Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 26, 2023, 04:56:14 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

The team waited the hour in the vacant building.  Rayek silently observed the building watching it on the other side of the force field.  Try as he might, he wasn't able to see any security camera's and being on the other side of a forcefield Rayek wasn't able to get anyone to scan for those that might be too small for the naked eye to spot.  Still, the former Tal Shiar operative/ former Security Chief had an educated guess as to where cameras would be most likely situated - namely locations that he would have put monitoring.

They might have invitation to go in. But one never knew if you might have to return at some point unseen.

NPC Danjar-Kelle  (alias of Danjar-Torra Addams)

Torra, or Kelle as she was known now, volunteered herself and her 'partner' Kura to keep patrol of the abandoned building during their hour long wait.   The Grazerite lead Alex through the empty rooms - most of them damaged with windows and doors smashed or with scattered holes in the walls and graffiti nearly everywhere.

The longer they patrolled, the more often Torra would stop to stare curiously at what she had first assumed was vandalism.

But on closer inspection, Torra noted it was more like the random damage they'd seen in the Klingon freighter.  The only thing lacking was blood and the body count.   Oh but wait... those dark stains partially covered by Cardassian symbols and graffiti... could they be old blood and not paint like she first assumed?  Torra wished she'd been able to bring her tricorder and run a scan to know for certain.

"Kura, what do you make of this damage pattern? Is it me or does it remind you of the hallways and Bridge on the VaQ?"

She looked at the Cardassian graffiti... but not knowing the lettering at all she couldn't make heads or tails of what the paint writing symbols said - if anything.   Were they gang tags?  Or maybe warnings?  She'd have to ask Jael later when they rejoined the group.

NPC M'Arla Anderson (alias of Helga Tragnar)
Helga, not to be outdone by the Ops Grazerite and Flight petty officer taking over the role of security, also volunteered to secure the area, dragging Jael around with her in a route that ran opposite of Torra's so that there was no overlap.  They too saw the graffiti and damage.  Helga thought little of it. That sort of vandalism was to be expected in abandoned places.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 frowned at truth of Dem's statement.  "Ok.  I can see your point.  But if we focus attention solely on just subduing the creature, it won't matter.  They die in short order anyways."  That is what had happened to the Klingon-Sark (horse creature) that had been caged.  It had died of organ failure as its own immune system or rather systems attacked one another.

How long the creature suffered before it died was estimated at under a day.  So to Saqa7 the priority had to be on curing or unconjoining the creatures not subduing it.  But without knowing more... studying the nanobots and their work on the body more... there was no hope of reversing the condition.

With the Romulan doctor, reminding her that time was critical, Saqa7 sighed and looked back to Dem.  "Fine. Continue with your virus theory.  Run your tests.  I'll look at options for reversing the conjoinment.".   As yet she didn't have any solid ideas because it hadn't been her project to work on, but since he had different priorities than her she felt it best if she become more involved.

She looked towards the engineer who had helped with nanobot safety measures.   "Mr. Gohun, do you have moment to brainstorm ideas with me?"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Engineering >>> Deck 13 - Bridge]

"Ie, rekkhai!" t'Nennien acknowledged the request before heading up to the Bridge to inform the Riov.   As expected for this time of day, Riov tr'Siedhri was preoccupied and it was still Riov Tekin who was sitting the Bridge.

"Commander Tekin" Sunauth addressed the senior officer using the Romulan rank equivalent for Captain.    "Subcommander Lek has completed his work on the ion generator which in conjunction with the alteration to the shield harmonics will mask the ship's warp signature as a Cardassian ship."

[Galantis-abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

"œLieutenant if I may from the looks of it the damage pattern on this looks familiar similar to what we saw on the bridge and in the hallway of the VaQ." He had no idea what caused it or why the damaged area looked so familiar. It would probably require some careful investigation and inspection of some sorts. Looking closer at the cardassian graffiti he had more questions than he had answers. Since he had no idea what the symbols meant or what they were trying to say so his main question was who would be able to tell what these mean.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on January 26, 2023, 07:18:28 PM

Gohun frowned looking around maybe for a answer. Gohun then spoke " what if we are ovetthinking this? When the Enterprise was endangered from nanobots the use of a gamma ray burst was able to destroy them. Or what about something as simple as an EMP pulse. what are your thought?" Gohun said as he looked up.

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Doctor Betaika

"Yes, it is an interesting theory, just to completely try to deactivate the creature. However, very few of the nanobots are active in the body. Plus, I think the bickering married couple over there have come to the consensus to ease the suffering of the creature - not end it." He chuckled under his breath at his statement. It made him think about home. He was one part in a marriage, yet he saw her less than twice a year. He remembered he should call her after this is all over.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on January 26, 2023, 07:18:28 PM

Gohun frowned looking around maybe for a answer. Gohun then spoke " what if we are ovetthinking this? When the Enterprise was endangered from nanobots the use of a gamma ray burst was able to destroy them. Or what about something as simple as an EMP pulse. what are your thought?" Gohun said as he looked up.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 27, 2023, 08:20:21 PM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Doctor Betaika

"Yes, it is an interesting theory, just to completely try to deactivate the creature. However, very few of the nanobots are active in the body. Plus, I think the bickering married couple over there have come to the consensus to ease the suffering of the creature - not end it." He chuckled under his breath at his statement. It made him think about home. He was one part in a marriage, yet he saw her less than twice a year. He remembered he should call her after this is all over.

