Season 14: Episode 10 - Manifest Destiny

Started by Tekin Nevir, June 08, 2022, 08:43:48 AM

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Quote from: Lek on July 11, 2022, 11:57:01 AM

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

When Lek and Helga materialized, he hugged her fiercely and gave her a toothy smile.

"Have I mentioned lately that you are amazing? If not, you are. Now, my plan was to seek out something the Shaddai consider to be precious. Liquors, hand-crafted items, fabrics, anything that is specific to this planet and not available anywhere else. Then, establish exclusive rights to distribute those items. As no one from the Federation has been here before, we should be able to corner the market."

He then looked troubled.

"Even saying it, I don't think you will like doing this very much. If at any point you want to do something else, we can do that, because this is your shore leave too."

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Lek beamed at Helga's willingness to try her hand at business, even though he knew she would rather be doing something insanely adventurous.

"We have to find a terminal to locate a purveyor of luxury goods. Anyone can set up a contract for bulk minerals or self-sealing stem bolts. The real latinum is in upper end commodities, so, let's find out what the locals consider valuable."

As this was the welcome center, there was no shortage of very friendly people to provide the information Lek wanted. A vendor that met his criteria was not that far and on entering the well-appointed lobby. Lek spoke to the young looking female associate in his friendliest tone.

"Good afternoon. My name is Lek and this is my colleague Helga. We are from the Federation ship in orbit and I'd like to speak to your manager regarding a mutually beneficial business opportunity."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams


Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Quote from: Lek on July 13, 2022, 01:03:06 PM

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Lek beamed at Helga's willingness to try her hand at business, even though he knew she would rather be doing something insanely adventurous.

"We have to find a terminal to locate a purveyor of luxury goods. Anyone can set up a contract for bulk minerals or self-sealing stem bolts. The real latinum is in upper end commodities, so, let's find out what the locals consider valuable."

As this was the welcome center, there was no shortage of very friendly people to provide the information Lek wanted. A vendor that met his criteria was not that far and on entering the well-appointed lobby. Lek spoke to the young looking female associate in his friendliest tone.

"Good afternoon. My name is Lek and this is my colleague Helga. We are from the Federation ship in orbit and I'd like to speak to your manager regarding a mutually beneficial business opportunity."

Helga kept close to Lek as he moved through the corridors of the welcome center and eventually chose one store and vendor to approach.  It appeared to Helga to be some manner of jewelry and high-end crystal craft shop.   She listened to Lek as he spoke to the woman greeter who had smiled and asked if there was anything she could help them find.  While Helga recognized Lek's tone as his most friendliest, the woman gave both him and her skeptical look, glanced back towards an Employees Only door before shaking her head with feigned apology.

"I'm sorry, my manager is busy currently."

Helga couldn't help but guess that the more negative views of Ferengi reputation and culture had made their way to this remote corner of the quadrant.

"You might want to check with your manager on that first.  Don't let appearances - or prejudice deceive you.  It could cost your manager, and this business, it's one and only chance to learn about this opportunity"  Helga spoke up.

The woman hesitated, looking to Lek then Helga and back towards the door.  "One moment please.  I'll see if he has any time."

The woman motioned to one of the sales staff to take over the role of greeter, while she stepped away and headed through the Employees Only door.

Helga moved towards one of the display tables showing various colored crystals, in designs too numerous to count.  The crystals were quite remarkable.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 10, 2022, 11:24:12 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Beach]

Torra tilted her head slightly perplexed at the Cardassian woman's comment about eventually meeting until Torra realized that while she felt she knew Jael - having read up on her while filling out all the transfer and administration papers assigning Jael and Gid to the Discovery,  Torra hadn't actually met Jael before.

"Oh!  I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself before.  It's just that you and your brother already feel like a part of my upsol."  Torra had a very large and extended community that she considered family.

