Season 14: Episode 11 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part One (Ship of Horrors)

Started by Rayek trLhoell, October 17, 2022, 10:22:46 PM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 25, 2022, 03:00:59 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - corridor to the Bridge] (earlier)

Despite Jael's volunteered assistance, Rayek was conscious enough to deny her request and had her take point.  Other than himself she had the only other disruptor - the only weapon capable of dealing with the creatures roaming the ship.   There were others less vital that could assist his walking - Saqa7, Dr. Broadshire or Sorik even.

"I've got him." Saqa7 assured the Cardassian.

Torra took the opportunity on the way to the Bridge to comment quietly on Jael's idea.  "I think the combat medic idea sounds reasonable.  As you know most security have the basic First Aid training but to have someone licenced to administer medications and use some of the more specialized tools would be so helpful in situations exactly like this.  I think when we are back on Discovery you should bring it up to the Captain."

[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

"I am a Subcommander, not a Commander." Rayek corrected the pilot's use of Federation rank when addressing him, "I would advise you learn the Romulan ranking system quickly.  If you make that mistake in front of the Commander, you may find yourself in the brig."

Rayek then acknowledged when the pilot confirmed that the station appeared in good working order.  "Excellent. Now all we needed is power and the impulse engines in working order."

Torra reported that the Ops console was questionable.  "There's a cracked screen.  I don't know if the touch controls will work properly.  Once we have power, I'll know for certain"

Saqa7 was dismayed to find there was no dedicated 'Science' console but she'd moved to a vacant console and checked it over.   "This one also is cracked - center screen. Do you think they have spare screens or the ability to replicate them." She asked.

Rayek was doubtful.  "At the moment, the only console we absolutely need is the helm as long as that is working we can leave the repair of the rest - this isn't our ship and it's possible its crew will never need it again."  Harsh words to say but all too true.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 28, 2022, 04:45:51 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

The layout of the Klingon freighter's bridge - in that it matched the layout of any Imperial fleet vessel - spoke volumes.  The ship could be conscripted to join the Imperial fleet and serve the Klingon Empire at any time - all that would be needed was the addition of updated disruptors on the ship.

Seated in the Command chair, with his injured hand laid out on the armrest for ease of access for the doctor, Rayek held the portable light in his other, aimed to give Dr. Broadshire light by which to work by.

"What's taking so long with that power? he grumbled under his breath.  If they were without for too much longer, the cold of space would seep into the ship and they might be forced to call for a beam out back to the Valdore without fully accomplishing their mission - that notion didn't appeal to Rayek.

As the doctor finished with his hand, Rayek tested the strength of suture by forming his hand into a fist and then splaying it.  It hurt - even with the analgesic - but the sutures held.  Rayek nodded in approval.

He'd have another scar, and another lesson learned. Another story to tell Tess and Fvienn when he recorded his journal later.

"Thank you, Doctor.  Were you able to save either of the... Klingon-creatures?" he asked.

Rayek had a recollection of Dem working to save the one Klingon-Targ on the floor before the    other attacked.  But what happened afterwards was a jumble because of his getting stunned by Torra's phaser shot.  Had they left the Klingon-creatures unsecured?

It was Torra who answered.  "The one that the doctor was working on didn't make it... but the one which attacked was still alive.  Stunned and bound when we left."

Rayek looked over the bridge once more, considering.  "Now that we have secured the Bridge... and are only waiting on getting the engines running again.  I think it would be good to collect information about these creatures.  Dr. Broadshire, I'd like for you to autopsy the dead one.  Jael and Torra will go with - to keep you safe."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem |  Bridge | Klingon Freighter]

Jael nodded, enthusiastic that somebody supported her idea. She appreciated Torra's words, that she liked the idea; Jael definitely had a mind to bring it up to Captain Tekin when she saw him next.

She could understand Rayek shaking her off, and nodded in appreciation at Saqa taking over for her. Throughout, as she stood guard, she listened all while she kept a lookout. She turned when she saw the order from Rayek to accompany Doctor Broadshire, along with Torra. She was greatly more assured Torra would be with her; she wasn't just a good consoling friend (she can see why Nira spoke highly of her, why she and Nira were practically sisters) - the horns could be quite intimidating.

