Season 14: Episode 10 - Manifest Destiny

Started by Tekin Nevir, June 08, 2022, 08:43:48 AM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 13, 2022, 12:00:53 AM

:: Transporter room | USS Discovery ::

He briefly considered not doing it, but then if something happened on the mission, they'd be up a fould smelling creek with fancy clothes and no paddle. So he tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Sheram. Put on yer dress whites and come down tae the transporter room the now. You'll be goin down with us tae the planet. Bring yer medical kit."

It was anathema to his whole being to have a doctor join them, but then the Vulcans did have a saying on that, which he couldn't argue with, at least not honestly. plus he figured he'd get to observe the Cardassian Ensign up close and see what she was about. So he supposed it was ok to break with personal policy the one time.

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Sickbay >- Transporter Room | Deck Nine >- Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael was quite surprised at the sound of the First Officer's voice. She couldn't tell who had a...unique accent, Commander MacKenzie or Captain Galloway. Except it was a younger voice. She had seen Commander Mackenzie once or twice from a distance, and Jael was very surprised at how...young he looked. She wondered momentarily if she was looking at an El-Aurian; given their reputation for slow aging, she wondered if this was someone who looked to be in his teens when his real age was seventy-five.

And if he was calling her down and asking her for wearing meant dress uniforms, and it meant some kind of diplomatic function or party. She hesitated for a moment; the last diplomatic party she attended, it was to the Nori when she was on the Challenger, a race whose aristocrats were willing to party even to their worlds' end, essentially making Cardassia look like pre-revolution France. Jael hated the Nori entirely for that.

On the other hand, whoever the party was going to meet, chances were, they were not going to be Nori. And Commander Mackenzie did ask for a medical kit.

"On my way," replied Jael, and thus she assembled her medical kit and then grabbed her uniform.

She arrived at the transporter room with the party beaming down, though she was surprised to see Gid at the transporter controls. Gid only smiled and said, "Oh, believe it or not, this happened to have been the transporter room assigned for my shift."

Jael shrugged and looked at Commander Mackenzie. The more and up close she looked, the more younger he looked. She realized that there were senior officers on hand, and one of them was Captain Tekin. But, naturally, if something happened below, at least she'll be able to help.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was ready. He had sunscreen on and was ready to go plannet side when he was summoned to the bridge. Looking over the bottles of alcohol Gohun knew that he would have a chance to do this later. He had training to do to become an officer. Being put on tactical means that they trust him with all defensive systems are under the purview of Tactical (shields, phasers, photons, etc.)Additionally, Tactical scans and delivers information on every vessels it encounters. This officer's primary responsibility is to communicate with the Security Officer. He was excited to be working but at the same time he has not taken leave in five years. But his training to be an officer starts here.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 12, 2022, 11:11:59 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

As expected Lek arrived with his usual look but it may have been Hrafn's imagination but the Ferengi chief looked even more put out than normal.

"Nice to see you again Chief Lek.  When we get back I'd like to discuss with you the possibility of giving my son, Tidu some engineering challenges.  He's particularly interested in following a Starfleet career in the department and has some talent in that direction."  She anticipated his grumbles.  "I promise you can shove him in a broom cupboard with some circuit board that should never work again and he'll be happy... he'll keep out of your way and if he doesn't you have full permission to send him on hull checking duty or something!" she gave him a kindly smile.  She only knew one other Engineer that might have a similar level of skill as Lek and that was her friend Spots Dorran.

Lek entered the bridge with a quick nod to the captain, but didn't say anything. He knew the gist of the mission was diplomatic and was certain that when things went bad, he would have to come up with some off the bulkhead plan to save the away team from some hideous fate. The only question was when the mission go wrong.

"We can discuss it when you get back."

He replied to Hrafn as he took the command chair. He then tuned out all the distractions on the bridge by configuring the chair's readouts to reflect what he considered important.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

[Deck 1 to Deck 6 - Bridge to Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

The Captain smirked at his wife as they walked off the bridge, after he nodded to Lek as the Ferengi stepped onto the Bridge to take the hot seat.  He waited until the doors closed and the lift moved to smirk.

"I honestly didn't expect him to get here so fast.  Maybe there is a bit of Captain Nog in him." he stated, as the away team went their separate ways to get ready.  In truth, the Captain debated actually putting on the whites, but this was a formal diplomatic meeting, so he might as well show the honor given to him.  It wasn't exactly First Contact, but it was close.

As the Captain headed for the Transporter Room, the young Transporter Chief straightened up upon his entrance, and the Captain looked between the Chief and Kyan.  Almost as if he already knew.  Instead, the Captain took his place on the Transporter pad, and waited for the rest to take their place.  He was about to speak when Jael walked in, and he said nothing.  Probably would be a good idea to have medical on hand.

"Alright, everybody ready?  Smile.  Energize." he joked, as the Chief started the de-atomization of their bodies.

[The Concierge Building - Shaddai IV]

For a moment, as his eyes rematerialized, the Captain thought he was on a Starfleet facility, until he noticed that it was just the design of the room they beamed into; the coordinates that they were given.  He raised his eyebrows as he surveyed the room; the first Federation team on Shaddai IV.  It didn't take long for him to lock eyes with the same man they spoke to on the viewscreen.

"Ah!  Welcome welcome!  You look so stuffy in there.  Let's make this fast so you can get more comfortable." Yveey exclaimed, as he showed more jubilance than the Captain had seen in years.  With not much more he could do, Nevir nodded to the away team as he stepped towards the man.

"Captain Tekin Nevir right?  Welcome welcome to Shaddai!  The biggest resort in the Beta Quadrant...or at least it will be.  Oh Captain it is such an honor and wonder for you to join us. And you brought family!"

The Captain raised his hand to stop him, mostly as he saw Yveey's eyes go from him to Hrafn to Kyan.

"Actually, most of us are coworkers.  This is First Officer Commander Kyan Mackenzie, Chief of Security Kyle Briggs, Ensign Jael Sheeran, and Chief Science Officer  Hrafn Falleq-Tekin."

