Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Kyle Briggs

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Kyle simply nodded to Rayek and the dressing down he had just received. It was what it was. He knew where he was but damn it, he was Federation. But he made a silent agreement with himself to make sure he used the "proper" ranks.

Once the Riov arrived, he sat silently and listened to the briefing. He glanced over at Lisa when Rayek asked for volunteers. He was about to reply that he volunteered but Vochreb spoke up and began belittling the so far number of volunteers before he stood and left.

What an ass. Kyle thought as he watched him leave.

He turned his attention back to Rayek. "Erei'riov, I volunteer as well." he said. If nothing else, it would get him off this ship and away from the dick head running this vessel.

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting - after Commander tr'Siedhri leaves)

Quote from: Lek on December 19, 2022, 01:32:48 PM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek listened to the briefing to include the plan to go undercover, which he felt had some merit, but as his skill set did not include that sort of thing, he didn't volunteer.

"I'm an Engineer dammit, not a commando."

He thought. His skepticism was reinforced by the attitude of the Romulan Commander which made Lek even less inclined to risk his life for someone who was so uninspiring.

"What was that word the Hyoomons at the Academy used to call someone like this Romulan?" Lek thought as he tried to recall the phrase. "Oh right. 'a prick'. That was the word. This Romulan is a prick."

After the Commander left, Lek waited for Rayek to continue with the briefing.

Rayek did his best not to show how much the Riov's insults and doubt of his abilities stung at his pride, and he wondered at the Commander's mnhei'sahe that the Commander would act so poorly to the Free State's declared allies.  They were supposed to be building ties to the Federation with this Officer Exchange program not making rifts.

The Romulan First Officer took a moment to center himself and reign in his frustration at the Commander.  They had a mission to plan.

Before he could call the meeting back to order, more volunteer offers were made.

Quote from: Sorik on December 19, 2022, 06:56:09 AM

Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Sorik had answered the greetings in his direction with a respectful nod of his head. Soon after, the meeting had begun. The mission - once again - seemed disproportionately dangerous to him, on more than one level. To venture into Cardassian territory just to solve a medical mystery, lacked any logic. He was not surprised that the Romulan Riov sent the Federation exchange officers ahead. The consequences for Starfleet were not to be neglected in case of them being discovered. It seemed more and more to Sorik that the Riov was using the exchange officers as cannon fodder, sending them on the kind of missions he would reject as too risky for his own people.

Three volunteers came forward before the Romulan captain then moved on to express his disappointment and disdain for the lack of feedback. For a moment Sorik considered logically discussing the cause with him, but he knew it would only fall on deaf ears. At best. His eyes followed him as he left the room, then silence fell over the group for another moment.

"Erei'riov, although I am merely assigned as your assistant, I am reporting for duty on this mission." A little logical, rational mind certainly wouldn't hurt in the mix.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on December 19, 2022, 10:27:42 PM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Kyle simply nodded to Rayek and the dressing down he had just received. It was what it was. He knew where he was but damn it, he was Federation. But he made a silent agreement with himself to make sure he used the "proper" ranks.

Once the Riov arrived, he sat silently and listened to the briefing. He glanced over at Lisa when Rayek asked for volunteers. He was about to reply that he volunteered but Vochreb spoke up and began belittling the so far number of volunteers before he stood and left.

What an ass. Kyle thought as he watched him leave.

He turned his attention back to Rayek. "Erei'riov, I volunteer as well." he said. If nothing else, it would get him off this ship and away from the dick head running this vessel.

First, and most surprisingly was the Vulcan, Sorik, followed not long after by Subcommander Briggs - and with him Rayek suspected that Doctor Belmont would volunteer.

Rayek nodded to the officers. He knew it was not the Commander's tirade that had prompted their offers - rather they were still offering in spite of it.  Rayek offered a nod to each in appreciation.

"Let us continue.  One of the first things logistically we will need is a shuttlecraft that is not immediately recognizable as Free State owned."

Rayek turned to address his Ferengi friend, and more importantly for this mission the ship's best Engineer.  "Erei'Riov Lek - I trust that is something you and your engineering team can handle.  Remove any distinct Romulan characteristics of the vessel, and have your staff coordinate with Arrain Addams to adjust the registry signal of one of the ship's older shuttle models to a civilian frequency.  Those shuttles are the ones most likely to have been retired and sold off."

Rayek turned his attention next to the group as a whole.

"The Commander's initial plan had been for you volunteers to stealth down to the planetoid, locate the ship that had fled the vaQ, sneak aboard and take from their computers any intel on what occurred on the Klingon freighter.  However,"

Rayek looked directly at Jael. "Erein Sherem's volunteering and suggestion to go in as either herself with potential connections, or as a Cardassian mercenary is a possibility he hadn't considered.  I'd like to hear people's thoughts."

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on December 18, 2022, 08:41:30 PM

[Science Lab Seven (Deck 7) | RFS Valdore]
Dem had a lot to do. After bringing the corpse back to the ship, and has been working on it nonstop, even roping in Romulan science officers to give aid. While he handed the preliminary report to Dr Belmont and Commander Tr'Lhoell, he was still stuck writing an in depth report of the way that these creatures could be spliced. He looked down to is PADD, filled with 8 chapters, each 1000 words, detailing the 8 possible ways that the genes could be modified. He sighed. Who would read this? After observing the notification in the top left corner of the PADD, of him being called to the meeting, he held his ground, lowered his chair and continued to work. He was not a senior officer, and Dr Bellmont had it under control. Just in case there was anything important he missed, the audio from the meeting was also broadcasted through a secure channel. Not a multitasker, Dem soon completely zoned out of the meeting and continued analyzing the beasts blood stream.

