Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 28, 2014, 04:42:35 AM

Securing his grip on Brown, as the two of them crashed through the door. Booth turned Brown and continued the momentum, the Admiral was slammed into a wall. Raising his right fist once again, Jimmy was going to explain again that he wanted to be left alone, by using his fist. His attention peaked as he heard sirens approaching, someone in the bar had clearly notified the authorities. Jimmy was already was already up on a charge for indecent exposure, because of a certain Lieutenant Larson. The siren seemed to be approaching the eastern end of the alley, so Booth went west with long strides.

"Frack Federation Security" Finished Brown as he looked to his right knocked over a crate and ran after Booth within a few moments he caught up to his Friend the Grabbed him and pulled him through a door of an Werehouse

John looked and seeing that the Security Officers walked bye he looked at Booth

"Why is it we always get ourselves in these Jams just like Vesta II" Finished Brown starting to Laugh

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on January 28, 2014, 04:46:33 AM

"Frack Federation Security" Finished Brown as he looked to his right knocked over a crate and ran after Booth within a few moments he caught up to his Friend the Grabbed him and pulled him through a door of an Werehouse

John looked and seeing that the Security Officers walked bye he looked at Booth

"Why is it we always get ourselves in these Jams just like Vesta II" Finished Brown starting to Laugh


As Booth gasped, with his hands on his knees, he looked towards Brown. "The way I remember it, Vesta was your fault for looking at that Orion woman, who just happened to belong to the local Gangster!"

Leaning against a wall, Booth allowed himself to slide down onto his backside and take a rest.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 28, 2014, 04:53:27 AM


As Booth gasped, with his hands on his knees, he looked towards Brown. "The way I remember it, Vesta was your fault for looking at that Orion woman, who just happened to belong to the local Gangster!"

Leaning against a wall, Booth allowed himself to slide down onto his backside and take a rest.

"No Fracking Way it was you...And that Klingon that smell was in my shirt for weeks" Replied Brown has he leaned back against the wall looking at Booth

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on January 28, 2014, 04:57:18 AM

"No Fracking Way it was you...And that Klingon that smell was in my shirt for weeks" Replied Brown has he leaned back against the wall looking at Booth

Perhaps it was Booth, some of the details were hazy from back then. Looking to Brown he did wonder one thing, something that had puzzled Jimmy for a long time.

"After out last mission, what happened to you? I got out of Cardassian custody and tried to get in touch with you, but you were just gone with no explanation. I tried writing to you, you never answered me, I figured you blamed me for the failure of the mission?"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 28, 2014, 05:02:22 AM

Perhaps it was Booth, some of the details were hazy from back then. Looking to Brown he did wonder one thing, something that had puzzled Jimmy for a long time.

"After out last mission, what happened to you? I got out of Cardassian custody and tried to get in touch with you, but you were just gone with no explanation. I tried writing to you, you never answered me, I figured you blamed me for the failure of the mission?"

"Six Weeks After that Mission Kristi got killed in a Shuttle Accident......then a few weeks later I joined Section 31 and killed many in the Name of the Federation I was there most ruthless fixer of problems...What Letters?" asked Brown

James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on January 28, 2014, 05:05:34 AM

"Six Weeks After that Mission Kristi got killed in a Shuttle Accident......then a few weeks later I joined Section 31 and killed many in the Name of the Federation I was there most ruthless fixer of problems...What Letters?" asked Brown

"I wrote to you a dozen or more times and you now claim ignorance" Jimmy started to get to his feet. "I don't know what the frack happened to you Brown"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on January 28, 2014, 05:07:52 AM

"I wrote to you a dozen or more times and you now claim ignorance" Jimmy started to get to his feet. "I don't know what the frack happened to you Brown"

John Push Booth Back onto the ground then looked into his face then spoke "Think about it the Mission was fracked from the Start I had to tell his wife why I came back and he did'nt.Then having your wife died in a strange accident and have her die in your arms so as you can see who I am it the sum of Pain and I never received any contact from you at all no letters anything and then I took a Commision to Pay back what John did for us or did you forget" Finished Brown

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: William Carver on January 28, 2014, 03:13:01 AM

Carver arched an eyebrow as the two Officers spoke. Taking a deep breath he replied to Grix first. "I have been in touch with the Commandant, he's a friend of mine and I have already told him I will be conducting an inspection. He then told me that he eagerly awaits my report." Putting on a stern expression, he added. "If your Cadet is not present, it will be you answering for it Lieutenant Commander Grix!"