"Oh... oh!  I see.  Well.. come, come.  Let us meet with the council!" he said, as he started to lead the away crew.  The Captain remained silent, just looking around at what was obviously designed as a welcoming interior... more akin to a hotel lobby than a governmental building.

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Bridge]

Things were quiet on the Bridge after the Captain left.  Gohun had taken over the Sec/Tac console and Lek was sitting in the Captain's chair.  He looked quite small in it compared to Captain Tekin.  Beside her, at the helm, was Petty Officer Graham.  The young man had been her husband's favorite junior pilot - especially after the T'hunga had implanted memories of the young man being Don's son.

It was only weeks later after that mission, when Don would plan special training with Crewman Graham, that Torra realized that subconsciously Don had still be treating the man somewhat like a son.  The realization had bothered Torra at first.  If he was still feeling that way towards the 'son', what might he still feel for the 'wife' he'd lost in those implanted memories.  Had his feeling towards her, his current wife, changed?  Torra believed it was because of these lingering memories and feelings that Don had first accepted the promotion to First Officer on the Challenger a few months ago... and was had prompted Don to decide to take some time away now.  Last she'd heard he had left Starbase 157 in the Martha to 'find himself'.   Torra didn't really understand what that meant but believing it was what he felt he needed, she supported his decision.

However, that left her feeling rather alone.  Maybe he would have stayed if she'd been more attentive?  Or if she'd been more involved in his 'other life' with Petty Officer Graham?  She wondered if the flight crewman also had trouble differentiating between T'hunga implanted memories and his real life?  She glanced towards the Petty Officer, and gave the young man a slight smile.  She found his presence comforting at the moment.  He was one of the few connections she had with her husband at the moment.

"Petty Officer Graham, I was wondering if maybe after our shift if you might be interested in spending some time in the holodeck?"

With Don's help Torra had adapted a copy of the Flying Tigers program and removed the aerial battle sequences so that it was more of a flight training program.  Something that Torra could participate in - learning how to fly the P-40B Tomahawk but without the gunfire and violence.  She hoped that Petty Officer Graham would agree to joining her on this.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on June 12, 2022, 02:39:00 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]
Kyle blushed.

"You're absolutely right." he began with his cheeks red from embarrassment. It had been an eternity since he'd last seen Hrafn. "I apologize. It's great to see you again, Commander. How have you and the little ones been?" he asked before the Captain finished his orders.

Now he had to go get into his dress whites. He hadn't wore them in quite a while. He slapped his comm as he stepped into the lift.

=/\=Briggs to Gohun. I need you to report to the Bridge and man the Tactical station while I'm planet side. Briggs out. =/\=

[Bridge - USS Discovery A little while previously]

Hrafn waved away Kyle's embarrassment with a smile and a little wave of her hand.  "Well, it's been eventful to say the least.  You'll have to come to dinner sometime and we'll get all the miscreants to gang mob you with hugs.  Ruthie, Nerys and Tidu will remember you at least.  Not sure if Lamar shall!" she said with a smile.  "Either way we need a catch up, I presume you can find your way to the CSO's office too... If I'm not here, in my quarters, you'll find me there!"

Quote from: Lek on June 13, 2022, 11:37:20 AM

Lek entered the bridge with a quick nod to the captain, but didn't say anything. He knew the gist of the mission was diplomatic and was certain that when things went bad, he would have to come up with some off the bulkhead plan to save the away team from some hideous fate. The only question was when the mission go wrong.

"We can discuss it when you get back."

He replied to Hrafn as he took the command chair. He then tuned out all the distractions on the bridge by configuring the chair's readouts to reflect what he considered important.

Hrafn nodded appreciatively at Lek and gave him a grateful smile.  She actually liked the Ferengi for all his gruffness.  She'd have to keep Lamar out of his way for a while in case the 'Nellyfant Ears' comment came out!
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 14, 2022, 11:49:17 AM

[Deck 1 to Deck 6 - Bridge to Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

The Captain smirked at his wife as they walked off the bridge, after he nodded to Lek as the Ferengi stepped onto the Bridge to take the hot seat.  He waited until the doors closed and the lift moved to smirk.

"I honestly didn't expect him to get here so fast.  Maybe there is a bit of Captain Nog in him." he stated, as the away team went their separate ways to get ready.  In truth, the Captain debated actually putting on the whites, but this was a formal diplomatic meeting, so he might as well show the honor given to him.  It wasn't exactly First Contact, but it was close.

"Who knows with Lek... he's efficient and keeps the Discovery flying so we'll happily put up with any eccentricities!  If he helps our Tids become a decent engineer, it's all to the good." she replied with a smile.
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on June 12, 2022, 02:39:00 PM

He reached his quarters and quickly changed. With a last glance in the mirror, he exited and made his way to the Transporter Room where he found the XO and Hrafn already waiting. Noe they just needed Tekin.

"RHIP." Kyle joked with a grin.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 13, 2022, 12:00:53 AM

:: Transporter room | USS Discovery ::

"And it's not me birthday suit I'd be after wearing when ye put me back together so!" he clarified. "I got on some swimming shorts under this. So as tae be prepared for the pool. So if ye could work around those...."

The transporter Chief was about to expand on the bio filter and the transporters in general when Hrafn came strolling in... ruining what no doubt would have materialized into a solid way of ditching his space waiter outfit. After all, Transporter accidents were responsible for any number of calamities over the years, including trips to the mirror universe, cloning, two people fusing into one person, grups turning into kids (and back) and so on and so on. Surely, at least in Kyan's estimation, they could manage to "misplace" his dress whites mid stream.

Kyan turned around to face his former Katra comrade... perhaps a little quicker than he'd have done normally, since she was correct in assuming his motives. "It's here, and on me, the which I'm after investigatin since someone put it in me closet before I even got tae the ship!" he replied. "And nothin. Dinnae worry yerself over it." he smiled. It was probably her! Them poor kids. he thought, recalling Hrafn's bunch. Probably don't get nothing past her!

