Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 15, 2023, 04:59:33 PM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]
Rayek, who had been waiting for the others to finish up their Customs questioning, looked up when Erein Sherem approached.  He offered a slight smile in greeting which then faltered when a glinn he was not familiar - Glinn Gebim - with took her aside to another room.

Was it truly a random Security inspection? Or had there been something off regarding her answers? Or more concerning, had she been recognized?

Unfortunately, Jael hadn't taken his recommendation for the surgically inserted ear-comms so there was no way to discreetly contact her.  Even his telepathy was not an option as she was out of his visual range.  Fvadt! all he could do at the moment was wait.

After a few more minutes, Dr. Belmont and Subcommander Briggs - or rather their aliases were released and joined Rayek in the waiting room.   "The others are still being questioned." he informed them.  Then discreetly activated the silent mode on his ear comm as he leaned in to whisper to the pair, unsure if the doctor had an ear-comm inserted.

~ =/\= "Tilan was initially released but then taken aside by another glinn.  Be prepared for trouble." =/\= ~

Those that had similar ear comms would receive the message.

A few minutes later and Torra (Danjar-Kelle) and Helga (M'Arla Anderson) exited the interview rooms.  Neither asked where Tilan was... as both had heard the message.  Being former security on Challenger, they had ear-comms from when Admiral Torngate was Captain.

[Port Authority - private room]

Gebim studied his younger cousin a moment.   "I suppose it is useless to try and talk you out of your search for that ship."  He recalled all too well how stubborn Jael could be.

"Who hired you?" he questioned then thought better of asking.  "Nevermind.  I don't want to know.  I can't get involved."

He shook his head as he tried to figure a way out of this situation.  "You obviously don't know who you are dealing with or wouldn't dare have come.   You and your crew really should just go back to your employer and say you're sorry but you lost the trail."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael had to raise an eyebrow. Even her cousin seemed determined to keep anybody away from that facility. That meant something was going on.

"Well, considering that whoever was in that Bird of Prey attacked a Klingon freighter," she said in a low voice, close to her ear, "and did something to the crew, we're determined to find out what. And who, particularly inside, was responsible. We have the trail, and we want to know what's inside. It can help to boost relations with both the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Free State."

Much as she would've been giving herself away, part of her may be a little desperate. And she did trust her cousin. She was determined to help the crew find out what had happened.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek ran through what he knew of Romulan technology and had to admit he didn't know a lot. When Centurion t'Nennien arrived Lek nodded and said.

"Thank you Centurion. On a ship that uses anti-matter for power, it's a simple task to re-adjust plasma flow to make the engines emit more ions than usual or to have a slight variance as if they needed tuning. Poor maintenance on civilian ships is very common, so if we are to look less suspicious, we need to make it seem like our engines are not fully aligned and tuned. What would be the most efficient way with your quantum singularity technology to duplicate poorly tuned engines?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Alexander Graham

[Galantis-Port Authority-Waiting room]

Alex had finished his customs questioning and was released to go into the waiting room. He made sure to not give anything away regarding his identity. Remaining alert he wondered if there was anything that he could do to help in the situation. He thought that it would be good to at least be prepared if trouble did arise. He observed what was going on in the waiting room.

Rayek trLhoell

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]

While Rayek waited tensely for either Jael to return safely, or the authorities to attempt to arrest and detain them all, he decided it was best to give Riov Tekin an update.

Once more using his encrypted silent-mode ear-comm Rayek gave his report.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Tekin.  We have made it to Galantis and have determined where the Bird-of-Prey is.  It appears have landed at a facility at the edge of Galantis - that the locals seem almost fearful of.   All but one of us have made it through the Customs interview process without incident except Sherem, who had been released initially but then pull aside for secondary questioning.  I will update again shortly." =/\=

Quote from: Alexander Graham on January 22, 2023, 12:52:57 AM

[Galantis-Port Authority-Waiting room]

Alex had finished his customs questioning and was released to go into the waiting room. He made sure to not give anything away regarding his identity. Remaining alert he wondered if there was anything that he could do to help in the situation. He thought that it would be good to at least be prepared if trouble did arise. He observed what was going on in the waiting room.

Rayek discreetly checked in with each of his team to ensure they were ready in case of trouble.