That Dr. Sluchaynyy would mention her to the ship's new Nurse practitioner wasn't surprising. In a lot of ways, the Grazerite considered Misha a mentor.  Torra had learned alot from the old Russian doctor during her time in the ship's medical department.

"Yeah?  Did he mention my transfer to Discovery had been completely messed up?  I was enlisted security on the USS Challenger and when I suddenly received transfer to Discovery, I ended up in Medical.  I was so lost at first.  Thankfully, I excelled in the First Aid training they offered the Security recruits at the Technical Services Academy on Mars."  Torra reminisced.

Jael's mention of Nira, brought a warmth to her smile and she nodded.  Torra recalled Nira speaking about that mission.  So Jael was part of Nira's upsol as well - that connected Jael and Torra even more.

"Allow me to start anew...   Hello!  I am Danjar-Torra Addams.   It's a pleasure to meet you."  Torra noted that Jael had a book in hand.  "What were you reading?"

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael had to smirk in amusement at Torra's re-introduction. Nira certainly told Jael about Torra, but she never mentioned how the awkward-sounding the Grazerite was. On the other hand, it was often awkward for people to be around a Cardassian; the instinct to not trust was taking a while to dissipate.

"And it's good to meet you, too, Danjar-Torra," replied Jael. "And it's understandable if you bounced around different departments; I used to be a Science Officer, then a Counselor, now here I am as a medical officer. At least I'll be able to be of more use as a medical officer than as a counselor, at least in an away mission. At least I haven't had to deal with comments comparing me to Crell Moset like how I used to get at the Academy. Not yet on this ship."

She adjusted her sunglasses; Cardassians appreciated heat but they don't like brightness. In any case, the feeling of the heat made it feel like she would get a tan powerful enough that she'd look like a Denobulan.

"Well...on subject of what I'm reading," said Jael, "I'm reviewing my medical school notes; I'm still new to the department. I do enjoy reading plenty of fiction. I especially get a kick out of books and literature like Shakespeare's Julius Caesar; how the human author depicts plots and schemes are absolutely farcical to somebody like....well, me," she said with a shrug. "However, I was never raised to plot nor scheme; I've lived on Earth since I was a little girl, since my mother defected when Cardassia joined the Dominion."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Beach]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 14, 2022, 07:17:27 PM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael had to smirk in amusement at Torra's re-introduction. Nira certainly told Jael about Torra, but she never mentioned how the awkward-sounding the Grazerite was. On the other hand, it was often awkward for people to be around a Cardassian; the instinct to not trust was taking a while to dissipate.

"And it's good to meet you, too, Danjar-Torra," replied Jael. "And it's understandable if you bounced around different departments; I used to be a Science Officer, then a Counselor, now here I am as a medical officer. At least I'll be able to be of more use as a medical officer than as a counselor, at least in an away mission. At least I haven't had to deal with comments comparing me to Crell Moset like how I used to get at the Academy. Not yet on this ship."

She adjusted her sunglasses; Cardassians appreciated heat but they don't like brightness. In any case, the feeling of the heat made it feel like she would get a tan powerful enough that she'd look like a Denobulan.

"Well...on subject of what I'm reading," said Jael, "I'm reviewing my medical school notes; I'm still new to the department. I do enjoy reading plenty of fiction. I especially get a kick out of books and literature like Shakespeare's Julius Caesar; how the human author depicts plots and schemes are absolutely farcical to somebody like....well, me," she said with a shrug. "However, I was never raised to plot nor scheme; I've lived on Earth since I was a little girl, since my mother defected when Cardassia joined the Dominion."

Torra smiled understandingly when Jael mentioned that she too had been bounced from department to department.  Though when the medical officer made comment about being of more use, Torra was going to speak up and point out that all roles on a ship were equally important; counselors especially so, in that people's state of mind needed to be solid in order to endure the trials of living on a starship.

