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Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 27, 2014, 04:42:52 PM

Jimmy frowned at Brown, looking to Sandy he tapped his left index finger on the bar. He was quickly provided with a full beer glass, after taking a sip, he turned back to his Old Friend. "And what the frack does it have to do with you Admiral, I don't have to talk to you, now if you'll excuse me I have a job to find" Taking up his glass and aging brown leather jacket, Jimmy moved to a corner table.

John stood up and then walked over to the Corner Table he takes a seat and looks directly at Booth

"Whats up in your Box today, so you want a Job one with adventure and banging of heads?" Finished Brown

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 27, 2014, 02:12:11 PM

"Sorry Captain, No Sir you are correct Sir and for that very reason Sir. I was attempting to get the ship up and running as per your orders. One of the engineering crew was injured in pursuit of this task sir and when I tried to assist him so we could be more efficient as per your orders Mr Martland interfered Sir and not only almost injured said engineer even more, he then proceeded to stop me from continuing in the manner you requested. I would also like to apologise for my outburst earlier Sir, it was unprofessional and unwarranted Sir". Grix stood staring straight ahead as he awaited a reply.

Carver folded his arms as he listened to the Chief Engineer, he took his story with a grain of salt. For someone trying to explain his way out of trouble, Grix was doing an extremely poor job. For someone to use the word Sir, seven times in space of a minute, the man was either trying to bluff his way out by making up some kind of cock and bull story or was saving his own ass at the expense of others.

"Mr Grix and Commander McConnell, as the Chief of Security. Lieutenant Martland has my complete authority to investigate any and all mishaps, the last thing I want on my crew is an incompetent person, who get's us all killed." Looking at them both for equal intervals as he spoke, he gave orders. "Now if there is nothing else, I see the ship has several Cadets on assignment. I want them in cargo bay two in thirty minutes for an inspection" Looking to Grix solely he added. "Make sure they arrive in a uniform...Dismissed!"

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 04:54:16 PM

Carver folded his arms as he listened to the Chief Engineer, he took his story with a grain of salt. For someone trying to explain his way out of trouble, Grix was doing an extremely poor job. For someone to use the word Sir, seven times in space of a minute, the man was either trying to bluff his way out by making up some kind of cock and bull story or was saving his own ass at the expense of others.

"Mr Grix and Commander McConnell, as the Chief of Security. Lieutenant Martland has my complete authority to investigate any and all mishaps, the last thing I want on my crew is an incompetent person, who get's us all killed." Looking at them both for equal intervals as he spoke, he gave orders. "Now if there is nothing else, I see the ship has several Cadets on assignment. I want them in cargo bay two in thirty minutes for an inspection" Looking to Grix solely he added. "Make sure they arrive in a uniform...Dismissed!"

"Sir, what are you suggesting?" Grix shot Captain Carver a look " there is only one cadet in engineering and she is due to return to earth for her academy review anytime now"  Grix wondered if Carver had it in him to overrule an admiral.

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: William Carver on January 27, 2014, 04:54:16 PM

Carver folded his arms as he listened to the Chief Engineer, he took his story with a grain of salt. For someone trying to explain his way out of trouble, Grix was doing an extremely poor job. For someone to use the word Sir, seven times in space of a minute, the man was either trying to bluff his way out by making up some kind of cock and bull story or was saving his own ass at the expense of others.

"Mr Grix and Commander McConnell, as the Chief of Security. Lieutenant Martland has my complete authority to investigate any and all mishaps, the last thing I want on my crew is an incompetent person, who get's us all killed." Looking at them both for equal intervals as he spoke, he gave orders. "Now if there is nothing else, I see the ship has several Cadets on assignment. I want them in cargo bay two in thirty minutes for an inspection" Looking to Grix solely he added. "Make sure they arrive in a uniform...Dismissed!"

McConnell looked at the man in the Captain's uniform. The man seemed full of himself and very untrusting.

