Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 29, 2014, 06:39:18 PM

"Sir this is nothing against you or me being as you put it disruptive, but nothing has happened to make me change my mind and to be honest while Martland is sticking his nose in the engine room and acting like a Cardassian, it is only a matter of time, so in short Sir NO i do not want to reconsider"

Grix sat down and looked at Carver waiting for his response.

"Very well, but you should be prepared for a reduction in rank and most likely lose any chance of serving on a starship." Carver was sincere. "The best you would be able to hope for is a ground or station assignment" Raising an eyebrow. "Now I know I don't know you well, but I am guessing that isn't what you'd want, am I right?"

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 30, 2014, 01:38:36 AM

"Relax Cadet before you have an Heart attack" Finished Martland with a smile "The Captian will be down shortly hes just indisposed I just wanted to come and see you all and let you know how a wonderful Job you all are doing, You are the Best Cadets I have seen in Years" Replied Jack


Raynor did indeed raise an eyebrow at the lieutenant's first comment.  Must have skipped most xenobio courses in favor of engineering, he thought.  "That would be highly unlikely.  The biological realities of brak'lul would be on my side, even as a hybrid."

He nodded at the compliment.  "Thank you, then.  We're all able to find enough work to keep us busy and useful on the ship."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb

Ezra Shanara

Quote from: Jiseth on January 29, 2014, 09:11:50 AM

There was a sigh as Jiseth she shook her head and crossed her arms, "Slightly. I honestly think we cadets are more disciplined than our... Mr. Martland was it?"  So many things she wanted to see happen to that man that she didn't necessarily want to say out loud.

She had heard the stories of Elim Garak and heard the rumors of Cadet Ezra's involvement with the late Admiral Kelly. She didn't care about the motives or the opinions of others on the ship; this cadet she knew very little about and in many ways from what she read of her dossier she was the most interesting to Jiseth. There were thoughts of being "partners in crime" as it were on their adventure through the stars.

Her arms slid to her sides and one hand extended towards the other cadet, "I'm Jiseth, but you can call me Oddball."

The Cadet nodded to her lift companion and replied. "Ezra Shanara." She frowned at the Oddball name. "Why Oddball, why would I want to call you something so hurtful, is that people have been calling you?"

Ezra felt angered that someone might have been abusive to her fellow Cadet and that Jiseth had accepted it as the only way to get on. She was suddenly thinking about Cardassians, or at least the ones she came across, who would use such nasty ways of communicating.

Native of Dahkur Province

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 30, 2014, 07:17:36 AM

"Very well, but you should be prepared for a reduction in rank and most likely lose any chance of serving on a starship." Carver was sincere. "The best you would be able to hope for is a ground or station assignment" Raising an eyebrow. "Now I know I don't know you well, but I am guessing that isn't what you'd want, am I right?"

Grix sat for a moment then leaned forwward "Captain you are correct, I do not want that at all, i am proud to be the Chief Engineer on the Churchill and I did not take my decision lightly, however i am also a man of principles and i cannot be seen to condone the actions of Mr Martland".

"Captain, I would be willing to change my mind. If i have your assurance Martland will be spoken to about his methods, otherwise i am affraid as much as i hate the idea i will take my chances with the court martial before I do something to him that will make things even worse"

He sat back again, the decision was now up to the Captain.


Quote from: Ezra Shanara on January 30, 2014, 07:40:33 AM

The Cadet nodded to her lift companion and replied. "Ezra Shanara." She frowned at the Oddball name. "Why Oddball, why would I want to call you something so hurtful, is that people have been calling you?"

Ezra felt angered that someone might have been abusive to her fellow Cadet and that Jiseth had accepted it as the only way to get on. She was suddenly thinking about Cardassians, or at least the ones she came across, who would use such nasty ways of communicating.

Jiseth hesitated for a moment, taken aback by Ezra's defensiveness, "...We don't get to choose our call signs, that's done by our peers." She thought back to her days when she first joined Nova Squad and how the other members first gave her the name just as Ezra said, to be hurtful. Many had hoped she would have washed out, even out of the academy as a whole. As time went on she herself did come to terms with it, finding that for every pejorative use, there was a positive too. She was irregular, but eccentric. She was an outcast, but didn't shun others away. She wasn't part of any clique, but would come out of nowhere to help others.

"Honestly, it suits me. They offered to change it some time later, but I refused. People around me have often gone to great lengths to show they haven't forgotten what I am, regardless of what I do. I wear it like armor so that it can never be used to hurt me." There was a slight pause as she stared at her colleague for a moment, "They can try to belittle who you are and what you do, but even small things can cast large shadows." She place her hand on Ezra's shoulder with a faint, but warm smile. I can see we're going to be great friends you and I, she thought as the turbolift doors opened.

"We better get going, Ezra Shanara."

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 30, 2014, 07:40:55 AM

Grix sat for a moment then leaned forwward "Captain you are correct, I do not want that at all, i am proud to be the Chief Engineer on the Churchill and I did not take my decision lightly, however i am also a man of principles and i cannot be seen to condone the actions of Mr Martland".

