Season 14: Episode 11 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part One (Ship of Horrors)

Started by Rayek trLhoell, October 17, 2022, 10:22:46 PM

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Klingon freighter vaQ
Corridor to Engineering

At first glance, Dranik didn't know what he was looking at when he saw one of the creatures. But then he began to notice Klingon features blended with...something else. He began to feel somewhat sick to his stomach at the sight of the Klingon/whatever they were hybrids and fought to keep his poorly prepared romulan lunch down.

As they continued on their way to engineering, they came across another of the transformed Klingons. This one had a mouth like a giant insect and the hands had been replaced with claws. And it had managed to grab one of the away team.

Dranik took his disruptor rifle and immediately set it at full power.

Hirogen Male


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 05, 2022, 03:38:30 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]

Helga felt a little sickened to see the horrible manner in which the creature was blended.   It wasn't as if parts were surgically swapped so far as Helga could tell.  If simply looked as if the Klingons was and always had been part ungulate.  Which was impossible?    That the Commander chose to not investigate, Helga understood... but it felt wrong somehow.

"Aye sir" she answered his order to continue on and lead the way further along the corridor towards the Klingon freighters engine room.

As the Engineering team walked on, a call came in from Subcommander tr'Lhoell.   It seemed it was more than just one Klingon affected.  This was concerning to Helga.  Was it a virus of sorts?  Was she in danger of turning into a mutated creature as well?

Distracted by her running rampant thoughts, Helga turned the corner towards the main engine room and bumped into another blended creature.  This one though mostly Klingon in body shape, had the mandibles of an insect jutting out from its mouth and its hands were replaced by tarsi and claws - which grabbed at her too fast for her to avoid.   Helga struggled to direct her disruptor  which had been in her hand towards the creature, but it was far stronger than her and seemed to recognize the disruptor as a threat and kept it pointed away from itself.

[Klingon Freighter]

When the 'thing' in the hallway revealed itself, Lek screamed in the high pitched manner that only a Ferengi could manage. However when the 'thing' grabbed her, he roared.


As he charged forward drawing and swinging the heavy spanner with all the surprising strength of his species. If the 'thing' was sentient or not had ceased to matter, his Par'Mach'kai was endangered and he attacked with a savageness that would have even surprised him had he the detachment to observe his actions. Instead he was consumed by a rage he'd never felt before and pummeled the 'thing' with the fury of a pint-sized supernova.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Vasilisa Belmont

[Klingon Freighter]

Creepiness did not subside as they continued to walk down the corridors. Another creature, this one with some insectoid qualities, appeared. Being toward the middle of the group and not having the best attention in combat training, Lisa was one of the last people to react as Helga was suddenly attacked. Luckily, Lek came to the rescue as he moved past her with astounding speed. Everyone else responded in kind, readying weapons to take action against the Klingon-Insect. Once she was able to, she took Helga aside and looked her over.

"Are you alright?" she asked as her eyes quickly scanned for injury, knowing the Klingon woman would want her to stop fussing over her as soon as possible.


Ensign Erein Sorik
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Sorik followed the new developments with a mix of intrigue and horror. He was curious what had made those two life forms merge together in that way. But there was no doubt that it was animalistic and dangerous and would not hesitate to kill brutally. The Vulcan only had a knife which was undoubtedly insufficient to hope to be able to defend himself with it successfully. In addition, what troubled Sorik the most was the stench on this freighter. It seemed to be his personal disposition to get sick from it, and so all color had left the Vulcan's face and he struggled with the urge to throw up. It was hard work to focus on controlling himself.
So he kept in the back of the group, hoping that they would be quick to get their job done here.

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 05, 2022, 03:38:30 AM

Rayek looked then to Dem and the second blended creature - though this one looked severely injured.  "Sedate it for now.  We need to keep moving to the Bridge."

[Hallway (on route to the bridge) | Klingon freighter vaQ]
Dem pulled out is hypospray, an old 2370 design. It performed the same as the other one, but he just liked it better. He quickly clicked in a vial of anesthizine, a powerful sedative, and promptly administered it on its neck. However, I was not really a neck, more of an indented scale. Just as he performed this, phasers were shot at the live beast. Dem winced just in view of Saq7, as he could see she had the same aversion to their brash tactics.  Dem made sure to set it to a high injector setting to get past the thick mass. He muttered under his breath. "40cc's should be enough" . But it really was not. Surprized, Dem administered another 40cc's, then sixty, then resorting to a combination of  Dylamadon and Felicium to finally get the job done. He then subtly administered a few other medications to the wounds. He swore he would come back, and heal this patient, but he could not do anything now. He was a Romulan officer, he had to follow orders.  He looked up, taken away from the surroundings by trying to fill the Blingon (as he clunkily called it) with sedatives, that he realised that the beast had charged.

