Season 14: Episode 11 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part One (Ship of Horrors)

Started by Rayek trLhoell, October 17, 2022, 10:22:46 PM

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Dem Broadshire


[Medical Bay - Transporter Room | RFS Valadore]
Romulan tricorders are weird. After being shouted at for operating a Starfleet tricorder, he had to switch to these (in his opinion) more clunky version of the tricorder. The moment he found the scan button, some sort of alert sounded. "œMaybe it was for our plasma conduit patient" Dem chuckled under his breath.
The moment Dem found the right end to point at the patient, he was summoned to the transporter room. Be briskly took out is medkit, a portable one that can attach to his belt (Technically not Starfleet issue because he made it himself), explained his situation with the current commander and exited through the door.
Dem arrived at the transporter room, after asking virtually every officer for directions. He we immediately met with a disgruntled and flat toned officer asked:
"œDid you bring a phaser?" It was like her voice box was squashed by a bulkhead.
"œYes, I did" He chirpily replied, humored by the situation.
She bluntly handed him a phaser. The senior staff already gathered gave a look like; why would a doctor use a phaser? Dem muttered under his breath just loud enough to be in earshot, "œJust for defense." tapping it on his outstretched palm. But then it struck him. He was a senior officer too on this mission. Miraculously all executives have been re-assigned or on leave. This is one way to fast track to the top. Dem stepped into the group of his "œpeers".

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Rayek at stopped at his quarters to briefly update his encrypted recording to his wife - a last message should things go wrong; he then headed to transporter room.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 23, 2022, 04:15:29 PM

[Transporter Room]

He entered the Transporter Room and noticed that he was the first to arrive. He sat the satchel down and waited.

Quote from: Lek on October 23, 2022, 08:56:14 PM

[Engineering --> Transporter Room - RFS Valdore]

He arrived, still muttering. Not in the mood to be sociable, he nodded to Kyle and simply said.


Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on October 23, 2022, 11:30:50 PM

On the way to the transporter room Gohun grabbed a disrupter and an engineering kit because he was an engineer now. With that he walked into the transporter room ready.

Gohun was informed at the Armory that Subcommander Briggs had been given the weapons ordered by Subcommander tr'Lhoell.  Gohun would have to pick up his weapons  - a phaser and knife -  from the Subcommander.
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 24, 2022, 04:44:52 AM

[Medical Bay - Transporter Room | Riov Siedhri]
Dem arrived at the transporter room, after asking virtually every officer for directions. He we immediately met with a disgruntled and flat toned officer asked:
"œDid you bring a phaser?" It was like her voice box was squashed by a bulkhead.
"œYes, I did" He chirpily replied, humored by the situation.
She bluntly handed him a phaser. The senior staff already gathered gave a look like; why would a doctor use a phaser? Dem muttered under his breath just loud enough to be in earshot, "œJust for defense." tapping it on his outstretched palm. But then it struck him. He was a senior officer too on this mission. Miraculously all executives have been re-assigned or on leave. This is one way to fast track to the top. Dem stepped into the group of his "œpeers".

Rayek arrived to find most of the exchange officers already present in the transporter room.  Notably absent however was one individual Rayek wasn't certain had been included in the Riov's order , or his own.  Technicially, Captain Tekin wasn't part of the officer exchange program - even though the Free State honored the Bajoran Starfleet Captain with the rank of Riov in recognition of all his aid over the past few years. Tekin was the exchange program's Observer, which meant that while Rayek had authority over the exchange program officers, he did not have authority over 'Commander' Tekin.  This could be why the Riov wasn't present - choosing to observe from the Valdore.

After a nearly a year of serving on a Romulan vessel it was a welcome change to see so many varied species assembled - Bajoran, Betazoid, El-Aurian, Ferengi, Grazerite, Hirogen, Human, Klingon.   It reminded him of his time on Katra and his family he'd left behind.  Soon his debt to the Free State would be repaid and he'd be free to return to home.

Rayek cleared his throat loudly to gain the attention of those assembled.  He nodded a greeting to the group as a whole though his eyes picked out those that he was closest to - like Saqa7 and Lek - dear friends whom he had not been in contact with in over a year.

"I am Subcommander Rayek tr'Lhoell, the Officer Exchange Program's Commanding Officer.  If you have any questions regarding your role aboard the RFS Valdore, it is I who you will look to for answers, " he announced before moving on straight into the mission they faced.

"The Valdore has arrived outside the Unroth system where we were to meet up with a Klingon freighter to escort them through Unroth Prime's - defense perimeter of cloaked mines.   The freighter is not answering hails and we suspect it has already been boarded by pirates.   The ship is still traveling at warp towards Unroth Prime.   Without coordinated escort through the defense perimeter when it reaches it in..." Rayek glanced to the transporter rooms console for the time.  "Twenty-seven minutes, the civilian freighter will be destroyed.  Commander Siedhri has ordered a boarding action onto the Klingon ship to secure it - and he's called on the exchange program to accomplish that task.    This is an opportunity to show the crew of the Valdore your value." Rayek had never been all that great at the inspirational speeches, but he did his best to give some purpose to their being called for this.

Rayek then turned to address his former Commander from his time on Challenger"Erei'Riov Briggs, we will beam over in two teams into the ship's mess hall - the largest free space and area least likely to be under guard by any previous boarders .  From there,  I will lead one team - consisting of Arrain Addams, Ereinir Sherem,   Sorik, Broadshire, and Mountain-Khan, and Erei'erein Graham - to the Bridge.  As a failsafe to our efforts on the bridge, you will take the others to the ship's engine room and be prepared to take the engines offline manually.  We will keep in comm contact until the completion of our objective.  Please hand out disruptors to those in Security only."

Rayek looked over the other assembled officers. "The rest of you will have to settle for knives or any of the phasers that were signed into the Armory when you came aboard.  Are there any questions on what we need to do?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 23, 2022, 02:41:38 PM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Bridge]

The security officer's notion on how to track the Bird-of-Prey, was not a new idea but it was known to be effective.  Or at least it would be if the ship had cloaked.  But all that wasn't presently needed.   For now, the ships sensors even without the scan for tachyons were able to pick up the Romulan ship fleeing at warp towards what looked like the next star system.  However, unless pursued, the effectiveness of the sensors for tracking - would be diminished and take longer to receive the signal back - especially after switching from short-range to long-range sensors.

