Season 14: Episode 10 - Manifest Destiny

Started by Tekin Nevir, June 08, 2022, 08:43:48 AM

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Torrian Sh'riall

[Resort Complex] | Shaddai IV-
Torrian sighed and handed over everything she could. "he told me that if i didn't find myself an andorian man he would release my personal file onto public data stores for going ageist what he believed all races should fallow. "damn purist half Vulcan."

She said with a look of distan and classic andorian rage "he also accused me once of being a Klingon spy because and i quote "why else would i be  taking personal messages and when i say person i mean don't open in  the public type personal form a female Klingon."

"there are all sorts of trumped up fake charges that where latter dropped i was suspended four a month  form the academy while they where being sorted out and i had to testify and defend myself in court its all on my file but of course h issues a formal apology and the matter gets dropped i have asked the mdical board to fire him over and over agin."

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Resort Complex | Shaddaie IV ::

Kyan accepted the data disk that sh'Riall offered him and put it in his pocket. He honestly wasn't sure what to think about the Andorian's claims. He could see a Vulcan getting upset about another Vulcan being intimate with an Andorian, given their history, but to blackmail someone over it? Make up fake charges? It all seemed... fantastic. Sure, Vulcans were the proverbial wet blankets on just about everything, but Torian's assertions seemed far fetched to him. Still though, he supposed it could be true.

But then she hadn't answered his question had she? If someone is going to blackmail someone else, there had to be some truth to the charges. Which meant that Torian had to have done something that she would not want to become public knowledge. The whole thing reeked of not enough information and he was wearing flip flops... so it could wait. Besides, thinking about Vulcan Admirals when he was supposed to be having fun was straight up blasphemy. Let alone thinking about grups and their disgusting mating habits. The little Onlie pushed it all to one side an focused on the reason for being here. Namely, to have fun.

Looking around, Kyan noticed a large resort map with a "You are here." star at their location. The hiking trails were a few hundred meters to the north, past the beach. "We'll worry over the Vulcan Admiral later so we will." he told sh'Riall. "Today we're after having fun. So come on!"

With that, Kyan turned and headed toward the beach.

Dem Broadshire

[Main Shuttle Bay--Deck 6--Resort Complex| USS Discovery/Shaddai IV]

Dem Broadshire sat on a grey bench, overlooking the main shuttlebay. Starfleet officers running around, like ants drawn to sugar, replacing this here and breaking that there. While being reluctant to go on the race, he was disappointed that the shuttle was grounded, due to a malfunctioning Whoseywatsit. He stood up, and walked through the whooshing doors.

He went to his half unpacked quarters, and grabbed the small standard-issue bag that he brought on the shuttle. Now knowing the way of the corridors, he safely got himself to the transporter room on deck 6. The transporter operator stationed there looked as enthusiastic as a Bajoran Kisel bird. Dem stepped on the pad, and the disgruntled operators face faded away.

Dem energised on a lower step of the resort that most officers stayed at, and looked around for a moment. An imposing building, but with a majestic curved back exit. this was, of course not the door he was looking for, as he specifically instructed the officer to beam him down to the main entrance. Dem only took one step to get to the main enterance, when a curdling scream cut across the promenade. Instinctively, he ran towards it, med kit in hand.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun finally arrived on the planet. It was sad that the shuttlecraft race was not for a couple more months. He was really looking forward to racing. He was also interested in the new holodeck simulation in which he mutinies and takes command of the current ship he is on with the rest of the ensigns. But all that would have to wait until he was done with shore leave. Looking around on the beach Gohun managed to find and bard and started drinking.


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 21, 2022, 04:25:09 AM

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Shaddai IV - Vendor's Shop]

Helga found herself waiting, almost with baited breath for the shop owner to come to a decision.

"I'll want proof of these contacts and distribution sources, but yeah if they are valid - we can certainly make a deal."  came the eventual answer.  Helga glanced to Lek in happy surprise.

The man motioned both Helga and Lek towards the backroom from which he'd entered the display room.   "Let's discuss this in finer detail, in private."

While such was probably standard practice in the business world, Helga, far more familiar with dangerous situations and individuals, viewed the request for privacy with suspicion.

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

If anyone was to ask Lek to describe himself, he'd answer 'engineer' without hesitation. However, just because he'd left the usual Ferengi way of living behind, that didn't mean he wasn't a Ferengi and by the way his lobes were tingling, they had a deal with Gannion.

Obviously, both Gannion and Lek had to prove they could deliver on their half of the deal, but the opportunity was simply too good to not happen. On entering Gannion's office, Lek waited as Gannion sat and put on his 'business' face, which was fine as Lek had his on too.

"I am aware of the Federation as I have contacts too. However, I don't know anyone on Shaddai that has connections. Now, you show up at my place of business with just the sort of 'in' anyone on Shaddai would kill to have.

