Season 14: Episode 10 - Manifest Destiny

Started by Tekin Nevir, June 08, 2022, 08:43:48 AM

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Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Geocache trek]

The trail from the hotel started off as a well maintained path.  The first cache was located with ease - a canister hidden in a pile of rocks at the 200 meter trail marker.  Inside the canister was a pad of paper showing a list names and dates, and wooden pencil whose graphite tip was broken.  Also in the canister were numerous trinkets and small toys.

Torra had read up on geocaching and knew that she was supposed to record her finding the cache with her name or alias and today's date, then she could take any one object from the cache provided she replaced it with some other trinket or novelty in exchange.

The broken pencil posed a slight problem for signing... but Torra had packed a multi-tool for her planned hike.   She opened up the small blade feature on the tool and carefully shaved off the excess wood from the tip until she had a graphite tip to write with.  Torra signed the roster of those who had located the cache prior with a pseudonym - Cernunnos' Daughter.  Where the idea for such a nickname came from eluded the Grazerite... but it felt appropriate so Torra used it.

Then as she looked over the trinkets in the canister - a metal key (to what she wasn't certain), a plastic spork, a button, a spool of thread and a small data chip label 'recipes' - Torra wondered what she could possibly leave behind as a trinket in exchange.  She hadn't brought much with her.

For a moment she considered leaving portion of her lunch but then noted the last time someone had found the cache was two weeks prior... perishables were not a wise option to leave.   As noted before, Torra hadn't packed trinkets to exchange but the Grazerite was rather resourceful.   She searched the nearby grounds for a stone or stick that resonated with her, from this she would carve a trinket to place into the cache.  It might take longer to do but it was far more personal that just leaving a button.


Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Lek on July 03, 2022, 11:07:17 AM

[Outside Quarters --> Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

Lek's initial thought was "I'm doomed" at Helga's camping suggestion. He'd waited too long to ask her to accompany him and now she had plans. That he knew she would change them for him made him feel even worse. He had two choices now, he could keep her, and by extension, her friends waiting while he changed into something more appropriate for the outdoors or he could show up in his best suit and make it patently clear he had something else planned.

"I'm doomed."

He repeated and chose to show up as he was and hope she would make his death as painless as she could with her bare hands. He trudged to the transporter room and with a weak smile simply said.

"Hi Helga."

That Lek hadn't planned or packed for an outdoor excursion was evident from his colorfully patterned 'best suit'.   He looked like he was about to face an executioner not his girlfriend.  It annoyed Helga that Lek was so fearful of her.  Yeah, she had a temper.  Most Klingons did and while she might only be half-Klingon, their mannerisms influenced much of her upbringing.  But not once had she ever intentionally harmed him. Yes - their private activities at times ended up with him more than a little bruised or needing minor medical care, but he never complained.

No, instead at moments like now when he believed her upset, he feared the worst of her.

It took effort not to roll her eyes at his bland greeting.  She tamped down on her first reaction and instead smiled brightly.  "Oh? Your best suit.  Seems you are dressed to impress.  Okay.  I'll cancel with Lena and the others.  I can hang with them most days.  Time together with you - that's rare.   So where are we headed and should I be dressing up for it?"

Helga was currently dressed in a tan cotton T-shirt with cargo pants.  It was comfortably fitting oufit and clearly meant to be functional - not intended for a day out on the town.   

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Deck 2 | USS Discovery ::


" There is a shuttcraft called the captains yacht. I heard that it is a very fast ship."

Kyan looked up at the El-Aurian. "Nae. Discovery don't got a "Captain's Yacht, the which is sad because those things are always loaded. I rode in one once... on the erhm... " Truthfully it had been years ago and he couldn't remember which ship it'd been. One of the big ones.. the Trinculo? "Oh well." he thought, pushing the nagging question out of his mind. It wasn't important anyway. What WAS important, was getting that pile of gold pressed latinum and finding out if there was any truth to the "Iconian Technology" claim that the aliens had made. He expected that there wasn't, but stranger things had happened. "We'll take the Alleghany." he said finally. "Let's go get changed and then we'll meet up in the shuttle bay."

"Looks like we have a race to attend"

"Aye, you figured out the riddle? Good! Oh... and make sure ya got a phaser on ye when we go. Dinnae wanna get caught bare arsed if somethin goes off tae shite so we don't."

