Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Shuttle - prior to launch]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on January 05, 2023, 10:58:42 PM

[RFS Valdore-shuttle]

After the briefing was done he made his way down to join the others in the away team. He had an idea for a code name that he was going to use for his alias. He was going to go by the alias of Kura. He didn't think anyone would question the name as it wasn't close to his actual name. He was prepared yet nervous about any of the modifications that they were going to do. He had a small smile on his face as he boarded and took his seat in the pilot seat.

Rayek gave nod towards the pilot, as Graham arrived.  He was encouraged to see the petty officer's smile. A good sign of morale for the start of a mission... and to continue that morale Rayek offered back a smile of his own.

With everyone on board, the shuttle was cleared to leave, and slipped out of the cloaked Valdore while the ship made a close pass to some rogue debris by the edge of the enclave border.   With any luck the shuttle would not be noticed nor tracked back to its source.

[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis - 4 hrs later]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on January 06, 2023, 08:53:33 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Romulan Shuttle | Heading to Galantis]

Jael smiled. Doctor Belmont did an impressive job with the Commander. Now she waited until they came within communication range. She was just as impressed by the cover story: Harold Richards, a dropout turned hired hand? Impressive. Of course, Garak would've scoffed at the job, but it was good to Jael.

Once in communications range, a call came from Galantis. The hail was answered and there was a glinn on the viewscreen. "Incoming shuttle, this is Glinn Gidoni of the Galantis port authority. State your business."

Jael stood forth as the spokesperson and replied, "This is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew of hired hands here and we request permission to land."

Glinn Gidoni stared intently at Jael for a moment, then said, "Yes, I can see you're a crew of hired hands. The only other way there'd be a zoo of a crew would be if you were a crew from the Federation. I will need to ask that you identify yourselves."

"Gladly," replied Jael. "As I indicated, my name is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew in quite a lotof ways."

"You must be the captain of the crew, then," replied the glinn.

"For the most part, but as to the voice of experience, that belongs to Mister Richards," said Jael, nodding at "Harold Richards." "However, they're all fine with my taking the lead owing to typical Cardassian cunning."

"The way of our sphere of influence," said the glinn, nodding in approval. "And the rest?"

The rest of the crew began making their respective introductions. Torra and Helga introduced themselves next,  Jael had to hold back a laugh at Torra's cover. That accent sounded much too Earth American South to her. No way in hell a Grazerite in their homeworld's southern hemisphere would have an accent like that...but then, Jael didn't know much about Grazerites to know their different accents, but all the same, Jael had to inwardly cringe at Torra's Southern drawl.

Helga's, and later Sorik's sounded more believable. Then it came turn for whoever of the rest of the crew to speak up.

The planetoid which they approached was mainly a barren rock with a single sprawling Metropolis under multiple layers of shielding.  The shielding explained why their sensors couldn't get a read on anything below.   The trail of the old Bird of Prey had led here, but where it was now was anyone's guess.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 07, 2023, 11:38:52 AM

[RFS Valdore - Main Bridge]

If there was one thing Nevir didn't like about his position on a Romulan War Bird, it was that Romulans tend to have their 'special' ranks cooped up in their rooms in meetings and conferences.  A holdover from the former Star Empire, some things were just hard to break.  He had to sit out while his crew suffered, and now that the Valdore had reached what he hoped was their destination, the constant communication to New Romulus, Earth, Kronos, and now Cardassia Prime was just about to end.  This is where another facet of the Romulan operating procedures for special officers came in... in an investigative situation, he would be representing the government and therefore cutting contact until they left the region.  At least, that was his understanding.

Finally done with the communications, he was finally able to leave his quarters and made his way directly to the bridge.  Where he believed someone of his rank should have remained. He tried to ignore the looks of surprise and took a seat in the main chair once it was vacated.

"Subcommander, I have reached the bridge.  Report."

Rayek, and thus his alias Harold, grimaced momentarily as a comm came in.  Thankfully, Rayek had already put all messages and comms on discreet ear-comm mode from the moment they left the Valdore.  That single comm if overheard by the Cardassians running Galantis, could have jeopardized the mission.

After greeting Glinn Gidoni and introducing himself with just his name, Rayek rose out of his copilot's seat and motioned for Jael to take it and continue negotiations.  Meanwhile, as he moved to the rear of the shuttle with his back to the viewscreen, Rayek silently responded to Tekin's call, mouthing the words, which his ear-comm then translated the jaw and muscle movements into sounds on the Captain's end.  Of course, messages sent by this method had multiple layers of encryption that Rayek had preset to be unencrypted by the Valdore's comms station.  Anyone else listening in might just give up in frustration after several days of attempting to break the code.

=/\= "Ca... Rayek caught himself before fully making the same error others had with using Federation ranks.  "Riov Tekin.  We have arrived at the planetoid, and are in the process of requesting permission of the port authority of Galantis - the colony name I believe - to land." =/\=

Rayek turned and glanced to the viewscreen as he heard the Glinn welcoming their motley crew to Galantis.  He covered his mouth an apparent cough as he continued his report.

=/\= "We're in.  I'll update again once we find the Bird-of-Prey or discover any useful information about the Borg nanobots. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

In front of the shuttle, the first layer of shielding opened up just large enough for the shuttle to pass through.  Once they were within, that first layer closed and the second layer opened for them.  This was repeated between the second and third shields, until the shuttle was clear of all layers.  The shuttle received a signal along with coordinates to which they were to land.

"Excellent job, Jid." Rayek acknowledged Jael's efforts to deal with the port authority.  He then tapped Torra on the shoulder. "Mute us, if we are still on comm" Rayek directed and Torra was quick to do so.

Rayek look over to the other Ops officer. "Narak, scan Galantis for any sign of that Bird-of-Prey."

Rayek then called on Graham's alias to take a slow scenic route down to the landing coordinates, giving Sorik ample time and multiple scan vectors in which to find said vessel.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge - Science station]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 05, 2023, 02:21:26 AM

[Medical Bay| RFS Valdore]
6 hours had passed, and the hole Dem dug himself in did not get any shallower. Now, the crew who needed this antigen were off, galivanting around without protection. It was already Dem's mistake that Commander Makenzie was taken, and that might just recur once more. "œThere is a finite amount of commanders that an ensign can kill" He thought sarcastically. In that time, he had consumed more coffee's than information about Borg nanoprobes. He was slumped over his desk, hands laying on the control panel, watching a simulation of two nanoprobes attacking each other for no apparent reason. What Dem did have, was a theory. There needed to be a way to reactivate the probes, and turn them on their master. After around an hour of mindless imagining and simulating. He landed on a neurogenic virus. One that would permit the nanoprobes to neutralise not just the virus, but the entire creature.

There was only one obstacle impeding his path to success. The away mission had already departed. He tapped the open commlink button on the screen, and messaged medical staff that he could stand to ask for help. Before pressing send, he realised that the only two recipients were Saq7 and Doctor Betaika. He still maintains the belief that he is a "œpeople person".

Saqa7, because of her past, had had her licence as a Federation doctor revoked.  As such she'd been moved into Sciences ever since.   However, Romulan sensibilities were far different from Federation ones so she'd been surprised to discover that when she transferred over to the Exchange program, her doctor status had been reinstated.   Thus, she was considered both medical and science staff.

