Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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Christian Grix

The Bridge just didn't feel the same anymore with the chairs missing and the atmosphere. Grix took up his position on the bridge and pulled up the main systems display.

"Cadet Syrika please monitor the warp and impulse engines, i need to make sure they stay at 100% efficiency"  looking towards the viewscreen and the front two consoles "OPs, Helm please confirm all systems at 100% efficiency"

"Tactical, report status of shields and weapons, Science station confirm status of sensors and astrometrics"

Cayden McConnell

McConnell entered the bridge and took up standing near the tactical station,  waiting on the captain to arrive. He listened to Grix as he got status reports.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"


Jiseth's eyes shifted down a list of indicators turning from neutral grey to positive green. She monitored the port impulse engine starting up and idling as well as the starboard. The warp engines were predominantly monitored by engineering, but she had her own procedures to monitor their operation. All the thrusters had been primed and calibrated with level 4 diagnostics running on the engines to finish her checklist. Once they returned everything was working properly, Jiseth set her focus on the controls, "Helm is go."

Christian Grix

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on February 02, 2014, 05:18:44 PM

McConnell entered the bridge and took up standing near the tactical station,  waiting on the captain to arrive. He listened to Grix as he got status reports.

Quote from: Jiseth on February 02, 2014, 05:54:05 PM

Jiseth's eyes shifted down a list of indicators turning from neutral grey to positive green. She monitored the port impulse engine starting up and idling as well as the starboard. The warp engines were predominantly monitored by engineering, but she had her own procedures to monitor their operation. All the thrusters had been primed and calibrated with level 4 diagnostics running on the engines to finish her checklist. Once they returned everything was working properly, Jiseth set her focus on the controls, "Helm is go."

Grix noticed his good friend enter the bridge "Commander, just waiting for the others to report in but as far as i am concerned we are ready to launch "

He was about to go back to work  when the helm reported in "Thank you Cadet Jiseth, I hope you are not planning the Sulu Manouevre when we launch"

Turning to the other consoles "Everyting working people, the Captain will be here shortly" he nodded in the direction of the unmanned tactical console "Permission to do my old job Commander?"

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 02, 2014, 06:57:48 PM

Grix noticed his good friend enter the bridge "Commander, just waiting for the others to report in but as far as i am concerned we are ready to launch "

He was about to go back to work  when the helm reported in "Thank you Cadet Jiseth, I hope you are not planning the Sulu Manouevre when we launch"

Turning to the other consoles "Everyting working people, the Captain will be here shortly" he nodded in the direction of the unmanned tactical console "Permission to do my old job Commander?"

McConnell nodded to his friend.

"As long as everything is green across the board then, by all means." He said gesturing to the tactical console.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 02, 2014, 04:09:26 PM

The Bridge just didn't feel the same anymore with the chairs missing and the atmosphere. Grix took up his position on the bridge and pulled up the main systems display.

"Cadet Syrika please monitor the warp and impulse engines, i need to make sure they stay at 100% efficiency"  looking towards the viewscreen and the front two consoles "OPs, Helm please confirm all systems at 100% efficiency"

"Tactical, report status of shields and weapons, Science station confirm status of sensors and astrometrics"


Following the surprise "inspection" in the cargo bay, which had really been little more than...well, he wasn't really quite sure what that had all been about.  Anyway.  Following it, Raynor had made his way back to the sciences lab and then to his bridge rotation.  Apparently, the new leadership wanted to test this cadet class, and test it often, since they were getting a lot of bridge time.

Checking his readouts, Raynor was pleasantly surprised to find everything green.  "Astrometrics reports systems normal.  Sensors are online and ready to receive data.  Sciences is a 'go', sir," he said.

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb

Henriks Ābols

[Ten Forward]
Few tears fell, but they fell hot, and they fell fast, his shoulders convulsing as he struggled to breathe. Each breath was now a battle. He could barely hear Amelie's voice over the pounding of his racing heart. With the lack of oxygen, it was working overtime to pump the necessary element to the parts of the body that needed it most. Fight or flight. But there was nothing to run from, nothing to fight... except the overwhelming emotions which were making it so difficult to breathe.

"Shhhh," she cooed softly in his ear. "Everything's going to be alright, Henriks. You're going to be ok." She caressed his shoulders gently, hoping it would calm his nerves some. But he only shook harder, his body wracking with the sobs of tears he could not shed, tears his body needed to shed so badly but wouldn't. "Drink some more tea," she said to him, reaching over his right shoulder and past him for the mug. Henriks moved to bat away her hand, spilling the hot beverage in the process. Amelie was fuming as she jerked her hand back to avoid being burned by it. "Henriks!" she exclaimed, drawing looks from several others nearby. How many had been watching the scene unfold, she wondered a bit late.