With that, Kyan stepped out of the lift and bounded off for his quarters. Once there, he shucked his uniform in the reclamator and grabbed his shoulder holster and the old type II phaser that he preferred. He opted for cargo shorts, more for practicality's sake than anything else, as there were alot of pockets. In that regard, he always wondered why Starfleet never put pockets on their uniforms. Even in the 2260s, Commander Sam didn't ever have pockets. They just had a garrish red belt thing that they could attach things to. It always struck him as odd. And what the hell was up with all the spandex!? Thankfully, Starfleet had gotten away from that particular trend, and even kids' fashion had nixed form fitting clothes for more... practical attire.

The first time he went clothes shopping with Juniper and Sam. Lycra and spandex everywhere. Needless to say none of it went back home with them. Or that time that Juniper's sister had bought him a multi colored jumpsuit thing for Yule. Unfortunately... for her... it had disappeared shortly thereafter, never to be seen again. Of course those early 60s Starfleet uniforms were an abomination. He always tried to get them a size or two bigger than was needed, but even then that was no cure for the constant hellish wedgies that everyone had to endure. That was to say nothing of the ballet tights that came with the dress uniforms.

He shuddered at the memories of Starfleet's sordid uniform history as he pulled on his shoes. Luckily the dark ages of spandex and ballet tights were gone now, and the fashionistas had come to their collective senses...mostly. Kyan did one last check to ensure that he had everything he needed. Once satisfied, the dimunutive commander exited his quarters and set out for the shuttlebay.

As the turbolift opened, one of the medical officer's who's name he didn't remember was waiting for it. Normally, he'd have said nothing to the man, given his; in Kyan's estimation; piss poor choice of occupation, but pragmatism was a stubborn old bitch. In truth, a doctor could... possibly... come in handy. Maybe. So, against his better judgement, he spoke up.

"Uh.. Hey. Merry Met. I'm Ky.. er.. Commander Mackenzie. Are you new to the ship?"


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 06, 2022, 03:36:54 AM

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Transporter Room]

That Lek hadn't planned or packed for an outdoor excursion was evident from his colorfully patterned 'best suit'.   He looked like he was about to face an executioner not his girlfriend.  It annoyed Helga that Lek was so fearful of her.  Yeah, she had a temper.  Most Klingons did and while she might only be half-Klingon, their mannerisms influenced much of her upbringing.  But not once had she ever intentionally harmed him. Yes - their private activities at times ended up with him more than a little bruised or needing minor medical care, but he never complained.

No, instead at moments like now when he believed her upset, he feared the worst of her.

It took effort not to roll her eyes at his bland greeting.  She tamped down on her first reaction and instead smiled brightly.  "Oh? Your best suit.  Seems you are dressed to impress.  Okay.  I'll cancel with Lena and the others.  I can hang with them most days.  Time together with you - that's rare.   So where are we headed and should I be dressing up for it?"

Helga was currently dressed in a tan cotton T-shirt with cargo pants.  It was comfortably fitting oufit and clearly meant to be functional - not intended for a day out on the town.

[Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

Lek was extremely grateful at that moment that Ferengi did not blush, because if he had been cursed to be a Hyoomon he would be doing so right now. He kept his wan smile and replied.

"Um... well... As this planet has only just encountered the Federation, I thought there might be... business opportunities that an enterprising entrepreneur might be able to exploit... er negotiate for exclusive rights of distribution. However, I'm sure an incredibly lucky man who happens to have the attention of a spectacularly beautiful feemale could find something else to do in the city."

Lek then waited, his smile becoming brittle and he hoped that the presence of witnesses would save his life.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Zavrol Gohun


Gohun was ready the turbolift came to a hault.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 08, 2022, 06:13:43 AM

:: Deck 2 | USS Discovery ::
"Aye, you figured out the riddle? Good! Oh... and make sure ya got a phaser on ye when we go. Dinnae wanna get caught bare arsed if somethin goes off tae shite so we don't."