Presently however she was assigned to Bridge duty in her sciences role.   She glanced briefly back towards Captain Tekin and smiled as he 'took over' the command seat from the Romulan subcommander that had been sitting it.

During her week here, Saqa7 has rarely seen Riov Siedhri on the Bridge. He came at the first of the Romulan equivalent to the 'Alpha' shift - then retired to his quarters apparently for meetings or planning...  Saqa7 couldn't be sure.  She'd heard rumours of other things going on in his quarters that didn't impress her much about the way Romulan's did things.

While the Captain called on Rayek to give his report Saqa7's attention was drawn then to a ping from her console that she was signed into.   It was a message... from Dr. Broadshire.    Saqa7 opened it and saw the request for assistance.  Saqa7 turned in her seat towards the Captain... er Riov... waiting for him to finish with Rayek before making her request.

"Sir, Dr. Broadshire has requested my aid with his Borg nanobots theory.  Permission to leave the Bridge?"

Once permission was given, Saqa7 replied back to Dem that she would join him momentarily and called up to the bridge another science officer to replace her.   She then headed to down to Dem's office.

"How can I help?" she asked as she arrived.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Vasilisa Belmont

[Shuttle --> Galantis orbit]

Lisa and Kyle gave their alias stories when prompted by the newly humanized Rayek. Both were from the same Mars colony as Harold Richards. Lisa's alias, Anna Northgate, had flunked out of Starfleet Medical. She didn't have much of a family back home so she looked to her friend from childhood Daniel Kelly, who offered her an opportunity to put her skills to use. Daniel was of course Kyle's identity, a rough and tumble personality who took on whichever role was handed to him, primarily muscle in this case. After a series of communications between the three of them, here they were on this job. Anna was a person who lived her life moment by moment, taking things as they came. Whatever happened here, her plan was to take whatever wages owed to her and move on. Neither Anna nor Daniel knew if they'd see each other or Richards again, but that's just how it goes.

Quote by Jael Sherem


[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Romulan Shuttle | Heading to Galantis]

Jael smiled. Doctor Belmont did an impressive job with the Commander. Now she waited until they came within communication range. She was just as impressed by the cover story: Harold Richards, a dropout turned hired hand? Impressive. Of course, Garak would've scoffed at the job, but it was good to Jael.

Once in communications range, a call came from Galantis. The hail was answered and there was a glinn on the viewscreen. "Incoming shuttle, this is Glinn Gidoni of the Galantis port authority. State your business."

Jael stood forth as the spokesperson and replied, "This is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew of hired hands here and we request permission to land."

Glinn Gidoni stared intently at Jael for a moment, then said, "Yes, I can see you're a crew of hired hands. The only other way there'd be a zoo of a crew would be if you were a crew from the Federation. I will need to ask that you identify yourselves."

"Gladly," replied Jael. "As I indicated, my name is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew in quite a lotof ways."

"You must be the captain of the crew, then," replied the glinn.

"For the most part, but as to the voice of experience, that belongs to Mister Richards," said Jael, nodding at "Harold Richards." "However, they're all fine with my taking the lead owing to typical Cardassian cunning."

"The way of our sphere of influence," said the glinn, nodding in approval. "And the rest?"

The rest of the crew began making their respective introductions. Torra and Helga introduced themselves next,  Jael had to hold back a laugh at Torra's cover. That accent sounded much too Earth American South to her. No way in hell a Grazerite in their homeworld's southern hemisphere would have an accent like that...but then, Jael didn't know much about Grazerites to know their different accents, but all the same, Jael had to inwardly cringe at Torra's Southern drawl.

Helga's, and later Sorik's sounded more believable. Then it came turn for whoever of the rest of the crew to speak up.

Annoyed at having to identify herself twice in one day, Anna spoke up in a slightly bored tone. The outfit she wore was lightweight and dark colored, with a leather vest and sturdy boots. Her hair was tied up in a long braid and she carried a backpack of medical supplies. Dan was dressed in similar attire, outfitted with a weapons belt instead of a med kit. Both stated names and roles, Kyle taking on a slight southern accent, much less exaggerated than Torra's. Lisa didn't know if he chose to switch out his Irish lilt for a southern drawl because he thought it would fit his image more, (the name Sorik had given him was Irish, so either would have worked) or if he wanted to try it out for fun. But when she first heard it, it took everything in her to keep from cracking a smile. As they assessed the situation before landing on Galantis, the doctor wondered if Broadshire had made headway on his idea.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 07, 2023, 03:59:00 PM

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge - Science station]

Saqa7, because of her past, had had her licence as a Federation doctor revoked.  As such she'd been moved into Sciences ever since.   However, Romulan sensibilities were far different from Federation ones so she'd been surprised to discover that when she transferred over to the Exchange program, her doctor status had been reinstated.   Thus, she was considered both medical and science staff.

Presently however she was assigned to Bridge duty in her sciences role.   She glanced briefly back towards Captain Tekin and smiled as he 'took over' the command seat from the Romulan subcommander that had been sitting it.

During her week here, Saqa7 has rarely seen Riov Siedhri on the Bridge. He came at the first of the Romulan equivalent to the 'Alpha' shift - then retired to his quarters apparently for meetings or planning...  Saqa7 couldn't be sure.  She'd heard rumours of other things going on in his quarters that didn't impress her much about the way Romulan's did things.

While the Captain called on Rayek to give his report Saqa7's attention was drawn then to a ping from her console that she was signed into.   It was a message... from Dr. Broadshire.    Saqa7 opened it and saw the request for assistance.  Saqa7 turned in her seat towards the Captain... er Riov... waiting for him to finish with Rayek before making her request.

"Sir, Dr. Broadshire has requested my aid with his Borg nanobots theory.  Permission to leave the Bridge?"

Once permission was given, Saqa7 replied back to Dem that she would join him momentarily and called up to the bridge another science officer to replace her.   She then headed to down to Dem's office.

"How can I help?" she asked as she arrived.

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
"œHelp, ah yes. Well, we need to create a nerve virus, that will work on the creature. Once this virus manifests in the creatures neural pathways, hopefully the nanoprobes will re-activate, cure the virus, but with a side effect of incapacitating the creature. It's a little complicated."
Dem stopped himself from trailing on. There was a reason she was here, he just needed to say it.
"œSo, I would like you to remove some synaptic pathways from the creature, suspend them in a similar substance to the surrounding tissue. Then if you could re-activate them with some sort of an electromagnetic pulse." Dem checked for her understanding before continuing. "œIf you could please create this, it would be a way to test if this theory could work in a controlled environment."