"I'm sure, as a businessman, you're culture has a variation of the cautionary tale of a deal that sounds too good to be true, is unlikely to be so."

"I have indeed."

"Very good then. That then leads me to have to ask, why should I believe you can deliver on this once in a lifetime opportunity."

At that point, Lek reached into his suit and produced a Ferengi PADD, and presented to Gannion.

"You may make copies of the file displayed on the screen. This is my network, it obviously doesn't have names or you could simply bypass me. As this will be a new opportunity to me as well, it is clear the network is small, it simply cannot handle bulk shipments... yet.

"This is why I selected luxury goods as they are typically small and easy to transport. This will allow both ends of the pipeline to grow to meet as demand increases. You see, there is a certain level of trust I have to have in you that you can deliver the goods in sufficient quantity, just as you have to trust me to be able to distribute those goods in a timely matter. I find when both party's have the same level of investment, they also have the same motivation to deliver so that each can profit from the deal."

After Gannion copied the file, he returned the PADD and Lek added.

"I've shown you enough of my network to prove that it exists. Now Mister Gannion, it is now time for you to show me that you have the goods to supply that network."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 21, 2022, 04:25:09 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Hotel beach]

That Jael recognized Don's name caused a happy smile to alight Torra's face, at least until Jael commented on Don's preference for a pilot's seat over the Command chair.  While Jael's words weren't wrong, it hinted that Don hadn't been happy in his role as XO.   Torra felt a spur of worry and guilt.  Had her switch from Enlisted to Commissioned spurred her husband to seek a position he wasn't happy in?  The Grazerite hoped not.

Hearing that Jael's one away mission with him hadn't gone well was disheartening.  "I'm sorry to hear that."

Torra listened as the Cardassian woman then continued to explain about the prejudice she faced -  seemingly because of her father.   Having only lived 9 years so far,  and most of that sheltered on Vacca III, the Grazerite Operations officer was unfamiliar with the Cardassian names Jael mentioned.  The Cardassian occupation was long past by the time Torra was born, though from Jael's tone and mention of shadow, Torra got the impression that others were still very much affected by the horrors committed then.   Torra didn't think there was much she could say in response to that, other than "If you need to talk more, I'm a good listener."

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael nodded in appreciation. "Thanks, Torra," she said. "And it's good to be a part of...your upsol? Well, I can assume upsol means family, in a way," she added with a smile. "A good crew can be a family, particularly when they're around long enough."

Immediately, she thought back to the Challenger and realized, in a way, the crew was a sort of family, though she never had a chance to get to know most of the crew. The only one she had a sort of family tiff with had been Vyrl the Breen, but it was instantly natural, the rivalry between Cardassians and Breen...but thinking of it made her a bit guilty...

...and it also made her think of a memory, too...when she was a little girl and she joined her mother for a conference and met the Castellan himself: Elim Garak. She remembered trying to ask him about his time on Deep Space Nine, as he was spoken of highly...only to him sneering sardonically, trying to pass off as good-natured: "Did they talk about me because of my service in the war, or because of how much of a good tailor I was?" he asked humorously, though Jael her how sardonic it was more likely, and as amused as his smile was, it somewhat struck her as something of a grimace. Her mother later explained that it wasn't a good idea to talk to Garak about his exile, which puzzled Jael at the time. Despite that, Jael asked of Garak anyway: "So, given a good crew is a family," she said, recalling how her mother's crew was a family as well, "you didn't count yourself as part of the station's family?" "More like the strange neighbor who could be amusement or trouble, depending on which way you looked at it," Garak replied before he changed the subject at warp speed, and ignored Jael's further questions with enough thoroughfare flair that she gave up talking to him further.

She mentioned that meeting to Torra as she walked along with him, and she told her about her mother and her crew and how that crew was her first family, in a way. "You would've liked them, Torra," she said. "A crew who gave up a lot to help their commanding officer defect, and they were all good friends, close enough to be family, too. It made me appreciate it more, especially after meeting somebody so famous and be let down."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Hotel beach]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 27, 2022, 08:39:17 PM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael nodded in appreciation. "Thanks, Torra," she said. "And it's good to be a part of...your upsol? Well, I can assume upsol means family, in a way," she added with a smile. "A good crew can be a family, particularly when they're around long enough."

Immediately, she thought back to the Challenger and realized, in a way, the crew was a sort of family, though she never had a chance to get to know most of the crew. The only one she had a sort of family tiff with had been Vyrl the Breen, but it was instantly natural, the rivalry between Cardassians and Breen...but thinking of it made her a bit guilty...