As luck would have it, they were soon joined by Briggs, which presented a chance to table the topic of his dress whites, and any alleged plot to be rid of them. Kyan didn't understand his greeting though. "RHIP?" he repeated. "Is that one of those new acronyms? Red Heads in person?" he shrugged, dismissing it. He had other things on his mind anyway... "Also... did ye bring a phaser?" he asked casually. "Just in case the locals are after pulling some hijinx? I cannae fit one in this monkey suit, so I only got me knife."

Before Briggs could reply, another thing occured to him, which hadn't before... and he wished hadn't this time either. He briefly considered not doing it, but then if something happened on the mission, they'd be up a fould smelling creek with fancy clothes and no paddle. So he tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Sheram. Put on yer dress whites and come down tae the transporter room the now. You'll be goin down with us tae the planet. Bring yer medical kit."

It was anathema to his whole being to have a doctor join them, but then the Vulcans did have a saying on that, which he couldn't argue with, at least not honestly. plus he figured he'd get to observe the Cardassian Ensign up close and see what she was about. So he supposed it was ok to break with personal policy the one time.

[Transporter Room - Present]

Hrafn shook her head eyes dancing with mirth first at Kyle then at Kyan. "Rank has it's privileges, Kyan! Although I like your version too.  It's certainly accurate, more than wearing the BC-Suit is a 'privilege'... I mean it is sort of, as in ... oh you know, you've both been Captains, but why do they..." she fingered her collar again.  "So bloody uncomfortable.  A hair shirt might be preferable.  Least some of us have the figure for it!" she said striking a pose that a Supermodel would be proud of.  4 kids, 3 pregnancies hadn't ruined her figure.

The Transporter chief looked like his eyes would pop out of his head, mouth hanging open.

"Chief, eyes back in head please.  I've known these gentlemen personally a long time, served with them a long time husband is your boss..." Hrafn said with a wink to show she was just teasing.

"Oh Kyan great idea about the medic... Commander Gung-Ho here..." she said jerking her head in Kyle's direction, "...brilliant in combat but has this habit of sacrificing himself for beautiful redheads...and before you say it, I mean me... even if you do look great in swimming trunks!"

She was so glad that if they had to move from Katra it was to the Discovery, where she was with her husband, close friends and people she knew she could rely on no matter what.  Her only worry was the children.  Maybe they should have left them on New Bajor...but Nevir had been without them so long.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on June 13, 2022, 07:57:54 AM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Sickbay >- Transporter Room | Deck Nine >- Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael was quite surprised at the sound of the First Officer's voice. She couldn't tell who had a...unique accent, Commander MacKenzie or Captain Galloway. Except it was a younger voice. She had seen Commander Mackenzie once or twice from a distance, and Jael was very surprised at how...young he looked. She wondered momentarily if she was looking at an El-Aurian; given their reputation for slow aging, she wondered if this was someone who looked to be in his teens when his real age was seventy-five.

And if he was calling her down and asking her for wearing meant dress uniforms, and it meant some kind of diplomatic function or party. She hesitated for a moment; the last diplomatic party she attended, it was to the Nori when she was on the Challenger, a race whose aristocrats were willing to party even to their worlds' end, essentially making Cardassia look like pre-revolution France. Jael hated the Nori entirely for that.

On the other hand, whoever the party was going to meet, chances were, they were not going to be Nori. And Commander Mackenzie did ask for a medical kit.

"On my way," replied Jael, and thus she assembled her medical kit and then grabbed her uniform.

She arrived at the transporter room with the party beaming down, though she was surprised to see Gid at the transporter controls. Gid only smiled and said, "Oh, believe it or not, this happened to have been the transporter room assigned for my shift."

Jael shrugged and looked at Commander Mackenzie. The more and up close she looked, the more younger he looked. She realized that there were senior officers on hand, and one of them was Captain Tekin. But, naturally, if something happened below, at least she'll be able to help.

Hrafn being the friendly type walked over to Jael and stuck out a hand.  "I don't believe we've been introduced yet, I'm the CSO, Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, and yes, Captain Tekin is my husband.  I believe we might see a fair bit of each other since I have 3 young children aboard, and the youngest especially is accident prone so either myself, especially if Lamar is being clingy, or our Nanny Crista or her fiance James would be fetching them.  Forgive me for saying but it's unusual to find a Cardassian in the medical profession but I for one am glad to see it!"

She smiled and looked where Jael had been, at Kyan. Whispering she said "You should see him out of uniform in civvies, rolling around on the floor with my children climbing all over him, I often just yell at all of them, him included, to get up and stop with the horseplay... it's difficult sometimes to think of him as an adult and to be respected.  A lot easier in uniform and he was my CO over on Katra so believe me, he is more than capable and when the Scottish temper comes through you'll believe it trust me!"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 14, 2022, 11:49:17 AM

[Deck 1 to Deck 6 - Bridge to Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

As the Captain headed for the Transporter Room, the young Transporter Chief straightened up upon his entrance, and the Captain looked between the Chief and Kyan.  Almost as if he already knew.  Instead, the Captain took his place on the Transporter pad, and waited for the rest to take their place.  He was about to speak when Jael walked in, and he said nothing.  Probably would be a good idea to have medical on hand.

"Alright, everybody ready?  Smile.  Energize." he joked, as the Chief started the de-atomization of their bodies. 

"Ready as I'll ever be in the straight jacket!" she joked but smiled at her husband.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 14, 2022, 11:49:17 AM

[Deck 1 to Deck 6 - Bridge to Transporter Room - USS Discovery]
[The Concierge Building - Shaddai IV]

For a moment, as his eyes rematerialized, the Captain thought he was on a Starfleet facility, until he noticed that it was just the design of the room they beamed into; the coordinates that they were given.  He raised his eyebrows as he surveyed the room; the first Federation team on Shaddai IV.  It didn't take long for him to lock eyes with the same man they spoke to on the viewscreen.

