Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 07, 2023, 06:44:54 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7, who had thought Gohun had followed her to the Science lab, returned to the last place she'd seen him and found the engineer writing on the sickbay lab wall with a permanent mark.  She might have been more upset, but when she arrived he seemed to be in the midst of a revelation on how to possibly reverse the conjoinment.

Even Dr. Broadshire returned to offer his support of the engineer's idea.  Saqa7 smiled, appreciative of his stressing the phrase non-deadly when mentioning his work on the virus.   Then the Romulan physician spoke and Saqa7 looked over to him curious.  "What is your idea?"

"œWell"¦" Betaika replied with a slight raise in pitch. "œI think we should be making a catalyst, virus or whatever that can infuse the bloodstream with Benzene. If you are unaware, it dissolves lithium and-" Dem continued his statement. "œThat will stop nanobots from working, in effect sedating the creature!"

"œExactly". The kindly doctor replied with a hint of deflation in his voice. He would have liked to reveal the effect himself, but who was he to stop an eager young ensign from connecting the dots.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 02, 2023, 04:08:58 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab >>  Science Lab]

Leaving Dr. Broadshire and Dr. Betaika behind, Saqa7 led Petty Officer Gohun to the Science Lab, where she called up on one of the computer screens what information they had on the Borg nanites.   "Research so far theorizes that conjoinment by the nanites occurs on the cellular level and this is why two incompatible species eventually end up dying.  Antibodies from each immune system is attacking the other, until... the body dies.  We need a way to undo that cellular fusing.  Transporters take us apart at a quantum level so - in theory it's just a matter of separating the two individual DNA sources and then putting them back together.  Right?" she asked of the engineer.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

With everyone in agreement, and the appointment time arrived, Rayek led the way across the road to the gated entrance of the facility grounds.   The team was met and questioned by a group of five rather rough looking Cardassian guards.  Certainly not your typical military security, Rayek mused to himself.

Rayek let Jael introduce them, as the mercenary group representative.  After a moment to get confirmation of the appointment from whoever was the head of this facility, the team was let inside the gate.  Two guards remained at the gate, while three continued on with the 'mercenary team'.

Now it was time to split up.

As his Harold persona, Rayek motioned to the four pre-selected team members to hang back as the team was passing closest to the open field where the Bird of Prey was presently landed.  "Let's not overwhelm the client with everyone at once.  You four hang back.  Make nice with the local hires maybe?"  He smiled to the one he judged as the leader of those guiding them to the house, before looking back to Kyle and the others.  "We'll call you in if it seems like we'll get the contract."

Then he, Sorik, Jael and Helga continued on towards the facility building - with two of the remaining guards.  One guard remained behind with the four mercenaries.

Rayek noted how the facility seemed to have been building flush against the forcefield from the opposite side.  "What's up with it being build outside the forcefield?" he bluntly asked.

The lead guard glanced back to the nosy human and smirked.  "You'll learn soon enough if you get the job."  Then as the neared the building entrance, Rayek noted the leader activated some device on his wrist.  A small opening in the forcefield appeared much like how one had opened for the shuttle when they were coming in.

It had activated from a single touch so could be a simple generic signal to open or close, or more likely, given the level of security in this place, it was likely biometrically activated.  To test this, Rayek brushed ahead of the others in an apparent rush to be first through the door, bumping into the lead guard as he did so and pressing the wrist device in the process. "Coming through!"  The portal in the forcefield remained open and Rayek with a wide smile back towards the others entered first.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Returning to her station after announcing the completion of the work the Bajoran Riov requested, Sunauth settled back into doing her usual duties.   She noted while she was gone, a Cardassian vessel had entered their relative vicinity.   The ship seemed to be patrolling the enclave borders - this was evidenced by their actives scans.

"Riov Tekin, there is a Cardassian ship nearing our sector at warp, it is on approach along the border and is conducting active scans.  It will be in full sensor range in 20 minutes."

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Nevir didn't answer at first... it wasn't always necessary.  But as he focused on the readings, the message about the incoming ship was enough for his attention.  He raised his head towards the viewscreen.

"Keep everything on standby.  Cover our neutrino emissions and standby.  Any sign that they see us?"