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Rayek had honestly expected more of the Exchange team to have brought phasers with them, but it seemed only Torra had come with non-lethal weaponry; and unfortunately, a single shot wasn't enough to bring down the hybridized creature.

Despite his words of urgency, at hearing the distinctly Klingon insult, Rayek waved off Jael with her Romulan issued disruptor.   He pulled his knife and motioned for the Cardassian to do likewise. "We'll keep it distracted while Addams takes it down.  Torra, I hope your aim is as good as it was when you were with ch'Verret's security team on Challenger."

NPC Lieutenant (Arrain) Danjar-Torra Addams
Even as Rayek was questioning Torra's aim, the Grazerite Ops officer fired off a second shot hitting the creature slightly off center - along its shoulder.   The Klingon-beast staggered then roared as it moved in to melee range of the Bridge team's front line - Jael and Rayek.   Without taking her eyes off her target, Torra answered apologetically to the Subcommander who stepped in with his knife to distract the creature from its charge towards her. "Sorry, sir.  I don't practice half as often as I used to.  I'll try my best not to hit either you or Jael."

She bit at her bottom lip in concerned concentration and readied to fire again once she had a clear shot.

NPC Lieutenant JG  (Erein) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan

Quote from: Sorik on November 06, 2022, 04:15:25 AM

Ensign Erein Sorik
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Sorik followed the new developments with a mix of intrigue and horror. He was curious what had made those two life forms merge together in that way. But there was no doubt that it was animalistic and dangerous and would not hesitate to kill brutally. The Vulcan only had a knife which was undoubtedly insufficient to hope to be able to defend himself with it successfully. In addition, what troubled Sorik the most was the stench on this freighter. It seemed to be his personal disposition to get sick from it, and so all color had left the Vulcan's face and he struggled with the urge to throw up. It was hard work to focus on controlling himself.
So he kept in the back of the group, hoping that they would be quick to get their job done here.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on November 07, 2022, 04:04:06 AM

[Hallway (on route to the bridge) | Klingon freighter vaQ]
Dem pulled out is hypospray, an old 2370 design. It performed the same as the other one, but he just liked it better. He quickly clicked in a vial of anesthizine, a powerful sedative, and promptly administered it on its neck. However, I was not really a neck, more of an indented scale. Just as he performed this, phasers were shot at the live beast. Dem winced just in view of Saq7, as he could see she had the same aversion to their brash tactics.  Dem made sure to set it to a high injector setting to get past the thick mass. He muttered under his breath. "40cc's should be enough" . But it really was not. Surprized, Dem administered another 40cc's, then sixty, then resorting to a combination of  Dylamadon and Felicium to finally get the job done. He then subtly administered a few other medications to the wounds. He swore he would come back, and heal this patient, but he could not do anything now. He was a Romulan officer, he had to follow orders.  He looked up, taken away from the surroundings by trying to fill the Blingon (as he clunkily called it) with sedatives, that he realised that the beast had charged.

Standing behind Dem, Saqa7 scanned the Klingon-hybrid with her tricorder in detail while she watched the doctor administer several rounds of the sedative.   It was worrisome how much of the drug was needed to finally put it under.   Saqa7 glanced towards the melee battle but saw that Rayek had a plan and trusted him to keep the Klingon-creature at bay long enough for Torra to stun it.

But what then?  She doubted the sedative or stun effects would last long on the nervous system of these hybrids. They needed a way to secure them more permanently - especially if they were the crew of the Klingon freighter.  Killing them just wasn't appropriate.

Saqa7 looked towards Rayek and Jael, busy fending off the attacks of the other Klingon-creature.  She couldn't ask him right now... that would be too distracting.

"Doctor, see what you can do to treat its wounds, I'm going to ask the Commander if it's possible to beam them to a secure location like the brig"

Saqa7 opened her comm, not aware that the entire Bridge had been listening in and observing this entire time.

=/\="Erein Mountain-Khan to RFS Valdore.  The Klingon crew appears to have been genetically joined with other animal species.  They are violent and some are injured.  Is it possible to beam them each to a secure location on the Valdore, like a brig cell? Or to separate medical rooms for treatment and isolation?"=/\=

The Romulan Commander at hearing the request answered with a derisive laugh.