"Ah!  Welcome welcome!  You look so stuffy in there.  Let's make this fast so you can get more comfortable." Yveey exclaimed, as he showed more jubilance than the Captain had seen in years.  With not much more he could do, Nevir nodded to the away team as he stepped towards the man.

"Captain Tekin Nevir right?  Welcome welcome to Shaddai!  The biggest resort in the Beta Quadrant...or at least it will be.  Oh Captain it is such an honor and wonder for you to join us. And you brought family!"

The Captain raised his hand to stop him, mostly as he saw Yveey's eyes go from him to Hrafn to Kyan.

"Actually, most of us are coworkers.  This is First Officer Commander Kyan Mackenzie, Chief of Security Kyle Briggs, Ensign Jael Sheeran, and Chief Science Officer  Hrafn Falleq-Tekin."

"Oh... oh!  I see.  Well.. come, come.  Let us meet with the council!" he said, as he started to lead the away crew.  The Captain remained silent, just looking around at what was obviously designed as a welcoming interior... more akin to a hotel lobby than a governmental building.

Hrafn had to smother a laugh when the gentleman before them assumed that Kyan was family, and she raised her eyebrows with merriment at both Kyan, Kyle and Jael given that what they had been discussing privately.

Bending and whispering in Kyan's ear she said "Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't call you 'son'!"

Then bending the other way, albeit not as far, she spoke to Jael quietly "If he thought that we are family or more particularly Captain Nevir, while I, nor he have absolutely no animosity towards Cardassians despite some personal history I'll fill you in on over a drink back on the Discovery if you are open to that, history between Cardassians and Bajorans ...well, you know!" she ended with a sad shrug and a sorrowful smile.  She smiled a little more brightly and gave Jael's shoulder a quick squeeze.

"I have to say..." she said brightly to the man leading them to meet the 'council', "...the decor here is wonderful, light, airy and welcoming." she smiled, hoping that was enough of a compliment to keep the host happy.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Kyan Mackenzie

:: The Concierge Building | Shaddai IV ::

A good thing... one of a littany of good things in Kyan's reckoning, about being ten years old for as long as he had been, was the way most adults took him at face value. They were mostly correct of course. He was physiologically ten. But where they erred was the oft repeated assumption that he wasn't aware of what they were doing. He'd grown accustomed to being "handled" as it were. "Here. Here's this shiny new thing. Now do what I want." Most of the time it worked. Who turns down shiny new things after all? He certainly didn't.

Of course he'd spent a good deal of time working with Ferengi too, who didn't bother with all the boring preliminaries. They just bribed you and got on with it. Kyan respected that. Of course he couldn't say that he minded being handled from time to time. Sometimes you got some pretty good stuff out of the deal. That's how he'd gotten his first edition Kor, Koloth, and Kang action figures after all.

Each time Doctor Phil from the hospital on Miri's Planet put him with a new set of "parents" they'd done it too. The red carpet was rolled out, and it looked like a toy store threw up in their house. Every. Single. Time. Of course when their desired result didn't pan out, things veered off the lollipop path and onto a highway to a different place. That was how grownups were though. And it didn't change from species to species. They all did it. They even did it to one another.

Which is exactly what Kyan saw happening here. Yveey was "handling" them. The only question left to answer was... what did he want in return? Was this just a simple business pitch, or was there a different "ask" in the offing. They have to wait and see he expected. After all, you couldn't very well come out asking for things before the guests had even gotten to sample the wares.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg

Bending and whispering in Kyan's ear she said "Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't call you 'son'!"

Kyan almost didn't notice Hrafn as he was taking in the "lobby". He turned back toward her with a grin. "And I'll nae be callin you "granny Hfranny."

As they walked through the building, Kyan finally found a benign question to ask their host. "So Mister Yveey, what kinds of activites can folks do here? D'ye have places for swimming and games and the like?"

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 14, 2022, 11:49:17 AM

[Deck 1 to Deck 6 - Bridge to Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

The Captain smirked at his wife as they walked off the bridge, after he nodded to Lek as the Ferengi stepped onto the Bridge to take the hot seat.  He waited until the doors closed and the lift moved to smirk.

"I honestly didn't expect him to get here so fast.  Maybe there is a bit of Captain Nog in him." he stated, as the away team went their separate ways to get ready.  In truth, the Captain debated actually putting on the whites, but this was a formal diplomatic meeting, so he might as well show the honor given to him.  It wasn't exactly First Contact, but it was close.

As the Captain headed for the Transporter Room, the young Transporter Chief straightened up upon his entrance, and the Captain looked between the Chief and Kyan.  Almost as if he already knew.  Instead, the Captain took his place on the Transporter pad, and waited for the rest to take their place.  He was about to speak when Jael walked in, and he said nothing.  Probably would be a good idea to have medical on hand.

"Alright, everybody ready?  Smile.  Energize." he joked, as the Chief started the de-atomization of their bodies.

[The Concierge Building - Shaddai IV]

For a moment, as his eyes rematerialized, the Captain thought he was on a Starfleet facility, until he noticed that it was just the design of the room they beamed into; the coordinates that they were given.  He raised his eyebrows as he surveyed the room; the first Federation team on Shaddai IV.  It didn't take long for him to lock eyes with the same man they spoke to on the viewscreen.

"Ah!  Welcome welcome!  You look so stuffy in there.  Let's make this fast so you can get more comfortable." Yveey exclaimed, as he showed more jubilance than the Captain had seen in years.  With not much more he could do, Nevir nodded to the away team as he stepped towards the man.

"Captain Tekin Nevir right?  Welcome welcome to Shaddai!  The biggest resort in the Beta Quadrant...or at least it will be.  Oh Captain it is such an honor and wonder for you to join us. And you brought family!"

The Captain raised his hand to stop him, mostly as he saw Yveey's eyes go from him to Hrafn to Kyan.

"Actually, most of us are coworkers.  This is First Officer Commander Kyan Mackenzie, Chief of Security Kyle Briggs, Ensign Jael Sheeran, and Chief Science Officer  Hrafn Falleq-Tekin."