Doctor Betaika [Crew Quarters | RFS Valadore]

Doctor Betaika lay on his small, standard issue bed inside dimly lit quarters, unwinding from his shift. He was on his bed in casual clothes, scrolling mindlessly through the Romulan news service, with his eyes straining to read words full of propaganda. Still, he read it because it reminded him of home, his kids, and is parents. He was just reading an article on how the Romulans are the forefront in the galactic economy, when a notification popped up on the corner of his dimly lit green PADD. Its was a message from Doctor Broadshire. He sighed. 10 minutes later, he had departed his quarters, was smoothing out the creases of his uselessly angular uniform and thinking about the failure of the Romulan reclamation project. He stepped into sickbay, and heard the young ensign rambling on to another exchange officer. "œHe talks to much" He thought and he slowly walked through the main entrance of the medical bay. The Doctor did not have is mind set on the man. He was half valuable asset and half incompetent. Yet he still came. He strode into the room, reading himself for another round of rambling.


Erein Sorik

Quote from: Jael Sherem on January 06, 2023, 08:53:33 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Romulan Shuttle | Heading to Galantis]

Jael smiled. Doctor Belmont did an impressive job with the Commander. Now she waited until they came within communication range. She was just as impressed by the cover story: Harold Richards, a dropout turned hired hand? Impressive. Of course, Garak would've scoffed at the job, but it was good to Jael.

Once in communications range, a call came from Galantis. The hail was answered and there was a glinn on the viewscreen. "Incoming shuttle, this is Glinn Gidoni of the Galantis port authority. State your business."

Jael stood forth as the spokesperson and replied, "This is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew of hired hands here and we request permission to land."

Glinn Gidoni stared intently at Jael for a moment, then said, "Yes, I can see you're a crew of hired hands. The only other way there'd be a zoo of a crew would be if you were a crew from the Federation. I will need to ask that you identify yourselves."

"Gladly," replied Jael. "As I indicated, my name is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew in quite a lotof ways."

"You must be the captain of the crew, then," replied the glinn.

"For the most part, but as to the voice of experience, that belongs to Mister Richards," said Jael, nodding at "Harold Richards." "However, they're all fine with my taking the lead owing to typical Cardassian cunning."

"The way of our sphere of influence," said the glinn, nodding in approval. "And the rest?"

The rest of the crew began making their respective introductions. Torra and Helga introduced themselves next,  Jael had to hold back a laugh at Torra's cover. That accent sounded much too Earth American South to her. No way in hell a Grazerite in their homeworld's southern hemisphere would have an accent like that...but then, Jael didn't know much about Grazerites to know their different accents, but all the same, Jael had to inwardly cringe at Torra's Southern drawl.

Helga's, and later Sorik's sounded more believable. Then it came turn for whoever of the rest of the crew to speak up.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 07, 2023, 03:59:00 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Shuttle - prior to launch]

Rayek gave nod towards the pilot, as Graham arrived.  He was encouraged to see the petty officer's smile. A good sign of morale for the start of a mission... and to continue that morale Rayek offered back a smile of his own.

With everyone on board, the shuttle was cleared to leave, and slipped out of the cloaked Valdore while the ship made a close pass to some rogue debris by the edge of the enclave border.   With any luck the shuttle would not be noticed nor tracked back to its source.

[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis - 4 hrs later]
The planetoid which they approached was mainly a barren rock with a single sprawling Metropolis under multiple layers of shielding.  The shielding explained why their sensors couldn't get a read on anything below.   The trail of the old Bird of Prey had led here, but where it was now was anyone's guess.

Rayek, and thus his alias Harold, grimaced momentarily as a comm came in.  Thankfully, Rayek had already put all messages and comms on discreet ear-comm mode from the moment they left the Valdore.  That single comm if overheard by the Cardassians running Galantis, could have jeopardized the mission.

After greeting Glinn Gidoni and introducing himself with just his name, Rayek rose out of his copilot's seat and motioned for Jael to take it and continue negotiations.  Meanwhile, as he moved to the rear of the shuttle with his back to the viewscreen, Rayek silently responded to Tekin's call, mouthing the words, which his ear-comm then translated the jaw and muscle movements into sounds on the Captain's end.  Of course, messages sent by this method had multiple layers of encryption that Rayek had preset to be unencrypted by the Valdore's comms station.  Anyone else listening in might just give up in frustration after several days of attempting to break the code.

=/\= "Ca... Rayek caught himself before fully making the same error others had with using Federation ranks.  "Riov Tekin.  We have arrived at the planetoid, and are in the process of requesting permission of the port authority of Galantis - the colony name I believe - to land." =/\=

Rayek turned and glanced to the viewscreen as he heard the Glinn welcoming their motley crew to Galantis.  He covered his mouth an apparent cough as he continued his report.

=/\= "We're in.  I'll update again once we find the Bird-of-Prey or discover any useful information about the Borg nanobots. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

In front of the shuttle, the first layer of shielding opened up just large enough for the shuttle to pass through.  Once they were within, that first layer closed and the second layer opened for them.  This was repeated between the second and third shields, until the shuttle was clear of all layers.  The shuttle received a signal along with coordinates to which they were to land.

"Excellent job, Jid." Rayek acknowledged Jael's efforts to deal with the port authority.  He then tapped Torra on the shoulder. "Mute us, if we are still on comm" Rayek directed and Torra was quick to do so.

Rayek look over to the other Ops officer. "Narak, scan Galantis for any sign of that Bird-of-Prey."

Rayek then called on Graham's alias to take a slow scenic route down to the landing coordinates, giving Sorik ample time and multiple scan vectors in which to find said vessel.

Two hours later they arrived at the planetoid and were asked by the port authority to identy themselves. When it was Sorik's turn, he did so.

When Rayek ordered him to scan for the Bird-of-Prey he moved to sit at the console. The scan parameters were pretty distinct so Sorik chose a wide scanning beam to cover as much of the plantoid as possible. The Vulcan went through the incoming data swiftly and efficiently as they came in. It was logical to start at the port authority, there was a high chance the ship could be there. But it turned out quickly that it was not the case.

The scan ran for some time, then something on the console raised his attention. He tapped on the console to call up specifics of the data division, then ran another scan over the area to rule out errors.

"Report, Mr. Richards: I have found the signature of a Bird-of-Prey. Coordinates: 13947.2-mark-072637. Considering the location, it appears to be a private base rather than an official one."

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)

Rayek trLhoell

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis]

Quote from: Sorik on January 08, 2023, 08:00:56 AM

Erein Sorik

Two hours later they arrived at the planetoid and were asked by the port authority to identy themselves. When it was Sorik's turn, he did so.

When Rayek ordered him to scan for the Bird-of-Prey he moved to sit at the console. The scan parameters were pretty distinct so Sorik chose a wide scanning beam to cover as much of the plantoid as possible. The Vulcan went through the incoming data swiftly and efficiently as they came in. It was logical to start at the port authority, there was a high chance the ship could be there. But it turned out quickly that it was not the case.

The scan ran for some time, then something on the console raised his attention. He tapped on the console to call up specifics of the data division, then ran another scan over the area to rule out errors.

"Report, Mr. Richards: I have found the signature of a Bird-of-Prey. Coordinates: 13947.2-mark-072637. Considering the location, it appears to be a private base rather than an official one."

While Rayek could never be accused of being pro-Vulcan, when it came to work efficiency, he appreciated having Sorik (or rather Narak) on board the mission.  The now Human 'Richards' walked towards the seated Vulcan and peered over his shoulder to take a look at the data himself.

