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Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 28, 2014, 07:11:46 AM

"I don't forget the Rank or the Commision COMMANDER!,How Clear do you need to be Commander?" Finished Martland as he folded his hands looking at the First Officer with a smug look on his face then turned his Back to the First Officer and pulled up some details from the Tactical Station

McConnell smiled to himself. The opportunity had arrived and he was not going to waste it.

"Mr. Martland,  apparently you need a lesson in etiquette.  Snide remarks will be met with you being put on report. Regardless of you being on Captain Carver's staff, you still answer to the chain of command. That being said, your repeated attempts to undermine me, will be dealt with. Now, you have two options: first, you can leave the bridge and attend your duties until I call you or second,  you can spend some time in the brig, cooling off. I do not tolerate repeated incidents of insubordination. Consider this an informal counseling and move on. Your attitude towards everyone is not conducive to a productive work environment. Now, if you don't mind, I have better things to do. There is a status report from the hydroponics lab that seems to be calling my attention."

McConnell picked up a PADD and began reading the various reports from throughout the ship. Looking up from his PADD,  he saw the tactical officer still standing there.

"You are still here? Perhaps, I need to clarify my response. You are dismissed to perform your duties elsewhere or spend time in the brig. This is not a democracy and it is not up for debate. The Captain would like the ship ready in forty-eight hours and there are targeting sensors that need to be adjusted. Dismissed."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Ezra Shanara

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 28, 2014, 08:35:53 AM

McConnell smiled to himself. The opportunity had arrived and he was not going to waste it.

"Mr. Martland,  apparently you need a lesson in etiquette.  Snide remarks will be met with you being put on report. Regardless of you being on Captain Carver's staff, you still answer to the chain of command. That being said, your repeated attempts to undermine me, will be dealt with. Now, you have two options: first, you can leave the bridge and attend your duties until I call you or second,  you can spend some time in the brig, cooling off. I do not tolerate repeated incidents of insubordination. Consider this an informal counseling and move on. Your attitude towards everyone is not conducive to a productive work environment. Now, if you don't mind, I have better things to do. There is a status report from the hydroponics lab that seems to be calling my attention."

McConnell picked up a PADD and began reading the various reports from throughout the ship. Looking up from his PADD,  he saw the tactical officer still standing there.

"You are still here? Perhaps, I need to clarify my response. You are dismissed to perform your duties elsewhere or spend time in the brig. This is not a democracy and it is not up for debate. The Captain would like the ship ready in forty-eight hours and there are targeting sensors that need to be adjusted. Dismissed."


Ezra stepped off the turbolift to the bridge and immediately noticed an atmosphere, one that could have been cut with a knife. Stepping down into the command area, It looked strange without the First Officer and other chairs that were by the Captains chair. She passed Commander McConnell a padd with a progress report, it was concerning work that had just been completed on the power grid.

"It's all done Commander, should I go down to Engineering and see if I can assist there?"

Native of Dahkur Province

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on January 28, 2014, 12:21:32 PM


Ezra stepped off the turbolift to the bridge and immediately noticed an atmosphere, one that could have been cut with a knife. Stepping down into the command area, It looked strange without the First Officer and other chairs that were by the Captains chair. She passed Commander McConnell a padd with a progress report, it was concerning work that had just been completed on the power grid.

"It's all done Commander, should I go down to Engineering and see if I can assist there?"

McConnell accepted the PADD and nodded to Shanara.

"The Captain wants all cadets to muster in the shuttlebay for an inspection. See that you are there and afterwards, report to engineering. "

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Ezra Shanara

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 28, 2014, 12:33:58 PM

McConnell accepted the PADD and nodded to Shanara.

"The Captain wants all cadets to muster in the shuttlebay for an inspection. See that you are there and afterwards, report to engineering. "

"Aye Sir" Ezra replied.

She was about to walk away, when she realized Cmdr McConnell wasn't quite himself. She was no telepath and hadn't known the XO for long, but she was certain something was bothering him.

She wasn't sure whether to ask or not, fearing it might be inappropriate for a Cadet to raise concerns about a Commanding Officer. "Is everything alright Sir, can I get you something?"

Native of Dahkur Province

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 28, 2014, 06:59:39 AM

Chris waved her towards the noisiest part of the engine room, the plasma manifolds, once they were there he spoke just loud enough for her to hear

"I want you to be careful, Carver and his lapdog want to inspect the cadets in twenty minutes in Shuttlebay 2, They both seem to have a vendetta against Mike's friends, I just want you to know they may try to use you to get to me".  He paused shaking his head "And if they hurt you I WILL make them pay and after the meeting i want you to go to Starfleet HQ and get a message to Admiral Brown and let him know what has happened, you are expected back at the Academy for your review anyway" he leaned forward kissing her on the cheek before whispering "I'm Sorry!"

She looked him in the eyes then kissed his cheek as she took his hands in hers.  "I will be carefull. Why do they have a vendetta against Captain Anderson and his friends?"