"Oh... oh!  I see.  Well.. come, come.  Let us meet with the council!" he said, as he started to lead the away crew.  The Captain remained silent, just looking around at what was obviously designed as a welcoming interior... more akin to a hotel lobby than a governmental building.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 15, 2022, 07:18:35 AM

[Transporter Room - Present]

Hrafn shook her head eyes dancing with mirth first at Kyle then at Kyan. "Rank has it's privileges, Kyan! Although I like your version too.  It's certainly accurate, more than wearing the BC-Suit is a 'privilege'... I mean it is sort of, as in ... oh you know, you've both been Captains, but why do they..." she fingered her collar again.  "So bloody uncomfortable.  A hair shirt might be preferable.  Least some of us have the figure for it!" she said striking a pose that a Supermodel would be proud of.  4 kids, 3 pregnancies hadn't ruined her figure.

The Transporter chief looked like his eyes would pop out of his head, mouth hanging open.

"Chief, eyes back in head please.  I've known these gentlemen personally a long time, served with them a long time husband is your boss..." Hrafn said with a wink to show she was just teasing.

"Oh Kyan great idea about the medic... Commander Gung-Ho here..." she said jerking her head in Kyle's direction, "...brilliant in combat but has this habit of sacrificing himself for beautiful redheads...and before you say it, I mean me... even if you do look great in swimming trunks!"

She was so glad that if they had to move from Katra it was to the Discovery, where she was with her husband, close friends and people she knew she could rely on no matter what.  Her only worry was the children.  Maybe they should have left them on New Bajor...but Nevir had been without them so long.

Hrafn being the friendly type walked over to Jael and stuck out a hand.  "I don't believe we've been introduced yet, I'm the CSO, Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, and yes, Captain Tekin is my husband.  I believe we might see a fair bit of each other since I have 3 young children aboard, and the youngest especially is accident prone so either myself, especially if Lamar is being clingy, or our Nanny Crista or her fiance James would be fetching them.  Forgive me for saying but it's unusual to find a Cardassian in the medical profession but I for one am glad to see it!"

She smiled and looked where Jael had been, at Kyan. Whispering she said "You should see him out of uniform in civvies, rolling around on the floor with my children climbing all over him, I often just yell at all of them, him included, to get up and stop with the horseplay... it's difficult sometimes to think of him as an adult and to be respected.  A lot easier in uniform and he was my CO over on Katra so believe me, he is more than capable and when the Scottish temper comes through you'll believe it trust me!"

"Ready as I'll ever be in the straight jacket!" she joked but smiled at her husband.

Hrafn had to smother a laugh when the gentleman before them assumed that Kyan was family, and she raised her eyebrows with merriment at both Kyan, Kyle and Jael given that what they had been discussing privately.

Bending and whispering in Kyan's ear she said "Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't call you 'son'!"

Then bending the other way, albeit not as far, she spoke to Jael quietly "If he thought that we are family or more particularly Captain Nevir, while I, nor he have absolutely no animosity towards Cardassians despite some personal history I'll fill you in on over a drink back on the Discovery if you are open to that, history between Cardassians and Bajorans ...well, you know!" she ended with a sad shrug and a sorrowful smile.  She smiled a little more brightly and gave Jael's shoulder a quick squeeze.

"I have to say..." she said brightly to the man leading them to meet the 'council', "...the decor here is wonderful, light, airy and welcoming." she smiled, hoping that was enough of a compliment to keep the host happy.

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | The Concierge Building | Shaddai IV]

Jael was still nervous to be around Captain Tekin, even as they beamed into an impressive looking facility. But even then, Jael was uneasy; the last time she had been in such a building, it was with a bunch of bureaucrats with sticks up their butts who were pompous to the point that Jael felt her own people would hand their butts back to them. But the Shaddai people weren't the Nori, it looked like.

Jael perked in gentle surprise at Captain Tekin's mispronouncing her name. She remembered how it would have been mispronounced, but it was such a long time since she last heard a mispronunciation. In the past, she never minded her surname being mispronounced; in a way, it made her feel like there won't be any connection with Gul Nehor Sherem, now on the run and with a reputation rivaled only by Krell Moset in brutality, Occupation as one of Dukat's underlings or Dominion War as head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau or otherwise. Since her graduation, she tried to correct the pronunciation when she can, given she was sure that the chances of meeting people who heard of her father was miniscule to zero. In point of fact, by her graduation, the name Nehor Sherem had more reputation to obscurity than infamy. Thus far, she met only one person who knew him, and that was the Bajoran guard who beat her when she was enslaved to a chain gang before coming to Starbase 157 and helping Challenger find Discovery.

Jael sauntered silently behind Captain Tekin, cleared her throat quietly, and whispered in his ear, "It's actually Sherem." And she began praying to the Prophets that he didn't know the name.

She heard the whisper of Tekin's wife, Commander Falleg, was it? She was introduced to her and was quite startled by her description of her duty...? She felt a brief spasm of relief that Captain Tekin would have no animosity toward Cardassians, but she still felt wary.

"Of course, Commander," said Jael. "And I would like to apologize if I's just that the last middle-aged Bajoran man I met beat me nearly to death when I, and the previous away team I had joined, were enslaved in a chain gang by some defiant Federation miners. Of course, they all weren't Bajorans, but this man in particular...he used to be one of my...father's slaves during the Occupation and he hated Cardassians with a vengeance..."

She was surprised to admit thus before somebody she barely knew, but she immediately realized that Commander Falleg looked like somebody...kind, somebody she could potentially turn to, like Commander Sigurdsdottir back on Challenger.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on June 15, 2022, 02:13:58 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Bridge]

Things were quiet on the Bridge after the Captain left.  Gohun had taken over the Sec/Tac console and Lek was sitting in the Captain's chair.  He looked quite small in it compared to Captain Tekin.  Beside her, at the helm, was Petty Officer Graham.  The young man had been her husband's favorite junior pilot - especially after the T'hunga had implanted memories of the young man being Don's son.