Nodding he turned to look to Torra and took a second to recall her alias. "Kelle, get me a visual of those coordinates."  A moment later and Torra's console was showing a compact circular building set just outside of the shielded city proper, in between the 2nd and 3rd forcefields.  It was the only building outside of the city.  Gaining access to it could be tricky.  Interestingly, the Bird-of-Prey ship had set down at the building's landing pad which was located inside the final forcefield.

"Once we have landed at the port, we'll be relying on you, Tidan, to get us information on that building. I suspect the locals will be more forthcoming to you than to us foreigners.."

A small planetoid like this didn't have a large staffed customs office or port authority.  It was manned by three rather bored looking Cardassians, who questioned each of the team again as to who they were and what their business was on Galantis.

Thanks to Sherem's deference to him, while speaking to the port authority, Rayek was the first to be questioned.  He was pulled aside from the team and asked his business.   Rayek had his alias details memorized and easily passed the weak interrogation.  In addition, while being questioned, Rayek attempted ask a few questions of his own; but as expected, the Cardassian wasn't very helpful in providing information to a Human asking about businesses looking to hire private security.  However, when Rayek had continued on to ask if the building outside the shield was government-run or private-owned - hinting at an interest to check there for work - the custom's officer he was seated in front of suddenly changed his attitude and suggested that the best place to look for work was a gambling house.  Richards was even provided directions to the establishment before being ushered out.

It was clear to Rayek that whoever ran that small base outside the city was feared by at least that customs personnel.  Rayek wondered why?

As he waited for the others to get through their customs questioning, the former Romulan, ran his fingers over his flat forehead distractedly, pondering ways to gain assess to that Bird-of-Prey.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge - Science station]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 08, 2023, 12:20:55 AM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
"œHelp, ah yes. Well, we need to create a nerve virus, that will work on the creature. Once this virus manifests in the creatures neural pathways, hopefully the nanoprobes will re-activate, cure the virus, but with a side effect of incapacitating the creature. It's a little complicated."
Dem stopped himself from trailing on. There was a reason she was here, he just needed to say it.
"œSo, I would like you to remove some synaptic pathways from the creature, suspend them in a similar substance to the surrounding tissue. Then if you could re-activate them with some sort of an electromagnetic pulse." Dem checked for her understanding before continuing. "œIf you could please create this, it would be a way to test if this theory could work in a controlled environment."

Doctor Betaika [Crew Quarters | RFS Valadore]

Doctor Betaika lay on his small, standard issue bed inside dimly lit quarters, unwinding from his shift. He was on his bed in casual clothes, scrolling mindlessly through the Romulan news service, with his eyes straining to read words full of propaganda. Still, he read it because it reminded him of home, his kids, and is parents. He was just reading an article on how the Romulans are the forefront in the galactic economy, when a notification popped up on the corner of his dimly lit green PADD. Its was a message from Doctor Broadshire. He sighed. 10 minutes later, he had departed his quarters, was smoothing out the creases of his uselessly angular uniform and thinking about the failure of the Romulan reclamation project. He stepped into sickbay, and heard the young ensign rambling on to another exchange officer. "œHe talks to much" He thought and he slowly walked through the main entrance of the medical bay. The Doctor did not have is mind set on the man. He was half valuable asset and half incompetent. Yet he still came. He strode into the room, reading himself for another round of rambling.

Saqa7 listened to Dr. Broadshire's general explanation of his goal of the nerve virus.  She could see the usefulness of that.  She even understood his request of her to remove some of the conjoined Klingon's synaptic pathways.   She however was hesitant to re-activate the repurposed Borg nano-bots.

"Are you certain it's safe to reactivate them?" she asked gingerly, as she noted the Romulan doctor, Dr. Betaika arrive.  Saqa7 dipped her head in Romulan custom and greeted the doctor with a quiet "Jolan'tru" before turning back to Dem.

She hated to be questioning his suggest since he had assured Rayek during the meeting that the Borg nano-bots were inoperable. But what he was asking her to do was to activate them!  What if they escaped the control measures of the experiment?   It could endanger the entire ship.

"Before we go activating the Borg nano-probes, why don't we get Lek or one of his engineers up here to help in setting up containment measures, in case it's activation doesn't go as planned." She suggested in compromise.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 07, 2023, 03:59:00 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Shuttle - prior to launch]

Rayek gave nod towards the pilot, as Graham arrived.  He was encouraged to see the petty officer's smile. A good sign of morale for the start of a mission... and to continue that morale Rayek offered back a smile of his own.

With everyone on board, the shuttle was cleared to leave, and slipped out of the cloaked Valdore while the ship made a close pass to some rogue debris by the edge of the enclave border.   With any luck the shuttle would not be noticed nor tracked back to its source.

[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis - 4 hrs later]
The planetoid which they approached was mainly a barren rock with a single sprawling Metropolis under multiple layers of shielding.  The shielding explained why their sensors couldn't get a read on anything below.   The trail of the old Bird of Prey had led here, but where it was now was anyone's guess.

Rayek, and thus his alias Harold, grimaced momentarily as a comm came in.  Thankfully, Rayek had already put all messages and comms on discreet ear-comm mode from the moment they left the Valdore.  That single comm if overheard by the Cardassians running Galantis, could have jeopardized the mission.

After greeting Glinn Gidoni and introducing himself with just his name, Rayek rose out of his copilot's seat and motioned for Jael to take it and continue negotiations.  Meanwhile, as he moved to the rear of the shuttle with his back to the viewscreen, Rayek silently responded to Tekin's call, mouthing the words, which his ear-comm then translated the jaw and muscle movements into sounds on the Captain's end.  Of course, messages sent by this method had multiple layers of encryption that Rayek had preset to be unencrypted by the Valdore's comms station.  Anyone else listening in might just give up in frustration after several days of attempting to break the code.

=/\= "Ca... Rayek caught himself before fully making the same error others had with using Federation ranks.  "Riov Tekin.  We have arrived at the planetoid, and are in the process of requesting permission of the port authority of Galantis - the colony name I believe - to land." =/\=

Rayek turned and glanced to the viewscreen as he heard the Glinn welcoming their motley crew to Galantis.  He covered his mouth an apparent cough as he continued his report.

=/\= "We're in.  I'll update again once we find the Bird-of-Prey or discover any useful information about the Borg nanobots. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

In front of the shuttle, the first layer of shielding opened up just large enough for the shuttle to pass through.  Once they were within, that first layer closed and the second layer opened for them.  This was repeated between the second and third shields, until the shuttle was clear of all layers.  The shuttle received a signal along with coordinates to which they were to land.

"Excellent job, Jid." Rayek acknowledged Jael's efforts to deal with the port authority.  He then tapped Torra on the shoulder. "Mute us, if we are still on comm" Rayek directed and Torra was quick to do so.

Rayek look over to the other Ops officer. "Narak, scan Galantis for any sign of that Bird-of-Prey."

Rayek then called on Graham's alias to take a slow scenic route down to the landing coordinates, giving Sorik ample time and multiple scan vectors in which to find said vessel.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge - Science station]

Saqa7, because of her past, had had her licence as a Federation doctor revoked.  As such she'd been moved into Sciences ever since.   However, Romulan sensibilities were far different from Federation ones so she'd been surprised to discover that when she transferred over to the Exchange program, her doctor status had been reinstated.   Thus, she was considered both medical and science staff.

