Season 14: Episode 11 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part One (Ship of Horrors)

Started by Rayek trLhoell, October 17, 2022, 10:22:46 PM

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Zavrol Gohun

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 30, 2022, 03:57:36 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

Despite arriving to a secure area, Rayek couldn't help but have his hand at his disruptor holster, ready to draw it out at the least bit of provocation.   His dark brown eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting as he glanced about the area.  He noted that though no klaxon was sounding, the ship was definitely on some manner of alert mode just by the slow throb of red coming from the room's lighting.

Gohun transporter with his phaser out and ready to fire. Upon the completion of transportation he looked around the area directly in from of him knowing that the other members of the security team would be scanning their area. Upon not seeing any hostiles Gohun relaxed a little bit but his finger was on the trigger as he scanned the area with his eyes. Gohun tried to reach out with his mind Unfortunately the away team was so nervous that Gohun could not sense anything else.
" Area clear". The area itself was rather dark and red. Even for a Klingon ship this ship was dark and red. Just then Gohun thought he heard some sort of clicking sound. Like a guttural back of the throat clicking sound. Looking around it seems that no one else heard this.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 30, 2022, 03:57:36 AM

As he opened his mouth to speak he was preceded by a loud, yet distant feral growl from somewhere on the ship.  To the security team, that had heard that same growl before, the sound would seem closer.  Rayek was aware that Klingons often kept pet Targs on their ships as a 'guard dog' of sorts, he reasoned this was one such ship.

Rayek looked over towards Saqa7, the teams one science officer. "Can you do a scan of the ship?  See how many people or targs we may be dealing with." He turned to look over the others.  "Everyone else assemble into your assigned teams and prepare to head out."

The St'at'imc native woman nodded and took out her assigned Romulan scanner.  Doing a slow 360 degree turn in place, a puzzled frown grew on her face.  She stopped and tried to do the scan again, but the readings were just as confusing this second time.  Her scanner display, which would also be visible to those watching on the Valdore, showed non-sentient and sentient life occupying the same space.

Saqa7 offered Rayek an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, sir. I think I may have not recalled how to work this properly.   It's blending lifesigns together.   At best count, I'd say 12 lifesigns but I can't distinguish Klingon from Targ, or anything else for that matter."

Rayek kept his expression neutral though he was disappointed that Saqa7 hadn't been more prepared.  It reflected poorly on her that she didn't know how to use the tools of her department.  Rayek suspected this was exactly why Commander tr'Siedhri had ordered the Exchange personnel on this boarding action so soon after their arrival.

"Thank you, Erein.  That'll do for now."

Rayek then looked to Kyle with a 'what can you do' type shrug.  "Take your team to Engineering.  We have to secure this ship in under 25 minutes."

Raising a hand he called.  "Bridge Team - with me.   Erein Sherem, you and I are on point.  Arrain Addams, cover from behind.  The rest of you buddy up and keep alert." he ordered as called up the ships schematic on his PADD quickly.  It took but a a couple seconds for the Romulan to study and memorize it's design.

Then they were off, headed out through the Mess Hall doors into the ship's corridor.  The Bridge Team headed to the right, while the Engineering team would head to the left.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 30, 2022, 03:57:36 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

The transporter room was silent after the Security members left to secure the entry point.  Rayek had the second team stand ready to assemble on the transporter pad, but left it clear in case things were bad on the freighter and the security team needed an emergency beam out.

As the seconds ticked off Rayek began second-guessing himself - wondering if he too with his years of Security/Tactical experience should have gone over as well.  He knew how even one additional weapon, used effectively, could make a difference in a skirmish.  However, Romulan protocol was far different than Starfleet's.  It was a rare exception that he, as Executive officer, was even going on this boarding action.  Romulan command officers delegated personnel to do the risky tasks; they didn't do them themselves - they watched from the safety of their Command chairs.  This thought reminded him of something he'd forgotten - to activate the cameras.  He retrieved his PADD from the inner pocket of his uniform and opened it's display.  With a few select swipes and taps, Rayek turned on the miniature cameras and microphones in each Romulan emblem of the boarding team.  Now the Valdore could track their progress.


Despite how time seemed to skew in his mind, the call Rayek was waiting for from Subcommander Briggs eventually came.  The Mess Hall was secure.  Rayek stepped up onto the transporter pad and once everyone was assemble the order to transport was given once more. "Moraere."

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall]

Despite arriving to a secure area, Rayek couldn't help but have his hand at his disruptor holster, ready to draw it out at the least bit of provocation.   His dark brown eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting as he glanced about the area.  He noted that though no klaxon was sounding, the ship was definitely on some manner of alert mode just by the slow throb of red coming from the room's lighting.

As he opened his mouth to speak he was preceded by a loud, yet distant feral growl from somewhere on the ship.  To the security team, that had heard that same growl before, the sound would seem closer.  Rayek was aware that Klingons often kept pet Targs on their ships as a 'guard dog' of sorts, he reasoned this was one such ship.

Rayek looked over towards Saqa7, the teams one science officer. "Can you do a scan of the ship?  See how many people or targs we may be dealing with." He turned to look over the others.  "Everyone else assemble into your assigned teams and prepare to head out."

The St'at'imc native woman nodded and took out her assigned Romulan scanner.  Doing a slow 360 degree turn in place, a puzzled frown grew on her face.  She stopped and tried to do the scan again, but the readings were just as confusing this second time.  Her scanner display, which would also be visible to those watching on the Valdore, showed non-sentient and sentient life occupying the same space.

Saqa7 offered Rayek an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, sir. I think I may have not recalled how to work this properly.   It's blending lifesigns together.   At best count, I'd say 12 lifesigns but I can't distinguish Klingon from Targ, or anything else for that matter."

Rayek kept his expression neutral though he was disappointed that Saqa7 hadn't been more prepared.  It reflected poorly on her that she didn't know how to use the tools of her department.  Rayek suspected this was exactly why Commander tr'Siedhri had ordered the Exchange personnel on this boarding action so soon after their arrival.

"Thank you, Erein.  That'll do for now."

Rayek then looked to Kyle with a 'what can you do' type shrug.  "Take your team to Engineering.  We have to secure this ship in under 25 minutes."

Raising a hand he called.  "Bridge Team - with me.   Erein Sherem, you and I are on point.  Arrain Addams, cover from behind.  The rest of you buddy up and keep alert." he ordered as called up the ships schematic on his PADD quickly.  It took but a a couple seconds for the Romulan to study and memorize it's design.