However, Jael's addition of 'on an away' team.. made her statement a little bit more understandable.  Yes, proper counseling during an away mission would be difficult.  Torra nodded in agreement.  "Yes, I suppose so; though if counseling is a passion of yours I don't see why as a physician you can provide both levels of care to your patients. "  Torra was certain that on smaller crewed ships that there wasn't separate roles for doctor and counselor.

When Jael continued on to comment about not yet being compared to Crell Moset - a notorious Cardassian doctor, Torra was a bit taken aback.  That Academy students would be so bigoted was difficult for Torra to accept; but Jael had no reason to lie about such and there seemed to be pain and bitterness behind those words.

"Nor should you, Jael. Our ship is a family and hurting one hurts us all.  The students who would have said such to you at the Academy were wrong and did not deserve their place in such an institution if that is how they treated one of their own." Torra spoke her words sincerely to the woman before the topic was changed to what book Jael was reading.

Torra knew how time consuming it was to keep up with ever-changing medical procedures and new medical innovation.  She'd studied under Dr. Sluchaynyy to pass the medical Academy exam before ultimately deciding to change departments to Operations.  At the time it had felt to be where she was most useful.  So Torra understood Jael earlier words completely.

"If you ever someone to review notes with... I'm more than happy to help out," the Grazerite suggested.

Torra wasn't familiar with this Julius Caesar book that Jael mentioned, or it's author Shakespeare.  Perhaps with plenty of spare time now, what with her husband's absence, maybe she could try a reading the novel.  Torra mentally noted the book title for later.

"I grew up on Vacca III with my mother and her upsol.  I also wasn't raised to plot or scheme - so in that way were are the same!  Tell me more about this Julius Caesar novel.  I'm not very well-read on Earth literature.. though my husband did get me in to one book series called Star Wars.  Don liked to envision himself as the 'Hans Solo' of Starfleet."  Torra smiled sadly as she spoke about her husband. She missed him terribly.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 14, 2022, 04:38:49 AM

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Helga kept close to Lek as he moved through the corridors of the welcome center and eventually chose one store and vendor to approach.  It appeared to Helga to be some manner of jewelry and high-end crystal craft shop.   She listened to Lek as he spoke to the woman greeter who had smiled and asked if there was anything she could help them find.  While Helga recognized Lek's tone as his most friendliest, the woman gave both him and her skeptical look, glanced back towards an Employees Only door before shaking her head with feigned apology.

"I'm sorry, my manager is busy currently."

Helga couldn't help but guess that the more negative views of Ferengi reputation and culture had made their way to this remote corner of the quadrant.

"You might want to check with your manager on that first.  Don't let appearances - or prejudice deceive you.  It could cost your manager, and this business, it's one and only chance to learn about this opportunity"  Helga spoke up.

The woman hesitated, looking to Lek then Helga and back towards the door.  "One moment please.  I'll see if he has any time."

The woman motioned to one of the sales staff to take over the role of greeter, while she stepped away and headed through the Employees Only door.

Helga moved towards one of the display tables showing various colored crystals, in designs too numerous to count.  The crystals were quite remarkable.

[Vendor's Shop - Shaddai IV]

Lek wasn't certain his chest could contain the pride he felt with Helga's handling of the 'gatekeeper'. Feemale or not, she clearly had the lobes for business. Which, in a moment of self doubt, made him wonder again how such a spectacular woman had any interest in him. However, he had to push those doubts away as the woman returned with what Lek had to assume was the manager and it was show time.

"Good day cycle to you travelers. I am Hornis Gannion. Manira here mentioned you had a potential business opportunity."

Lek beamed his best toothy smile as he replied.

"Good day cycle to you too Mister Gannion. My name is Lek, this is my colleague Helga Tragnar. As you might have heard, we are members of the Federation delegation visiting your fine world for the first time. You may also know that the Federation is a very large conglomerate of worlds that has an insatiable appetite for luxury items, especially those from newly contacted worlds.

