Mission 02:Strained Relations

Started by John Brown, February 06, 2014, 07:29:28 PM

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Chris Truffles

Quote from: John Brown on February 20, 2014, 06:29:35 PM

[Bridge- U.S.S Patton]

"I got the Churchill 20,000 Kms to Port Adjusting Course" Finished the Helm Officer

"Red Alert; Sheild Up Lock on Phasers and prepare to Fire" Finished Brown as he pressed the Comm Channel

==^== This is Admiral John Brown of the Federation Starship Patton; U.S.S Churchill you are ordered to Stand Down if you don't comply within 60 Seconds I will Open Fire oh and get the Frack out of my Chair==^==

"Tulffles your Shuttle is in Shuttle bay two consider it as Payment for your services deal with that Intelligence Vessel" Finished Brown

"Shields are up Admiral, but your not completely accurate as to who I work for either." Truffles responded as he raised shields and brought the weapons to bear on the Intrepid class starship Churchill. "I also work for another whom you've recently meet after the attack on New Romulus. He's the one who sent me here."
Quote from: John Brown on February 20, 2014, 07:03:26 PM

[Bridge U.S.S Patton]

John turned nodding to James Booth within Moments the Away Team Militarized on the Patton with the Galaxy Style Bridge

"Commander, Welcome to the Patton can you brief me whats happened on the Planet I plan to resolve this mess Starfleet Intelligence Caused" Finished Brown

"Booth Beam Churchill Personal to the Patton" Finished Brown

Truffles though to himself that Brown just didn't understand what all was going on right now. If his sources were correct, it wasn't resources that Starfleet Intelligence lacked in minerals, it was personnel who could do their job. Plus this was more of a loyalty mission then anything else and he hated to be in Norton shoes when this ball drops on him.
Quote from: Jiseth on February 20, 2014, 11:36:55 PM

=^= And too much mass in the stern, sir. =^=

Closing the channel she brought up the main HUD and targeting control. Her breath became visible in the cooling cabin with life-support offline as she shook off a slight shiver. "Computer..." Though out of visual range, her indicators were tracking an object in the distance. They suddenly stopped and turned red with an audible buzzing noise, "Fire torpedo one." The shaking reduced slightly with the mass of the weapon gone as a bright orange light left her shuttle and made it's way to Martland's. She was slightly above his and the torpedo flew right over his shuttle and rendered itself inert after missing completely. "Computer, why was there no detonation?"

"Weapon proximity safety was active. Torpedo armed on the far side of target."

"Set the safety range to zero."


"I don't care! Mark closing speed and prepare to fire torpedo two."

"Admiral, detecting launch of one photon torpedo from the shuttle the cadet on." Truffles spoke from from observing the tactical sensors. He noted the second shuttlecraft and recognize were it was previously but though everything aboard was completely destroyed. "I can also inform you that the shuttle Martland is flying is a Delta Flyer variant last docked in the DS Blaisdell shuttlebay. We won't be able to caught up with it once it passes the nebula."

Former Marine, Fighter Wing, and Security Tactical Departments.

(This account was remade due to a server glitch which caused it to be deleted on accident.)

Deon Essai

Quote from: Jiseth on February 20, 2014, 11:36:55 PM

=^= And too much mass in the stern, sir. =^=

Closing the channel she brought up the main HUD and targeting control. Her breath became visible in the cooling cabin with life-support offline as she shook off a slight shiver. "Computer..." Though out of visual range, her indicators were tracking an object in the distance. They suddenly stopped and turned red with an audible buzzing noise, "Fire torpedo one." The shaking reduced slightly with the mass of the weapon gone as a bright orange light left her shuttle and made it's way to Martland's. She was slightly above his and the torpedo flew right over his shuttle and rendered itself inert after missing completely. "Computer, why was there no detonation?"

"Weapon proximity safety was active. Torpedo armed on the far side of target."

"Set the safety range to zero."