Looking at the doctor Gohun said "we're about to go do some crazy racing shit. Wanna join?"
"Right away sir" Gohun looked at the runabout and saw the option for weapons. Apparently they could take a phaser rifle for each crew member. The ship already had a medical tricorder and first aid supplies. It also had an engineering kit and was given an maintenance check yesterday.
After bringing several phaser rifles and putting them on the weapons rack Gohun the paranoid also brings a hand phaser. With all of that Gohun sits at the controls and remembers he can't piolet a runabout in which time he moves. While the training is on his list for officers training he still needed his test drive.

Dem Broadshire

[Turbolift | Decks 7--2| USS Discovery]
(Ensign) Dr Broadshire was loving his time on the Discovery. One day into his assignment here and they were already going to a Risa type planet for shore leave. For most of the crew, this leave is a much needed break for their constant missions but for Dem, he had not done anything of remote effort to warrant a break. For the last month, he had been taking a part time post on the student medical outpost on earth, treating tactical injuries and stomach aches. Only yesterday did he see some action, with multiple different shuttle rides and ferrying from a variety of starships to get to Discovery.

Dem stepped into the main area of his quarters, comparable size to previous residences, but with a view like no other. After navigating the unpacked storage pods littered around the quarters, Dem observed the planet of Shaddai IV, so far below the bulkheads of the ship, with a atmospheric haze caused by the sun at a perfect angle. He absent-mindedly picked up his PADD and checked the roster for transport to the surface. Sure enough, his name was present with a note saying report to transporter room 1. As quickly as he walked into the room, he left it, and met the grey corridors on the ship. Dem had spent weeks studying the deck plans of the ship, but for the life of him, he could not find the turbolift nearby. After consulting his PADD one more time, he found the doors of the lift and stepped inside. The doors opened on deck 2.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 08, 2022, 06:13:43 AM

:: Deck 2 | USS Discovery ::

As the turbolift opened, one of the medical officer's who's name he didn't remember was waiting for it. Normally, he'd have said nothing to the man, given his; in Kyan's estimation; piss poor choice of occupation, but pragmatism was a stubborn old bitch. In truth, a doctor could... possibly... come in handy. Maybe. So, against his better judgement, he spoke up.

"Uh.. Hey. Merry Met. I'm Ky.. er.. Commander Mackenzie. Are you new to the ship?"

As the doors hissed open, Dem was greeted by the child, sorry commander. Keeping a straight face was hard as he replied, "œyes sir, I shuttled in yesterday. Are you transporting to the surface now? I would like to join the crazy racing...". Dem stuttered, choosing not to say that word in front of the commander. He hastily added "My names Dem Broadshire by the way".

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 08, 2022, 10:00:39 PM

Keeping a straight face was hard as he replied, "œyes sir, I shuttled in yesterday. Are you transporting to the surface now? I would like to join the crazy racing...". Dem stuttered, choosing not to say that word in front of the commander. He hastily added "My names Dem Broadshire by the way".

"Brilly!" Kyan offered back to the Bajoran. "I'm Kyan Mackenzie, First Officer. And I already got a physical too, just so as you're aware. Well hope on the now and we'll be off tae the shuttle bay. Mister Zohun will probably be there already."

After Dem had gotten on the lift and the doors closed, Kyan looked up at the Bajoran. "So, Broadshire's a Bajoran name I've never heard. I been there a few times. Nice place so it is, and Bajorans are very good storytellers. Which province are you from?"

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 09, 2022, 01:08:59 AM

[Turbolift | Deck2---shuttlebay | USS Discovery]
"Brilly!" Kyan offered back to the Bajoran. "I'm Kyan Mackenzie, First Officer. And I already got a physical too, just so as you're aware. Well hope on the now and we'll be off tae the shuttle bay. Mister Zohun will probably be there already."

After Dem had gotten on the lift and the doors closed, Kyan looked up at the Bajoran. "So, Broadshire's a Bajoran name I've never heard. I been there a few times. Nice place so it is, and Bajorans are very good storytellers. Which province are you from?"

"œAh well, Broadshire is a name from my great grandfather, a human. I don't know why we have kept it, it sounds like a medieval name. Kinda stupid. Oh, and I am not actually from Bajor, I am from Risa. Our family is not a huge fan of war."