In her sudden revelation, she almost missed it. "When officers die in the course of duty," Henriks said at a near inaudible whisper, trying not to choke on the words, "they're shot out of tubes with honor and regality. Because they did their bit and served. But not civilians..." He paused briefly to take a breath. "What do they get?!" he shouted suddenly, whipping around to face his friend. "Nothing!"

All eyes were now on them, Amelie knew. She needed to get him out of here and fast. What he was saying wasn't logical and wasn't like him, but she knew it was just the grief talking. "C'mon, Henriks, let's get you to bed," she said, tugging lightly on hand. But Henriks didn't want to go anywhere. He didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to fade away or float off into deep space. Amelie could see these thoughts in his eyes and knew that she only had one option.

As quietly as she could, she pulled the hypospray out of her pocket. It was preset and already prepped for use. Henriks had been rather quiet over the past couple weeks and she could only imagine the pain he was feeling inside and that at some point it would have to burst. Knowing this, she had come with a hypospray ready when she set off to find him, just in case of something like this. With one quick hiss, the sedative was released and Henriks slumped against the table, sending the overturned tea mug to the floor.


Lieutenant Oswald looked up from her work as Amelie stumbled into sickbay, with the arm of a medical crewman around her shoulder. "Henriks had an... episode. I had to sedate him," Amelie explained. Oswald moved to help get him up onto one of the biobeds.

"He did work a double shift today," Oswald remarked. "But he seemed fine when he left, just tired."

"Yeah, he was practically asleep when I found him."

"Then what set him off?"

"Among other things, lack of sleep and grief." Amelie watched his chest rise and fall rhythmically as the sedative continued to take effect.

The CMO nodded. "How much of a dose?"

"Enough to put him out for a few hours. His body really needs the sleep, and I figured it'd be better for him to wake up here than in his own quarters."

Oswald nodded again. "You better go get some rest of your own, Ensign. I believe you have a shift starting in a few hours and you look exhausted." Amelie's eyes flitted back towards Henriks with concern. "Don't worry, Ensign. This is sickbay. He's in good hands." That seemed to ease Amelie's nerves some, and she turned to do as she was bid. Things had finally calmed down in sickbay, and Oswald had long since passed along that sickbay was ready to go when everyone else was.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 02, 2014, 04:09:26 PM

The Bridge just didn't feel the same anymore with the chairs missing and the atmosphere. Grix took up his position on the bridge and pulled up the main systems display.

"Cadet Syrika please monitor the warp and impulse engines, i need to make sure they stay at 100% efficiency"  looking towards the viewscreen and the front two consoles "OPs, Helm please confirm all systems at 100% efficiency"

"Tactical, report status of shields and weapons, Science station confirm status of sensors and astrometrics"

"Aye Sir" Cadet Syrika acknowledged as she then moved silently and quickly to the starboard Engineering Station.

Keeping her back toward the Bridge, she tapped the console, bringing the station online then brought up the warp and impulse systems.

Then she initiated a Level Five Diagnostic on said systems, keeping her mind focused and her eyes open for any problems.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Deon Essai

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on February 02, 2014, 10:07:50 PM

"Aye Sir" Cadet Syrika acknowledged as she then moved silently and quickly to the starboard Engineering Station.

Keeping her back toward the Bridge, she tapped the console, bringing the station online then brought up the warp and impulse systems.

Then she initiated a Level Five Diagnostic on said systems, keeping her mind focused and her eyes open for any problems.

Deon entered the bridge looking around the room.  He had his report on the personal weapons maintenance.  And was told to report directly to Martland.  He made his way to the bridge thinking the man was here.  Or hoping.  He really just wanted to be present for the launch.  And it seem like as good an excuse as any.  He made his way over to the tactical station were Commander Grix currently sat.

Curious., Deon thought.

"Commander, trying your a hand at tactical?"

Jack Martland

Quote from: Deon Essai on February 03, 2014, 04:54:34 AM

Deon entered the bridge looking around the room.  He had his report on the personal weapons maintenance.  And was told to report directly to Martland.  He made his way to the bridge thinking the man was here.  Or hoping.  He really just wanted to be present for the launch.  And it seem like as good an excuse as any.  He made his way over to the tactical station were Commander Grix currently sat.

Curious., Deon thought.

"Commander, trying your a hand at tactical?"

[Ready Room]

"Okay William, I tone it down for the Mission" Finished Jack as he replied to William Carver he turned and exited the Ready Room heading towards the Tatical Station he walked up and looked At Grix.

