Season 14: Episode 10 - Manifest Destiny

Started by Tekin Nevir, June 08, 2022, 08:43:48 AM

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Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 28, 2022, 04:19:35 AM

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - Gannion's Store]

Gannion brought forth varying sizes of gemstones, and crystals which were seemingly calcified onto the shells of one or more local fossilized species.  Helga found the iridescent shine on some were just breath-taking.

"These are ammocites fossils.  They are found mostly in ocean caverns where the cephalopod creatures would travel to in order to find crystals and gemstones to add to their shell through their calcification ability in order to attract a mate.   They are extremely rare and presently retrieved by ocean divers and processed by hand, they are extremely valuable and highly sought after." Gannion bragged.

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Lek was taken by the crystals and knew this was exactly the sort of merchandise he was looking for, now the trick was to keep this bit of information from Gannion.

"Yes, very pleasing to the eye. I can see a market for them. Now that we have each seen each other's bona fides, I believe we are in a position to... "

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 28, 2022, 04:19:35 AM

Helga had been listening to the vendor talk about his wares, when the Klingon hybrid suddenly held up a shushing the Gannion. "Did you just hear that? Was that a scream?"

The sound had been faint, obviously having come from outside the shop. Helga didn't waste time getting confirmation from either Lek or Gannion.

"I'm going to go check it out." she stated to Lek.  Her security training and personality both urging her to determine what was going on.  She hurried outside and looked and listened for any further sign of disruption.   Across the Welcome Center, there seemed to be a gathering of people.  Helga headed in that direction.

Lek wasn't pleased to be interrupted, but knew Helga too well to say anything. He waited until she'd left before he continued.

"Please excuse my compatriot. She is an... enforcer of sorts and can't let someone in distress go. As I was about to say, I believe we are in a position to do business. I believe you crystals to have a value of 13 bars of gold pressed latinum. I can have that transferred to your account immediately if you agree. I will notify my distributors and we will work out the details for a weekly shipment if that meets with your approval."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

[Resort Complex | Shaddai IV]

Dem had not been paying attention. In a way. The moment he arrived to the injured woman, he was speechless, but did his job correctly. After administering Asinolyathin, he started to asses wounds, but still not saying a word. He knew that he was the first responder, and should be taking charge, but he was so overwhelmed with his surroundings that he had to revert to his "base programming" treat the patient, talk later. Sadly, her treatment after the initial injection was to calm her down, so he whispered in a soft voice, to do exactly that. Dem was so dazed that the questioning and phasers felt like another subspace dimension. His situation did not get better when the Cardassian medic ran up beside to help the screaming woman. Dem prized himself on having no prejudice, but it was a bit... disconcerting.

After hearing someone suggest to beam her up (he did not know who), he glanced over at the Cardassian. She did not seem keen to do anything, so Dem decided to take charge, as the first responder. He tapped his combadge once.  =/\=Hey, um transporter room, uh whatever, 3 to beam directly to sickbay please =/\=.

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Resort complex]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 02, 2022, 09:26:09 PM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Resort | Shaddai IV]

Jael reached the poor woman and helped her as best as she could, although it occurred to her that it was likely to be her first patient not associated with the ship. She felt it would be best to wait until more medical personnel, especially those who knew what they were doing, came to help. She especially perked up at mention of somebody from the Orion Snydicate.

Holy Prophets, I wish Nira was here for this, Jael thought, thinking of Nira and how she had enjoyed pursuing mysteries and often criminals when she was able to.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on August 04, 2022, 04:10:13 AM

[Resort Complex | Shaddai IV]

Dem had not been paying attention. In a way. The moment he arrived to the injured woman, he was speechless, but did his job correctly. After administering Asinolyathin, he started to asses wounds, but still not saying a word. He knew that he was the first responder, and should be taking charge, but he was so overwhelmed with his surroundings that he had to revert to his "base programming" treat the patient, talk later. Sadly, her treatment after the initial injection was to calm her down, so he whispered in a soft voice, to do exactly that. Dem was so dazed that the questioning and phasers felt like another subspace dimension. His situation did not get better when the Cardassian medic ran up beside to help the screaming woman. Dem prized himself on having no prejudice, but it was a bit... disconcerting.