Then they were off, headed out through the Mess Hall doors into the ship's corridor.  The Bridge Team headed to the right, while the Engineering team would head to the left.

Ensign Erein Sorik
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall]

Sorik looked around slowly as he materialized on the Klingon ship. The dining hall was bathed in an ominous orange-red. There was no audible alarm. But something else was. Animal sounds. They reminded him a little of the sounds of a sehlat, but Commander tr'Lhoell's guess was much more likely - targs. He didn't know too much about these Klingon animals, but there was no doubt that they could also be dangerous.
As a Vulcan, Sorik actually rejected violence, but self-protection was only logical. Equipped only with a stabbing weapon, he did not feel very safe - neither from animals nor from attackers in humanoid form.

Since there seemed to be no danger here at first glance, Sorik left the dagger in his pocket and instead pulled out his tricorder and began to scan. The science officer was not able to come up with proper scan results. While she attributed it to her lack of ability to handle the Romulan tricorder, Sorik immediately realized that it didn't seem to be that, because he was getting equally unusable results. Had they been sent here not only with insufficient armament, but also with defective tricorders? But no, it didn't seem to be it either.

For now, Sorik stuck with his higher-ranking departmental colleague, the Grazerite Torra, and followed Commander tr'Lhoell's directional guidance, leading them toward the bridge. Meanwhile, Sorik tried to adjust the tricorder's settings to get proper scan results, or to figure out otherwise what those readings could mean.

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 30, 2022, 03:57:36 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

The transporter room was silent after the Security members left to secure the entry point.  Rayek had the second team stand ready to assemble on the transporter pad, but left it clear in case things were bad on the freighter and the security team needed an emergency beam out.

As the seconds ticked off Rayek began second-guessing himself - wondering if he too with his years of Security/Tactical experience should have gone over as well.  He knew how even one additional weapon, used effectively, could make a difference in a skirmish.  However, Romulan protocol was far different than Starfleet's.  It was a rare exception that he, as Executive officer, was even going on this boarding action.  Romulan command officers delegated personnel to do the risky tasks; they didn't do them themselves - they watched from the safety of their Command chairs.  This thought reminded him of something he'd forgotten - to activate the cameras.  He retrieved his PADD from the inner pocket of his uniform and opened it's display.  With a few select swipes and taps, Rayek turned on the miniature cameras and microphones in each Romulan emblem of the boarding team.  Now the Valdore could track their progress.


Despite how time seemed to skew in his mind, the call Rayek was waiting for from Subcommander Briggs eventually came.  The Mess Hall was secure.  Rayek stepped up onto the transporter pad and once everyone was assemble the order to transport was given once more. "Moraere."

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall]

Despite arriving to a secure area, Rayek couldn't help but have his hand at his disruptor holster, ready to draw it out at the least bit of provocation.   His dark brown eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting as he glanced about the area.  He noted that though no klaxon was sounding, the ship was definitely on some manner of alert mode just by the slow throb of red coming from the room's lighting.

As he opened his mouth to speak he was preceded by a loud, yet distant feral growl from somewhere on the ship.  To the security team, that had heard that same growl before, the sound would seem closer.  Rayek was aware that Klingons often kept pet Targs on their ships as a 'guard dog' of sorts, he reasoned this was one such ship.

Rayek looked over towards Saqa7, the teams one science officer. "Can you do a scan of the ship?  See how many people or targs we may be dealing with." He turned to look over the others.  "Everyone else assemble into your assigned teams and prepare to head out."

The St'at'imc native woman nodded and took out her assigned Romulan scanner.  Doing a slow 360 degree turn in place, a puzzled frown grew on her face.  She stopped and tried to do the scan again, but the readings were just as confusing this second time.  Her scanner display, which would also be visible to those watching on the Valdore, showed non-sentient and sentient life occupying the same space.

Saqa7 offered Rayek an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, sir. I think I may have not recalled how to work this properly.   It's blending lifesigns together.   At best count, I'd say 12 lifesigns but I can't distinguish Klingon from Targ, or anything else for that matter."

Rayek kept his expression neutral though he was disappointed that Saqa7 hadn't been more prepared.  It reflected poorly on her that she didn't know how to use the tools of her department.  Rayek suspected this was exactly why Commander tr'Siedhri had ordered the Exchange personnel on this boarding action so soon after their arrival.

"Thank you, Erein.  That'll do for now."

Rayek then looked to Kyle with a 'what can you do' type shrug.  "Take your team to Engineering.  We have to secure this ship in under 25 minutes."

Raising a hand he called.  "Bridge Team - with me.   Erein Sherem, you and I are on point.  Arrain Addams, cover from behind.  The rest of you buddy up and keep alert." he ordered as called up the ships schematic on his PADD quickly.  It took but a a couple seconds for the Romulan to study and memorize it's design.

Then they were off, headed out through the Mess Hall doors into the ship's corridor.  The Bridge Team headed to the right, while the Engineering team would head to the left.

[Transporter pad --> Freighter]

Lisa joined the others in team two on the transporter pad when the time came, giving a smile to Dem as she stepped up next to him on the pad.

"I don't believe we've met; I'm Doctor Lisa Belmont," she greeted. There was jut enough time for him to return the pleasantry before they were whisked off to the freighter.

[Mess Hall - Klingon Freighter]

Lisa stayed back and waited for further direction from Rayek, clenching her teeth and putting a hand to her belt as she heard the growl. Whatever it was, she assumed the security team would be on it. But being prepared certainly wouldn't hurt. The dim lighting didn't help her nerves, but she forced herself to take a few deep breaths. She had to remember that she was back at work and not stuck on Earth wasting her days in a state of worry. It shouldn't take long to adjust.

I can handle this," she thought as Rayek told them all to split up. Thinking back to the briefing, Lisa recalled that she was on team engineering. Of course, at the beginning of that list had been Erei'Riov Briggs. Whichever god was in charge of creating such circumstances, she was grateful to them. She smiled as the familiar faces of Lek, Helga, and Dranik gathered, along with a face she didn't know yet. It was almost as if she'd never left the fleet or the Challenger.

Stepping into the eerie red light, she came up behind Kyle and gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"Ready when you are, Commander," she said with a smile.


Klingon freighter vaQ

As Dranik materialized on the freighter, he couldn't help but hear what sounded like howls coming from somewhere on the ship. A moment later he heard what sounded like groans coming from somewhere on the freighter. The lighting was similar to what he had read on regarding klingon vessels. He highly doubted that the howling and the groans were typical however. He tried to identify what sort of creature could make those howling sounds but he couldn't recall any creature he had studied making those sounds.