...and it also made her think of a memory, too...when she was a little girl and she joined her mother for a conference and met the Castellan himself: Elim Garak. She remembered trying to ask him about his time on Deep Space Nine, as he was spoken of highly...only to him sneering sardonically, trying to pass off as good-natured: "Did they talk about me because of my service in the war, or because of how much of a good tailor I was?" he asked humorously, though Jael her how sardonic it was more likely, and as amused as his smile was, it somewhat struck her as something of a grimace. Her mother later explained that it wasn't a good idea to talk to Garak about his exile, which puzzled Jael at the time. Despite that, Jael asked of Garak anyway: "So, given a good crew is a family," she said, recalling how her mother's crew was a family as well, "you didn't count yourself as part of the station's family?" "More like the strange neighbor who could be amusement or trouble, depending on which way you looked at it," Garak replied before he changed the subject at warp speed, and ignored Jael's further questions with enough thoroughfare flair that she gave up talking to him further.

She mentioned that meeting to Torra as she walked along with him, and she told her about her mother and her crew and how that crew was her first family, in a way. "You would've liked them, Torra," she said. "A crew who gave up a lot to help their commanding officer defect, and they were all good friends, close enough to be family, too. It made me appreciate it more, especially after meeting somebody so famous and be let down."

Torra nodded at Jael's interpretation of the Grazerite term.  An upsol was a family-like community of individuals, some related, some not, but who had a bond with one another living and working together closely. "That's it exactly... and I too am glad to have you as a part of my upsol." she replied as they ambled along.

Then she listened as Jael spoke of having met the Cardassian Castellan. It took Torra a moment to recall that the Castellan was the head of the Cardassian Union.   Torra, being only vaguely familiar with the history of the Dominion War, wasn't able to understand the Castellan's comment in the least, but she caught that Jael had been disappointed in his reply - though she didn't quite understand her reason.  "That's good I suppose... though I'm curious.  What was there to be let down about?  Had you expected a different reply?"

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - Gannion's Store]

Quote from: Lek on July 26, 2022, 03:27:53 PM

[Gannion's Store - Shaddai IV]

If anyone was to ask Lek to describe himself, he'd answer 'engineer' without hesitation. However, just because he'd left the usual Ferengi way of living behind, that didn't mean he wasn't a Ferengi and by the way his lobes were tingling, they had a deal with Gannion.

Obviously, both Gannion and Lek had to prove they could deliver on their half of the deal, but the opportunity was simply too good to not happen. On entering Gannion's office, Lek waited as Gannion sat and put on his 'business' face, which was fine as Lek had his on too.

"I am aware of the Federation as I have contacts too. However, I don't know anyone on Shaddai that has connections. Now, you show up at my place of business with just the sort of 'in' anyone on Shaddai would kill to have.

"I'm sure, as a businessman, you're culture has a variation of the cautionary tale of a deal that sounds too good to be true, is unlikely to be so."

"I have indeed."

"Very good then. That then leads me to have to ask, why should I believe you can deliver on this once in a lifetime opportunity."

At that point, Lek reached into his suit and produced a Ferengi PADD, and presented to Gannion.

"You may make copies of the file displayed on the screen. This is my network, it obviously doesn't have names or you could simply bypass me. As this will be a new opportunity to me as well, it is clear the network is small, it simply cannot handle bulk shipments... yet.

"This is why I selected luxury goods as they are typically small and easy to transport. This will allow both ends of the pipeline to grow to meet as demand increases. You see, there is a certain level of trust I have to have in you that you can deliver the goods in sufficient quantity, just as you have to trust me to be able to distribute those goods in a timely matter. I find when both party's have the same level of investment, they also have the same motivation to deliver so that each can profit from the deal."

After Gannion copied the file, he returned the PADD and Lek added.

"I've shown you enough of my network to prove that it exists. Now Mister Gannion, it is now time for you to show me that you have the goods to supply that network."

Gannion brought forth varying sizes of gemstones, and crystals which were seemingly calcified onto the shells of one or more local fossilized species.  Helga found the iridescent shine on some were just breath-taking.

"These are ammocites fossils.  They are found mostly in ocean caverns where the cephalopod creatures would travel to in order to find crystals and gemstones to add to their shell through their calcification ability in order to attract a mate.   They are extremely rare and presently retrieved by ocean divers and processed by hand, they are extremely valuable and highly sought after." Gannion bragged.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 25, 2022, 02:00:53 AM

[Main Shuttle Bay--Deck 6--Resort Complex| USS Discovery/Shaddai IV]

Dem energised on a lower step of the resort that most officers stayed at, and looked around for a moment. An imposing building, but with a majestic curved back exit. this was, of course not the door he was looking for, as he specifically instructed the officer to beam him down to the main entrance. Dem only took one step to get to the main entrance, when a curdling scream cut across the promenade. Instinctively, he ran towards it, med kit in hand.

Helga had been listening to the vendor talk about his wares, when the Klingon hybrid suddenly held up a shushing the Gannion. "Did you just hear that? Was that a scream?"

The sound had been faint, obviously having come from outside the shop. Helga didn't waste time getting confirmation from either Lek or Gannion.