It was only weeks later after that mission, when Don would plan special training with Crewman Graham, that Torra realized that subconsciously Don had still be treating the man somewhat like a son.  The realization had bothered Torra at first.  If he was still feeling that way towards the 'son', what might he still feel for the 'wife' he'd lost in those implanted memories.  Had his feeling towards her, his current wife, changed?  Torra believed it was because of these lingering memories and feelings that Don had first accepted the promotion to First Officer on the Challenger a few months ago... and was had prompted Don to decide to take some time away now.  Last she'd heard he had left Starbase 157 in the Martha to 'find himself'.   Torra didn't really understand what that meant but believing it was what he felt he needed, she supported his decision.

However, that left her feeling rather alone.  Maybe he would have stayed if she'd been more attentive?  Or if she'd been more involved in his 'other life' with Petty Officer Graham?  She wondered if the flight crewman also had trouble differentiating between T'hunga implanted memories and his real life?  She glanced towards the Petty Officer, and gave the young man a slight smile.  She found his presence comforting at the moment.  He was one of the few connections she had with her husband at the moment.

"Petty Officer Graham, I was wondering if maybe after our shift if you might be interested in spending some time in the holodeck?"

With Don's help Torra had adapted a copy of the Flying Tigers program and removed the aerial battle sequences so that it was more of a flight training program.  Something that Torra could participate in - learning how to fly the P-40B Tomahawk but without the gunfire and violence.  She hoped that Petty Officer Graham would agree to joining her on this.

[bridge-USS Discovery]

Alex was quite fond of his former flight control chief he saw him as a mentor and someone he could learn from. With the memories that were implanted from the Thunga it was confusing between those memories and real life. He had to wonder if Torra felt a hint of resentment because the person who he was learning from was treating him like a son. Things seemed to be rather quiet on the bridge so he could be occupied with other things after his shift. "œOf course I would love to join you on the holodeck afterwards." He figured that the time they spent on the holodeck could be a learning experience.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 15, 2022, 03:57:03 PM

:: The Concierge Building | Shaddai IV ::

Kyan almost didn't notice Hrafn as he was taking in the "lobby". He turned back toward her with a grin. "And I'll nae be callin you "granny Hfranny."

The Concierge Building | Shaddai IV

"Granny... watch it cheeky! I'll set the Ginger Midget Trio onto you!" she hissed back with an answering grin.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on June 16, 2022, 12:29:43 AM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | The Concierge Building | Shaddai IV]

Jael was still nervous to be around Captain Tekin, even as they beamed into an impressive looking facility. But even then, Jael was uneasy; the last time she had been in such a building, it was with a bunch of bureaucrats with sticks up their butts who were pompous to the point that Jael felt her own people would hand their butts back to them. But the Shaddai people weren't the Nori, it looked like.

Jael perked in gentle surprise at Captain Tekin's mispronouncing her name. She remembered how it would have been mispronounced, but it was such a long time since she last heard a mispronunciation. In the past, she never minded her surname being mispronounced; in a way, it made her feel like there won't be any connection with Gul Nehor Sherem, now on the run and with a reputation rivaled only by Krell Moset in brutality, Occupation as one of Dukat's underlings or Dominion War as head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau or otherwise. Since her graduation, she tried to correct the pronunciation when she can, given she was sure that the chances of meeting people who heard of her father was miniscule to zero. In point of fact, by her graduation, the name Nehor Sherem had more reputation to obscurity than infamy. Thus far, she met only one person who knew him, and that was the Bajoran guard who beat her when she was enslaved to a chain gang before coming to Starbase 157 and helping Challenger find Discovery.

Jael sauntered silently behind Captain Tekin, cleared her throat quietly, and whispered in his ear, "It's actually Sherem." And she began praying to the Prophets that he didn't know the name.

She heard the whisper of Tekin's wife, Commander Falleg, was it? She was introduced to her and was quite startled by her description of her duty...? She felt a brief spasm of relief that Captain Tekin would have no animosity toward Cardassians, but she still felt wary.

"Of course, Commander," said Jael. "And I would like to apologize if I's just that the last middle-aged Bajoran man I met beat me nearly to death when I, and the previous away team I had joined, were enslaved in a chain gang by some defiant Federation miners. Of course, they all weren't Bajorans, but this man in particular...he used to be one of my...father's slaves during the Occupation and he hated Cardassians with a vengeance..."

She was surprised to admit thus before somebody she barely knew, but she immediately realized that Commander Falleg looked like somebody...kind, somebody she could potentially turn to, like Commander Sigurdsdottir back on Challenger.

"That's understandable, Nurse Sherem.  I hope you'll learn to be able to trust the Captain.  I mean I know I'm biased, he's a good man and fair, but maybe you could talk to my eldest daughter, Ensign Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, she's in Sciences with me.  She was kidnapped by a Cardassian Gul as a baby and kept prisoner by him until my husband, some very dear friends and I rescued her when she was 12.  Her bio-father just wouldn't go against Starfleet and bend a few rules to go look for her..." she shrugged, an annoyed look passing over her face like a stormcloud then dissipating just as quickly.  "But she's ok with Cardassians now, at least the ones in Starfleet uniforms!" she grinned.  "We haven't tested it with a Cardassian Gul in full Cardassian dress yet but we don't want to tempt fate.  But she may be able to tell you how she coped, that might give you some comraderie with someone around your age, or at least...I'm not sure how old you are, she's 18, started the Academy early thanks to myself and Captain Tekin being somewhat 'known' in Scientific circles... that you could hang out with when off duty too... she could use a friend other than Sally, not that there's a problem with Sally or Anth or Meros... sorry it's a group of friends they hang out together since Sally, Ruth and Meros were at Academy together, and Anth is Sally's brother... they all came over from Katra with me, grateful to be posted together... but will be nice for them to have you and... was it your brother the Transport Chief?  Sorry I'm babbling, but yes would be good for the kids, ah young adults to include someone other than themselves!"

