Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
RFS Valdore - Deck Fifteen - s'Lhoell family quarters.

[Subcommander Rayek tr'Lhoell's Personal Log] (silent-voice recording)

"It's been a week since my last entry.  My schedule, despite my new Vulcan aide Sorik, has become a bit chaotic recently, what with the unexpected arrival of my wife and son, who have been granted by the Romulan Free State a month long travelers' VISA and permission to be aboard the Valdore as civilian passengers.

I cannot begin to describe how good it feels to have them close by once more.  I find myself grinning in the middle of my shift anticipating my next break, wherein I can go join them for a meal together.  Because my usual quarters are still in use by Officer Exchange Program overseer - Captain Tekin, I have opted to join my wife and son in the junior officer quarters they have been assigned as passengers rather than remain rooming with the constantly dour Lek.  From his more than usually grumpiness, I fear he thinks I had something to do with his being assigned here, and has been rather uncommunicative with me - outside of work of course.

To say the Riov is not happy with his ship becoming a 'family cruise ship' would be an understatement; but as this has been approved by those above him he has little choice but to comply.  It seems things are finally improving for me.  With my family present and merely a month to go before my required service with the Free State is up, 'time will fly by'.

On a more work note, our investigation into what occurred on the vaQ is ongoing.  It took some negotiating with the Klingon Empire but our science and medical staff have managed to obtain the corpse of one of the conjoined Klingons... as well as all autopsy information collected from both on scene and at the coroner facilities on Unroth.

In regards to the Bird-of-Prey that fled the area at our arrival,  Arrain Addams had early on in our investigation, suggested a means of tracking the concentration and decay of chronitons in the area - since the ship fled under cloak.   This has allowed us to get a general direction into which the ship fled... and as suspected it led to the Cardassian Union enclave.

At present, the Captain has ordered the Valdore - under cloak - to the enclave's borders to do some spying.

All Department Heads and/or their Exchange Officer will be meeting to go over what we know so far and brainstorm ways to investigate further without breaking treaty with the Cardassians.

End Log."

Rayek reached over to the night stand and turned off his PADD on which he had been silently recording his message - merely mouthing the words and letting his inner ear Universal Translator pick up the movements of his jaw and translating those movements into sound on the recording of his log.

He looked adoringly at the two dark heads that peeked out of the tussle of blankets that was their 'family bed'.  At just over two years, Fvienn refused to sleep in his own bed, especially on this 'strange ship'.  Unfortunately, short of strapping his son down onto the room's other cot (Rayek was smart-enough to know not to even think of suggesting that to Tess), there was little Rayek could do to keep his son from crawling into bed with him and Tess in the middle of the night.

The desire to remain where he was - pushed to the very edge of the bed, one leg actually dangling off the side - was strong but necessity required him to start his day, so he grudgingly sat up and got out of bed to dress quickly and quietly by the dim glow of Fvienn's nightlight.

Once dressed, Rayek leaned over the bed to kiss each dark head tenderly.  It would be another hour or two before they woke.

When they did wake, Rayek would try to have his 'meal break' to coincide their breakfast in the Mess Hall.   Unlike their quarters back on Katra, or more recently the Amalthea, Romulan quarters did not have replicators.  All food was prepared or replicated in the Galley and eaten in the Mess Hall.

Rayek stood back up and gathered his PADD and his communicator, ready to head out.  He glanced once more to sleepy family and his let the joy of seeing them wash over him before murmuring softly "I-jol au-kre." as he exited the room and made his way to begin his morning tour of the ship.

[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Briefing Room]

An hour later found Rayek arriving at the ship's briefing room ready to meet with the Riov and the ship's Department Heads and Exchange Officers to discuss the ongoing investigation.   He took position sitting to the left of the Riov's head of the table - with his back the wall and facing the entrance.

Unlike on Federation ships, food and beverage were not permitted in the briefing room.  This was a place of work not a dining hall.   Even after nearly a year of this, Rayek missed having his Chai tea during briefing.  He missed Chai tea period.  Now that he had family with him, these lesser wants began to be more noticeable.