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]
Quote from: Dranik on November 05, 2022, 10:57:00 AM

Klingon freighter vaQ
Corridor to Engineering

At first glance, Dranik didn't know what he was looking at when he saw one of the creatures. But then he began to notice Klingon features blended with...something else. He began to feel somewhat sick to his stomach at the sight of the Klingon/whatever they were hybrids and fought to keep his poorly prepared romulan lunch down.

As they continued on their way to engineering, they came across another of the transformed Klingons. This one had a mouth like a giant insect and the hands had been replaced with claws. And it had managed to grab one of the away team.

Dranik took his disruptor rifle and immediately set it at full power.

Quote from: Lek on November 05, 2022, 11:40:21 AM

[Klingon Freighter]

When the 'thing' in the hallway revealed itself, Lek screamed in the high pitched manner that only a Ferengi could manage. However when the 'thing' grabbed her, he roared.


As he charged forward drawing and swinging the heavy spanner with all the surprising strength of his species. If the 'thing' was sentient or not had ceased to matter, his Par'Mach'kai was endangered and he attacked with a savageness that would have even surprised him had he the detachment to observe his actions. Instead he was consumed by a rage he'd never felt before and pummeled the 'thing' with the fury of a pint-sized supernova.

Lek's ferocity was not a surprise to Helga.  It was part of what drew her to him.  His attack had distracted the creature sufficiently that Helga was able to break free of its grip.  Her disruptor now pointed freely towards the creature.  To call it a Klingon was an insult.  Helga, a hybrid herself, was tempted to raise the weapons setting to its highest and disintegrate the abomination right there and then; but Rayek's orders to 'subdue if possible' were still quite recent and not easily ignored.   Helga lowered the weapon's setting to its minimum as Lek continue to distract it and aimed for one it the creature's legs before firing.

The creature bellowed in pain, but toppled over unbalanced face first.  "Lek! Aim for the base of the skull.  It should knock him out." Helga called out, leaving the final blow to him ... but out of the corner of her eye she saw the Hirogen with its disruptor at full power aimed and ready,  and couldn't help but wish Dranik would just put the thing out of its misery.    For any Klingon, death in battle would be preferable to being kept in a cage as a scientific anomaly.

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on November 05, 2022, 04:01:00 PM

[Klingon Freighter]

Creepiness did not subside as they continued to walk down the corridors. Another creature, this one with some insectoid qualities, appeared. Being toward the middle of the group and not having the best attention in combat training, Lisa was one of the last people to react as Helga was suddenly attacked. Luckily, Lek came to the rescue as he moved past her with astounding speed. Everyone else responded in kind, readying weapons to take action against the Klingon-Insect. Once she was able to, she took Helga aside and looked her over.

"Are you alright?" she asked as her eyes quickly scanned for injury, knowing the Klingon woman would want her to stop fussing over her as soon as possible.

After everything was said and done, Helga was pulled aside by Dr. Belmont.  The woman's question seemed ridiculous - she was fine!  Or so she thought, but what Helga didn't realize was that while she'd been grabbed by the creature, its claws had punctured her shoulder where it had gripped her, even through the plated Romulan armor she wore as a Security crewmember.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 08, 2022, 03:17:15 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG  (Erein) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan

Standing behind Dem, Saqa7 scanned the Klingon-hybrid with her tricorder in detail while she watched the doctor administer several rounds of the sedative.   It was worrisome how much of the drug was needed to finally put it under.   Saqa7 glanced towards the melee battle but saw that Rayek had a plan and trusted him to keep the Klingon-creature at bay long enough for Torra to stun it.

But what then?  She doubted the sedative or stun effects would last long on the nervous system of these hybrids. They needed a way to secure them more permanently - especially if they were the crew of the Klingon freighter.  Killing them just wasn't appropriate.

Saqa7 looked towards Rayek and Jael, busy fending off the attacks of the other Klingon-creature.  She couldn't ask him right now... that would be too distracting.

"Doctor, see what you can do to treat its wounds, I'm going to ask the Commander if it's possible to beam them to a secure location like the brig"

Saqa7 opened her comm, not aware that the entire Bridge had been listening in and observing this entire time.

=/\="Erein Mountain-Khan to RFS Valdore.  The Klingon crew appears to have been genetically joined with other animal species.  They are violent and some are injured.  Is it possible to beam them each to a secure location on the Valdore, like a brig cell? Or to separate medical rooms for treatment and isolation?"=/\=

The Romulan Commander at hearing the request answered with a derisive laugh.