Moving his head to make eye contact with Commander McConnell. "You're forgetting something Commander, I am the Captain of this vessel now and I have the right to issue orders as I see fit" Tipping his head towards Lt Martland. "I told Mr Martland to deal with such matters and then report directly to me, now if you cannot follow my orders, just let me know and I will find someone who can." Standing up he moved to the window. "I have to say I am not impressed with the Senior Officers of this ship so far, all I have seen is insubordination, slpoppy work methods and like I said before dismissed!"

McConnell was seething as he left the ready room. Pompous ass, he thought to himself as he headed for the command chair.  He had worked with officers like Carver before. They were stuck on the fact that they were in command and could not see past their own views. They typically got people killed, he thought, as he rubbed his shoulder.
His mind drifted back to Chin'toka and the commanding officer of his detachment on the ground there. The Dominion War had been going poorly and often the ground engagements did not fair as well as the fleet battles that went on above their heads. He remembered being able to see the ships explosions in the night sky, a brilliant blue color, as the ship's lost matter/antimatter containment.
He thought about the number of lives lost over pointless decisions made by those, who were in "command". They would often lay poorly planned ambushes that needed more friendly losses then enemy. In particular,  one commander had a patrol capture a Jem'Hadar First and then attempt to use him to barter for peace. The Vorta in command of that detachment of Dominion forces had that commander's unit slaughtered and even killed the Jem'Hadar first over his failure.
A lot of Starfleet personnel died during that tour over poor intelligence on the part of the "commanding officer". He remembered a report about a Captain Tim Watters, that stood in his mind. The Captain,  who was a cadet, had received command of the USS Valiant, right after the war broke out. The Captain was tactically inept and had no leadership abilities to speak of other than to say, "I'm the Captain,  follow my orders". In the end, his ineptitude proved his ship's undoing as the little Defiant class attacked a Dominion Battleship and lost. All hands were lost except for three personnel,  who managed to survive in an escape pod.
That seemed to be what he was seeing here. No explanation of orders aside from, "I'm the Captain,  do as I say". McConnell shook his head, this was not over yet. Glancing over his shoulder, he looked at Carvers lap dog, Martland.

"Mr. Martland,  I trust that you will use tact, when you follow up with the Chief Engineer? "

McConnell's opinion of the man was low. Lower than whale fecal matter on the bottom of the ocean. The Captain,  untrusting of his new crew, had assigned an arrogant and worthless watchdog. The man was going to slip up and when he did, McConnell was not going to be as diplomatic about how he handled it.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Jack Martland

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 28, 2014, 05:26:24 AM

McConnell was seething as he left the ready room. Pompous ass, he thought to himself as he headed for the command chair.  He had worked with officers like Carver before. They were stuck on the fact that they were in command and could not see past their own views. They typically got people killed, he thought, as he rubbed his shoulder.
His mind drifted back to Chin'toka and the commanding officer of his detachment on the ground there. The Dominion War had been going poorly and often the ground engagements did not fair as well as the fleet battles that went on above their heads. He remembered being able to see the ships explosions in the night sky, a brilliant blue color, as the ship's lost matter/antimatter containment.
He thought about the number of lives lost over pointless decisions made by those, who were in "command". They would often lay poorly planned ambushes that needed more friendly losses then enemy. In particular,  one commander had a patrol capture a Jem'Hadar First and then attempt to use him to barter for peace. The Vorta in command of that detachment of Dominion forces had that commander's unit slaughtered and even killed the Jem'Hadar first over his failure.
A lot of Starfleet personnel died during that tour over poor intelligence on the part of the "commanding officer". He remembered a report about a Captain Tim Watters, that stood in his mind. The Captain,  who was a cadet, had received command of the USS Valiant, right after the war broke out. The Captain was tactically inept and had no leadership abilities to speak of other than to say, "I'm the Captain,  follow my orders". In the end, his ineptitude proved his ship's undoing as the little Defiant class attacked a Dominion Battleship and lost. All hands were lost except for three personnel,  who managed to survive in an escape pod.
That seemed to be what he was seeing here. No explanation of orders aside from, "I'm the Captain,  do as I say". McConnell shook his head, this was not over yet. Glancing over his shoulder, he looked at Carvers lap dog, Martland.

"Mr. Martland,  I trust that you will use tact, when you follow up with the Chief Engineer? "

McConnell's opinion of the man was low. Lower than whale fecal matter on the bottom of the ocean. The Captain,  untrusting of his new crew, had assigned an arrogant and worthless watchdog. The man was going to slip up and when he did, McConnell was not going to be as diplomatic about how he handled it.


Jack Martland looked at Cayden and smiled from what he knew about the man was correct.