"Aye, subcommander," Jael replied.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

To say Lek was not amused and not happy was an understatement of epic proportions. He hated away missions, he hated being dragooned into the officer exchange program, and he especially hated this junk pile the Klingon's called a freighter.

After a mercifully short time, the environmental controls were working and they were no longer free floating, Lek began to work on restoring power.

"That's got it."

He growled and the ship's lighting came back on.

"Only about 20% power available. Whatever turned those Klingons into monsters made them even worse engineers than before they turned. We should be able to maintain this output, but for this junker to go anywhere, it's going to have to be towed."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell


Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on November 28, 2022, 07:04:25 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem |  Bridge | Klingon Freighter]
Throughout, as she stood guard, she listened all while she kept a lookout. She turned when she saw the order from Rayek to accompany Doctor Broadshire, along with Torra. She was greatly more assured Torra would be with her; she wasn't just a good consoling friend (she can see why Nira spoke highly of her, why she and Nira were practically sisters) - the horns could be quite intimidating.

"Aye, subcommander," Jael replied.

Torra nodded her head and slipped out the seat she'd claimed.  She checked that she had her phaser and her tricorder on her belt.  Then once the others were ready, Torra lead the way back to where they had encountered the two creatures.

Rayek moved to the doorway to keep watch.

Quote from: Lek on November 29, 2022, 02:10:54 PM

[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

To say Lek was not amused and not happy was an understatement of epic proportions. He hated away missions, he hated being dragooned into the officer exchange program, and he especially hated this junk pile the Klingon's called a freighter.

After a mercifully short time, the environmental controls were working and they were no longer free floating, Lek began to work on restoring power.

"That's got it."

He growled and the ship's lighting came back on.

"Only about 20% power available. Whatever turned those Klingons into monsters made them even worse engineers than before they turned. We should be able to maintain this output, but for this junker to go anywhere, it's going to have to be towed."

When the lights came on, Rayek offered up a silent but sincerely meant 'thank you' to the Ferengi engineer - who he knew from past experience would have been working hard to get the ship back its power.

So when the Romulan Subcommander was notified moments later by comm that they only had 20% power and no mobility, his reaction was a muttered swear.

=/\= "That is not acceptable!  The ship needs to be under her own mobility to navigate the minefield. It's not possible to be towed through.  The route is too convoluted and tight to have that be an option.  We either figure out how get the impulse engines working and complete our mission or we will have failed the people of Unroth - who may have to wait months before the next Klingon freighter and Free State patrol vessel pairing can be arranged to guide them through the minefield.  Those people are relying on us.  I don't care what you need to scrounge on this vessel to fix those engines.  Call for parts from the Valdore even...  Just get it done." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 30, 2022, 04:37:48 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

Torra nodded her head and slipped out the seat she'd claimed.  She checked that she had her phaser and her tricorder on her belt.  Then once the others were ready, Torra lead the way back to where they had encountered the two creatures.

Rayek moved to the doorway to keep watch.

When the lights came on, Rayek offered up a silent but sincerely meant 'thank you' to the Ferengi engineer - who he knew from past experience would have been working hard to get the ship back its power.

So when the Romulan Subcommander was notified moments later by comm that they only had 20% power and no mobility, his reaction was a muttered swear.

=/\= "That is not acceptable!  The ship needs to be under her own mobility to navigate the minefield. It's not possible to be towed through.  The route is too convoluted and tight to have that be an option.  We either figure out how get the impulse engines working and complete our mission or we will have failed the people of Unroth - who may have to wait months before the next Klingon freighter and Free State patrol vessel pairing can be arranged to guide them through the minefield.  Those people are relying on us.  I don't care what you need to scrounge on this vessel to fix those engines.  Call for parts from the Valdore even...  Just get it done." =/\=

[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

Lek had to admit he was surprised. Rayek never presented the 'Command Officer' attitude before, but looks like his time at Katra as first officer had changed him. Regardless of why Rayek was acting the way he was, that didn't change that he was the senior officer on this mission and he'd given a very emphatic order. It was now Lek's duty to carry out that order. Even though Lek was deeply annoyed with Gohun, getting this collection of junk to move under its own power was going to take more than two hands and he needed the El-Aurian's help.