After only a few minutes, his sample calibration stand let out a chime. He placed his eyes over the electron microscope, and his theory was confirmed. He stood up, and ran to the meeting.

Rayek glanced up alertly as the door to the meeting room unexpectedly opened.   The Romulan guards standing watch should have turned away all but the Senior staff and Exchange officers.  Had the Commander decided to return?  But no, it was the Bajoran medical officer coming in a bit breathless.

"Is there a problem, Doctor Broadshire?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 18, 2022, 05:08:44 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (prior to the start of the meeting)

Rayek listened to Erein Sherem's offer to assist with the Cadassian cadaver's autopsy - which he appreciated.  Less appreciated was the Cardassian officer's own personal impression of who was responsible or not responsible for the conjoinment even before a proper investigation, which she chose to share prior to the briefing's start.

Rayek regarded the Cardassian woman for a moment.  He knew from her personnel file that Sherem had recently transferred from the medical department.  He wondered what it was that prompted her move to security.  He noted in his periphery, the Grazerite -Arrain Addams - giving Sherem a thumbs up gesture.  Obviously, she thought well of the offer.

Keeping his attention on the Cardassian, Rayek inclined his head slightly "Thank you Erein, I will consider your request.  Please take your seat."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting)

Rayek smiled when Sherem suggested an undercover venture.  He nodded.  "We can provide you with an alias.  Thank you for volunteering, Erein."  He looked over the briefing room.  "Are there any others?" he asked.

Two hands immediately raised.  Rayek smiled inwardly as he saw two of his former security personnel from Challenger rise to the request.  "Thank you Arrain Addams,  Erei'erein Tragnar."

Rayek glanced around the room again and saw a number of thoughtful expressions as the Starfleet personnel continued to consider the request.  He waited, hoping for more volunteers.

The Commander however was less patient.  "Only three?" There was a slight sneer.  Siedhri turned to his First Officer. "Having heard your constant praise of Starfleet officers, I would have expected a better response.  But this will have to do.  You however will need to lead the mission.  Given your questionable loyalties, if you are caught there should be no problem redirecting this mission to orders from outside the Free State.   In fact, your wife's arrival makes this rather opportune.  Perhaps I should inquire if she might volunteer as well?"

Rayek stiffened at the Commander's insult to his loyalty and then turned abruptly to face the Romulan when the Riov suggested Tess come with.  "Leave my wife out of this!" he snapped. "She is here as a Federation civilian visitor not an Exchange officer." Rayek pointed out emphatically.

The Commander looked to Rayek as if he'd grown a second head.  "Are you really wanting to test my authority on this ship?"

Recognizing he was treading dangerous waters, Rayek lowered his gaze slightly to show his deference to the Commander.  "No, of course not, Riov." he answered trying to appease the man without completely losing face in front of the Federation Exchange personnel that he still needed to lead.   "The mission will succeed without needing to involve civilians, sir.  I swear it."

The Commander looked to his now submissive First Officer and then around to the Federation Starfleet officers he was in command of.  'What a useless lot!' he thought  He looked back to tr'Lhoell. "I have my doubts, but will hold you to that vow. I leave you and the others to discuss the infiltration.  Report to me your plan within the hour."

The Commander then rose from his seat and left.

Quote from: Sorik on December 19, 2022, 06:56:09 AM

Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Sorik had answered the greetings in his direction with a respectful nod of his head. Soon after, the meeting had begun. The mission - once again - seemed disproportionately dangerous to him, on more than one level. To venture into Cadassian territory just to solve a medical mystery, lacked any logic. He was not surprised that the Romulan Riov sent the Federation exchange officers ahead. The consequences for Starfleet were not to be neglected in case of them being discovered. It seemed more and more to Sorik that the Riov was using the exchange officers as cannon fodder, sending them on the kind of missions he would reject as too risky for his own people.

Three volunteers came forward before the Romulan captain then moved on to express his disappointment and disdain for the lack of feedback. For a moment Sorik considered logically discussing the cause with him, but he knew it would only fall on deaf ears. At best. His eyes followed him as he left the room, then silence fell over the group for another moment.

"Erei'riov, although I am merely assigned as your assistant, I am reporting for duty on this mission." A little logical, rational mind certainly wouldn't hurt in the mix.

Quote from: Lek on December 19, 2022, 01:32:48 PM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek listened to the briefing to include the plan to go undercover, which he felt had some merit, but as his skill set did not include that sort of thing, he didn't volunteer.

"I'm and Engineer dammit, not a commando."

He thought. His skepticism was reinforced by the attitude of the Romulan Commander which made Lek even less inclined to risk his life for someone who was so uninspiring.

"What was that word the Hyoomons at the Academy used to call someone like this Romulan?" Lek thought as he tried to recall the phrase. "Oh right. 'a prick'. That was the word. This Romulan is a prick."

After the Commander left, Lek waited for Rayek to continue with the briefing.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on December 19, 2022, 10:27:42 PM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Kyle simply nodded to Rayek and the dressing down he had just received. It was what it was. He knew where he was but damn it, he was Federation. But he made a silent agreement with himself to make sure he used the "proper" ranks.