"As you have intimate details of the local luxury goods trade here on Shaddai and I have distribution contacts within the Federation, it was my intention of offering you first access to a vast, and I do mean vast, number of new clients certain to want the high end items treasured here on Shaddai. I, as intermediary, only ask for a small consideration of the profits to be had for being the first merchant on your world to gain access to these new customers. Is that an opportunity that would interest you?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Vendor's Shop - Shaddai IV]

Quote from: Lek on July 17, 2022, 10:39:41 AM

[Vendor's Shop - Shaddai IV]

Lek wasn't certain his chest could contain the pride he felt with Helga's handling of the 'gatekeeper'. Feemale or not, she clearly had the lobes for business. Which, in a moment of self doubt, made him wonder again how such a spectacular woman had any interest in him. However, he had to push those doubts away as the woman returned with what Lek had to assume was the manager and it was show time.

"Good day cycle to you travelers. I am Hornis Gannion. Manira here mentioned you had a potential business opportunity."

Lek beamed his best toothy smile as he replied.

"Good day cycle to you too Mister Gannion. My name is Lek, this is my colleague Helga Tragnar. As you might have heard, we are members of the Federation delegation visiting your fine world for the first time. You may also know that the Federation is a very large conglomerate of worlds that has an insatiable appetite for luxury items, especially those from newly contacted worlds.

"As you have intimate details of the local luxury goods trade here on Shaddai and I have distribution contacts within the Federation, it was my intention of offering you first access to a vast, and I do mean vast, number of new clients certain to want the high end items treasured here on Shaddai. I, as intermediary, only ask for a small consideration of the profits to be had for being the first merchant on your world to gain access to these new customers. Is that an opportunity that would interest you?"

Helga offered the manager a friendly, closed-lip smile when Lek introduced her to the manager.   The Klingon-Human hybrid was all too aware of how many cultures viewed the barring of teeth negatively - especially sharp jagged teeth, like those of a predator, which both she and Lek had.  So for now, Helga kept her teeth unseen.

Listening to Lek pitch his business opportunity to the shop's manager, Helga could see how this would be profitable.  Being at the far edge of the Federation space, visitors to this planet at first would be limited.  At least, until more established trade routes and touring carriers discovered this world.  So if Lek could get in on the start up of distributing these high-end items to the more central Federation worlds, then... Wow! Yeah, he could really make a lot of latinum from this kind of deal.

Helga looked to the manager gauging his interest.  Surprisingly, the man looked skeptical.  Figuring that the discussion was meant to volley between her and Lek, Helga spoke up.

"Consider this, at present your planet has plans to profit from the local tourist industry.  Which is why you set up shop here close to the Welcome Center, where you can display your societies goods in order to sell." Helga pointed in a rather reasonable manner.

"But imagine if you will, if you could also show those items to customers all over the Quadrant readily through already established contacts that Lek has access to and have those goods available for sale and shipping to those throughout the Federation and it's allies by trusted distributors well in advance of commercial shipping routes... then how do you imagine your profits would look then?  A small percentage of that is not unreasonable to ask when you consider what you gain."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Torrian Sh'riall

[deck 9-Medical-USS-Discover]
Torrian while she was offered to walk the station with the other members of the discover choice instead to review medical files and drink ale in sickbay after all she would get to know the rest of the crew when it came time for weekly checkups. the ensign was one for small talk or social interaction. unless she was talking to her girlfriends. Otherwise, she avoids any unneeded interaction with the crew. Andorians arent social outside of family anyway.

She was also filing a request to Starfleet medical to be allowed to become the ship's official doctor.  but so far every request has been denied reason being that "while we here at Starfleet medical believe that ensign sh'riall would make a fine doctor one day her lack of social interaction and proper bedside manner as well as her age prevents her from  truly fulfilling that role at this time  this had been her fifth time getting that response and the Andorian was getting annoyed "lack of social interaction and bedside manner." I have a great bedside manner for an Andorian as for the lack of social interaction may be their right about that part.