As he settled back into the rather uncomfortable seat, he reviewed the agenda and waited to see who would arrive first. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Ensign Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Briefing Room]

When Sorik reached the meeting room, Rayek was already there. The Vulcan carried his PADD in his right hand, gently pressed against his leg, just to control his movements. He had only been in the Romulan's service for a week, but this one week had already been very eventful. For one thing, he had been busy bringing a more detailed structure to Rayek's workday - and thus to his own. That had been complicated by the current investigation and by the unexpected arrival of his family. One thing the Vulcan did notice, however, was that the presence of his wife and young son made the subcommander want to stick to regular meals after all.

Sorik stopped briefly in the doorway and registered that only Rayek seemed to be present so far. He expected this meeting to be longer than their usual crew briefings, which made him consider to suggest they put their briefing after he had lunch with his family which was in about two to three hours.

With firm steps, he walked toward him. "Erei'Riov", he greeted him. They hadn't seen each other yet today, as their first meeting together was always scheduled after the crew briefing. With a controlled movement, he pulled back the chair to Rayek's left, sat down and placed the PADD on the table in front of him.

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)

Alexander Graham

[RFS Valdore-briefing room]

Alex arrived at the meeting room on behalf of the Romulan flight control chief. It has been eventful time so far being apart of the officer exchange program. He was looking to prove himself and not let any nervous feeling take over. He assumed that this meeting might be long so that everything is covered and taken care of. He walked towards the sub-commander and the operations officer and greeted them "œhello sub-commander and Ensign Sorik." He pulled out a chair and sat down as he looked down at the padd on the table. He assumed the others would join soon after.

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Briefing Room]

Quote from: Sorik on December 10, 2022, 07:30:04 AM

Ensign Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Briefing Room]

When Sorik reached the meeting room, Rayek was already there. The Vulcan carried his PADD in his right hand, gently pressed against his leg, just to control his movements. He had only been in the Romulan's service for a week, but this one week had already been very eventful. For one thing, he had been busy bringing a more detailed structure to Rayek's workday - and thus to his own. That had been complicated by the current investigation and by the unexpected arrival of his family. One thing the Vulcan did notice, however, was that the presence of his wife and young son made the subcommander want to stick to regular meals after all.

Sorik stopped briefly in the doorway and registered that only Rayek seemed to be present so far. He expected this meeting to be longer than their usual crew briefings, which made him consider to suggest they put their briefing after he had lunch with his family which was in about two to three hours.

With firm steps, he walked toward him. "Erei'Riov", he greeted him. They hadn't seen each other yet today, as their first meeting together was always scheduled after the crew briefing. With a controlled movement, he pulled back the chair to Rayek's left, sat down and placed the PADD on the table in front of him.

Rayek glanced up from his study of the agenda as his Vulcan assistant entered.  He acknowledged the Vulcan's greeting with one as equally brief, "Erein, before returning his attention back to his PADD.

Barely had he done so before the room doors open again prompting his momentarily attention once more.

Quote from: Alexander Graham on December 10, 2022, 09:56:38 PM

[RFS Valdore-briefing room]

Alex arrived at the meeting room on behalf of the Romulan flight control chief. It has been eventful time so far being apart of the officer exchange program. He was looking to prove himself and not let any nervous feeling take over. He assumed that this meeting might be long so that everything is covered and taken care of. He walked towards the sub-commander and the operations officer and greeted them "œhello sub-commander and Ensign Sorik." He pulled out a chair and sat down as he looked down at the padd on the table. He assumed the others would join soon after.

Rayek nodded at the hello and was about to return his attention back to his PADD, but felt a twinge of conscience at his unsocial behavior.  He knew his wife, had she been present at the meeting, would have tried to engage the other officers with pleasant 'small-talk' until the meeting was 'called to order'.

Since there was just the Federation officers currently, Rayek supposed he could practice that skill somewhat.  It would be useful for when he returned to back into service with Starfleet, after he was done servicing his time in the Romulan Free State fleet.