"Sir, I believe that Mr. Martland has mis-spoken on certain matters. I don't mind him investigating incidents that could risk the safety of the ship. I do mind when he and other officers, who shall remain nameless, get into shouting matches in front of the crew. There is a level of professionalism and tact, that is expected of every Starfleet Officer. I would also like to point out that, as a matter of professional courtesy, the Lieutenant inform me of his investigations as well as you. We are a team on this ship and we must present a unified front for the crew."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 27, 2014, 02:55:30 AM

"Aye Captian" Finished Jack as he pressed the Comm ==^== Senior Officers to the Briefing Room in Five...On the Double^== With Closing the Comm Jack turned and walked across the Bridge to the Conference Room and took a seat to Carvers Right

NPC Á¢â,¬"œ CMO Clara Oswald

The Chief Medical Officer frowned as she stepped into the turbolift to report to the bridge. Her hands were sweaty from stress and concentration, having just performed a complex procedure on a patient, which had prevented her from leaving sickbay as soon as the new commanding officer had requested. If he got his knickers in a twist over that, it was his problem, not hers. The safety of the patients was her top priority, not answering to the captain's every whim. Stepping out of the turbolift onto the bridge, she asked the nearest officer, "Is the Captain still wanting to see senior officers?"

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 27, 2014, 08:12:34 AM

=/\=Bridge to Sickbay, Lt Anderson has major burns to his hand and on his way to sickbay =/\=

Henriks was supposed to be having dinner right now, but instead he was stuck in sickbay working overtime. There had been a sudden influx of patients reporting symptoms of nausea and fatigue, so the chief had called him in to lend a hand, just as he was about to take a bite of his steaming stew.

His stomach grumbled angrily as he moved from patient to patient, reminding some of them just how unhappy their own stomachs were. Ensign Porter, a frequent visitor to this part of the ship, was starting to get a green tinge to his face. "How are you doing today, Mr. Porter?" Henriks asked him. Prepping his tricorder. For most of his visits, Porter's symptoms were just a case of nerves and the space going version of seasickness. But this time it appeared that he did in fact have something unpleasant in his system. Henriks pressed the tricorder to the ensign's neck, and the medicine was released with a slight hiss. Porter's face immediately began returning to its normal color. "Go take a nap, Ensign, and drink plenty of fluids. You'll be good to return to your next shift."

Porter hopped off the biobed as a call came into sickbay. Henriks tapped his badge to reply. =/\=Acknowledged.=/\= So... the clone was returning to sickbay, with some burns, according to the caller. Henriks paused a moment, thinking about what he would need to treat such burns, and then rushed off to get them. He would be ready by the time Anderson arrived in Sickbay.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb



=^= Thank you, Churchill. Shuttle Thorne signing off. =^=

Jiseth slowed her shuttle and passed through the force field, bringing her craft to a hover. She turned towards one of the side walls and reversed it into its parking space before setting it down and shutting the engines down. Once her checklist was complete she shut down the main power and grabbed her travel bag, making sure to double check everything before stepping off the shuttle.

It was quiet in the hangar mostly, a few crewmen on the upper gantry welcomed her back before she entered the corridor. It would be a bit of a trek from there, but she headed towards the nearest turbolift. There was still a need to drop her bag off so she decided to make a slight detour. Once the doors reopened she eyed the numbers on the bulkheads, having a vague idea of where she was. She reached her destination and peaked in to Science Lab 1, "Hughes, I thought I'd find you here. Dinner in my quarters later tonight. Oh... and invite your friend." She gave a slight smile to Dyson before heading back to the turbolift.

Upon making it back to her quarters she simply tossed her baggage onto the bed and made sure her uniform was still in good order. A moment in the mirror before heading out again. Jiseth knew where she was going, but she had spent a great deal of time away from the ship that she had to once again get comfortable with its inner pathways. Though familiar with the bridge, this time she felt a tinge of nervousness though markedly different than the first time she had set foot there. Once the doors opened she didn't hesitate to step out and head directly for her station. "Cadet Second Class Jiseth, reporting for Flight Control," she said as she took her seat at helm of the Churchill.

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 27, 2014, 05:44:36 PM

"Sir, what are you suggesting?" Grix shot Captain Carver a look " there is only one cadet in engineering and she is due to return to earth for her academy review anytime now"  Grix wondered if Carver had it in him to overrule an admiral.

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 27, 2014, 06:32:11 PM

McConnell looked at the man in the Captain's uniform. The man seemed full of himself and very untrusting.