Syrika hadn't been onboard long, but had great respect for Captain Anderson and the Senior Staff. Their conduct during the rescue of Admiral Brown was above reproach.  Their actions spoke loudly in their favor.

"Is there anything in particular you want me to tell Admiral Brown?"

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on January 28, 2014, 12:50:08 PM

"Aye Sir" Ezra replied.

She was about to walk away, when she realized Cmdr McConnell wasn't quite himself. She was no telepath and hadn't known the XO for long, but she was certain something was bothering him.

She wasn't sure whether to ask or not, fearing it might be inappropriate for a Cadet to raise concerns about a Commanding Officer. "Is everything alright Sir, can I get you something?"

McConnell looked up from the PADD he was studying and answered the cadet.

"Everything is fine. Just making introductions is all. Thank you for your concern."

McConnell looked back to the PADD and was lost in his thoughts. It really did trouble him, how blatantly disrespectful Martland was. He was also curious as to how Captain Carver, a man who was a stickler for authority, put up with a man who did not.

Shaking his head, he went and sat down at the command chair, to finish reading.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Christian Grix

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on January 28, 2014, 02:40:06 PM

She looked him in the eyes then kissed his cheek as she took his hands in hers.  "I will be carefull. Why do they have a vendetta against Captain Anderson and his friends?"

Syrika hadn't been onboard long, but had great respect for Captain Anderson and the Senior Staff. Their conduct during the rescue of Admiral Brown was above reproach.  Their actions spoke loudly in their favor.

"Is there anything in particular you want me to tell Admiral Brown?"

Grix looked her in the eyes and hoped she couldn't see the concern in his "Your guess is as good as mine unless the fact we are friends is the problem, if they lay one hand on you, I will be taking a trip to the brig i think" he winked at her as he finished the sentence with "I hope you'll visit me".

"If you get to Admiral Brown just tell him Bishop's uncle needs his help"

Raynor Hughes


Raynor walked up and down the shuttle bay, his eyes moving across the various crafts lined up in them.  There were a handful of techs over in one corner, working on God-knew-what.  Engineering was never really something he'd taken an interest in.  He had always cared a bit more about how people went together than machines.  Well, that, and how people came apart.

He rounded another shuttle and returned to the door, checking the chonometer on his PADD.  He'd received word of the pop-quiz-style inspection, and that all cadets were to report to the shuttle bay.  Apparently, the new captain wanted to see all the spit-and-polish Starfleet had put in its investments.  Fine enough.  He could play the good little cadet for the brass, if need be.

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb


Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 28, 2014, 03:12:37 PM

McConnell looked up from the PADD he was studying and answered the cadet.

"Everything is fine. Just making introductions is all. Thank you for your concern."

McConnell looked back to the PADD and was lost in his thoughts. It really did trouble him, how blatantly disrespectful Martland was. He was also curious as to how Captain Carver, a man who was a stickler for authority, put up with a man who did not.

Shaking his head, he went and sat down at the command chair, to finish reading.

Jiseth stopped what she was doing and turned around in her seat, looking up at Ezra then back to McConnell. She got up and walked around to the turbolift with her fellow cadet, "Mind if I join you on the way?"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Scott Anderson on January 28, 2014, 03:29:28 AM

Scott entered sick bay, he was still cradling his burned hand. As he moved in, he saw Mr Á,,â,¬bols moving around as if looking for something. A Medical Assistant ushered Scott to the nearest bio bed.

With a smile the man said, "Someone will be with you in a minute, Lieutenant."

Scott nodded in response and replied. "Thank you"

Henriks at last found the tool he was looking for, and so he began to scan the room to see if the incoming patient had yet arrived. One of the nearby nurses caught him by the shoulder and pointed towards one of the biobeds. "The lieutenant's over there, Mr. Á,,â,¬bols," the nurse said quietly. Henriks looked to where she pointed to find the man in yellow sitting up and cradling his hand as if it ached fiercely. Henriks speedily made his way over there, and as he got closer, he could see the lieutenant's hand was a deep red shade, almost blood-like, but it did not have the same kind of shimmer. Probably 2nd degree, he thought to himself.

"Sorry for the delay, Mr. Anderson," Henriks began, pulling out his tricorder, "but as you can see, it's been a mad house today, and we got an influx of people complaining about stomach problems. There must be a bug going around." He paused a moment to confirm his thoughts with the tricorder's data. "It looks like you just have a 2nd degree burn, Mr. Anderson. A few more layers of skin and it would have been 3rd degree, which is surprisingly much less painful but much more detrimental to the epidermis," Henriks explained, babbling. Setting down the tricorder, he reached for the protoplaser, which he had set off to find, and waved it back and forth over the burn until it slowly began to fade away, returning the hand to its usual color. "There may be some sensitivity for a couple days," he added as he worked, "but it shouldn't present any further problems."

Quote from: William Carver on January 28, 2014, 03:13:01 AM

"I have to say I am not impressed with the Senior Officers of this ship so far. All I have seen is insubordination, sloppy work methods and like I said before dismissed!"