After hearing someone suggest to beam her up (he did not know who), he glanced over at the Cardassian. She did not seem keen to do anything, so Dem decided to take charge, as the first responder. He tapped his combadge once.  =/\=Hey, um transporter room, uh whatever, 3 to beam directly to sickbay please =/\=.

Torra kept watch as Jael and the Bajoran worked together to provide immediate first aid treatment of the woman's minor injuries - likely gained when she tried to fight off the Orion who stolen her child.  The Grazerite hoped the medics recognized her request to send the woman to the ship was more for securing the scene than a reflection on their skills in the field.

As the transporter beam encompassed all three to take them up to the ship, Torra breathed a slight sigh of relief.  There had been the concern that the woman might have tried to draw her weapon to avoid going with the medics up to the ship.  Thankfully that hadn't happened.

Torra turned to the Commander, hunching her shoulders and dipping her head low to lessen the height difference between the two as she addressed him.  "Sir, Security on the ship should be alerted.  She may have criminal connections to the Orion Syndicate herself.  The woman had a phaser hidden under her clothes.  The transporter chief will have dealt with that, but she still might be dangerous."

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
Shaddai IV - Resort complex]

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 03, 2022, 04:17:15 AM

Gohun woke up on the floor of a hotel room. Or just a hotel room or just a room. It was hard to say. His com badge chirped Gohun awake. There was a screaming somewhere and he needed to help kidnap someone. That didn't make any sense. At that point Gohin picked himself up from the ground and drank some more. At that point a thunderous boom came from the door. Who is testing dynamite he thought? Gohun walked up to the door and realised it was only someone knocking on the door. With that he opened the door and just then noticed he was naked. This was awkward. Fortunately this was not the first time this happened as he simply acted as casual as possible and reached forward and took the note from the hotel employee.
The note read as follows "Kidnapping need help finding the victim." Ah that makes a lot of sense. Gohun considered his options at this point. Stay on shore leave or help out. Looking over at the Romulan wine Gohun made his choice. He stayed and poured himself another drink.

Uncertain as to who of the Security team or crew were actively participating in the Orion man-hunt,  Helga sent out a call prompting for folks to call in report in their location.  This way they could determine if there were gaps in their search area.
=/\="Tragnar to all crew.  Please note your location and status.  I have just checked the Resort complex - main plaza.  No sign of the kidnapper.  Will begin a door to door of the stores in the area."=/\=

[Shaddai IV -  Resort complex - Gannion's Store]

Quote from: Lek on August 03, 2022, 10:07:34 AM

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Lek was taken by the crystals and knew this was exactly the sort of merchandise he was looking for, now the trick was to keep this bit of information from Gannion.

"Yes, very pleasing to the eye. I can see a market for them. Now that we have each seen each other's bona fides, I believe we are in a position to... "

Lek wasn't pleased to be interrupted, but knew Helga too well to say anything. He waited until she'd left before he continued.

"Please excuse my compatriot. She is an... enforcer of sorts and can't let someone in distress go. As I was about to say, I believe we are in a position to do business. I believe you crystals to have a value of 13 bars of gold pressed latinum. I can have that transferred to your account immediately if you agree. I will notify my distributors and we will work out the details for a weekly shipment if that meets with your approval."

Gannion had cocked his head, listening uncertainly when Helga made comment about the scream; then watched perplexed as she left the business deal midway through.  He nodded at the explanation offered by Lek.  The proprietor seemed to relax a bit, now that the intimidating woman was not in the room.

When Lek made the initial offer, Gannion grimaced and shook his head.  "You must be joking. The crystals are easily twice that value.  Don't try to swindle me."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun looked around for his data pad. He heard it buzzing but unfortunately Gohun could not find the location. He looked under the bed. He looked under the couch. He looked under the pile of empty bottles. Finally Gohun with his head throbbing opened the freezer and found the data pad.
Turning it on Gohun saw that he had several missed messages. The last one was shore leave was cancelled until the kidnapper was found. Time for Gohun to spring into action. He took a shower and had the replicator scan his body to add the nutrients needed to stabilize his body. With that he replicated a uniform and headed to where the investigation was.


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 05, 2022, 02:25:27 AM

[Shaddai IV -  Resort complex - Gannion's Store]

Gannion had cocked his head, listening uncertainly when Helga made comment about the scream; then watched perplexed as she left the business deal midway through.  He nodded at the explanation offered by Lek.  The proprietor seemed to relax a bit, now that the intimidating woman was not in the room.

