Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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John Brown

[Earth Starfleet H.Q, Admiral John Brown Office Head of Starfleet Operations]

John Brown's Personal Log

Its Been Two Weeks Since I was removed from Command of the Churchill and the Events on the Gibson....The Churchill is now under the command of a man called William Carver we did meet on the Churchill it was only luck that Grix was there before it was ended in blows I still don't like the man I am concerned about the Churchill Mission it been attached to Starfleet Diplomatic Corps for an Assignment that need to know and I haven't been read in on it I don't like it.I got a Meeting with the Head of Starfleet Phyicric over what I learned last week

John looked up as a Man Entered he was a young Man wearing Commander Pips he took a seat in front of John.

Admiral, as requested Hull#253-Bravo has been moved to Docking Bay 36-C Finished the Engineer in front of him

"Yes, I have reviewed it and I have made the Following Changes with Weapon systems on this PADD" Finished Brown passing the PADD  "And then then he turned his terminal around showing the Engineer the information

"I was part of the Design team that help design this Four Years ago and given current events we will need it again" Finished Brown

Its going to take Three Weeks to install then another Three for testing as the Power Grid will need to be modified for this Finished Commander Freemon

John opened his drawer and placed a Piece of Medal on the Desk with another PADD on top of it Smiling "Also Follow these Padd instructions and Install this on the Bridge" Finished Brown

"Are you sure Sir?" Asked the Commander puzzled

"Yes I am, Dismissed" Finished Brown

William Carver

[USS Churchill - Bridge]

Carver sat in his chair, the final preparations to leave dock were almost complete. It'd taken longer than he'd expected, which caused him concern about the crew's efficiency. Standing up he headed for the briefing room door, looking across to his Chief Tactical Officer. Jack Martland he issued an order.

"Lieutenant Martland, I want the Senior Officers in the briefing room in five minutes"

[Briefing Room]

Upon entering the room, he walked straight to the head of the table and sat down. Checking his chronometer, he began to time how long it took each Officer to arrive.

Jack Martland

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 02:51:44 AM

[USS Churchill - Bridge]

Carver sat in his chair, the final preparations to leave dock were almost complete. It'd taken longer than he'd expected, which caused him concern about the crew's efficiency. Standing up he headed for the briefing room door, looking across to his Chief Tactical Officer. Jack Martland he issued an order.

"Lieutenant Martland, I want the Senior Officers in the briefing room in five minutes"

[Briefing Room]

Upon entering the room, he walked straight to the head of the table and sat down. Checking his chronometer, he began to time how long it took each Officer to arrive.

"Aye Captian" Finished Jack as he pressed the Comm ==^== Senior Officers to the Briefing Room in Five...On the Double^== With Closing the Comm Jack turned and walked across the Bridge to the Conference Room and took a seat to Carvers Right

Christian Grix

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 27, 2014, 02:55:30 AM

"Aye Captian" Finished Jack as he pressed the Comm ==^== Senior Officers to the Briefing Room in Five...On the Double\\^== With Closing the Comm Jack turned and walked across the Bridge to the Conference Room and took a seat to Carvers Right

Main Engineering
Does this man think I have time for this? Grix thought as he heard the hail =/\= Acknowledged =/\= Grix almost groaned as he replied to the hail. Five minutes does this man know where the engine room is?

Briefing Room 3.5 minutes kater

The Turbolift thankfully did not need to stop anywhere else on the way.

Grix walked into the room as he had beeen working on the plasma manifolds his tunic was unzipped and covered in dirt, his face also had dirt on from the work he had been doing.

He alked to the table and slipped into the usual seat  "Lieutenant Commander Grix reporting as ordered, Sir!"


[USS Churchill - Engineering]

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 27, 2014, 02:55:30 AM

"Aye Captian" Finished Jack as he pressed the Comm ==^== Senior Officers to the Briefing Room in Five...On the Double==^== With Closing the Comm Jack turned and walked across the Bridge to the Conference Room and took a seat to Carvers Right

Scott raised his hand to tap his comm badge, he was about to reply to Lt Martland. As his hand was about to touch, the reality of his situation hit him. He was the Chief Engineer anymore, he'd lost the position, but some would argue that he never had it. Scott had been identified as the Clone and thus his past was a lie, but again some would say they're as much his own memories as Mike Anderson's. He felt a little embarrassment as he looked around Engineering, fearing someone had noticed him getting things wrong. It looked as though no one had seen him, or that it didn't really matter to anyone. Moving to a diagnostic console, he called up the work schedule. The top of the list was a report of power fluctuations, to the master systems display on the bridge.

With a confident nod, Scott grabbed his toolkit, the same one that had belonged to Mike. The relationship between Scott and Mike was frosty, but the former had given Scott the kit as a parting gesture.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be on the bridge" Scott said as he headed to the large double doors. As the doors parted he realized nobody had acknowledged him, turning to face back into the engine room, nobody paid him any attention at all. Anderson's eyes flicked down to the deck, he suddenly felt hollow inside, turning back towards the door he carried on with his journey.