She side and clicked her comm  =/\=" med deck to transporter room one ensign  =/\=
Sh'riall here i will be heading to the station please have a transporter ready for beam done." She said before packing up her things and heading down to the transporter room.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Transporter Room 1 | USS Discovery ::

The whole shuttle race had NOT gone according to plan. As it turned out, the Alleghany was on the "Do not Fly" list for a misaligned EPS conduit or a broken flux capacitor or something. Kyan wasn't sure. The Chief in the shuttlebay had caught them right before they were to have taken off and explained the whole thing.. in detail. But engineers were like science types in that way. When they started in with the techno gibberish, he got utterly lost. After all, he was a Tactical Officer. Tactics? Weapons? All day. Self Sealing Stembolts and EPS manifolds? The Chief may as well have been speaking Bynar. He didn't care HOW a stembolt sealed itself. He just knew that it did, and was happy that it did. Finally, the Chief mentioned that it would probably be fixed by the end of the day. That was all Kyan cared to know.

After the Chief's lecture, Kyan had decided to go back down to Shaddai and do some sight seeing. Or go for a hike. Or maybe find the Tekin-Falleg brood and see what they were up to. He figured giving Lamar an assortment of sugary stuff from the candy shop he'd seen in the resort would be fair payback for Tekin making him run around in dress whites for half the day. But other than that, he had no real plans for his shore leave activities.

So he'd gone back to his quarters, doffed his duty uniform for swim trunks and flip flops, and was on his way to the resort again... this time, to do actual resort things. He also grabbed a hat and sunglasses... because his crimson mop stood out like a Klingon at a ballet recital.

When the transporter room's door whisked open and he stepped inside, he noticed that the same Transporter operator was there from before, and also one of the new medical officers. Conspicuous by her cyan hued skin, antennae, and snow white hair, Kyan remembered her from her personnel file.. and she happened to be one of the very few Andorians assigned to the ship.

"Aye! Doctor Sh'riall..." he offered happily. "Merry Met and welcome to the ship, even though it's been a few days since we left so it has."

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 16, 2022, 12:42:16 PM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Beach]

Torra smiled understandingly when Jael mentioned that she too had been bounced from department to department.  Though when the medical officer made comment about being of more use, Torra was going to speak up and point out that all roles on a ship were equally important; counselors especially so, in that people's state of mind needed to be solid in order to endure the trials of living on a starship.

However, Jael's addition of 'on an away' team.. made her statement a little bit more understandable.  Yes, proper counseling during an away mission would be difficult.  Torra nodded in agreement.  "Yes, I suppose so; though if counseling is a passion of yours I don't see why as a physician you can provide both levels of care to your patients. "  Torra was certain that on smaller crewed ships that there wasn't separate roles for doctor and counselor.

When Jael continued on to comment about not yet being compared to Crell Moset - a notorious Cardassian doctor, Torra was a bit taken aback.  That Academy students would be so bigoted was difficult for Torra to accept; but Jael had no reason to lie about such and there seemed to be pain and bitterness behind those words.

"Nor should you, Jael. Our ship is a family and hurting one hurts us all.  The students who would have said such to you at the Academy were wrong and did not deserve their place in such an institution if that is how they treated one of their own." Torra spoke her words sincerely to the woman before the topic was changed to what book Jael was reading.

Torra knew how time consuming it was to keep up with ever-changing medical procedures and new medical innovation.  She'd studied under Dr. Sluchaynyy to pass the medical Academy exam before ultimately deciding to change departments to Operations.  At the time it had felt to be where she was most useful.  So Torra understood Jael earlier words completely.

"If you ever someone to review notes with... I'm more than happy to help out," the Grazerite suggested.

Torra wasn't familiar with this Julius Caesar book that Jael mentioned, or it's author Shakespeare.  Perhaps with plenty of spare time now, what with her husband's absence, maybe she could try a reading the novel.  Torra mentally noted the book title for later.