He set down his PADD, closing the screen and looked to the Chief Petty officer.  "Erei'erein Graham, how are things going with you?  Are you settling in well aboard the Valdore?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael was surprised how she got better quickly after returning to the Valdore, and with normal lighting. It was even more so when she mingled with the Romulan crew, particularly a man who had known her father during the botched Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order operation that lead to the latter's destruction at the Founder's Homeworld, and they couldn't resist exchanging verbal abuse about Nehor Sherem and laughing as they insulted everything about him. By the time the day was over, Jael and the old centurion were about as close like an uncle-and-niece pair.

Still, she was bothered about hearing that the remains of a Cardassian were found on the Klingon freighter. At times, she took a look at the remains with a ponderous look on her face; she wondered if that was somebody she knew. Or, more particularly, somebody her father knew, or was working for her father. She wished she could have the time to examine the body further.

She had been at her station, thinking about it, as well as trying to think of a good opportunity to bring up the idea of a combat medic to Captain Tekin and/or Commander tr'Lhoell when she was called in with the other Exchange Officers to the briefing room. She waited her turn to speak as the Commander addressed Mister Graham...cute boy, Jael was noting...

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was happy to be back on the ship. He was happy to be far away from the aliens from the It movie. He was happy to be alive. He was happy to be in the shower getting ready for a day of work singing his favorite song in the shower. " Pressure: pushing down on me Pressing down on you, no man ask for" As Gohun left the shower the room full of steam he wrapped a towel around his waste and went to the mirror to shave. Being very very old fashioned Gohun used a straight edge razor to shave his face to perfection while he kept singing "œUnder pressure that burns a building down Splits a family in two Puts people on streets."
Once Gohun was done he grabbed his morning Raktajino while reading the daily reports from over the ship. Looks like most of the sensitive information has still been redacted. After finishing his breakfast of anchovy heads, bananas in milk Gohun puts cloths on. " It's going to be a great days" he said as Gohun entered engineering and marked himself safe from mission briefing.

Kyle Briggs

Kyle and Lisa had been lucky enough to get quarters together. He woke up early, showered, dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee before heading to the Security office. He had been sitting there, reading over ship logs from the Klingon vessel trying to see if there was any hint of what had happened to the crew. It was actually rather quiet in the office so he was slightly startled when the comms sounded and there was an announcement calling the department heads and the crew of the Disco to the briefing room. He placed the PADD he was holding down on the console and made his way his destination.

He was drinking his coffee in the lift in an attempt to finish it before reaching the briefing room. He really hated wasting a perfectly good cup of coffee. He drained the last of it as the doors parted and he returned the cup to the first recycle system he came to. He approached the briefing room and entered when those doors opened. He saw that a couple of Romulan officers and some of the exchange crew were already present.

[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Briefing Room]

He nodded to the others as he took a seat.

"Commander." he gestured toward Rayek. "Lieutenant. Chief. Ensign." he added to the others.

Vasilisa Belmont

[Temporary Quarters - RFS Valdore]

Lisa was thrilled to have the opportunity to share quarters with Kyle. Being on a Romulan vessel, she half expected she'd be staying in a room not much better than barracks. It turned out that the quarters were more sparce than she was used to, but they weren't horrible. Having Kyle's comforting presence around when her shift ended made everything so much better. They'd returned from the Klingon freighter, and were settled in now. The medical officer spent the last week or so looking at scans she and Broadshire had taken, doing any research she could on the creatures they'd encountered. It really was puzzling, not just in a biological sense, but also the ethics involved in what happened to these...experiments? She wanted the full story, but she would try her best to help these poor souls with what she had for now.

This morning she'd made the rare decision to sleep in an extra thirty minutes, and when she woke up, Kyle had already left. Glancing at the time, she discovered she had just enough time to make it to the meeting on time without having to rush. As such, she got out of bed, dressed, and had a breakfast of grapefruit with brown sugar. Downing a glass of water, she left with a spare PADD in hand and headed for the briefing room.

"Good morning, Erei'Riov," she said to Rayek, feeling proud that she learned how to pronounce the word. She nodded at the others who had shown up so far, and took a seat. She was shortly joined by Thane, and began a friendly chat with her chief.