"Kura," (*Alex's alias) "if things go sideways, your priority is getting us a ship.  Understood?"  Rayek then looked to Torra, and quietly added "You'll buddy him and make sure he doesn't encounter any trouble doing that" To which Torra nodded.

He looked then to Kyle and Lisa. "The doctor is your responsibility to keep safe, Daniel." (*Kyle alias)

With a glance to the remaining two crew present - Helga and Sorik... the Romulan was tempted to assign them together just so that he could have some distance from the Vulcan, but Helga he knew was a bit of powerhouse and would be best suited to keeping Jael safe, more so than the Vulcan.

"Narak, you'll stick with me  - and M'Arla... you're to find our Cardassian and stick to her like glue."

Helga nodded.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 20, 2023, 04:04:13 AM

"œOk. Yep. Let's stop and wait for an engineer. In the meantime, I will see if I can consult with some engineers from the Romulan reclamation project, get a second opinion." He said coarsely. Dem paced a couple steps back from the table, frustrated. In the past hour, he tried to hide his exasperation for his fellow college's cautiousness, but it just burst out, slicing the tension in the air. As he walked to the office, thinking of who to call, he felt embarrassed. She seemed nice. A good friend in the department. And this is how it turned out. He could sense their eyes going though the back of his head. He pivoted on one foot. "œYou know what, do you wish for me to show my simulations while we wait?"

Saqa7 knew that Dem was upset.  It was in his sarcastic tone and words, even his abrupt body language.  But Saqa7 was certain that getting an engineer's perspective on their safety measures was the right thing to do, and if he wouldn't call for it at her suggestion, then she had no choice but to pull rank and do so herself.

She watched the Bajoran doctor walk away to his office, visibly frustrated with her decision.  She thought he would probably avoid her after that but he suddenly turned back to face her, asking if she wanted to see his simulations.

Saqa7 understood his goal with such an offer.  He probably thought she might change her mind if he could show his simulations all were without incident.

"Sure" Saqa7 answered after a moment.  "Show me your simulations"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on January 21, 2023, 02:49:48 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek ran through what he knew of Romulan technology and had to admit he didn't know a lot. When Centurion t'Nennien arrived Lek nodded and said.

"Thank you Centurion. On a ship that uses anti-matter for power, it's a simple task to re-adjust plasma flow to make the engines emit more ions than usual or to have a slight variance as if they needed tuning. Poor maintenance on civilian ships is very common, so if we are to look less suspicious, we need to make it seem like our engines are not fully aligned and tuned. What would be the most efficient way with your quantum singularity technology to duplicate poorly tuned engines?"

The Operations officer, t'Nennien, was impressed the Ferengi engineer was willing to ask questions.  Unfortunately, the answer was not one that he or the Riov was going to like.

"The quantum singularity drive unfortunately has a distinctive polarized magnetic and temporal distortion signature all the time - which is nothing like your M/A cores signatures.  This is why the nullifer cores are used to carefully balance this - countering the distortion. Especially when cloaked."

She shook her head.    "The only way we will be able to simulate a Cardassian vessel signature whose engine design are much like your Federation matter-antimatter cores, is to design and build an ion emitter."

NPC Glinn Gebim
[Galantis - Port Authority - private room]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on January 20, 2023, 08:42:28 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael had to raise an eyebrow. Even her cousin seemed determined to keep anybody away from that facility. That meant something was going on.

"Well, considering that whoever was in that Bird of Prey attacked a Klingon freighter," she said in a low voice, close to his ear, "and did something to the crew, we're determined to find out what. And who, particularly inside, was responsible. We have the trail, and we want to know what's inside. It can help to boost relations with both the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Free State."

Much as she would've been giving herself away, part of her may be a little desperate. And she did trust her cousin. She was determined to help the crew find out what had happened.

'Gib' frowned at Jael's quiet words.  Then he sighed in resignation recognizing the futility of trying to talk Jael out of attempting to go there.   "I can probably get you a meeting with the lead researcher.  No promises he'll fall for your alias though... and if he doesn't, you'll be on your own. I ain't risking my neck if you get found out."

He got her contact information and said he'd call with details.  Jael was free to go.