"I grew up on Vacca III with my mother and her upsol.  I also wasn't raised to plot or scheme - so in that way were are the same!  Tell me more about this Julius Caesar novel.  I'm not very well-read on Earth literature.. though my husband did get me in to one book series called Star Wars.  Don liked to envision himself as the 'Hans Solo' of Starfleet."  Torra smiled sadly as she spoke about her husband. She missed him terribly.

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael was touched by Torra. In point of fact, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she had a good friend. She could immediately see why Nira liked her, enough to regard her as a sister figure.

"Oh, indeed," said Jael. "And...Don, was it?" And it dawned on her... "Ah, I remember him. I served around your husband for a short time on the Challenger, while he was First Officer. I feel, though, that he's more happier piloting something that flies rather than be at the chair next to the Captain's. Our only away mission together didn't go very well..."

She reached up to the scar on the side of her head where she was first concussed against the side of a console, and then when she was beaten by a brutal Bajoran guard later on when they crashed where some members of the Federation were engaging in illicit mining activities.

"That in particular is a whole separate story," said Jael. "In any case, I didn't just had to deal with people who compared me to Crell Moset. There were plenty of Bajorans who lost loved ones one or two generations past during the Occupation, and many more members of the Federation who lost plenty in the Dominion War. I was still a girl when my mother defected and took me and my adopted brother to Earth. I was plenty scared spitless when the Breen attacked Earth, I have to admit. Since the end of the war, my mother's now an ambassador to the Federation. Then there's my father. One of Gul Dukat's trusted lackeys, and when joining the Dominion, became head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. Since the end of the war, he's been on the run. So there's a good Gul Sherem and a bad Gul Sherem out there. The good one's my mother the ambassador, Rahab. The bad one's my father the fugitive, Nehor.

"Yes, it's certainly a lot to take in," said Jael with a smile. "Born under two shadows, one good, one bad."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 17, 2022, 03:15:09 PM

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Vendor's Shop - Shaddai IV]

Helga offered the manager a friendly, closed-lip smile when Lek introduced her to the manager.   The Klingon-Human hybrid was all too aware of how many cultures viewed the barring of teeth negatively - especially sharp jagged teeth, like those of a predator, which both she and Lek had.  So for now, Helga kept her teeth unseen.

Listening to Lek pitch his business opportunity to the shop's manager, Helga could see how this would be profitable.  Being at the far edge of the Federation space, visitors to this planet at first would be limited.  At least, until more established trade routes and touring carriers discovered this world.  So if Lek could get in on the start up of distributing these high-end items to the more central Federation worlds, then... Wow! Yeah, he could really make a lot of latinum from this kind of deal.

Helga looked to the manager gauging his interest.  Surprisingly, the man looked skeptical.  Figuring that the discussion was meant to volley between her and Lek, Helga spoke up.

"Consider this, at present your planet has plans to profit from the local tourist industry.  Which is why you set up shop here close to the Welcome Center, where you can display your societies goods in order to sell." Helga pointed in a rather reasonable manner.

"But imagine if you will, if you could also show those items to customers all over the Quadrant readily through already established contacts that Lek has access to and have those goods available for sale and shipping to those throughout the Federation and it's allies by trusted distributors well in advance of commercial shipping routes... then how do you imagine your profits would look then?  A small percentage of that is not unreasonable to ask when you consider what you gain."

[Vendor's Shop - Shaddai IV]

Lek could only admire Helga's grasp of making a deal, clearly, she had to have some Ferengi DNA somewhere in her past because she simply too good not to. As Gannion thought through what Helga had said, Lek spoke again.

"Just as my colleague has said Mr. Gannion, think of the possibilities! Given that Shaddai is not going to ignore the opportunity of trade with the Federation, other merchants will be looking to establish business with the organization. Someone who has your business sense, which one must have to deal in luxury goods in the first place, can surely see that the first person to make a connection with Federation distribution networks, will reap the highest reward. As I have those connections, you would be that first person, so, I have to ask, do we have a deal?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Torrian Sh'riall

The young Andorian nodded respectfully and stepped onto the transporter pod her natural urge to call him pink skin was held back if they were the same rank or she was of higher rank then maybe she would "care to join me commander Starfleet medical says I need to socialize more if I want to become the ships head doctor so I might as well start now." That is of course if you want I perfectly understand if you couldn't be caught dead with someone of my rank.