Dranik felt slightly ashamed of himself. He had hunted numerous creatures and other prey in the Delta Quadrant and he had never been this unnerved. He squared his shoulders and looked around the freighter's mess hall and then at the rest of the away time. "I see no signs of disruptor damage." He was doing his best to avoid looking uneasy.

Hirogen Male


[Klingon Freighter]

Lek noted the emergency lighting as soon as he materialized, the next thing he noticed was the sharp tang of some sort of animal, this was confirmed by the squealing in the distance and he thought.

"Blessed Exchequer what a stench. Based on how this has started, things can only go downhill from here,"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on October 30, 2022, 05:23:17 PM

[Transporter pad --> Freighter]

Lisa joined the others in team two on the transporter pad when the time came, giving a smile to Dem as she stepped up next to him on the pad.

"I don't believe we've met; I'm Doctor Lisa Belmont," she greeted. There was just enough time for him to return the pleasantry before they were whisked off to the freighter.

[Transporter pad - Mess hall | RFS Valdore - Klingon freighter vaQ]
Dem was surprised to see another Starfleet medical officer on the ship. To be honest, he had no idea who she was, and he made a mental note to search her up on the directory after the mission, he was not exactly a "œsenior" officer now that she was here, but that's ok, as being one Starfleet medical officer on the entire ship was a bit daunting. Her warm, friendly smile scattered into a million pieces as they were transported to the ship.
From the moment Dem materialised in the dark dim room, it was like he was an outside observer to worried, confused and confidant officers making sense of their surroundings. It was only when his team summoned him, destined for the bridge, did he move and step into the unfolding narrative. Just as they were swept under the Klingon doors did he realise the implications of the growling he heard. Targs were present in the Klingon battle training simulators that his academy best friend gave to him. They were a pain to deal with. With that, he turned right and started to secure the ship.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 27, 2022, 03:41:48 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

But it was then that the Cardassian in their midst spoke up, declaring her family lineage for all to hear.  Rayek only just managed to keep the grimace from showing on his features as she rambled on and on about her father and how he might be the one leading Cardassian pirates from the enclave.  The woman's words had drawn the attention of the Romulan officer manning the transporter and man's sour expression was all too telling.  Rayek had no doubt that by the end of shift today the entire crew would know who her father was if he didn't do anything to.  It was like she had just painted a target on her back.

"Thank you, Erein Sherem for your thoughts on the matter.  However, given the classified nature of your familial ties, that information should have been provided to me privately. Not for all present to overhear."  It might be fine on a Federation ship but the Free State military still had a ways to go to stem the backstabbing among the crew.

Rayek turned towards the transporter operator. "If this information goes beyond this room, I'll be certain your next roster assignment has you scrubbing the waste disposal units.  Understood?"

The officer's look didn't become any less sour but the Romulan did acknowledge Rayek's threat.  "Ssuaj-ha!"

Rayek gave the assembled crew one last look over, quirking an eyebrow at Gohun's peculiar choice of weapon.  Having read up on all the exchange personnel, Rayek was aware that Gohun was an recent transfer from Sec/Tac to Engineering... so didn't point out to the man the bulkiness of the rifle.   In all likelihood, the engineer wouldn't be needing his engineering skills so having an 'extra' trained in security was fine by him.

"Alright.  Security personnel will go over first.  Secure the room and then call when the mess hall is clear for the second transport."

Helga said nothing, merely gave Lek a toothy grin and moved with the others to take a spot on the pad, waiting to be beamed over.

Torra gnawed on her bottom lip a moment before she took a step towards the Subcommander to make a request.    "Sir, as you know I have Sec/Tac training.  May I be permitted to beam over with the Security personnel to aid in securing the room?  I am armed with a phaser... ".  Which in her opinion was so much better than a disruptor, in that it was non-lethal.

Rayek quickly considered the idea and nodded.  "Permitted." he answered then glanced to Gohun figuring the former sec/tac member might also be chafing at the bit.  "You as well."

Once the team was assembled on the transporter pad Rayek gave the nod to the Romulan officer.  Moraere!"

Quote from: Lek on October 27, 2022, 01:59:35 PM

[Transporter Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek observed the others of the away team arriving with little interest, besides wondering if he should arm himself, but it seemed too late for that. When Sherem revealed who her family was and that her father could be behind the recent uptick in piracy, he was... intrigued. A Cardasian in Starfleet was still rare, not that Ferengi were exactly plentiful, but as with any Cardasian, they had secrets within secrets worth noting.

The fact that Rayek had to speak to keeping Sherem's secrets quiet really made the fact they were aboard a Romulan ship stand out. It was difficult to know which species, Romulans or Cardasians were more secretive and exploitative. He was really going to watch what he said while aboard the Valdore.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Transporter Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael could see the cringes and grimaced herself; inwardly, she shouldn't have done that. That information was definitely classified. Not to mention she was among Romulans, not in a Starfleet ship. Still...

"My apologies for saying too much," said Jael, "it's just...well, I feel that it may be ideal to warn about my father, just in case of his involvement."

A Romulan officer listening in shrugged compassionately. "I don't blame you, ante-centurion," he said. "I worked with him when the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order planned the destruction of the Founders...before the Order's destruction. We were just station operatives, and Gul Sherem is one nasty man, and that's putting it lightly."

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on October 29, 2022, 01:59:59 AM

[Transporter Room - Deck 13 - Valdore]

To say that she was confused was an understatement. After months of first being sent on conferences as chief medic of the Challenger, then being called home to Earth for a family emergency...why upon her return was she being sent to a Romulan ship? It was only on the way to said ship that she looked into the transfer documents and discovered that the Discovery was undergoing repairs and this was an exchange opportunity on a Romulan vessel. Lisa suddenly had a flashback to the last time she had the pleasure of attending a "cultural exchange," and let out an audible groan. The person accompanying her gave her an odd look, but she only gave him an awkward closed-mouth grin in return. After traveling for a time through Romulan space, they were here. The medical officer checked in to her quarters, but struggled to do anything but fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next day, she had a small breakfast and read a note from her father. The contents of it were disheartening, and she spent a long while wondering why she had made the decision to return to duty at all. These thoughts were disturbed by the comm from Rayek.

"No rest for the weary" ran through her head as she stumbled out into the corridor and attempted to acquire a phaser.


It took her longer than she would have liked to get where she needed to go, dodging Romulan personnel shouting the foreign "Arrain!" title at her as she went. By the time she swooshed through the door to the transporter room, Rayek was already mostly through his briefing. Thankful that for one she was relatively short and for another she was mostly in the company of Starfleet friends, she kept to the back of the group.