The Valdore 'jumped' briefly forward as the previous cruising speed of warp 8 was exponentially increased up to warp 9 and then moments later to warp 9.3.  The starfield streaked by as the ships ETA decreased exponentially as well.  Arriving at its destination, the Valdore paced the still cruising Klingon freighter.  There were no hails from the Klingon ship; no altering of its speed or path towards the Unroth system.

Rayek recognized this lack of communication a sizable problem, since the Unroth colony's defense system involved a cloaked minefield.  The Valdore would need to escort the vaQ through the minefield or the Klingon ship if it continued on its path would suffer the consequences.

Opening a comm line from his chair, Rayek announced those selected to be on the boarding team.  =/\= "Subcommander tr'Lhoell to all exchange personnel - pass off your duties and meet on Deck 13, Transporter room, for boarding action. Repeat ALL exchange personnel to Transporter room - Deck 13." =/\=

No doubt those orders would be considered a bit odd to many - sending Engineering, Ops and Flight personnel on a boarding action - but the Riov had made himself explicitly clear.   He closed the comm and them contacted the Armory.

=/\= "Prepare four disruptors - one each for myself and each of the security personnel on the boarding team.  The others can be assigned painsticks or if they arrived on the Valdore with phasers - issue them those. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

His orders were not typical for a Romulan boarding action, however these personnel had likely never used a disruptor before.  The weapons were unforgiving.  Rayek would not be responsible for a Starfleet personnel being trigger happy with their weapons, forgetting in the moment of adrenalin that there was no stun setting on a disruptor.

Rayek rose from his chair, but was halted by the Riov who looked at him sourly.  "You are going as well?"  For a moment, Rayek thought the man might order him back to his seat but in the end, he was waved off dismissively, but not before he was questioned on his decision.  "Are you going to hand-hold them the entire time, Subcommander?"

Rayek tried not to rise to the taunt.  "No, sir - just until I have assessed their capabilities." he said in justification.  "And I'm leading the mission because your orders were to 'send all the Feds'." There was a pause before Rayek completed his retort.  "In case you have forgotten, sir,  I'm only here on loan."  Then with a forced respectful bow towards the ship's commander, Rayek left the bridge.

Torra, at the Communications console, had called immediately for a replacement officer for her station and waited for them to arrive.  Given the small size of the Romulan bridge, it was impossible to not have heard the conversation between the Commander and Subcommander.  The Grazerite, having worked with tr'Lhoell back when he was Chief Petty officer on the Challenger, appreciated the Romulan's efforts to look after her and the other Starfleet personnel.

Her replacement soon arrived and Torra made her way along the corridor towards the Transporter Room.

Previously assigned to stand watch outside the Valdore's computer core, Helga passed off her duties to the uhlan replacing her and headed up to Deck 13.  There was a bit of anticipation in her step.  She didn't know what sort of mission they were being assigned to but with all exchange personnel being called to the transporter room, that meant she'd get to see Lek.  He hadn't been happy at all about being assigned to this exchange program.   Helga had gone out of her way to ensure she was assigned to the same program.

Saqa7's transfer to the Discovery had come only after the ship had been assigned to their mission to the Shaddai.   She was enroute there when news of the ship's bombing was reported out.  Saqa7 had expected reassignment while the ship was at drydock, but had been surprised to learn she'd been offered space in the Romulan officer exchange program.  She almost turned it down recalling her time on the USS Bradbury and its mission in Romulan space - but she recognized that doing so would be a bit of a black mark on her record.

So here she was.   The one bright spot on the whole thing was that there were people she did know from Katra here.  Subcommander tr'Lhoell for one, and to a lesser extent Lieutenant junior grade Sherem.   Both had been in the Science department on Katra  - though Jael's time had there had been very short - transferring to Discovery not long after.   Saqa7 hoped to kindle a friendship with the Cardassian woman.   But first Saqa7 needed to gather gear for an away mission.  She signed out a Romulan version of a tricorder and then hurried to meet up with Rayek and the others at the Transporter room.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 23, 2022, 04:15:29 PM

The female Romulan had led Kyle to the Security office as he had ordered and as soon as he entered, the ship wide page from Rayek echoed through the corridors.

"Hi there fellas." he said to the two officers that were present and manning the stations. "I came for an inspection but I guess that will have to wait. Where's the Armory?" he inquired. He was given the directions and turned and walked out. No way he was going on a boarding party without his weapon.

He approached the Armory and before he could say a word, the Armory officer handed him a satchel.

"Erei'Riov tr'Lhoell ordered these. I suppose you can deliver them Human."

Kyle noticed the disdain in the man's voice and made a mental no0te to confront him when he returned. He took the satchel without a word and left. He found a lift and headed for the Transporter Room

[Transporter Room]

He entered the Transporter Room and noticed that he was the first to arrive. He sat the satchel down and waited.

Quote from: Lek on October 23, 2022, 08:56:14 PM

[Engineering --> Transporter Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek was still working through the vast differences between Romulan and Federation technology when the call came for the exchange officers to report to the transporter Room. He stood there open mouthed before his jaw locked down and he stormed out of Engineering muttering curses in every language he knew. He arrived, still muttering. Not in the mood to be sociable, he nodded to Kyle and simply said.


Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on October 23, 2022, 11:30:50 PM

Gohun was summoned to the transporter room. He had no idea what he was going to so but it was better than getting the cold shoulder from everyone he was working with. Gohun also felt like he was being shadowed the entire time. In truth he was probably just paranoid. On the way to the transporter room Gohun grabbed a disrupter and an engineering kit because he was an engineer now. With that he walked into the transporter room ready.

Quote from: Dranik on October 21, 2022, 01:27:25 PM

RFS Valdore
Mess Hall

Dranik looked down at the soup in front of him and sighed heavily. Romulan cuisine wasn't exactly the best of the different foods he had tried since arriving in the alpha quadrant. Starfleet replicators did a relatively good job with different types of food but he just couldn't find much that he liked on the Valdore.

He pulled out a small holographic photo he had taken of himself, Ciavil and the kids before he had shipped out. The two of them had decided that one of them had to stay full-time with the kids and Ciavil had family on Bolarus IX who were eager to meet the two new additions to the family even if they didn't like Dranik much and so Ciavil and the children had gone to Bolarus IX to stay with Ciavil's family. Dranik missed his wife and children quite a bit and that was adding a certain amount of stress to his life.