Once the Riov arrived, he sat silently and listened to the briefing. He glanced over at Lisa when Rayek asked for volunteers. He was about to reply that he volunteered but Vochreb spoke up and began belittling the so far number of volunteers before he stood and left.

What an ass. Kyle thought as he watched him leave.

He turned his attention back to Rayek. "Erei'riov, I volunteer as well." he said. If nothing else, it would get him off this ship and away from the dick head running this vessel.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 20, 2022, 03:59:34 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting - after Commander tr'Siedhri leaves)

Rayek did his best not to show how much the Riov's insults and doubt of his abilities stung at his pride, and he wondered at the Commander's mnhei'sahe that the Commander would act so poorly to the Free State's declared allies.  They were supposed to be building ties to the Federation with this Officer Exchange program not making rifts.

The Romulan First Officer took a moment to center himself and reign in his frustration at the Commander.  They had a mission to plan.

Before he could call the meeting back to order, more volunteer offers were made.

First, and most surprisingly was the Vulcan, Sorik, followed not long after by Subcommander Briggs - and with him Rayek suspected that Doctor Belmont would volunteer.

Rayek nodded to the officers. He knew it was not the Commander's tirade that had prompted their offers - rather they were still offering in spite of it.  Rayek offered a nod to each in appreciation.

"Let us continue.  One of the first things logistically we will need is a shuttlecraft that is not immediately recognizable as Free State owned."

Rayek turned to address his Ferengi friend, and more importantly for this mission the ship's best Engineer.  "Erei'Riov Lek - I trust that is something you and your engineering team can handle.  Remove any distinct Romulan characteristics of the vessel, and have your staff coordinate with Arrain Addams to adjust the registry signal of one of the ship's older shuttle models to a civilian frequency.  Those shuttles are the ones most likely to have been retired and sold off."

Rayek turned his attention next to the group as a whole.

"The Commander's initial plan had been for you volunteers to stealth down to the planetoid, locate the ship that had fled the vaQ, sneak aboard and take from their computers any intel on what occurred on the Klingon freighter.  However,"

Rayek looked directly at Jael. "Erein Sherem's volunteering and suggestion to go in as either herself with potential connections, or as a Cardassian mercenary is a possibility he hadn't considered.  I'd like to hear people's thoughts."

Rayek glanced up alertly as the door to the meeting room unexpectedly opened.   The Romulan guards standing watch should have turned away all but the Senior staff and Exchange officers.  Had the Commander decided to return?  But no, it was the Bajoran medical officer coming in a bit breathless.

"Is there a problem, Doctor Broadshire?"

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on December 18, 2022, 08:41:30 PM

[Science Lab Seven (Deck 7) | RFS Valdore]
Dem had a lot to do. After bringing the corpse back to the ship, and has been working on it nonstop, even roping in Romulan science officers to give aid. While he handed the preliminary report to Dr Belmont and Commander Tr'Lhoell, he was still stuck writing an in depth report of the way that these creatures could be spliced. He looked down to is PADD, filled with 8 chapters, each 1000 words, detailing the 8 possible ways that the genes could be modified. He sighed. Who would read this? After observing the notification in the top left corner of the PADD, of him being called to the meeting, he held his ground, lowered his chair and continued to work. He was not a senior officer, and Dr Bellmont had it under control. Just in case there was anything important he missed, the audio from the meeting was also broadcasted through a secure channel. Not a multitasker, Dem soon completely zoned out of the meeting and continued analyzing the beasts blood stream.

After only a few minutes, his sample calibration stand let out a chime. He placed his eyes over the electron microscope, and his theory was confirmed. He stood up, and ran to the meeting.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael watched the brief exchange - make that argument - between Commander tr'Lhoell and Commander tr'Siedhri, the man in charge of the Valdore, and was momentarily reminded of her parents. Half of the time she remembered seeing them together, they were always arguing: one would exchange insults and the other would retaliate verbally, or the other way around. Like if her mother would say something insulting and her father snapped back at her, and vice versa. The Cardassian-Klingon war briefly gave them a means to act in unity, but it was her father's disgruntlement toward the then-Cardassian government and sharing some sentiments with Gul Dukat that led them to separate completely. And within a few months, his support of the Dominion would drive her mother, bringing Jael and her adopted brother Gid, to defect to the Federation. Jael was young enough to recall those arguments and to know that his father was not a nice man...and that was putting it lightly.

And in Jael's eyes, Commander tr'Siedhri certainly reminded her of her father, at least before he became worse in the eyes of many races by supporting Dukat and the union with the Dominion.

She was touched by Torra's and Helga's offer to volunteer to help her, and was equally touched by the offer to volunteer by the new Vulcan officer, Sorik, and her departmental head, Commander Briggs. Jael was glad to be able to work with her departmental head for once.

She made a mental note to talk to Commander tr'Lhoell later when she had the time, regarding her idea of being a combat medic. Captain Tekin was logical to talk to, but he was, after all, constantly busy. After all, the Commander was bound to see how often she changed departments.

Seeing his asking for thoughts, Jael replied, "Actually, me going in as a Cardassian mercenary is a good idea. The rest...well, we're going to need to work on disguises, unless we all posed as a mercenary crew. Also, what's the name of the planet the enclave is in?"

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 20, 2022, 03:59:34 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting - after Commander tr'Siedhri leaves)

Rayek did his best not to show how much the Riov's insults and doubt of his abilities stung at his pride, and he wondered at the Commander's mnhei'sahe that the Commander would act so poorly to the Free State's declared allies.  They were supposed to be building ties to the Federation with this Officer Exchange program not making rifts.