Presently however she was assigned to Bridge duty in her sciences role.   She glanced briefly back towards Captain Tekin and smiled as he 'took over' the command seat from the Romulan subcommander that had been sitting it.

During her week here, Saqa7 has rarely seen Riov Siedhri on the Bridge. He came at the first of the Romulan equivalent to the 'Alpha' shift - then retired to his quarters apparently for meetings or planning...  Saqa7 couldn't be sure.  She'd heard rumours of other things going on in his quarters that didn't impress her much about the way Romulan's did things.

While the Captain called on Rayek to give his report Saqa7's attention was drawn then to a ping from her console that she was signed into.   It was a message... from Dr. Broadshire.    Saqa7 opened it and saw the request for assistance.  Saqa7 turned in her seat towards the Captain... er Riov... waiting for him to finish with Rayek before making her request.

"Sir, Dr. Broadshire has requested my aid with his Borg nanobots theory.  Permission to leave the Bridge?"

Once permission was given, Saqa7 replied back to Dem that she would join him momentarily and called up to the bridge another science officer to replace her.   She then headed to down to Dem's office.

"How can I help?" she asked as she arrived.

[RFS Valdore - Main Bridge]

Tekin was a bit oblivious at first, but took the message in stride from the SubCommander.  "Understood.  For Cardassia." he added, just in case.  It was sometimes typical to assume any communication could be picked up, and some would cover comms with a farce. He just hoped he did it right.  There was another little trick he learned from his time with the new Romulan leadership.

"Prepare a backup plan to mask our signature and appear as a Cardassian vessel.  And hope we do not need to use it." he ordered, as Dr. Saqa7 spoke up requesting permission to leave.  Borg nanites... he didn't like it, but he trusted the medical team.

"Granted.  Take all precautions," he ordered, turning back to the view screen, and checking on the systems to make sure they were, at least for the moment, safe.

Rayek trLhoell

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis] (earlier - prior to entry to Galantis)

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 10, 2023, 05:22:46 PM

[RFS Valdore - Main Bridge]

Tekin was a bit oblivious at first, but took the message in stride from the SubCommander.  "Understood.  For Cardassia." he added, just in case.  It was sometimes typical to assume any communication could be picked up, and some would cover comms with a farce. He just hoped he did it right.  There was another little trick he learned from his time with the new Romulan leadership.

Captain Tekin's parting words, earned an amused chuckle from Rayek as he recognized the intent was to throw off anyone listening in.  The fact that Rayek had addressed Tekin using his Romulan rank equivalent and had reported out details accurately rather than in code, should have suggested to the Bajoran that the line was completely secure.

That being said, Tekin had the right of it, Rayek should still be wary and avoid Romulan terms from now on.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan and
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 10, 2023, 05:22:46 PM

"Prepare a backup plan to mask our signature and appear as a Cardassian vessel.  And hope we do not need to use it." he ordered, as Dr. Saqa7 spoke up requesting permission to leave.  Borg nanites... he didn't like it, but he trusted the medical team.

"Granted.  Take all precautions," he ordered, turning back to the view screen, and checking on the systems to make sure they were, at least for the moment, safe.

With so many of the higher ranked Exchange personnel off on mission, Arrain t'Nennian, who usually worked the afternoon shift, had been called in early to take over the Grazerite's day shift on the Bridge.  She wasn't pleased about having to work the extra hours under the leering gaze of Riov tr'Siedhri, but to her pleasant surprise shortly after the launch of the shuttle, the Riov retired to his office turning the bridge-watch over to the shift's flight officer, tr'Parthok.  Sunauth didn't even mind that she was seated by the Human science officer, Mountain-Khan.

That was until just now when the Exchange Program Observer, Riov Tekin came onto the Bridge.   It was bothersome to take orders from what was once an enemy. But Sunauth was patient and could bide her time for her people to regain their former power.

Sunaugh had monitored the call initiated by the Bajoran Riov and as per protocol had it recorded.  She was a bit surprised that a Bajoran would ever utter such words.

No sooner was the comm closed then he was issuing orders.  Unfortunately, because the man didn't know the Bridge crew by name, it wasn't exactly clear who he was addressing, but by the task stated, T'Nennien suspected he had been addressing her.  She glanced back towards the Riov to see if he was looking in her direction, but his attention had already moved on to the Science officer requesting permission to leave the bridge.

Sunauth waited for that to be dealt with...

"Of course, sir!" Saqa7 answered before signing off her console and heading out.
... before addressing his orders. "Aye sir. I'll contact Engineering regarding the warp signature and we will figure a way to make it happen." she answered.

She turned back to her console and opened a comm line to Engineering Chief.

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  Riov Tekin has ordered our signature be masked to appear as a Cardassian vessel.  Do you require assistance for this task?" =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 12, 2023, 04:25:37 AM

[, T'Nennien suspected he had been addressing her.  She glanced back towards the Riov to see if he was looking in her direction, but his attention had already moved on to the Science officer requesting permission to leave the bridge.

Sunauth waited for that to be dealt with...

"Of course, sir!" Saqa7 answered before signing off her console and heading out.
... before addressing his orders. "Aye sir. I'll contact Engineering regarding the warp signature and we will figure a way to make it happen." she answered.

She turned back to her console and opened a comm line to Engineering Chief.

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  Riov Tekin has ordered our signature be masked to appear as a Cardassian vessel.  Do you require assistance for this task?" =/\=

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek watched the modified shuttle depart and then headed back to Engineering even though he really didn't have a job there as the chief engineer didn't trust him. He was thus surprised to be hailed.

=/\= "Glad to participate, but any assistance that can be provided would be very much appreciated." =/\=

Lek was actually very interested in the assignment as he found Romulan technology fascinating and wanted to learn as much about it as he could.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 10, 2023, 04:25:06 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis]
While Rayek could never be accused of being pro-Vulcan, when it came to work efficiency, he appreciated having Sorik (or rather Narak) on board the mission.  The now Human 'Richards' walked towards the seated Vulcan and peered over his shoulder to take a look at the data himself.

Nodding he turned to look to Torra and took a second to recall her alias. "Kelle, get me a visual of those coordinates."  A moment later and Torra's console was showing a compact circular building set just outside of the shielded city proper, in between the 2nd and 3rd forcefields.  It was the only building outside of the city.  Gaining access to it could be tricky.  Interestingly, the Bird-of-Prey ship had set down at the building's landing pad which was located inside the final forcefield.

"Once we have landed at the port, we'll be relying on you, Tidan, to get us information on that building. I suspect the locals will be more forthcoming to you than to us foreigners.."

A small planetoid like this didn't have a large staffed customs office or port authority.  It was manned by three rather bored looking Cardassians, who questioned each of the team again as to who they were and what their business was on Galantis.