When Lek made the initial offer, Gannion grimaced and shook his head.  "You must be joking. The crystals are easily twice that value.  Don't try to swindle me."

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Lek smiled before feigning being hurt as he continued to work the deal and follow the Rules of Acquisition, especially Number 3, 'Never pay more for an acquisition than you have to' and Number 16 'A deal is a deal.'

"Swindle is such an ugly word Mister Gannion. These are negotiations. I do have operating expenses to set up for a new product line and I am the one assuming the majority of the risk. Cultural differences being what they are, you never know if there will be demand for something despite its quality. I'm prepared to offer 16 bars of latinum for your merchandise." 

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams


[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Addams was happily on the planet with his son. Yes. A son. His son was about ten years old with curly hair. His son was up to his dad's shoulders. "Come on, David," Don told his son. The name of his son was what his son decided to call himself. He placed his arm around David's shoulder because he would not want his son to wander off.

Now, he was heading to where the Starfleet crew was supposed to be, and he had followed the directions some locals told him. He was nervous as heck cause he never gave a clue that he had a son and what his wife would think. He placed his hand behind his neck, with his dark eyes scanning for any uniforms of Starfleet. Not one yet.

"Dad, where are they?" David asked.

The Shaddai IV was like Risa with fewer rules. That was good. He had told his son not to touch anything, don't run, and many other things. In the end, Don tells his son to stay near him.

"There," Don smiled as he saw Lek with another crew member. He was not sure who it was shopping for, "Come but be quiet. Don't say nothing," he told his son.

Don and his son came up with the flow of the crowd flowing here and there, and Don had a big grin on his face. He was standing there in his uniform as Lt. Commander because he was not up to being a Commander. By all cosmos, Captain Tekkin bent backward for Don to be the rank Don was at; he had hoped that not taking the Commander role would not hurt his 'father' figure, Captain. He was content being Lt Commander for now.

Dem Broadshire


[Resort Complex--Alpha medical Triage | Shaddai IV/USS Discovery]

Dem materialized out of the beam as a new person. After lamenting the missed command opportunity of the shuttle race, this was the next best thing. He winced as he thought that, as baby snatchers are never the next best thing, but did understand it was his time to shine. He looked around. This was not the layout of the main sickbay schematics, but the alpha triage. Clearly, his "œconfident" commands to the transporter room beamed him to the wrong place. "Bring her up to the biobed please".
After moving her to a bio-bed, He noticed that the woman's previous hysterical screams died down to a worried murmur. He took out is medical tricorder and started scanning around her body once more. While walking around he saw a small speck of blood on her lower torso. He picked up a small exo-scalpel, and cut a small square in her flowing robes. A small puncture wound was present, like a tiny slither of red. Scanning it again, the readings showed a 2.5cm deep would, with traces of tritianium.
=/\= "œBroadshire to away team, suspect may be carrying a small blade, no more than 1cm thick, oh, and also umm, he's most likely got a phaser anyway, so I don't really know why I am telling you this."=/\=

Shaking of his failed transmission, Dem picked up the small dermal regenerator and started to probe around the wound. The wound slowly started to close in on itself, luckily is was not that deep. Just before he was to take a final scan, the doors hissed open, and two security officers stepped inside. Dem virtually hit himself in the face, for not checking for weapons before beaming up.
He diverted his attention back to his patient. "œWhat's your name?" Dem candidly said it, disguising the fact he was legally required to do so. Questioning a woman involved with the Syndicate would not go down well. She whispered in the same voice as before
Dem questioned.

The sharpness of her response indicated that she was done with questions. Dem walked over and grabbed the PADD of the medical diagnostics counter, entering that data, and making it publicly available to the crew. Dem really did not want to do another comm mess up. He then proceeded to pick up a silver cylindrical instrument.
"ok... this is a DNA code analyzer. All I have to do is touch this instrament on you arm. I assure you this is going to help you find your baby."
He touched it on her arm slowly, and pushed the blue operation button. Dem glanced once at the screen, and froze still. After a few seconds of silent contemplation, he immediately stepped away, and walked outside the room.
=/\=Broadshire to Mackenzie, The woman here in sick bay, she is not human. She to is Orion. Her DNA test confirmed it.=/\=

Danjar-Torra Addams

NPC Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
and Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Resort complex]

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 05, 2022, 10:10:32 AM

Gohun looked around for his data pad. He heard it buzzing but unfortunately Gohun could not find the location. He looked under the bed. He looked under the couch. He looked under the pile of empty bottles. Finally Gohun with his head throbbing opened the freezer and found the data pad.
Turning it on Gohun saw that he had several missed messages. The last one was shore leave was cancelled until the kidnapper was found. Time for Gohun to spring into action. He took a shower and had the replicator scan his body to add the nutrients needed to stabilize his body. With that he replicated a uniform and headed to where the investigation was.