The Romulan First Officer took a moment to center himself and reign in his frustration at the Commander.  They had a mission to plan.

Before he could call the meeting back to order, more volunteer offers were made.

First, and most surprisingly was the Vulcan, Sorik, followed not long after by Subcommander Briggs - and with him Rayek suspected that Doctor Belmont would volunteer.

Rayek nodded to the officers. He knew it was not the Commander's tirade that had prompted their offers - rather they were still offering in spite of it.  Rayek offered a nod to each in appreciation.

"Let us continue.  One of the first things logistically we will need is a shuttlecraft that is not immediately recognizable as Free State owned."

Rayek turned to address his Ferengi friend, and more importantly for this mission the ship's best Engineer.  "Erei'Riov Lek - I trust that is something you and your engineering team can handle.  Remove any distinct Romulan characteristics of the vessel, and have your staff coordinate with Arrain Addams to adjust the registry signal of one of the ship's older shuttle models to a civilian frequency.  Those shuttles are the ones most likely to have been retired and sold off."

Rayek turned his attention next to the group as a whole.

"The Commander's initial plan had been for you volunteers to stealth down to the planetoid, locate the ship that had fled the vaQ, sneak aboard and take from their computers any intel on what occurred on the Klingon freighter.  However,"

Rayek looked directly at Jael. "Erein Sherem's volunteering and suggestion to go in as either herself with potential connections, or as a Cardassian mercenary is a possibility he hadn't considered.  I'd like to hear people's thoughts."

Rayek glanced up alertly as the door to the meeting room unexpectedly opened.   The Romulan guards standing watch should have turned away all but the Senior staff and Exchange officers.  Had the Commander decided to return?  But no, it was the Bajoran medical officer coming in a bit breathless.

"Is there a problem, Doctor Broadshire?"

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek nodded to Rayek as he replied.

"That should be simple enough to do given they already have the older model shuttles. However, if you wish me to join you on this fool's quest, I will quote the 109th Rule of Acquisition, 'Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.' I will only go if ordered."

He then waited to see what is erstwhile friend said.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 20, 2022, 03:59:34 AM

Rayek turned his attention next to the group as a whole.

"The Commander's initial plan had been for you volunteers to stealth down to the planetoid, locate the ship that had fled the vaQ, sneak aboard and take from their computers any intel on what occurred on the Klingon freighter.  However,"

Rayek looked directly at Jael. "Erein Sherem's volunteering and suggestion to go in as either herself with potential connections, or as a Cardassian mercenary is a possibility he hadn't considered.  I'd like to hear people's thoughts."

Rayek glanced up alertly as the door to the meeting room unexpectedly opened.   The Romulan guards standing watch should have turned away all but the Senior staff and Exchange officers.  Had the Commander decided to return?  But no, it was the Bajoran medical officer coming in a bit breathless.

"Is there a problem, Doctor Broadshire?"

[Science Lab Seven (Deck 7) - Briefing Room (Deck 13)| RFS Valdore]
Dem found himself at the foot of the meeting room door, everyone's eyes firmly fixated on the character that had stepped into the room. He felt out of place. He was a junior officer, lower decks, yet he found himself standing here, delivering information that could be very alarming if he said it wrong to a room of slightly perturbed, seasoned professionals. He could also see that everyone was displeased at his abundance in the beginning, and now suddenly showing up and taking up the limelight. Dem believed the only reason that he was even invited to this meeting was through kindness, not qualification, so it should all work out ok.

"œNo Sir, but I have found new information regarding the genetic fusion of the creatures that would help on this mission" Dem said, surprising even himself with his confidence.

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (prior to Dem's arrival)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on December 20, 2022, 08:51:25 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

She made a mental note to talk to Commander tr'Lhoell later when she had the time, regarding her idea of being a combat medic. Captain Tekin was logical to talk to, but he was, after all, constantly busy. After all, the Commander was bound to see how often she changed departments.

Seeing his asking for thoughts, Jael replied, "Actually, me going in as a Cardassian mercenary is a good idea. The rest...well, we're going to need to work on disguises, unless we all posed as a mercenary crew. Also, what's the name of the planet the enclave is in?"

Rayek acknowledged Erein Sherem's commentary.   "Yes, a mercenary crew might work... "

For the others, merely new ID's would suffice, but for himself - with his Northerner V ridge brow, a disguise was definitely needed to sever any and all links to the Free State completely.  He looked over to Doctor Belmont.  "Doctor, how are you at cosmetic surgery?"

Looking back to the Erein he answered her question regarding the planetoid's name.  "Our last record of it had the name as Mikarr-Tok."

Next to speak up was Lek.  The Romulan found in it amusing that the Ferengi would be named after the Cardassian monetary unit.  His parents must have had big dreams for their son.
Quote from: Lek on December 20, 2022, 03:41:03 PM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek nodded to Rayek as he replied.

"That should be simple enough to do given they already have the older model shuttles. However, if you wish me to join you on this fool's quest, I will quote the 109th Rule of Acquisition, 'Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.' I will only go if ordered."

He then waited to see what is erstwhile friend said.