At Gohun's suggestion to simply use a gamma ray to destroy the nanobots, Saqa7 looked a bit appalled at the idea.  She couldn't quite hear Doctor Betaika's response, so she spoke up to be certain that no one else continued thinking along such lines.

"Let me say this again...  those that are conjoined ARE people.  We've heard them speak.  Simply shutting down the nanobots doesn't solve the problem.  Is there no way we can reprogram them to undo the conjoinment? Or a way to filter and separate the two distinct DNA building blocks from one another with maybe the transporter?"

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]
Quote from: Alexander Graham on January 26, 2023, 09:11:30 PM

[Galantis-abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

"œLieutenant if I may from the looks of it the damage pattern on this looks familiar similar to what we saw on the bridge and in the hallway of the VaQ." He had no idea what caused it or why the damaged area looked so familiar. It would probably require some careful investigation and inspection of some sorts. Looking closer at the cardassian graffiti he had more questions than he had answers. Since he had no idea what the symbols meant or what they were trying to say so his main question was who would be able to tell what these mean.

Torra nodded as the pilot confirmed what she was seeing herself.   While the marks were definitely older, it did seem like a creature of some sort had rampaged through the building, before being brought down.  It might explain why for an entire block there were no occupied buildings.  The people were afraid.

"Let's rejoin the others, the Subcommander needs to be informed of this."

Rayek in the meantime, had taken his observation to the roof, in order to see over the high metal wall that surrounded the front entrance and hid the facilities landing pad out casual view from the street.  From the roof, however, the Romulan (disguised like a human) had a rather good view of the Bird-of-Prey.  Their target.

So close, yet so far away.  Rayek had already spotted a pair of guards at the gated entrance and another two roving pair on the grounds on this side of the forcefield.  If his team didn't all go to this 'interview' at the facility, then it was possible to use the distraction of Jael and the others to gain access to the Bird-of-Prey and see about learning how the conjoinment happened in the first place.   But who to send...?

Without needing to look at the time on his PADD Rayek knew the hour was drawing near.  It was time to fill the others in on his plan and get things going.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 28, 2023, 03:40:04 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

At Gohun's suggestion to simply use a gamma ray to destroy the nanobots, Saqa7 looked a bit appalled at the idea.  She couldn't quite hear Doctor Betaika's response, so she spoke up to be certain that no one else continued thinking along such lines.

"Let me say this again...  those that are conjoined ARE people.  We've heard them speak.  Simply shutting down the nanobots doesn't solve the problem.  Is there no way we can reprogram them to undo the conjoinment? Or a way to filter and separate the two distinct DNA building blocks from one another with maybe the transporter?"

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore] (From the perspective of Dem)
Dem was relieved that Saq7 was getting annoyed at someone other than him, it gave him brief respite before continuing his "œDestructive" theory. Dem decided to chime in. "œThat's a solid theory. I think we should do what every successful away mission does. Completely split up and leave each person vulnerable." Dem paused for dramatic effect, hoping someone would laugh at this insightful metaphor. After observing the hum of the EPS relays for a few seconds, Dem dived back in "œSince transporters are an engineering specialty, Mr Gohun, I think you should work on that theory. I will continue mine as a last resort, and Doctor Betaika, if you could keep on setting up the testing field, that would be great." Dem was about to go on about what Saq7 should do, but he suspected that she would do something else anyway.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 28, 2023, 03:40:04 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

At Gohun's suggestion to simply use a gamma ray to destroy the nanobots, Saqa7 looked a bit appalled at the idea.  She couldn't quite hear Doctor Betaika's response, so she spoke up to be certain that no one else continued thinking along such lines.

"Let me say this again...  those that are conjoined ARE people.  We've heard them speak.  Simply shutting down the nanobots doesn't solve the problem.  Is there no way we can reprogram them to undo the conjoinment? Or a way to filter and separate the two distinct DNA building blocks from one another with maybe the transporter?"

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

Torra nodded as the pilot confirmed what she was seeing herself.   While the marks were definitely older, it did seem like a creature of some sort had rampaged through the building, before being brought down.  It might explain why for an entire block there were no occupied buildings.  The people were afraid.

"Let's rejoin the others, the Subcommander needs to be informed of this."

Rayek in the meantime, had taken his observation to the roof, in order to see over the high metal wall that surrounded the front entrance and hid the facilities landing pad out casual view from the street.  From the roof, however, the Romulan (disguised like a human) had a rather good view of the Bird-of-Prey.  Their target.

So close, yet so far away.  Rayek had already spotted a pair of guards at the gated entrance and another two roving pair on the grounds on this side of the forcefield.  If his team didn't all go to this 'interview' at the facility, then it was possible to use the distraction of Jael and the others to gain access to the Bird-of-Prey and see about learning how the conjoinment happened in the first place.   But who to send...?

Without needing to look at the time on his PADD Rayek knew the hour was drawing near.  It was time to fill the others in on his plan and get things going.