[Hallway (on route to the bridge) | Klingon freighter vaQ]
Ok. It was time to overstep his authority, he tapped his combadge to the same frequency as Saq7's. "œBeaming these creates over will give us a tactical advantage sir- if medical and science staff could examine it, it would let us see what we are dealing with.". He immediately regretted his decision to chime in. He told himself that it was a tactical advantage, it was. But he hoped that the medical staff would save it too. He hoped both the commander and Rayek would understand. As he desperately tried to stabilise his patient- the line pulsing line of his heartbeat crashed on the tricorder. He swifty administered a neural stimulant- there was still a spark of life in this monster's head. "œLet's just hope the Romulans don't take it away" he thought with dismay.

Kyle Briggs

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]

Kyle had just answered Rayek's hail when he heard the commotion of Helga being grabbed. Next thing he knew, Lek was running forward with spanner in hand. He watched as the Ferengi pummeled the Klingon hybrid creature. It all happened so fast, no one else had had time to react. He hit where Helga suggested and the creature released her and he saw as Lisa pulled her aside.

"Fire." he ordered once they were all clear.

The creature seemed to have some sort of hard shell around it's body. Their shots were having no effect on it. Kyle paused to raise the setting on his phaser but the creature had turned and retreated. "Stand down." he said as he made his way over to Lisa and Helga. "How is she?" he asked the Doctor. After he got his answer, he regrouped. "Okay. I'll take lead." He turned and headed out once again for Engineering. He slapped his comm as he walked around the last corner and stood in front of Engineering.

=/\= Briggs to Rayek. We're at Engineering now. Petty Officer Tragnar was grabbed by one of the creatures but it released her and fled after some persuasion by Lek. She seems to be okay. We're entering now and will wait for your call.  =/\=

He stepped to the doors and watched as they parted. He peered inside and was relieved to not see any of the creatures present.

"Alright everyone. Let's get inside. Gohun. Post up and watched the door. Doctor Belmont, be sure Tragnar is taken care of. The rest of us will spread out and check the rest of the room.Lek. The computers are all yours." he said.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 08, 2022, 03:17:15 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]

Lek's ferocity was not a surprise to Helga.  It was part of what drew her to him.  His attack had distracted the creature sufficiently that Helga was able to break free of its grip.  Her disruptor now pointed freely towards the creature.  To call it a Klingon was an insult.  Helga, a hybrid herself, was tempted to raise the weapons setting to its highest and disintegrate the abomination right there and then; but Rayek's orders to 'subdue if possible' were still quite recent and not easily ignored.   Helga lowered the weapon's setting to its minimum as Lek continue to distract it and aimed for one it the creature's legs before firing.

The creature bellowed in pain, but toppled over unbalanced face first.  "Lek! Aim for the base of the skull.  It should knock him out." Helga called out, leaving the final blow to him ... but out of the corner of her eye she saw the Hirogen with its disruptor at full power aimed and ready,  and couldn't help but wish Dranik would just put the thing out of its misery.    For any Klingon, death in battle would be preferable to being kept in a cage as a scientific anomaly.

After everything was said and done, Helga was pulled aside by Dr. Belmont.  The woman's question seemed ridiculous - she was fine!  Or so she thought, but what Helga didn't realize was that while she'd been grabbed by the creature, its claws had punctured her shoulder where it had gripped her, even through the plated Romulan armor she wore as a Security crewmember.

[Klingon Freighter]

Lek's raging attack only ceased when Helga was free of the creature and as much as he wanted to rush to her and pull her to him fiercely, he knew, despite the adrenaline pumping through him from the combat, that he could not. She wouldn't stand for it and he had to admit it wouldn't be the most appropriate thing ever.

Instead, he let Dr. Belmont take care of Helga as he tried to focus on Kyle's orders. It took Lek a moment to figure out what he was supposed to do from the actions of the others more than Kyle's words that his task was to be an engineer again. He moved to the nearest console and began trying to figure out the ship's systems and status. As he worked, he figured he should acknowledge his orders and replied shakily.

"A-aye Sir."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Rayek continued his best to defend against the enraged Klingon creature with his blade while trying to keep a clear shot for Torra... or anyone with a phaser really.

