Sneak Peak of Season Four

Started by John Brown, January 19, 2014, 06:02:08 PM

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John Brown


I given you Three Missions to read there not in Order but I am giving you a taste of Season Four of the Churchill


Mission 03: Rising Phoenix ? - ?

*****Spoiker**** is off the Churchill the Crew are assigned to the Prototype Ship Admiral Brown was working on.The Crew are quick to realize that the Ship comes with its problems with multiple power failures and system shutdowns its up to the Crew to get this ship going to keep the Churchill Family together...But when Starfleet Command reports that there is an Missing Ship in Sector 585 its up to the Churchill to be ready or be doomed.

Mission 04: Change of Scenery  ? - ?

McConnell convinces Brown to take a little time off and points out planet Jima 7. The planet had been discovered 17 years previous, but had never been studied because of one thing and another. They know the planet is inhabited by a pre industrial race, who only occupy one part of the unscathed beautiful world. Crewman Abols requests permission to study the plant life on the Jime 7, as they appear to have medicinal properties. Brown agrees and takes along Cadet Dyson.

The Churchill is sent on an intelligence gathering mission, to the nearby Haroz nebula. Gorn ships have been spotted in the area and Starfleet want to know what they are doing in such an obscure area of space.

Brown and Co quickly come across a tribe of humanoids, similar to native americans. It transpires that the Natives have some kind of symbiotic relationship to their world and that is why they weren't detected. Brown, Abols and Dyson are welcomed by the Natives, who see great pain in Brown. The Admiral believes his pain is because of who Spectre is and that he can't share the information. When a sacred fire is lit, John is comes face to face with his pain, quite literally and it's not who he thought....

Mission 06: Fire & Ice  ? - ?
The Churchill comes across a wreck floating in space with a large hole burnt in one side. The crew will beam over to investigate the wreck they will find the whole ship is frozen along with most of the crew (like in Naked Time & Naked Now) The difference this time will be that fires that are all over the ship or appear to be is it the same five fires following them around, it can't be ..... can it?

🡱 🡳

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