Once more Rayek nodded in acknowledgement.   "I understand.  I will not order you to go.  Instead, I will have you keep an eye on those not assigned to the mission."  Rayek could have specified exchange personnel... but chose to his words and stressed a certain part in the hope that Lek would recognize that he was asking him to look after Tess and Fvienn for him.
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (At Dem's arrival)
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on December 21, 2022, 12:57:13 AM

[Science Lab Seven (Deck 7) - Briefing Room (Deck 13)| RFS Valdore]
Dem found himself at the foot of the meeting room door, everyone's eyes firmly fixated on the character that had stepped into the room. He felt out of place. He was a junior officer, lower decks, yet he found himself standing here, delivering information that could be very alarming if he said it wrong to a room of slightly perturbed, seasoned professionals. He could also see that everyone was displeased at his abundance in the beginning, and now suddenly showing up and taking up the limelight. Dem believed the only reason that he was even invited to this meeting was through kindness, not qualification, so it should all work out ok.

"œNo Sir, but I have found new information regarding the genetic fusion of the creatures that would help on this mission" Dem said, surprising even himself with his confidence.

Rayek's expression perked in interest.  "Go on.  Tell us."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 22, 2022, 03:08:43 AM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (At Dem's arrival)
Rayek's expression perked in interest.  "Go on.  Tell us."

[Briefing Room (Deck 13)| RFS Valdore]
"œSee, well sir, the creatures were fused together with Borg nanoprobes. No, but before you think Borg invasion, they are redundant and inoperable. Whoever build these creatures must have found wreckage from Warf 359 or something and used them to splice the creatures in this manner"¦" Dem paused for a moment before continuing. "œThis means however, a device could be built and used that could incapacitate the beast if it was found on the mission. It's better than 100 phaser shots." Dem trailed off, now thinking how the device could be constructed. Electromagnetic pulse? Bloodstream infused antigens?

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on December 22, 2022, 06:15:39 PM

[Briefing Room (Deck 13)| RFS Valdore]
"œSee, well sir, the creatures were fused together with Borg nanoprobes. No, but before you think Borg invasion, they are redundant and inoperable. Whoever build these creatures must have found wreckage from Wolf 359 or something and used them to splice the creatures in this manner"¦" Dem paused for a moment before continuing. "œThis means however, a device could be built and used that could incapacitate the beast if it was found on the mission. It's better than 100 phaser shots." Dem trailed off, now thinking how the device could be constructed. Electromagnetic pulse? Bloodstream infused antigens?

Rayek took a moment to consider this new and somewhat alarming information.  Despite the doctor's reassurances that the nanobots were inoperable, they were operable enough to blend together two entire different species.

The Romulan First Officer knew of the Borg cube that the Free State had made into a Romulan Reclamation Site.  Yet following its' crash into the planet Ghulian IV, aka Coppelius, there had been little reported out on it - likely because it was now a protectorate of the Federation and now classified.

He wondered if the studies done to the Artifact had made these inoperable nanobots possible?

He offered a nod towards Dr. Broadshire. "Thank you, Doctor.  Why don't you join us for the rest of the meeting?" he said, gesturing towards one of the seats at the briefing table.

He turned to Lek once more.  "I'll put in a request for you to be given access to the research data from the Borg Artifact Research Institute.  I'll need you to coordinate with the medical staff to confirm Dr. Broadshire's findings, and look into how these nanobots were introduced to the Klingons."

Once they knew how that happened they might have a better chance of locating whatever it was.

"Also while you're at it, I suspect we will encounter more of these conjoined lifeforms."  He'd thought long and hard to find an alternative word other than 'creatures' for the resultant blend.  The word 'creatures' gave the sense that the blended lifeforms were monstrous, yet two of them had been heard speaking, even if only in single words. "So look into ways that we might reverse the conjoinment."  While having a means of incapacitation would be nice, remedying the problem would be best.

He looked around the room. "Now is your time to make comment, suggestions or ask questions."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 22, 2022, 03:08:43 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (prior to Dem's arrival)

Rayek acknowledged Erein Sherem's commentary.   "Yes, a mercenary crew might work... "

For the others, merely new ID's would suffice, but for himself - with his Northerner V ridge brow, a disguise was definitely needed to sever any and all links to the Free State completely.  He looked over to Doctor Belmont.  "Doctor, how are you at cosmetic surgery?"

Looking back to the Erein he answered her question regarding the planetoid's name.  "Our last record of it had the name as Mikarr-Tok."

Next to speak up was Lek.  The Romulan found in it amusing that the Ferengi would be named after the Cardassian monetary unit.  His parents must have had big dreams for their son.

Once more Rayek nodded in acknowledgement.   "I understand.  I will not order you to go.  Instead, I will have you keep an eye on those not assigned to the mission."  Rayek could have specified exchange personnel... but chose to his words and stressed a certain part in the hope that Lek would recognize that he was asking him to look after Tess and Fvienn for him.

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (At Dem's arrival)
Rayek's expression perked in interest.  "Go on.  Tell us."
[Briefing Room - USS Discovery]

"I volunteer," Lisa raised her hand shortly after Kyle and Sorik. She felt she could be most useful there, and Broadshire was doing a fine job of formulating research on the creatures. She hadn't gotten to know her new colleague personally yet, but she was thrilled to already have someone she could depend on.

Speaking of, the very person she was thinking about suddenly burst through the doors. Apparently he'd made a breakthrough? Lisa listened closely. Borg technology?? She had to admit that of all the ways to do...whatever they wanted to accomplish with this splicing, Borg technology was some of the most advanced and efficient to do it with. And if it was inoperable like Broadshire was saying, it should be safe. Well. As safe as fusing two bodies together could be, that is. All of this was pure hypothetical thinking of course. If she started thinking about the ethics of this grotesque Frankenstein experiment her stomach would refuse to stop doing somersaults.