A half hour later, she got a call from her cousin.  "I pulled some strings.   You and your mercenary team have an interview.  They say to come to the facility entrance in hour.  You'll be met there."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Erein Sorik
[Galantis - Port Authority - waiting room]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 22, 2023, 02:19:41 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]

While Rayek waited tensely for either Jael to return safely, or the authorities to attempt to arrest and detain them all, he decided it was best to give Riov Tekin an update.

Once more using his encrypted silent-mode ear-comm Rayek gave his report.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Tekin.  We have made it to Galantis and have determined where the Bird-of-Prey is.  It appears have landed at a facility at the edge of Galantis - that the locals seem almost fearful of.   All but one of us have made it through the Customs interview process without incident except Sherem, who had been released initially but then pull aside for secondary questioning.  I will update again shortly." =/\=

Rayek discreetly checked in with each of his team to ensure they were ready in case of trouble.

"Kura," (*Alex's alias) "if things go sideways, your priority is getting us a ship.  Understood?"  Rayek then looked to Torra, and quietly added "You'll buddy him and make sure he doesn't encounter any trouble doing that" To which Torra nodded.

He looked then to Kyle and Lisa. "The doctor is your responsibility to keep safe, Daniel." (*Kyle alias)

With a glance to the remaining two crew present - Helga and Sorik... the Romulan was tempted to assign them together just so that he could have some distance from the Vulcan, but Helga he knew was a bit of powerhouse and would be best suited to keeping Jael safe, more so than the Vulcan.

"Narak, you'll stick with me  - and M'Arla... you're to find our Cardassian and stick to her like glue."

Helga nodded.

His questioning had taken a moment longer, apparently they found it hard to believe to find a Vulcan among such a group like theirs. But in the end he had gotten through the questioning with his stoicism and logic.

When he returned to the waiting room with the others, he stood near them, and simply observed. When Rayek began addressing the members of the team, Sorik turned to him and listened. At his orders to stay with Rayek, the Vulcan nodded his acknowledgement.

Species: Vulcan | Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" (1.96m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 22, 2023, 02:19:41 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Engineering]

The Operations officer, t'Nennien, was impressed the Ferengi engineer was willing to ask questions.  Unfortunately, the answer was not one that he or the Riov was going to like.

"The quantum singularity drive unfortunately has a distinctive polarized magnetic and temporal distortion signature all the time - which is nothing like your M/A cores signatures.  This is why the nullifer cores are used to carefully balance this - countering the distortion. Especially when cloaked."

She shook her head.    "The only way we will be able to simulate a Cardassian vessel signature whose engine design are much like your Federation matter-antimatter cores, is to design and build an ion emitter."

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek listened carefully as he genuinely found the technology fascinating and when the Centurion was finished speaking he replied with a smile.

"Fortunately, I know a bit about ion generators, so that should be fairly simple. We can get started immediately. The only other thing I can think of for the disguise is to tune the ship's shield harmonics to match those of a Cardassian ship, which should also be simple."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was ready to do some engineering. He knew enough about nanotec to be dangerous. In the end however they were small and simple machines. Looking over the Borg technology was not fun for Gohun. As he studied the machine the room started getting darker. Gohun started to hear the distinct noise that Borg made when they moved. Looking over he saw the familiar laser pointers peers in from the dark that the borg have and used. Then it all ended a d Gohun was back analyzing the nanny tec.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 22, 2023, 02:19:41 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]

While Rayek waited tensely for either Jael to return safely, or the authorities to attempt to arrest and detain them all, he decided it was best to give Riov Tekin an update.

Once more using his encrypted silent-mode ear-comm Rayek gave his report.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Tekin.  We have made it to Galantis and have determined where the Bird-of-Prey is.  It appears have landed at a facility at the edge of Galantis - that the locals seem almost fearful of.   All but one of us have made it through the Customs interview process without incident except Sherem, who had been released initially but then pull aside for secondary questioning.  I will update again shortly." =/\=

Rayek discreetly checked in with each of his team to ensure they were ready in case of trouble.

"Kura," (*Alex's alias) "if things go sideways, your priority is getting us a ship.  Understood?"  Rayek then looked to Torra, and quietly added "You'll buddy him and make sure he doesn't encounter any trouble doing that" To which Torra nodded.