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 02:51:44 AM

[USS Churchill - Bridge]

Carver sat in his chair, the final preparations to leave dock were almost complete. It'd taken longer than he'd expected, which caused him concern about the crew's efficiency. Standing up he headed for the briefing room door, looking across to his Chief Tactical Officer. Jack Martland he issued an order.

"Lieutenant Martland, I want the Senior Officers in the briefing room in five minutes"

[Briefing Room]

Upon entering the room, he walked straight to the head of the table and sat down. Checking his chronometer, he began to time how long it took each Officer to arrive.

McConnell had been in his office going over crew proficiency reports when he heard the call for all senior officers. Setting the PADD he was holding,  he noticed that he had a collection of PADDs on his desk. Let's see what hoops the Captain has us jumping through today, he thought as he exited his office.

[Briefing Room]

Entering the briefing room, he took a seat and waited for the briefing to begin.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Maria Dyson

[Science Lab 1]

Cadet Maria Dyson sat in the lab carrying out various tests and experiments, as part of her course work for Starfleet Academy. It was all mundane stuff and was to be quite honest very boring. She'd been away from the Churchill for a little over a month and had returned after he leave had ended two days before.

Things had changed on the ship now, Captain Mike Anderson had been moved to another ship and the Admiral was stuck in an office. Even Lieutenant Commander Jon Tulley was on another ship now. One good thing she had discovered, was that a Clone of the old Captain was on the ship and she was determined to make friends with him. When she'd seen him earlier, he looked really lonely eating his breakfast.

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 27, 2014, 03:20:20 AM

Main Engineering
Does this man think I have time for this? Grix thought as he heard the hail =/\= Acknowledged =/\= Grix almost groaned as he replied to the hail. Five minutes does this man know where the engine room is?

Briefing Room 3.5 minutes kater

The Turbolift thankfully did not need to stop anywhere else on the way.

Grix walked into the room as he had beeen working on the plasma manifolds his tunic was unzipped and covered in dirt, his face also had dirt on from the work he had been doing.

He alked to the table and slipped into the usual seat  "Lieutenant Commander Grix reporting as ordered, Sir!"

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 27, 2014, 04:34:12 AM

McConnell had been in his office going over crew proficiency reports when he heard the call for all senior officers. Setting the PADD he was holding,  he noticed that he had a collection of PADDs on his desk. Let's see what hoops the Captain has us jumping through today, he thought as he exited his office.

[Briefing Room]

Entering the briefing room, he took a seat and waited for the briefing to begin.

Carver sat facing out of one of the aft windows, he noticed McConnell enter last and timed him at five minutes thirty two seconds. Turning his chair to face the table and the three officers, Carvers jaw clenched. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at his XO for a moment. "Commander McConnell, I realize you are new to the role of First Officer. But when I say five minutes I mean five minutes or less"

Looking to the others in turn, he displayed an expression of annoyance. Sliding a padd across the table top, he began to speak again. "That brings me to my next point! I distinctly remember telling you to have this ship at one hundred percent efficiency and ready for launch by today. Yet I am seeing faults all over the ship still." Looking between Grix and McConnell, Carver asked. "Would either of you like to explain, why this ship is in such a sorry condition?"

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 04:59:33 AM

Carver sat facing out of one of the aft windows, he noticed McConnell enter last and timed him at five minutes thirty two seconds. Turning his chair to face the table and the three officers, Carvers jaw clenched. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at his XO for a moment. "Commander McConnell, I realize you are new to the role of First Officer. But when I say five minutes I mean five minutes or less"

Looking to the others in turn, he displayed an expression of annoyance. Sliding a padd across the table top, he began to speak again. "That brings me to my next point! I distinctly remember telling you to have this ship at one hundred percent efficiency and ready for launch by today. Yet I am seeing faults all over the ship still." Looking between Grix and McConnell, Carver asked. "Would either of you like to explain, why this ship is in such a sorry condition?"

McConnell bristled as the Captain spoke to him and Grix. The man had been on board two weeks and had already instituted changes that were causing the crew a great amount of stress. Addressing the captain, he met the man's gaze with one of his own.

"I apologize for my lack of punctuality, Captain. There is no excuse for it, other than a brief conversation with one of the crew members on the bridge. As the XO of this ship, it is my duty to be the filter,  if you will, between the crew and the Captain."

He looked over at Grix and knew that the Engineer was about to boil over.

"As far as the condition of the ship, she is operational. Mr. Grix can give a better explanation as to what "issues" may exist. Given the ship's last mission, she is in fine condition."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

William Carver

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 27, 2014, 05:12:41 AM

McConnell bristled as the Captain spoke to him and Grix. The man had been on board less than two weeks and had already instituted changes that were causing the crew a great amount of stress. Addressing the captain, he met the man's gaze with one of his own.