With all this going through her head, she was grateful for Rayek's question. This was definitely in her wheelhouse. Thinking of the last time her cosmetic talents were put to use, she smiled slightly as she answered,

"Cosmetic surgery is one of my specialties, Erei'Riov."

She nodded and pulled up an extra seat for Broadshire since he was invited to join. This would be the perfect opportunity for him to get some experience in, especially working with engineering. At the same time she'd get to do one of her favorite things, and go on a stealth mission. Win win. Man, she really seemed to be turning into an adrenaline junkie with each passing year. Maybe it was the knowing that Kyle would be there that was filling her with confidence...


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 22, 2022, 03:08:43 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Next to speak up was Lek.  The Romulan found in it amusing that the Ferengi would be named after the Cardassian monetary unit.  His parents must have had big dreams for their son.

Once more Rayek nodded in acknowledgement.   "I understand.  I will not order you to go.  Instead, I will have you keep an eye on those not assigned to the mission."  Rayek could have specified exchange personnel... but chose to his words and stressed a certain part in the hope that Lek would recognize that he was asking him to look after Tess and Fvienn for him.

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek nodded and replied with complete sincerity as he knew what he was being asked to do.

"Without hesitation and at any cost."

He wasn't worried about the Starfleet personnel in the slightest as they were almost certainly better able to take care of themselves than he could, but when it came to Reyek's family, he would face a Jem'Hadar legion before he'd allow harm to come to them.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (prior to Dem's arrival)

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on December 27, 2022, 02:10:21 PM

[Briefing Room - USS Discovery]

"I volunteer," Lisa raised her hand shortly after Kyle and Sorik. She felt she could be most useful there, and Broadshire was doing a fine job of formulating research on the creatures. She hadn't gotten to know her new colleague personally yet, but she was thrilled to already have someone she could depend on.

Speaking of, the very person she was thinking about suddenly burst through the doors. Apparently he'd made a breakthrough? Lisa listened closely. Borg technology?? She had to admit that of all the ways to do...whatever they wanted to accomplish with this splicing, Borg technology was some of the most advanced and efficient to do it with. And if it was inoperable like Broadshire was saying, it should be safe. Well. As safe as fusing two bodies together could be, that is. All of this was pure hypothetical thinking of course. If she started thinking about the ethics of this grotesque Frankenstein experiment her stomach would refuse to stop doing somersaults.

With all this going through her head, she was grateful for Rayek's question. This was definitely in her wheelhouse. Thinking of the last time her cosmetic talents were put to use, she smiled slightly as she answered,

"Cosmetic surgery is one of my specialties, Erei'Riov."

She nodded and pulled up an extra seat for Broadshire since he was invited to join. This would be the perfect opportunity for him to get some experience in, especially working with engineering. At the same time she'd get to do one of her favorite things, and go on a stealth mission. Win win. Man, she really seemed to be turning into an adrenaline junkie with each passing year. Maybe it was the knowing that Kyle would be there that was filling her with confidence...

Rayek acknowledged Dr. Belmont's volunteering.  He had suspected that with Subcommander Briggs' volunteering that the doctor would join along too.  Some might be hesitant about having a 'couple' together on the same away mission, and there were valid reasons for that, but Rayek also knew that having someone you cared for at risk beside you made one all the more motivated to get things done right so as not to endanger them more.

He was glad to hear her answer that cosmetic surgery was one of her specialties.

"Excellent.  Then immediately after the meeting, I will go with you to Sickbay to have that done."   Rayek stated towards Dr. Belmont.  He consider things for a moment, tapping on his PADD.

"While a Vulcan disguise for me would be physically easiest, it may also bring suspicion to the mercenary group if there were more than one Vulcan in the group.  Besides which, I doubt my ability to portray the species in a way wouldn't get us undue attention."

To himself, Rayek finished that admission with a silent... 'because I tend to portray Vulcans as complete  kllhwnia-nomaes diehv.  (*[spoiler]shit[/spoiler]-head robots)

Quote from: Lek on December 28, 2022, 10:17:38 AM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek nodded and replied with complete sincerity as he knew what he was being asked to do.

"Without hesitation and at any cost."

He wasn't worried about the Starfleet personnel in the slightest as they were almost certainly better able to take care of themselves than he could, but when it came to Rayek's family, he would face a Jem'Hadar legion before he'd allow harm to come to them.

Lek spoke then in answer to his request and Rayek knew that his family would be safe under the Ferengi's care.
Arrain Danjar-Torra Addams
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (after Dem's arrival)

When the Subcommander opened up the meeting for anyone to speak, Torra spoke up.

"Sir, it's likely there will be times when the Away Team will get split up.  We won't have our Starfleet comm badges, nor will we be able to use Romulan communicators. I recommend the Team be provided with the same surgically-inserted ear comms that you use, sir.  They are ideally suited for mercenary work, so would fit our cover-story even if discovered." Torra suggested in her soft-mannered way.

Her former Security chief, now Romulan Subcommander, turned towards her and smiled at her suggestion.   "That's an excellent idea, Arrain.  I won't make it mandatory but I have the just the perfect comm device in mind for those who want it."