He looked then to Kyle and Lisa. "The doctor is your responsibility to keep safe, Daniel." (*Kyle alias)

With a glance to the remaining two crew present - Helga and Sorik... the Romulan was tempted to assign them together just so that he could have some distance from the Vulcan, but Helga he knew was a bit of powerhouse and would be best suited to keeping Jael safe, more so than the Vulcan.

"Narak, you'll stick with me  - and M'Arla... you're to find our Cardassian and stick to her like glue."

Helga nodded.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 knew that Dem was upset.  It was in his sarcastic tone and words, even his abrupt body language.  But Saqa7 was certain that getting an engineer's perspective on their safety measures was the right thing to do, and if he wouldn't call for it at her suggestion, then she had no choice but to pull rank and do so herself.

She watched the Bajoran doctor walk away to his office, visibly frustrated with her decision.  She thought he would probably avoid her after that but he suddenly turned back to face her, asking if she wanted to see his simulations.

Saqa7 understood his goal with such an offer.  He probably thought she might change her mind if he could show his simulations all were without incident.

"Sure" Saqa7 answered after a moment.  "Show me your simulations"

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Dem walked up towards the centre panel, and accessed the main menu at the top of the display near is now cold, discarded coffee. In an effort to avoid confronting an awkward silence while he located the files, he spoke. "œLook, I am sorry I acted like this. I have this theory, and I could have finished it in time for the away missions departure." Dem gestured at the diagnostic table. "œThis, could be the difference between them living and dying." He had located the simulations, and he pushed the command button on the display, and they started to play in sequence. He sat back in his chair and watched her reaction.

Doctor Betaika (from entry in the lab)

The doctor stepped into the Lab, and was warmly greeted my Dem. After what was another round of unconcise instruction, he got to work operating the instrument that helped remove the synaptic pathways. Operation was simple. All he had to do was search in an ultra-magnified view for a suitable synaptic pathway, and inform the team where it was located.

Over the next half an hour, he slowly saw Saq7's attitude sour. It was understandable. He could not help but agree. During his time searching for pathways, he saw dormant nanoprobes scattered about the spinal column, and he shivered. He had been offered a position on the reclamation project. "œChief advisor to the scientific board of ethical standards" Betaika did not care for fancy titles and prestige, he denied the job the moment he received it. He looked at himself as he thought this. Here he was doing the job of a subordinate, helping a wildly stressed and inexperienced freshman ensign from the federation. "A decorated Romulan career"

He heard an audible sigh from Dem. He looked up from his display screen, and it was clear that the synaptic pathway had broken down while being separated. "œI will find another one" he said, craning his sore neck down to the display. He saw his rank on his uniform. Arrian. It almost made him chuckle aloud. "œSo much for years of experience" he thought.

Throughout the duration of the procedure. He had tuned out all the distractions around him. The anxious officers now small flecks of water in the vast ocean of his mind. He had a theory of what kind of virus would effectively shut down the creature. It was for certain however, that he would not reveal it until a qualified engineer had arrived. He did not completely trust the ensigns' skills.

After removing the last synaptic pathway, it was clear that Dem had drawn the last straw of Saq7's patience, and he stormed to the other room. After revealing his intentions to show the simulations, the humble doctor walked into the office, hoping to learn something new, with a smile on his face.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 22, 2023, 02:19:41 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]

While Rayek waited tensely for either Jael to return safely, or the authorities to attempt to arrest and detain them all, he decided it was best to give Riov Tekin an update.

Once more using his encrypted silent-mode ear-comm Rayek gave his report.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Tekin.  We have made it to Galantis and have determined where the Bird-of-Prey is.  It appears have landed at a facility at the edge of Galantis - that the locals seem almost fearful of.   All but one of us have made it through the Customs interview process without incident except Sherem, who had been released initially but then pull aside for secondary questioning.  I will update again shortly." =/\=

Rayek discreetly checked in with each of his team to ensure they were ready in case of trouble.

"Kura," (*Alex's alias) "if things go sideways, your priority is getting us a ship.  Understood?"  Rayek then looked to Torra, and quietly added "You'll buddy him and make sure he doesn't encounter any trouble doing that" To which Torra nodded.

He looked then to Kyle and Lisa. "The doctor is your responsibility to keep safe, Daniel." (*Kyle alias)

With a glance to the remaining two crew present - Helga and Sorik... the Romulan was tempted to assign them together just so that he could have some distance from the Vulcan, but Helga he knew was a bit of powerhouse and would be best suited to keeping Jael safe, more so than the Vulcan.