The turbolift ceased it's operation, the door opened on the shuttlebay deck. Dem took a double take. Minister Zohun? Dem was a first day Starfleet officer. "œWhat the hell is he doing with the minister?" he thought in dismay. Dem had no idea what to do. He decided the best course of action would be to make himself as small as possible. He cannot afford mistakes.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Geocache trek]

Torra's search located a small 4" stick that the Operations officer thought would be suitable.  She sat down cross-legged on the ground and set to work on the stick with her utility tool knife.  Torra hadn't whittled since she was just a kid - admittedly for the short-lived Grazerite that was only 5 years ago - but the feel of the wood and blade came back to her easily.   She used the knots and whirls of the small stick to help give accent to her whittling project.  In the space of 15 minutes Torra had whittled a rather lovely hair pin.

This haipin, she then placed in the geocache in exchange for one of the items already present.   Of all the items, Torra figured she might make most use of the recipe datachip so she selected that.   Afterwards, Torra rehid the canister back where she'd found it by the trail marker - leaving it for others to find in the future.  She hoped her hairpin would be appreciated by some other geocache adventurer.

Then Torra set off once more along the trail.  The path angled downwards until it paralleled the hotel's beach.   Torra looked out towards the water.   Many of the crew were already spread out across the sand of the beach enjoying their shore leave.  Torra smiled softly to herself watching them, recalling the first time Don had taken her to the beach in his holodeck program, and the antics of one rather snappish crab that had pinched at her dress.   Torra wondered if Don recalled that date, or if it had been replaced by some T'hunga false memory.

Torra's smile turned down into a frown and she wiped at her eyes to keep them clear.

Amid the many beach-goers Torra could see the distinctive orange-red hair of the Tekin clan and their mother.   The children looked so happy and excited to be out at the beach.  Their vibrancy influenced even Torra and her smile returned.  Also among those at the beach, Torra spotted Jael and her Bajoran brother, Gid.  Those two were quite new to the ship still, so would probably appreciate a bit of outside company. Maybe...?

With this in mind, Torra left the trail and walked out on the beach in her hiking boots, headed towards where the two siblings were sitting in the sand.  Jael was reading.  Torra cleared her throat politely bring attention to her presence.  Torra knew that sometimes despite her size she was often too quiet in voice and demeanor to really be noticed by others.

"Um..Hi Jael... Gid.  Enjoying the beach?" she asked, making small talk.  "Do you mind if join you?"


Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Lek on July 08, 2022, 09:10:38 AM

[Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

Lek was extremely grateful at that moment that Ferengi did not blush, because if he had been cursed to be a Hyoomon he would be doing so right now. He kept his wan smile and replied.

"Um... well... As this planet has only just encountered the Federation, I thought there might be... business opportunities that an enterprising entrepreneur might be able to exploit... er negotiate for exclusive rights of distribution. However, I'm sure an incredibly lucky man who happens to have the attention of a spectacularly beautiful feemale could find something else to do in the city."

Lek then waited, his smile becoming brittle and he hoped that the presence of witnesses would save his life.

Helga interpreted his words to mean that he'd been planning on trying to make a few business deals.  Maybe it was because she'd only spent time with him on the ship working as its Chief engineer, but Helga found the idea of Lek being a business entrepreneur to be somewhat unlikely.   But then that was Ferengi norm.   She considered a moment.  Then let out a slight huff, looking Lek in the eye.

"Lek, I don't want you to change your plans for me... but is there a way you can include me in them?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 09, 2022, 02:00:56 PM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Geocache trek]

Torra's search located a small 4" stick that the Operations officer thought would be suitable.  She sat down cross-legged on the ground and set to work on the stick with her utility tool knife.  Torra hadn't whittled since she was just a kid - admittedly for the short-lived Grazerite that was only 5 years ago - but the feel of the wood and blade came back to her easily.   She used the knots and whirls of the small stick to help give accent to her whittling project.  In the space of 15 minutes Torra had whittled a rather lovely hair pin.

This haipin, she then placed in the geocache in exchange for one of the items already present.   Of all the items, Torra figured she might make most use of the recipe datachip so she selected that.   Afterwards, Torra rehid the canister back where she'd found it by the trail marker - leaving it for others to find in the future.  She hoped her hairpin would be appreciated by some other geocache adventurer.

Then Torra set off once more along the trail.  The path angled downwards until it paralleled the hotel's beach.   Torra looked out towards the water.   Many of the crew were already spread out across the sand of the beach enjoying their shore leave.  Torra smiled softly to herself watching them, recalling the first time Don had taken her to the beach in his holodeck program, and the antics of one rather snappish crab that had pinched at her dress.   Torra wondered if Don recalled that date, or if it had been replaced by some T'hunga false memory.