[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek watched the others entering the briefing room and their interactions as they waited for whatever they'd been called in for was explained. As he watched them, it was obvious they had figured out how to make the most out of their situation, something he had clearly yet to do. He was still livid about being pulled away from Discovery just when she needed him most. Regardless of his own frustrations, he didn't think it was fair to take those frustrations out on them. He forced himself to smile and said.

"Hopefully whatever they have planned, it doesn't include another decrepit Klingon freighter."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room][/b]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on December 11, 2022, 10:00:08 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

She waited her turn to speak as the Commander addressed Mister Graham...cute boy, Jael was noting...

Rayek turned to the Cardassian as she seemed to be waiting rather than taking her seat.  "You have something to say, Erein Sherem?" Rayek inquired as he noted a pair of Romulan officers arrive -   Arrain Taev tr'Marrus, the Medical Chief, and Arrain Delon tr'Parthok, the Flight Chief.  Both men were the only Romulan Department Heads on the ship presently, as the Starfleet Exchange personnel filled the other Department Head roles.  He kept his focus on the security officer curious as to what she had to say.
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on December 12, 2022, 08:44:28 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Briefing Room]
He approached the briefing room and entered when those doors opened. He saw that a couple of Romulan officers and some of the exchange crew were already present.

He nodded to the others as he took a seat.

"Commander." he gestured toward Rayek. "Lieutenant. Chief. Ensign." he added to the others.

Rayek glanced over towards Subcommander Briggs in surprise at hearing the human address him and others with their Starfleet rank rather than their Romulan equivalent.    "Jolan'tru Subcommander Briggs." Rayek returned the greeting but also addressed the rank infraction. "I shouldn't have to remind you of where you are and, in whose service presently.  The Riov will be joining us for this briefing so let's not have any more use of Federation rank here aboard the Valdore."
Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on December 12, 2022, 11:22:00 PM

"Good morning, Erei'Riov," she said to Rayek, feeling proud that she learned how to pronounce the word. She nodded at the others who had shown up so far, and took a seat. She was shortly joined by Thane Marrus, and began a friendly chat with her chief.

Rayek glanced over to Dr. Belmont as she proved how easy it was.  "Jolan'tru Arrain Belmont."

Shortly afterwards, Torra and Saqa7 arrived, both greeting the room before taking their seats side-by-side further down the table.

The pleasantries continued among the officers until the ship's commander arrived.

NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

No sooner had Riov tr'Siedhri entered the room, than every Romulan fell quiet.

The Riov sat at the head of the table and called the meeting to order immediately.

"Subcommander tr'Lhoell, you may proceed."

Rayek acknowledged the Commander with a nod and then tapped on his PADD to open a holographic playback of the caged Klingon-horse creature from several days back.

"As you know, our orders are currently to investigate the cause and source of the Klingon conjoinment that was observed aboard the vaQ.  Extensive study of the blended Klingon corpse showed a number of conflicting things.  First of all, that the blending or conjoinment is of two, sometimes three, separate creatures into one.  Secondly, that there are parts of the conjoined creature where the DNA is fully Klingon.. other parts that are fully Sark... and some parts that are a blend of the two at a DNA level.  The DNA strands in these parts contain both Klingon and Sark markers.  Lastly, it has been suggested that because the two species blended were not biologically compatible that this is why the resultant body was not viable and ultimately is the reason why it died."

Rayek tapped on his PADD again and the holographic display switched to that of an unnamed Bird-of-Prey.

"This rogue ship is currently our only lead on the cause and source of this unnatural mixing of differing DNA.   Ops personnel have been working diligently round the clock to sift through the sensor data for any lingering trace of the Bird-of-Prey that had been in the vicinity of the vaQ when we first came into sensor range of our meet up point, and I'm pleased to say that Arrain Addams has found a means for the Valdore to track the ship and it has led us to where we are now - the edge of the Cardassian Union Enclave.  Its' course appears to lead directly towards a planetoid one lightyear within the Enclave."

Rayek manipulated the image on the display to zoom in on a 3D representation of Enclave space.

"According to the negotiated treaty with the Cardassian Union, we have no jurisdiction within the Enclave.  However, orders from Free State Fleet Command are clear... "

Rayek looked towards the Riov, who spoke summarizing their orders.  "We will be taking the Valdore into the Enclave under cloak and following the trail to that planetoid to investigate further.  What I want -  is a team ready to discreetly investigate whatever we find there."

