Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 05, 2014, 05:04:06 AM

Grix nodded and returned to enginering, he had to work with Martland and be civil with him, it didn't mean he trusted him, but he knew the two of the arguing was dangerous for the whole crew, so he would bite his lip and keep an eye on Martland. what he really couldn't understand was if Starfleet Intelligence had a problem with him, why hadn't they just pulled him in for questioning, his unit worked for them often enough during the Dominion War.

"Cadet Syrika, how are the engines performing so far?" when this whole thing is over, i need to talk with her properly he thought as he looked at the engineering cadet. Ashayam

Syrika turned torward him and clasped her hands behind her back.

"Lieutenant, the engines are functioning within normal parameters. I will continue to monitor them and keep you advised."

Then as she turned back to her console, T'Mautlan heard Chris' voice in her mind and reached out to him.

Please be careful my Ashayam. Martland can not be trusted. He is a decietful man and without honor. He is looking for ways to nentulau vu t'nash-veh aqu.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: William Carver on February 04, 2014, 12:39:27 PM

"Well done Commander" Carver said as he took his seat. Tapping the intercom on his left chair arm, he spoke.

=/\=All hands this is the Captain, all hands to report to launch stations, Captain out!=/\=


"No need to repeat yourself, Captain," Lieutenant Oswald grumbled to herself, "not very efficient, is it?" For a man who seemed to value efficiency so much, she imagined he would measure out his words more carefully so as to be as concise as possible and not repeat himself. At long last, they were setting off back into space where they belonged, though she wasn't entirely sure the new Captain did. Out in space, he would have to be more cautious in regards to his crew. Docked, he had the support of other like minded people, but the further and further they ventured into space.... well, the crew would obey his commands because he was captain, but she doubted any of them were loyal to him. She wondered how long he would last.

While the captain liked to run a tight ship, Oswald liked to run an even tighter sickbay. But she was good to her lot and treated them well, and so they obeyed because they wanted to, and it made them all proud to see sickbay running so efficiently. She had had sickbay ready for launch hours ago.

She turned to find Henriks sitting upright now, sipping a cup of tea with a small box in his other hand. "How are you feeling now, Mr. Á,,â,¬bols?" she inquired.

Henriks nodded his head slightly, trying to hold the cup steady so it wouldn't shake. Henriks took another feeble sip of the warm liquid and let the warmth run down him to his stomach. He carefully set the mug down beside him so he could open the little box Amelie had given him. It was a small green box that fit easily into the palm of his hand. He slowly pried off the lid to find green tissue underneath, masking its contents. He peeled away the tissue to at last reveal the present.

"You did say your family was very musical," Amelie said with a grin. It was a small ornament in the shape of a cello, with little musical notes inscribed all over it. "Press the center," she told him with another eager smile. She was bouncing slightly on her feet, anxious to find out if he liked the gift or not. Henriks did as she bade and pressed hard against the center. Beethoven's moonlight sonata began to play, one of his favorite classical pieces.

Henriks beamed at his friend. "It's brilliant, Amelie. Thank you."

"The little notes change color," she pointed out, "and a different song plays each time you press it. I've got five different pieces programed into it right now, but you could always add more. And I have something else planned for later."

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Christian Grix

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on February 05, 2014, 12:48:26 PM

Syrika turned torward him and clasped her hands behind her back.

"Lieutenant, the engines are functioning within normal parameters. I will continue to monitor them and keep you advised."

Then as she turned back to her console, T'Mautlan heard Chris' voice in her mind and reached out to him.

Please be careful my Ashayam. Martland can not be trusted. He is a decietful man and without honor. He is looking for ways to nentulau vu t'nash-veh aqu.

"Thank You Cadet !" Grix smiled at her as he watched her work so i'm not the only one who doesn't trust him then.

He pulled up the monitoring for the deflector dish as good as the diagnostics were he still liked to monitor the readings on this one system.

William Carver

Quote from: Jiseth on February 04, 2014, 08:09:13 PM

"Full thrusters, aye, sir." Jiseth's hand slid up part of her console as she throttled up and the Churchill began to accelerate, albeit slowly. In many ways it reminded her of the ancient jetliners rolling down the tarmac before lifting off. There was a slight exhale of relief as the ship slipped through the opening of the station and into the gulf of space, her work on the engines being put to the test with these delicate maneuvers. "We're clear of the station, sir. Course and heading?"

"Lay in a course to Mutara Sector, ahead Warp seven Cadet Jiseth" Carver replied. Standing up once again, he looked to McConnell. "The ship is yours Commander, I will be in my quarters" On that Carver disappeared into the turbolift.