He looked down at his bowl of soup once again and briefly considered grabbing a ration pack when all at once a klaxion began sounding through the Valdore. Dranik immediately rose to his feet and began heading to his assigned duty station which was the armory.

Quote from: Lek on October 23, 2022, 08:56:14 PM

[Engineering --> Transporter Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek was still working through the vast differences between Romulan and Federation technology when the call came for the exchange officers to report to the transporter Room. He stood there open mouthed before his jaw locked down and he stormed out of Engineering muttering curses in every language he knew. He arrived, still muttering. Not in the mood to be sociable, he nodded to Kyle and simply said.


Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 24, 2022, 04:44:52 AM

[Medical Bay - Transporter Room | Riov Siedhri]
Romulan tricorders are weird. After being shouted at for operating a Starfleet tricorder, he had to switch to these (in his opinion) more clunky version of the tricorder. The moment he found the scan button, some sort of alert sounded. "œMaybe it was for our plasma conduit patient" Dem chuckled under his breath.
The moment Dem found the right end to point at the patient, he was summoned to the transporter room. Be briskly took out is medkit, a portable one that can attach to his belt (Technically not Starfleet issue because he made it himself), explained his situation with the current commander and exited through the door.
Dem arrived at the transporter room, after asking virtually every officer for directions. He we immediately met with a disgruntled and flat toned officer asked:
"œDid you bring a phaser?" It was like her voice box was squashed by a bulkhead.
"œYes, I did" He chirpily replied, humored by the situation.
She bluntly handed him a phaser. The senior staff already gathered gave a look like; why would a doctor use a phaser? Dem muttered under his breath just loud enough to be in earshot, "œJust for defense." tapping it on his outstretched palm. But then it struck him. He was a senior officer too on this mission. Miraculously all executives have been re-assigned or on leave. This is one way to fast track to the top. Dem stepped into the group of his "œpeers".

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 24, 2022, 05:43:31 PM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Rayek at stopped at his quarters to briefly update his encrypted recording to his wife - a last message should things go wrong; he then headed to transporter room.

Gohun was informed at the Armory that Subcommander Briggs had been given the weapons ordered by Subcommander tr'Lhoell.  Gohun would have to pick up his weapons  - a phaser and knife -  from the Subcommander.

Rayek arrived to find most of the exchange officers already present in the transporter room.  Notably absent however was one individual Rayek wasn't certain had been included in the Riov's order , or his own.  Technicially, Captain Tekin wasn't part of the officer exchange program - even though the Free State honored the Bajoran Starfleet Captain with the rank of Riov in recognition of all his aid over the past few years. Tekin was the exchange program's Observer, which meant that while Rayek had authority over the exchange program officers, he did not have authority over 'Commander' Tekin.  This could be why the Riov wasn't present - choosing to observe from the Valdore.

After a nearly a year of serving on a Romulan vessel it was a welcome change to see so many varied species assembled - Bajoran, Betazoid, El-Aurian, Ferengi, Grazerite, Hirogen, Human, Klingon.   It reminded him of his time on Katra and his family he'd left behind.  Soon his debt to the Free State would be repaid and he'd be free to return to home.

Rayek cleared his throat loudly to gain the attention of those assembled.  He nodded a greeting to the group as a whole though his eyes picked out those that he was closest to - like Saqa7 and Lek - dear friends whom he had not been in contact with in over a year.

"I am Subcommander Rayek tr'Lhoell, the Officer Exchange Program's Commanding Officer.  If you have any questions regarding your role aboard the RFS Valdore, it is I who you will look to for answers, " he announced before moving on straight into the mission they faced.

"The Valdore has arrived outside the Unroth system where we were to meet up with a Klingon freighter to escort them through Unroth Prime's - defense perimeter of cloaked mines.   The freighter is not answering hails and we suspect it has already been boarded by pirates.   The ship is still traveling at warp towards Unroth Prime.   Without coordinated escort through the defense perimeter when it reaches it in..." Rayek glanced to the transporter rooms console for the time.  "Twenty-seven minutes, the civilian freighter will be destroyed.  Commander Siedhri has ordered a boarding action onto the Klingon ship to secure it - and he's called on the exchange program to accomplish that task.    This is an opportunity to show the crew of the Valdore your value." Rayek had never been all that great at the inspirational speeches, but he did his best to give some purpose to their being called for this.

Rayek then turned to address his former Commander from his time on Challenger"Erei'Riov Briggs, we will beam over in two teams into the ship's mess hall - the largest free space and area least likely to be under guard by any previous boarders .  From there,  I will lead one team - consisting of Arrain Addams, Erein Sherem,  Erein Mountain-Khan, and Erei'erein Graham - to the Bridge.  As a failsafe to our efforts on the bridge, you will take the others to the ship's engine room and be prepared to take the engines offline manually.  We will keep in comm contact until the completion of our objective.  Please hand out disruptors to those in Security only."

Rayek looked over the other assembled officers. "The rest of you will have to settle for knives or any of the phasers that were signed into the Armory when you came aboard.  Are there any questions on what we need to do?"

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Transporter Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael could see the trail, even when the ship wasn't cloaked. It looked like it was heading for a different system. But there was no time to track it, even with the course it took, not when Subcommander tr'Lhoell ordered the exchange crew to the transporter room.

Jael wasn't surprised at how the bridge on this Romulan ship was positioned; every Starfleet ship had their bridges positioned on the topmost deck. Plenty of Cardassian ships, including her mother's old ship, used something like that. But on lots of ships outside the Federation, the bridge wasn't at the top deck. It would prove confusing to many, but anybody who served long enough on such a ship would get used to it.

Naturally, Jael had to muster willpower to not swoon in front of Commander Briggs; she can't help but feel an instant crush on him. She made a note to herself to get to know him sometime...

She was certainly interested to know to be in a team led by the Subcommander, including Mister Graham - another cute kid, but Briggs was cuter (Prophets, she was sure torn between them). She looked around at the crew...Prophets, what a bunch. Each one of them coming from different planets of origin, with a sparse few from different quadrants of origin, like Dranik coming all the way from the Delta Quadrant.