"Can I Help you Lieutennent Grix?" Quzzed Martland

John Brown

[Admiral Browns Office]

John was leaning back in his chair he was getting tired he looked at his terminal still no information from James Booth.

"WEEEEE" Finished Brown as he spun in his chair then he looked at his screen as he got a notification.

"Great Two Week ahead, we need to get Booth back here soon" Finished Brown

Christian Grix

Quote from: Jack Martland on February 03, 2014, 08:37:31 AM

[Ready Room]

"Okay William, I tone it down for the Mission" Finished Jack as he replied to William Carver he turned and exited the Ready Room heading towards the Tatical Station he walked up and looked At Grix.

"Can I Help you Lieutennent Grix?" Quzzed Martland

Grix looked up at Martland and Essai "I was just making sure everything is up and running for you Lieutenant. It's been a while but I did start of on tactical" he stood up and offered the seat to the two security men. He walked back over to engineering already knowing Tactical was good to go.

Henriks Ābols


Everything was in a haze. But he could still see them. His entire family was there, his parents, his brothers, and his sister. They were all smiles and giggling, and he could see a picnic basket in the crook of his younger sister's arm, but something was wrong. "MatÁ,,"œ!" Henriks bellowed, trying to warn his mother of this impending doom. She didn't hear him. He was too far away. "MatÁ,,"œ!" he yelled again, running towards them with all the speed he could muster. But the further he ran, the further away they seemed to become.

A white light suddenly engulfed them all, and when it faded away, he was alone and in another place. Henriks frowned. He knew this place. It was an old graveyard in the outskirts of his hometown. It was where the family plot lay, where his ancestors had been buried for generations. Five new headstones caught his eye. Henriks sank to his knees as he read the names inscribed. Juris Á,,â,¬bols, Pauls Á,,â,¬bols, MÁ,,ra Á,,â,¬bols, KÁ,,rlis Á,,â,¬bols... Ruta Á,,â,¬bols.

"MatÁ,,"œ! MatÁ,,"œ!"

"Shhhh, Henriks," said another voice, lulling him back to reality. His eyes snapped open and his adrenaline began to race through him as he took in his surroundings. Where was he? How had he ended up there? He had just been in a graveyard and now he was in a completely different environment, one all white and clean. His brain was still in a foggy, dream-like state, not quite understanding that he was in sickbay now. "You're ok, Henriks," Amelie cooed again, cradling him until his breathing eased and his muscles relaxed.

"They're all dead," he whimpered, struggling to sit up. "All of them."

Amelie shook her head, reaching for his hands. "It was just a dream, Henriks. Look at me." He turned to do as she bade. "It was just a dream, mans draugs." She gave him a small smile, her brows raised. And he couldn't help but smile a little too. It was that little snippet of Latvian that really got to him. She didn't speak much of it, so it really meant a lot when she did.

"Could I possibly get a cup of tea?" he asked, swinging his legs over the side of the biobed, sending a rush of blood to his head as he did so. He was still so exhausted. Amelie nodded and returned shortly with the requested beverage.

"Here," she said, handing it to him. She then produced something else from her pocket, a small box. "I know it's a little late," she said, "by like about a month... but happy birthday." Henriks took the box too, staring at it with utter surprise. His birthday had come and gone without him paying much notice to it. Now that he thought about it, the funeral had been on his birthday, and everything had gone downhill from there, a birthday being the farthest thing from his mind. "Open it," Amelie told him, giving him a friendly poke.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

William Carver

Quote from: Jack Martland on February 03, 2014, 08:37:31 AM

[Ready Room]

"Okay William, I tone it down for the Mission" Finished Jack as he replied to William Carver he turned and exited the Ready Room heading towards the Tatical Station he walked up and looked At Grix.

Will rubbed his right temple, he hated having to have the chat with Martland, but had he not the mission would be at risk. Leaning onto his desk, Carver observed the ships status, everything looked good, which was a refreshing change. Tapping his comm badge, Carver called out.

=/\=Carver to McConnell, everything looks good, I believe now would be a good time to begin pre launch checks and a countdown!=/\=


[Five Minutes Later]

[The Avenger]

[Spectre's Private Chamber]

"Lord Spectre, the Churchill is ready for launch." Said the distorted image on Spectre's screen.

Spectre stared back at the image, he was angered by the quality of the transmission, but it was apparently necessary. "Excellent, be sure our plan succeeds!"

"Yes My Lord, it shall be done in your name!" Replied the image.

"Do not fail me" Spectre replied disconnecting the channel.


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