"We're beaming from a Romulan ship to a Klingon freighter, surely nothing will go wrong," she thought, just as she heard a voice she was frankly astounded to hear. The "Erei'Riov" threw her off when Rayek said it, but there was no missing the tone and timbre of Kyle's voice as he answered the XO. Lisa craned her neck, but it was no use. There were simply too many tall security officers in her way. She'd just have to ambush him when the opportunity showed itself. Preferably after any immediate danger was out of the way and he wasn't on high alert. Kyle wasn't exactly trigger happy, but Lisa was especially good at catching him off-guard. She'd rather not make a trip to sickbay on her first day back on the job.

Instead, she looked around and made an effort to familiarize herself with the people assigned to her party...

Jael double taked and realized she recognized somebody from the Challenger, however brief their time together may have been.

"Oh," she said. "Good to see you, Doctor Belmont," she said, before being ordered to assemble.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 30, 2022, 03:57:36 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Transporter Room]

The transporter room was silent after the Security members left to secure the entry point.  Rayek had the second team stand ready to assemble on the transporter pad, but left it clear in case things were bad on the freighter and the security team needed an emergency beam out.

As the seconds ticked off Rayek began second-guessing himself - wondering if he too with his years of Security/Tactical experience should have gone over as well.  He knew how even one additional weapon, used effectively, could make a difference in a skirmish.  However, Romulan protocol was far different than Starfleet's.  It was a rare exception that he, as Executive officer, was even going on this boarding action.  Romulan command officers delegated personnel to do the risky tasks; they didn't do them themselves - they watched from the safety of their Command chairs.  This thought reminded him of something he'd forgotten - to activate the cameras.  He retrieved his PADD from the inner pocket of his uniform and opened it's display.  With a few select swipes and taps, Rayek turned on the miniature cameras and microphones in each Romulan emblem of the boarding team.  Now the Valdore could track their progress.


Despite how time seemed to skew in his mind, the call Rayek was waiting for from Subcommander Briggs eventually came.  The Mess Hall was secure.  Rayek stepped up onto the transporter pad and once everyone was assemble the order to transport was given once more. "Moraere."

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall]

Despite arriving to a secure area, Rayek couldn't help but have his hand at his disruptor holster, ready to draw it out at the least bit of provocation.   His dark brown eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting as he glanced about the area.  He noted that though no klaxon was sounding, the ship was definitely on some manner of alert mode just by the slow throb of red coming from the room's lighting.

As he opened his mouth to speak he was preceded by a loud, yet distant feral growl from somewhere on the ship.  To the security team, that had heard that same growl before, the sound would seem closer.  Rayek was aware that Klingons often kept pet Targs on their ships as a 'guard dog' of sorts, he reasoned this was one such ship.

Rayek looked over towards Saqa7, the teams one science officer. "Can you do a scan of the ship?  See how many people or targs we may be dealing with." He turned to look over the others.  "Everyone else assemble into your assigned teams and prepare to head out."

The St'at'imc native woman nodded and took out her assigned Romulan scanner.  Doing a slow 360 degree turn in place, a puzzled frown grew on her face.  She stopped and tried to do the scan again, but the readings were just as confusing this second time.  Her scanner display, which would also be visible to those watching on the Valdore, showed non-sentient and sentient life occupying the same space.

Saqa7 offered Rayek an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, sir. I think I may have not recalled how to work this properly.   It's blending lifesigns together.   At best count, I'd say 12 lifesigns but I can't distinguish Klingon from Targ, or anything else for that matter."

Rayek kept his expression neutral though he was disappointed that Saqa7 hadn't been more prepared.  It reflected poorly on her that she didn't know how to use the tools of her department.  Rayek suspected this was exactly why Commander tr'Siedhri had ordered the Exchange personnel on this boarding action so soon after their arrival.

"Thank you, Erein.  That'll do for now."

Rayek then looked to Kyle with a 'what can you do' type shrug.  "Take your team to Engineering.  We have to secure this ship in under 25 minutes."

Raising a hand he called.  "Bridge Team - with me.   Erein Sherem, you and I are on point.  Arrain Addams, cover from behind.  The rest of you buddy up and keep alert." he ordered as called up the ships schematic on his PADD quickly.  It took but a a couple seconds for the Romulan to study and memorize it's design.

Then they were off, headed out through the Mess Hall doors into the ship's corridor.  The Bridge Team headed to the right, while the Engineering team would head to the left.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Mess Hall | Klingon Freighter]

In no time at all, the team beamed into the mess hall. The nostalgia of being back on a Klingon vessel was interrupted by the howls and the growls, making Jael jump.

"Holy Prophets," she whispered. "What were they hauling, a whole pack of targs?"

She moved to Commander Briggs' side and said, "I got your back." Of course, she looked at the contigent, especially her fellow department officers, Dranik and Tragnar. Even if she was strictly a Tactical Officer, but all Tactical Officers were as much Security as they specialized in weapons.

She was most curious about Dranik. She had looked at the Hirogen homeworld, and she had to admit, it was impressive knowing somebody who came from the direct opposite of the galaxy from Cardassia Prime; it felt like putting together into a room somebody from Greenwich with somebody who lived on a Pacific island right on the International Date Line.

Still, she kept alert and focused, especially once the teams changed over and she was with Commander th'Lhoell, and she had his back, next. This was definitely a more interesting line of work than her time in a blue uniform.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Quote from: Sorik on October 30, 2022, 12:19:11 PM

Ensign Erein Sorik
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall]

Sorik looked around slowly as he materialized on the Klingon ship. The dining hall was bathed in an ominous orange-red. There was no audible alarm. But something else was. Animal sounds. They reminded him a little of the sounds of a sehlat, but Commander tr'Lhoell's guess was much more likely - targs. He didn't know too much about these Klingon animals, but there was no doubt that they could also be dangerous.
As a Vulcan, Sorik actually rejected violence, but self-protection was only logical. Equipped only with a stabbing weapon, he did not feel very safe - neither from animals nor from attackers in humanoid form.

Since there seemed to be no danger here at first glance, Sorik left the dagger in his pocket and instead pulled out his tricorder and began to scan. The science officer was not able to come up with proper scan results. While she attributed it to her lack of ability to handle the Romulan tricorder, Sorik immediately realized that it didn't seem to be that, because he was getting equally unusable results. Had they been sent here not only with insufficient armament, but also with defective tricorders? But no, it didn't seem to be it either.