The Commander let that sink in for a moment before continuing.

"For this mission rather than assigning personnel, we will be asking for exchange personnel volunteers; for if you are caught, the Romulan Free State will deny any knowledge of your actions in order to ensure the continued safety of the millions of Romulans living in its 'sister-enclave' located within Cardassian Union territory."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 14, 2022, 01:58:33 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room][/b]

Rayek turned to the Cardassian as she seemed to be waiting rather than taking her seat.  "You have something to say, Erein Sherem?" Rayek inquired as he noted a pair of Romulan officers arrive -   Arrain Taev tr'Marrus, the Medical Chief, and Arrain Delon tr'Parthok, the Flight Chief.  Both men were the only Romulan Department Heads on the ship presently, as the Starfleet Exchange personnel filled the other Department Head roles.  He kept his focus on the security officer curious as to what she had to say.

Rayek glanced over towards Subcommander Briggs in surprise at hearing the human address him and others with their Starfleet rank rather than their Romulan equivalent.    "Jolan'tru Subcommander Briggs." Rayek returned the greeting but also addressed the rank infraction. "I shouldn't have to remind you of where you are and, in whose service presently.  The Riov will be joining us for this briefing so let's not have any more use of Federation rank here aboard the Valdore."

Rayek glanced over to Dr. Belmont as she proved how easy it was.  "Jolan'tru Arrain Belmont."

Shortly afterwards, Torra and Saqa7 arrived, both greeting the room before taking their seats side-by-side further down the table.

The pleasantries continued among the officers until the ship's commander arrived.

NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

No sooner had Riov tr'Siedhri entered the room, than every Romulan fell quiet.

The Riov sat at the head of the table and called the meeting to order immediately.

"Subcommander tr'Lhoell, you may proceed."

Rayek acknowledged the Commander with a nod and then tapped on his PADD to open a holographic playback of the caged Klingon-horse creature from several days back.

"As you know, our orders are currently to investigate the cause and source of the Klingon conjoinment that was observed aboard the vaQ.  Extensive study of the blended Klingon corpse showed a number of conflicting things.  First of all, that the blending or conjoinment is of two, sometimes three, separate creatures into one.  Secondly, that there are parts of the conjoined creature where the DNA is fully Klingon.. other parts that are fully Sark... and some parts that are a blend of the two at a DNA level.  The DNA strands in these parts contain both Klingon and Sark markers.  Lastly, it has been suggested that because the two species blended were not biologically compatible that this is why the resultant body was not viable and ultimately is the reason why it died."

Rayek tapped on his PADD again and the holographic display switched to that of an unnamed Bird-of-Prey.

"This rogue ship is currently our only lead on the cause and source of this unnatural mixing of differing DNA.   Ops personnel have been working diligently round the clock to sift through the sensor data for any lingering trace of the Bird-of-Prey that had been in the vicinity of the vaQ when we first came into sensor range of our meet up point, and I'm pleased to say that Arrain Addams has found a means for the Valdore to track the ship and it has led us to where we are now - the edge of the Cardassian Union Enclave.  Its' course appears to lead directly towards a planetoid one lightyear within the Enclave."

Rayek manipulated the image on the display to zoom in on a 3D representation of Enclave space.

"According to the negotiated treaty with the Cardassian Union, we have no jurisdiction within the Enclave.  However, orders from Free State Fleet Command are clear... "

Rayek looked towards the Riov, who spoke summarizing their orders.  "We will be taking the Valdore into the Enclave under cloak and following the trail to that planetoid to investigate further.  What I want -  is a team ready to discreetly investigate whatever we find there."

The Commander let that sink in for a moment before continuing.

"For this mission rather than assigning personnel, we will be asking for exchange personnel volunteers; for if you are caught, the Romulan Free State will deny any knowledge of your actions in order to ensure the continued safety of the millions of Romulans living in its 'sister-enclave' located within Cardassian Union territory."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael could see that Rayek was seeing her obvious body language. Also, she wasn't used to saying "Erein." True, it sounded shorter, much like how British Terrans called apartments "flats." However, Jael always preferred "ante-centurion," she liked how much of a good ring it was.