NPC Lieutenant JG  (Erein) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on November 08, 2022, 04:31:02 AM

[Hallway (on route to the bridge) | Klingon freighter vaQ]
Ok. It was time to overstep his authority, he tapped his combadge to the same frequency as Saq7's. "œBeaming these creates over will give us a tactical advantage sir- if medical and science staff could examine it, it would let us see what we are dealing with.". He immediately regretted his decision to chime in. He told himself that it was a tactical advantage, it was. But he hoped that the medical staff would save it too. He hoped both the commander and Rayek would understand. As he desperately tried to stabilise his patient- the line pulsing line of his heartbeat crashed on the tricorder. He swifty administered a neural stimulant- there was still a spark of life in this monster's head. "œLet's just hope the Romulans don't take it away" he thought with dismay.

Saqa7 looked towards Dem at his offered justification.  She smiled and mouthed the words 'thank you'.

On the other end of the commline there was a moment of silence.  At least the laugher has ceased.  Saqa7 crossed her fingers as she kept a close eye on the fight between Rayek and the other creature.

=/\= "Responsibility for these creatures will be yours." =/\= the Commander announced before calling on Ops to identify the creatures biosigns and transport them from where they were on the vaQ to the Valdore brig cells.

But after a failed beam out of their patient that order had to be abandoned.  Over the still open comm line they could hear the Ops officer address the Commander.

=/\= "Riov, we are unable to secure a transporter lock on any of the creature-Klingon life signs." =/\=

Once again there came that less than helpful laughter.

=/\= "You'll have to deal with them on the Klingon ship until after we have passed through the minefield.   I will not risk a shuttle to fetch them before that.  And tell Subcommander tr'Lhoell to quit playing around and get to the Bridge.  Valdore out." =/\=

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor  >>  Engineering]
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 08, 2022, 09:23:45 PM

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]

Kyle had just answered Rayek's hail when he heard the commotion of Helga being grabbed. Next thing he knew, Lek was running forward with spanner in hand. He watched as the Ferengi pummeled the Klingon hybrid creature. It all happened so fast, no one else had had time to react. He hit where Helga suggested and the creature released her and he saw as Lisa pulled her aside.

"Fire." he ordered once they were all clear.

The creature seemed to have some sort of hard shell around it's body. Their shots were having no effect on it. Kyle paused to raise the setting on his phaser but the creature had turned and retreated. "Stand down." he said as he made his way over to Lisa and Helga. "How is she?" he asked the Doctor. After he got his answer, he regrouped. "Okay. I'll take lead." He turned and headed out once again for Engineering. He slapped his comm as he walked around the last corner and stood in front of Engineering.

=/\= Briggs to Rayek. We're at Engineering now. Petty Officer Tragnar was grabbed by one of the creatures but it released her and fled after some persuasion by Lek. She seems to be okay. We're entering now and will wait for your call.  =/\=

He stepped to the doors and watched as they parted. He peered inside and was relieved to not see any of the creatures present.

"Alright everyone. Let's get inside. Gohun. Post up and watch the door. Doctor Belmont, be sure Tragnar is taken care of. The rest of us will spread out and check the rest of the room.Lek. The computers are all yours." he said.

Quote from: Lek on November 09, 2022, 11:00:32 AM

[Klingon Freighter]

Lek's raging attack only ceased when Helga was free of the creature and as much as he wanted to rush to her and pull her to him fiercely, he knew, despite the adrenaline pumping through him from the combat, that he could not. She wouldn't stand for it and he had to admit it wouldn't be the most appropriate thing ever.

Instead, he let Dr. Belmont take care of Helga as he tried to focus on Kyle's orders. It took Lek a moment to figure out what he was supposed to do from the actions of the others more than Kyle's words that his task was to be an engineer again. He moved to the nearest console and began trying to figure out the ship's systems and status. As he worked, he figured he should acknowledge his orders and replied shakily.

"A-aye Sir."

That the creature turned and fled deeper into the ship felt like a loss to Helga, but the orders given were to Stand Down so that's what people did.

Helga tried to make light of her injuries to Dr. Belmont as they made their way the last little bit to Engineering.  Once the doctor was finished fussing over her, she took over watch from Gohun and suggested he help out Lek.

The Engineering room of the vaQ was a mess of broken tools and scattered parts.   Helga, knowing the maintenance habits of several Klingons, couldn't be sure if the state of the room was due to neglect or damage from the creatures.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 08, 2022, 03:17:15 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Rayek had honestly expected more of the Exchange team to have brought phasers with them, but it seemed only Torra had come with non-lethal weaponry; and unfortunately, a single shot wasn't enough to bring down the hybridized creature.

