Season 14: Episode 10 - Manifest Destiny

Started by Tekin Nevir, June 08, 2022, 08:43:48 AM

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Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was pinned down. If he did not call for help he would die. Gohun reached up for his combadge and activated it. " Gohun to all personnel I am pinned dow----". unexpectedly the power returned to the airport and communication stopped. That could have been better timed. Gohun looked around the right corner and immediately jumped back as a grenn disrupter blast barely missed.
Then from the other side of the shack two guards jump out. Gohun managed to stun both of them. With a phaser that was almost empty Gohun grabbed a disrupter rifle and started firing back. 

Danjar-Torra Addams


NPC Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Shaddai IV - Welcome Complex - Transporter room]

One by one, the three teams were beamed up to the ship, each to a different hull to begin a search of the ship - firstly to determine why the ship had lost communications, and secondly to locate and apprehend the woman who started the child abduction farce.

The teams arrived to find the ship on Red Alert; and despite that the short range function of their comm badges worked between one team and another across the distance of the hulls, there was no response from the Bridge when attempts were made to contact it.

Failing contact with the Bridge they attempted to reach either Commander MacKenzie or Lieutenant Commander Lek next.   "Security Team One to any senior officer on the ship.  Please respond."

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - abandoned airfield/shuttle pad - shuttle - cargo area]
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on October 06, 2022, 12:55:19 PM

" Gohun to all personnel I am pinned dow----".

The abrupt cut off of the communication would have been more worrisome if it hadn't occurred at the same time that the shuttles sensors all went blank.    Somehow somewhere someone had gotten the jamming beacon working again.

Torra didn't need to hear Gohun's message to know that he was in trouble, which is why she'd asked the Tereshkova to assist.   She too would help - once she got this shuttle airborne.

"Hold on just a little longer Gohun." She answered aloud, though there was no way for him to hear.  Then she proceeded quickly through the checks.  Urgency spurred to just jump ahead and take off but Torra had learned to fly by rote and memorization; skipping ahead could mean she might forget a crucial step and end up with both of them needing assistance.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Jael Sherem


[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Triage Medical | Deck Thirteen | Gamma Hull | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael awoke in Sickbay, Gid hovering over her in worry. She blinked in surprise. Not again... that was her first thought. Then she realized this technically wasn't Sickbay, just an auxiliary facility. Well. Something must've happened to the ship for her to be there; otherwise, somebody could've put her there out of spite.

"Okay, how did I get put in here this time?" she asked.

"I found you near the port," Gid said. "Do you remember...?"

"Yeah...I remember looking around when somebody rushed at me and slugged me with some big freaking club," Jael said, recalling...Prophets, her head hurt just from remembering...then she remembered that wound she suffered when she was forced into a chain gang...

She felt her hurt the worst where her fingers touched that spot.

"Don't tell reopened, didn't it?" Jael asked Gid.

Nodding solemnly, Gid said, "Whoever did this hit it very hard enough..."

"Well, he was big," Jael said, recalling. "I'd guess Nausicaan, from the hair and the green skin, that's how I could tell, I couldn't see his face. Otherwise, I would've mistaken him for a Klingon. Probably some kind of goon...Prophets, what a blue-shirt I am," she hissed in disappointment.

"Yeah, for somebody trying to help in the field of medical and science, you never do have much good luck, do you?" asked Gid with sympathy.

"Well, enough is enough," snapped Jael, the pain notwithstanding. "Remember all those Security and Tactical electives I took, mostly to learn how to defend myself?"


"I know I wanted to make use of my natural talents for the scientific field," explained Jael, "but given how much people didn't like Cardassians, I knew I had to learn to defend myself, hence those classes. People often said I'd be very useful in Security/Tactical, but I had sworn only to use Sec/Tac training to defend myself.

"Well, no more," she said with indignation. "The moment I get discharged, I'm changing to Security and training myself up. It's time I was of more better use, I swear. I'm proving useless as a blue shirt."

"And if that doesn't satisfy you?" asked Gid, considering how often Jael changed from Science to Counseling to Medical.

"Well, if that doesn't work and I prove useless, I'm not going to go to change to another department," snarled Jael. "I will then resign my commission and get the HELL back to Cardassia."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was starting to wonder if he was going to make it. The irony is that the pirates really were just defending themselves. Gohun was worried that they kidnapped the girl they were looking for only to find out that that was a ruse. This lead to Gohun causing a diversion and being shot at and running into this operation. In the end the odds of finding the pirates was rather remote.
With that Gohun grabbed a disrupted set it on overload and threw it at the guards. A rather large explosion happened and Gohun was still waiting on a rescue.

Dem Broadshire

Dem woke up with a start, around the time that his bones were being cracked into shape like Andorian fireworks.
"œOh, Doctor"¦ uh hello"
Dem stated tentatively. He has spent less time doing productive work and more time fallen by his side. He took a moment to take in his surroundings. He was in a small crew quarter, usually one for a petty officer or two, sparsely furnished with deep shades of grey, only broken up by shards of bulkhead fractures. Dem asked,
"œah, what's the state of the ship, that explosion must "˜ave done a bit of damage?"