"Gohun, all we have functional on this wreck is the thrusters. The impulse engines are severely damaged, beyond our capacity to repair outside of a yard. However, there is just enough of them left that we can get them to give us a couple seconds of power. It won't be enough for us to reach Unroth, but it will break inertia which is all we need to get moving as we are in Einsteinian space. Once an object in a zero-g starts moving, it will keep moving and the thrusters will be enough for the helmsman to steer us through the minefield. Assuming he knows what he's doing. If he doesn't then I hope you have saved enough latinum to bribe your way into the Divine Treasury to meet the Blessed Exchequer and bid for your new life.

"All I ask is that pay attention to what you are doing and try not to repair us to death. Can you handle that?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Zavrol Gohun


Gohun worked and worked and finally power was restored. Unfortunately the only thing that could be repaired was the thrusters. If he had more time he could tinker something into place but they did not and the mine field was emanate.

Quote from: Lek on November 30, 2022, 10:13:02 AM

[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]
"Gohun, all we have functional on this wreck is the thrusters. The impulse engines are severely damaged, beyond our capacity to repair outside of a yard. However, there is just enough of them left that we can get them to give us a couple seconds of power. It won't be enough for us to reach Unroth, but it will break inertia which is all we need to get moving as we are in Einsteinian space. Once an object in a zero-g starts moving, it will keep moving and the thrusters will be enough for the helmsman to steer us through the minefield. Assuming he knows what he's doing. If he doesn't then I hope you have saved enough latinum to bribe your way into the Divine Treasury to meet the Blessed Exchequer and bid for your new life.
"All I ask is that pay attention to what you are doing and try not to repair us to death. Can you handle that?"

The mind field was upon them and Gohun had yet to really face death. He had lived a very long time and maybe it was long enough. Who was right were the Klingons right or was there a man waiting to ask for gold after death. But then a voice came for him for a long forgotten memory.
Gohun looked at Lek and said "œWhat do we say to the God of Death?" We tell him not today" With that Gohun's moral was back and he was ready to go.
"We have power the problem is the engines are shot. We might be able to cannibalize parts from a shuttle craft to let us use the impulse engines one time and then they would be permanently damages. Even if we make it past the mine field we need to slow the ship down somehow. I can get the components while you make sure we don't explode on a mine."


Klingon freighter vaQ
maintenance shafts

"Though rather than the Chief Engineers office.. why not trap it in the Cargo bay with the other one we saw?  I could lay in wait there with the door open, while you get it to chase you back through the corridors."

"That would also work. We may need something from the Chief Engineer's office at some point and I'd rather not have the creature destroy everything in the office."

As the two finally emerged from the maintenance shaft and headed for the cargo bay, Dranik heard a low growl coming from somewhere in the area. Even with his considerable hunting skills, he couldn't exactly pinpoint the origin of the sound.

"We're possibly about to have company. Get ready and I'll draw it in."

Hirogen Male

Rayek trLhoell


PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ -  Cargo Bay]

Quote from: Dranik on December 02, 2022, 09:34:28 AM

Klingon freighter vaQ
maintenance shafts

"Though rather than the Chief Engineers office.. why not trap it in the Cargo bay with the other one we saw?  I could lay in wait there with the door open, while you get it to chase you back through the corridors."

"That would also work. We may need something from the Chief Engineer's office at some point and I'd rather not have the creature destroy everything in the office."

As the two finally emerged from the maintenance shaft and headed for the cargo bay, Dranik heard a low growl coming from somewhere in the area. Even with his considerable hunting skills, he couldn't exactly pinpoint the origin of the sound.

"We're possibly about to have company. Get ready and I'll draw it in."