For now, Sorik stuck with his higher-ranking departmental colleague, the Grazerite Torra, and followed Commander tr'Lhoell's directional guidance, leading them toward the bridge. Meanwhile, Sorik tried to adjust the tricorder's settings to get proper scan results, or to figure out otherwise what those readings could mean.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 30, 2022, 08:30:31 PM

[Transporter pad - Mess hall | RFS Valdore - Klingon freighter vaQ]
Dem was surprised to see another Starfleet medical officer on the ship. To be honest, he had no idea who she was, and he made a mental note to search her up on the directory after the mission, he was not exactly a "œsenior" officer now that she was here, but that's ok, as being one Starfleet medical officer on the entire ship was a bit daunting. Her warm, friendly smile scattered into a million pieces as they were transported to the ship.
From the moment Dem materialised in the dark dim room, it was like he was an outside observer to worried, confused and confidant officers making sense of their surroundings. It was only when his team summoned him, destined for the bridge, did he move and step into the unfolding narrative. Just as they were swept under the Klingon doors did he realise the implications of the growling he heard. Targs were present in the Klingon battle training simulators that his academy best friend gave to him. They were a pain to deal with. With that, he turned right and started to secure the ship.

Rayek moved through the corridor alongside Jael.  The slow throb of the crimson Klingon lighting in its emergency mode reminded Rayek of a slow, dying heartbeat.  The cramped hallway stank of strong body odor, targ manure, and more freshly of blood, urine and burnt hair.  Fear was in the air, and it was easy to see why.

What light was present revealed viscera spewed onto walls here and there, as though a running battle occurred in the hallway.  Even a cursory glance at the deck plating revealed scattered fingers and bits of skin and fur flung here or there in what must have been an awful fight between beast and man.

From further within the ship there were heard the sounds of metal striking metal, of bulkhead door pneumatics repeatedly trying and failing to seal and, not far ahead, the gibbering grunts of a what Rayek assessed to be the unmistakable sounds of a humanoid in pain.  During his classified time within the Tal'Shiar, Rayek had heard such tortured sounds often.

"Dem, stand ready to offer aid." he called to the Medical officer.

Even as he spoke the pained grunt stopped abruptly.   Rayek tensed.  Then ahead in the corridor, a great and terrible thing lumbered around the corner, it's lethally clawed feet somehow near silent as it moved along the deck plating.  At the top of its two-meter height was a wide head, both Klingon and some kind of reptilian monstrosity fused into a scaled face, split horizontally by a blade-filled mouth.  Someone had tried to defend themselves against the creature and seemingly lost their weapon - and maybe their life - judging by the limb that dangled ensnared in from the chain attached to the handle of the weapon.

Its wide and angled nostrils flared as it took in the scent of the Bridge team.  Thin eyes glowed green in the dim lighting, and dark Klingon hair hung shaggily between plates of some kind of natural scale-like armor.  The thing's mismatched arms, one a foot longer than the other, were each still long enough to drag on the deck plating.   All across its body, patches of Klingon skin interrupted the harder, black scales in random places, and it carried many fresh wounds from claws and what looked like disruptor blasts that leaked a thick black bile.
There was little symmetry to the thing, it was a patchwork of walking alligator and Klingon slapped together into an awful amalgamation.  It halted at the end of the hallway, neither approaching nor retreating as it sized up the group.

In one of its two hands it carried the recently decapitated head of a man. A male Klingon - at least in part.  Rayek was surprised to see brutal tusks jutting out of its dead mouth, far longer than even the most snaggled of Klingon teeth; and more surprisingly, there were spines which erupted from its forehead and the back of its skull.

"These are no regular Klingons." Rayek pointed out the obvious as he pulled his disruptor and held it ready to fire should the creature charge them.   "Someone with a tricorder... scan it.  What is that thing?" but even as he asked he had a suspicion that these were the Klingon freighter crew.   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 31, 2022, 03:32:57 AM

"Dem, stand ready to offer aid." he called to the Medical officer.

Even as he spoke the pained grunt stopped abruptly.   Rayek tensed.  Then ahead in the corridor, a great and terrible thing lumbered around the corner, it's lethally clawed feet somehow near silent as it moved along the deck plating.  At the top of its two-meter height was a wide head, both Klingon and some kind of reptilian monstrosity fused into a scaled face, split horizontally by a blade-filled mouth.  Someone had tried to defend themselves against the creature and seemingly lost their weapon - and maybe their life - judging by the limb that dangled ensnared in from the chain attached to the handle of the weapon.

Its wide and angled nostrils flared as it took in the scent of the Bridge team.  Thin eyes glowed green in the dim lighting, and dark Klingon hair hung shaggily between plates of some kind of natural scale-like armor.  The thing's mismatched arms, one a foot longer than the other, were each still long enough to drag on the deck plating.   All across its body, patches of Klingon skin interrupted the harder, black scales in random places, and it carried many fresh wounds from claws and what looked like disruptor blasts that leaked a thick black bile.
There was little symmetry to the thing, it was a patchwork of walking alligator and Klingon slapped together into an awful amalgamation.  It halted at the end of the hallway, neither approaching nor retreating as it sized up the group.

In one of its two hands it carried the recently decapitated head of a man. A male Klingon - at least in part.  Rayek was surprised to see brutal tusks jutting out of its dead mouth, far longer than even the most snaggled of Klingon teeth; and more surprisingly, there were spines which erupted from its forehead and the back of its skull.

"These are no regular Klingons." Rayek pointed out the obvious as he pulled his disruptor and held it ready to fire should the creature charge them.   "Someone with a tricorder... scan it.  What is that thing?" but even as he asked he had a suspicion that these were the Klingon freighter crew.

[Hallway (on route to the bridge) | Klingon freighter vaQ]

Dem fumbled as he pulled out his tricorder, his fingers shaking as he activated it. He subtly moved it around, making sure not to aggravate the beast any more than it already was. As a doctor, he had seen some grotesque things, but this was horrendous. After realising that the commander was waiting for an answer, he looked down at the display screen. "œ Commander, I can't get a reading past the shell of the animal, but I can scan the Klingon, or whatever. It appears it's genes are spliced, like stuffing a chicken inside a turkey. I can identify that at least 47 percent of its DNA is Klingon, but the other 53, well I have no idea"¦". Dem quietly said next to the commander. Just as Dem looked up, he saw the body of another Klingon ahead. He slowly and carefully slunk across the floor, keeping a wide birth while the beast's eyes followed him like the Mono Lisa. Eventually, Den kneeled next to the mutated Klingon, but when he rotated his head to the ambient red lighting, he had the same spines over his head. He harshly whispered; "œCommander, this one is alive."