[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]
"œSounds like a good idea the sub-commander needs to know what we have found." He was still confused as to what creature made those marks and how that creature could have gotten inside. He hope that they could figure that out in time. He knew that it was important for the sub-commander to know what they found. He followed Lieutenant Torra-Addams as they went to join the others.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on January 28, 2023, 07:34:23 PM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore] (From the perspective of Dem)
Dem was relieved that Saq7 was getting annoyed at someone other than him, it gave him brief respite before continuing his "œDestructive" theory. Dem decided to chime in. "œThat's a solid theory. I think we should do what every successful away mission does. Completely split up and leave each person vulnerable." Dem paused for dramatic effect, hoping someone would laugh at this insightful metaphor. After observing the hum of the EPS relays for a few seconds, Dem dived back in "œSince transporters are an engineering specialty, Mr Gohun, I think you should work on that theory. I will continue mine as a last resort, and Doctor Betaika, if you could keep on setting up the testing field, that would be great." Dem was about to go on about what Saq7 should do, but he suspected that she would do something else anyway.

Saqa7 didn't laugh at Dr. Broadshire's poor attempt at humor, nor did she appreciate his attitude, but she understood it.  He was being pissy because she had not just questioned but outright denied the usefulness of his work.   'Fine...' she thought to herself,   'Let him be pissy and continue his work, she'd assist Ensign Gohun in figuring something out... if not with transporters than with something else.  No one else should have to die because of these nanobots!

The science officer looked to the engineer.  "Let's find us some space in the Science lab to work on this."

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

Quote from: Alexander Graham on January 29, 2023, 11:04:26 PM

[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]
"œSounds like a good idea the sub-commander needs to know what we have found." He was still confused as to what creature made those marks and how that creature could have gotten inside. He hope that they could figure that out in time. He knew that it was important for the sub-commander to know what they found. He followed Lieutenant Torra-Addams as they went to join the others.

Rayek was waiting on the main floor of the abandoned building, peering through a crack in the boarded-up windows towards the fortified and well-guarded property of the facility, when the patrolling groups returned.

He gave each team an opportunity to report what they saw or their concerns.

Torra spoke up at her turn, "Sir, I don't have proof of my theory, but I suspect we are on the right track with our investigation - as I think one or more of those conjoined creatures may have been the reason this area was abandoned.  There is signs of damage throughout the building that is very much like what we saw on the VaQ.  They may have escaped the facility."

Rayek's eyebrows shot up in surprise at that statement, but it he trusted Torra's assessment.  He'd overseen her as an enlist security crewman on Challenger for a year before he got transfered to Katra.  She was not prone to unsubstantiated claims.  "Thank you Arrian."

He considered this new information.  It was possible a creature could have escaped... or it was equally possible that the facility had the creatures being used as 'watchdogs'.  This thought gave Rayek pause.  He'd been considering on having the team 'sneak over the wall' - while Jael and possibly himself met with the head of the facility to discuss 'employment terms'.    But he had his doubts that the poorly armed team would be a match for one of those creatures.

It was a shame that Dr. Broadshire hadn't completed his work on the nanobot virus before the team had to leave.

After listening to any others who wished to speak up, Rayek raised his hand to gain their attention.

"This is the plan.  Sherem, Tragnar, Sorik and I will head in past the forcefield to the facility itself and meet with whomever.   We will barter for a bit and then ask to meet with the current security and get a tour of the facility in attempt to draw them away from the Bird-of-Prey, and get a look at the work being done here.

Meanwhile Subcommander Briggs and the others will dawdle at the entrance, near to where the Bird of Prey is landed and look for an opportunity to sneak aboard.  If security is a problem...  Graham, Addams you'll need to talk them up as if you know you'll be working the same job with them by the end of the day.   Draw their attention fully to give the Doctor and Subcommander opportunity to sneak aboard.   Or... if you think you can get the drop on them without it being noticed by any of the other security, do so."

Rayek's expression was serious as he looked over the team. "I know it's not an ideal plan but with limited intel, it's what we have to work with.  Any questions?"

Then afterwards Rayek contacted Tekin over the ear-comm.  =/\="Our teams are ready to enter the facility grounds and begin our search.  Will report in again in 15 minutes." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 30, 2023, 05:20:36 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 didn't laugh at Dr. Broadshire's poor attempt at humor, nor did she appreciate his attitude, but she understood it.  He was being pissy because she had not just questioned but outright denied the usefulness of his work.   'Fine...' she thought to herself,   'Let him be pissy and continue his work, she'd assist Ensign Gohun in figuring something out... if not with transporters than with something else.  No one else should have to die because of these nanobots!

The science officer looked to the engineer.  "Let's find us some space in the Science lab to work on this."

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

Rayek was waiting on the main floor of the abandoned building, peering through a crack in the boarded-up windows towards the fortified and well-guarded property of the facility, when the patrolling groups returned.

He gave each team an opportunity to report what they saw or their concerns.

Torra spoke up at her turn, "Sir, I don't have proof of my theory, but I suspect we are on the right track with our investigation - as I think one or more of those conjoined creatures may have been the reason this area was abandoned.  There is signs of damage throughout the building that is very much like what we saw on the VaQ.  They may have escaped the facility."

Rayek's eyebrows shot up in surprise at that statement, but it he trusted Torra's assessment.  He'd overseen her as an enlist security crewman on Challenger for a year before he got transfered to Katra.  She was not prone to unsubstantiated claims.  "Thank you Arrian."

He considered this new information.  It was possible a creature could have escaped... or it was equally possible that the facility had the creatures being used as 'watchdogs'.  This thought gave Rayek pause.  He'd been considering on having the team 'sneak over the wall' - while Jael and possibly himself met with the head of the facility to discuss 'employment terms'.    But he had his doubts that the poorly armed team would be a match for one of those creatures.