She accepted a disruptor from Dranik, but tapped her boot to make sure her knife was sheathed inside. She had been practicing with that knife in Security spars since her departmental transfer, all the more especially needed to defend herself. She had to admit, she must've felt like Nira Said with having a knife for melee combat...only Said had two knives, both of them a lot bigger than Jael's own.

At tr'Lhoell's question, Jael asked, "Can we expect potential non-Klingon intruders?" It was a question that made sense, given the Klingon ship happened to have no communications after the antique Bird of Prey left.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


Transporter Room

Dranik grabbed a disruptor rifle and joined the rest of the group in the transporter room. He double checked to make sure it was set on the correct setting and took a deep breath. He knew they were supposed to meet a Klingon freighter and since the ship was now at the federation equivalent of yellow alert he knew something had to be wrong.

Hirogen Male

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on October 24, 2022, 07:28:51 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Transporter Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

At tr'Lhoell's question, Jael asked, "Can we expect potential non-Klingon intruders?" It was a question that made sense, given the Klingon ship happened to have no communications after the antique Bird of Prey left.

Rayek looked towards the junior Lieutenant and nodded.  "Yes, it's possible that the pirates could be from any number of various species that are taking advantage of the slow rebuild of the Romulan government and military.  We are close to two borders here.  The former Romulan Empire allowed an enclave of Cardassians to take hold in the midst of Romulan territory in exchange for an exclave of Romulan colonies in Cardassian controlled space.  It was supposed to promote a stronger alliance between our two governments."  Rayek personally thought it was too much like the ancient practice of hostage holding used by Romulan clans.  Powerful families would be forced by the Emperor of the time to exchange their eldest daughters as children to an enemy clan as hostage to be raised by them to ensure peace.   Sometimes it worked, other times the child was the first casualty of a war between clans.

Continuing on with his answer Rayek, head-nodded towards a direction. "and that way, along the former Neutral Zone, Starbase 23 is but 5 light years away.  Understaffed - they have little control over their region of space and can do nothing to stop pirates crossing over into Romulan Free State territory."

He looked over those assembled to see if there were any other questions.


Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 25, 2022, 02:00:36 PM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Rayek looked towards the junior Lieutenant and nodded.  "Yes, it's possible that the pirates could be from any number of various species that are taking advantage of the slow rebuild of the Romulan government and military.  We are close to two borders here.  The former Romulan Empire allowed an enclave of Cardassians to take hold in the midst of Romulan territory in exchange for an exclave of Romulan colonies in Cardassian controlled space.  It was supposed to promote a stronger alliance between our two governments."  Rayek personally thought it was too much like the ancient practice of hostage holding used by Romulan clans.  Powerful families would be forced by the Emperor of the time to exchange their eldest daughters as children to an enemy clan as hostage to be raised by them to ensure peace.   Sometimes it worked, other times the child was the first casualty of a wa between clans.

Continuing on with his answer Rayek, head-nodded towards a direction. "and that way, along the former Neutral Zone, Starbase 23 is but 5 light years away.  Understaffed - they have little control over their region of space and can do nothing to stop pirates crossing over into Romulan Free State territory."

He looked over those assembled to see if there were any other questions.

[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

"There is an old expression on Earth: 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.'  The Cardassians made a perfect target for our 'alliance'.  The Klingons are too brash and have nothing of real value and the Federation... the Federation would have too many rules and stipulations.  Plus they have pesky intelligence groups that have a habit of interference.  No, the Cardassians were the perfect target.  And of course, as long as they were invited guests, they were under our protection.  In case things didn't go according to plan."  the former Captain stated, having just shown up at the door.  While he was not in a Federation uniform, he still held his Captain pips on his collar, and instead had a more Romulan-inspired uniform to coincide with his peculiar position in both the Federation and the Romulan government.

"At least, that was the initial plan of the Star Empire.  Inviting a potential threat to shack up in your own territory, where you had free reign to observe, learn, and at the very worse, a hand to negotiate.  Even the Obsidian Order didn't take notice at first.. but they were already weakened." he added, giving a small smile.

"Erei'Riov th'Lhoell, I missed you on the Bridge, so I came to see off the infiltration team.  Everything appears to be in order?"

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 25, 2022, 02:00:36 PM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Rayek looked towards the junior Lieutenant and nodded.  "Yes, it's possible that the pirates could be from any number of various species that are taking advantage of the slow rebuild of the Romulan government and military.  We are close to two borders here.  The former Romulan Empire allowed an enclave of Cardassians to take hold in the midst of Romulan territory in exchange for an exclave of Romulan colonies in Cardassian controlled space.  It was supposed to promote a stronger alliance between our two governments."  Rayek personally thought it was too much like the ancient practice of hostage holding used by Romulan clans.  Powerful families would be forced by the Emperor of the time to exchange their eldest daughters as children to an enemy clan as hostage to be raised by them to ensure peace.   Sometimes it worked, other times the child was the first casualty of a war between clans.

Continuing on with his answer Rayek, head-nodded towards a direction. "and that way, along the former Neutral Zone, Starbase 23 is but 5 light years away.  Understaffed - they have little control over their region of space and can do nothing to stop pirates crossing over into Romulan Free State territory."

He looked over those assembled to see if there were any other questions.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 25, 2022, 06:50:31 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

"There is an old expression on Earth: 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.'  The Cardassians made a perfect target for our 'alliance'.  The Klingons are too brash and have nothing of real value and the Federation... the Federation would have too many rules and stipulations.  Plus they have pesky intelligence groups that have a habit of interference.  No, the Cardassians were the perfect target.  And of course, as long as they were invited guests, they were under our protection.  In case things didn't go according to plan."  the former Captain stated, having just shown up at the door.  While he was not in a Federation uniform, he still held his Captain pips on his collar, and instead had a more Romulan-inspired uniform to coincide with his peculiar position in both the Federation and the Romulan government.

"At least, that was the initial plan of the Star Empire.  Inviting a potential threat to shack up in your own territory, where you had free reign to observe, learn, and at the very worse, a hand to negotiate.  Even the Obsidian Order didn't take notice at first.. but they were already weakened." he added, giving a small smile.

"Erei'Riov th'Lhoell, I missed you on the Bridge, so I came to see off the infiltration team.  Everything appears to be in order?"

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Transporter Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael perked up. The Cardassian enclave near Alpha Onias? How could she have not seen that? She especially jumped, taken by surprise by Captain Tekin. How did she not realize he was aboard?