Danjar-Torra Addams


NPC Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 9]

Five minutes after the first 3 teams of Security had been sent up to the ship, is when Helga finally was able to join the search with them.   With the commissioned officer finally arriving at the transporter room, Helga's role became more support and less organizer - which was fine by her.    She joined team 4 and was beamed up in the first team of the second wave of security from the planet.     They arrived to find the ship under Red Alert.  When they called to the previous teams, Team One answered and informed them that the Beta Hull had been breached.   Team Four was directed to assist Team Two in searching the Beta Hull for survivors.   This task had to be done using hand held tricorders as the internal sensor grid in that area was not functioning.

"Tragnar, you and Jensen, do a thorough check of Deck 9."

"Yes sir!"  Helga confirmed her partner was good to go, before pulling out her tricorder.   "Lena, you take point.  I've got your back and will direct you towards any bio signs."

Helga liked working with Crewman Jensen.   The woman had been a Crewman for like ever and that was because Lena turned down promotions in order to keep doing what she loved.

They made their way through vacant corridors.  Several sections had been blocked off due to the hull breach.   Helga made detailed scans of though areas from across the force field.  In most areas, there had been no recent biological residue, suggesting that no one had been caught in the blast.    But when they got to what remained of Sickbay, the sight of the breach had Helga gaping.   It was large enough to lose someone through.

Helga knew this was where the woman had been sent.  But there was no sign of her now.  Where had the doctor who had been on call gone?  Dr. Broadshire had beamed up with the woman.   Where was he?

They continued on though Helga was feeling less and less hopeful as time stretched on during their search.  But then as they left the Medical area and started onto the tail end of the Engineering section and the start of the Crew Quarters, she noted on her tricorder bio signs.

"We've got life signs up ahead.  Keep alert." the Klingon hybrid forewarned as she guided the way towards the signal.

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - abandoned airfield/shuttle pad - shuttle]
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on October 11, 2022, 11:18:08 PM

Gohun was starting to wonder if he was going to make it. The irony is that the pirates really were just defending themselves. Gohun was worried that they kidnapped the girl they were looking for only to find out that that was a ruse. This lead to Gohun causing a diversion and being shot at and running into this operation. In the end the odds of finding the pirates was rather remote.
With that Gohun grabbed a disrupted set it on overload and threw it at the guards. A rather large explosion happened and Gohun was still waiting on a rescue.

Unable to get a response from Tereshkova, because of the once more activated jamming signal, Torra finished her flight checks and lifted the unfamiliar shuttlecraft from the ground.  She was cautious because she had no sensor readings to alert her of any other nearby craft.  She had line of sight and that was it.   Thankfully, after a tight arc to turn the shuttle around, Torra had good view of the fire-fight between Gohun's pinned down location and whoever these criminals were.

It was time for Torra to get involved.  She powered the craft's phaser weaponry, adjusting its settings to the lowest stun output and set it to wide beam.  She activated the shuttles meager shields then activated the external loudspeakers.  "This is Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams of the USS Discovery.  Lay down your weapons and desist from further aggression."

The response was a flurry of handheld weapons fire towards the shuttle.   The shield held easily against the barrage.  Torra noted where the beams were coming from and after a slight shrug - she'd tried to resolve this peaceably - returned fire with the shuttle's phasers on stun.

NPC Dr. Misha Sluchaynyy
[USS Discovery -Deck 9 - Crew Quarters]
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 12, 2022, 02:29:33 AM

Dem woke up with a start, around the time that his bones were being cracked into shape like Andorian fireworks.
"œOh, Doctor"¦ uh hello"
Dem stated tentatively. He has spent less time doing productive work and more time fallen by his side. He took a moment to take in his surroundings. He was in a small crew quarter, usually one for a petty officer or two, sparsely furnished with deep shades of grey, only broken up by shards of bulkhead fractures. Dem asked,
"œah, what's the state of the ship, that explosion must "˜ave done a bit of damage?"

Misha smiled down at his patient, glad that the man had regained consciousness.  But was a bit surprised and a bit irked at his fellow doctor's apparent choice of concern.  "Do I look like engineer?" he queried back in annoyance at the question.

"But da, I vould imagine so."  Misha grabbed up the bone-knitter and began to his task of mending his patient's fractured bone.  As he worked,  his mind grumbled over the question asked once more.

Misha's first thoughts would have been what happened to the Commander, or the woman who had been holding the Commander prisoner.  Or questioning what happened to the two security that had been unconscious when the breach occurred.  While Seles and the Commander had been caught off guard, they had still managed hold on long enough for the force field to engage.  The last he'd seen of the two, the Commander had been hauled off by the Orion woman.

Unfortunately, there had been no one near enough to grab onto the security crewman - and the forcefield activated moments too late.