She said with a sigh "unlike the rest of you I answer to medical first the captain second its one of the reasons why I choice medical over con or command more freedom.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Transporter Room 1 | USS Discovery ::


"care to join me commander Starfleet medical says I need to socialize more if I want to become the ships head doctor so I might as well start now." That is of course if you want I perfectly understand if you couldn't be caught dead with someone of my rank.

She said with a sigh "unlike the rest of you I answer to medical first the captain second its one of the reasons why I choice medical over con or command more freedom.

Kyan peered up at the Andorian doctor. She was a bit... different.. then most of the other grups he'd encountered on the Discovery. As he put stock in the opinions of but a handful of people in the entire galaxy, and the bureaucrats that wrote personnel files were not among them, he hadn't read most of her file. Name, Rank, and homeworld was all he really looked when someone new was coming to the ship.

"Well..." he began. Firstly.. Me name's Kyan Mackenzie, From Miri's Planet originally, and then Cestus III. Ye may call me by me rank if it suits ye or me name. I'm not after standin on ceremony and such so I'm not. But some of the grups are so. And It's happy I'd be tae join you, sinnce I got no plans meself." He then considered the rest of her "greeting" as he climbed up onto the pad. "And ye needn't worry about Starfleet Medical. If it's Chief Medical Officer yer after bein, just make sure you do a good job and keep Captain Tekin happy. He picks the Chief after all, not the blowhards at Medical." He smiled up at her and continued. "So, what are we gonna do on the planet?"

Torrian Sh'riall

"Normally that would be the case but it seems someone at medical probably one of the admirals doesn't like me very much infact I know this diffently don't he has gotten it into his head that because I am not your traditional Andorian and that one of my girlfriends is a captain of one of his ad ships he can boss me around blackmail me and reject my application for chief medical  I am not too sure yet but I have been compiling evidence agist him to go to the captain with No one and I mean no one mess with the  love of my life or my career and gets away with it so if he wants me to socialize so be it we are going hiking."

Torrian said with the classic angry sneer of a member of her race "infact while we go thinking maybe you can review all the threats and blackmail he has on me and send it to the captain later I don't want to get captain terkin in trouble by going to him myself, after all, he was one of the only captains that would take me in after it was found out that the admiral didn't like me I owe him so much that's why I want to med the ships primary doctor its the least I can do.

"Not just for him but for all of you you guys took me in  when no one else would I don't have any family or friends back home so I want to make sure that you guys are well taken care of I need to make sure I can pay you all back for the kindness you have shown me that Starfleet has soon me an orphan form Andorian who lost everything and everyone she held dear." "and I am not letting some traditionalist  form some backwater southern town get in the way of that even if I have to go through the official channels to do so then fine."

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Transporter Room 1 | USS Discovery ::

That was...alot. Kyan thought as he processed what sh'Riall had told him. Apparantly, there was an admiral who was... sinister? And he was blackmailing sh'Riall... and her girlfriend, a Vulcan... which was a whole other thing in and of itself, who was a Captain. Andorians, in his experience tended to be abrasive by default, and Torian sh'Riall definitely seemed typical in that way. But there was something else too that he couldn't immediately define.

Realizing that the silence had gone on long enough to be considered awkward, Kyan spoke. "Uh.. Energize." he said finally.

:: Resort Complex | Shaddai IV ::

When their molecules finally coalesced into their original connfiguration, Kyan looked up at sh'Riall. "So... if an Admiral is after blackmailing you..." he began, trailing off as he thought of how to finish the sentence delicately..and failing to come up with something better than bluntness.. "....what's he blackmailing you for? What did you do?"