It was a shame that Dr. Broadshire hadn't completed his work on the nanobot virus before the team had to leave.

After listening to any others who wished to speak up, Rayek raised his hand to gain their attention.

"This is the plan.  Sherem, Tragnar, Sorik and I will head in past the forcefield to the facility itself and meet with whomever.   We will barter for a bit and then ask to meet with the current security and get a tour of the facility in attempt to draw them away from the Bird-of-Prey, and get a look at the work being done here.

Meanwhile Subcommander Briggs and the others will dawdle at the entrance, near to where the Bird of Prey is landed and look for an opportunity to sneak aboard.  If security is a problem...  Graham, Addams you'll need to talk them up as if you know you'll be working the same job with them by the end of the day.   Draw their attention fully to give the Doctor and Subcommander opportunity to sneak aboard.   Or... if you think you can get the drop on them without it being noticed by any of the other security, do so."

Rayek's expression was serious as he looked over the team. "I know it's not an ideal plan but with limited intel, it's what we have to work with.  Any questions?"

Then afterwards Rayek contacted Tekin over the ear-comm.  =/\="Our teams are ready to enter the facility grounds and begin our search.  Will report in again in 15 minutes." =/\=

"œUnderstood subcommander."

With him and Lieutenant Addams talking to security it gave them the observe their body language as they were talking to them. He hoped everything apart of this plan went smoothly. He had to wonder if flattery could be possible in this instance. There was a chance that having a simple conversation could be useful without the use of flattery.

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote by Rayek trLoell


Rayek discreetly checked in with each of his team to ensure they were ready in case of trouble.

"Kura," (*Alex's alias) "if things go sideways, your priority is getting us a ship.  Understood?"  Rayek then looked to Torra, and quietly added "You'll buddy him and make sure he doesn't encounter any trouble doing that" To which Torra nodded.

He looked then to Kyle and Lisa. "The doctor is your responsibility to keep safe, Daniel." (*Kyle alias)

With a glance to the remaining two crew present - Helga and Sorik... the Romulan was tempted to assign them together just so that he could have some distance from the Vulcan, but Helga he knew was a bit of powerhouse and would be best suited to keeping Jael safe, more so than the Vulcan.

"Narak, you'll stick with me  - and M'Arla... you're to find our Cardassian and stick to her like glue."

Helga nodded.

Quote by Rayek trLoell

Rayek was waiting on the main floor of the abandoned building, peering through a crack in the boarded-up windows towards the fortified and well-guarded property of the facility, when the patrolling groups returned.

He gave each team an opportunity to report what they saw or their concerns.

Torra spoke up at her turn, "Sir, I don't have proof of my theory, but I suspect we are on the right track with our investigation - as I think one or more of those conjoined creatures may have been the reason this area was abandoned.  There is signs of damage throughout the building that is very much like what we saw on the VaQ.  They may have escaped the facility."

Rayek's eyebrows shot up in surprise at that statement, but it he trusted Torra's assessment.  He'd overseen her as an enlist security crewman on Challenger for a year before he got transfered to Katra.  She was not prone to unsubstantiated claims.  "Thank you Arrian."

He considered this new information.  It was possible a creature could have escaped... or it was equally possible that the facility had the creatures being used as 'watchdogs'.  This thought gave Rayek pause.  He'd been considering on having the team 'sneak over the wall' - while Jael and possibly himself met with the head of the facility to discuss 'employment terms'.    But he had his doubts that the poorly armed team would be a match for one of those creatures.

It was a shame that Dr. Broadshire hadn't completed his work on the nanobot virus before the team had to leave.

After listening to any others who wished to speak up, Rayek raised his hand to gain their attention.

"This is the plan.  Sherem, Tragnar, Sorik and I will head in past the forcefield to the facility itself and meet with whomever.   We will barter for a bit and then ask to meet with the current security and get a tour of the facility in attempt to draw them away from the Bird-of-Prey, and get a look at the work being done here.

Meanwhile Subcommander Briggs and the others will dawdle at the entrance, near to where the Bird of Prey is landed and look for an opportunity to sneak aboard.  If security is a problem...  Graham, Addams you'll need to talk them up as if you know you'll be working the same job with them by the end of the day.   Draw their attention fully to give the Doctor and Subcommander opportunity to sneak aboard.   Or... if you think you can get the drop on them without it being noticed by any of the other security, do so."

Rayek's expression was serious as he looked over the team. "I know it's not an ideal plan but with limited intel, it's what we have to work with.  Any questions?"

Then afterwards Rayek contacted Tekin over the ear-comm.  =/\="Our teams are ready to enter the facility grounds and begin our search.  Will report in again in 15 minutes." =/\=

[Abandoned Building - Galantis]

When Rayek told Kyle to protect Lisa he gave her a small smile, as if to say, "well that goes without saying." He continued to keep a wary eye out, making sure that their group was still alone as they discussed their plans. Lisa, relaxing out of her character for a bit, took sips of water from her canteen and drilled through the steps and tips for undercover sneaking she remembered reading about. Luckily she'd stumbled upon the article and had been interested enough to save it to her library for further review. Now, she had it pulled up on her pocket-sized PADD and was leafing through it. Quiet feet she'd practiced at the Academy, her hand would be carefully poised at her belt, ready to pull a phaser if needed. Her breathing would need to be quiet as well, and exercises to calm her body would help with that. The key was having enough adrenaline to react quickly to a threat, but not having so much that she was jumpy and clumsy with her footwork. If she ended up in a situation that required hand-to-hand combat? Well...that was a different article. Hopefully Kyle would be there to back her up.