Torra's smile turned down into a frown and she wiped at her eyes to keep them clear.

Amid the many beach-goers Torra could see the distinctive orange-red hair of the Tekin clan and their mother.   The children looked so happy and excited to be out at the beach.  Their vibrancy influenced even Torra and her smile returned.  Also among those at the beach, Torra spotted Jael and her Bajoran brother, Gid.  Those two were quite new to the ship still, so would probably appreciate a bit of outside company. Maybe...?

With this in mind, Torra left the trail and walked out on the beach in her hiking boots, headed towards where the two siblings were sitting in the sand.  Jael was reading.  Torra cleared her throat politely bring attention to her presence.  Torra knew that sometimes despite her size she was often too quiet in voice and demeanor to really be noticed by others.

"Um..Hi Jael... Gid.  Enjoying the beach?" she asked, making small talk.  "Do you mind if join you?"

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael had just about been ready to move on, knowing that at any moment, one of the Tekin children could trip over her, when she saw a horned woman standing over her. She blinked in surprise but then realized she was looking at a Grazerite. And immediately after she recognized her, of sorts.

"Oh, not at all, Torra," said Jael, standing up, and noticing that Gid was still flirting and swimming further down; he didn't seem to pay Torra attention. Not yet, anyway.

"I figured we would meet sometime," Jael continued. "I heard about you from Doctor Sluchaynyy."

Of the medical colleagues she tried to get to know, the only one she knew and worked with so far was Doctor Sluchaynyy. She had been meaning to ask him to show him the ropes, because she was ready for more hands-on work and she felt she needed somebody to show him the ropes.

"I even heard about you from Nira, too," she said. "I served briefly with Nira; she was in an Officer Exchange Program on the IKS TajHu. I met her there when I was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to infiltrate a Cardassian pirate ship."

Even as she spoke, she recalled seeing Nira again, but she also had prylar robes...some crazy dream, that was too ridiculous; she'd have to counsel herself if she began dreaming about becoming Kai of Bajor.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 09, 2022, 05:53:47 AM

"œAh well, Broadshire is a name from my great grandfather, a human. I don't know why we have kept it, it sounds like a medieval name. Kinda stupid. Oh, and I am not actually from Bajor, I am from Risa. Our family is not a huge fan of war."

"Sounds British so it does." Kyan opined. "I dinnae remember me own original family name. Probably something Scottish on account as that's where I'm originally from... on Miri's Planet that is.. or Earth II.. whatever yer after calling it. But I got picked up by the Mackenzies after Kirk and his lot showed up. I was living on Cestus III until seventy five years ago.. and been in space every since then.
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 09, 2022, 05:53:47 AM

The turbolift ceased it's operation, the door opened on the shuttlebay deck. Dem took a double take. Minister Zohun? Dem was a first day Starfleet officer. "œWhat the hell is he doing with the minister?" he thought in dismay. Dem had no idea what to do. He decided the best course of action would be to make himself as small as possible. He cannot afford mistakes.

When they arrived in the shuttle bay, Kyan noticed that Zavrol had gotten everything ready to go, and had even brought a good number of phaser rifles and hand units too. "Thorough." he noted to himself.

"Aye Mister Gohun, this here is Doctor Dem and he'll be joining us the now... so in case someone has need of his doctor skills. The which I have no plans for meself so." He made a quick invoking sign to ensure the Powers helped in that regard as he deposited himself in the pilot's chair. "Aright boyos.. let's be about it then. Doctor you can take the operations station." He looked over at the El-Aurian Security Crewman who was already at the tactical controls. "Are the tactical systems ready?"


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 09, 2022, 02:00:56 PM

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Transporter Room]

Helga interpreted his words to mean that he'd been planning on trying to make a few business deals.  Maybe it was because she'd only spent time with him on the ship working as its Chief engineer, but Helga found the idea of Lek being a business entrepreneur to be somewhat unlikely.   But then that was Ferengi norm.   She considered a moment.  Then let out a slight huff, looking Lek in the eye.

"Lek, I don't want you to change your plans for me... but is there a way you can include me in them?"

[Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

Lek's heart broke at Helga's question. He wanted to shout "Of course you can be included", but there were too many eyes present for that. He had always thought of himself as clever, even well above average when it came to intelligence, but he was an engineer, not a Casanova. He simply didn't know how to properly court a feemale and he felt like a complete idiot at times like this. Here was this spectacular feemale who, for some unfathomable reason, could tolerate his existence and he had hurt her feelings with his incessant bumbling. Steeling himself, he replied chagrined.

"There is nothing I want more than for you to be part of my plans. In fact, how about I make you my plan? It's not as if I need the latinum, I hope you forgive me, but being a Ferengi got the better of me. I don't know what Shaddai IV has to offer, but let's go find out together!"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Beach]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 09, 2022, 03:27:38 PM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael had just about been ready to move on, knowing that at any moment, one of the Tekin children could trip over her, when she saw a horned woman standing over her. She blinked in surprise but then realized she was looking at a Grazerite. And immediately after she recognized her, of sorts.

"Oh, not at all, Torra," said Jael, standing up, and noticing that Gid was still flirting and swimming further down; he didn't seem to pay Torra attention. Not yet, anyway.

"I figured we would meet sometime," Jael continued. "I heard about you from Doctor Sluchaynyy."

Of the medical colleagues she tried to get to know, the only one she knew and worked with so far was Doctor Sluchaynyy. She had been meaning to ask him to show him the ropes, because she was ready for more hands-on work and she felt she needed somebody to show him the ropes.

"I even heard about you from Nira, too," she said. "I served briefly with Nira; she was in an Officer Exchange Program on the IKS TajHu. I met her there when I was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to infiltrate a Cardassian pirate ship."

Even as she spoke, she recalled seeing Nira again, but she also had prylar robes...some crazy dream, that was too ridiculous; she'd have to counsel herself if she began dreaming about becoming Kai of Bajor.

Torra tilted her head slightly perplexed at the Cardassian woman's comment about eventually meeting until Torra realized that while she felt she knew Jael - having read up on her while filling out all the transfer and administration papers assigning Jael and Gid to the Discovery,  Torra hadn't actually met Jael before.

"Oh!  I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself before.  It's just that you and your brother already feel like a part of my upsol."  Torra had a very large and extended community that she considered family.

That Dr. Sluchaynyy would mention her to the ship's new Nurse practitioner wasn't surprising. In a lot of ways, the Grazerite considered Misha a mentor.  Torra had learned alot from the old Russian doctor during her time in the ship's medical department.

"Yeah?  Did he mention my transfer to Discovery had been completely messed up?  I was enlisted security on the USS Challenger and when I suddenly received transfer to Discovery, I ended up in Medical.  I was so lost at first.  Thankfully, I excelled in the First Aid training they offered the Security recruits at the Technical Services Academy on Mars."  Torra reminisced.

Jael's mention of Nira, brought a warmth to her smile and she nodded.  Torra recalled Nira speaking about that mission.  So Jael was part of Nira's upsol as well - that connected Jael and Torra even more.

"Allow me to start anew...   Hello!  I am Danjar-Torra Addams.   It's a pleasure to meet you."  Torra noted that Jael had a book in hand.  "What were you reading?"


Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Lek on July 10, 2022, 09:53:27 AM

[Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

Lek's heart broke at Helga's question. He wanted to shout "Of course you can be included", but there were too many eyes present for that. He had always thought of himself as clever, even well above average when it came to intelligence, but he was an engineer, not a Casanova. He simply didn't know how to properly court a feemale and he felt like a complete idiot at times like this. Here was this spectacular feemale who, for some unfathomable reason, could tolerate his existence and he had hurt her feelings with his incessant bumbling. Steeling himself, he replied chagrined.

"There is nothing I want more than for you to be part of my plans. In fact, how about I make you my plan? It's not as if I need the latinum, I hope you forgive me, but being a Ferengi got the better of me. I don't know what Shaddai IV has to offer, but let's go find out together!"

Helga smiled as Lek stated that he wanted her to be a part of his plans; but her smile faltered a moment later as Lek then did exactly as she said didn't want.  He suggested a change of his plans - to focus the day on her.   Helga knew some other women would be flattered by the special attention, but Helga wasn't that type.