Despite his words of urgency, at hearing the distinctly Klingon insult, Rayek waved off Jael with her Romulan issued disruptor.   He pulled his knife and motioned for the Cardassian to do likewise. "We'll keep it distracted while Addams takes it down.  Torra, I hope your aim is as good as it was when you were with ch'Verret's security team on Challenger."

NPC Lieutenant (Arrain) Danjar-Torra Addams
Even as Rayek was questioning Torra's aim, the Grazerite Ops officer fired off a second shot hitting the creature slightly off center - along its shoulder.   The Klingon-beast staggered then roared as it moved in to melee range of the Bridge team's front line - Jael and Rayek.   Without taking her eyes off her target, Torra answered apologetically to the Subcommander who stepped in with his knife to distract the creature from its charge towards her. "Sorry, sir.  I don't practice half as often as I used to.  I'll try my best not to hit either you or Jael."

She bit at her bottom lip in concerned concentration and readied to fire again once she had a clear shot.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Mess Hall | Klingon Freighter]

Jael took aim with Rayek. She was still shaking all the same, from fright. She took care to aim at anything unvital, just enough to bring something down; she knew full well she was handling a disruptor and that disruptors had no stun setting.

She aimed at shoulders, hands, legs; she wasn't going to aim anywhere at the chest unless it was proving very dangerous.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 08, 2022, 03:17:15 AM

After everything was said and done, Helga was pulled aside by Dr. Belmont.  The woman's question seemed ridiculous - she was fine!  Or so she thought, but what Helga didn't realize was that while she'd been grabbed by the creature, its claws had punctured her shoulder where it had gripped her, even through the plated Romulan armor she wore as a Security crewmember.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 08, 2022, 09:23:45 PM

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]

Kyle had just answered Rayek's hail when he heard the commotion of Helga being grabbed. Next thing he knew, Lek was running forward with spanner in hand. He watched as the Ferengi pummeled the Klingon hybrid creature. It all happened so fast, no one else had had time to react. He hit where Helga suggested and the creature released her and he saw as Lisa pulled her aside.

"Fire." he ordered once they were all clear.

The creature seemed to have some sort of hard shell around it's body. Their shots were having no effect on it. Kyle paused to raise the setting on his phaser but the creature had turned and retreated. "Stand down." he said as he made his way over to Lisa and Helga. "How is she?" he asked the Doctor. After he got his answer, he regrouped. "Okay. I'll take lead." He turned and headed out once again for Engineering. He slapped his comm as he walked around the last corner and stood in front of Engineering.

=/\= Briggs to Rayek. We're at Engineering now. Petty Officer Tragnar was grabbed by one of the creatures but it released her and fled after some persuasion by Lek. She seems to be okay. We're entering now and will wait for your call.  =/\=

He stepped to the doors and watched as they parted. He peered inside and was relieved to not see any of the creatures present.

"Alright everyone. Let's get inside. Gohun. Post up and watched the door. Doctor Belmont, be sure Tragnar is taken care of. The rest of us will spread out and check the rest of the room.Lek. The computers are all yours." he said.

[Quote by Helga Tragnar]

That the creature turned and fled deeper into the ship felt like a loss to Helga, but the orders given were to Stand Down so that's what people did.

Helga tried to make light of her injuries to Dr. Belmont as they made their way the last little bit to Engineering.  Once the doctor was finished fussing over her, she took over watch from Gohun and suggested he help out Lek.

The Engineering room of the vaQ was a mess of broken tools and scattered parts.   Helga, knowing the maintenance habits of several Klingons, couldn't be sure if the state of the room was due to neglect or damage from the creatures.

[Corridor --> Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

After scanning Tragnar with her eyes, Lisa took out her tricorder and used that. It was a good thing she did, because her eyes didn't see the puncture wound so deep that it went through Helga's armor.

"You were bit," she said, a frown tugging at her lips. "It might be best if you-" but Helga was already pulling away from her to head back to the front of the group. When Kyle asked after her, Lisa gave a sigh and spoke in a low tone.

"Well whatever that creature is, Helga was bit by it." The wound itself wasn't bad, but the power behind it was what was concerning. Klingons had strong jaws, but their armor was made to stand up to stronger.

"Since we don't know much about what happened to the crew here, I'd normally send her to the Discovery for isolation. But I think you and I both know she won't stand for that. Everyone should keep on alert for any strange behavior from her."