Helga didn't need the prompting.  She was already down the corridor making her way back towards the cargo bay that they had first encountered the half-Klingon/half-horse creature.   The Engineering team had left the pitiful creature locked up in a large cage while they initially searched the Klingon freighter.   Now, Helga was returning alone to cargo bay to set up an ambush for the creature that was blocking the Engineering Team in the main engine room.  Dranik in the meanwhile was supposed to find the bird-creature by the Engine room and lure it to the Cargo Bay.

She was relieved with the lights returned, though it would make hiding a bit more difficult.  Helga hunkered down behind some crates and waited while the Klingon-creature in the cage behind her bellowed its anger and fear.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

It was odd to be standing watch on the watch, looking down the corridor, alert for any approaching threat.   It reminded Rayek of simpler times - when he was merely an enlisted crewman on the USS Challenger.   He'd worked so hard back then trying prove himself, so that those in Command might see his potential and give him the opportunity to rise up through the ranks - thinking he needed to be at least a Lieutenant to court the woman he believed he loved.  It was strange how things worked out.

Here he was once more second in Command to a ship.  This time, to a Romulan vessel - that was something he had never thought possible; especially after he had abandoned his post, defected and joined Starfleet.  But after a year apart from his wife and son with only a weekend visit every 3 months on Starbase 23, Rayek swore that if Starfleet Command attempted to extend his term of service amid the Free State for another 6 months, he was prepared to abandon his post again just to be with them.

Of course, his wife Tess would never approve of such a reckless action, but it was amusing to vent and threaten such in his messages to her.

The sound of another blended Klingon-creature bellowing sounded from somewhere distant.  Rayek hoped that Kyle's crew were all okay and that they give an update soon.
And soon enough... the ship was moving.

Rayek opened his Romulan communicator.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to the Valdore.  We are ready to follow your lead through the minefield." =/\=

Rayek looked over to Petty officer Graham.   "Take us in"

NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on November 30, 2022, 10:13:02 AM

[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

Lek had to admit he was surprised. Rayek never presented the 'Command Officer' attitude before, but looks like his time at Katra as first officer had changed him. Regardless of why Rayek was acting the way he was, that didn't change that he was the senior officer on this mission and he'd given a very emphatic order. It was now Lek's duty to carry out that order. Even though Lek was deeply annoyed with Gohun, getting this collection of junk to move under its own power was going to take more than two hands and he needed the El-Aurian's help.

"Gohun, all we have functional on this wreck is the thrusters. The impulse engines are severely damaged, beyond our capacity to repair outside of a yard. However, there is just enough of them left that we can get them to give us a couple seconds of power. It won't be enough for us to reach Unroth, but it will break inertia which is all we need to get moving as we are in Einsteinian space. Once an object in a zero-g starts moving, it will keep moving and the thrusters will be enough for the helmsman to steer us through the minefield. Assuming he knows what he's doing. If he doesn't then I hope you have saved enough latinum to bribe your way into the Divine Treasury to meet the Blessed Exchequer and bid for your new life.

"All I ask is that pay attention to what you are doing and try not to repair us to death. Can you handle that?"

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on December 02, 2022, 01:51:01 AM

Gohun worked and worked and finally power was restored. Unfortunately the only thing that could be repaired was the thrusters. If he had more time he could tinker something into place but they did not and the mine field was emanate.  The mind field was upon them and Gohun had yet to really face death. He had lived a very long time and maybe it was long enough. Who was right were the Klingons right or was there a man waiting to ask for gold after death. But then a voice came for him for a long forgotten memory.
Gohun looked at Lek and said "œWhat do we say to the God of Death? We tell him not today" With that Gohun's moral was back and he was ready to go.
"We have power the problem is the engines are shot. We might be able to cannibalize parts from a shuttle craft to let us use the impulse engines one time and then they would be permanently damages. Even if we make it past the mine field we need to slow the ship down somehow. I can get the components while you make sure we don't explode on a mine."

Watching via Subcommander Briggs' videofeed of the Engineering teams efforts with the engines, Vochreb wondered how the Fed's managed to accomplish anything when even the chain of command was ignored, and a mere Erei'erein thought they knew better than their department head.