"I'm going to go check it out." she stated to Lek.  Her security training and personality both urging her to determine what was going on.  She hurried outside and looked and listened for any further sign of disruption.   Across the Welcome Center, there seemed to be a gathering of people.  Helga headed in that direction.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 28, 2022, 04:19:35 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Hotel beach]

Torra nodded at Jael's interpretation of the Grazerite term.  An upsol was a family-like community of individuals, some related, some not, but who had a bond with one another living and working together closely. "That's it exactly... and I too am glad to have you as a part of my upsol." she replied as they ambled along.

Then she listened as Jael spoke of having met the Cardassian Castellan. It took Torra a moment to recall that the Castellan was the head of the Cardassian Union.   Torra, being only vaguely familiar with the history of the Dominion War, wasn't able to understand the Castellan's comment in the least, but she caught that Jael had been disappointed in his reply - though she didn't quite understand her reason.  "That's good I suppose... though I'm curious.  What was there to be let down about?  Had you expected a different reply?"

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

"I had," said Jael. "I was expecting a legendary hero, one who helped to free Cardassia from the Dominion. Then again, I should've known better: Underneath that sardonic exterior is a bitter man. My mother had him make baby clothes for me and Gid, this was weeks before the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor, she could see how miserable he was, and she couldn't blame him; Garak was a well-known intelligence operative back in his day. She once asked Garak for the reason of his exile. Whatever response she got was that it had something to do with the taxes, but she doesn't believe that, and neither did my father. They both could see something in him when asked that, something in his eyes: Whatever happened to prompt his exile, it happened because of someone he loved."

Jael shrugged, recalling the theories from her mother that it was exactly what happened to Garak. After all, it seemed more likely than his claims of tax evasion. Wondering what more to talk about, Jael looked around amidst walking with Torra and was surprised by the crowd.

"What's all this?" she asked in befuddlement. Whatever it was, it didn't look good...

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Torrian Sh'riall


"It was um a personal message between adults ok the type of video not for others to see kind of deal they sent it to me through an encrypted channel and he thought it was a message to me from the Klingon head house. so he thought it was a spy message the guy is a moron. And is out to get me because I don't follow my race's breeding practices."  "because I am gay and choose not to mate  with a male of my own species and what I watch on my downtime is my choice should they have sent that though that type of channels No but does that give him the right to look at what is something very personal Double no!"

I am pretty sure what he did was highly illegal the only issue is I can't go after him directly without in his words exposing myself."

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Resort Complex | Shaddai IV ::

Kyan HAD begun walking away toward the beach when the Andorian doctor began baring her soul in front of the gods and everyone. Her admissions were... uncomfortable to say the least evidenced by the ancient boy's face trying to match the color of his hair. It's not that he was unfamiliar with grup "coupling" of all sorts, he'd had classes on the topic at all levels of his education. His hangup was having a grup, a girl at that.. or a shen in this case, just start rambling about her own proclivities and the fact that her girlfriend was sending her explicit videos.

He found the whole thing... gross. And unexpected. There are rules about talking to kids about these things! he thought to himself, which given his revulsion at the topic, he was wont to follow. Granted, he was a kid in appearance... and other psycho-social aspects... but dammit, that still counted! And he was simply unwilling to stand here in this place, while he was on vacation no less, and hear about a lecherous Vulcan admiral and his blackmailing of an Andorian who wanted nothing more than to knock boots with sher Vulcan girlfriend in peace. He didn't know who took the lion's share of the blame for this lurid assault on his "innocence", but he wasn't having it any more.

"Ok! Ok! I get it the now!" he replied waving her off. "Sure and when we're done with this vacation we'll sort out the whole thing. But Admiral Whats his face ain't here, and neither is the Judge.. so I'd be after having you shut up about it until we get back tae the ship so we can fix it proper! It's a fun time we're s'posed tae be after down here, not talkin about... whatever this whole thing is ye've got going!"

It was then that a scream pierced the relative calm of the area. Never had he been so happy to hear someone shrieking in... terror? pain? whatever! It was a way of this awkward, gross... thing in which he found himself. Not waiting for sh'Riall, Discovery's little XO turned and ran toward the scream. When he got there, he saw the other new doctor, the not-quite Bajoran kneeling over a woman who lay supine on the decorative tiled floor. She was trying to get up, but being held in place by Broadshire who was treating her injuries.

"He took my baby!" she sob/screamed hysterically. "My baby!"


"What's all this?" she asked in befuddlement. Whatever it was, it didn't look good...

Kyan looked up and saw that the Cardassian medical type of unknown credentials... Nurse? whatever.. Blue shirt was all he knew or needed to, and the Klingon/Human petty officer... Tragnar! that was it, showed up. Having spent most of his career in Security and Tactical, Kyan knew that time was both a huge factor in this case, an decidedly against them.