The Subcommander described a comm device that was bio-locked to their specific DNA when set-up so that even if found and removed it was unlikely whoever found it would be able to listen in on the encrypted device.  Torra commented that it sounded like a Romulan-designed device, to which he laughed.  "That's because it is.  I designed it myself with some AI assistance.  But it's not in registered or recognizable as a Romulan design since I was upgrading the Federation model I had with me at the time."

It would mean more work for the doctors upfront but the Subcommander seemed to think that was best.

"We'll also carry the standard Federation hand communicator so as not to draw attention to their presence with our lack of normal comms." he added.

Before wrapping things up, Rayek reviewed the plan.

"Lek and his engineering team will adapt a shuttle into something passable for a a small rogue mercenary team. The Away Team will consist of myself, Briggs, Belmont, Sherem, Tragnar, and Addams. Oh, and Sorik.   Aliases will be provided along with ID. Ear-comms are an option for those wanting them - which I recommend"

"We will approach the planetoid under the guise of mercenaries looking for work.  Sherem will be our main spokesperson, in the hopes that her being Cardassian will get us better access than stealth alone would.  We locate the vessel that boarded the vaQ and using whatever means necessary gain access to the ship, her log and any labs aboard her to determine if and/or how they had any part in the Klingon crew's condition."

It wasn't much of a great plan since there were so many unknowns but it was at least a framework.


Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdora - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 29, 2022, 04:46:47 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (prior to Dem's arrival)

Rayek acknowledged Dr. Belmont's volunteering.  He had suspected that with Subcommander Briggs' volunteering that the doctor would join along too.  Some might be hesitant about having a 'couple' together on the same away mission, and there were valid reasons for that, but Rayek also knew that having someone you cared for at risk beside you made one all the more motivated to get things done right so as not to endanger them more.

He was glad to hear her answer that cosmetic surgery was one of her specialties.

"Excellent.  Then immediately after the meeting, I will go with you to Sickbay to have that done."   Rayek stated towards Dr. Belmont.  He consider things for a moment, tapping on his PADD.

"While a Vulcan disguise for me would be physically easiest, it may also bring suspicion to the mercenary group if there were more than one.  Besides which, I doubt my ability to portray the species in a way wouldn't get us undue attention."

To himself, Rayek finished that admission with a silent... 'because I tend to portray Vulcans as complete  kllhwnia-nomaes diehv.  (*[spoiler]shit[/spoiler]-head robots)

Lek spoke then in answer to his request and Rayek knew that his family would be safe under the Ferengi's care.
Arrain Danjar-Torra Addams
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (after Dem's arrival)

When the Subcommander opened up the meeting for anyone to speak, Torra spoke up.

"Sir, it's likely there will be times when the Away Team will get split up.  We won't have our Starfleet comm badges, nor will we be able to use Romulan communicators. I recommend the Team be provided with the same surgically-inserted ear comms that you use, sir.  They are ideally suited for mercenary work, so would fit our cover-story even if discovered." Torra suggested in her soft-mannered way.

Her former Security chief, now Romulan Subcommander, turned towards her and smiled at her suggestion.   "That's an excellent idea, Arrain.  I won't make it mandatory but I have the just the perfect comm device in mind for those who want it."

The Subcommander described a comm device that was bio-locked to their specific DNA when set-up so that even if found and removed it was unlikely whoever found it would be able to listen in on the encrypted device.  Torra commented that it sounded like a Romulan-designed device, to which he laughed.  "That's because it is.  I designed it myself with some AI assistance.  But it's not in registered or recognizable as a Romulan design since I was upgrading the Federation model I had with me at the time."

It would mean more work for the doctors upfront but the Subcommander seemed to think that was best.

"We'll also carry the standard Federation hand communicator so as not to draw attention to their presence with our lack of normal comms." he added.

Before wrapping things up, Rayek reviewed the plan.

"Lek and his engineering team will adapt a shuttle into something passable for a a small rogue mercenary team. The Away Team will consist of myself, Briggs, Belmont, Sherem, Tragnar, and Addams. Oh, and Sorik.   Aliases will be provided along with ID. Ear-comms are an option for those wanting them - which I recommend"

"We will approach the planetoid under the guise of mercenaries looking for work.  Sherem will be our main spokesperson, in the hopes that her being Cardassian will get us better access than stealth alone would.  We locate the vessel that boarded the vaQ and using whatever means necessary gain access to the ship, her log and any labs aboard her to determine if and/or how they had any part in the Klingon crew's condition."

It wasn't much of a great plan since there were so many unknowns but it was at least a framework.

Sorik listened with interest what Dr. Boadshire had to say about his findings. Borg technology was extremely advanced and many details of it barely understood. A tough task for the team.

The plan slowly began to come together, then. They would be going out as a group of mercenaries. When Erei'Riov tr'Lhoell mentioned that while a Vulcan disguise would be easiest it would not be entirely inconspicuous because of his lack of ability to portray a believable Vulcan, Sorik arched an eyebrow in agreement with that statement "Indeed", he mumbled. He thought it was fortunate that the Subcommander saw that himself and didn't need to have it pointed out to him.

Torra brought up the idea of surgically inserted in-ear-communicators, which the Romulan then boasted with as having altered Federation technology to fit his personal perference and use. The Vulcan wondered how Starfleet liked their technology being used and altered like that. Rayek didn't make such in insertion of the in-ear-device mandatory and Sorik would have preferred not having to commit to such body modifications, however, given the level of danger the mission inherited, it seemed logical to take that kind of precaution.