When the plan was briefed, Kyle gave a nod and confirmation of his understanding. Faced with the reality of the situation, Lisa felt a twinge of fear go through her, giving a slight tremble to her fingertips. A lot rode on her ability to sneak, and she was not exactly a fan of high risk for being caught. She would give it her all though, and the support of her team inspired her to grasp that fear and bury it for now. She'd use that energy towards controlling her movements when they were in the Bird of Prey. At least, that was the goal...

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 30, 2023, 05:20:36 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 didn't laugh at Dr. Broadshire's poor attempt at humor, nor did she appreciate his attitude, but she understood it.  He was being pissy because she had not just questioned but outright denied the usefulness of his work.   'Fine...' she thought to herself,   'Let him be pissy and continue his work, she'd assist Ensign Gohun in figuring something out... if not with transporters than with something else.  No one else should have to die because of these nanobots!

The science officer looked to the engineer.  "Let's find us some space in the Science lab to work on this."

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Saq7's tone of voice was defiantly not an encouraging one. Dem decided that it would be best to wait till after this is over to repatriate their relationship. Over the past few hours, he had successfully demoted himself from leader, to last resort. He sighed. He was being petty. It does not matter whose idea works, one of them has to. Dem sat down, and got to work creating a virus.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab >>  Science Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 02, 2023, 02:29:06 AM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
Saq7's tone of voice was defiantly not an encouraging one. Dem decided that it would be best to wait till after this is over to repatriate their relationship. Over the past few hours, he had successfully demoted himself from leader, to last resort. He sighed. He was being petty. It does not matter whose idea works, one of them has to. Dem sat down, and got to work creating a virus.

Leaving Dr. Broadshire and Dr. Betaika behind, Saqa7 led Petty Officer Gohun to the Science Lab, where she called up on one of the computer screens what information they had on the Borg nanites.   "Research so far theorizes that conjoinment by the nanites occurs on the cellular level and this is why two incompatible species eventually end up dying.  Antibodies from each immune system is attacking the other, until... the body dies.  We need a way to undo that cellular fusing.  Transporters take us apart at a quantum level so - in theory it's just a matter of separating the two individual DNA sources and then putting them back together.  Right?" she asked of the engineer.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on February 01, 2023, 11:30:33 PM

[Abandoned Building - Galantis]

When Rayek told Kyle to protect Lisa he gave her a small smile, as if to say, "well that goes without saying." He continued to keep a wary eye out, making sure that their group was still alone as they discussed their plans. Lisa, relaxing out of her character for a bit, took sips of water from her canteen and drilled through the steps and tips for undercover sneaking she remembered reading about. Luckily she'd stumbled upon the article and had been interested enough to save it to her library for further review. Now, she had it pulled up on her pocket-sized PADD and was leafing through it. Quiet feet she'd practiced at the Academy, her hand would be carefully poised at her belt, ready to pull a phaser if needed. Her breathing would need to be quiet as well, and exercises to calm her body would help with that. The key was having enough adrenaline to react quickly to a threat, but not having so much that she was jumpy and clumsy with her footwork. If she ended up in a situation that required hand-to-hand combat? Well...that was a different article. Hopefully Kyle would be there to back her up.

When the plan was briefed, Kyle gave a nod and confirmation of his understanding. Faced with the reality of the situation, Lisa felt a twinge of fear go through her, giving a slight tremble to her fingertips. A lot rode on her ability to sneak, and she was not exactly a fan of high risk for being caught. She would give it her all though, and the support of her team inspired her to grasp that fear and bury it for now. She'd use that energy towards controlling her movements when they were in the Bird of Prey. At least, that was the goal...

Quote from: Alexander Graham on February 01, 2023, 07:34:51 PM

"œUnderstood subcommander."

With him and Lieutenant Addams talking to security it gave them the observe their body language as they were talking to them. He hoped everything apart of this plan went smoothly. He had to wonder if flattery could be possible in this instance. There was a chance that having a simple conversation could be useful without the use of flattery.

With everyone in agreement, and the appointment time arrived, Rayek led the way across the road to the gated entrance of the facility grounds.   The team was met and questioned by a group of five rather rough looking Cardassian guards.  Certainly not your typical military security, Rayek mused to himself.

Rayek let Jael introduce them, as the mercenary group representative.  After a moment to get confirmation of the appointment from whoever was the head of this facility, the team was let inside the gate.  Two guards remained at the gate, while three continued on with the 'mercenary team'.

Now it was time to split up.

As his Harold persona, Rayek motioned to the four pre-selected team members to hang back as the team was passing closest to the open field where the Bird of Prey was presently landed.  "Let's not overwhelm the client with everyone at once.  You four hang back.  Make nice with the local hires maybe?"  He smiled to the one he judged as the leader of those guiding them to the house, before looking back to Kyle and the others.  "We'll call you in if it seems like we'll get the contract."

Then he, Sorik, Jael and Helga continued on towards the facility building - with two of the remaining guards.  One guard remained behind with the four mercenaries.

Rayek noted how the facility seemed to have been building flush against the forcefield from the opposite side.  "What's up with it being build outside the forcefield?" he bluntly asked.