"Ensign Sharem, Miss Tragnar! This lady says someone, a male someone, took her baby. We need to gather up the crew and start looking... and get the local security in on it too so.." He looked around, expecting to see some local security or police... something.. but there weren't any to be found. That's wierd. Shoving the lack of local constables aside, Kyan continued. "Well, we'll just be doing it ourselves looks like. So it's been a few minutes. They can't have gotten far, let's start looking for a nervous grup and his stolen baby!"

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV -  Beach >> Resort complex]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 28, 2022, 08:21:01 AM

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

"I had," said Jael. "I was expecting a legendary hero, one who helped to free Cardassia from the Dominion. Then again, I should've known better: Underneath that sardonic exterior is a bitter man. My mother had him make baby clothes for me and Gid, this was weeks before the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor, she could see how miserable he was, and she couldn't blame him; Garak was a well-known intelligence operative back in his day. She once asked Garak for the reason of his exile. Whatever response she got was that it had something to do with the taxes, but she doesn't believe that, and neither did my father. They both could see something in him when asked that, something in his eyes: Whatever happened to prompt his exile, it happened because of someone he loved."

Jael shrugged, recalling the theories from her mother that it was exactly what happened to Garak. After all, it seemed more likely than his claims of tax evasion. Wondering what more to talk about, Jael looked around amidst walking with Torra and was surprised by the crowd.

"What's all this?" she asked in befuddlement. Whatever it was, it didn't look good...

Torra was still a bit uncertain over the reason for Jael's disappointment in her 'hero'.  Especially after hearing that the man had been exiled.  To be separated from one's upsol and to always feel apart from the community one lived in... must be horrible, Torra thought. The Grazerite suspected that was what had made the Cardassian, Garak, bitter.

She recalled how very dour the Romulan, Rayek, had been when he had first come about Challenger.  He too seemed to have been without an upsol for a while but he had eventually made connections.  First with Lek and Dr. Vaughan, and eventually with Lahr and others in Security.  Torra smiled softly, recalling that last she'd heard Rayek and his wife had been blessed with a baby boy.

With her thoughts distant and her head down looking mostly at her feet to avoid her horns from entangling in the encroaching tree branches, Torra hadn't noticed that the path she and Jael took led, not further along the hiking trail like she'd hoped, but back towards the Welcome Centre Resort.

Torra looked up at Jael's query and tried to assess the scene.

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - ]
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 29, 2022, 06:55:44 AM

:: Resort Complex | Shaddai IV ::

Kyan HAD begun walking away toward the beach when the Andorian doctor began baring her soul in front of the gods and everyone.

"Ok! Ok! I get it the now!" he replied waving her off. "Sure and when we're done with this vacation we'll sort out the whole thing. But Admiral Whats his face ain't here, and neither is the Judge.. so I'd be after having you shut up about it until we get back tae the ship so we can fix it proper! It's a fun time we're s'posed tae be after down here, not talkin about... whatever this whole thing is ye've got going!"

It was then that a scream pierced the relative calm of the area. Never had he been so happy to hear someone shrieking in... terror? pain? whatever! It was a way of this awkward, gross... thing in which he found himself. Not waiting for sh'Riall, Discovery's little XO turned and ran toward the scream. When he got there, he saw the other new doctor, the not-quite Bajoran kneeling over a woman who lay supine on the decorative tiled floor. She was trying to get up, but being held in place by Broadshire who was treating her injuries.

"He took my baby!" she sob/screamed hysterically. "My baby!"

Kyan looked up and saw that the Cardassian medical type of unknown credentials... Nurse? whatever.. Blue shirt was all he knew or needed to, and the Klingon/Human petty officer... Tragnar! that was it, showed up. Having spent most of his career in Security and Tactical, Kyan knew that time was both a huge factor in this case, an decidedly against them.

"Ensign Sharem, Miss Tragnar! This lady says someone, a male someone, took her baby. We need to gather up the crew and start looking... and get the local security in on it too so.." He looked around, expecting to see some local security or police... something.. but there weren't any to be found. That's weird. Shoving the lack of local constables aside, Kyan continued. "Well, we'll just be doing it ourselves looks like. So it's been a few minutes. They can't have gotten far, let's start looking for a nervous grup and his stolen baby!"

Helga had moved towards the group of onlookers to see a Bajoran man (obviously one of the crew since Challenger was the first Federation ship to have come here) tending to a panicked woman crying out about her stolen child.

The Klingon had already look about for a location of higher vantage to see if she could spot the offender with the baby, when one of the crowd, a child, spoke up and called her and Jael by name.  It was only then that Helga belatedly recognized the Commander out of his uniform.   "Yes, sir!" she acknowledged his orders, turning abruptly to head towards a large statuary that she intended to climb for better sighting.

