Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 27, 2014, 12:08:56 PM


Jack turned and faced the Commander then he spoke towards him.

"Commander, I am not pussy footing around if there is an issue I will jump in and resolve it as Captain Carver already has reported that the U.S.S Churchill is not 100% and we need to get this Ship up to scratch.If you already aren't aware the Federation is at War and if this Ship is Ambushed by Gorn Vessels if this Ship is damaged or destroyed this is not going to happen on my Watch my Job is Ship Security.Within that Job I must make sure every member of this crew will not affect Ship Security as Commander as Per the Captain's Orders all Officers are to have their Security Clearances Checked if they are unable to fulfil their duties they will be removed from Position.These are the Facts Commander and if you don't like It its up to you to decide what to do its not up to me to decide.And if you call that an Argument I don't know what been going on around here as this is the first I have seen Officers threaten other Officers or insubordinate towards the Captain and Commanding Officer of this Ship" Finished Martland as he walked towards the Tactical Station "I will be noting what Happen in my Report to the Captain regarding all Personal aboard this ship" Added Jack

McConnell looked at the officer incredulously.

"Mr. Martland, you apparently are under some impression that I want an explanation from you . I do not. Carry out your duties in a respectful manner and treat other officers with respect. If you would like lessons in professionalism,  I will be more than happy to assist. As far as levels of disrespect,  I do not need to explain to you that matters of discipline on this ship go through me. I will speak to Mr. Grix about his conduct, as I have with you. Now, I suspect that you have other, more important duties to perform."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Jack Martland

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 27, 2014, 12:23:48 PM

McConnell looked at the officer incredulously.

"Mr. Martland, you apparently are under some impression that I want an explanation from you . I do not. Carry out your duties in a respectful manner and treat other officers with respect. If you would like lessons in professionalism,  I will be more than happy to assist. As far as levels of disrespect,  I do not need to explain to you that matters of discipline on this ship go through me. I will speak to Mr. Grix about his conduct, as I have with you. Now, I suspect that you have other, more important duties to perform."

"I am Sorry Commander I am was under the Impression that Captain Carver Commands this Ship and hands out discipline I am getting the feeling that you might have been unaware of this but How about we go speak to Captain Carver I be more than happy to join you in said Conference as you seem concerned with the methods of changes" Finished Martland

John Brown

[Starfleet H.Q, Admiral Browns Office]

John was sitting looking at his terminal he was concerned about Carver so he put feelers out towards his Contacts from S31 a message pop on screen

Confirmed, Churchill, Confirmed Black Ops, Confirmed Removal Due to Op.

With this John stood up walked to the side of the Office and opened the closet he removed his Uniform and put on some slacks and a long Trench Coat then he headed toward the Starcluster

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 27, 2014, 12:32:31 PM

"I am Sorry Commander I am was under the Impression that Captain Carver Commands this Ship and hands out discipline I am getting the feeling that you might have been unaware of this but How about we go speak to Captain Carver I be more than happy to join you in said Conference as you seem concerned with the methods of changes" Finished Martland

McConnell looked at the man and spoke.

"Mr. Martland,  I am aware that there has been a change of command. However, as it pertains to matters of the crew or this ship..matters go through me and I take them to the Captain. Now, if you would like to discuss that with the Captain, we can."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Jack Martland

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 27, 2014, 01:07:56 PM

McConnell looked at the man and spoke.

"Mr. Martland,  I am aware that there has been a change of command. However, as it pertains to matters of the crew or this ship..matters go through me and I take them to the Captain. Now, if you would like to discuss that with the Captain, we can."

"okay lets go, and seeing there is also an issue with Mr.Grix in reguards to my concerns he can come too" Finished Martland as he pressed the chime

==^== Martland to Grix I suggest you come to the Ready Room==^==

William Carver

[Ready Room]

Carver was just finishing reading an intelligence file, when the door chime sounded.

"Enter" He called.

Sitting back in his chair, he waited for whoever it was to enter.

Jack Martland

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 01:35:31 PM

[Ready Room]

Carver was just finishing reading an intelligence file, when the door chime sounded.

"Enter" He called.

Sitting back in his chair, he waited for whoever it was to enter.

[Ready Room]

Jack Entered the Room Stood in the Center.

"Captian, Lieutenant Jack Martland Cheif Of Security, Commander McConnell has express concerns with the orders that were given me as per an issue with Lieutennent Commander Grix and the Ability of his Engineering Staff" Finished Martland

Christian Grix

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 27, 2014, 01:39:54 PM

[Ready Room]

Jack Entered the Room Stood in the Center.

"Captian, Lieutenant Jack Martland Cheif Of Security, Commander McConnell has express concerns with the orders that were given me as per an issue with Lieutennent Commander Grix and the Ability of his Engineering Staff" Finished Martland

Grix  entered the ready room and stood at the end of the desk "Lieutenant Commander Grix  reporting as ordered Sir, sorry i'm not in uniform Sir but my tunic was soiled and i did not have time to change it Sir" Grix stood at attention at the end of the desk.

William Carver

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 27, 2014, 01:39:54 PM

[Ready Room]

Jack Entered the Room Stood in the Center.