He chuckled again looking towards the silent Bajoran.  "Are all Starfleet officers always this difficult when given orders?  Knowing that tr'Lhoell has the same flaw, I can't help but assume it's something that is taught in your Academy.  A proper Romulan doesn't question his orders or think he knows better than his superior."

When Rayek's call came in a short while later claiming the freighter was ready, Riov tr'Siedhri was secretly glad that the Bajoran hadn't take him up on his wager, since he would have lost.

He nodded towards the Valdore's helmsman.   "Proceed.". The Helmsman then entered the minefield along a set course and route.  But as with all spatial bodies nothing was static so the route had to be manually adjusted for mine-drifting using specialized sensors that only a handful ships in the Free State fleet had access to. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 30, 2022, 04:37:48 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

Torra nodded her head and slipped out the seat she'd claimed.  She checked that she had her phaser and her tricorder on her belt.  Then once the others were ready, Torra lead the way back to where they had encountered the two creatures.

Rayek moved to the doorway to keep watch.

When the lights came on, Rayek offered up a silent but sincerely meant 'thank you' to the Ferengi engineer - who he knew from past experience would have been working hard to get the ship back its power.

So when the Romulan Subcommander was notified moments later by comm that they only had 20% power and no mobility, his reaction was a muttered swear.

=/\= "That is not acceptable!  The ship needs to be under her own mobility to navigate the minefield. It's not possible to be towed through.  The route is too convoluted and tight to have that be an option.  We either figure out how get the impulse engines working and complete our mission or we will have failed the people of Unroth - who may have to wait months before the next Klingon freighter and Free State patrol vessel pairing can be arranged to guide them through the minefield.  Those people are relying on us.  I don't care what you need to scrounge on this vessel to fix those engines.  Call for parts from the Valdore even...  Just get it done." =/\=

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem |  Bridge | Klingon Freighter]

Jael whirled around at Rayek's exclamation as she left with Torra. She couldn't help but flinch, but after what they went through...Holy Prophets.

"Okay, Doctor, Torra...shall we?" she asked.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

Having provided minimal power and motive capability, Lek and Gohun had made their contribution to the mission. It was now completely in the hands of the helmsman to get the battered freighter to its destination. For Lek, his only task was to monitor the various patchwork of repairs to keep that minimal power and motive capability functioning until they either landed or hit a mine. He had noted the location of the nearest escape pod for if the freighter survived long enough for him to try to make it there, but given the decrepit nature of the ship, he wasn't going to put long latinum on that bet.

"No, best to just enjoy the quiet while it lasts."

He muttered and awaited his fate.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kyle Briggs

[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

Between his security detail being out and about and attempting to lure the creature at the door away and Lek and Gohun making the fast, cobbled together repairs they had ahead of them, Kyle found himself feeling useless and had begun walking around the Engineering Room. He would make a point to walk by and catch a look at Lisa to see how she was holding up as well.

Time seemed to slow and drag on and it was several minutes before he realized the pounding at the door had subsided. Lek was in touch with the Bridge and the engineers had hopefully gotten them the power they needed. Now it was that dreadful waiting game.


Klingon Freighter vaQ

Dranik cautiously moved through the corridor towards the engine room of the freighter. He held his disruptor rifle ready and his grip tightened as he came closer to the source of the growling and snarling he could hear ahead of him.

As the creature outside the engine room finally came into sight, the hirogen considered his options. He looked at the disruptor rifle and a thought came to mind. Don't want to damage the door. Or anything else here. Lek will have a fit if I damage anything he just fixed.

Dranik quietly strapped the rifle across his back before giving the creature a long look.

This should work.

"Hey! You! Yes, you!"

The creature turned around and roared angrily at Dranik.

"Your progenitor was a Romulan!"

As Dranik turned and began running he couldn't help but think he saw the creature narrow it's eyes at that comment before it took off after him. Maybe there was something left of the original klingon left in there. He could hear the creature running after him so he threw it one last insult for good measure. "By the great hunter, you reek of romulans and rotten tube grubs!" The creature roared angrily once again and it began to run a bit faster, forcing Dranik to move a bit quicker.