"Narak, you'll stick with me  - and M'Arla... you're to find our Cardassian and stick to her like glue."

Helga nodded.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 knew that Dem was upset.  It was in his sarcastic tone and words, even his abrupt body language.  But Saqa7 was certain that getting an engineer's perspective on their safety measures was the right thing to do, and if he wouldn't call for it at her suggestion, then she had no choice but to pull rank and do so herself.

She watched the Bajoran doctor walk away to his office, visibly frustrated with her decision.  She thought he would probably avoid her after that but he suddenly turned back to face her, asking if she wanted to see his simulations.

Saqa7 understood his goal with such an offer.  He probably thought she might change her mind if he could show his simulations all were without incident.

"Sure" Saqa7 answered after a moment.  "Show me your simulations"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Engineering]

The Operations officer, t'Nennien, was impressed the Ferengi engineer was willing to ask questions.  Unfortunately, the answer was not one that he or the Riov was going to like.

"The quantum singularity drive unfortunately has a distinctive polarized magnetic and temporal distortion signature all the time - which is nothing like your M/A cores signatures.  This is why the nullifer cores are used to carefully balance this - countering the distortion. Especially when cloaked."

She shook her head.    "The only way we will be able to simulate a Cardassian vessel signature whose engine design are much like your Federation matter-antimatter cores, is to design and build an ion emitter."

NPC Glinn Gebim
[Galantis - Port Authority - private room]

'Gib' frowned at Jael's quiet words.  Then he sighed in resignation recognizing the futility of trying to talk Jael out of attempting to go there.   "I can probably get you a meeting with the lead researcher.  No promises he'll fall for your alias though... and if he doesn't, you'll be on your own. I ain't risking my neck if you get found out."

He got her contact information and said he'd call with details.  Jael was free to go.

A half hour later, she got a call from her cousin.  "I pulled some strings.   You and your mercenary team have an interview.  They say to come to the facility entrance in hour.  You'll be met there."

[Galantis-port authority-waiting room]

"œUnderstood subcommander"

He looked over at Torra and he knew that he could trust her as a buddy and to help out in case trouble did arise. He was ready to scout out and look for a ship for the crew if things went sideways. He had ideas for a plan to achieve his main priority. It was probably best to observe and see how everything will go from there.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 22, 2023, 02:19:41 AM

NPC Glinn Gebim
[Galantis - Port Authority - private room]

'Gib' frowned at Jael's quiet words.  Then he sighed in resignation recognizing the futility of trying to talk Jael out of attempting to go there.   "I can probably get you a meeting with the lead researcher.  No promises he'll fall for your alias though... and if he doesn't, you'll be on your own. I ain't risking my neck if you get found out."

He got her contact information and said he'd call with details.  Jael was free to go.

A half hour later, she got a call from her cousin.  "I pulled some strings.   You and your mercenary team have an interview.  They say to come to the facility entrance in hour.  You'll be met there."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael nodded in appreciation and replied, "Of course. Thanks. We'll see, then."

After she gave him her contact information, she was released, of sorts, and went back to her team. She spoke quietly to "Harold Richards." Even quieter than usual, more like a whisper, knowing full well that "walls have ears."

"Mister Richards," she whispered, "I successfully made contact with somebody who will get us in. Granted, there may not be a guarantee that we'll get in, but we'll just see. So happens the man is a cousin of mine," she added with a grin and a wink.

A moment later, she got the call. She nodded with a smile. "Of course. Facility entrance, one hour. We look forward to it."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority - waiting room >>> Galantis - facility outside the inner shield]

Quote from: Sorik on January 22, 2023, 12:22:21 PM

Erein Sorik
[Galantis - Port Authority - waiting room]

His questioning had taken a moment longer, apparently they found it hard to believe to find a Vulcan among such a group like theirs. But in the end he had gotten through the questioning with his stoicism and logic.

When he returned to the waiting room with the others, he stood near them, and simply observed. When Rayek began addressing the members of the team, Sorik turned to him and listened. At his orders to stay with Rayek, the Vulcan nodded his acknowledgement.