Quote from: William Carver on February 05, 2014, 07:02:42 PM

"Lay in a course to Mutara Sector, ahead Warp seven Cadet Jiseth" Carver replied. Standing up once again, he looked to McConnell. "The ship is yours Commander, I will be in my quarters" On that Carver disappeared into the turbolift.

"Aye, sir," she replied. The Churchill began to bank as it aligned to its destination and its warp nacelles raised and locked. Jiseth hit the final button to engage the warp drive as she looked up at the main viewer. There was the flash and elongation of stars which turned into streaks passing by, signalling their transition. It was a fairly remote destination, one she hadn't heard mentioned since an academy lecture on the Battle of the Mutara Nebula between the USS Enterprise and the USS Reliant.

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: William Carver on February 05, 2014, 07:02:42 PM

"Lay in a course to Mutara Sector, ahead Warp seven Cadet Jiseth" Carver replied. Standing up once again, he looked to McConnell. "The ship is yours Commander, I will be in my quarters" On that Carver disappeared into the turbolift.


The Mutara Sector?  Raynor frowned slightly, turning back to the sciences console.  He wondered what they were doing heading into that region of space.  It'd reached almost folkloric proportions over the decades, namely due to the events of the Genesis Crisis.  That particular bit of history was required reading at the Academy, and just about every cadet worth their mettle knew the story by heart.

He hoped they wouldn't be going too close to the sector's nebulae.  All the operative sensors in the world won't be worth a Ferengi's damn if we have to enter that region, he thought.  Shields will be next to useless, as well.  Hopefully the captain had a plan, and this wasn't just another...test.

Needless to say, he decided right then and there to keep a very, very close eye on the sensor readings.

And one Captain Carver.

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: William Carver on February 05, 2014, 07:02:42 PM

"Lay in a course to Mutara Sector, ahead Warp seven Cadet Jiseth" Carver replied. Standing up once again, he looked to McConnell. "The ship is yours Commander, I will be in my quarters" On that Carver disappeared into the turbolift.

McConnell nodded as the Captain left the bridge. Approaching the command chair, he looked at the viewscreen before sitting down. Reviewing the ship's course, he then verified the destination. Mutara Sector, he thought to himself. Why are we going to the Mutara Sector?

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"


"Sir, Starbase 82 is on alert and has flagged several sightings in their area. There's six light-years between them and Gorn space; our present flight path has us going right in the middle." Her eyes concentrated on their route on the star chart, quietly hoping for some small course change early on to avoid trouble all together. Or a request for an escort to accompany them to their destination. She knew enough about other species not to underestimate them, especially the Gorn, which had taken advantage of other races seeming them as dim-witted reptiles. Cold-blooded and at times cold-hearted enough to give pause to the chairman of Tal Shiar, they weren't at the top of her list of things to encounter.

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Jiseth on February 06, 2014, 04:50:23 PM

"Sir, Starbase 82 is on alert and has flagged several sightings in their area. There's six light-years between them and Gorn space; our present flight path has us going right in the middle." Her eyes concentrated on their route on the star chart, quietly hoping for some small course change early on to avoid trouble all together. Or a request for an escort to accompany them to their destination. She knew enough about other species not to underestimate them, especially the Gorn, which had taken advantage of other races seeming them as dim-witted reptiles. Cold-blooded and at times cold-hearted enough to give pause to the chairman of Tal Shiar, they weren't at the top of her list of things to encounter.

"Very well. Alter course to avoid the area in question. Tactical, begin passive scans of the area along our modified flight path."

Looking down at his command panel, he checked the report quickly.

"Helm, how much of a delay are we adding by making this course deviation?"

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Deon Essai

The ship had leave the dock perfectly.  Oddball really knew her stuff.  It was strange.  When Deon really thought about it.  He was praising a Romulan.  Ten year ago, no maybe even five year . It just would not have happen.  Now two of the three most 'hated' enemies of the federation.  Severed on this ship and he was proud to call them friends.

"Lieutenant Martland sir,  may I start my patrol, sir?", 

John Brown

[Admiral Browns Office]

"Computer Open File Booth, James" Ordered Brown

Computer: Acknowledged

John read the file after moments he read what he needed to then he looked at the Picture of the Churchill Crew knowing what he needed to do.

"Computer Download Service Record Booth, James to PADD D-446"  Finished Brown

John stood up and walked to the Window he looked over the Bay as he remembered what he was told then he turned

"Computer Open a Channel to Vice President Maxwell Hirst Office"

Computer: Announcement Vice President Maxwell is currently off world please leave a message

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