Season Four:Mission 01: Consequences

Started by John Brown, January 27, 2014, 02:36:39 AM

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Scott signed off on the auxiliary power control console, he'd sat in Engineering going over the repair schedule. He'd reluctantly allowed someone else to carry out the upgrades, to the redundant power couplings. He was happy that the ship would soon be leaving Earth, the sooner the better.

Stepping away from the console, he moved over to the impulse power control console. He observed the emergency shutdown protocols for the impulse engines, they looked to be as they needed to be. A moment later, he found the warp engine protocols to be in a similar state.

"Well, that's everything ready"

Deon Essai

Quote from: Jack Martland on February 03, 2014, 08:37:31 AM

[Ready Room]

"Okay William, I tone it down for the Mission" Finished Jack as he replied to William Carver he turned and exited the Ready Room heading towards the Tatical Station he walked up and looked At Grix.

"Can I Help you Lieutennent Grix?" Quzzed Martland

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 03, 2014, 10:38:57 AM

Grix looked up at Martland and Essai "I was just making sure everything is up and running for you Lieutenant. It's been a while but I did start of on tactical" he stood up and offered the seat to the two security men. He walked back over to engineering already knowing Tactical was good to go.

If Deon wasn't mistake.  There was... Tension, between the two officer.  No real surprise.  Martland seem the type to just rub you the wrong way.

"Lieutenant I have that report.  All personal weapons are up to spec."

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: William Carver on February 03, 2014, 06:22:15 PM

Will rubbed his right temple, he hated having to have the chat with Martland, but had he not the mission would be at risk. Leaning onto his desk, Carver observed the ships status, everything looked good, which was a refreshing change. Tapping his comm badge, Carver called out.

=/\=Carver to McConnell, everything looks good, I believe now would be a good time to begin pre launch checks and a countdown!=/\=

McConnell took a seat in the command chair.

"All hands, prepare for launch. Helm, inform the dock master that we will be departing in five minutes."

Tapping a command on the comm panel on his chair, he opened a channel to the rest of the ship.

=/\= All hands, this is the XO. Departure will commence in five minutes. All hands prepare for departure. Captain Carver to the bridge. =/\=

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Ezra Shanara

Quote from: Scott Anderson on February 03, 2014, 06:59:50 PM


Scott signed off on the auxiliary power control console, he'd sat in Engineering going over the repair schedule. He'd reluctantly allowed someone else to carry out the upgrades, to the redundant power couplings. He was happy that the ship would soon be leaving Earth, the sooner the better.

Stepping away from the console, he moved over to the impulse power control console. He observed the emergency shutdown protocols for the impulse engines, they looked to be as they needed to be. A moment later, he found the warp engine protocols to be in a similar state.

"Well, that's everything ready"


Ezra had been on the upper level of Engineering, she'd been there for the last several hours. As she took the single person elevator, she saw Scott Anderson at the auxiliary power control console. It was curious to her, that there were no duties on the schedule for the auxiliary systems. It was all the more curious, when she saw the Lieutenant carry out tasks on the warp and impulse controls. Walking across the deck, she came to stand behind the Lieutenant.

She was hoping to be of assistance, when she asked. "Can I be of any help Sir?"

Native of Dahkur Province

William Carver

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on February 03, 2014, 09:10:57 PM

McConnell took a seat in the command chair.

"All hands, prepare for launch. Helm, inform the dock master that we will be departing in five minutes."

Tapping a command on the comm panel on his chair, he opened a channel to the rest of the ship.

=/\= All hands, this is the XO. Departure will commence in five minutes. All hands prepare for departure. Captain Carver to the bridge. =/\=

[Ready Room]

Completing the report he'd just made, Carver deactivated the computer terminal and stood up. He then headed to the door to the bridge, stepping through he entered the command area.


Approaching the command seat, he observed the Executive Officer. Finally he was shaping us, to a standard Carver liked, but he could see a look of resentment in McConnell.

"Report Commander McConnell" He ordered.


Quote from: Ezra Shanara on February 03, 2014, 09:14:55 PM


Ezra had been on the upper level of Engineering, she'd been there for the last several hours. As she took the single person elevator, she saw Scott Anderson at the auxiliary power control console. It was curious to her, that there were no duties on the schedule for the auxiliary systems. It was all the more curious, when she saw the Lieutenant carry out tasks on the warp and impulse controls. Walking across the deck, she came to stand behind the Lieutenant.

She was hoping to be of assistance, when she asked. "Can I be of any help Sir?"