"Well, about that Cardassian who was torn to pieces," she said. "I'd like to take part in the examination of the body, a DNA reading would be able to determine who he is, and thus if I would know the name. He could be a big mind in Cardassia. I doubt it'd be a former assistant of Crell Moset; as much as Moset disected people like frogs, pulling something like this, let alone some kind of Frankenstein-style conjoinment doesn't seem his style. If it was that Cardassian's work, then whoever he was, why he's not a Cardassian exile, let alone confined in a mental hospital, is beyond me."

She then momentarily explained the meaning when she meant Frankenstein-style for those unfamiliar with Frankenstein: It was a reference to an ancient novel about a scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who assembled a semi-human creature out of parts of dead bodies and used lightning to bring the creature to life. A few colleagues who read the book in passing often commented to her, "a book worthy of Moset's attention." Even her brother Gid took a liking to the book, instinctively saying so, too, but not in a passing snide way. Jael eventually read it for herself. In her opinion, just as Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" was a farce to a Cardassian, so to Jael, it was definitely a book that made her think it was worthy of attention of a Cardassian scientist who'd be twisted enough to try and pull it off, but that scientist would not be Crell Moset. As much as he would leave bodies in his wake, making zombies from mish-mash body parts, let alone bringing it to life would not be his style.

Then again, such a twisted scientist, if he or she weren't under her father's protection, he or she would've had to have been confined permanently in a psychiatric facility and have his head examined.

Once she had her say and waited for others to speak, she perked up at the mention of a Cardassian enclave. The fact that they could be heading into Cardassian-claimed space in Romulan territory certainly caught her attention. She wondered momentarily...

"If I may?" she asked. "If this is a Cardassian enclave, I could easily get access inside. Depends, really, of course. It'll depend which Gul Sherem they know. However, if I was coming in as a simple Cardassian citizen, that could work, too."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (prior to the start of the meeting)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on December 15, 2022, 12:43:56 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael could see that Rayek was seeing her obvious body language. Also, she wasn't used to saying "Erein." True, it sounded shorter, much like how British Terrans called apartments "flats." However, Jael always preferred "ante-centurion," she liked how much of a good ring it was.

"Well, about that Cardassian who was torn to pieces," she said. "I'd like to take part in the examination of the body, a DNA reading would be able to determine who he is, and thus if I would know the name. He could be a big mind in Cardassia. I doubt it'd be a former assistant of Crell Moset; as much as Moset disected people like frogs, pulling something like this, let alone some kind of Frankenstein-style conjoinment doesn't seem his style. If it was that Cardassian's work, then whoever he was, why he's not a Cardassian exile, let alone confined in a mental hospital, is beyond me."

She then momentarily explained the meaning when she meant Frankenstein-style for those unfamiliar with Frankenstein: It was a reference to an ancient novel about a scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who assembled a semi-human creature out of parts of dead bodies and used lightning to bring the creature to life. A few colleagues who read the book in passing often commented to her, "a book worthy of Moset's attention." Even her brother Gid took a liking to the book, instinctively saying so, too, but not in a passing snide way. Jael eventually read it for herself. In her opinion, just as Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" was a farce to a Cardassian, so to Jael, it was definitely a book that made her think it was worthy of attention of a Cardassian scientist who'd be twisted enough to try and pull it off, but that scientist would not be Crell Moset. As much as he would leave bodies in his wake, making zombies from mish-mash body parts, let alone bringing it to life would not be his style.

Then again, such a twisted scientist, if he or she weren't under her father's protection, he or she would've had to have been confined permanently in a psychiatric facility and have his head examined.

Rayek listened to Erein Sherem's offer to assist with the Cadassian cadaver's autopsy - which he appreciated.  Less appreciated was the Cardassian officer's own personal impression of who was responsible or not responsible for the conjoinment even before a proper investigation, which she chose to share prior to the briefing's start.