From there they continued on. Lisa stayed at the front with Helga for a bit, patching up the wound and filtering the excuses she was hearing as they walked.

"I'm just looking out for you, Helga, I know you've got a job to do. Let me know if that bite does start bothering you, or anything else for that matter."

Now that was done, Lisa packed up and continued following the group, hoping there'd be no more surprises in engineering.

Zavrol Gohun

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 08, 2022, 09:23:45 PM

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to Engineering]

The creature seemed to have some sort of hard shell around it's body. Their shots were having no effect on it. Kyle paused to raise the setting on his phaser but the creature had turned and retreated. "Stand down." he said as he made his way over to Lisa and Helga. "How is she?" he asked the Doctor. After he got his answer, he regrouped. "Okay. I'll take lead." He turned and headed out once again for Engineering. He slapped his comm as he walked around the last corner and stood in front of Engineering.

Gohun was in a little bit of shock from the monsters. It was also apparent that the stun setting on the phasers seemed to have no impact. Even on their highest settings. It is possible that the same thing would happen. At the same time the creature retreated meaning it was either scared or the shots hurt the creature.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 08, 2022, 09:23:45 PM

"Alright everyone. Let's get inside. Gohun. Post up and watched the door. Doctor Belmont, be sure Tragnar is taken care of. The rest of us will spread out and check the rest of the room.Lek. The computers are all yours." he said.

Gohun went to the door and stood guard. Nothing just no movement at all. Gohun then had a brilliant idea. Maybe if they got some blood from the creatures they could find out what hurts them. Or what is causing the mutations in the creatures.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 10, 2022, 04:10:55 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor  >>  Engineering]
Helga tried to make light of her injuries to Dr. Belmont as they made their way the last little bit to Engineering.  Once the doctor was finished fussing over her, she took over watch from Gohun and suggested he help out Lek.

The Engineering room of the vaQ was a mess of broken tools and scattered parts.   Helga, knowing the maintenance habits of several Klingons, couldn't be sure if the state of the room was due to neglect or damage from the creatures.

With that Gohun went to the area that Lek was working and it looked like spaghetti. Wires all around with flashing lights. Not wanting to waste any time Gohun started to fix the wires one by one in the hopes that power would be restored. At that point Gohun wondered what the ship was doing that the creatures decided to smash this room. Assuming they were not completely stupid they may have had a reason for this.

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Corridor to the Bridge]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on November 10, 2022, 08:32:35 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Mess Hall | Klingon Freighter]

Jael took aim with Rayek. She was still shaking all the same, from fright. She took care to aim at anything unvital, just enough to bring something down; she knew full well she was handling a disruptor and that disruptors had no stun setting.

She aimed at shoulders, hands, legs; she wasn't going to aim anywhere at the chest unless it was proving very dangerous.

While Jael aimed with her disruptor at what she hoped were non-lethal targets - hands, legs,  Rayek was fending off the 2-meter-tall creature with only a knife, distracting the thing from attacking Torra, who had landed several phaser blasts with only minimal affect.   That Erein Sherem ignored his direct order and seemed intent on using the disruptor instead, had Rayek wanting to facepalm.  There went his distraction plan out the window.  He'd hoped two opponents could harry the creature enough that it would be more on the defensive and unable to attack freely... but with only one opponent the creature with its long limbs had the advantage.

The creature lashed out again with its clawed hands and a spray of green blood flecked the corridor wall afterwards.  The clatter of Rayek's knife hitting the wall echoed down the hall as did his cussing as he backed away holding his now dripping hand to his chest in an attempt to stop the bleed.   The creature moved forward to close the gap between.  "Fvadt! Fire, dammit!" he called out to Jael and Torra.

At the order, Torra fired again, even though the Subcommander was partially blocking her aim.  She struck the creature square in the chest with her phaser beam, and it staggered once more, slowing its step forward, but did not bring it down like she'd hoped it would.

Unfortunately, the edge of the beam also grazed Rayek's arm as Torra shot past him.  His whole arm went numb and he lost his hold of his injured hand and his vision began to darken.  Though he tried to continue to back away his feet were unmoving and Rayek stumbled against the corridor wall.

Saqa7, at hearing Rayek's cuss and rather urgent sounding order, turned to take in the scene.    Her eyes widened in alarm at seeing the Romulan's emerald blood dripping on the floor in an almost steady stream from one clenched hand at his chest, while the other hung limply from phaser numbed arm.  "Rayek!" she called out in concern and started towards him.