Quote from: Alexander Graham on January 22, 2023, 11:02:28 PM

[Galantis-port authority-waiting room]

"œUnderstood subcommander"

He looked over at Torra and he knew that he could trust her as a buddy and to help out in case trouble did arise. He was ready to scout out and look for a ship for the crew if things went sideways. He had ideas for a plan to achieve his main priority. It was probably best to observe and see how everything will go from there.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on January 24, 2023, 08:16:57 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael nodded in appreciation and replied, "Of course. Thanks. We'll see, then."

After she gave him her contact information, she was released, of sorts, and went back to her team. She spoke quietly to "Harold Richards." Even quieter than usual, more like a whisper, knowing full well that "walls have ears."

"Mister Richards," she whispered, "I successfully made contact with somebody who will get us in. Granted, there may not be a guarantee that we'll get in, but we'll just see. So happens the man is a cousin of mine," she added with a grin and a wink.

The waiting room, which had been expectantly quiet as they waited for their Cardassian spokesperson - with only Rayek's near inaudible whispering to disturb the silence, seemed even more so ominous after the slip-up by Mr. Graham.   Rayek would have face-palmed at hearing his Romulan rank spoke aloud - even in whisper - except that the movement might draw even more attention to what could have been overheard if the Cardassian's were monitoring the waiting room with highly sensitive recording devices.

After that Rayek anticipated armed Cardassian guards to surround the team.... but it proved to be merely his paranoia running rampant.   No guards came to arrest them.  In fact, after another minute or so Jael exited the door she been lead to earlier and the mercenary group was allowed to go their merry way.

Rayek, still concerned about the pilot's verbal error, did waste a moment in guiding the others out of the Customs office and into the metropolis of Galantis.  Once outside the confines of the building and walking along pathway that seemed like it might go in the direction of the facility they needed to check out Rayek grilled Jael quietly about her second questioning.  "What happened?  What sort of questions did he ask you?  Did he seem suspicious of the team?"

~ ~ ~
[Vacant building - near to facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on January 24, 2023, 08:16:57 AM

A moment later, she got the call. She nodded with a smile. "Of course. Facility entrance, one hour. We look forward to it."

By the time Jael received her call from Gebim, the team - who had taken the local transit to the other side of the large city were just getting set up for a bit of reconnaisance from a vacant building in the area so that they could figure a way inside the facility.   Now it seemed they had one.   Still Rayek was skeptical.  He didn't trust the 'convenience' of Jael's cousin having the connections to get them into the building.  It could be a trap.

"Thoughts, anyone?"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on January 22, 2023, 04:11:28 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek listened carefully as he genuinely found the technology fascinating and when the Centurion was finished speaking he replied with a smile.

"Fortunately, I know a bit about ion generators, so that should be fairly simple. We can get started immediately. The only other thing I can think of for the disguise is to tune the ship's shield harmonics to match those of a Cardassian ship, which should also be simple."

Sunauth nodded her relief that the engineer wasn't going insist on trying to 'tinker' with the artificial singularity.   "Yes, adjusting the shield harmonics is far more doable." she agreed.

The Operations officer assisted where asked.  She made sure the Ferengi engineer had all the supplies he required to do his work on the ion generators and the shield harmonics.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 22, 2023, 09:36:45 PM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Dem walked up towards the centre panel, and accessed the main menu at the top of the display near is now cold, discarded coffee. In an effort to avoid confronting an awkward silence while he located the files, he spoke. "œLook, I am sorry I acted like this. I have this theory, and I could have finished it in time for the away missions departure." Dem gestured at the diagnostic table. "œThis, could be the difference between them living and dying." He had located the simulations, and he pushed the command button on the display, and they started to play in sequence. He sat back in his chair and watched her reaction.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on January 22, 2023, 05:01:14 PM

Gohun was ready to do some engineering. He knew enough about nanotec to be dangerous. In the end however they were small and simple machines. Looking over the Borg technology was not fun for Gohun. As he studied the machine the room started getting darker. Gohun started to hear the distinct noise that Borg made when they moved. Looking over he saw the familiar laser pointers peers in from the dark that the borg have and used. Then it all ended and Gohun was back analyzing the nanny tec.