"Oh I am as Tactful as a will depend on the Chief Engineers temperament to deal with flaws that are in Every Department of this Ship"Finished Martland

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 28, 2014, 03:26:18 AM

Grix turned to leave as he had been dismissed, heading out to the bridge  "Lieutenant" he nodded as he passed Tactical on the way to the turbolift before travelling to engineering.


"Cadet Syrika, can i have a word in my office please" he spoke as soon as he entered engineering a crazy idea forming in his head to get a message to Admiral Brown and get her out of the way, he did not want to see her hurt to get to him and he knew only to well it would finish his career if either Martland or Carver tried to do that.

Syrika's comm badge loudly chirped.

=^= Aye Sir. On my way.=^=

Syrika turned toward the young Crewman. "My presence is requested in Engineering. Please excuse me."

With that having been said, she left the Observation Lounge and headed for Engineering.

[Main Engineering]

Syrika walked into Engineering. She saw  Grix working feverishly at a console. "You wanted to see me Sir."

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh


Quote from: Jack Martland on January 28, 2014, 03:17:59 AM

"Good work Cadet I been impressed with your Landing" Finished Martland

"Oh I am as Tactful as a will depend on the Chief Engineers temperament to deal with flaws that are in Every Department of this Ship"Finished Martland

Jiseth acknowledged the compliment with a thumbs up while she quietly began working at her console. She would have to work a lot with engineering in the next two days as she looked at the workload. It wasn't too heavy as far as propulsion was concerned compared to other systems, but she decided she'd make an effort to assist Grix's teams wherever she could. From what she heard on the bridge however, between Martland and her commander, she grew concerned. Not once did he say "sir" to McConnell and by their tone they weren't exactly on a personal level with each other. That kind of attitude will get you put out in space with the rest of the refuse dump on a warbird... she thought.

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 28, 2014, 05:46:24 AM


Jack Martland looked at Cayden and smiled from what he knew about the man was correct.

"Oh I am as Tactful as a will depend on the Chief Engineers temperament to deal with flaws that are in Every Department of this Ship"Finished Martland

McConnell looked at the man sharply.

"Mr. Martland,  did you forget who you were speaking to? As a lieutenant junior grade, you will address me as sir or commander. Are we clear?"

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Christian Grix

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on January 28, 2014, 05:51:10 AM

Syrika had just arrived at the Holodeck that  Cadet Jiseth was having a get together for all the Cadets onboard.

She was about to tell her hostess that Vulcan's do not partake of acholic beverages when her comm badge loudly chirped.

=^= Aye Sir. On my way.=^=

Syrika turned toward Jiseth. "My presence is requested in Engineering. Please excuse me."

With that having been said, she left the Holodeck and headed for Engineering.

[Main Engineering]

Syrika walked into Engineering. She saw  Grix working feverishly at a console. "You wanted to see me Sir."

Chris waved her towards the noisiest part of the engine room, the plasma manifolds, once they were there he spoke just loud enough for her to hear

"I want you to be careful, Carver and his lapdog want to inspect the cadets in twenty minutes in Shuttlebay 2, They both seem to have a vendetta against Mike's friends, I just want you to know they may try to use you to get to me".  He paused shaking his head "And if they hurt you I WILL make them pay and after the meeting i want you to go to Starfleet HQ and get a message to Admiral Brown and let him know what has happened, you are expected back at the Academy for your review anyway" he leaned forward kissing her on the cheek before whispering "I'm Sorry!"

Jack Martland

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 28, 2014, 06:45:06 AM

McConnell looked at the man sharply.

"Mr. Martland,  did you forget who you were speaking to? As a lieutenant junior grade, you will address me as sir or commander. Are we clear?"

"I don't forget the Rank or the Commision COMMANDER!,How Clear do you need to be Commander?" Finished Martland as he folded his hands looking at the First Officer with a smug look on his face then turned his Back to the First Officer and pulled up some details from the Tactical Station


Quote from: Jack Martland on January 28, 2014, 07:11:46 AM

"I don't forget the Rank or the Commision COMMANDER!,How Clear do you need to be Commander?" Finished Martland as he folded his hands looking at the First Officer with a smug look on his face then turned his Back to the First Officer and pulled up some details from the Tactical Station

Jiseth froze as she couldn't believe what she had just heard from Martland. Though her eyes shifted she tried desperately not to turn around and look. She could only think of more species than not that would outright kill a man for such a display towards a superior. Then again, what Starfleet officer in their right mind would ever do such a thing, even without the vaporization reminders of who is what on the totem pole. This security officer seems blatantly juvenile, like a plebe cadet on their first day. I wonder where they were stationed before here...

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