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ -  Engineering]
Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on November 10, 2022, 11:37:38 PM

[Corridor --> Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

After scanning Tragnar with her eyes, Lisa took out her tricorder and used that. It was a good thing she did, because her eyes didn't see the puncture wound so deep that it went through Helga's armor.

"You were bit," she said, a frown tugging at her lips. "It might be best if you-" but Helga was already pulling away from her to head back to the front of the group. When Kyle asked after her, Lisa gave a sigh and spoke in a low tone.

"Well whatever that creature is, Helga was bit by it." The wound itself wasn't bad, but the power behind it was what was concerning. Klingons had strong jaws, but their armor was made to stand up to stronger.

"Since we don't know much about what happened to the crew here, I'd normally send her to the Discovery for isolation. But I think you and I both know she won't stand for that. Everyone should keep on alert for any strange behavior from her."

From there they continued on. Lisa stayed at the front with Helga for a bit, patching up the wound and filtering the excuses she was hearing as they walked.

"I'm just looking out for you, Helga, I know you've got a job to do. Let me know if that bite does start bothering you, or anything else for that matter."

Now that was done, Lisa packed up and continued following the group, hoping there'd be no more surprises in engineering.

Helga wanted nothing to do with the doctor and her notion that her wound was a bite mark.  No way!  It was a claw wound!  End of story!

There were serious cultural inferences behind a Klingon bite wound that Helga didn't want to have to contemplate.  Not to mention her worry that if this was a disease... then likelihood of her having contracted it through the blended Klingon's saliva was certain.   So nope.  No way.  It was done by a claw!  It's face never got near her during their tussle over control of the disruptor.  Helga wouldn't accept any other explanation.

Her grimace was fierce as she kept watch at the doorway to the Engineering room, while Lek - her Par'Mach'kai - worked at getting access to the engine controls.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on November 11, 2022, 07:59:41 AM

Gohun was in a little bit of shock from the monsters. It was also apparent that the stun setting on the phasers seemed to have no impact. Even on their highest settings. It is possible that the same thing would happen. At the same time the creature retreated meaning it was either scared or the shots hurt the creature. Gohun went to the door and stood guard. Nothing just no movement at all.

Gohun then had a brilliant idea. Maybe if they got some blood from the creatures they could find out what hurts them. Or what is causing the mutations in the creatures.

With that Gohun went to the area that Lek was working and it looked like spaghetti. Wires all around with flashing lights. Not wanting to waste any time Gohun started to fix the wires one by one in the hopes that power would be restored. At that point Gohun wondered what the ship was doing that the creatures decided to smash this room. Assuming they were not completely stupid they may have had a reason for this.

One wire at time, Gohun and Lek worked to restore the engineering console to functionality, while the ship still under power cruised at warp closer towards the Unroth system and it's cloaked minefield.   Lek and Gohun assessed that at the pace they were making the repairs, it would take them 10-15 minutes to accomplish their task.   Their deadline to complete the mission was 10 minutes.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 12, 2022, 02:20:51 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ -  Engineering]

Helga wanted nothing to do with the doctor and her notion that her wound was a bite mark.  No way!  It was a claw wound!  End of story!

There were serious cultural inferences behind a Klingon bite wound that Helga didn't want to have to contemplate.  Not to mention her worry that if this was a disease... then likelihood of her having contracted it through the blended Klingon's saliva was certain.   So nope.  No way.  It was done by a claw!  It's face never got near her during their tussle over control of the disruptor.  Helga wouldn't accept any other explanation.

Her grimace was fierce as she kept watch at the doorway to the Engineering room, while Lek - her Par'Mach'kai - worked at getting access to the engine controls.

One wire at time, Gohun and Lek worked to restore the engineering console to functionality, while the ship still under power cruised at warp closer towards the Unroth system and it's cloaked minefield.   Lek and Gohun assessed that at the pace they were making the repairs, it would take them 10-15 minutes to accomplish their task.   Their deadline to complete the mission was 10 minutes.

[Engine Room - Klingon Freighter]

Lek was grateful for Gohun's assistance, but it was clear that they were running out of time and given the freighter was heading head long into a minefield, standard operating procedures were going to have to go out the airlock.

"To hell with safety protocols, scram the warp core!"

Lek began yanking out all the wiring they'd just repaired as well as shutting down every power system he could put his hands on.

"If I can't get this thing to power down, you're going to have to put those distruptors on maximum and burn this place down!"

Alt of Ian Galloway

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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