The meeting then came to a close, with Rayek repeating the names of those who had volunteered - with his name being added as if an afterthought to the Romulan and almost forgotten. Sorik turned his head to look at Rayek. Of course, the Vulcan didn't feel emotions like offense, he just noted it.

When Rayek dismissed the assembled crew, Sorik rose from his seat, though instead of leaving, he turned to Rayek, his hands clasped behind his back. "Erei'Riov, if you agree, I could take on the task of IDs for the undercover team."

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)

Dem Broadshire

[Briefing Room (Deck 13)| RFS Valdore]
As the meeting concluded, Dem was in a state of indecision. Should he go? Would it help the team to have a genetic engineering specialist, or will he be a hinderance? Dem sat their tapping his finger on the table as the meeting came to a close. He smiled at Doctor Bellmont, but his mind was somewhere else. He was thinking about the best way to incapacitate the beast, and he landed upon a blood infused antigen that would help deactivate the creatures enhanced cognitive processes. As the meeting was dismissed, he saw operations officer Sorik talking with the commander. Dem half stood up, awkwardly standing, and jittering about as the officer bid for the ID tag job. The only thing moving on him now was his mouth, reading over his proposition in his mind to create an antigen to be used on the away mission.

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (after briefing meeting)

Quote from: Sorik on December 29, 2022, 07:18:12 AM

Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdora - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Sorik listened with interest what Dr. Boadshire had to say about his findings. Borg technology was extremely advanced and many details of it barely understood. A tough task for the team.

The plan slowly began to come together, then. They would be going out as a group of mercenaries. When Erei'Riov tr'Lhoell mentioned that while a Vulcan disguise would be easiest it would not be entirely inconspicuous because of his lack of ability to portray a believable Vulcan, Sorik arched an eyebrow in agreement with that statement "Indeed", he mumbled. He thought it was fortunate that the Subcommander saw that himself and didn't need to have it pointed out to him.

Torra brought up the idea of surgically inserted in-ear-communicators, which the Romulan then boasted with as having altered Federation technology to fit his personal perference and use. The Vulcan wondered how Starfleet liked their technology being used and altered like that. Rayek didn't make such in insertion of the in-ear-device mandatory and Sorik would have preferred not having to commit to such body modifications, however, given the level of danger the mission inherited, it seemed logical to take that kind of precaution.

The meeting then came to a close, with Rayek repeating the names of those who had volunteered - with his name being added as if an afterthought to the Romulan and almost forgotten. Sorik turned his head to look at Rayek. Of course, the Vulcan didn't feel emotions like offense, he just noted it.

When Rayek dismissed the assembled crew, Sorik rose from his seat, though instead of leaving, he turned to Rayek, his hands clasped behind his back. "Erei'Riov, if you agree, I could take on the task of IDs for the undercover team."

Rayek was gathering up his PADD and logging off the briefing room computer so to go with Dr. Belmont to see about what might be possible for a disguise, when Sorik rose and turned to face him, obviously with more to say.  When the Vulcan spoke seeking to be assigned the task of creating the ID's, Rayek hadn't expected such an offer.

"You do realize that the names on the ID's will have to be aliases, correct?  Are you certain you are capable of creating forgeries?  Is that not too much like lying?"  He couldn't resist the taunt before shrugging.  "If you wish the task, it is yours.  But have Torra review the alias details before final printing."

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on December 30, 2022, 10:48:23 PM

[Briefing Room (Deck 13)| RFS Valdore]
As the meeting concluded, Dem was in a state of indecision. Should he go? Would it help the team to have a genetic engineering specialist, or will he be a hinderance? Dem sat their tapping his finger on the table as the meeting came to a close. He smiled at Doctor Bellmont, but his mind was somewhere else. He was thinking about the best way to incapacitate the beast, and he landed upon a blood infused antigen that would help deactivate the creatures enhanced cognitive processes. As the meeting was dismissed, he saw operations officer Sorik talking with the commander. Dem half stood up, awkwardly standing, and jittering about as the officer bid for the ID tag job. The only thing moving on him now was his mouth, reading over his proposition in his mind to create an antigen to be used on the away mission.

Rayek noticed then behind the Vulcan, that Dr. Broadshire was also standing in wait.     "You wished to say something more, Doctor?"

[RFS Valdore - Briefing Room >>> Medical Bay]

After leaving the briefing room, Rayek quickly messaged his wife, explaining briefly to her of an impending away mission that he was being assigned to lead and that he might be gone a day or so.

=/\= "I'm headed to Sickbay to undergo some cosmetic surgery for the mission.. if there's time before needing to leave, I will stop by to say my goodbyes.  Lek will be watching after you and Fvienn, in my stead." =/\=

Arriving at Sickbay, he sought out Dr. Belmont.  "What options have you got for me, Doctor?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 31, 2022, 03:13:43 AM

Rayek noticed then behind the Vulcan, that Dr. Broadshire was also standing in wait.     "You wished to say something more, Doctor?"

[Briefing Room (Deck 13)| RFS Valdore]
"œah, sir. I was wondering if you wanted me to try to make an antigen that may neutralize the creature. It would have to be administered in close range, but I think it can be done in brief time."
"œA lot of promise now rests on my shoulders" He thought, trying to not be pressured by the hole he dug himself in. Dem also thought talking with Doctor Bellmont would be prudent, as he wanted to get to know her better. Maybe his major in molecular sciences would also help with the crew's aliases. It would also be nice to have some friends in the medical department.

🡱 🡳

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