In turning, the security crewman bumped into Torra, whom Helga knew could be of help as well.  "I'll be searching the crowd, and leave the call out to the rest of the crew to you ma'am."  Helga stated before moving off to climb the large stone obelisk in the center of the complex.  She was looking for furtive movement, someone standing out because they didn't want to be seen.

While Helga did this, Torra looked to Jael "See if your colleague needs assistance." indicating the Bajoran medic working to calm down the woman.  Torra then tapped her commbadge which by shore leave regulations she and all crew were required to have on them at all times.

=/\="Lieutenant Addams to all shore leave personnel.  This is an Amber Alert.  Description of the child and male suspect to follow."=/\=   She muted the call for a moment.

Torra gently approached the screaming woman.  "Ma'am, please calm yourself.  We're here help.  Can you give me a description of your baby and the person who took your child?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Resort Welcome Center | Shaddai IV ::

Quote from:  Danjar-Torra Addams

Torra gently approached the screaming woman.  "Ma'am, please calm yourself.  We're here help.  Can you give me a description of your baby and the person who took your child?"

The woman on the ground was Human, and dressed like most everyone else on Shaddai IV; as casual as casual can be. The fine silk of her flowing dress/ robe left very little to the imagination as it fell over her where she lay on the decorative tile; including the phaser shaped bulge on her thigh. Still racked with sobs, the woman's speech was halting but she managed to fill the Grazerite operations officer in. "Orion. He... was.. a..Syndicate.. He said I owe him money... and... he took my baby boy!"

Kyan had been listening in, waiting for the chance to get the woman's phaser off of her. He figured, given her emotional state, that it would be safer for everyone if she weren't armed. But after hearing her description of her attacker, he stepped away from where Addams, Sherem, and Broadshire were huddled around her and fished his com badge out of his packet.

=/\= Mackenzie to Discovery Folk. The kidnapper is an Orion Male, carrying a Human baby boy. She says he's Syndicate too, so he's armed and there's probably more lurking about. If you see them, report back. Don't engage until we get somethin tae be engagin with so. Mackenzie out. =/\=

Then he hit the delta again. =/\= Mackenzie to Ensign Henshaw. Can ye go tae th' armory and pull out a dozen or so hand phasers and beam down tae my location please. And be quick about it. =/\=

Pocketing the com badge again, Kyan returned to the woman and the medical folks, and Addams. He watched them treat her for a moment and then spoke up. "Will ye be able to fix her here or d'ya need tae go back to the ship?" he asked.

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV -  Resort complex]

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 31, 2022, 04:22:00 AM

:: Resort Welcome Center | Shaddai IV ::

The woman on the ground was Human, and dressed like most everyone else on Shaddai IV; as casual as casual can be. The fine silk of her flowing dress/robe left very little to the imagination as it fell over her where she lay on the decorative tile; including the phaser shaped bulge on her thigh. Still racked with sobs, the woman's speech was halting but she managed to fill the Grazerite operations officer in. "Orion. He... was.. a..Syndicate.. He said I owe him money... and... he took my baby boy!"

Kyan had been listening in, waiting for the chance to get the woman's phaser off of her. He figured, given her emotional state, that it would be safer for everyone if she weren't armed. But after hearing her description of her attacker, he stepped away from where Addams, Sherem, and Broadshire were huddled around her and fished his com badge out of his packet.

=/\= Mackenzie to Discovery Folk. The kidnapper is an Orion Male, carrying a Human baby boy. She says he's Syndicate too, so he's armed and there's probably more lurking about. If you see them, report back. Don't engage until we get somethin tae be engagin with so. Mackenzie out. =/\=

Then he hit the delta again. =/\= Mackenzie to Ensign Henshaw. Can ye go tae th' armory and pull out a dozen or so hand phasers and beam down tae my location please. And be quick about it. =/\=

Pocketing the com badge again, Kyan returned to the woman and the medical folks, and Addams. He watched them treat her for a moment and then spoke up. "Will ye be able to fix her here or d'ya need tae go back to the ship?" he asked.

With her focus being centered on the kidnapping accusation, it took Torra a moment to note the hidden weapon.  However, if the woman had dealings with the Orion Syndicate as was implied, the hidden phaser made sense.  The woman likely had connections to the criminal organization.  Yet despite that no mother deserved to have her child stolen to be used as leverage for money.   "Don't worry.  We'll do all we can to get your son back." Torra softly assured the woman standing to the side so that she wasn't in the way of the two medics attending her.

She was about to continue her call to the ship's personnel when she heard the Commander's youthful voice coming from her comm badge repeating the woman's information about the Orion and the taken Human baby boy.   Torra glanced about the crowded plaza.  It took a moment for her to spot him walking towards her position.

Though Torra wasn't an attending medic, she offered her advice.  "I think it would be wise to beam her directly to sickbay and be checked out - thoroughly."   Torra tried to not make her wording and stressing of the phrase checked out too obvious but just enough that the Commander and medics would understand that the woman too should be considered dangerous... at least until they had a clearer picture of as to why she owed the Syndicate money.