Hirogen Male

Dem Broadshire

[Bridge/Corridor | Klingon Freighter vaQ]
Dem stood up after tending to the commander, bushing his sweaty hands on his uniform. He quickly put away his medical equipment into his small case and followed his two security escorts to the corridor, putting out his hand to show the direction. He was still an outsider to these two officers as he had only served for a few months with them. He hoped this exiting excursion would help him get to know them better. Inside the dimly lit corridor, it was different than he remembered. It seemed more peaceful without the constant violence and grotesque killing. The live one was breathing softly, but a quick scan with the tricorder showed it would not be getting up any time soon. Dem softly walked over to the dead creature thinking that he could never be too cautious. Now in relative calm he could see two slashes down his belly, most likely caused by the other creature. Food competition, jealousy, he was not a phycologist. He sat on his knees next to the creature, its head nearing the height of his belly. Dem first decided to take a blood sample. In a medical bay, he would normally use the specialised kit but in this circumstance, space was not abundant in his pouch, so he just reversed the hypospray to take blood, not inject it. He slid the vial of a pale red/green viscus liquid into a small testing kit. The testing kit looked like a grey version of an ancient matchbox that was used on both Bajor and Earth for many years. It clicked in with a satisfying hiss and telemetry data was being transferred immediately to the tricorder. To his surprise, levels of metals were at 70 percent, 20 percent more than an average life form. Usually, these metals come from hemoglobin in the blood, but this time, it was something else. He would put that inside the database of his mind for later. For now, it was time to remove the chest of the creature.

Rayek trLhoell

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Cargo Bay]

Quote from: Dranik on December 05, 2022, 09:43:55 AM

Klingon Freighter vaQ

Dranik cautiously moved through the corridor towards the engine room of the freighter. He held his disruptor rifle ready and his grip tightened as he came closer to the source of the growling and snarling he could hear ahead of him.

As the creature outside the engine room finally came into sight, the hirogen considered his options. He looked at the disruptor rifle and a thought came to mind. Don't want to damage the door. Or anything else here. Lek will have a fit if I damage anything he just fixed.

Dranik quietly strapped the rifle across his back before giving the creature a long look.

This should work.

"Hey! You! Yes, you!"

The creature turned around and roared angrily at Dranik.

"Your progenitor was a Romulan!"

As Dranik turned and began running he couldn't help but think he saw the creature narrow it's eyes at that comment before it took off after him. Maybe there was something left of the original klingon left in there. He could hear the creature running after him so he threw it one last insult for good measure. "By the great hunter, you reek of romulans and rotten tube grubs!" The creature roared angrily once again and it began to run a bit faster, forcing Dranik to move a bit quicker.

From her concealed position, Helga muffled her chuckle at Dranik's sure-fire way of taunting the blended Klingon-creatures, who seemed more and more sentient as this one reacted much like any Klingon would have at such an insult.

Down the corridor leading to the Cargo Bay in the bowels of the Klingon Freighter, the creature attempted to open its tattered and misshaped wings to gain lift to overtake its chosen prey but its body was not designed for flight and it screamed out it's fury the gutteral cry sounding all too much like a familar Klingon cuss.  "baQa'!"

Dranik was just meters ahead of the creature as he saw his goal in sight - the open doors of the Cargo bay.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on December 04, 2022, 12:32:12 PM

[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

Between his security detail being out and about and attempting to lure the creature at the door away and Lek and Gohun making the fast, cobbled together repairs they had ahead of them, Kyle found himself feeling useless and had begun walking around the Engineering Room. He would make a point to walk by and catch a look at Lisa to see how she was holding up as well.

Time seemed to slow and drag on and it was several minutes before he realized the pounding at the door had subsided. Lek was in touch with the Bridge and the engineers had hopefully gotten them the power they needed. Now it was that dreadful waiting game.