What Saqa7 saw on the simulation display was not a solution.  Where she had hopes that the nanobot virus Broadshire had been speaking of might undo the conjoinment, all that it seemed to do - in the simulation - was shut it down the Borg nanobots; thus effectively incapacitating the conjoined creature - rendering it harmless and helpless.  It did nothing to ease their suffering or correct the problem of them being conjoined in the first place.

To her view, it was like euthanizing a patient who had come in to Sickbay for broken leg.   "No!  We are not doing this!" she stated emphatically.  "Start again from scratch!  If this is all it can do - incapacitate them... then it's useless.  We're trying to save people not subdue them!"

She looked to Dem and then to Dr. Betaika and finally Gohun daring either of them to say otherwise.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 24, 2023, 10:54:21 PM

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

What Saqa7 saw on the simulation display was not a solution.  Where she had hopes that the nanobot virus Broadshire had been speaking of might undo the conjoinment, all that it seemed to do - in the simulation - was shut it down the Borg nanobots; thus effectively incapacitating the conjoined creature - rendering it harmless and helpless.  It did nothing to ease their suffering or correct the problem of them being conjoined in the first place.

To her view, it was like euthanizing a patient who had come in to Sickbay for broken leg.   "No!  We are not doing this!" she stated emphatically.  "Start again from scratch!  If this is all it can do - incapacitate them... then it's useless.  We're trying to save people not subdue them!"

She looked to Dem and then to Dr. Betaika and finally Gohun daring either of them to say otherwise.

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Dem could not believe what he was hearing. No note of sympathy for what he was trying to do, no note of appreciation for what he had done. And now, she expects to somehow commandeer a microscopic robot to undo permanent genetic deconstruction. He sat down. "œOk, yep sure. I agree that this is not a good solution. Without this though - creatures they encounter will be continuously shot by cardassian phasers untill they are killed. Though, I am willing to listen to your ideas." This time, Dem sounded less distressed and angry, and more tired and over this entire project. He did not want to think it, but if she was not there, they may have already found an antigen, and the away mission would be saved.

Doctor Betaika

After listening to her proposition, the doctor, leaning against the door frame spoke to address the whole group. "œIf you would recall, my federation friends, that the mission has already commenced. Whatever we do, we need to do it fast. Now under the watchful eye of our engineer here, I will attach the pathways to a device so we can test whatever you two decide." He walked out of the medical room calm and composed, and sat down on a swivelling chair near the removed pathways. He heard a playful chime emanating from his PADD, and he looked over.

"œWhere are you?" It stated.

He sighed. He just remembered he was due to play a game of Holo Zamaq with his "œfriends". He did not really mind. He knew they would play without him. They were starry eyed patriotic soldiers he did not care for. The only reason he hung out with them at all is because he needed some reputation on board. Some reason why officers would not turn up his nose at him.

He turned back to his work. Satisfied with the choice he made.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 24, 2023, 10:54:21 PM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Sunauth nodded her relief that the engineer wasn't going insist on trying to 'tinker' with the artificial singularity.   "Yes, adjusting the shield harmonics is far more doable." she agreed.

The Operations officer assisted where asked.  She made sure the Ferengi engineer had all the supplies he required to do his work on the ion generators and the shield harmonics.

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek quickly went to work on the ion generator, something he was very familiar with building. Between the Valdore's replicators and t'Nennien's help, it took less than an hour to built, but, to Lek's embarrassment, it took another hour to connect the generator to the Valdore's systems.

"Well, that was more complicated than it needed to be. However,  thank you for your help.You can let the Commander know we are ready."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

The team waited the hour in the vacant building.  Rayek silently observed the building watching it on the other side of the force field.  Try as he might, he wasn't able to see any security camera's and being on the other side of a forcefield Rayek wasn't able to get anyone to scan for those that might be too small for the naked eye to spot.  Still, the former Tal Shiar operative/ former Security Chief had an educated guess as to where cameras would be most likely situated - namely locations that he would have put monitoring.

They might have invitation to go in. But one never knew if you might have to return at some point unseen.

NPC Danjar-Kelle  (alias of Danjar-Torra Addams)

Torra, or Kelle as she was known now, volunteered herself and her 'partner' Kura to keep patrol of the abandoned building during their hour long wait.   The Grazerite lead Alex through the empty rooms - most of them damaged with windows and doors smashed or with scattered holes in the walls and graffiti nearly everywhere.