"Captian, Lieutenant Jack Martland Cheif Of Security, Commander McConnell has express concerns with the orders that were given me as per an issue with Lieutennent Commander Grix and the Ability of his Engineering Staff" Finished Martland

Carver listened intently to Lt Martland, after his Chief of Security finished speaking, the Captain eyed McConnell. "Is this true Commander, care to explain?"
Quote from: Christian Grix on January 27, 2014, 01:48:16 PM

Grix  entered the ready room and stood at the end of the desk "Lieutenant Commander Grix  reporting as ordered Sir, sorry i'm not in uniform Sir but my tunic was soiled and i did not have time to change it Sir" Grix stood at attention at the end of the desk.

With a look of anger, Carver was near the end of his tether with the sol called Chief Engineer. "Commander Grix correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I give you forty eight hours to sort out my ship. Why are you here?"

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 01:57:17 PM

Carver listened intently to Lt Martland, after his Chief of Security finished speaking, the Captain eyed McConnell. "Is this true Commander, care to explain?"

With a look of anger, Carver was near the end of his tether with the sol called Chief Engineer. "Commander Grix correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I give you forty eight hours to sort out my ship. Why are you here?"

"Sorry Captain, No Sir you are correct Sir and for that very reason Sir. I was attempting to get the ship up and running as per your orders. One of the engineering crew was injured in pursuit of this task sir and when I tried to assist him so we could be more efficient as per your orders Mr Martland interfered Sir and not only almost injured said engineer even more, he then proceeded to stop me from continuing in the manner you requested. I would also like to apologise for my outburst earlier Sir, it was unprofessional and unwarranted Sir". Grix stood staring straight ahead as he awaited a reply.

John Brown

Quote from: John Brown on January 27, 2014, 12:40:44 PM

[Starfleet H.Q, Admiral Browns Office]

John was sitting looking at his terminal he was concerned about Carver so he put feelers out towards his Contacts from S31 a message pop on screen

Confirmed, Churchill, Confirmed Black Ops, Confirmed Removal Due to Op.

With this John stood up walked to the side of the Office and opened the closet he removed his Uniform and put on some slacks and a long Trench Coat then he headed toward the Starcluster


John enters the bar then looking around seeing Cadets at tables and lower ranks and a few Lieutennents he looked and saw a comotion at the bar a young lady threw a drink he looked around and saw at the Bar a Man he has'nt seen in years he walks up and takes a seat next to him.

Whats your Posion Asked the the young Barmadin

"Laphroaig a full Bottle and two shot glasses for me and my Friend here" Ordered Brown

" Can I see your Federation Credits? Asked the Bar Madian

John took his card from his jacket and passed it to her as she entered the informations her eyes widen as she was about to speak Brown put his finger aganest his mouth for her not to say a word within a full moments she brought the Bottle and poured two shot glasses and passed Brown back the card.

TMautlan Syrika

Cadet Syrika had heard all about Captain Carver and Lieutenant Martland. She had no wish to cross paths with either man and decided she would have a talk with Lieutenant Commander Grix  ASAP. Cadet Syrika hoped that he would allow her to remain in Main Engineering and never leave.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

James Booth

[The Star Cluster]

Quote from: John Brown on January 27, 2014, 03:51:42 PM


John enters the bar then looking around seeing Cadets at tables and lower ranks and a few Lieutennents he looked and saw a comotion at the bar a young lady threw a drink he looked around and saw at the Bar a Man he has'nt seen in years he walks up and takes a seat next to him.

Whats your Posion Asked the the young Barmadin

"Laphroaig a full Bottle and two shot glasses for me and my Friend here" Ordered Brown

" Can I see your Federation Credits? Asked the Bar Madian

John took his card from his jacket and passed it to her as she entered the informations her eyes widen as she was about to speak Brown put his finger aganest his mouth for her not to say a word within a full moments she brought the Bottle and poured two shot glasses and passed Brown back the card.

Booth was lost in thought, he'd been going over recent events. Every job he'd gone for was taken it seemed and usually right before he walked through the door. It was amazing how much bad luck he was having, he had half a feeling someone was blocking him. He'd just emptied his beer glass, when he heard a voice, one he hadn't heard in a long time. Sandy the Barmaid placed the bottle of laphroaig as requested, along with two shot glasses.

Looking to his right, he came face to face with none other than Johnny B, his old buddy from their Alpha Six days. He looked at the man from top to bottom and then back to eye contact.

"Well well well...You look pretty good for a dead man!"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 27, 2014, 04:29:32 PM

[The Star Cluster]

Booth was lost in thought, he'd been going over recent events. Every job he'd gone for was taken it seemed and usually right before he walked through the door. It was amazing how much bad luck he was having, he had half a feeling someone was blocking him. He'd just emptied his beer glass, when he heard a voice, one he hadn't heard in a long time. Sandy the Barmaid placed the bottle of laphroaig as requested, along with two shot glasses.

Looking to his right, he came face to face with none other than Johnny B, his old buddy from their Alpha Six days. He looked at the man from top to bottom and then back to eye contact.

"Well well well...You look pretty good for a dead man!"

"Wel Well Yourself....Aren't you a bit old to be in here" Finished Brown as he smiled a little

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on January 27, 2014, 04:34:48 PM

"Wel Well Yourself....Aren't you a bit old to be in here" Finished Brown as he smiled a little

Jimmy frowned at Brown, looking to Sandy he tapped his left index finger on the bar. He was quickly provided with a full beer glass, after taking a sip, he turned back to his Old Friend. "And what the frack does it have to do with you Admiral, I don't have to talk to you, now if you'll excuse me I have a job to find" Taking up his glass and aging brown leather jacket, Jimmy moved to a corner table.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

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