In the Engine room, the immediate repairs to provide power and slight mobility were complete, but there were plenty of systems that could be worked on - like the shields - that might improve their chances of survival should one of the mines go off.

Thankfully, the creature outside the door seemed to have moved on.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

"By the great hunter, you reek of romulans and rotten tube grubs!"

Rayek, who remained by the bridge entrance to keep watch, divided his attention to glance occasionally towards Mr. Graham as the officer began to move the ship into the minefield following the Valdore.  Rayek didn't want to admit how nervous he was at trusting the Chief Petty officer to do so. The Romulan's palm itched to just take over the controls himself.  One wrong move and the entire ship could be blown up.

Part of him wanted to call the Valdore to ensure the lead ship had transporter locks on each of the boarding team but to do so would show clearly show that he didn't trust the flight officer.  Rayek had to repeat in his own mind that 'the man was trained and knew what he was doing' as a mantra to not involve himself.

Shouting from far down the corridor drew his attention as someone, the sounded like, called out speciesist insults - for what reason Rayek had know clue, until he hear answering Klingonish scream.

"Maybe I should have told them they were being observed on the ship." Rayek muttered.  The Hirogen might have then chosen a less Romulan offensive insult with which to taunt the Klingons.  The Subcommander was positive that the Commander would be watching everything.

NPC Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Klingon Freighter vaQ - corridor to the Bridge]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on December 03, 2022, 05:25:40 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem |  Bridge | Klingon Freighter]

Jael whirled around at Rayek's exclamation as she left with Torra. She couldn't help but flinch, but after what they went through...Holy Prophets.

"Okay, Doctor, Torra...shall we?" she asked.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on December 06, 2022, 03:55:40 AM

[Bridge/Corridor | Klingon Freighter vaQ]
Dem stood up after tending to the commander, bushing his sweaty hands on his uniform. He quickly put away his medical equipment into his small case and followed his two security escorts to the corridor, putting out his hand to show the direction. He was still an outsider to these two officers as he had only served for a few months with them. He hoped this exiting excursion would help him get to know them better.

Inside the dimly lit corridor, it was different than he remembered. It seemed more peaceful without the constant violence and grotesque killing. The live one was breathing softly, but a quick scan with the tricorder showed it would not be getting up any time soon.

Dem softly walked over to the dead creature thinking that he could never be too cautious. Now in relative calm he could see two slashes down his belly, most likely caused by the other creature. Food competition, jealousy, he was not a psychologist.

He sat on his knees next to the creature, its head nearing the height of his belly. Dem first decided to take a blood sample. In a medical bay, he would normally use the specialised kit but in this circumstance, space was not abundant in his pouch, so he just reversed the hypospray to take blood, not inject it. He slid the vial of a pale red/green viscus liquid into a small testing kit. The testing kit looked like a grey version of an ancient matchbox that was used on both Bajor and Earth for many years. It clicked in with a satisfying hiss and telemetry data was being transferred immediately to the tricorder.

To his surprise, levels of metals were at 70 percent, 20 percent more than an average life form. Usually, these metals come from hemoglobin in the blood, but this time, it was something else. He would put that inside the database of his mind for later. For now, it was time to remove the chest of the creature.

Torra stood watch over her comrades as the doctor took the scan and samples needed.  Having worked in the Medical Department aboard Discovery for nearly two years, Torra knew these scans and samples when studied extensively back on the ship would help the doctors in determining what initially happened to these unfortunate beings; and could provide the key to possibly reversing the... conjoining.   Time would tell.  First, they needed to complete their mission on the ship and safely secure its now mutant crew.

NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Bridge]

"By the great hunter, you reek of romulans and rotten tube grubs!"

On the Valdore, Vochreb seethed at hearing the shouted insults by the Hirogen security crewman over the video feed.   Attention had been focused on the security pair knowing that they were likely to engage one of the creatures.

While the words weren't directed at him, the implied insult to all Romulans was clear.  It seemed in duress, the Feds finally showed their true colors.  They spouted tolerance and acceptance of diversity... but then chose to belittle the very people they were supposed to be working alongside.

He would keep that in mind - and should they survive - they would not have an easy time aboard his ship!