Rayek regarded the Cardassian woman for a moment.  He knew from her personnel file that Sherem had recently transferred from the medical department.  He wondered what it was that prompted her move to security.  He noted in his periphery, the Grazerite -Arrain Addams - giving Sherem a thumbs up gesture.  Obviously, she thought well of the offer.

Keeping his attention on the Cardassian, Rayek inclined his head slightly "Thank you Erein, I will consider your request.  Please take your seat."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting)
Quote from: Jael Sherem on December 15, 2022, 12:43:56 PM

Once she had her say and waited for others to speak, she perked up at the mention of a Cardassian enclave. The fact that they could be heading into Cardassian-claimed space in Romulan territory certainly caught her attention. She wondered momentarily...

"If I may?" she asked. "If this is a Cardassian enclave, I could easily get access inside. Depends, really, of course. It'll depend which Gul Sherem they know. However, if I was coming in as a simple Cardassian citizen, that could work, too."

Rayek smiled when Sherem suggested an undercover venture.  He nodded.  "We can provide you with an alias.  Thank you for volunteering, Erein."  He looked over the briefing room.  "Are there any others?" he asked.

Two hands immediately raised.  Rayek smiled inwardly as he saw two of his former security personnel from Challenger rise to the request.  "Thank you Arrain Addams,  Erei'erein Tragnar."

Rayek glanced around the room again and saw a number of thoughtful expressions as the Starfleet personnel continued to consider the request.  He waited, hoping for more volunteers.

The Commander however was less patient.  "Only three?" There was a slight sneer.  Siedhri turned to his First Officer. "Having heard your constant praise of Starfleet officers, I would have expected a better response.  But this will have to do.  You however will need to lead the mission.  Given your questionable loyalties, if you are caught there should be no problem redirecting this mission to orders from outside the Free State.   In fact, your wife's arrival makes this rather opportune.  Perhaps I should inquire if she might volunteer as well?"

Rayek stiffened at the Commander's insult to his loyalty and then turned abruptly to face the Romulan when the Riov suggested Tess come with.  "Leave my wife out of this!" he snapped. "She is here as a Federation civilian visitor not an Exchange officer." Rayek pointed out emphatically.

The Commander looked to Rayek as if he'd grown a second head.  "Are you really wanting to test my authority on this ship?"

Recognizing he was treading dangerous waters, Rayek lowered his gaze slightly to show his deference to the Commander.  "No, of course not, Riov." he answered trying to appease the man without completely losing face in front of the Federation Exchange personnel that he still needed to lead.   "The mission will succeed without needing to involve civilians, sir.  I swear it."

The Commander looked to his now submissive First Officer and then around to the Federation Starfleet officers he was in command of.  'What a useless lot!' he thought  He looked back to tr'Lhoell. "I have my doubts, but will hold you to that vow. I leave you and the others to discuss the infiltration.  Report to me your plan within the hour."

The Commander then rose from his seat and left.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

[Science Lab Seven (Deck 7) | RFS Valdore]
Dem had a lot to do. After bringing the corpse back to the ship, and has been working on it nonstop, even roping in Romulan science officers to give aid. While he handed the preliminary report to Dr Belmont and Commander Tr'Lhoell, he was still stuck writing an in depth report of the way that these creatures could be spliced. He looked down to is PADD, filled with 8 chapters, each 1000 words, detailing the 8 possible ways that the genes could be modified. He sighed. Who would read this? After observing the notification in the top left corner of the PADD, of him being called to the meeting, he held his ground, lowered his chair and continued to work. He was not a senior officer, and Dr Bellmont had it under control. Just in case there was anything important he missed, the audio from the meeting was also broadcasted through a secure channel. Not a multitasker, Dem soon completely zoned out of the meeting and continued analyzing the beasts blood stream.

After only a few minutes, his sample calibration stand let out a chime. He placed his eyes over the electron microscope, and his theory was confirmed. He stood up, and ran to the meeting.


Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Sorik had answered the greetings in his direction with a respectful nod of his head. Soon after, the meeting had begun. The mission - once again - seemed disproportionately dangerous to him, on more than one level. To venture into Cadassian territory just to solve a medical mystery, lacked any logic. He was not surprised that the Romulan Riov sent the Federation exchange officers ahead. The consequences for Starfleet were not to be neglected in case of them being discovered. It seemed more and more to Sorik that the Riov was using the exchange officers as cannon fodder, sending them on the kind of missions he would reject as too risky for his own people.

Three volunteers came forward before the Romulan captain then moved on to express his disappointment and disdain for the lack of feedback. For a moment Sorik considered logically discussing the cause with him, but he knew it would only fall on deaf ears. At best. His eyes followed him as he left the room, then silence fell over the group for another moment.

"Erei'riov, although I am merely assigned as your assistant, I am reporting for duty on this mission." A little logical, rational mind certainly wouldn't hurt in the mix.

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 18, 2022, 05:08:44 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room][/b] (prior to the start of the meeting)

Rayek listened to Erein Sherem's offer to assist with the Cadassian cadaver's autopsy - which he appreciated.  Less appreciated was the Cardassian officer's own personal impression of who was responsible or not responsible for the conjoinment even before a proper investigation, which she chose to share prior to the briefing's start.

Rayek regarded the Cardassian woman for a moment.  He knew from her personnel file that Sherem had recently transferred from the medical department.  He wondered what it was that prompted her move to security.  He noted in his periphery, the Grazerite -Arrain Addams - giving Sherem a thumbs up gesture.  Obviously, she thought well of the offer.

Keeping his attention on the Cardassian, Rayek inclined his head slightly "Thank you Erein, I will consider your request.  Please take your seat."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting)

Rayek smiled when Sherem suggested an undercover venture.  He nodded.  "We can provide you with an alias.  Thank you for volunteering, Erein."  He looked over the briefing room.  "Are there any others?" he asked.

Two hands immediately raised.  Rayek smiled inwardly as he saw two of his former security personnel from Challenger rise to the request.  "Thank you Arrain Addams,  Erei'erein Tragnar."

Rayek glanced around the room again and saw a number of thoughtful expressions as the Starfleet personnel continued to consider the request.  He waited, hoping for more volunteers.

The Commander however was less patient.  "Only three?" There was a slight sneer.  Siedhri turned to his First Officer. "Having heard your constant praise of Starfleet officers, I would have expected a better response.  But this will have to do.  You however will need to lead the mission.  Given your questionable loyalties, if you are caught there should be no problem redirecting this mission to orders from outside the Free State.   In fact, your wife's arrival makes this rather opportune.  Perhaps I should inquire if she might volunteer as well?"

Rayek stiffened at the Commander's insult to his loyalty and then turned abruptly to face the Romulan when the Riov suggested Tess come with.  "Leave my wife out of this!" he snapped. "She is here as a Federation civilian visitor not an Exchange officer." Rayek pointed out emphatically.

The Commander looked to Rayek as if he'd grown a second head.  "Are you really wanting to test my authority on this ship?"

Recognizing he was treading dangerous waters, Rayek lowered his gaze slightly to show his deference to the Commander.  "No, of course not, Riov." he answered trying to appease the man without completely losing face in front of the Federation Exchange personnel that he still needed to lead.   "The mission will succeed without needing to involve civilians, sir.  I swear it."

The Commander looked to his now submissive First Officer and then around to the Federation Starfleet officers he was in command of.  'What a useless lot!' he thought  He looked back to tr'Lhoell. "I have my doubts, but will hold you to that vow. I leave you and the others to discuss the infiltration.  Report to me your plan within the hour."

The Commander then rose from his seat and left.

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek listened to the briefing to include the plan to go undercover, which he felt had some merit, but as his skill set did not include that sort of thing, he didn't volunteer.

"I'm and Engineer dammit, not a commando."

He thought. His skepticism was reinforced by the attitude of the Romulan Commander which made Lek even less inclined to risk his life for someone who was so uninspiring.

"What was that word the Hyoomons at the Academy used to call someone like this Romulan?" Lek thought as he tried to recall the phrase. "Oh right. 'a prick'. That was the word. This Romulan is a prick."

After the Commander left, Lek waited for Rayek to continue with the briefing.

Alt of Ian Galloway

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