"If there are pirates using that enclave as a means to protect themselves," she said, "and those pirates are Cardassians...well, it's possible some of them could answer to my father. Maybe even my father is operating in that enclave himself..."

She looked around and proceeded to explain: "I'm not sure if anybody knows, but my father is Gul Nehor Sherem, one of Gul Dukat's strongest supporters, former Obsidian Order agent and head of its replacement, the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, when Dukat took over Cardassia and had the Union join the Dominion. Since the end of the Dominion War, however, he's been on the run. He's got a variety of secret bases utilizing Dominion technology, and to ensure he keeps mobile, he has a Nor class station rigged with Borg technology, particularly a transwarp drive. Nowadays, he's been coordinating with pirates, particularly with pro-Dominion aims who are also on the run with him. He's been extremely elusive...

"The fact that Cardassian pirates could be involved," she further explained, "it makes me suspect he could be involved somehow. Starfleet Intelligence had me assigned an infiltration mission to gather intel about them...and that was how I found out about his involvement in piracy. I also met your former Chief of Security when I was on that mission, she was on an exchange program herself with Klingons at the time.

"Then again, if it's an enclave to promote goodwill between Romulans and Cardassians, my father may not be there at all," she said with a shrug. "But with pirates who are former intelligence operatives, you never know. Of course, it won't surprise me if he's using that enclave to hide himself, or maybe assert control; after all, fear of a threat, particularly if it's masked and hidden, is a popular way of asserting control in a tyrannical way. In a way, my father had a good teacher in Dukat."

She looked around and added apologetically, "Sorry for the story, I felt it best to explain; the possibility of Cardassian pirates, it's made me suspect my father could be involved...but then, he couldn't be; again, you never know with former intelligence operatives, they could catch you with your pants down, as they say on Earth, if they could."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Kyle Briggs

[Transporter Room

Kyle didn't have to wait long before the others began to arrive. First in was Lek who simply acknowledged Kyle's present. Kyle nodded back. He'd worked with the Ferengi before and knew better than to try to get him to engage in small talk.

Others entered soon after with Rayek being one of the last. He address the away team and gave assignments.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 24, 2022, 05:43:31 PM

Rayek then turned to address his former Commander from his time on Challenger"Erei'Riov Briggs, we will beam over in two teams into the ship's mess hall - the largest free space and area least likely to be under guard by any previous boarders .  From there,  I will lead one team - consisting of Arrain Addams, Erein Sherem,  Erein Mountain-Khan, and Erei'erein Graham - to the Bridge.  As a failsafe to our efforts on the bridge, you will take the others to the ship's engine room and be prepared to take the engines offline manually.  We will keep in comm contact until the completion of our objective.  Please hand out disruptors to those in Security only."

Rayek looked over the other assembled officers. "The rest of you will have to settle for knives or any of the phasers that were signed into the Armory when you came aboard.  Are there any questions on what we need to do?"

Kyle listened intent;y and stared around the room at the members of his team. He would have Lek, Broadshire, Gohun, Tragnar, Dranik and himself. He thought it smart that he and Lek were headed for Engineering. Lek was the best damn engineer in Starfleet and Kyle was glad to have him along. Although the Ferengi was no doubt seething inside.

"Aye, Sir." Kyle replied to the information Rayek had shared and he began handing out the required weaponry.

Rayek took a moment to answer any questions the team had and then they were surprised with a visit from Captain Tekin. Kyle was glad to back aboard the Discovery with so many old friends. Or at least aboard a ship with them. Hopefully, the repairs to the Disco wouldn't take long and then they could all return home.

He returned his mind to the task at hand and began checking over his weapons and team while they waited to depart.

Zavrol Gohun


Gohun arrived at the transported room. Upon arriving Gohun was given a phaser rifle. It seems odd for and engineering officer to get a rifle as the handheld would be easier to fire as he worked with different stuff. But this is what the Romulans wanted.  While he was waiting to transport he pulled up a three-dimensional map of the ship and examined the map.

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 26, 2022, 03:28:18 PM

[Transporter Room

"Aye, Sir." Kyle replied to the information Rayek had shared and he began handing out the required weaponry.

Rayek grabbed up the last of the disruptors for himself and attached the holster to his belt.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 25, 2022, 06:50:31 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

"There is an old expression on Earth: 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.'  The Cardassians made a perfect target for our 'alliance'.  The Klingons are too brash and have nothing of real value and the Federation... the Federation would have too many rules and stipulations.  Plus they have pesky intelligence groups that have a habit of interference.  No, the Cardassians were the perfect target.  And of course, as long as they were invited guests, they were under our protection.  In case things didn't go according to plan."  the former Captain stated, having just shown up at the door.  While he was not in a Federation uniform, he still held his Captain pips on his collar, and instead had a more Romulan-inspired uniform to coincide with his peculiar position in both the Federation and the Romulan government.

"At least, that was the initial plan of the Star Empire.  Inviting a potential threat to shack up in your own territory, where you had free reign to observe, learn, and at the very worse, a hand to negotiate.  Even the Obsidian Order didn't take notice at first.. but they were already weakened." he added, giving a small smile.

"Erei'Riov th'Lhoell, I missed you on the Bridge, so I came to see off the infiltration team.  Everything appears to be in order?"

Rayek turned at the unexpected arrival of the Bajoran.  It was odd to hear Tekin speaking from the point of view of a Romulan, but the man understood the Romulan perspective quite well.  The Subcommander inclined his head towards his superior in acknowledgement of his words before answering his question.  "Yes, sir. We were just about to leave."
Quote from: Jael Sherem on October 26, 2022, 07:55:35 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Transporter Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael perked up. The Cardassian enclave near Alpha Onias? How could she have not seen that? She especially jumped, taken by surprise by Captain Tekin. How did she not realize he was aboard?

"If there are pirates using that enclave as a means to protect themselves," she said, "and those pirates are Cardassians...well, it's possible some of them could answer to my father. Maybe even my father is operating in that enclave himself..."

She looked around and proceeded to explain: "I'm not sure if anybody knows, but my father is Gul Nehor Sherem, one of Gul Dukat's strongest supporters, former Obsidian Order agent and head of its replacement, the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, when Dukat took over Cardassia and had the Union join the Dominion. Since the end of the Dominion War, however, he's been on the run. He's got a variety of secret bases utilizing Dominion technology, and to ensure he keeps mobile, he has a Nor class station rigged with Borg technology, particularly a transwarp drive. Nowadays, he's been coordinating with pirates, particularly with pro-Dominion aims who are also on the run with him. He's been extremely elusive...