Thanks to Sherem's deference to him, while speaking to the port authority, Rayek was the first to be questioned.  He was pulled aside from the team and asked his business.   Rayek had his alias details memorized and easily passed the weak interrogation.  In addition, while being questioned, Rayek attempted ask a few questions of his own; but as expected, the Cardassian wasn't very helpful in providing information to a Human asking about businesses looking to hire private security.  However, when Rayek had continued on to ask if the building outside the shield was government-run or private-owned - hinting at an interest to check there for work - the custom's officer he was seated in front of suddenly changed his attitude and suggested that the best place to look for work was a gambling house.  Richards was even provided directions to the establishment before being ushered out.

It was clear to Rayek that whoever ran that small base outside the city was feared by at least that customs personnel.  Rayek wondered why?

As he waited for the others to get through their customs questioning, the former Romulan, ran his fingers over his flat forehead distractedly, pondering ways to gain assess to that Bird-of-Prey.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael heard out where the building was. She nodded at "Richards'" orders to ask about the building where the Bird of Prey went. She was certainly surprised to see it in plain view.

It was to be expected that each of the crew were to see the customs officers in turn. When asking about if there can be places in need of private security, the customs officer Jael was meeting commented that places around Galantis aren't good enough - a human would say "small potatoes" - for such a group. When Jael asked about the facility with the Bird of Prey, he glanced around, but lingered slightly in a certain direction, like he was looking in the direction of the facility. Then he turned back to her nervously.

"I don't think that place is going to need any more help," he said. "Least of all from a ragtag bunch like you. Still, you all look handy in a fight. There would be some establishments in need of private security. I can picture some bouncers intimidating the customers. That woman with the horns could do the job nicely."

Jael shrugged. But she kept a good eye on his body language. Something about that building scared him. She felt there was nothing more to gain from asking about that least to him.

As she stepped out, she was about to sit next to "Richards" and wait for the other crew when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and noticed that a glinn had stopped her. At it wasn't Glinn Gidoni. However...he looked extremely familiar.

"Glinn Gebim!" said the customs officer Jael just met, who clearly noticed him just as he was about to question another of the crew. "What a surprise!"

"Not necessarily," Glinn Gebim said with a shrug. "It was just my turn in Security to conduct inspection. Might I have a word with this young woman here?"

"Miss Jid is yours, then, Glinn," the customs officer said.

Glinn Gebim then led Jael off into a separate room. Then, making sure there were no means of eavesdropping, he turned back to Jael and smiled a tad.

"Jael, it's been a long time."

Jael furrowed her brow, more puzzled than concerned that she was recognized. In fact, being concerned would be the last emotion she'd consider taking on; if Glinn Gebim knew about the shielded facility, it could prove an advantage, unless she was arrested.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"I was a junior officer on your mother's ship," he said. "I used to babysit you and Gid at times."

And the memory came to Jael. Of course he was familiar, but he was a young man back then.

"Cousin Gib?" Jael said with a chuckle.

"Naturally," he said. "I keep in touch with your mother at times. Last I heard, you had joined Starfleet. But has Starfleet changed uniforms?" he added, looking up and down Jael's outfit.

"Not necessarily," she said, imitating his wording. "We..." and she looked around and dropped her voice. "My crew's tracking a rogue Bird of Prey that got the jump on a Klingon freighter. That Bird of Prey specifically docked here."

"That one?" asked Gebim with quiet apprehensiveness. "Well. It kind of explains what a zoo was doing here."

"Enough of the zoo comments, please," said Jael. "The Federation embraces races of different nationalities. Why do you think Mother still has a home here, why I joined Starfleet?"

Gebim shrugged in a way that said "Good Point."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 10, 2023, 04:25:06 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis]
While Rayek could never be accused of being pro-Vulcan, when it came to work efficiency, he appreciated having Sorik (or rather Narak) on board the mission.  The now Human 'Richards' walked towards the seated Vulcan and peered over his shoulder to take a look at the data himself.

Nodding he turned to look to Torra and took a second to recall her alias. "Kelle, get me a visual of those coordinates."  A moment later and Torra's console was showing a compact circular building set just outside of the shielded city proper, in between the 2nd and 3rd forcefields.  It was the only building outside of the city.  Gaining access to it could be tricky.  Interestingly, the Bird-of-Prey ship had set down at the building's landing pad which was located inside the final forcefield.

"Once we have landed at the port, we'll be relying on you, Tidan, to get us information on that building. I suspect the locals will be more forthcoming to you than to us foreigners.."

A small planetoid like this didn't have a large staffed customs office or port authority.  It was manned by three rather bored looking Cardassians, who questioned each of the team again as to who they were and what their business was on Galantis.

Thanks to Sherem's deference to him, while speaking to the port authority, Rayek was the first to be questioned.  He was pulled aside from the team and asked his business.   Rayek had his alias details memorized and easily passed the weak interrogation.  In addition, while being questioned, Rayek attempted ask a few questions of his own; but as expected, the Cardassian wasn't very helpful in providing information to a Human asking about businesses looking to hire private security.  However, when Rayek had continued on to ask if the building outside the shield was government-run or private-owned - hinting at an interest to check there for work - the custom's officer he was seated in front of suddenly changed his attitude and suggested that the best place to look for work was a gambling house.  Richards was even provided directions to the establishment before being ushered out.

It was clear to Rayek that whoever ran that small base outside the city was feared by at least that customs personnel.  Rayek wondered why?

As he waited for the others to get through their customs questioning, the former Romulan, ran his fingers over his flat forehead distractedly, pondering ways to gain assess to that Bird-of-Prey.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge - Science station]

Saqa7 listened to Dr. Broadshire's general explanation of his goal of the nerve virus.  She could see the usefulness of that.  She even understood his request of her to remove some of the conjoined Klingon's synaptic pathways.   She however was hesitant to re-activate the repurposed Borg nano-bots.

"Are you certain it's safe to reactivate them?" she asked gingerly, as she noted the Romulan doctor, Dr. Betaika arrive.  Saqa7 dipped her head in Romulan custom and greeted the doctor with a quiet "Jolan'tru" before turning back to Dem.

She hated to be questioning his suggest since he had assured Rayek during the meeting that the Borg nano-bots were inoperable. But what he was asking her to do was to activate them!  What if they escaped the control measures of the experiment?   It could endanger the entire ship.

"Before we go activating the Borg nano-probes, why don't we get Lek or one of his engineers up here to help in setting up containment measures, in case it's activation doesn't go as planned." She suggested in compromise.

[Shuttle- arriving at Galantis]

Anna and Dan were each questioned in turn. With their stories being fairly straight-forward, much like Richards', nothing was brought to the attention of the Cardassians observing them as they answered. When they were finished, the interrogators gave a half-hearted attempt at intimidation, glaring at them until they were out of sight. Getting back to the group, Lisa and Kyle checked through their supplies to kill time while they waited for the next steps. Lisa didn't know the best way to get into the Bird-of-Prey they were after, let alone the best stealth tactics once they actually got there, but she'd leave it to the security and hope that her services wouldn't be needed. Making sure no one was watching, Lisa gave Kyle's arm a squeeze. She was happy he was there with her, despite the possible danger this mission presented.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on January 12, 2023, 07:11:09 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek watched the modified shuttle depart and then headed back to Engineering even though he really didn't have a job there as the chief engineer didn't trust him. He was thus surprised to be hailed.