"I don't care! Mark closing speed and prepare to fire torpedo two."

For the the first time in a long time, Deon felt usless.  His one friend the ship was going to die and there was nothing he could do.

"Frak that!", Deon jump on the engineering console.  He open up a comm channel directly to Jiseth.

=/\="Oddball, Your an idiot.  Luck for you I brushed up on warp transport equations.  Shoot the Frakin' thing!"=/\=


Quote from: Deon Essai on February 21, 2014, 12:07:22 AM

For the the first time in a long time, Deon felt usless.  His one friend the ship was going to die and there was nothing he could do.

"Frak that!", Deon jump on the engineering console.  He open up a comm channel directly to Jiseth.

=/\="Oddball, Your an idiot.  Luck for you I brushed up on warp transport equations.  Shoot the Frakin' thing!"=/\=

Jiseth blinked for a moment and sighed softly as she recalibrated her targeting. I'm going to try very hard not to hit you when I see you, Blitz... Especially for being captured by that other ship, she thought as she once again locked on to Martland's shuttle.

"45 seconds."

Her thumb rested on the firing button on the joystick as she pondered her fair well to Lieutenant Jack Martland. Sorry about missing with that last one. Though since we're not going any place... Actually, we really are going somewhere. Alarmingly fast, to be honest. But we're not busy otherwise. Here's an interesting fact: this is the part where I kill you. Yes, where the cadet kills the traitor. Spectre's lapdog gets blown to bits. This is that part. Right now.

=^= Good bye. =^=

Jiseth pressed down with her thumb and a second bright orange flash flew from her shuttle.

Christian Grix

As Grix stood in the embrace of T'Mautlan two things happened almost at once, the hail from sickbay and Jiseth going after Martland.

Looking at T'Mautlan in the eyes he answered "I'm not going anywhere don't worry" he then reached to his comm badge =/\= Grix to sickbay, Mr Carver is on the bridge, stand by =/\= unsure why this was still the case he walked over to ops and activated the transporter himself sending the Captain to sickbay.

Tapping his comm badge once more Grix had a stony look on his face one that not many living people had seen, he decided it was time to see if his old reputation still held any weight =/\= Creole to Oddball....... He's mine!! and right now, we need a great pilot a damn sight more than a sorry assed ex cadet, who's Romulan Heritage makes every bad call she makes twice as bad =/\=. his voice wasn't carrying any anger it was calm and flat but with an edge to it that would have cut anything it touched.

He then turned to Admiral Brown "It's good to see you Admiral, so did you take a leaf out of our book or is this one really assigned to you?"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 21, 2014, 01:37:42 AM

As Grix stood in the embrace of T'Mautlan two things happened almost at once, the hail from sickbay and Jiseth going after Martland.

Looking at T'Mautlan in the eyes he answered "I'm not going anywhere don't worry" he then reached to his comm badge =/\= Grix to sickbay, Mr Carver is on the bridge, stand by =/\= unsure why this was still the case he walked over to ops and activated the transporter himself sending the Captain to sickbay.

Oswald grumbled when the captain was finally beamed, alone, to sickbay. "At last, you finally send him to where he can get some proper medical treatment," she snipped. Why Carver had even been sent to the bridge was beyond her. What did they think, that they would treat his wounds with the consoles and limited equipment, medically speaking, that lay up there? Every minute a patient went without treatment, the worse such a wound got. Shaking her head, she called to Henriks. "Help me transfer him to this biobed over here," she said, vaguely shaking her hand in the direction of the one she meant.

Henriks helped her support the captain so as to move him to the new position. Carver was more or less awake now, but very groggy. There must have been a sedative in the hypospray Oswald had thrust at Henriks. And while Carver could not mentally feel the pain of his injury, for the pain receptors in his brain had been blocked, his body could still feel it physically and drooped considerably. "Alright now, Mr. Á,,â,¬bols, I need you to fetch a few things for me." And then she listed off several tools that she needed to treat the captain.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Deon Essai

Quote from: Jiseth on February 21, 2014, 01:36:15 AM

Jiseth blinked for a moment and sighed softly as she recalibrated her targeting. I'm going to try very hard not to hit you when I see you, Blitz... Especially for being captured by that other ship, she thought as she once again locked on to Martland's shuttle.