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 23, 2022, 11:11:27 PM

[Klingon freighter vaQ -  Engineering]

The Engineers went to work on the power issues. Dranik was sent to guard the door. Kyle turned to look for Lisa just as Tragnar approached.

"Sounds like a good idea." Kyle began. "Take Dranik......"

That was as far as he got before he heard a loud electrical zap and his feet began leaving the deck.

"WHAT THE HELL, GOHUN?" he called instinctively and then thought better of it. He realized it may not have been the young mans fault. That thought was quickly squashed by Leks outburst.

It only took a moment or two in order to fix the issue and they were back on the ground. Kyle turned his attention back to Helga.

"As I was saying, take Dranik with you. I don't want anyone running into one of those things by themselves." he said with a nod toward the door.

As the two security officers began to move off, Kyle looked over at Lisa. "I'm gonna guard the door. Please stay over here where it's safe." he asked. She looked as if she was about to protest so he quickly added, "Damn it, Lisa. You're a Doctor. Not a Security Officer."

He faced the door that was continuing to get pounded by the creature on the other side. "God speed." he muttered for the officer he may have just sent to their deaths.

[Klingon Freighter - Engineering]

Lisa had just finished administering a pain killer and was debating whether she had enough to give one to herself to ease a growing headache, when suddenly she was being lifted into the air.

"Oh God, oh God, why us," she thought to herself as she attempted to find a bulkhead to put her back to so she could be somewhat steady. It only took a few minutes to reverse whatever electrical issue had occurred, and her feet were once again on the ground. Never a dull day in the fleet, apparently.

Her work done for now, Lisa listened as Helga and Dranik made plans to investigate the creatures that had been causing them so much trouble. If she managed to get a reading on one of them, maybe she could help do something about them. She was about to voice this opinion when Kyle, having seemingly read her thoughts, vetoed it. A scowl crossed her face, but it quickly softened. He knew she'd be safest here, and she was no good to them hurt by those...monsters, for lack of a better term.

"Fine, I guess you're right," she said defeatedly.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on December 04, 2022, 12:32:12 PM

[Engineering - Klingon Freighter]

Between his security detail being out and about and attempting to lure the creature at the door away and Lek and Gohun making the fast, cobbled together repairs they had ahead of them, Kyle found himself feeling useless and had begun walking around the Engineering Room. He would make a point to walk by and catch a look at Lisa to see how she was holding up as well.

Time seemed to slow and drag on and it was several minutes before he realized the pounding at the door had subsided. Lek was in touch with the Bridge and the engineers had hopefully gotten them the power they needed. Now it was that dreadful waiting game.

[quote by Rayek trLhoell]

In the Engine room, the immediate repairs to provide power and slight mobility were complete, but there were plenty of systems that could be worked on - like the shields - that might improve their chances of survival should one of the mines go off.

Thankfully, the creature outside the door seemed to have moved on.

The doctor, in an attempt to keep her anxiety down, refused to pace the room as thoughts about the security team threatened to close in. When the pounds on the door ceased, she tried to fill her head with good reasons for that happening. Instead, she bugged the rest of the officers to drink water and take a few minutes of rest. The only ones she had trouble convincing were Gohun and Lek. This was not surprising, as those two were working so hard they probably wouldn't even be able to hear her if she talked to them.

Luckily there was at least one person who would listen to her. When she caught sight of Kyle, she pulled out her canteen and handed it to him. "You look like you need a drink. Doctor's orders," she said with a weary smile. She couldn't wait to be on a ship that felt like home, but for now, Kyle was her home.

Alexander Graham

[Klingon freighter vaQ - bridge]

Alex kept his main focus on the objective and what he needed to do. He didn't want to admit it but he was nervous when the subcommander looked over at him. He had trained for years in his specialty but the nervousness when it came to possibly making mistakes was still there he just didn't show it. He could feel the Romulan's distrust in his ability. He figured that if he got them through this then maybe just maybe he might be able to be trusted. He cleared his mind and navigated their way through.

🡱 🡳

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