=/\= "Glad to participate, but any assistance that can be provided would be very much appreciated." =/\=

Lek was actually very interested in the assignment as he found Romulan technology fascinating and wanted to learn as much about it as he could.

The Ops officer regretted having made the offer but acknowledged the Ferengi's request.   "Yes, sir. Someone will be with you shortly to assist you with the process."

She closed the comm once her words were acknowledged then turned to the Bajoran Commander.

"Riov, with your permission, I will assist Engineering myself."

She called for a replacement Ops officer, an erein since all senior Ops personnel were either away or off duty presently,  then headed down to Engineering to meet with the Ferengi.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Despite her hesitation, stated concerns and senior rank, Saqa7 proceeded as Doctor Broadshire suggested because Rayek had put the Bajoran in charge of researching the conjoinment, not her.  She assisted Dem by carefully removing a portion of the conjoined Klingon's synaptic pathway along with its' dormant Borg nanobots.  She placed this in a specialize medium that mimicked brain tissue.

Once all this was done, she looked to the doctor once more. "Are you certain this is safe?  It wouldn't take Engineering long to set up a containment area for this experiment."

Though Saqa7 had years of medical and scientific experience, so much of Borg technology was beyond Starfleet's understanding.  It was why, Borg technology was so highly sought after on the blackmarket.

"If you insist on continuing without reasonable safety measures, I will have to bring this up with the Riov."   Unfortunately, her threat was rather empty.  From what little she'd seen of the Romulan Commander, he couldn't care less what might endanger his crew.  But Saqa7 had to try if Dem continued to naively think he understood Borg tech well-enough that could manipulate it and not have precautions in place.

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on January 14, 2023, 09:16:57 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

As she stepped out, she was about to sit next to "Richards" and wait for the other crew when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and noticed that a glinn had stopped her. At it wasn't Glinn Gidoni. However...he looked extremely familiar.

"Glinn Gebim!" said the customs officer Jael just met, who clearly noticed him just as he was about to question another of the crew. "What a surprise!"

"Not necessarily," Glinn Gebim said with a shrug. "It was just my turn in Security to conduct inspection. Might I have a word with this young woman here?"

"Miss Jid is yours, then, Glinn," the customs officer said.

Rayek, who had been waiting for the others to finish up their Customs questioning, looked up when Erein Sherem approached.  He offered a slight smile in greeting which then faltered when a glinn he was not familiar - Glinn Gebim - with took her aside to another room.

Was it truly a random Security inspection? Or had there been something off regarding her answers? Or more concerning, had she been recognized?

Unfortunately, Jael hadn't taken his recommendation for the surgically inserted ear-comms so there was no way to discreetly contact her.  Even his telepathy was not an option as she was out of his visual range.  Fvadt! all he could do at the moment was wait.

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on January 15, 2023, 03:36:58 PM

[Shuttle- arriving at Galantis]

Anna and Dan were each questioned in turn. With their stories being fairly straight-forward, much like Richards', nothing was brought to the attention of the Cardassians observing them as they answered. When they were finished, the interrogators gave a half-hearted attempt at intimidation, glaring at them until they were out of sight. Getting back to the group, Lisa and Kyle checked through their supplies to kill time while they waited for the next steps. Lisa didn't know the best way to get into the Bird-of-Prey they were after, let alone the best stealth tactics once they actually got there, but she'd leave it to the security and hope that her services wouldn't be needed. Making sure no one was watching, Lisa gave Kyle's arm a squeeze. She was happy he was there with her, despite the possible danger this mission presented.

After a few more minutes, Dr. Belmont and Subcommander Briggs - or rather their aliases were released and joined Rayek in the waiting room.   "The others are still being questioned." he informed them.  Then discreetly activated the silent mode on his ear comm as he leaned in to whisper to the pair, unsure if the doctor had an ear-comm inserted.

~ =/\= "Tilan was initially released but then taken aside by another glinn.  Be prepared for trouble." =/\= ~

Those that had similar ear comms would receive the message.

A few minutes later and Torra (Danjar-Kelle) and Helga (M'Arla Anderson) exited the interview rooms.  Neither asked where Tilan was... as both had heard the message.  Being former security on Challenger, they had ear-comms from when Admiral Torngate was Captain.

[Port Authority - private room]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on January 14, 2023, 09:16:57 AM

Glinn Gebim then led Jael off into a separate room. Then, making sure there were no means of eavesdropping, he turned back to Jael and smiled a tad.

"Jael, it's been a long time."

Jael furrowed her brow, more puzzled than concerned that she was recognized. In fact, being concerned would be the last emotion she'd consider taking on; if Glinn Gebim knew about the shielded facility, it could prove an advantage, unless she was arrested.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"I was a junior officer on your mother's ship," he said. "I used to babysit you and Gid at times."

And the memory came to Jael. Of course he was familiar, but he was a young man back then.

"Cousin Gib?" Jael said with a chuckle.

"Naturally," he said. "I keep in touch with your mother at times. Last I heard, you had joined Starfleet. But has Starfleet changed uniforms?" he added, looking up and down Jael's outfit.

"Not necessarily," she said, imitating his wording. "We..." and she looked around and dropped her voice. "My crew's tracking a rogue Bird of Prey that got the jump on a Klingon freighter. That Bird of Prey specifically docked here."

"That one?" asked Gebim with quiet apprehensiveness. "Well. It kind of explains what a zoo was doing here."

"Enough of the zoo comments, please," said Jael. "The Federation embraces races of different nationalities. Why do you think Mother still has a home here, why I joined Starfleet?"

Gebim shrugged in a way that said "Good Point."

Gebim studied his younger cousin a moment.   "I suppose it is useless to try and talk you out of your search for that ship."  He recalled all too well how stubborn Jael could be.

"Who hired you?" he questioned then thought better of asking.  "Nevermind.  I don't want to know.  I can't get involved."

He shook his head as he tried to figure a way out of this situation.  "You obviously don't know who you are dealing with or wouldn't dare have come.   You and your crew really should just go back to your employer and say you're sorry but you lost the trail."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 15, 2023, 04:59:33 PM

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Despite her hesitation, stated concerns and senior rank, Saqa7 proceeded as Doctor Broadshire suggested because Rayek had put the Bajoran in charge of researching the conjoinment, not her.  She assisted Dem by carefully removing a portion of the conjoined Klingon's synaptic pathway along with its' dormant Borg nanobots.  She placed this in a specialize medium that mimicked brain tissue.

Once all this was done, she looked to the doctor once more. "Are you certain this is safe?  It wouldn't take Engineering long to set up a containment area for this experiment."

Though Saqa7 had years of medical and scientific experience, so much of Borg technology was beyond Starfleet's understanding.  It was why, Borg technology was so highly sought after on the blackmarket.

"If you insist on continuing without reasonable safety measures, I will have to bring this up with the Riov."   Unfortunately, her threat was rather empty.  From what little she'd seen of the Romulan Commander, he couldn't care less what might endanger his crew.  But Saqa7 had to try if Dem continued to naively think he understood Borg tech well-enough that could manipulate it and not have precautions in place.