The lead guard glanced back to the nosy human and smirked.  "You'll learn soon enough if you get the job."  Then as the neared the building entrance, Rayek noted the leader activated some device on his wrist.  A small opening in the forcefield appeared much like how one had opened for the shuttle when they were coming in.

It had activated from a single touch so could be a simple generic signal to open or close, or more likely, given the level of security in this place, it was likely biometrically activated.  To test this, Rayek brushed ahead of the others in an apparent rush to be first through the door, bumping into the lead guard as he did so and pressing the wrist device in the process. "Coming through!"  The portal in the forcefield remained open and Rayek with a wide smile back towards the others entered first.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Returning to her station after announcing the completion of the work the Bajoran Riov requested, Sunauth settled back into doing her usual duties.   She noted while she was gone, a Cardassian vessel had entered their relative vicinity.   The ship seemed to be patrolling the enclave borders - this was evidenced by their actives scans.

"Riov Tekin, there is a Cardassian ship nearing our sector at warp, it is on approach along the border and is conducting active scans.  It will be in full sensor range in 20 minutes."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 30, 2023, 05:20:36 PM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

Rayek was waiting on the main floor of the abandoned building, peering through a crack in the boarded-up windows towards the fortified and well-guarded property of the facility, when the patrolling groups returned.

He gave each team an opportunity to report what they saw or their concerns.

Torra spoke up at her turn, "Sir, I don't have proof of my theory, but I suspect we are on the right track with our investigation - as I think one or more of those conjoined creatures may have been the reason this area was abandoned.  There is signs of damage throughout the building that is very much like what we saw on the VaQ.  They may have escaped the facility."

Rayek's eyebrows shot up in surprise at that statement, but it he trusted Torra's assessment.  He'd overseen her as an enlist security crewman on Challenger for a year before he got transfered to Katra.  She was not prone to unsubstantiated claims.  "Thank you Arrian."

He considered this new information.  It was possible a creature could have escaped... or it was equally possible that the facility had the creatures being used as 'watchdogs'.  This thought gave Rayek pause.  He'd been considering on having the team 'sneak over the wall' - while Jael and possibly himself met with the head of the facility to discuss 'employment terms'.    But he had his doubts that the poorly armed team would be a match for one of those creatures.

It was a shame that Dr. Broadshire hadn't completed his work on the nanobot virus before the team had to leave.

After listening to any others who wished to speak up, Rayek raised his hand to gain their attention.

"This is the plan.  Sherem, Tragnar, Sorik and I will head in past the forcefield to the facility itself and meet with whomever.   We will barter for a bit and then ask to meet with the current security and get a tour of the facility in attempt to draw them away from the Bird-of-Prey, and get a look at the work being done here.

Meanwhile Subcommander Briggs and the others will dawdle at the entrance, near to where the Bird of Prey is landed and look for an opportunity to sneak aboard.  If security is a problem...  Graham, Addams you'll need to talk them up as if you know you'll be working the same job with them by the end of the day.   Draw their attention fully to give the Doctor and Subcommander opportunity to sneak aboard.   Or... if you think you can get the drop on them without it being noticed by any of the other security, do so."

Rayek's expression was serious as he looked over the team. "I know it's not an ideal plan but with limited intel, it's what we have to work with.  Any questions?"

Then afterwards Rayek contacted Tekin over the ear-comm.  =/\="Our teams are ready to enter the facility grounds and begin our search.  Will report in again in 15 minutes." =/\=

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 02, 2023, 04:08:58 PM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

With everyone in agreement, and the appointment time arrived, Rayek led the way across the road to the gated entrance of the facility grounds.   The team was met and questioned by a group of five rather rough looking Cardassian guards.  Certainly not your typical military security, Rayek mused to himself.

Rayek let Jael introduce them, as the mercenary group representative.  After a moment to get confirmation of the appointment from whoever was the head of this facility, the team was let inside the gate.  Two guards remained at the gate, while three continued on with the 'mercenary team'.

Now it was time to split up.

As his Harold persona, Rayek motioned to the four pre-selected team members to hang back as the team was passing closest to the open field where the Bird of Prey was presently landed.  "Let's not overwhelm the client with everyone at once.  You four hang back.  Make nice with the local hires maybe?"  He smiled to the one he judged as the leader of those guiding them to the house, before looking back to Kyle and the others.  "We'll call you in if it seems like we'll get the contract."

Then he, Sorik, Jael and Helga continued on towards the facility building - with two of the remaining guards.  One guard remained behind with the four mercenaries.

Rayek noted how the facility seemed to have been building flush against the forcefield from the opposite side.  "What's up with it being build outside the forcefield?" he bluntly asked.

The lead guard glanced back to the nosy human and smirked.  "You'll learn soon enough if you get the job."  Then as the neared the building entrance, Rayek noted the leader activated some device on his wrist.  A small opening in the forcefield appeared much like how one had opened for the shuttle when they were coming in.

It had activated from a single touch so could be a simple generic signal to open or close, or more likely, given the level of security in this place, it was likely biometrically activated.  To test this, Rayek brushed ahead of the others in an apparent rush to be first through the door, bumping into the lead guard as he did so and pressing the wrist device in the process. "Coming through!"  The portal in the forcefield remained open and Rayek with a wide smile back towards the others entered first.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Outside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael nodded, though most of her mind was going over what to say to the Cardassian guards. She definitely hoped that the security as tour guides will definitely help in drawing them away, especially as a Cardassian unaffiliated with their military would likely raise loads of suspicion.