The longer they patrolled, the more often Torra would stop to stare curiously at what she had first assumed was vandalism.

But on closer inspection, Torra noted it was more like the random damage they'd seen in the Klingon freighter.  The only thing lacking was blood and the body count.   Oh but wait... those dark stains partially covered by Cardassian symbols and graffiti... could they be old blood and not paint like she first assumed?  Torra wished she'd been able to bring her tricorder and run a scan to know for certain.

"Kura, what do you make of this damage pattern? Is it me or does it remind you of the hallways and Bridge on the VaQ?"

She looked at the Cardassian graffiti... but not knowing the lettering at all she couldn't make heads or tails of what the paint writing symbols said - if anything.   Were they gang tags?  Or maybe warnings?  She'd have to ask Jael later when they rejoined the group.

NPC M'Arla Anderson (alias of Helga Tragnar)
Helga, not to be outdone by the Ops Grazerite and Flight petty officer taking over the role of security, also volunteered to secure the area, dragging Jael around with her in a route that ran opposite of Torra's so that there was no overlap.  They too saw the graffiti and damage.  Helga thought little of it. That sort of vandalism was to be expected in abandoned places.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 25, 2023, 02:21:43 AM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Dem could not believe what he was hearing. No note of sympathy for what he was trying to do, no note of appreciation for what he had done. And now, she expects to somehow commandeer a microscopic robot to undo permanent genetic deconstruction. He sat down. "œOk, yep sure. I agree that this is not a good solution. Without this though - creatures they encounter will be continuously shot by cardassian phasers untill they are killed. Though, I am willing to listen to your ideas." This time, Dem sounded less distressed and angry, and more tired and over this entire project. He did not want to think it, but if she was not there, they may have already found an antigen, and the away mission would be saved.

Doctor Betaika

After listening to her proposition, the doctor, leaning against the door frame spoke to address the whole group. "œIf you would recall, my federation friends, that the mission has already commenced. Whatever we do, we need to do it fast. Now under the watchful eye of our engineer here, I will attach the pathways to a device so we can test whatever you two decide." He walked out of the medical room calm and composed, and sat down on a swivelling chair near the removed pathways.

Saqa7 frowned at truth of Dem's statement.  "Ok.  I can see your point.  But if we focus attention solely on just subduing the creature, it won't matter.  They die in short order anyways."  That is what had happened to the Klingon-Sark (horse creature) that had been caged.  It had died of organ failure as its own immune system or rather systems attacked one another.

How long the creature suffered before it died was estimated at under a day.  So to Saqa7 the priority had to be on curing or unconjoining the creatures not subduing it.  But without knowing more... studying the nanobots and their work on the body more... there was no hope of reversing the condition.

With the Romulan doctor, reminding her that time was critical, Saqa7 sighed and looked back to Dem.  "Fine. Continue with your virus theory.  Run your tests.  I'll look at options for reversing the conjoinment.".   As yet she didn't have any solid ideas because it hadn't been her project to work on, but since he had different priorities than her she felt it best if she become more involved.

She looked towards the engineer who had helped with nanobot safety measures.   "Mr. Gohun, do you have moment to brainstorm ideas with me?"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Engineering >>> Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on January 25, 2023, 06:06:01 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek quickly went to work on the ion generator, something he was very familiar with building. Between the Valdore's replicators and t'Nennien's help, it took less than an hour to built, but, to Lek's embarrassment, it took another hour to connect the generator to the Valdore's systems.

"Well, that was more complicated than it needed to be. However,  thank you for your help.You can let the Commander know we are ready."

"Ie, rekkhai!" t'Nennien acknowledged the request before heading up to the Bridge to inform the Riov.   As expected for this time of day, Riov tr'Siedhri was preoccupied and it was still Riov Tekin who was sitting the Bridge.

"Commander Tekin" Sunauth addressed the senior officer using the Romulan rank equivalent for Captain.    "Subcommander Lek has completed his work on the ion generator which in conjunction with the alteration to the shield harmonics will mask the ship's warp signature as a Cardassian ship."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun frowned looking around maybe for a answer. Gohun then spoke " what if we are ovetthinking this? When the Enterprise was endangered from nanobots the use of a gamma ray burst was able to destroy them. Or what about something as simple as an EMP pulse. what are your thought?" Gohun said as he looked up.

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