NPC - CMO Clara Oswald

An ensign in yellow pointed her in the right direction, whispering, "He's that way." The ensign looked terrified and averted her eyes after giving the proper directions. Oswald thanked the young officer and strode over to where the new captain arrogantly stood. She reached him as he was dismissing another officer, catching the tail end of their conversation.

"It seems to me that you need a new dictionary, Captain," Oswald quipped bitterly, crossing her arms. Then she remembered why she was there and added, "Chief Medical Officer Oswald reporting, sir. I apologize for the delay, but my patients come first, and I left at the earliest opportunity. Now is there anything you want, or may I return to my efficiently run sickbay." She frowned.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Deon Essai

Quote from: Raynor Hughes on January 28, 2014, 03:27:21 PM


Raynor walked up and down the shuttle bay, his eyes moving across the various crafts lined up in them.  There were a handful of techs over in one corner, working on God-knew-what.  Engineering was never really something he'd taken an interest in.  He had always cared a bit more about how people went together than machines.  Well, that, and how people came apart.

He rounded another shuttle and returned to the door, checking the chonometer on his PADD.  He'd received word of the pop-quiz-style inspection, and that all cadets were to report to the shuttle bay.  Apparently, the new captain wanted to see all the spit-and-polish Starfleet had put in its investments.  Fine enough.  He could play the good little cadet for the brass, if need be.

"Oye, Hughes." Deon said as he enter the shuttlebay.  He walk over to the big man.

"I got a call to come down.  Do you know what's going on?",

Jack Martland

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 28, 2014, 08:35:53 AM

McConnell smiled to himself. The opportunity had arrived and he was not going to waste it.

"Mr. Martland,  apparently you need a lesson in etiquette.  Snide remarks will be met with you being put on report. Regardless of you being on Captain Carver's staff, you still answer to the chain of command. That being said, your repeated attempts to undermine me, will be dealt with. Now, you have two options: first, you can leave the bridge and attend your duties until I call you or second,  you can spend some time in the brig, cooling off. I do not tolerate repeated incidents of insubordination. Consider this an informal counseling and move on. Your attitude towards everyone is not conducive to a productive work environment. Now, if you don't mind, I have better things to do. There is a status report from the hydroponics lab that seems to be calling my attention."

McConnell picked up a PADD and began reading the various reports from throughout the ship. Looking up from his PADD,  he saw the tactical officer still standing there.

"You are still here? Perhaps, I need to clarify my response. You are dismissed to perform your duties elsewhere or spend time in the brig. This is not a democracy and it is not up for debate. The Captain would like the ship ready in forty-eight hours and there are targeting sensors that need to be adjusted. Dismissed."


Jack Smiled at Cayden as he walked by and headed for the troubolift within a few moments he pressed the Button and headed down to Engineering.


Jack walked into Engineering and after several steps he walked and Saw the Cadet with the Cheif Engineer he walked into the Door Way and took steps in close Proximity.

"Cadet, I thought you were suppose to be in the Shuttle Bay! orders from the Captian" Finished Martland

Christian Grix

Quote from: Jack Martland on January 29, 2014, 01:06:55 AM


Jack Smiled at Cayden as he walked by and headed for the troubolift within a few moments he pressed the Button and headed down to Engineering.


Jack walked into Engineering and after several steps he walked and Saw the Cadet with the Cheif Engineer he walked into the Door Way and took steps in close Proximity.

"Cadet, I thought you were suppose to be in the Shuttle Bay! orders from the Captian" Finished Martland

"Cadet Syrika will be there on time Lieutenant she just had a job I needed her to do before she leaves, how can I help you?" Grix waited, with no sign of the hostility he felt towards him showing

Jack Martland

Quote from: Christian Grix on January 29, 2014, 01:13:23 AM

"Cadet Syrika will be there on time Lieutenant she just had a job I needed her to do before she leaves, how can I help you?" Grix waited, with no sign of the hostility he felt towards him showing

"Just Seeing if that Genetic abomination retard messed any other systems on this Ship" Finished Martland

Maria Dyson

[Science Lab One]

Quote from: Raynor Hughes on January 27, 2014, 07:27:18 AM

[Science Lab One]

As the lab door slid open, Raynor was surprised to see another cadet there already, hard at work.  She was a second-termer, like himself, but they'd never met.  The girl seemed hard at work on something, so Raynor made a conspicuous amount of noise in shuffling in, so as not to sneak up and spook her.  "Good morning," he called out.  "Another thrilling day in the life of science cadets, hm?"

Maria worked tirelessly on her latest experiment, to the point of immense frustration. Nothing was going right at all, she'd been so engrossed in her work, she vaguely recalled someone speaking to her. "You bet" She replied turning to have a chat. Her smile disappeared after she realized she was alone, shaking her head, assuming she'd imagined it, she turned back to her console.

A message had appeared, it requested all Cadets to be ready for an inspection in thrity minutes, but that was twenty six minutes earlier. "OH NO" She said running from the console.

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