Kyle Briggs

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall - Corridor to Engineering]

The second team arrived and Rayek was quick with the orders. He got the teams assigned and after a few final checks, he and his team left for the Bridge.

Kyle turned at a tap on his shoulder and was surprised to see Lisa standing there. "Hey there. Welcome back." he said. "Sorry we can't have a better reunion but I'll make sure we do after this is over." he added with a a wink. He looked up and addressed the others in his team.

"Helga. Take lead. Dranik will bring up the rear. Everyone stay close together and alert." he said.

He was interrupted by another one of those gut churning howls.

"And let's try to avoid whatever that is." he added.

He gave a nod and Helga led the team out.

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall >>> Corridor to Engineering] (Written by Rayek)

As the Engineering team made its way along the corridors, they saw evidence of what seemed to have been a bloody massacre along the hallway.  The first recognizable body they came across was that of a torn apart Cardassian.

A sound reverberated down the hallways of the ship"¦ Hooves on metal"¦ Some kind of ungulate footstep was making its way around in some room ahead. It sounded heavy, and it was accompanied by a ragged, pained breathing.

It was Helga who stated the obvious. "I think it's coming from the cargo bay."  The smell of manure was far stronger in that direction.  She cautiously led the team closer and the signal all were ready, she opened the cargo bay doors.

The creature could now be seen, a new horror on this ship of nightmares, collapsed in a far corner of a large cage with the barred door shut. It was four-legged, but the legs were not those of an unguligrade.  Aside from the hoof replacing the foot, the legs appeared to be those of a humanoid, with the bones and muscles extended longer than they ought to be, and a knee and an ankle like one might expect.   The legs attached to a long and fleshy body, various claw wounds all along it, a ripped Klingon vest still clinging to its mass somehow. A humanoid torso jutted abruptly from the front of the thing, making it look like a poorly arranged centaur of Earth mythology. The face"¦ the formerly Klingon face was elongated, its mouth stretched to the tip of the warped skull, drooling and gnashing its flat teeth together in fear or agony or a melding of the two. Eyes, too-wide for the head, stared forward into nothingness.

"What the hell did they do to him?" Kyle whispered to the others. Apparently, the creatures hearing had been alter as well because he heard the whisper and looked in the direction of the team. He began pounding one of his hoofs on the ground and bellowing out with the same, bone chilling howl they had heard earlier. The entire team seemed to jump as one.

"He looks secure where he is. Let's get our asses to Engineering and we'll deal with him later." Kyle ordered. Another nod and they were off.

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 31, 2022, 10:46:14 PM

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall - Corridor to Engineering]

The second team arrived and Rayek was quick with the orders. He got the teams assigned and after a few final checks, he and his team left for the Bridge.

Kyle turned at a tap on his shoulder and was surprised to see Lisa standing there. "Hey there. Welcome back." he said. "Sorry we can't have a better reunion but I'll make sure we do after this is over." he added with a a wink. He looked up and addressed the others in his team.

"Helga. Take lead. Dranik will bring up the rear. Everyone stay close together and alert." he said.

He was interrupted by another one of those gut churning howls.

"And let's try to avoid whatever that is." he added.

He gave a nod and Helga led the team out.

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall >>> Corridor to Engineering] (Written by Rayek)

As the Engineering team made its way along the corridors, they saw evidence of what seemed to have been a bloody massacre along the hallway.  The first recognizable body they came across was that of a torn apart Cardassian.

A sound reverberated down the hallways of the ship"¦ Hooves on metal"¦ Some kind of ungulate footstep was making its way around in some room ahead. It sounded heavy, and it was accompanied by a ragged, pained breathing.

It was Helga who stated the obvious. "I think it's coming from the cargo bay."  The smell of manure was far stronger in that direction.  She cautiously led the team closer and the signal all were ready, she opened the cargo bay doors.

The creature could now be seen, a new horror on this ship of nightmares, collapsed in a far corner of a large cage with the barred door shut. It was four-legged, but the legs were not those of an unguligrade.  Aside from the hoof replacing the foot, the legs appeared to be those of a humanoid, with the bones and muscles extended longer than they ought to be, and a knee and an ankle like one might expect.   The legs attached to a long and fleshy body, various claw wounds all along it, a ripped Klingon vest still clinging to its mass somehow. A humanoid torso jutted abruptly from the front of the thing, making it look like a poorly arranged centaur of Earth mythology. The face"¦ the formerly Klingon face was elongated, its mouth stretched to the tip of the warped skull, drooling and gnashing its flat teeth together in fear or agony or a melding of the two. Eyes, too-wide for the head, stared forward into nothingness.

"What the hell did they do to him?" Kyle whispered to the others. Apparently, the creatures hearing had been alter as well because he heard the whisper and looked in the direction of the team. He began pounding one of his hoofs on the ground and bellowing out with the same, bone chilling howl they had heard earlier. The entire team seemed to jump as one.

"He looks secure where he is. Let's get our asses to Engineering and we'll deal with him later." Kyle ordered. Another nod and they were off.

[Mess Hall --> corridor to Engineering - Klingon Freighter vaQ]

As the team assembled around her, another series of growls and shrieks sounded. Lisa felt another shiver run down her back and hoped at least one other person in the group felt as uneasy as she did. It wasn't necessarily  that she was afraid of getting attacked, but the built up tension this atmosphere was creating was horrible to endure. If someone or something were to startle her, the resulting adrenaline would almost certainly send her running.

"Just do the job, just do the job," she started a mantra in her head.

At Kyle's words, her heart did a little flutter and she relaxed a fraction.

"I'll hold you to that," she said, returning his wink and falling into marching order alongside him as he called out further orders. One hand rested on the phaser at her belt while the other clutched her medkit. Another hair-raising howl sounded, which sent her fingers into a nervous twitch. Despite the fear coursing through her, there was a tiny part of her that wondered if these sounds were coming from a creature in distress. If you thought of it that way, this suddenly turned into a rescue mission. There. That's something she could do. The mantra started up again as they all started forward...

As they neared the cargo bay, Lisa kept a mental note of their surroundings. As a doctor who had seen plenty of horrid scenes in her day, the offensive smells and bloody walls hardly phased her.

When the doors were opened and they had the opportunity to peer inside, Lisa gasped audibly and put a hand to her chest. Her heart was screaming at her to help the poor beast, as her thoughts aligned with Kyle's question. This appeared to be some sort of experiment gone horribly wrong, and the result was the suffering creature before them.