"Captain, I would be willing to change my mind. If i have your assurance Martland will be spoken to about his methods, otherwise i am affraid as much as i hate the idea i will take my chances with the court martial before I do something to him that will make things even worse"

He sat back again, the decision was now up to the Captain.

Carver narrowed his eyes at Grix' proposal, but he understood the reasoning, Jack was a close friend and Carver knew his tactics. Nodding to Grix, Carver replied. "Fair enough, I will have a talk with Mr Martland" Taking a breath. "So do you now accept my award?"

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 30, 2014, 02:30:40 PM

Carver narrowed his eyes at Grix' proposal, but he understood the reasoning, Jack was a close friend and Carver knew his tactics. Nodding to Grix, Carver replied. "Fair enough, I will have a talk with Mr Martland" Taking a breath. "So do you now accept my award?"

Christian looked the man in the eyes judging if he trusted the man, he was still unsure, but he decided there was no way he could help anyone but him if he was in the brig "Captain, I will accept your award for the good of the ship and we will also have her ready to launch on time"

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 30, 2014, 02:51:55 PM

Christian looked the man in the eyes judging if he trusted the man, he was still unsure, but he decided there was no way he could help anyone but him if he was in the brig "Captain, I will accept your award for the good of the ship and we will also have her ready to launch on time"

"Very well" Carver stood up and walked around the table. "Please stand to attention Commander"

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 30, 2014, 02:54:22 PM

"Very well" Carver stood up and walked around the table. "Please stand to attention Commander"

Grix stood and braced himself to attention "Aye Sir"

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 30, 2014, 02:59:01 PM

Grix stood and braced himself to attention "Aye Sir"

"Lieutenant Commander Christian Grix, I find you guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer" Reaching up to Grix' collar, Carver removed the black pip. "You are hereby reduced to the rank of Lieutenant, you may retain your position as Chief Engineer." Carver returned to his chair at that point and placed the pip on the desk so Grix could see what he'd lost. "Well that's that, now if you'll excuse me, I have some Cadets to inspect. That is after I update your record, Dismissed Lieutenant!"

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 30, 2014, 03:20:37 PM

"Lieutenant Commander Christian Grix, I find you guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer" Reaching up to Grix' collar, Carver removed the black pip. "You are hereby reduced to the rank of Lieutenant, you may retain your position as Chief Engineer." Carver returned to his chair at that point and placed the pip on the desk so Grix could see what he'd lost. "Well that's that, now if you'll excuse me, I have some Cadets to inspect. That is after I update your record, Dismissed Lieutenant!"

Grix  turned on his heels and headed to the doors of the ready room, biting back every word in his head right now, Heading out onto the bridge he walked to the engineering console and activated a level 3 diagnostic on all systems, as usual throwing himself into his work to avoid a further scene.

James Booth

[The Warehouse]

Brown had talked in length, about what had happened after their last mission with Alpha Six. He'd lost his beloved Kristi and then lost himself in the seedy world of Section 31. It seemed like no one had allowed John to receive the letters Jimmy had written, where they'd gone was anybodies guess.

Looking to his old friend, he said. "I'm really sorry about Kristi"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 30, 2014, 03:45:45 PM

[The Warehouse]

Brown had talked in length, about what had happened after their last mission with Alpha Six. He'd lost his beloved Kristi and then lost himself in the seedy world of Section 31. It seemed like no one had allowed John to receive the letters Jimmy had written, where they'd gone was anybodies guess.

Looking to his old friend, he said. "I'm really sorry about Kristi"

John forced a Smile then turned and looked at Booth

"Yea, I only did you last wish was for me to gain a Commision I did this for her you know" Finished Brown

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 30, 2014, 03:28:11 PM

Grix  turned on his heels and headed to the doors of the ready room, biting back every word in his head right now, Heading out onto the bridge he walked to the engineering console and activated a level 3 diagnostic on all systems, as usual throwing himself into his work to avoid a further scene.

It seemed as though the Lieutenant was finally learning, with a quick amendment to the mans file. Carver stood and made his way to Cargo Bay 2.

[Cargo Bay 2]

Carver entered the storage area of the ship, he was happy to see the Cadets still waiting. As he looked at the crowd, he couldn't help but think someone was missing.

"Lieutenant Martland, is this everybody from our Cadet attachment?"

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on January 30, 2014, 03:47:40 PM

John forced a Smile then turned and looked at Booth

"Yea, I only did you last wish was for me to gain a Commision I did this for her you know" Finished Brown

"I understand" Jimmy laughed at that point, as his mind took him into the past

[Starfleet HQ][2374]

Booth and Brown were stood to attention, in front of their old CO, Lt Cmdr John Anderson. He was giving them both a stern look of disappointment. It was a time when they'd both been caught fighting with Starfleet Security, during a routine check.

Anderson came nose to nose with Brown and growled. "How the hell do you ever expect to get pips on your collar Chief Petty Officer?"

"With respect Sir, I will not allow that to happen." Brown replied.

Jimmy shook his head and laughed more, as he thought about that young man who was hell bent on not becoming and Officer. "I wonder what John Anderson would say now" Booth said as he stared into space remembering the man.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

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