"Sir, I believe that Mr. Martland has mis-spoken on certain matters. I don't mind him investigating incidents that could risk the safety of the ship. I do mind when he and other officers, who shall remain nameless, get into shouting matches in front of the crew. There is a level of professionalism and tact, that is expected of every Starfleet Officer. I would also like to point out that, as a matter of professional courtesy, the Lieutenant inform me of his investigations as well as you. We are a team on this ship and we must present a unified front for the crew."

Carver arched an eyebrow as the two Officers spoke. Taking a deep breath he replied to Grix first. "I have been in touch with the Commandant, he's a friend of mine and I have already told him I will be conducting an inspection. He then told me that he eagerly awaits my report." Putting on a stern expression, he added. "If your Cadet is not present, it will be you answering for it Lieutenant Commander Grix!"

Moving his head to make eye contact with Commander McConnell. "You're forgetting something Commander, I am the Captain of this vessel now and I have the right to issue orders as I see fit" Tipping his head towards Lt Martland. "I told Mr Martland to deal with such matters and then report directly to me, now if you cannot follow my orders, just let me know and I will find someone who can." Standing up he moved to the window. "I have to say I am not impressed with the Senior Officers of this ship so far, all I have seen is insubordination, slpoppy work methods and like I said before dismissed!"

Jack Martland

Quote from: William Carver on January 28, 2014, 03:13:01 AM

Carver arched an eyebrow as the two Officers spoke. Taking a deep breath he replied to Grix first. "I have been in touch with the Commandant, he's a friend of mine and I have already told him I will be conducting an inspection. He then told me that he eagerly awaits my report." Putting on a stern expression, he added. "If your Cadet is not present, it will be you answering for it Lieutenant Commander Grix!"

Moving his head to make eye contact with Commander McConnell. "You're forgetting something Commander, I am the Captain of this vessel now and I have the right to issue orders as I see fit" Tipping his head towards Lt Martland. "I told Mr Martland to deal with such matters and then report directly to me, now if you cannot follow my orders, just let me know and I will find someone who can." Standing up he moved to the window. "I have to say I am not impressed with the Senior Officers of this ship so far, all I have seen is insubordination, slpoppy work methods and like I said before dismissed!"

[Ready Room]

Jack turned and Smiled looking at Grix and Cayden.

"Aye Captain" Finished Martland as he turned on he heels then headed to the door he turned "You will get an copy of my report Commander" Finished Martland as he walked onto the Bridge he saw the Cadet sitting at the helm as he walked over to the Tatical Station

"Good work Cadet I been impressed with your Landing" Finished Martland

Christian Grix

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 28, 2014, 03:17:59 AM

[Ready Room]

Jack turned and Smiled looking at Grix and Cayden.

"Aye Captain" Finished Martland as he turned on he heels then headed to the door he turned "You will get an copy of my report Commander" Finished Martland as he walked onto the Bridge he saw the Cadet sitting at the helm as he walked over to the Tatical Station

"Good work Cadet I been impressed with your Landing" Finished Martland


Grix turned to leave as he had been dismissed, heading out to the bridge  "Lieutenant" he nodded as he passed Tactical on the way to the turbolift before travelling to engineering.


"Cadet Syrika, can i have a word in my office please" he spoke as soon as he entered engineering a crazy idea forming in his head to get a message to Admiral Brown and get her out of the way, he did not want to see her hurt to get to him and he knew only to well it would finish his career if either Martland or Carver tried to do that.


Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on January 27, 2014, 07:03:07 PM

Henriks was supposed to be having dinner right now, but instead he was stuck in sickbay working overtime. There had been a sudden influx of patients reporting symptoms of nausea and fatigue, so the chief had called him in to lend a hand, just as he was about to take a bite of his steaming stew.

His stomach grumbled angrily as he moved from patient to patient, reminding some of them just how unhappy their own stomachs were. Ensign Porter, a frequent visitor to this part of the ship, was starting to get a green tinge to his face. "How are you doing today, Mr. Porter?" Henriks asked him. Prepping his tricorder. For most of his visits, Porter's symptoms were just a case of nerves and the space going version of seasickness. But this time it appeared that he did in fact have something unpleasant in his system. Henriks pressed the tricorder to the ensign's neck, and the medicine was released with a slight hiss. Porter's face immediately began returning to its normal color. "Go take a nap, Ensign, and drink plenty of fluids. You'll be good to return to your next shift."