"There's nothing to forgive, Lek.  It's a part of who you are.. and I'd like to get to know that side of you more.  There's nothing wrong with having more latitum, right?  It's not like we're gonna be in Starfleet forever.  So yeah, let's see what Shaddai IV has to offer and you can show me how good your lobes are for business."

She stepped forward grinning to her chosen mate as she took hold of his hand.  Lek might far outrank her, but in their relationship, Helga knew she needed to be the one in charge.   She led him up onto the transporter pad and nodded to the transporter chief who up until that moment had been giving the couple their privacy.


Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 03, 2022, 09:27:29 PM

[Discovery to Shaddai IV]

Sometime later...

The Bajoran Captain walked out onto the terrace where his crew was taking leave and followed the sidewalk over to where Hrafn was.  With a smile, he took a seat next to her, before leaning over and kissing her forehead.

"I don't think I've seen you relaxed in a long while."

[Terrace overlooking beach]

Hrafn kissed her husband back and grinned.  "Being CSO wherever I was based is not a job one can really relax in as well you know.  Then when I'm off duty I have to play Mum.  I'm just glad I have Ruthie, and Meros... he's a good lad, and most of the time Sally and Anth... they aren't family but Sally being Ruthie's best friend and Anth being her brother and a scientist... I'm lucky to have 4 willing 'Ginger Midget Wranglers' so I can just sit here and read something other than a report on my PADD!"

She took a hand of her husband's and smiled.  "What about you Nevir, you ever going to relax ja'lat?"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 10, 2022, 11:24:12 AM

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Transporter Room]

Helga smiled as Lek stated that he wanted her to be a part of his plans; but her smile faltered a moment later as Lek then did exactly as she said didn't want.  He suggested a change of his plans - to focus the day on her.   Helga knew some other women would be flattered by the special attention, but Helga wasn't that type.

"There's nothing to forgive, Lek.  It's a part of who you are.. and I'd like to get to know that side of you more.  There's nothing wrong with having more latitum, right?  It's not like we're gonna be in Starfleet forever.  So yeah, let's see what Shaddai IV has to offer and you can show me how good your lobes are for business."

She stepped forward grinning to her chosen mate as she took hold of his hand.  Lek might far outrank her, but in their relationship, Helga knew she needed to be the one in charge.   She led him up onto the transporter pad and nodded to the transporter chief who up until that moment had been giving the couple their privacy.


[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

When Lek and Helga materialized, he hugged her fiercely and gave her a toothy smile.

"Have I mentioned lately that you are amazing? If not, you are. Now, my plan was to seek out something the Shaddai consider to be precious. Liquors, hand-crafted items, fabrics, anything that is specific to this planet and not available anywhere else. Then, establish exclusive rights to distribute those items. As no one from the Federation has been here before, we should be able to corner the market."

He then looked troubled.

"Even saying it, I don't think you will like doing this very much. If at any point you want to do something else, we can do that, because this is your shore leave too."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams


Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Quote from: Lek on July 11, 2022, 11:57:01 AM

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

When Lek and Helga materialized, he hugged her fiercely and gave her a toothy smile.

"Have I mentioned lately that you are amazing? If not, you are. Now, my plan was to seek out something the Shaddai consider to be precious. Liquors, hand-crafted items, fabrics, anything that is specific to this planet and not available anywhere else. Then, establish exclusive rights to distribute those items. As no one from the Federation has been here before, we should be able to corner the market."

He then looked troubled.

"Even saying it, I don't think you will like doing this very much. If at any point you want to do something else, we can do that, because this is your shore leave too."

That Lek would so fiercely and immediately hug her the moment they were off the ship and clearly no longer on-duty... even if it was in full view of twice as many people, who were lingering about the Shaddai welcome center... reassured Helga of his feelings, even more than his words did.  Still Helga was sure there was not a woman alive who didn't love hearing such compliments.

She listened to his plan and nodded in understanding, even as her glance looked over what the welcome center had to offer.  There were several food vendors and shops selling perishable wares.

His next words however sounded troubled, and Helga looked back to him as Lek once more worried about keeping her entertained.

"I'm fine Lek.  You know me.  If I'm bored, you'll be the first to hear me complain. But I don't think you have to worry.  This is something new for me, so you've got my full interest right now." she smiled at him then looked about once more.   "So where to first?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

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