"I apologize for my lack of punctuality, Captain. There is no excuse for it, other than a brief conversation with one of the crew members on the bridge. As the XO of this ship, it is my duty to be the filter,  if you will, between the crew and the Captain."

He looked over at Grix and knew that the Engineer was about to boil over.

"As far as the condition of the ship, she is operational. Mr. Grix can give a better explanation as to what "issues" may exist. Given the ship's last mission, she is in fine condition."

Carvers expression turned to one of stone and anger. "I know what the job of a First Officer is Commander, that was not my point" Carver banged his right hand on the table. "My point is I expected my ship to be ready by now, something I remember telling yourself and Mr Grix here." Taking a deep breath, he added. "Would you not agree, that when I give orders, it is your job to ensure they are carried out?"

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 05:27:31 AM

Carvers expression turned to one of stone and anger. "I know what the job of a First Officer is Commander, that was not my point" Carver banged his right hand on the table. "My point is I expected my ship to be ready by now, something I remember telling yourself and Mr Grix here." Taking a deep breath, he added. "Would you not agree, that when I give orders, it is your job to ensure they are carried out?"

"THAT! is kind of the point and the problem Sir, if i wasn't being dragged up here on five minutes notice, just to confirm things I have already reported on maybe i'd have chance to repair things and while we are on the sublect why are four engineers out there removing chairs, damn it sir they are engineers not furniture fitters"

He had indeed reach that point "If you want the job doing let me do it, i tried to assign a repair team to transporter room 3 today only to find you had them sweeping the shuttle bay, SIR"

Grix had not actually been this angry since the day he and 'Admiral' Brown had come to blows.

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 27, 2014, 05:40:00 AM

"THAT! is kind of the point and the problem Sir, if i wasn't being dragged up here on five minutes notice, just to confirm things I have already reported on maybe i'd have chance to repair things and while we are on the sublect why are four engineers out there removing chairs, damn it sir they are engineers not furniture fitters"

He had indeed reach that point "If you want the job doing let me do it, i tried to assign a repair team to transporter room 3 today only to find you had them sweeping the shuttle bay, SIR"

Grix had not actually been this angry since the day he and 'Admiral' Brown had come to blows.

Carver took a deep breath, incompetance and now insubordination. "Mr Martland and McConnell, please excuse me I will be back in a moment" Facing Grix, he added. "With me Mr Grix" on that Carver marched out of the briefing room and to the ready room. Facing the door he awaited Grix's arrival.



Scott arrived on the bridge and immediately moved to the MSD. Taking his tricorder from its pouch, he flipped the device open and ran a scan of the MSD. There was indeed a variance in the power input, it was likely one of the power transfer relays was misalligned or just defective.

"Ok let's see waht we have here" Scott said as he began to crouch and place his toolkit on the deck.

The first thing the Engineer did, was to remove the covers below the console interface. The power seemed to be running ok, holding in his tricorder, he traced the power fall off. He smiled as his hypothesis was proved correct, a power transfer relay was defective. Opening his toolkit, he pulled out his power coupler and aimed it at the offending relay. With a quick movement of his thumb, he brought the device online. Scott found himself instinctively jumping back, as an explosion of sparks shot out. The lighting on the bridge changed to nothingness, a few seconds later the backup lighting came on.

Scott laid on his back and observed his right hand, it was pitted with burns.

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 05:51:26 AM

Carver took a deep breath, incompetance and now insubordination. "Mr Martland and McConnell, please excuse me I will be back in a moment" Facing Grix, he added. "With me Mr Grix" on that Carver marched out of the briefing room and to the ready room. Facing the door he awaited Grix's arrival.

Grix followed the Captain into the ready room "Yes Sir, how can I help?" Grix asked as the door closed behind him.

William Carver

Quote from: Scott Anderson on January 27, 2014, 06:29:21 AM

The first thing the Engineer did, was to remove the covers below the console interface. The power seemed to be running ok, holding in his tricorder, he traced the power fall off. He smiled as his hypothesis was proved correct, a power transfer relay was defective. Opening his toolkit, he pulled out his power coupler and aimed it at the offending relay. With a quick movement of his thumb, he brought the device online. Scott found himself instinctively jumping back, as an explosion of sparks shot out. The lighting on the bridge changed to nothingness, a few seconds later the backup lighting came on.

Scott laid on his back and observed his right hand, it was pitted with burns.

Carver was angered whilst the lights went out, even though it was only a few seconds, it still proved the severe incompetance of the crew.
Quote from: Christian Grix on January 27, 2014, 06:36:03 AM

Grix followed the Captain into the ready room "Yes Sir, how can I help?" Grix asked as the door closed behind him.

The Captain folded his arms over his chest, suffice it to say he was not amused at that precise moment. With an angered frown he looked to Grix. "You can start by explaining your insubordination in the briefing room and give me one good reason why I should't throw you in the brig?"

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