a nod to Cayden "See you later Cayden, i'm off to the JAG office" as he stepped into the turbolift.

Grix Quarters

Grix packed quickly and sat on the bed, he would leave when he was told to but not before.

[Ready Room]

Carver frowned, as Irvine's image disappeared from his computer screen. The Admiral had told him in no uncertain terms, that he could not have a new Chief Engineer and deal with the issue himself.

"Computer, what is the location of Lieutenant Commander Grix?" Will asked.

"^"Lt Cmdr Grix is in his quarters"^"

Tapping his comm badge, Carver called.

=/\=Carver to Grix, please report to the ready room as soon as possible=/\=

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 29, 2014, 04:36:42 PM

[Ready Room]

Carver frowned, as Irvine's image disappeared from his computer screen. The Admiral had told him in no uncertain terms, that he could not have a new Chief Engineer and deal with the issue himself.

"Computer, what is the location of Lieutenant Commander Grix?" Will asked.

"^"Lt Cmdr Grix is in his quarters"^"

Tapping his comm badge, Carver called.

=/\=Carver to Grix, please report to the ready room as soon as possible=/\=

Grix looked at his terminal "What the Frak now?"  he walked over and punched the button =/\=Grix here Captain, I was just on my way to Security =/\=

Grix opened the doors to his quarters "Gents i'm apparently wanted in the Ready Room again" he told his two guards.

Rady Room

Grix walked back int the Ready Room flanked by the Security detail, he looked at the Captai, who seemed frustrated but different some how.

"Captain Carver what can i do for you now?" Grix was fed up of these stupid little power games he seemed to play.

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 29, 2014, 05:07:01 PM

Grix looked at his terminal "What the Frak now?"  he walked over and punched the button =/\=Grix here Captain, I was just on my way to Security =/\=

Grix opened the doors to his quarters "Gents i'm apparently wanted in the Ready Room again" he told his two guards.

Rady Room

Grix walked back int the Ready Room flanked by the Security detail, he looked at the Captai, who seemed frustrated but different some how.

"Captain Carver what can i do for you now?" Grix was fed up of these stupid little power games he seemed to play.

"It seems Commander, that Command want this matter resolved immediately" Taking a deep breath, he sat back in his chair. "I saw you was reluctant to take the court martial, I am offering you the chance to reconsider"

Carver observed Grix's reaction and waited for a reply.

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 29, 2014, 06:27:28 PM

"It seems Commander, that Command want this matter resolved immediately" Taking a deep breath, he sat back in his chair. "I saw you was reluctant to take the court martial, I am offering you the chance to reconsider"

Carver observed Grix's reaction and waited for a reply.

"Sir this is nothing against you or me being as you put it disruptive, but nothing has happened to make me change my mind and to be honest while Martland is sticking his nose in the engine room and acting like a Cardassian, it is only a matter of time, so in short Sir NO i do not want to reconsider"

Grix sat down and looked at Carver waiting for his response.

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 29, 2014, 08:24:08 AM

"Logoff" Ordered Martland as he stood up he grab a PADD then left the Room heading for the Shuttle Bay he planed on making an apprence there

After Several Moments Martland entered the Shuttle Bay he saw a few of the Cadets Gathered he walked up then Smiling at the Cadets he Spoke ,

"Good Job guys you doing good I am sure the Captian will be pleased with your Procress

[Shuttle Bay]

Raynor noted a man in gold colors approaching, the pips of a jay-gee on his collar.  This was obviously not the captain, but it appeared to be the man who was conducting their...inspection.  Fine, he thought, somewhat condescendingly, you want me to play soldier?  I can play.

Standing ramrod straight, Raynor put his hands behind his back, clasping them, bringing the full shape of his broad chest sticking out.  "Sir," he said, the picture of a good and model Starfleet cadet.  Time to lower the boom, he thought.

"I was under the impression that the captain would be joining us?"

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb

Jack Martland

Quote from: Raynor Hughes on January 29, 2014, 07:55:01 PM

[Shuttle Bay]

Raynor noted a man in gold colors approaching, the pips of a jay-gee on his collar.  This was obviously not the captain, but it appeared to be the man who was conducting their...inspection.  Fine, he thought, somewhat condescendingly, you want me to play soldier?  I can play.

Standing ramrod straight, Raynor put his hands behind his back, clasping them, bringing the full shape of his broad chest sticking out.  "Sir," he said, the picture of a good and model Starfleet cadet.  Time to lower the boom, he thought.

"I was under the impression that the captain would be joining us?"

"Relax Cadet before you have an Heart attack" Finished Martland with a smile "The Captian will be down shortly hes just indisposed I just wanted to come and see you all and let you know how a wonderful Job you all are doing, You are the Best Cadets I have seen in Years" Replied Jack

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