A bio scan of the woman's DNA could then hopefully be recognized in their ship's database as either a Federation citizen or possibly a known criminal, allowing Security personnel to identify who she was and how she might be connected to the Orion Syndicate.

"Miss, we're going to find your baby.  In the meantime, please go with these medical personnel and have yourself fully checked.  Your son will need his mother to be well when we bring him back to you." she encouraged softly to avoid a scene of the mother arguing about remaining.

While she spoke to the woman, Torra pulled her PADD from her satchel discreetly.  While the woman replied back, Torra dipped her head slightly in order to see the PADD screen and tapped lightly on it's surface, alerting the Ops staff working the transporters to ensure the weapons filter was activated on transports to Sickbay.

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - ]

Having heard the Commander's call about the sought species that made Helga's search so much easier.   She just needed a tricorder to isolate any Orion bio-signatures in the vicinity to be able to track them.   =/\="Petty office Tragnar to Transporter Room.  Beam down to my location, a tricorder and phaser." =/\=

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 29, 2022, 06:55:44 AM

:: Resort Complex | Shaddai IV ::

It was then that a scream pierced the relative calm of the area. Never had he been so happy to hear someone shrieking in... terror? pain? whatever! It was a way of this awkward, gross... thing in which he found himself. Not waiting for sh'Riall, Discovery's little XO turned and ran toward the scream. When he got there, he saw the other new doctor, the not-quite Bajoran kneeling over a woman who lay supine on the decorative tiled floor. She was trying to get up, but being held in place by Broadshire who was treating her injuries.

"He took my baby!" she sob/screamed hysterically. "My baby!"

Kyan looked up and saw that the Cardassian medical type of unknown credentials... Nurse? whatever.. Blue shirt was all he knew or needed to, and the Klingon/Human petty officer... Tragnar! that was it, showed up. Having spent most of his career in Security and Tactical, Kyan knew that time was both a huge factor in this case, an decidedly against them.

"Ensign Sharem, Miss Tragnar! This lady says someone, a male someone, took her baby. We need to gather up the crew and start looking... and get the local security in on it too so.." He looked around, expecting to see some local security or police... something.. but there weren't any to be found. That's wierd. Shoving the lack of local constables aside, Kyan continued. "Well, we'll just be doing it ourselves looks like. So it's been a few minutes. They can't have gotten far, let's start looking for a nervous grup and his stolen baby!"

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 30, 2022, 12:58:03 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV -  Beach >> Resort complex]

Torra was still a bit uncertain over the reason for Jael's disappointment in her 'hero'.  Especially after hearing that the man had been exiled.  To be separated from one's upsol and to always feel apart from the community one lived in... must be horrible, Torra thought. The Grazerite suspected that was what had made the Cardassian, Garak, bitter.

She recalled how very dour the Romulan, Rayek, had been when he had first come about Challenger.  He too seemed to have been without an upsol for a while but he had eventually made connections.  First with Lek and Dr. Vaughan, and eventually with Lahr and others in Security.  Torra smiled softly, recalling that last she'd heard Rayek and his wife had been blessed with a baby boy.

With her thoughts distant and her head down looking mostly at her feet to avoid her horns from entangling in the encroaching tree branches, Torra hadn't noticed that the path she and Jael took led, not further along the hiking trail like she'd hoped, but back towards the Welcome Centre Resort.

Torra looked up at Jael's query and tried to assess the scene.

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - ]

Helga had moved towards the group of onlookers to see a Bajoran man (obviously one of the crew since Challenger was the first Federation ship to have come here) tending to a panicked woman crying out about her stolen child.

The Klingon had already look about for a location of higher vantage to see if she could spot the offender with the baby, when one of the crowd, a child, spoke up and called her and Jael by name.  It was only then that Helga belatedly recognized the Commander out of his uniform.   "Yes, sir!" she acknowledged his orders, turning abruptly to head towards a large statuary that she intended to climb for better sighting.

In turning, the security crewman bumped into Torra, whom Helga knew could be of help as well.  "I'll be searching the crowd, and leave the call out to the rest of the crew to you ma'am."  Helga stated before moving off to climb the large stone obelisk in the center of the complex.  She was looking for furtive movement, someone standing out because they didn't want to be seen.

While Helga did this, Torra looked to Jael "See if your colleague needs assistance." indicating the Bajoran medic working to calm down the woman.  Torra then tapped her commbadge which by shore leave regulations she and all crew were required to have on them at all times.

=/\="Lieutenant Addams to all shore leave personnel.  This is an Amber Alert.  Description of the child and male suspect to follow."=/\=   She muted the call for a moment.