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Dem had been trying to assist to remove the synaptic pathways from the creature. While he was sure that there was no danger to the nanoprobes, Dem did inform Saq7 that he would ask for Lek's assistance. However, it had been over half an hour of painstaking synaptic removals that he had not replied. He suspected he would be swamped and unavailable with the mission. He would ask for an engineering supervisor later in the experiment. Saq7 voiced on many occasions that taking out these dormant nanoprobes would be a danger. While he did agree, he was too buried in his work to realise that she was seriously concerned and was going to take it up with the roiv. Before addressing this, he asked doctor Betaika to deactivate the device that allows the pathways to be removed. He turned his attention to the concerned officer. "œDoctor, when we start tests, we will put this is the containment field in sickbay so there is no chance for escape, but for now while setting up this experiment I believe it would be best to set it up here. It would be more efficient. I have deactivated anything in this room that has a chance of turning on the probes. I assure you. We are safe."

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 17, 2023, 08:45:48 PM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Dem had been trying to assist to remove the synaptic pathways from the creature. While he was sure that there was no danger to the nanoprobes, Dem did inform Saq7 that he would ask for Lek's assistance. However, it had been over half an hour of painstaking synaptic removals that he had not replied. He suspected he would be swamped and unavailable with the mission. He would ask for an engineering supervisor later in the experiment. Saq7 voiced on many occasions that taking out these dormant nanoprobes would be a danger. While he did agree, he was too buried in his work to realise that she was seriously concerned and was going to take it up with the riov. Before addressing this, he asked doctor Betaika to deactivate the device that allows the pathways to be removed. He turned his attention to the concerned officer. "œDoctor, when we start tests, we will put this is the containment field in sickbay so there is no chance for escape, but for now while setting up this experiment I believe it would be best to set it up here. It would be more efficient. I have deactivated anything in this room that has a chance of turning on the probes. I assure you. We are safe."

Saqa7 disagreed.  She was uncomfortable with the whole notion of experimenting on the Borg nanoprobes entirely.

Unaware that Dem had attempted to call Engineering for support earlier, Saqa7 attempted the call herself.  If that failed, she would bring this up to the Riov.

=/\= "Lieu... Arrain Mountain-Khan to Engineering.  Please send an engineer versed in Borg technology to the Medical Lab to assist with a Borg nanobot experiment.  This is urgent." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 15, 2023, 04:59:33 PM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

The Ops officer regretted having made the offer but acknowledged the Ferengi's request.   "Yes, sir. Someone will be with you shortly to assist you with the process."

She closed the comm once her words were acknowledged then turned to the Bajoran Commander.

"Riov, with your permission, I will assist Engineering myself."

She called for a replacement Ops officer, an erein since all senior Ops personnel were either away or off duty presently,  then headed down to Engineering to meet with the Ferengi.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Despite her hesitation, stated concerns and senior rank, Saqa7 proceeded as Doctor Broadshire suggested because Rayek had put the Bajoran in charge of researching the conjoinment, not her.  She assisted Dem by carefully removing a portion of the conjoined Klingon's synaptic pathway along with its' dormant Borg nanobots.  She placed this in a specialize medium that mimicked brain tissue.

Once all this was done, she looked to the doctor once more. "Are you certain this is safe?  It wouldn't take Engineering long to set up a containment area for this experiment."

Though Saqa7 had years of medical and scientific experience, so much of Borg technology was beyond Starfleet's understanding.  It was why, Borg technology was so highly sought after on the blackmarket.

"If you insist on continuing without reasonable safety measures, I will have to bring this up with the Riov."   Unfortunately, her threat was rather empty.  From what little she'd seen of the Romulan Commander, he couldn't care less what might endanger his crew.  But Saqa7 had to try if Dem continued to naively think he understood Borg tech well-enough that could manipulate it and not have precautions in place.

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]
Rayek, who had been waiting for the others to finish up their Customs questioning, looked up when Erein Sherem approached.  He offered a slight smile in greeting which then faltered when a glinn he was not familiar - Glinn Gebim - with took her aside to another room.

Was it truly a random Security inspection? Or had there been something off regarding her answers? Or more concerning, had she been recognized?

Unfortunately, Jael hadn't taken his recommendation for the surgically inserted ear-comms so there was no way to discreetly contact her.  Even his telepathy was not an option as she was out of his visual range.  Fvadt! all he could do at the moment was wait.

After a few more minutes, Dr. Belmont and Subcommander Briggs - or rather their aliases were released and joined Rayek in the waiting room.   "The others are still being questioned." he informed them.  Then discreetly activated the silent mode on his ear comm as he leaned in to whisper to the pair, unsure if the doctor had an ear-comm inserted.

~ =/\= "Tilan was initially released but then taken aside by another glinn.  Be prepared for trouble." =/\= ~

Those that had similar ear comms would receive the message.

A few minutes later and Torra (Danjar-Kelle) and Helga (M'Arla Anderson) exited the interview rooms.  Neither asked where Tilan was... as both had heard the message.  Being former security on Challenger, they had ear-comms from when Admiral Torngate was Captain.

[Port Authority - private room]

Gebim studied his younger cousin a moment.   "I suppose it is useless to try and talk you out of your search for that ship."  He recalled all too well how stubborn Jael could be.

"Who hired you?" he questioned then thought better of asking.  "Nevermind.  I don't want to know.  I can't get involved."

He shook his head as he tried to figure a way out of this situation.  "You obviously don't know who you are dealing with or wouldn't dare have come.   You and your crew really should just go back to your employer and say you're sorry but you lost the trail."

[Bridge - Deck 13 - RFS Valdore]

The Captain.. er... Riov.. turned toward the officer who spoke.  He had to remember who was on his ship and who was the person speaking.  The Rank was easy, but a good Romulan command officer knew everyone under his command.  He ended up raising an eyebrow as the information came to him.

"Arrain... t'Nennien, correct?  Very well, proceed." he ordered, watching as one officer was changed out for another.  He glanced back towards the others on the bridge as he adjusted himself, looking over the status of the ship.  So far so good... but will it last?

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 18, 2023, 10:12:11 PM

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 disagreed.  She was uncomfortable with the whole notion of experimenting on the Borg nanoprobes entirely.

Unaware that Dem had attempted to call Engineering for support earlier, Saqa7 attempted the call herself.  If that failed, she would bring this up to the Riov.

=/\= "Lieu... Arrain Mountain-Khan to Engineering.  Please send an engineer versed in Borg technology to the Medical Lab to assist with a Borg nanobot experiment.  This is urgent." =/\=

"œOk. Yep. Let's stop and wait for an engineer. In the meantime, I will see if I can consult with some engineers from the Romulan reclamation project, get a second opinion." He said coarsely. Dem paced a couple steps back from the table, frustrated. In the past hour, he tried to hide his exasperation for his fellow college's cautiousness, but it just burst out, slicing the tension in the air. As he walked to the office, thinking of who to call, he felt embarrassed. She seemed nice. A good friend in the department. And this is how it turned out. He could sense their eyes going though the back of his head. He pivoted on one foot. "œYou know what, do you wish for my to show my simulations while we wait?"

🡱 🡳

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