"The fact that Cardassian pirates could be involved," she further explained, "it makes me suspect he could be involved somehow. Starfleet Intelligence had me assigned an infiltration mission to gather intel about them...and that was how I found out about his involvement in piracy. I also met your former Chief of Security when I was on that mission, she was on an exchange program herself with Klingons at the time.

"Then again, if it's an enclave to promote goodwill between Romulans and Cardassians, my father may not be there at all," she said with a shrug. "But with pirates who are former intelligence operatives, you never know. Of course, it won't surprise me if he's using that enclave to hide himself, or maybe assert control; after all, fear of a threat, particularly if it's masked and hidden, is a popular way of asserting control in a tyrannical way. In a way, my father had a good teacher in Dukat."

She looked around and added apologetically, "Sorry for the story, I felt it best to explain; the possibility of Cardassian pirates, it's made me suspect my father could be involved...but then, he couldn't be; again, you never know with former intelligence operatives, they could catch you with your pants down, as they say on Earth, if they could."

But it was then that the Cardassian in their midst spoke up, declaring her family lineage for all to hear.  Rayek only just managed to keep the grimace from showing on his features as she rambled on and on about her father and how he might be the one leading Cardassian pirates from the enclave.  The woman's words had drawn the attention of the Romulan officer manning the transporter and man's sour expression was all too telling.  Rayek had no doubt that by the end of shift today the entire crew would know who her father was if he didn't do anything to.  It was like she had just painted a target on her back.

"Thank you, Erein Sherem for your thoughts on the matter.  However, given the classified nature of your familial ties, that information should have been provided to me privately. Not for all present to overhear."  It might be fine on a Federation ship but the Free State military still had a ways to go to stem the backstabbing among the crew.

Rayek turned towards the transporter operator. "If this information goes beyond this room, I'll be certain your next roster assignment has you scrubbing the waste disposal units.  Understood?"

The officer's look didn't become any less sour but the Romulan did acknowledge Rayek's threat.  "Ssuaj-ha!"

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on October 26, 2022, 08:53:27 PM

Gohun arrived at the transporter room. Upon arriving Gohun was given a phaser rifle. It seems odd for an engineering officer to get a rifle as the handheld would be easier to fire as he worked with different stuff. While he was waiting to transport he pulled up a three-dimensional map of the ship and examined.

Rayek gave the assembled crew one last look over, quirking an eyebrow at Gohun's peculiar choice of weapon.  Having read up on all the exchange personnel, Rayek was aware that Gohun was an recent transfer from Sec/Tac to Engineering... so didn't point out to the man the bulkiness of the rifle.   In all likelihood, the engineer wouldn't be needing his engineering skills so having an 'extra' trained in security was fine by him.

"Alright.  Security personnel will go over first.  Secure the room and then call when the mess hall is clear for the second transport."

Helga said nothing, merely gave Lek a toothy grin and moved with the others to take a spot on the pad, waiting to be beamed over.

Torra gnawed on her bottom lip a moment before she took a step towards the Subcommander to make a request.    "Sir, as you know I have Sec/Tac training.  May I be permitted to beam over with the Security personnel to aid in securing the room?  I am armed with a phaser... ".  Which in her opinion was so much better than a disruptor, in that it was non-lethal.

Rayek quickly considered the idea and nodded.  "Permitted." he answered then glanced to Gohun figuring the former sec/tac member might also be chafing at the bit.  "You as well."

Once the team was assembled on the transporter pad Rayek gave the nod to the Romulan officer.  Moraere!"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 27, 2022, 03:41:48 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Rayek grabbed up the last of the disruptors for himself and attached the holster to his belt.

Rayek turned at the unexpected arrival of the Bajoran.  It was odd to hear Tekin speaking from the point of view of a Romulan, but the man understood the Romulan perspective quite well.  The Subcommander inclined his head towards his superior in acknowledgement of his words before answering his question.  "Yes, sir. We were just about to leave."

But it was then that the Cardassian in their midst spoke up, declaring her family lineage for all to hear.  Rayek only just managed to keep the grimace from showing on his features as she rambled on and on about her father and how he might be the one leading Cardassian pirates from the enclave.  The woman's words had drawn the attention of the Romulan officer manning the transporter and man's sour expression was all too telling.  Rayek had no doubt that by the end of shift today the entire crew would know who her father was if he didn't do anything to.  It was like she had just painted a target on her back.

"Thank you, Erein Sherem for your thoughts on the matter.  However, given the classified nature of your familial ties, that information should have been provided to me privately. Not for all present to overhear."  It might be fine on a Federation ship but the Free State military still had a ways to go to stem the backstabbing among the crew.

Rayek turned towards the transporter operator. "If this information goes beyond this room, I'll be certain your next roster assignment has you scrubbing the waste disposal units.  Understood?"

The officer's look didn't become any less sour but the Romulan did acknowledge Rayek's threat.  "Ssuaj-ha!"

Rayek gave the assembled crew one last look over, quirking an eyebrow at Gohun's peculiar choice of weapon.  Having read up on all the exchange personnel, Rayek was aware that Gohun was an recent transfer from Sec/Tac to Engineering... so didn't point out to the man the bulkiness of the rifle.   In all likelihood, the engineer wouldn't be needing his engineering skills so having an 'extra' trained in security was fine by him.

"Alright.  Security personnel will go over first.  Secure the room and then call when the mess hall is clear for the second transport."

Helga said nothing, merely gave Lek a toothy grin and moved with the others to take a spot on the pad, waiting to be beamed over.

Torra gnawed on her bottom lip a moment before she took a step towards the Subcommander to make a request.    "Sir, as you know I have Sec/Tac training.  May I be permitted to beam over with the Security personnel to aid in securing the room?  I am armed with a phaser... ".  Which in her opinion was so much better than a disruptor, in that it was non-lethal.

Rayek quickly considered the idea and nodded.  "Permitted." he answered then glanced to Gohun figuring the former sec/tac member might also be chafing at the bit.  "You as well."