Porter hopped off the biobed as a call came into sickbay. Henriks tapped his badge to reply. =/\=Acknowledged.=/\= So... the clone was returning to sickbay, with some burns, according to the caller. Henriks paused a moment, thinking about what he would need to treat such burns, and then rushed off to get them. He would be ready by the time Anderson arrived in Sickbay.

Scott entered sick bay, he was still cradling his burned hand. As he moved in, he saw Mr Á,,â,¬bols moving around as if looking for something. A Medical Assistant ushered Scott to the nearest bio bed.

With a smile the man said. "Someone will be with you in a minute Lieutenant"

Scott nodded in response and replied. "Thank you"

James Booth

[The Star Cluster]

Quote from: John Brown on January 27, 2014, 04:47:55 PM

John stood up and then walked over to the Corner Table he takes a seat and looks directly at Booth

"Whats up in your Box today, so you want a Job one with adventure and banging of heads?" Finished Brown

Jimmy took a breath as he looked up from his drink, moving his attention to the Admiral. He really didn't want to talk to the man, the man who he once considered a close friend.

"LOOK" He barked. A couple of Alien patrons turned their gaze towards Booth and Brown. Lowering his voice, he added. "I am quite capable of looking out for myself, I don't need Starfleet!"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 28, 2014, 04:11:35 AM

[The Star Cluster]

Jimmy took a breath as he looked up from his drink, moving his attention to the Admiral. He really didn't want to talk to the man, the man who he once considered a close friend.

"LOOK" He barked. A couple of Alien patrons turned their gaze towards Booth and Brown. Lowering his voice, he added. "I am quite capable of looking out for myself, I don't need Starfleet!"

"No you Don't you say "Need" Starfleet ever thought Starfleet Needed you..Or are you going to pussy foot around Jimmy Booth" Finished Brown grabbing Booths drink from his hand

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on January 28, 2014, 04:14:38 AM

"No you Don't you say "Need" Starfleet ever thought Starfleet Needed you..Or are you going to pussy foot around Jimmy Booth" Finished Brown grabbing Booths drink from his hand

Booth bared and ground his teeth as Brown took away his beverage. Jumping to a stand, causing his chair to fall back, Booth swung a right hook on a direct collision course to Browns nose. The result was a steady flow of crimson, running from the Admiral's nostrils. As Brown staggered backwards, the other patrons in the bar scattered. Jimmy on the other hand stormed across and met Brown grabbing his trench coat.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 28, 2014, 04:24:38 AM

Booth bared and ground his teeth as Brown took away his beverage. Jumping to a stand, causing his chair to fall back, Booth swung a right hook on a direct collision course to Browns nose. The result was a steady flow of crimson, running from the Admiral's nostrils. As Brown staggered backwards, the other patrons in the bar scattered. Jimmy on the other hand stormed across and met Brown grabbing his trench coat.

As the Blood flowed out of Browns Nose he looked at Booth and smiled Grabbing Booth then by his Jacket he was pushed back against a table.

"You Bitch" Yelled Brown as he moved forward pushing booth and grabbing a persons drink and throwing it at Booth then Brown was hit again then Brown pushed Booth though the side door to the ally

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on January 28, 2014, 04:33:08 AM

As the Blood flowed out of Browns Nose he looked at Booth and smiled Grabbing Booth then by his Jacket he was pushed back against a table.

"You Bitch" Yelled Brown as he moved forward pushing booth and grabbing a persons drink and throwing it at Booth then Brown was hit again then Brown pushed Booth though the side door to the ally

Securing his grip on Brown, as the two of them crashed through the door. Booth turned Brown and continued the momentum, the Admiral was slammed into a wall. Raising his right fist once again, Jimmy was going to explain again that he wanted to be left alone, by using his fist. His attention peaked as he heard sirens approaching, someone in the bar had clearly notified the authorities. Jimmy was already was already up on a charge for indecent exposure, because of a certain Lieutenant Larson. The siren seemed to be approaching the eastern end of the alley, so Booth went west with long strides.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

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