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 07, 2023, 06:44:54 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7, who had thought Gohun had followed her to the Science lab, returned to the last place she'd seen him and found the engineer writing on the sickbay lab wall with a permanent mark.  She might have been more upset, but when she arrived he seemed to be in the midst of a revelation on how to possibly reverse the conjoinment.

Even Dr. Broadshire returned to offer his support of the engineer's idea.  Saqa7 smiled, appreciative of his stressing the phrase non-deadly when mentioning his work on the virus.   Then the Romulan physician spoke and Saqa7 looked over to him curious.  "What is your idea?"

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

He heard the lead guard's warning to the group but Rayek wasn't overly concerned, rather he was pleased at how things seemed to be going to plan.

Rayek's discovery that the wrist-devices were biometrically activated meant that returning in a hurry without their guide might be more difficult than had it been merely code-locked.  But that was okay, there were means of getting around biometrics.

Once within the facility, Rayek returned to his position beside the Vulcan, letting Jael take lead once more for short while as their guide explained about their vetting process, and how DNA identification would need to be cleared before they could be hired.

Yeah, that wasn't an option for their team, so Rayek decided to interrupt.

"So we're a team of 8, how likely is it that we'll be able to work together?  A place this size has what... maybe 8 guards per shift?   Two at the front gate, two at the back exit - assuming you have a back exit out into that open expanse." Rayek made a face at the idea of having to work that shift. before continuing his listing to the guard.  He watched the Cardassian for reaction.  "Two in the security room watching the cameras and two rovers - correct?"

The guard who had yet to identify himself despite their own introductions, scowled, glancing back as he continued to walk.  "I see you know your security."

Rayek shrugged casually.  "It's part of the job, so yeah, I do."

Though the guard hadn't answered his question with a 'yes' or 'no', the reaction was confirmation enough.   Given this, he prompted again.  "What about other security measures? Any guard dogs we should familiarize ourselves with? Areas that are off-limits, we should avoid?"

This time the guard stopped to turn and face Rayek.  "You're full of questions aren't you?  If you'd shut-up a moment, all this will be explained after you've be vetted."

Rayek, in his mercenary persona, chuckled at the Cardassian's suspicious attitude.  "Yeah... that's not gonna happen."

The guard seemed taken aback by Rayek's stated refusal.  "You got something to hide?"

Rayek gave a shrug. "What mercenary doesn't -  but that's not my concern."

"Oh, so what is?" the guard demanded know.

Rayek looked to Jael and the others a moment, and decided to stir the pot.  "A facility like this...  and the rumors surrounding it... I'm not so sure giving a sample of my DNA is a wise idea.  Who knows what sort of monster it might produce."

The guard's mouth dropped open in stunned surprise.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Torra watched Rayek, Jael, Helga and Sorik head off towards the building for a moment before turning towards the guard that remained with them.   He stood very stiff with his arms crossing his chest.  Clearly, attempting to appear intimidating.  However, she did notice that he seemed to watch her very closely.  Torra smiled softly and dipped her head.   "Am I the first Grazerite you've met?" she queried, though she made certain her tone was light and not judgemental.

The guard seemed to shift his stance a bit uncertainly, and he dropped his arms as he continued to stare at Torra, clearly fascinated with her species.  "I heard your kind were pacifists..."  he remarked hesitantly.

"That's a common misconception." Torra said with a larger smile.  She then walked to the otherside of the guard in an ambling pace, positioning herself facing where the Bird-of-Prey was.   The guard in turn was now facing away from the ship.

"I'm quite skilled at combat.  Isn't that right, Kura?"  Torra tried to draw Alex into the conversation, remembering the Subcommander's plan.   To the guard she added in an aside, " He and I spar often and I'm always winning.  Maybe you and I can spar sometime?"

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œShe is quite good at fighting if I do say so myself. I would be down for a rematch spar in the future." He remembered the sub commander's plan and he was quite confident in Torra's abilities. He thought it would be quite interesting to see how they would fare up in a spar. He observed the guard to see about possible suspicions.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 08, 2023, 01:34:49 AM

"œWell"¦" Betaika replied with a slight raise in pitch. "œI think we should be making a catalyst, virus or whatever that can infuse the bloodstream with Benzene. If you are unaware, it dissolves lithium and-" Dem continued his statement. "œThat will stop nanobots from working, in effect sedating the creature!"