They walked on a little and she added "Incidentally, I know I'm the CSO and the Captain's wife and certainly no counsellor but if you want to talk about anything... just pop to my office, I always have drinks and on Fridays cakes!  It's a tradition I started on Katra, but I hope to be able to continue it on the Discovery.  Anyhow let's see what this place has to offer!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Kyle Briggs

Transporter Room

Before Kyle could say anything, Hfarn answered the XO's question about "RHIP" and the First Officer called for a medic to join them. Once that cal was completed, Kyle looked over and just patted his left hip to indicate that he was indeed packing a phaser. He then smiled at Kyan and padded his other hip as well.

A few moments later, everyone had finally arrived and the beamed down.

The Concierge Building | Shaddai IV

Kyle immediately began looking around as soon as they materialized on the surface. He had to admit that from what he could see, the place did look beautiful and welcoming but his main focus, as always, was on security. This wasn't just any ordinary landing party. He had some pretty special people in his charge right now. And not just from a Starfleet standard either. He was here with what he considered very close friends as well. He had known Tekin and Hfarn for a very long time. As the group began moving in order to meet the "council" as their guide called it, he kept his eyes peeled.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Bridge]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on June 16, 2022, 09:51:58 PM

[bridge-USS Discovery]

Alex was quite fond of his former flight control chief he saw him as a mentor and someone he could learn from. With the memories that were implanted from the Thunga it was confusing between those memories and real life. He had to wonder if Torra felt a hint of resentment because the person who he was learning from was treating him like a son. Things seemed to be rather quiet on the bridge so he could be occupied with other things after his shift. "œOf course, I would love to join you on the holodeck afterwards." He figured that the time they spent on the holodeck could be a learning experience.

Torra smiled warmly in response to his acceptance, then realized that perhaps she was being a bit too selective in her offer.  She glanced around to the other personnel on the bridge, such as Crewman Gohun and even Lieutenant Commander Lek.  "The offer to join in a holodeck program is open to everyone." Torra pointed out.  "It's an adaptation I made to Captain Galloway's Flying Tiger program that teaches aeronautics and centuries old aerial combative techniques without the actual combat.
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 15, 2022, 07:18:35 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery A little while previously]

Hrafn waved away Kyle's embarrassment with a smile and a little wave of her hand.  "Well, it's been eventful to say the least.  You'll have to come to dinner sometime and we'll get all the miscreants to gang mob you with hugs.  Ruthie, Nerys and Tidu will remember you at least.  Not sure if Lamar shall!" she said with a smile.  "Either way we need a catch up, I presume you can find your way to the CSO's office too... If I'm not here, in my quarters, you'll find me there!"

Hrafn nodded appreciatively at Lek and gave him a grateful smile.  She actually liked the Ferengi for all his gruffness.  She'd have to keep Lamar out of his way for a while in case the 'Nellyfant Ears' comment came out!

"Who knows with Lek... he's efficient and keeps the Discovery flying so we'll happily put up with any eccentricities!  If he helps our Tids become a decent engineer, it's all to the good." she replied with a smile.

[Transporter Room - Present]

Hrafn shook her head eyes dancing with mirth first at Kyle then at Kyan. "Rank has it's privileges, Kyan! Although I like your version too.  It's certainly accurate, more than wearing the BC-Suit is a 'privilege'... I mean it is sort of, as in ... oh you know, you've both been Captains, but why do they..." she fingered her collar again.  "So bloody uncomfortable.  A hair shirt might be preferable.  Least some of us have the figure for it!" she said striking a pose that a Supermodel would be proud of.  4 kids, 3 pregnancies hadn't ruined her figure.

The Transporter chief looked like his eyes would pop out of his head, mouth hanging open.

"Chief, eyes back in head please.  I've known these gentlemen personally a long time, served with them a long time husband is your boss..." Hrafn said with a wink to show she was just teasing.

"Oh Kyan great idea about the medic... Commander Gung-Ho here..." she said jerking her head in Kyle's direction, "...brilliant in combat but has this habit of sacrificing himself for beautiful redheads...and before you say it, I mean me... even if you do look great in swimming trunks!"

She was so glad that if they had to move from Katra it was to the Discovery, where she was with her husband, close friends and people she knew she could rely on no matter what.  Her only worry was the children.  Maybe they should have left them on New Bajor...but Nevir had been without them so long.

Hrafn being the friendly type walked over to Jael and stuck out a hand.  "I don't believe we've been introduced yet, I'm the CSO, Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, and yes, Captain Tekin is my husband.  I believe we might see a fair bit of each other since I have 3 young children aboard, and the youngest especially is accident prone so either myself, especially if Lamar is being clingy, or our Nanny Crista or her fiance James would be fetching them.  Forgive me for saying but it's unusual to find a Cardassian in the medical profession but I for one am glad to see it!"

She smiled and looked where Jael had been, at Kyan. Whispering she said "You should see him out of uniform in civvies, rolling around on the floor with my children climbing all over him, I often just yell at all of them, him included, to get up and stop with the horseplay... it's difficult sometimes to think of him as an adult and to be respected.  A lot easier in uniform and he was my CO over on Katra so believe me, he is more than capable and when the Scottish temper comes through you'll believe it trust me!"

"Ready as I'll ever be in the straight jacket!" she joked but smiled at her husband.

Hrafn had to smother a laugh when the gentleman before them assumed that Kyan was family, and she raised her eyebrows with merriment at both Kyan, Kyle and Jael given that what they had been discussing privately.

Bending and whispering in Kyan's ear she said "Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't call you 'son'!"

Then bending the other way, albeit not as far, she spoke to Jael quietly "If he thought that we are family or more particularly Captain Nevir, while I, nor he have absolutely no animosity towards Cardassians despite some personal history I'll fill you in on over a drink back on the Discovery if you are open to that, history between Cardassians and Bajorans ...well, you know!" she ended with a sad shrug and a sorrowful smile.  She smiled a little more brightly and gave Jael's shoulder a quick squeeze.