By the time that Gohun had joined the search, teams of Security and general crew had been organized and paired up to scour the resort and city.  "Mr. Gohun, thank you for responding promptly. Most teams had already headed out, but there are a still a few that could use a partner."

Torra looked about those still gathered and noted Jael and Torrian also still without a partner.

"Jael partner with Gohun,  Helga back them up with Torrian.  Check out if the Shaddai have any private airfields where maybe the perp could have a shuttle waiting."   Torra didn't think the Orion would attempt to leave the planet but it might be good mobile spot stash the child until he got his money - and allow him an escape should things go wrong.   If he was there the team would need to approach cautiously.

~ ~ ~
[Shaddai IV -  Resort complex - Gannion's Store]

Quote from: Lek on August 05, 2022, 10:20:47 AM

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Lek smiled before feigning being hurt as he continued to work the deal and follow the Rules of Acquisition, especially Number 3, 'Never pay more for an acquisition than you have to' and Number 16 'A deal is a deal.'

"Swindle is such an ugly word Mister Gannion. These are negotiations. I do have operating expenses to set up for a new product line and I am the one assuming the majority of the risk. Cultural differences being what they are, you never know if there will be demand for something despite its quality. I'm prepared to offer 16 bars of latinum for your merchandise." 

The absence of the tall Klingon woman seemed to make the shop owner more assured in his dealings.  "Well, these negotiations can end right here, if you think I'm going to accept anything less than what I can make off of selling them right here from my own shop. I won't consider anything less than 25 bars."
~ ~ ~

NPC Dr. Misha Sluchaynyy
[USS Discovery - Sickbay - Chief Medical Office]
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on August 05, 2022, 07:12:12 PM

[Resort Complex--Alpha medical Triage | Shaddai IV/USS Discovery]

Dem materialized out of the beam as a new person. After lamenting the missed command opportunity of the shuttle race, this was the next best thing. He winced as he thought that, as baby snatchers are never the next best thing, but did understand it was his time to shine. He looked around. This was not the layout of the main sickbay schematics, but the alpha triage. Clearly, his "œconfident" commands to the transporter room beamed him to the wrong place. "Bring her up to the biobed please".
After moving her to a bio-bed, He noticed that the woman's previous hysterical screams died down to a worried murmur. He took out is medical tricorder and started scanning around her body once more. While walking around he saw a small speck of blood on her lower torso. He picked up a small exo-scalpel, and cut a small square in her flowing robes. A small puncture wound was present, like a tiny slither of red. Scanning it again, the readings showed a 2.5cm deep would, with traces of tritianium.
=/\= "œBroadshire to away team, suspect may be carrying a small blade, no more than 1cm thick, oh, and also umm, he's most likely got a phaser anyway, so I don't really know why I am telling you this."=/\=

Shaking of his failed transmission, Dem picked up the small dermal regenerator and started to probe around the wound. The wound slowly started to close in on itself, luckily is was not that deep. Just before he was to take a final scan, the doors hissed open, and two security officers stepped inside. Dem virtually hit himself in the face, for not checking for weapons before beaming up.
He diverted his attention back to his patient. "œWhat's your name?" Dem candidly said it, disguising the fact he was legally required to do so. Questioning a woman involved with the Syndicate would not go down well. She whispered in the same voice as before
Dem questioned.

The sharpness of her response indicated that she was done with questions. Dem walked over and grabbed the PADD of the medical diagnostics counter, entering that data, and making it publicly available to the crew. Dem really did not want to do another comm mess up. He then proceeded to pick up a silver cylindrical instrument.
"ok... this is a DNA code analyzer. All I have to do is touch this instrament on you arm. I assure you this is going to help you find your baby."
He touched it on her arm slowly, and pushed the blue operation button. Dem glanced once at the screen, and froze still. After a few seconds of silent contemplation, he immediately stepped away, and walked outside the room.
=/\=Broadshire to Mackenzie, The woman here in sick bay, she is not human. She to is Orion. Her DNA test confirmed it.=/\=

Dr. Sluchaynyy observed the activities of the junior officer from the chief's office, while Dr. Broadshire treated the patient.  Sluchaynyy was Acting Chief while Dr. Thane attended a medical conference.