A sudden ping on his tricorder, drew his attention.  Two bio-signs approaching.  "Ve have kompany." he warned as he continued his mending.  There was nowhere to hide in such a small cabin that Misha didn't even bother trying. 

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


[Bridge - USS Discovery]

When Lek appeared on the bridge, he found chaos with everyone slumped over their station or crumpled on the floor. He had only seconds to react as he had an idea of what had happened and how to keep from joining the others in unconsciousness. He held his breath and bolted for the nearest replicator and shouted.

"Rebreather mask!"

The room was beginning to spin by the time he got the mask in place and had to slump to the deck to breath deeply for several minutes as he hoped he'd acted quickly enough not to fall victim to the anesthezine gas that had disabled the others.

Once the bridge stopped spinning, he lurched to his feet and to the bridge's engineering station. He gasped as he saw the extent of the damage to the ship and knew they were in trouble.

"Breaches on deck five, six, and nine. Communications offline. Main computer offline. Warp core offline. And we're drifting. Other than that, everything is fine."

He moved to the helm and got the ship into a stable orbit before attempting to access the main computer.

"Computer. Recognize Lek. Identity Lambda Four One Four Two Seven Gamma."

There were several tense seconds before he received a response.


Lek was ready to weep he was so grateful that the computer was functioning.

"The ship has sustained extensive damage from a premeditated attack. As no other command grade officers are able. As second officer, I am assuming command of the ship."


Lek knew without the ship's command codes, he only had his usual access but the declaration that no one senior was able, gave him a few emergency powers he normally didn't have.

"Computer send a priority one message to Starfleet Command requesting a repair ship be sent to this location."

"Unable to comply. Long range communications are offline."

"Bugger all!"

"Command not recognized."

"Disregard. Seal all hull breaches with force fields. Give me shipwide."


"To all personnel, this is Lieutenant Commander Lek. The ship has been attack by persons unknown, but likely the Orion Syndicate is involved. Initiate intruder alert protocols. Damage control teams, your priority is to seal the hull breaches. All surviving department heads or the senior survivor in each department report your casualties and how many personnel are on the planet. Execute."

After addressing the crew, Lek moved to the Security station, opened the access panel and began working on the ship's communications as he knew they'd sustained damage that they couldn't repair and they needed assistance to get the ship operational again. This was complicated by the fact that Shaddai was so far from Federation space. They weren't quite hopeless, but things were not good at this moment in time.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Lek on October 15, 2022, 02:54:14 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

"To all personnel, this is Lieutenant Commander Lek. The ship has been attack by persons unknown, but likely the Orion Syndicate is involved. Initiate intruder alert protocols. Damage control teams, your priority is to seal the hull breaches. All surviving department heads or the senior survivor in each department report your casualties and how many personnel are on the planet. Execute."

Because the ship had been in orbit on a skeleton crew, and with the bridge crew unconscious, the only two departments to report in immediately was Medical and Security.

For Medical it was Dr. Sluchaynyy who reported in, after having been found by the Security team of Tragnar and Jenzen.   "Medikal has one injurrred on ship - Drrr. Brrroadshirrre -  and ve have zirrrteen perrrsonnel on planet.   Ze explosion brrreached Sickbay and I know of tow sekurrrity zat verrre vented unprrrotected thrrrough brrreach beforrre forrrcefield activated. Missing frrrom Sickbay arrre both voman brrrought up frrrom planet... and Kommander McKenzie."

The Russian doctor let that news sink in for a moment before informing the Ferengi officer that he would open up the Alpha Hull Triage Medbay now that he had security once more.

Next to report in was the Security Team One, who informed Lek that the shuttle bay security had been found unconscious.  They also confirmed the use of external transporters to beam out three individuals to coordinates  off planet.

Ship sensors were unfortunately down so there was no way that Lek on the Bridge could locate, much less track where the beam originated from or was going to.

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - abandoned airfield/shuttle pad - shuttle]

The wide beam phaser fire set to 'stun' was enough to quell the attackers in short order.  One pass was all it took.   After that, it was only a short matter of time to land, and with the help of Graham and Gohun to bind and detain the criminals for the local authorities, which Torra called.

[A week later..]

A funeral was held for the 4 crewmembers lost to the explosion - two from security and two from engineering.  It was a somber time.   Commander McKenzie was still considered MIA.  Rumors as to what happened to him abounded amongst the crew but if Command knew they weren't sharing.

Despite the efforts of the Engineering department working nearly night and day to make repairs to the ship, the damage to the ship was too extensive to repair without a drydock.  Some of the crew questioned whether the ship would be repaired at all or if it's personnel should be assigned to other ships. The USS Tk'emlups arrived to pick up the stranded crew, and to inform them of their new orders.

It was a mixed bag of news... the Discovery was going to be towed to the nearest drydock to be assessed by impartial engineers as to the feasibility of its repair.   In the interim, the crew was going to be split up - the majority were to fill the ranks of the Tk'emlups; however a select few were to be assigned or volunteer to partake in an Officer Exchange program - with the Romulan Free State.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

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