Torra gently approached the screaming woman.  "Ma'am, please calm yourself.  We're here help.  Can you give me a description of your baby and the person who took your child?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 31, 2022, 04:22:00 AM

:: Resort Welcome Center | Shaddai IV ::

The woman on the ground was Human, and dressed like most everyone else on Shaddai IV; as casual as casual can be. The fine silk of her flowing dress/ robe left very little to the imagination as it fell over her where she lay on the decorative tile; including the phaser shaped bulge on her thigh. Still racked with sobs, the woman's speech was halting but she managed to fill the Grazerite operations officer in. "Orion. He... was.. a..Syndicate.. He said I owe him money... and... he took my baby boy!"

Kyan had been listening in, waiting for the chance to get the woman's phaser off of her. He figured, given her emotional state, that it would be safer for everyone if she weren't armed. But after hearing her description of her attacker, he stepped away from where Addams, Sherem, and Broadshire were huddled around her and fished his com badge out of his packet.

=/\= Mackenzie to Discovery Folk. The kidnapper is an Orion Male, carrying a Human baby boy. She says he's Syndicate too, so he's armed and there's probably more lurking about. If you see them, report back. Don't engage until we get somethin tae be engagin with so. Mackenzie out. =/\=

Then he hit the delta again. =/\= Mackenzie to Ensign Henshaw. Can ye go tae th' armory and pull out a dozen or so hand phasers and beam down tae my location please. And be quick about it. =/\=

Pocketing the com badge again, Kyan returned to the woman and the medical folks, and Addams. He watched them treat her for a moment and then spoke up. "Will ye be able to fix her here or d'ya need tae go back to the ship?" he asked.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 01, 2022, 03:20:36 PM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV -  Resort complex]

With her focus being centered on the kidnapping accusation, it took Torra a moment to note the hidden weapon.  However, if the woman had dealings with the Orion Syndicate as was implied, the hidden phaser made sense.  The woman likely had connections to the criminal organization.  Yet despite that no mother deserved to have her child stolen to be used as leverage for money.   "Don't worry.  We'll do all we can to get your son back." Torra softly assured the woman standing to the side so that she wasn't in the way of the two medics attending her.

She was about to continue her call to the ship's personnel when she heard the Commander's youthful voice coming from her comm badge repeating the woman's information about the Orion and the taken Human baby boy.   Torra glanced about the crowded plaza.  It took a moment for her to spot him walking towards her position.

Though Torra wasn't an attending medic, she offered her advice.  "I think it would be wise to beam her directly to sickbay and be checked out - thoroughly."   Torra tried to not make her wording and stressing of the phrase checked out too obvious but just enough that the Commander and medics would understand that the woman too should be considered dangerous... at least until they had a clearer picture of as to why she owed the Syndicate money.

A bio scan of the woman's DNA could then hopefully be recognized in their ship's database as either a Federation citizen or possibly a known criminal, allowing Security personnel to identify who she was and how she might be connected to the Orion Syndicate.

"Miss, we're going to find your baby.  In the meantime, please go with these medical personnel and have yourself fully checked.  Your son will need his mother to be well when we bring him back to you." she encouraged softly to avoid a scene of the mother arguing about remaining.

While she spoke to the woman, Torra pulled her PADD from her satchel discreetly.  While the woman replied back, Torra dipped her head slightly in order to see the PADD screen and tapped lightly on it's surface, alerting the Ops staff working the transporters to ensure the weapons filter was activated on transports to Sickbay.

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - ]

Having heard the Commander's call about the sought species that made Helga's search so much easier.   She just needed a tricorder to isolate any Orion bio-signatures in the vicinity to be able to track them.   =/\="Petty office Tragnar to Transporter Room.  Beam down to my location, a tricorder and phaser." =/\=

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Resort | Shaddai IV]

Jael reached the poor woman and helped her as best as she could, although it occurred to her that it was likely to be her first patient not associated with the ship. She felt it would be best to wait until more medical personnel, especially those who knew what they were doing, came to help. She especially perked up at mention of somebody from the Orion Snydicate.

Holy Prophets, I wish Nira was here for this,
Jael thought, thinking of Nira and how she had enjoyed pursuing mysteries and often criminals when she was able to.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun woke up on the floor of a hotel room. Or just a hotel room or just a room. It was hard to say. His com badge chirped Gohun awake. There was a screaming somewhere and he needed to help kidnap someone. That didn't make any sense. At that point Gohin picked himself up from the ground and drank some more. At that point a thunderous boom came from the door. Who is testing dynamite he thought? Gohun walked up to the door and realised it was only someone knocking on the door. With that he opened the door and just then noticed he was naked. This was awkward. Fortunately this was not the first time this happened as he simply acted as casual as possible and reached forward and took the note from the hotel employee.
The note read as follows "Kidnapping need help finding the victim." Ah that makes a lot of sense. Gohun considered his options at this point. Stay on shore leave or help out. Looking over at the Romulan wine Gohun made his choice. He stayed and poured himself another drink.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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