He noted that the Bajoran doctor had started off a bit awkwardly but by the end of the treatment had shown more professionalism.  The elderly Russian smiled to himself before stepping out of his office to double check Broadshire's claims.

Where Broadshire had used the DNA code analyzer to read the woman's code, a few taps to the biobed's display, provided the same information to the senior physician.   Hmm... Interesting.

He waited for the Bajoran doctor to return.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 06, 2022, 11:59:19 AM

[Shaddai IV -  Resort complex - Gannion's Store]

The absence of the tall Klingon woman seemed to make the shop owner more assured in his dealings.  "Well, these negotiations can end right here, if you think I'm going to accept anything less than what I can make off of selling them right here from my own shop. I won't consider anything less than 25 bars."

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Lek considered Gannion's offer and knew that 25 bars represented more than eighty percent of his entire fortune. A drawback of joining Starfleet had severely restricted, as in completely precluded, his acquisition of wealth. However, regardless of not having a lot of profit, he still had the instincts of a Ferengi and this was one of the finest opportunities a merchant could ever have the chance to obtain, namely, to be the very first person to establish a monopoly for an entirely new market. Gannion, was just playing his part as he had to, just as Lek had his part to play.

"Twenty bars and we not only have a deal, but you have a monopoly. A once in a lifetime opportunity that is infinitely more valuable than five bars of gold pressed latinum, which I know you know. Do we have a deal?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams

NPC Gannion (shop owner)
[Shaddai IV - Gannion's Store]

Not long after Lek and Gannion began their negotiations, the store clerk lightly tapped on the office door and interrupted, explaining hurriedly that she had to leave to check on her son.  She'd heard rumor of an Amber Alert and couldn't risk that her child might be in danger.   She left without waiting for Gannion's response.

With a sigh the store owner motioned Lek to follow him out into the store front to finish their conversation.  He listened to the Ferengi's counter offer.

Quote from: Lek on August 06, 2022, 03:43:59 PM

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Lek considered Gannion's offer and knew that 25 bars represented more than eighty percent of his entire fortune. A drawback of joining Starfleet had severely restricted, as in completely precluded, his acquisition of wealth. However, regardless of not having a lot of profit, he still had the instincts of a Ferengi and this was one of the finest opportunities a merchant could ever have the chance to obtain, namely, to be the very first person to establish a monopoly for an entirely new market. Gannion, was just playing his part as he had to, just as Lek had his part to play.

"Twenty bars and we not only have a deal, but you have a monopoly. A once in a lifetime opportunity that is infinitely more valuable than five bars of gold pressed latinum, which I know you know. Do we have a deal?"

The shop owner considered the offer for a long moment.  While he was considering, Gannion noted that behind Lek customers, a man and a boy, were entering the shop.  While he had been hoping for the full twenty-five - twenty was acceptable.

"For twenty bars of latinum... yes, we have a deal." Gannion answered before excusing himself to attend to his customers.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 08, 2022, 01:26:17 AM

NPC Gannion (shop owner)
[Shaddai IV - Gannion's Store]

Not long after Lek and Gannion began their negotiations, the store clerk lightly tapped on the office door and interrupted, explaining hurriedly that she had to leave to check on her son.  She'd heard rumor of an Amber Alert and couldn't risk that her child might be in danger.   She left without waiting for Gannion's response.

With a sigh the store owner motioned Lek to follow him out into the store front to finish their conversation.  He listened to the Ferengi's counter offer.

The shop owner considered the offer for a long moment.  While he was considering, Gannion noted that behind Lek customers, a man and a boy, were entering the shop.  While he had been hoping for the full twenty-five - twenty was acceptable.

"For twenty bars of latinum... yes, we have a deal." Gannion answered before excusing himself to attend to his customers.

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

Lek beamed with pleasure and stood to exit the back office, as they walked, he wanted to reassure Gannion before he left.

"This is a remarkable opportunity Mister Gannion. If these crystals of yours are as well received as I believe they will be, we stand to make not only substantial profit, but on a sustained basis."