Meeting the team, Jael made the introductions, and once they were made, a guard spoke up.

"So you're the new help the Glinn mentioned?" asked a guard gruffly.

"Of course," said Jael. "We're glad to help you in any way we can."

"Then allow us to show you around," the guard replied. "But bear in mind we'll be watching you. Any incorrect behavior and your tour will end abruptly at a cell."

Jael nodded, but inwardly was excited. Things were going as planned, even if there would only be a handful of guards left, following along through the forcefield.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun cracked a grin at the kids' impatience. You can't ask for a brainstorming session and then be upset by the suggestions that are made. Gohun, with zero signs of irritation, offered alternative recommendations.
"The fact that nanobots may combine species with drastically diverse metabolic processes demonstrates a degree of technology well beyond our current capacity. Tragically, the hosts rejects the fusion, and the two entities perish."
While Gohun looked around the room, he jotted down two notes on a whiteboard.
"There are now two options available. To divide them, we may examine their transporter patterns. Or if we retrained the nanobots, they could be able to tell that each host is unique. This may appear to be simple, but it is quite challenging."
Gohun paused that wasnt right.
" Strike that and reverse. The second should be easier. In theory, we only need to recode a single device to have the new software quickly spread to the others and eliminate the issue." Gohun stated assuredly as he prepared to try and wipe away the writing on the wall (which was not a white board). Gohun tried to clean it to no avail. Looking at the marker Gohun realized it was a permanent marker. Moving fast and thinking fast Gohun moved to the other side of the room and hoped that emergency would distract people.


[Engineering --> tr'Lhoell Quarters - RFS Valdore]

Having completed the ion generator and creating the fake warp and ion signature of a Cardassian ship, Lek had precious little to do. The Romulan chief engineer didn't trust him and kept him as far from anything important as he could. As a result, Lek decided to check on Tess and the children who he'd sworn to Rayek he would protect at all costs.

He took the turbolift and made his way to Rayek's quarters. He stopped at the door and waited for Tess to reply to the chime that sounded. As he waited, he reflected on how little he actually knew about Tess. They had only met the once for their wedding. All he knew for certain was that she was from Baku. Other than that, this would be their first real conversation.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 05, 2023, 12:59:22 AM

Gohun cracked a grin at the kids' impatience. You can't ask for a brainstorming session and then be upset by the suggestions that are made. Gohun, with zero signs of irritation, offered alternative recommendations.
"The fact that nanobots may combine species with drastically diverse metabolic processes demonstrates a degree of technology well beyond our current capacity. Tragically, the hosts rejects the fusion, and the two entities perish."
While Gohun looked around the room, he jotted down two notes on a whiteboard.
"There are now two options available. To divide them, we may examine their transporter patterns. Or if we retrained the nanobots, they could be able to tell that each host is unique. This may appear to be simple, but it is quite challenging."
Gohun paused that wasnt right.
" Strike that and reverse. The second should be easier. In theory, we only need to recode a single device to have the new software quickly spread to the others and eliminate the issue." Gohun stated assuredly as he prepared to try and wipe away the writing on the wall (which was not a white board). Gohun tried to clean it to no avail. Looking at the marker Gohun realized it was a permanent marker. Moving fast and thinking fast Gohun moved to the other side of the room and hoped that emergency would distract people.

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
While Dem was working on a possible virus, he glanced over at the goose who was writing on the walls. He did have some good points, and Dem was considering. He timidly stepped out into the open area, trying to not nullify his "œspectacular exit". "œThat is an innovative idea. I think a precise enough transport could reverse the damage. However, we will need to have the ability for the creature to calm, and stop all fusion processes, to allow for a transporter lock. Then work your engineering magic on the software." He paused. "œI suggest, a virus, a temporary, non-deadly virus that could calm the creature." He highlighted the non-deadly part. No need to rub salt in old wounds.

Doctor Betaika continued the train of thought. "œI have been working on something that could do the trick, in my mind that is. Of course, if anyone has any other ideas"¦" he trailed off, observing if others would approve. Momentarily, he was collecting his thoughts on his brain child. A benzene infuser, one of the elements that can dissolve lithium which is the main bonding agent nanoprobes use. He decided to stop sitting around next to the testing area and grab a PADD to jot down ideas like a normal person.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 05, 2023, 12:59:22 AM

Gohun cracked a grin at the kids' impatience. You can't ask for a brainstorming session and then be upset by the suggestions that are made. Gohun, with zero signs of irritation, offered alternative recommendations.
"The fact that nanobots may combine species with drastically diverse metabolic processes demonstrates a degree of technology well beyond our current capacity. Tragically, the hosts rejects the fusion, and the two entities perish."
While Gohun looked around the room, he jotted down two notes on a whiteboard.
"There are now two options available. To divide them, we may examine their transporter patterns. Or if we retrained the nanobots, they could be able to tell that each host is unique. This may appear to be simple, but it is quite challenging."
Gohun paused that wasnt right.
" Strike that and reverse. The second should be easier. In theory, we only need to recode a single device to have the new software quickly spread to the others and eliminate the issue." Gohun stated assuredly as he prepared to try and wipe away the writing on the wall (which was not a white board). Gohun tried to clean it to no avail. Looking at the marker Gohun realized it was a permanent marker. Moving fast and thinking fast Gohun moved to the other side of the room and hoped that emergency would distract people.