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Hotel beach]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 18, 2022, 10:28:08 AM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael was touched by Torra. In point of fact, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she had a good friend. She could immediately see why Nira liked her, enough to regard her as a sister figure.

"Oh, indeed," said Jael. "And...Don, was it?" And it dawned on her... "Ah, I remember him. I served around your husband for a short time on the Challenger, while he was First Officer. I feel, though, that he's more happier piloting something that flies rather than be at the chair next to the Captain's. Our only away mission together didn't go very well..."

She reached up to the scar on the side of her head where she was first concussed against the side of a console, and then when she was beaten by a brutal Bajoran guard later on when they crashed where some members of the Federation were engaging in illicit mining activities.

"That in particular is a whole separate story," said Jael. "In any case, I didn't just had to deal with people who compared me to Crell Moset. There were plenty of Bajorans who lost loved ones one or two generations past during the Occupation, and many more members of the Federation who lost plenty in the Dominion War. I was still a girl when my mother defected and took me and my adopted brother to Earth. I was plenty scared spitless when the Breen attacked Earth, I have to admit. Since the end of the war, my mother's now an ambassador to the Federation. Then there's my father. One of Gul Dukat's trusted lackeys, and when joining the Dominion, became head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. Since the end of the war, he's been on the run. So there's a good Gul Sherem and a bad Gul Sherem out there. The good one's my mother the ambassador, Rahab. The bad one's my father the fugitive, Nehor.

"Yes, it's certainly a lot to take in," said Jael with a smile. "Born under two shadows, one good, one bad."

That Jael recognized Don's name caused a happy smile to alight Torra's face, at least until Jael commented on Don's preference for a pilot's seat over the Command chair.  While Jael's words weren't wrong, it hinted that Don hadn't been happy in his role as XO.   Torra felt a spur of worry and guilt.  Had her switch from Enlisted to Commissioned spurred her husband to seek a position he wasn't happy in?  The Grazerite hoped not.

Hearing that Jael's one away mission with him hadn't gone well was disheartening.  "I'm sorry to hear that."

Torra listened as the Cardassian woman then continued to explain about the prejudice she faced -  seemingly because of her father.   Having only lived 9 years so far,  and most of that sheltered on Vacca III, the Grazerite Operations officer was unfamiliar with the Cardassian names Jael mentioned.  The Cardassian occupation was long past by the time Torra was born, though from Jael's tone and mention of shadow, Torra got the impression that others were still very much affected by the horrors committed then.   Torra didn't think there was much she could say in response to that, other than "If you need to talk more, I'm a good listener."

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Shaddai IV - Vendor's Shop]

Quote from: Lek on July 18, 2022, 10:59:06 AM

[Vendor's Shop - Shaddai IV]

Lek could only admire Helga's grasp of making a deal, clearly, she had to have some Ferengi DNA somewhere in her past because she simply too good not to. As Gannion thought through what Helga had said, Lek spoke again.

"Just as my colleague has said Mr. Gannion, think of the possibilities! Given that Shaddai is not going to ignore the opportunity of trade with the Federation, other merchants will be looking to establish business with the organization. Someone who has your business sense, which one must have to deal in luxury goods in the first place, can surely see that the first person to make a connection with Federation distribution networks, will reap the highest reward. As I have those connections, you would be that first person, so, I have to ask, do we have a deal?"

Helga found herself waiting, almost with baited breath for the shop owner to come to a decision.

"I'll want proof of these contacts and distribution sources, but yeah if they are valid - we can certainly make a deal."  came the eventual answer.  Helga glanced to Lek in happy surprise.

The man motioned both Helga and Lek towards the backroom from which he'd entered the display room.   "Let's discuss this in finer detail, in private."

While such was probably standard practice in the business world, Helga, far more familiar with dangerous situations and individuals, viewed the request for privacy with suspicion. 

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

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