"œExactly". The kindly doctor replied with a hint of deflation in his voice. He would have liked to reveal the effect himself, but who was he to stop an eager young ensign from connecting the dots.

Saqa7's smile grew wider as doctors Broadshire and Betaika collaborated to come up with a plan that she could get behind.    "That's an excellent plan.  However, as I recall Benzene is a carcinogen so you will need to keep watch for any DNA strand breaks and chromosomal damage."  She cautioned the pair of doctors.  It wouldn't be helpful to damage the DNA prior to separating it.

Saqa7 looked to the engineer who had prompted the collaborative work.  "What do you need to start testing on your end of things?"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 09, 2023, 09:50:52 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Nevir didn't answer at first... it wasn't always necessary.  But as he focused on the readings, the message about the incoming ship was enough for his attention.  He raised his head towards the viewscreen.

"Keep everything on standby.  Cover our neutrino emissions and standby.  Any sign that they see us?"

The Ops officer complied with the Bajoran Riov's orders.  Moving ensuring all ship's systems were on standby while remained at the border.   Sunauth hadn't initially thought much of the foreigner's presence on the ship.  But she was beginning to appreciate at least their Captain's presence.

To ensure she didn't get in trouble from Riov tr'Siedhri, the Arrain sent a low priority message informing the Romulan Commander of the current situation and that Riov Tekin had the Bridge.

She then studied what little data their passive readings could determine about the Cardassian vessel.  "It's uncertain.  Their route hasn't changed but the ship will pass within scanning and weapons range if they don't alter course."

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on February 10, 2023, 11:06:47 PM

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œShe is quite good at fighting if I do say so myself. I would be down for a rematch spar in the future." He remembered the sub commander's plan and he was quite confident in Torra's abilities. He thought it would be quite interesting to see how they would fare up in a spar. He observed the guard to see about possible suspicions.

Torra dipped her horned head towards the pilot as he played along with her impromptu distraction.   She turned her attention back towards the guard that was the only thing preventing Commander Briggs and the doctor from slipping away into the Bird of Prey.

"Interested in a wager?"

The Cardassian looked intrigued, but also suspicious.  "What sort of wager?"

"A strip of latinum... if you can win against me." Torra's gently smile was at odds with her words.

The Cardassian eyed up the 6'6" Grazerite and shook his head.   "I'll keep my money."

Torra frowned a moment then looked to the young-looking Chief Petty.   "How about 20 Lek... if you can win against my friend, Kura, here?   If you beat him... you reconsider sparring against me."

The guard seemed to take more of an interest in this offer.   He looked to the one called Kura.  "Are you in?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 11, 2023, 02:18:45 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7's smile grew wider as doctors Broadshire and Betaika collaborated to come up with a plan that she could get behind.    "That's an excellent plan.  However, as I recall Benzene is a carcinogen so you will need to keep watch for any DNA strand breaks and chromosomal damage."  She cautioned the pair of doctors.  It wouldn't be helpful to damage the DNA prior to separating it.

Saqa7 looked to the engineer who had prompted the collaborative work.  "What do you need to start testing on your end of things?"

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]

"œI think that we just need to grab some DNA" Betaika replied. "œIt looks like Dem has an itch to explain, so the floor is yours". Dem did not even take a hint that that was a slight jibe and launched right in. "œSo, the whole thing is that there are 2 double helixes stuck together. We will call it a quadruple helix. While normal DNA are just bonded because of their pairs, you know, AT, GC, when I was doing my autopsy I found that the second helix was bonded together with borg stuff, because it is chemically impossible for them to stick together. Undo the borg stuff, undo the connection, and transport away." Dem slightly regretted using such childish tones when describing this. He did not know how else to explain it. Dem took a sideways glance at Doctor Betaika, and decided it was time to hang up his leading role. "œSince this is your idea, what shall we be doing?"