"45 seconds."

Her thumb rested on the firing button on the joystick as she pondered her fair well to Lieutenant Jack Martland. Sorry about missing with that last one. Though since we're not going any place... Actually, we really are going somewhere. Alarmingly fast, to be honest. But we're not busy otherwise. Here's an interesting fact: this is the part where I kill you. Yes, where the cadet kills the traitor. Spectre's lapdog gets blown to bits. This is that part. Right now.

=^= Good bye. =^=

Jiseth pressed down with her thumb and a second bright orange flash flew from her shuttle.

Deon's mind and fingers blazed over the console.  It was hard enough transporting at fast than light speed.  He also had to factor in the interference from the torpedo, and he had to do it in thirty second.  The torpedo was away and Deon had only a few more buttons to press.

Deon activated the transport beam.  The familiar Blue light filled the bridge behind Deon and slowly Jiseth appeard in front of him.

"DAMN I'M GOOD.", he yelled as he jumped to his feet.  He grab the Romulan woman around the waist and lifted her off the ground.  A couple of seconds later Deon slowly got a hold of himself and placed Jiseth back on the floor.

"Sorry about that.", Deon said feeling a little sheepish now.   

Jack Martland

Quote from: Jiseth on February 21, 2014, 01:36:15 AM

Jiseth blinked for a moment and sighed softly as she recalibrated her targeting. I'm going to try very hard not to hit you when I see you, Blitz... Especially for being captured by that other ship, she thought as she once again locked on to Martland's shuttle.

"45 seconds."

Her thumb rested on the firing button on the joystick as she pondered her fair well to Lieutenant Jack Martland. Sorry about missing with that last one. Though since we're not going any place... Actually, we really are going somewhere. Alarmingly fast, to be honest. But we're not busy otherwise. Here's an interesting fact: this is the part where I kill you. Yes, where the cadet kills the traitor. Spectre's lapdog gets blown to bits. This is that part. Right now.

=^= Good bye. =^=

Jiseth pressed down with her thumb and a second bright orange flash flew from her shuttle.


Jack started to laugh then he spoke

"Computer Fire Breen EMP Torpeto" Ordered Martland and within moments a Torpedo left the Shuttle Hitting the Shuttle carrying Jiseth disabling it

==^== Good bye fools; and prepare for my return and remember William I will be back for you==^==

"Engage Cloak" Ordered Martland as his Shuttle Cloaked and Diseapeared

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 21, 2014, 01:37:42 AM

As Grix stood in the embrace of T'Mautlan two things happened almost at once, the hail from sickbay and Jiseth going after Martland.

Looking at T'Mautlan in the eyes he answered "I'm not going anywhere don't worry" he then reached to his comm badge =/\= Grix to sickbay, Mr Carver is on the bridge, stand by =/\= unsure why this was still the case he walked over to ops and activated the transporter himself sending the Captain to sickbay.

Tapping his comm badge once more Grix had a stony look on his face one that not many living people had seen, he decided it was time to see if his old reputation still held any weight =/\= Creole to Oddball....... He's mine!! and right now, we need a great pilot a damn sight more than a sorry assed ex cadet, who's Romulan Heritage makes every bad call she makes twice as bad =/\=. his voice wasn't carrying any anger it was calm and flat but with an edge to it that would have cut anything it touched.

He then turned to Admiral Brown "It's good to see you Admiral, so did you take a leaf out of our book or is this one really assigned to you?"