Once the team was assembled on the transporter pad Rayek gave the nod to the Romulan officer.  Moraere!"

[Transporter Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek observed the others of the away team arriving with little interest, besides wondering if he should arm himself, but it seemed too late for that. When Sherem revealed who her family was and that her father could be behind the recent uptick in piracy, he was... intrigued. A Cardasian in Starfleet was still rare, not that Ferengi were exactly plentiful, but as with any Cardasian, they had secrets within secrets worth noting.

The fact that Rayek had to speak to keeping Sherem's secrets quiet really made the fact they were aboard a Romulan ship stand out. It was difficult to know which species, Romulans or Cardasians were more secretive and exploitative. He was really going to watch what he said while aboard the Valdore.

Alt of Ian Galloway



Ensign (Erein) Sorik
[RFS Valdore - Transporter Room]

When Sorik had graduated from Starfleet Academy and was waiting for his first assignment, he had imagined all sorts of things, but not ending up being part of a suicidal boarding party on a Romulan ship. It was illogical on all ends. It seemed to him that they were merely sent over as cannon fodder. He listened as their Romulan commander explained their assignment. Sorik was standing quite far back, but because of his height he had no trouble seeing over the heads of his comrades. With a perfectly straight posture, his hands clasped behind his back, there was not the slightest trace of his displeasure with the mission on his face. His expression was as stoic as ever.

He had not yet met any of the other crew members. But he took note of the diversity of this crew. He noticed most the Grazerite Ops officer about whom he'd already heard since they were in the same department but they hadn't met as yet; a Cardassian security officer, and a Ferengi engineer. What a mixture. Although Sorik had spent the last three years on Earth in the Academy, until then he had only known life on Vulcan among his people. He didn't feel particularly comfortable, especially not among Romulans.

His attention was drawn to a voice he did not recognize. The Bajoran Captain Tekin entered the transporter room and commented on the subject of the Romulans' relationship with the Cardassians and vice versa. Jael Sherem, the Cardassian, started to answer and was rather careless with giving out sensitive information, which Commander tr'Lhoell immediately commented on. Sorik's gaze remained on him for a while longer, while the first group climbed onto the transporter platform, ready to beam up.

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 24, 2022, 05:43:31 PM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Rayek at stopped at his quarters to briefly update his encrypted recording to his wife - a last message should things go wrong; he then headed to transporter room.

Gohun was informed at the Armory that Subcommander Briggs had been given the weapons ordered by Subcommander tr'Lhoell.  Gohun would have to pick up his weapons  - a phaser and knife -  from the Subcommander.

Rayek arrived to find most of the exchange officers already present in the transporter room.  Notably absent however was one individual Rayek wasn't certain had been included in the Riov's order , or his own.  Technicially, Captain Tekin wasn't part of the officer exchange program - even though the Free State honored the Bajoran Starfleet Captain with the rank of Riov in recognition of all his aid over the past few years. Tekin was the exchange program's Observer, which meant that while Rayek had authority over the exchange program officers, he did not have authority over 'Commander' Tekin.  This could be why the Riov wasn't present - choosing to observe from the Valdore.

After a nearly a year of serving on a Romulan vessel it was a welcome change to see so many varied species assembled - Bajoran, Betazoid, El-Aurian, Ferengi, Grazerite, Hirogen, Human, Klingon.   It reminded him of his time on Katra and his family he'd left behind.  Soon his debt to the Free State would be repaid and he'd be free to return to home.

Rayek cleared his throat loudly to gain the attention of those assembled.  He nodded a greeting to the group as a whole though his eyes picked out those that he was closest to - like Saqa7 and Lek - dear friends whom he had not been in contact with in over a year.

"I am Subcommander Rayek tr'Lhoell, the Officer Exchange Program's Commanding Officer.  If you have any questions regarding your role aboard the RFS Valdore, it is I who you will look to for answers, " he announced before moving on straight into the mission they faced.

"The Valdore has arrived outside the Unroth system where we were to meet up with a Klingon freighter to escort them through Unroth Prime's - defense perimeter of cloaked mines.   The freighter is not answering hails and we suspect it has already been boarded by pirates.   The ship is still traveling at warp towards Unroth Prime.   Without coordinated escort through the defense perimeter when it reaches it in..." Rayek glanced to the transporter rooms console for the time.  "Twenty-seven minutes, the civilian freighter will be destroyed.  Commander Siedhri has ordered a boarding action onto the Klingon ship to secure it - and he's called on the exchange program to accomplish that task.    This is an opportunity to show the crew of the Valdore your value." Rayek had never been all that great at the inspirational speeches, but he did his best to give some purpose to their being called for this.

Rayek then turned to address his former Commander from his time on Challenger"Erei'Riov Briggs, we will beam over in two teams into the ship's mess hall - the largest free space and area least likely to be under guard by any previous boarders .  From there,  I will lead one team - consisting of Arrain Addams, Erein Sherem,  Erein Mountain-Khan, and Erei'erein Graham - to the Bridge.  As a failsafe to our efforts on the bridge, you will take the others to the ship's engine room and be prepared to take the engines offline manually.  We will keep in comm contact until the completion of our objective.  Please hand out disruptors to those in Security only."

Rayek looked over the other assembled officers. "The rest of you will have to settle for knives or any of the phasers that were signed into the Armory when you came aboard.  Are there any questions on what we need to do?"

[Transporter Room - Deck 13 - Valdore]

To say that she was confused was an understatement. After months of first being sent on conferences as chief medic of the Challenger, then being called home to Earth for a family emergency...why upon her return was she being sent to a Romulan ship? It was only on the way to said ship that she looked into the transfer documents and discovered that the Discovery was undergoing repairs and this was an exchange opportunity on a Romulan vessel. Lisa suddenly had a flashback to the last time she had the pleasure of attending a "cultural exchange," and let out an audible groan. The person accompanying her gave her an odd look, but she only gave him an awkward closed-mouth grin in return. After traveling for a time through Romulan space, they were here. The medical officer checked in to her quarters, but struggled to do anything but fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next day, she had a small breakfast and read a note from her father. The contents of it were disheartening, and she spent a long while wondering why she had made the decision to return to duty at all. These thoughts were disturbed by the comm from Rayek.

"No rest for the weary" ran through her head as she stumbled out into the corridor and attempted to acquire a phaser.