Doctor Betaika

Betaika was surprised at his change of attitude, considering what felt like moments ago he was proudly captaining this sinking ship. He was considering following his historically passive overview of life, but he felt like he should take charge. His grip was slipping in life. While he was once shaking hands with Arrains that still has blood on their tunics from glorious battles, he was now grappling for any grip in this world. The problem with Romulan ships is that you have to gain the recognition of the crew to go anywhere, help an officer get a gift for their husband, go on a mission to the Badlands. Compliment an officer of their performance in the Badlands, get a new model of dermal regenerator. The only reason he was still invited to Ranasarah celebrations was because he went to the holodecks sometimes with flight control officers. A sad situation. He considered, on occasion resigning his commission. But that was a wall that was in front of everything he stood for. "œI took an oath god dammit!" Would ring in his head as he sits in the back of the canteen, only company a roll of Sarmale. Some oath. So, this time he would take charge.

"œOk, thank you Mr Broadshire. Gohun, you will find some DNA strands somewhere within 200 million microns of the edge of that petri dish, use it to help your programming. Saq7, Dem I want you to begin tests on the Benzene injection. I will work on the virus. Are we understood?" A raised inflection and a twinkle in his eye gave off an aura for confidence and self-esteem. He had not felt this good in years.

Dem heartily replied, "œYes Sir."

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 07, 2023, 06:44:54 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

He heard the lead guard's warning to the group but Rayek wasn't overly concerned, rather he was pleased at how things seemed to be going to plan.

Rayek's discovery that the wrist-devices were biometrically activated meant that returning in a hurry without their guide might be more difficult than had it been merely code-locked.  But that was okay, there were means of getting around biometrics.

Once within the facility, Rayek returned to his position beside the Vulcan, letting Jael take lead once more for short while as their guide explained about their vetting process, and how DNA identification would need to be cleared before they could be hired.

Yeah, that wasn't an option for their team, so Rayek decided to interrupt.

"So we're a team of 8, how likely is it that we'll be able to work together?  A place this size has what... maybe 8 guards per shift?   Two at the front gate, two at the back exit - assuming you have a back exit out into that open expanse." Rayek made a face at the idea of having to work that shift. before continuing his listing to the guard.  He watched the Cardassian for reaction.  "Two in the security room watching the cameras and two rovers - correct?"

The guard who had yet to identify himself despite their own introductions, scowled, glancing back as he continued to walk.  "I see you know your security."

Rayek shrugged casually.  "It's part of the job, so yeah, I do."

Though the guard hadn't answered his question with a 'yes' or 'no', the reaction was confirmation enough.   Given this, he prompted again.  "What about other security measures? Any guard dogs we should familiarize ourselves with? Areas that are off-limits, we should avoid?"

This time the guard stopped to turn and face Rayek.  "You're full of questions aren't you?  If you'd shut-up a moment, all this will be explained after you've be vetted."

Rayek, in his mercenary persona, chuckled at the Cardassian's suspicious attitude.  "Yeah... that's not gonna happen."

The guard seemed taken aback by Rayek's stated refusal.  "You got something to hide?"

Rayek gave a shrug. "What mercenary doesn't -  but that's not my concern."

"Oh, so what is?" the guard demanded know.

Rayek looked to Jael and the others a moment, and decided to stir the pot.  "A facility like this...  and the rumors surrounding it... I'm not so sure giving a sample of my DNA is a wise idea.  Who knows what sort of monster it might produce."

The guard's mouth dropped open in stunned surprise.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Torra watched Rayek, Jael, Helga and Sorik head off towards the building for a moment before turning towards the guard that remained with them.   He stood very stiff with his arms crossing his chest.  Clearly, attempting to appear intimidating.  However, she did notice that he seemed to watch her very closely.  Torra smiled softly and dipped her head.   "Am I the first Grazerite you've met?" she queried, though she made certain her tone was light and not judgemental.

The guard seemed to shift his stance a bit uncertainly, and he dropped his arms as he continued to stare at Torra, clearly fascinated with her species.  "I heard your kind were pacifists..."  he remarked hesitantly.

"That's a common misconception." Torra said with a larger smile.  She then walked to the otherside of the guard in an ambling pace, positioning herself facing where the Bird-of-Prey was.   The guard in turn was now facing away from the ship.