[Bridge-USS Patton]

"Well My Friend I threaten if the Vice President didn't give me use of this Vessel I would be forced to release information to the Federation Council and he didn't want that to happen and why are you a Lieutenant?" asked Brown

James Booth

[USS Patton - Bridge]

Booth moved to the Tactical station, taking Truffles' arm, he spoke. "Excuse me Lieutenant" On that Truffles was moved, not too gently to one side. Running his hands across the interface, Jimmy activated the sensors and detected the two shuttles briefly, before the one that was further away disappeared. The second shuttle appeared to lose its propulsion power at that point also.

"Admiral I've lost contact with the first shuttle, the second seems to be adrif....." Booth cut off mid sentance. A proximity alert sounded, which drew the Chief's attention. "Erm Admiral, we might have, in fact we do have a problem. The Churchill, her matter anti matter containment is failing" His eyes flicked up to Brown. "Sir we'd better get some distance, we have around two minutes"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on February 21, 2014, 02:47:10 AM

[USS Patton - Bridge]

Booth moved to the Tactical station, taking Truffles' arm, he spoke. "Excuse me Lieutenant" On that Truffles was moved, not too gently to one side. Running his hands across the interface, Jimmy activated the sensors and detected the two shuttles briefly, before the one that was further away disappeared. The second shuttle appeared to lose its propulsion power at that point also.

"Admiral I've lost contact with the first shuttle, the second seems to be adrif....." Booth cut off mid sentance. A proximity alert sounded, which drew the Chief's attention. "Erm Admiral, we might have, in fact we do have a problem. The Churchill, her matter anti matter containment is failing" His eyes flicked up to Brown. "Sir we'd better get some distance, we have around two minutes"

[Bridge-U.S.S Patton]

John turned quickly looking at Booth for a long moment Brown looked back at the Viewscreen at the Churchill

"Helm back us off and keeo Visual on her; Company Attention let us remember the Churchill one final time" Finished Brown as he looked at the viewscreen he saw the Churchill his first Command he smiled a little as he looked over "I remember when I first entered the Halls of that Ship and the Day I took Command she was my lady for the past year she was my Command  I hoped to bring her home again its only fitting she dies in Space" Finished Brown "Mr.Booth please send to Starfleet Command Churchill Distroyed all personal Recovered except one list Jack Martland as a reengage" Replied Brown as he took a hard seat in the Command Chair sitting there looking at the glow of the Destroyed Churchill

Christian Grix

Quote from: Deon Essai on February 21, 2014, 02:10:11 AM

Deon's mind and fingers blazed over the console.  It was hard enough transporting at fast than light speed.  He also had to factor in the interference from the torpedo, and he had to do it in thirty second.  The torpedo was away and Deon had only a few more buttons to press.

Deon activated the transport beam.  The familiar Blue light filled the bridge behind Deon and slowly Jiseth appeard in front of him.

"DAMN I'M GOOD.", he yelled as he jumped to his feet.  He grab the Romulan woman around the waist and lifted her off the ground.  A couple of seconds later Deon slowly got a hold of himself and placed Jiseth back on the floor.

"Sorry about that.", Deon said feeling a little sheepish now.

Quote from: James Booth on February 21, 2014, 02:47:10 AM

[USS Patton - Bridge]

Booth moved to the Tactical station, taking Truffles' arm, he spoke. "Excuse me Lieutenant" On that Truffles was moved, not too gently to one side. Running his hands across the interface, Jimmy activated the sensors and detected the two shuttles briefly, before the one that was further away disappeared. The second shuttle appeared to lose its propulsion power at that point also.

"Admiral I've lost contact with the first shuttle, the second seems to be adrif....." Booth cut off mid sentance. A proximity alert sounded, which drew the Chief's attention. "Erm Admiral, we might have, in fact we do have a problem. The Churchill, her matter anti matter containment is failing" His eyes flicked up to Brown. "Sir we'd better get some distance, we have around two minutes"

Quote from: John Brown on February 21, 2014, 02:20:30 AM

[Bridge-USS Patton]

"Well My Friend I threaten if the Vice President didn't give me use of this Vessel I would be forced to release information to the Federation Council and he didn't want that to happen and why are you a Lieutenant?" asked Brown

All eyes were suddenly on Jiseth and Essai, "Good to have you back Cadet" he smiled briefly after his welcome from T'Mautlan he could not really say anything to them.