Scott jumped slightly as Cadet Ezra spoke to him, he hadn't expected anyone to be there. Turning quickly away from the console, he struggled to fire for a second. "Cadet Ezra, erm, well.........I, no not really" He was at a loss to explain himself, he was put off by the attractive Bajoran. Smiling as best he could, he managed to croak out a reply. "I was only checking"

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: William Carver on February 03, 2014, 09:23:18 PM

[Ready Room]

Completing the report he'd just made, Carver deactivated the computer terminal and stood up. He then headed to the door to the bridge, stepping through he entered the command area.


Approaching the command seat, he observed the Executive Officer. Finally he was shaping us, to a standard Carver liked, but he could see a look of resentment in McConnell.

"Report Commander McConnell" He ordered.

Rising from the command chair, McConnell addressed the Captain.

"Sir, the ship is ready for launch. Final preparations are underway and awaiting final clearance from the dock master. All systems are running within normal parameters. Awaiting your orders."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Christian Grix

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on February 03, 2014, 10:04:30 PM

Rising from the command chair, McConnell addressed the Captain.

"Sir, the ship is ready for launch. Final preparations are underway and awaiting final clearance from the dock master. All systems are running within normal parameters. Awaiting your orders."

Grix looked over at T'Mautlan who was quietly and efficiently going about her duties, He was proud to see how well all the Cadets, but especially her as an engineer were coping and was glad he had decided to accept Carver's judgement.

"Captain, the engines are at full readiness and available for maximum warp if you should require it"  he then walked slowly over to tactical and stood before Martland "I apologise for my outburst earlier Lieutenant, it's just this is the third time ive put this ship back together in as many missions, I understand you were doing your job and for the good of the ship and the crew, we need towork together" Grix offered his hand to the Lieutenant.

William Carver

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on February 03, 2014, 10:04:30 PM

Rising from the command chair, McConnell addressed the Captain.

"Sir, the ship is ready for launch. Final preparations are underway and awaiting final clearance from the dock master. All systems are running within normal parameters. Awaiting your orders."

"Well done Commander" Carver said as he took his seat. Tapping the intercom on his left chair arm, he spoke.

=/\=All hands this is the Captain, all hands to report to launch stations, Captain out!=/\=


She had been waiting to hear the order and then sprung into action, powering up the engines and preparing the maneuvering thrusters.

=^= Dock Master, USS Churchill. Clear all moorings. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, stand by. Releasing docking clamps. Hold short door 3, thrusters-only. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, hold short door 3. =^=

There was a sudden rumbling sound as the clamps let go of the ship and retracted along with the boarding tunnels and maintenance arms. Firing a few bursts from the RCS, Jiseth backed the ship away from the docking gate then slowly turned it to the taxiing ramp. It was a gentle drift through the massive station as she checked all the external views of the ship, "Cross check complete." Eyeing the clock, she lined the ship up on the runway of lights under the large space door.

=^= Control, USS Churchill. Requesting departure clearance, door 3. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, clear for departure. =^=

"We're ready, sir."

William Carver

Quote from: Jiseth on February 04, 2014, 03:22:56 PM

She had been waiting to hear the order and then sprung into action, powering up the engines and preparing the maneuvering thrusters.

=^= Dock Master, USS Churchill. Clear all moorings. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, stand by. Releasing docking clamps. Hold short door 3, thrusters-only. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, hold short door 3. =^=

There was a sudden rumbling sound as the clamps let go of the ship and retracted along with the boarding tunnels and maintenance arms. Firing a few bursts from the RCS, Jiseth backed the ship away from the docking gate then slowly turned it to the taxiing ramp. It was a gentle drift through the massive station as she checked all the external views of the ship, "Cross check complete." Eyeing the clock, she lined the ship up on the runway of lights under the large space door.

=^= Control, USS Churchill. Requesting departure clearance, door 3. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, clear for departure. =^=

"We're ready, sir."

A dry smiled crossed Carvers face, the Cadet had brought the ship into position expertly. He could see great things in her future, that was more than could be said for the senior officers, although they had impressed him a little over the last two days. It looked like all they'd lacked during the Brown/Anderson era, was some good old fashioned discipline. Since his reduction in rank, Lieutenant Grix was going better.

"Very good Cadet, Full thrusters and take us out" Carver ordered.


Quote from: William Carver on February 04, 2014, 04:56:52 PM

A dry smiled crossed Carvers face, the Cadet had brought the ship into position expertly. He could see great things in her future, that was more than could be said for the senior officers, although they had impressed him a little over the last two days. It looked like all they'd lacked during the Brown/Anderson era, was some good old fashioned discipline. Since his reduction in rank, Lieutenant Grix was going better.