It took her longer than she would have liked to get where she needed to go, dodging Romulan personnel shouting the foreign "Arrain!" title at her as she went. By the time she swooshed through the door to the transporter room, Rayek was already mostly through his briefing. Thankful that for one she was relatively short and for another she was mostly in the company of Starfleet friends, she kept to the back of the group.

"We're beaming from a Romulan ship to a Klingon freighter, surely nothing will go wrong," she thought, just as she heard a voice she was frankly astounded to hear. The "Erei'Riov" threw her off when Rayek said it, but there was no missing the tone and timbre of Kyle's voice as he answered the XO. Lisa craned her neck, but it was no use. There were simply too many tall security officers in her way. She'd just have to ambush him when the opportunity showed itself. Preferably after any immediate danger was out of the way and he wasn't on high alert. Kyle wasn't exactly trigger happy, but Lisa was especially good at catching him off-guard. She'd rather not make a trip to sickbay on her first day back on the job.

Instead, she looked around and made an effort to familiarize herself with the people assigned to her party...

Kyle Briggs

[RFS Valdore Transporter Room ==== IKS vaQ Mess Hall]

Kyle was given the green light and with slight nod of his head, he watched as his team stepped on the transporter pads. He took one last look over them before facing the transporter chief and slightly nodding once again. They were enveloped by the shimmering lights of the transporter and within seconds, they found themselves reforming inside the Klingon vessels Mess Hall. Kyle waved his hand and they fanned out to form a secure perimeter. The team needed to take a few seconds to allow their eye sight to adjust to the dim and dark lighting of the dining facility. Once he could see, Kyle could tell that the room was free of any personnel other than him and his team. It did however, seemed to have been caught up in a hurricane. Tables and chairs were strewn about as if someone had walked through and just randomly toppled them. He trained his eyes on the entrance and tapped his comm badge.

=/\= Briggs to tr'Lhoell. The Mess Hall is secure. We're ready to receive the rest of the team. =/\=

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

The transporter room was silent after the Security members left to secure the entry point.  Rayek had the second team stand ready to assemble on the transporter pad, but left it clear in case things were bad on the freighter and the security team needed an emergency beam out.

As the seconds ticked off Rayek began second-guessing himself - wondering if he too with his years of Security/Tactical experience should have gone over as well.  He knew how even one additional weapon, used effectively, could make a difference in a skirmish.  However, Romulan protocol was far different than Starfleet's.  It was a rare exception that he, as Executive officer, was even going on this boarding action.  Romulan command officers delegated personnel to do the risky tasks; they didn't do them themselves - they watched from the safety of their Command chairs.  This thought reminded him of something he'd forgotten - to activate the cameras.  He retrieved his PADD from the inner pocket of his uniform and opened it's display.  With a few select swipes and taps, Rayek turned on the miniature cameras and microphones in each Romulan emblem of the boarding team.  Now the Valdore could track their progress.


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 29, 2022, 09:08:11 PM

[RFS Valdore Transporter Room ==== IKS vaQ Mess Hall]

Kyle was given the green light and with slight nod of his head, he watched as his team stepped on the transporter pads. He took one last look over them before facing the transporter chief and slightly nodding once again. They were enveloped by the shimmering lights of the transporter and within seconds, they found themselves reforming inside the Klingon vessels Mess Hall. Kyle waved his hand and they fanned out to form a secure perimeter. The team needed to take a few seconds to allow their eye sight to adjust to the dim and dark lighting of the dining facility. Once he could see, Kyle could tell that the room was free of any personnel other than him and his team. It did however, seemed to have been caught up in a hurricane. Tables and chairs were strewn about as if someone had walked through and just randomly toppled them. He trained his eyes on the entrance and tapped his comm badge.

=/\= Briggs to tr'Lhoell. The Mess Hall is secure. We're ready to receive the rest of the team. =/\=

Despite how time seemed to skew in his mind, the call Rayek was waiting for from Subcommander Briggs eventually came.  The Mess Hall was secure.  Rayek stepped up onto the transporter pad and once everyone was assemble the order to transport was given once more. "Moraere."

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall]

Despite arriving to a secure area, Rayek couldn't help but have his hand at his disruptor holster, ready to draw it out at the least bit of provocation.   His dark brown eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting as he glanced about the area.  He noted that though no klaxon was sounding, the ship was definitely on some manner of alert mode just by the slow throb of red coming from the room's lighting.

As he opened his mouth to speak he was preceded by a loud, yet distant feral growl from somewhere on the ship.  To the security team, that had heard that same growl before, the sound would seem closer.  Rayek was aware that Klingons often kept pet Targs on their ships as a 'guard dog' of sorts, he reasoned this was one such ship.

Rayek looked over towards Saqa7, the teams one science officer. "Can you do a scan of the ship?  See how many people or targs we may be dealing with." He turned to look over the others.  "Everyone else assemble into your assigned teams and prepare to head out."

The St'at'imc native woman nodded and took out her assigned Romulan scanner.  Doing a slow 360 degree turn in place, a puzzled frown grew on her face.  She stopped and tried to do the scan again, but the readings were just as confusing this second time.  Her scanner display, which would also be visible to those watching on the Valdore, showed non-sentient and sentient life occupying the same space.

Saqa7 offered Rayek an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, sir. I think I may have not recalled how to work this properly.   It's blending lifesigns together.   At best count, I'd say 12 lifesigns but I can't distinguish Klingon from Targ, or anything else for that matter."

Rayek kept his expression neutral though he was disappointed that Saqa7 hadn't been more prepared.  It reflected poorly on her that she didn't know how to use the tools of her department.  Rayek suspected this was exactly why Commander tr'Siedhri had ordered the Exchange personnel on this boarding action so soon after their arrival.

"Thank you, Erein.  That'll do for now."

Rayek then looked to Kyle with a 'what can you do' type shrug.  "Take your team to Engineering.  We have to secure this ship in under 25 minutes."

Raising a hand he called.  "Bridge Team - with me.   Erein Sherem, you and I are on point.  Arrain Addams, cover from behind.  The rest of you buddy up and keep alert." he ordered as called up the ships schematic on his PADD quickly.  It took but a a couple seconds for the Romulan to study and memorize it's design.

Then they were off, headed out through the Mess Hall doors into the ship's corridor.  The Bridge Team headed to the right, while the Engineering team would head to the left.   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

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