"I have to say..." she said brightly to the man leading them to meet the 'council', "...the decor here is wonderful, light, airy and welcoming." she smiled, hoping that was enough of a compliment to keep the host happy.

[Government administration building - Shaddai IV]

"That is the intent." Yveey answers, as they crossed through the atrium.  People around them were dressed in colorful and loose clothing, and there were many who seemed to just be lounging around with their work... there wasn't much of a sense of government work here at all.  The Captain took the time to apologize to Jael, though there was a slight pause as the name sunk in a bit.  Nothing bad, just a pause.

The team finished their walk across the atrium and went into a side room, where Yveey opened a door and a room with two other people, a man and woman, were seated.  Yveey took a seat next to them and gestured to take a seat.

"You have quite the facility, its almost like one giant-"

"Hotel?  Yes, Captain, that is what we are going for.  I admit we got our inspiration from Risa, but while Risa offers a tropical paradise, we decided to offer more of a range of vacation destinations, each one accessible from right here.  And looking at how you all are dressed you were expecting something more formal.  Here on Shaddai, formal is an unsavory word.  For us, its about joy and life.  So, please, let's get the stuffy 'formal' mess out of the way, so you can sample Shaddai the way it is meant to."

At that point the 'stuffy formal' meeting started, with information about their planet, their people, and their culture and customs.  One thing of note to Nevir is that their origins were vague... not because they didn't know, but because culturally they were very much 'in the present'.  They spoke about when they released they had something, their treaty with the old Romulan Empire, and finally the fall of that Empire.  Shaddai seemed to be a world with little historic strife to begin with, and they did seem prime for Federation consideration.

After about an hour, where it was clear that it was the three Shyreens were more bored with their own presentation than Starfleet was.  In fact, they were itching to get out of this formality they so despised.  The Captain, ever the one trained in First Contact, would be happy to oblige.

"Very well.  Now... I'm sure you have people who want to study our planet, and I would highly, highly suggest you let them explore the world in their own way.  Our planet is open to you, and I would hope you give it chance to enjoy it to help with your consideration." Yveey stated, standing up with the other two.  The Captain followed suit, and looked at his team.

"Starfleet has given us that authorization, and after hearing about your planet, it would be almost cruel to not give my crew a chance for some leave.  We still start making preparations immediately." he stated, which seemed to bring a deep smile.

"Thank you, Captain.  And we will be holding a feast tonight in your honor.  I hope you intend to make that." Yveey stated, before the three quickly left, leaving just the away team in the room.  A very interesting show of trust, if he were to be honest.

"I do believe leave is acceptable, Kyan.  When we return, begin a rotation for all crew." he stated, looking at the rest of the team.

"They seem very sincere at the very least, and I know that our crew can definitely use a real vacation.  Thoughts?"

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Government administration building | Shaddai IV ::

Kyan had listened to the Sheddai presentation with interest at some points; the pieces that might be useful for intelligence purposes.. and the bits about shops, activities, and points of interest. The remainder of the meeting he shifted between disguised indifference, outright boredom, and eagerness to doff his space waiter suit and get to the business at hand; namely... the fun. Of course, he'd have to go back to the ship and retrieve some latinum. Most of the shops had adopted the Federation way of doing commerce, but there were a few which still required an exchange of currency.

And those, in his experience, were the ones with the best goods to sell.

He was wondering whether they had the colorful kaftan like shirt/robe things that the locals wore in his size when the meeting ajourned. Tekin's voice broke his reverie as he blinked back into conversation.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 20, 2022, 12:55:27 PM

"I do believe leave is acceptable, Kyan.  When we return, begin a rotation for all crew." he stated, looking at the rest of the team.

"They seem very sincere at the very least, and I know that our crew can definitely use a real vacation.  Thoughts?"

"Oh aye... We done up a rotation already so." he noted. "I'll tell Mister Lek tae get started sendin folk down the now, the which they'll be happy for."

With that he went back into the hotel cum government building and tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Lek. Ye can start the rotations for shore leave the now. We're done with the meeting. =/\= Then he tapped it again. =/\= Mackenzie to Discovery, one tae beam up. =/\=


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 21, 2022, 05:20:49 AM

:: Government administration building | Shaddai IV ::

Kyan had listened to the Sheddai presentation with interest at some points; the pieces that might be useful for intelligence purposes.. and the bits about shops, activities, and points of interest. The remainder of the meeting he shifted between disguised indifference, outright boredom, and eagerness to doff his space waiter suit and get to the business at hand; namely... the fun. Of course, he'd have to go back to the ship and retrieve some latinum. Most of the shops had adopted the Federation way of doing commerce, but there were a few which still required an exchange of currency.

And those, in his experience, were the ones with the best goods to sell.

He was wondering whether they had the colorful kaftan like shirt/robe things that the locals wore in his size when the meeting ajourned. Tekin's voice broke his reverie as he blinked back into conversation.

"Oh aye... We done up a rotation already so." he noted. "I'll tell Mister Lek tae get started sendin folk down the now, the which they'll be happy for."

With that he went back into the hotel cum government building and tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Lek. Ye can start the rotations for shore leave the now. We're done with the meeting. =/\= Then he tapped it again. =/\= Mackenzie to Discovery, one tae beam up. =/\=

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek heard the impossibly young voice and shook his head in amusement.

"I'm being given an order by a ten year old, who should only just be beginning to stop putting everything in his ears."

He thought despite having read up on the Mirina, it was still off putting to be outranked by the only person in the crew shorter than he was. However, Lek knew, that despite his appearance, Commander MacKenzie was fully recognized as an adult and was the ship's first officer.

=/\= "Aye Sir. I will notify the crew. I'm sure they will appreciate the shore leave. Discovery out." =/\=

As soon as he'd closed the channel to the away team, he switched the command chair to shipwide.

=/\="All hands. This is Lieutenant Commander Lek. We have been approved for shore leave. Per the roster already distributed, those of you slated for the first wave are cleared to beam down. Lek out." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

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