"Very good Cadet, Full thrusters and take us out" Carver ordered.

"Full thrusters, aye, sir." Jiseth's hand slid up part of her console as she throttled up and the Churchill began to accelerate, albeit slowly. In many ways it reminded her of the ancient jetliners rolling down the tarmac before lifting off. There was a slight exhale of relief as the ship slipped through the opening of the station and into the gulf of space, her work on the engines being put to the test with these delicate maneuvers. "We're clear of the station, sir. Course and heading?"

John Brown

[Classified Location/ Starbase One]

John looked out the viewport watching the Churchill Leave spacedock it caused a pain running though his body as he knew who was in the Center Chair he turned as the doors opened.

Admiral, What a Pleasent Surprise Finished Commander Martin Freeman

John turned and smiled looking at the Engineer that hes gotten to know for the past few weeks

"Yes I came to take a look around" Replied Brown as he walked out the Room then stopped looking at all the Functional Terminals around him

"I am pleased to report all the Systems you have ordered have been Installed and are to a point functional Solomey reported the Engineer as John walked to the Back Portion and entered a few commands pulling up the information he wanted

"What seems to be the problem Commander, the Board here shows all Systems are Green across the Board" Finished John turning towards the Engineer

"Yes, all Systems do show green across the board but we have come across some problems that we have still been unable to resolve for one is that the Computer System for the Computer Core wasn't designed to work with these different equipment so we are getting random system failures popping up. Also the Power Transmission Grid is an Hybrid System and there are sections of the Grid that is getting more power then it should my team have as yet found the reasoning for these issues" Finished Freemon

John looked at the Engineer and thought about the situation at hand then he looked at the Wall then turned

" What do you know about the design team of the Prometheus-class?" asked Brown

" That it was Designed on Andoria its Computer System is the best designed in Federation History" Replied the Man

"One Question How Space Worthy?" Asked John as he took a few steps forward and took a seat in the Chair

" All Systems are Good to Go Admiral but I wouldn't put a Suggestion on Commissioning until these minor issues are resolved the Ship could have a failure at a critical point Finished the Engineer as he looked at John

"Do we have any Relief Crew for Ship Transfers Available?" asked Brown

"Sadly we one have one assigned for Starbase One as the other crews were assigned to Ships to assist in the War Effort, we got one coming in tomorrow at 09:00 with the U.S.S Essex With that John turned then spoke to the Engineer

" Have them report here by 17:00 Tomorrow and start Launch Preparations were going to Bring the Ship to Andoria" Finished Brown

" I have them assigned but the one problem do to the Classified Nature of the Project wouldn't we need Fleet Admiral Irvines Approval quizzed the Engineer

" Don't Worry I will get the Approval myself; how long will it take to prep to be ready for Launch?" asked Brown

" Eight Hours Admiral"

"Excellent, let me know when shes ready to launch and be ready to leave once I get the Clearance" Finished Brown standing up and heading for the door

"Aye Admiral

With this Brown smiled and headed for the Turbolift he hoped that Booth will come soon he needed the Evidence and soon

Jack Martland

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 04, 2014, 04:40:54 AM

Grix looked over at T'Mautlan who was quietly and efficiently going about her duties, He was proud to see how well all the Cadets, but especially her as an engineer were coping and was glad he had decided to accept Carver's judgement.

"Captain, the engines are at full readiness and available for maximum warp if you should require it"  he then walked slowly over to tactical and stood before Martland "I apologise for my outburst earlier Lieutenant, it's just this is the third time ive put this ship back together in as many missions, I understand you were doing your job and for the good of the ship and the crew, we need towork together" Grix offered his hand to the Lieutenant.

Jack was taking aback with this change in Grix it was'nt in the Service records he read but he knew this gave him the opening he needed.

"Likewise Lieutennent" Finished Martland offering his hand and returning the handshake

Christian Grix

Quote from: Jack Martland on February 05, 2014, 03:30:39 AM

Jack was taking aback with this change in Grix it was'nt in the Service records he read but he knew this gave him the opening he needed.

"Likewise Lieutennent" Finished Martland offering his hand and returning the handshake

Grix nodded and returned to enginering, he had to work with Martland and be civil with him, it didn't mean he trusted him, but he knew the two of the arguing was dangerous for the whole crew, so he would bite his lip and keep an eye on Martland. what he really couldn't understand was if Starfleet Intelligence had a problem with him, why hadn't they just pulled him in for questioning, his unit worked for them often enough during the Dominion War.

"Cadet Syrika, how are the engines performing so far?" when this whole thing is over, i need to talk with her properly he thought as he looked at the engineering cadet. Ashayam

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