Lek took possession of the crystals Gannion had shown him and as he exited the store he was giddy. He'd done it. He'd negotiated an actual profitable deal that would set him up for life. Which caused a momentary frown as he knew as a member of Starfleet he didn't need money, but despite living around Federation citizens for the better part of a dozen years, that didn't make him one cubic millimeter less of a Ferengi.

"I am rich."

He said out loud just to hear the words as he spun around in excitement, before shouting.


It was only then that he remembered Helga running off to deal with some issue. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to Helga, what is your location? I have big news!" =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams

[Shaddai IV - Gannion's Store]

Don Addams was walking alongside his son David. He was up to his shoulders and had small horns of a Grazeritte and some other characteristic. They were in civilian clothes, not on duty yet, but he saw a familiar Ferengi who was excited that he was rich.

"Come along, my son," he said. He was happy he had a son, which made him feel complete. The man knew that would bring many questions, and he was still unsure.

"You rich? What did you do, Commander," Don said as he came up from a few feet with his arms crossed, and his son went right behind him. The boy was peaking his head behind his father


Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 08, 2022, 09:12:27 PM

[Shaddai IV - Gannion's Store]

Don Addams was walking alongside his son David. He was up to his shoulders and had small horns of a Grazeritte and some other characteristic. They were in civilian clothes, not on duty yet, but he saw a familiar Ferengi who was excited that he was rich.

"Come along, my son," he said. He was happy he had a son, which made him feel complete. The man knew that would bring many questions, and he was still unsure.

"You rich? What did you do, Commander," Don said as he came up from a few feet with his arms crossed, and his son went right behind him. The boy was peaking his head behind his father

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Lek was startled by the voice recognized but hadn't heard in several months and when he turned, his guess proved to be correct.

"Commander Addams! Are you back? We'd heard you'd taken some time off, where have you been? Who is this young man?"

Lek was truly pleased to see the pilot and asking several questions of him allowed for dodging the human's question as well.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

[Alpha medical Triage | USS Discovery]

The moment Dem stepped back in the room, Seles screamed. Really screamed. Something Dem must have said must of triggered this response, but he didn't think that she heard what he told the commander behind closed doors. The moment her hand connected with the medical tray- kicking medical instruments across the floor with a clatter- the two security officers step forwards. Dem quickly cautioned them of, not needing to escalate the situation. She turned and started to stare at Dem.
"œYou did this"¦ YOU stole my child"
"œI assure you, Seles, that I did not take your child. We are actively looking for the kidnapper right now."
He took a couple paces back, before subtly whispering to the computer to erect a level 4 force field. Better to be safe than sorry.

After the orange shimmer of the field faded away to regular air, that is until our now unsuspecting prisoner walks into it in anger, Dem took a couple steps back in line with the Acting chief medical officer. He was thinking of asking it directly: Can you help me? Please? Before taking a more subtle approach. A small wall mounted panel was nearby. Dem decided to access the force field control settings.
Electromagnetic composition at 72% per square cm.
Dem let out a sigh of agreement, a sound that signals that his false job is done. He discreetly walked over to the Lieutenant, and stated quietly
"œSo, ammm, do you want to step in with anything, anything I can improve? What should we do about the Deoxyribonucleic acid spectral analysis? (Dem decided to use the full name of the DNA test in order to make sure his new Orion friend did not feel suspicious of her doctors).

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Lek on August 09, 2022, 10:53:41 AM

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Lek was startled by the voice recognized but hadn't heard in several months and when he turned, his guess proved to be correct.

"Commander Addams! Are you back? We'd heard you'd taken some time off, where have you been? Who is this young man?"

Lek was truly pleased to see the pilot and asking several questions of him allowed for dodging the human's question as well.

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

"Yes, sir, I am back and miss my loving wife and the Discovery," he replied. "Unless you want me to go back, Torra might be sad, and I do miss my wife. You think the Captain allows me back and a plus one?" Don had turned around, and his son followed his back. "Now, David, don't be shy. Lek part of Starfleet."

David poked his head behind his dad's back. "H-hi." He said to the person about his size. His eyes had a doe look with a human variant to them""the little one shaking a bit.

"And I had my son a bit. You learn a few things. As dodging questions," he smiled. "So. What is this about being rich? Well. It is in your blood and ears. You're not going take your investment and move on?" He asked.

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.