Her brain luckily had the power to win over her actions, however, as when she jumped at yet another howl she realized she had next to no chance of approaching it without being attacked.

"Good call," she said as they skirted by and continued on their way.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 31, 2022, 03:32:57 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Rayek moved through the corridor alongside Jael.  The slow throb of the crimson Klingon lighting in its emergency mode reminded Rayek of a slow, dying heartbeat.  The cramped hallway stank of strong body odor, targ manure, and more freshly of blood, urine and burnt hair.  Fear was in the air, and it was easy to see why.

What light was present revealed viscera spewed onto walls here and there, as though a running battle occurred in the hallway.  Even a cursory glance at the deck plating revealed scattered fingers and bits of skin and fur flung here or there in what must have been an awful fight between beast and man.

From further within the ship there were heard the sounds of metal striking metal, of bulkhead door pneumatics repeatedly trying and failing to seal and, not far ahead, the gibbering grunts of a what Rayek assessed to be the unmistakable sounds of a humanoid in pain.  During his classified time within the Tal'Shiar, Rayek had heard such tortured sounds often.

"Dem, stand ready to offer aid." he called to the Medical officer.

Even as he spoke the pained grunt stopped abruptly.   Rayek tensed.  Then ahead in the corridor, a great and terrible thing lumbered around the corner, it's lethally clawed feet somehow near silent as it moved along the deck plating.  At the top of its two-meter height was a wide head, both Klingon and some kind of reptilian monstrosity fused into a scaled face, split horizontally by a blade-filled mouth.  Someone had tried to defend themselves against the creature and seemingly lost their weapon - and maybe their life - judging by the limb that dangled ensnared in from the chain attached to the handle of the weapon.

Its wide and angled nostrils flared as it took in the scent of the Bridge team.  Thin eyes glowed green in the dim lighting, and dark Klingon hair hung shaggily between plates of some kind of natural scale-like armor.  The thing's mismatched arms, one a foot longer than the other, were each still long enough to drag on the deck plating.   All across its body, patches of Klingon skin interrupted the harder, black scales in random places, and it carried many fresh wounds from claws and what looked like disruptor blasts that leaked a thick black bile.
There was little symmetry to the thing, it was a patchwork of walking alligator and Klingon slapped together into an awful amalgamation.  It halted at the end of the hallway, neither approaching nor retreating as it sized up the group.

In one of its two hands it carried the recently decapitated head of a man. A male Klingon - at least in part.  Rayek was surprised to see brutal tusks jutting out of its dead mouth, far longer than even the most snaggled of Klingon teeth; and more surprisingly, there were spines which erupted from its forehead and the back of its skull.

"These are no regular Klingons." Rayek pointed out the obvious as he pulled his disruptor and held it ready to fire should the creature charge them.   "Someone with a tricorder... scan it.  What is that thing?" but even as he asked he had a suspicion that these were the Klingon freighter crew.

[Klingon Freighter]

Lek's jaw dropped open in shock at the sight of the thing that had once been a Klingon and he quietly reached into his tool kit to reach for the largest spanner he carried.

"This just keeps getting worse."

He muttered as he gripped the heavy spanner and wished he'd brought a better weapon.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 31, 2022, 03:32:57 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Rayek moved through the corridor alongside Jael.  The slow throb of the crimson Klingon lighting in its emergency mode reminded Rayek of a slow, dying heartbeat.  The cramped hallway stank of strong body odor, targ manure, and more freshly of blood, urine and burnt hair.  Fear was in the air, and it was easy to see why.

What light was present revealed viscera spewed onto walls here and there, as though a running battle occurred in the hallway.  Even a cursory glance at the deck plating revealed scattered fingers and bits of skin and fur flung here or there in what must have been an awful fight between beast and man.

From further within the ship there were heard the sounds of metal striking metal, of bulkhead door pneumatics repeatedly trying and failing to seal and, not far ahead, the gibbering grunts of a what Rayek assessed to be the unmistakable sounds of a humanoid in pain.  During his classified time within the Tal'Shiar, Rayek had heard such tortured sounds often.

"Dem, stand ready to offer aid." he called to the Medical officer.

Even as he spoke the pained grunt stopped abruptly.   Rayek tensed.  Then ahead in the corridor, a great and terrible thing lumbered around the corner, it's lethally clawed feet somehow near silent as it moved along the deck plating.  At the top of its two-meter height was a wide head, both Klingon and some kind of reptilian monstrosity fused into a scaled face, split horizontally by a blade-filled mouth.  Someone had tried to defend themselves against the creature and seemingly lost their weapon - and maybe their life - judging by the limb that dangled ensnared in from the chain attached to the handle of the weapon.

Its wide and angled nostrils flared as it took in the scent of the Bridge team.  Thin eyes glowed green in the dim lighting, and dark Klingon hair hung shaggily between plates of some kind of natural scale-like armor.  The thing's mismatched arms, one a foot longer than the other, were each still long enough to drag on the deck plating.   All across its body, patches of Klingon skin interrupted the harder, black scales in random places, and it carried many fresh wounds from claws and what looked like disruptor blasts that leaked a thick black bile.
There was little symmetry to the thing, it was a patchwork of walking alligator and Klingon slapped together into an awful amalgamation.  It halted at the end of the hallway, neither approaching nor retreating as it sized up the group.

In one of its two hands it carried the recently decapitated head of a man. A male Klingon - at least in part.  Rayek was surprised to see brutal tusks jutting out of its dead mouth, far longer than even the most snaggled of Klingon teeth; and more surprisingly, there were spines which erupted from its forehead and the back of its skull.

"These are no regular Klingons." Rayek pointed out the obvious as he pulled his disruptor and held it ready to fire should the creature charge them.   "Someone with a tricorder... scan it.  What is that thing?" but even as he asked he had a suspicion that these were the Klingon freighter crew.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Mess Hall | Klingon Freighter]

Being along side the Commander, Jael had an up close and personal view of the deformed Klingon.

"Holy Prophets," she hissed in worry. Whoever did this...if this was some result of one of her father's scientists...well, no Cardassian would be this evil unless he had truly lost his mind. She remembered the experiment on Empok Nor that went horribly wrong, leading to its abandonment, something her mother still liked to tell as a ghost story. Unfortunately, this was worse. A lot worse.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun following with the rest of his team. As they walked into the mess hall Gohun heard another growl from somewhere. Looking through the mess hall Gohun didn't notice a thing. Then the team left to explorer the rest of the ship. When the cargo door was opened Gohun saw the oddest monster. It looked like the Thing from a very old Earth movie. Just that quickly the door was closer. Gohun spoke "I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is.'"