Saqa7, who had thought Gohun had followed her to the Science lab, returned to the last place she'd seen him and found the engineer writing on the sickbay lab wall with a permanent mark.  She might have been more upset, but when she arrived he seemed to be in the midst of a revelation on how to possibly reverse the conjoinment.
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 07, 2023, 04:45:35 AM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
While Dem was working on a possible virus, he glanced over at the goose who was writing on the walls. He did have some good points, and Dem was considering. He timidly stepped out into the open area, trying to not nullify his "œspectacular exit". "œThat is an innovative idea. I think a precise enough transport could reverse the damage. However, we will need to have the ability for the creature to calm, and stop all fusion processes, to allow for a transporter lock. Then work your engineering magic on the software." He paused. "œI suggest, a virus, a temporary, non-deadly virus that could calm the creature." He highlighted the non-deadly part. No need to rub salt in old wounds.

Doctor Betaika continued the train of thought. "œI have been working on something that could do the trick, in my mind that is. Of course, if anyone has any other ideas"¦" he trailed off, observing if others would approve. Momentarily, he was collecting his thoughts on his brain child. A benzene infuser, one of the elements that can dissolve lithium which is the main bonding agent nanoprobes use. He decided to stop sitting around next to the testing area and grab a PADD to jot down ideas like a normal person.

Even Dr. Broadshire returned to offer his support of the engineer's idea.  Saqa7 smiled, appreciative of his stressing the phrase non-deadly when mentioning his work on the virus.   Then the Romulan physician spoke and Saqa7 looked over to him curious.  "What is your idea?"

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on February 03, 2023, 07:07:59 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Outside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael nodded, though most of her mind was going over what to say to the Cardassian guards. She definitely hoped that the security as tour guides will definitely help in drawing them away, especially as a Cardassian unaffiliated with their military would likely raise loads of suspicion.

Meeting the team, Jael made the introductions, and once they were made, a guard spoke up.

"So you're the new help the Glinn mentioned?" asked a guard gruffly.

"Of course," said Jael. "We're glad to help you in any way we can."

"Then allow us to show you around," the guard replied. "But bear in mind we'll be watching you. Any incorrect behavior and your tour will end abruptly at a cell."

Jael nodded, but inwardly was excited. Things were going as planned, even if there would only be a handful of guards left, following along through the forcefield.

He heard the lead guard's warning to the group but Rayek wasn't overly concerned, rather he was pleased at how things seemed to be going to plan.

Rayek's discovery that the wrist-devices were biometrically activated meant that returning in a hurry without their guide might be more difficult than had it been merely code-locked.  But that was okay, there were means of getting around biometrics.

Once within the facility, Rayek returned to his position beside the Vulcan, letting Jael take lead once more for short while as their guide explained about their vetting process, and how DNA identification would need to be cleared before they could be hired.

Yeah, that wasn't an option for their team, so Rayek decided to interrupt.

"So we're a team of 8, how likely is it that we'll be able to work together?  A place this size has what... maybe 8 guards per shift?   Two at the front gate, two at the back exit - assuming you have a back exit out into that open expanse." Rayek made a face at the idea of having to work that shift. before continuing his listing to the guard.  He watched the Cardassian for reaction.  "Two in the security room watching the cameras and two rovers - correct?"

The guard who had yet to identify himself despite their own introductions, scowled, glancing back as he continued to walk.  "I see you know your security."

Rayek shrugged casually.  "It's part of the job, so yeah, I do."

Though the guard hadn't answered his question with a 'yes' or 'no', the reaction was confirmation enough.   Given this, he prompted again.  "What about other security measures? Any guard dogs we should familiarize ourselves with? Areas that are off-limits, we should avoid?"

This time the guard stopped to turn and face Rayek.  "You're full of questions aren't you?  If you'd shut-up a moment, all this will be explained after you've be vetted."

Rayek, in his mercenary persona, chuckled at the Cardassian's suspicious attitude.  "Yeah... that's not gonna happen."

The guard seemed taken aback by Rayek's stated refusal.  "You got something to hide?"

Rayek gave a shrug. "What mercenary doesn't -  but that's not my concern."

"Oh, so what is?" the guard demanded know.

Rayek looked to Jael and the others a moment, and decided to stir the pot.  "A facility like this...  and the rumors surrounding it... I'm not so sure giving a sample of my DNA is a wise idea.  Who knows what sort of monster it might produce."

The guard's mouth dropped open in stunned surprise.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Torra watched Rayek, Jael, Helga and Sorik head off towards the building for a moment before turning towards the guard that remained with them.   He stood very stiff with his arms crossing his chest.  Clearly, attempting to appear intimidating.  However, she did notice that he seemed to watch her very closely.  Torra smiled softly and dipped her head.   "Am I the first Grazerite you've met?" she queried, though she made certain her tone was light and not judgemental.

The guard seemed to shift his stance a bit uncertainly, and he dropped his arms as he continued to stare at Torra, clearly fascinated with her species.  "I heard your kind were pacifists..."  he remarked hesitantly.

"That's a common misconception." Torra said with a larger smile.  She then walked to the otherside of the guard in an ambling pace, positioning herself facing where the Bird-of-Prey was.   The guard in turn was now facing away from the ship.

"I'm quite skilled at combat.  Isn't that right, Kura?"  Torra tried to draw Alex into the conversation, remembering the Subcommander's plan.   To the guard she added in an aside, " He and I spar often and I'm always winning.  Maybe you and I can spar sometime?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

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