Turning back to his Commanding Officer nad shaking his head, He responded "Admiral, I got busted by Captain Carver for some problems I had with Martland, wonder if he still thinks the same ?" Grix spun around as he heard Booth's report "Damn it, it's my fault Sir. I Don't know how yet but Martland looked me right in the eye and told me i made it possible" he slumped down in the chair at the side of the Admiral's and sat with his head in his hand's for a second before looking up "I lost the ship Sir, I didn't trust either of them and he still managed to rip her heart out"

James Booth

Jimmy watched as the intrepid class starship erupted into a fiery amber yellow glow. It was an awesome spectacle to watch, but it meant great loss to many of the ships crew who now stood on the Patton's bridge.

"I'm terribly sorry Sir" Booth offered.

He found it odd that people got so attached to technology and kind of mourned its loss. But he too was guilty of such feelings, his memory was taken back to braking his custom configured phaser rifle over a Gorn's head. He'd sunk a few beers in memory of her loss, not that Booth needed much of an excuse to drink.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 21, 2014, 03:43:12 AM

All eyes were suddenly on Jiseth and Essai, "Good to have you back Cadet" he smiled briefly after his welcome from T'Mautlan he could not really say anything to them.

Turning back to his Commanding Officer nad shaking his head, He responded "Admiral, I got busted by Captain Carver for some problems I had with Martland, wonder if he still thinks the same ?" Grix spun around as he heard Booth's report "Damn it, it's my fault Sir. I Don't know how yet but Martland looked me right in the eye and told me i made it possible" he slumped down in the chair at the side of the Admiral's and sat with his head in his hand's for a second before looking up "I lost the ship Sir, I didn't trust either of them and he still managed to rip her heart out"

John looked over a Grix he smiled a little before he spoke towards his Cheif Engineer

"Its not your fault Grix, You see Martland is working for Spectre and there is something that you don't know.Jack Martland was the Head of Engineering for the First Deep Space Station and there is something you wouldn't know he is one the of the Best Engineers I have seen he is able to create programs that as make a Troubolift turn into a swimming pool so its just he was a Engineer that was able to get past ship Security do'nt be too hard on yourself you did the best you could you were able to get me on the case" Finished Brown with a Smile

Quote from: James Booth on February 21, 2014, 03:57:34 AM

Jimmy watched as the intrepid class starship erupted into a fiery amber yellow glow. It was an awesome spectacle to watch, but it meant great loss to many of the ships crew who now stood on the Patton's bridge.

"I'm terribly sorry Sir" Booth offered.

He found it odd that people got so attached to technology and kind of mourned its loss. But he too was guilty of such feelings, his memory was taken back to braking his custom configured phaser rifle over a Gorn's head. He'd sunk a few beers in memory of her loss, not that Booth needed much of an excuse to drink.

"do you think we should head back to Earth Jimmy?" Asked Brown

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on February 21, 2014, 04:06:43 AM

"do you think we should head back to Earth Jimmy?" Asked Brown

Jimmy sighed at the question, every fibre of his being wanted to hunt Martland down. But looking at the sensor logs, he was quick to determine it would be useless.

"Yes I think we should Sir, I am also issuing a Fleet wide alert, to be on the look out for that Douche Bag"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on February 21, 2014, 04:15:40 AM

Jimmy sighed at the question, every fibre of his being wanted to hunt Martland down. But looking at the sensor logs, he was quick to determine it would be useless.

"Yes I think we should Sir, I am also issuing a Fleet wide alert, to be on the look out for that Douche Bag"

"Right; Helm Set a Course For Home" Ordered Brown
Mission End

🡱 🡳

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