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 31, 2022, 08:29:24 PM

[Hallway (on route to the bridge) | Klingon freighter vaQ]

Dem fumbled as he pulled out his tricorder, his fingers shaking as he activated it. He subtly moved it around, making sure not to aggravate the beast any more than it already was. As a doctor, he had seen some grotesque things, but this was horrendous. After realising that the commander was waiting for an answer, he looked down at the display screen. "œ Commander, I can't get a reading past the shell of the animal, but I can scan the Klingon, or whatever. It appears it's genes are spliced, like stuffing a chicken inside a turkey. I can identify that at least 47 percent of its DNA is Klingon, but the other 53, well I have no idea"¦". Dem quietly said next to the commander. Just as Dem looked up, he saw the body of another Klingon ahead. He slowly and carefully slunk across the floor, keeping a wide birth while the beast's eyes followed him like the Mona Lisa. Eventually, Dem kneeled next to the mutated Klingon, but when he rotated his head to the ambient red lighting, he had the same spines over his head. He harshly whispered; "œCommander, this one is alive."

Quote from: Jael Sherem on November 03, 2022, 11:43:09 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Mess Hall | Klingon Freighter]

Being along side the Commander, Jael had an up close and personal view of the deformed Klingon.

"Holy Prophets," she hissed in worry. Whoever did this...if this was some result of one of her father's scientists...well, no Cardassian would be this evil unless he had truly lost his mind. She remembered the experiment on Empok Nor that went horribly wrong, leading to its abandonment, something her mother still liked to tell as a ghost story. Unfortunately, this was worse. A lot worse.

Dem's confirmation of what Rayek had initially suspected made things a whole lot more complicated.  Simply dispatching the blended beasts in order to move past them to access the Bridge could cause problems with the Klingon Empire.

"Those with phasers, set your weapons to heavy stun and take it down.  We don't have time to waste on battling these monstrosities."

Rayek looked then to Dem and the second blended creature - though this one looked severely injured.  "Sedate it for now.  We need to keep moving to the Bridge."

While he left it to the others to act on his orders, Rayek contacted the other team.
=/\= "Subcommander tr'Lhoell to Subcommander Briggs.  Team One has encountered a couple of blended creatures.  Part Klingon - part something else.. possibly Targ or Kolar beast.  Be alert for any more of them.  This ship had a crew of 12.  I suspect this was the reason our scans couldn't make out any clear Klingon lifesigns.  Subdue if possible, but our mission to gain control of the vessel takes priority." =/\=

Saqa7 hadn't thought to bring a phaser, the only weapon she had was the Romulan blade that Kyle had handed out to her in the Transporter room.   But then at learning that these poor things were in part Klingon meant that she like Dr. Broadshire, had an obligation to aid them.   She moved to assist Dem.   A glance was all it took for Saqa7 to know that the Klingon hybrid wouldn't make it without intervention.    She gave Dem a meaningful glance... as the only licenced medical officer present it would be up to him to stand up for his patients need to for care.

There was no hesitation on Torra's part in responding to the order.   With her weapon adjusted she fired.  But the creature didn't drop immediately.  Of course, Klingon physiology was resistant to phasers set at stun - not to mention how resilient the other half of the creature was.  It would likely take several direct and prolonged phaser hits to get this thing to drop.

Startled and possibly more than a little angered, it bellowed out what could have been the Klingon word "petaQ" as it charged the group.

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 31, 2022, 10:46:14 PM

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Mess Hall - Corridor to Engineering]

The second team arrived and Rayek was quick with the orders. He got the teams assigned and after a few final checks, he and his team left for the Bridge.

Kyle turned at a tap on his shoulder and was surprised to see Lisa standing there. "Hey there. Welcome back." he said. "Sorry we can't have a better reunion but I'll make sure we do after this is over." he added with a a wink. He looked up and addressed the others in his team.

"Helga. Take lead. Dranik will bring up the rear. Everyone stay close together and alert." he said.

He was interrupted by another one of those gut churning howls.

"And let's try to avoid whatever that is." he added.

He gave a nod and Helga led the team out.

"What the hell did they do to him?" Kyle whispered to the others. Apparently, the creatures hearing had been altered as well because he heard the whisper and looked in the direction of the team. He began pounding one of his hoofs on the ground and bellowing out with the same, bone chilling howl they had heard earlier. The entire team seemed to jump as one.

"He looks secure where he is. Let's get our asses to Engineering and we'll deal with him later." Kyle ordered. Another nod and they were off.

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on November 01, 2022, 12:00:02 AM

[Mess Hall --> corridor to Engineering - Klingon Freighter vaQ]

"Good call," she said as they skirted by and continued on their way.

Quote from: Lek on November 01, 2022, 01:29:58 PM

[Klingon Freighter]

Lek's jaw dropped open in shock at the sight of the thing that had once been a Klingon and he quietly reached into his tool kit to reach for the largest spanner he carried.

"This just keeps getting worse."

He muttered as he gripped the heavy spanner and wished he'd brought a better weapon.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on November 04, 2022, 04:32:47 AM

Gohun following with the rest of his team. As they walked into the mess hall Gohun heard another growl from somewhere. Looking through the mess hall Gohun didn't notice a thing. Then the team left to explorer the rest of the ship. When the cargo door was opened Gohun saw the oddest monster. It looked like the Thing from a very old Earth movie. Just that quickly the door was closer. Gohun spoke "I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is.'"

Helga felt a little sickened to see the horrible manner in which the creature was blended.   It wasn't as if parts were surgically swapped so far as Helga could tell.  If simply looked as if the Klingons was and always had been part ungulate.  Which was impossible?    That the Commander chose to not investigate, Helga understood... but it felt wrong somehow.

"Aye sir" she answered his order to continue on and lead the way further along the corridor towards the Klingon freighters engine room.

As the Engineering team walked on, a call came in from Subcommander tr'Lhoell.   It seemed it was more than just one Klingon affected.  This was concerning to Helga.  Was it a virus of sorts?  Was she in danger of turning into a mutated creature as well?

Distracted by her running rampant thoughts, Helga turned the corner towards the main engine room and bumped into another blended creature.  This one though mostly Klingon in body shape, had the mandibles of an insect jutting out from its mouth and its hands were replaced by tarsi and claws - which grabbed at her too fast for her to avoid.   Helga struggled to direct her disruptor  which had been in her hand towards the creature, but it was far stronger than her and seemed to recognize the disruptor as a threat and kept it pointed away from itself.     

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.