"I'm quite skilled at combat.  Isn't that right, Kura?"  Torra tried to draw Alex into the conversation, remembering the Subcommander's plan.   To the guard she added in an aside, " He and I spar often and I'm always winning.  Maybe you and I can spar sometime?"

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Outside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael watched as she followed along with "Harold" and the Cardassian bodyguards. Oh, his wording was good, he would've done excellently in an embassy on Cardassia. But the words about the monsters certainly took the guard aback. Whether or not he was ignorant of what went on, or surprised that they know, Jael knew that this was a slap in the face.

"There I have to agree with Harold," Jael commented. "I'm greatly familiar with an Earth book, 'Frankenstein,' about a scientist who tries to make life by assembling body parts to make a reanimated monster. I hate to think if any monster in there is conjured up from a mishmash of DNA the same way Frankenstein puts together a mishmash of body parts..."

She was putting in a subtle hint, wondering if Crell Moset was in never knew...

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 11, 2023, 03:40:13 AM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]

"œI think that we just need to grab some DNA" Betaika replied. "œIt looks like Dem has an itch to explain, so the floor is yours". Dem did not even take a hint that that was a slight jibe and launched right in. "œSo, the whole thing is that there are 2 double helixes stuck together. We will call it a quadruple helix. While normal DNA are just bonded because of their pairs, you know, AT, GC, when I was doing my autopsy I found that the second helix was bonded together with borg stuff, because it is chemically impossible for them to stick together. Undo the borg stuff, undo the connection, and transport away." Dem slightly regretted using such childish tones when describing this. He did not know how else to explain it. Dem took a sideways glance at Doctor Betaika, and decided it was time to hang up his leading role. "œSince this is your idea, what shall we be doing?"

Doctor Betaika

Betaika was surprised at his change of attitude, considering what felt like moments ago he was proudly captaining this sinking ship. He was considering following his historically passive overview of life, but he felt like he should take charge. His grip was slipping in life. While he was once shaking hands with Arrains that still has blood on their tunics from glorious battles, he was now grappling for any grip in this world. The problem with Romulan ships is that you have to gain the recognition of the crew to go anywhere, help an officer get a gift for their husband, go on a mission to the Badlands. Compliment an officer of their performance in the Badlands, get a new model of dermal regenerator. The only reason he was still invited to Ranasarah celebrations was because he went to the holodecks sometimes with flight control officers. A sad situation. He considered, on occasion resigning his commission. But that was a wall that was in front of everything he stood for. "œI took an oath god dammit!" Would ring in his head as he sits in the back of the canteen, only company a roll of Sarmale. Some oath. So, this time he would take charge.

"œOk, thank you Mr Broadshire. Gohun, you will find some DNA strands somewhere within 200 million microns of the edge of that petri dish, use it to help your programming. Saq7, Dem I want you to begin tests on the Benzene injection. I will work on the virus. Are we understood?" A raised inflection and a twinkle in his eye gave off an aura for confidence and self-esteem. He had not felt this good in years.

Dem heartily replied, "œYes Sir."

There was something very familiar about the attitude of the Romulan doctor just prior to his issuing orders.  Saqa7 was reminded of a lone Centurion guard she met some 8... 9... years ago.

"Now look at him." she murmured quietly, before nodding her acknowledgement of the task assigned her.

She looked to Dem.  "There's a supply of benzene in the Science lab."   She'd seen it her first day while doing an inventory of the labs resources.

Benzene was classed as an aromatic hydrocarbon.  A colorless, highly flammable liquid with a sweet smell, but known to be toxic to most humanoids being carcinogenic.  She'd been surprised to find it on the Romulan ship and wondered about its use.

"I'll bring it here."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on February 11, 2023, 11:01:36 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael watched as she followed along with "Harold" and the Cardassian bodyguards. Oh, his wording was good, he would've done excellently in an embassy on Cardassia. But the words about the monsters certainly took the guard aback. Whether or not he was ignorant of what went on, or surprised that they know, Jael knew that this was a slap in the face.

"There I have to agree with Harold," Jael commented. "I'm greatly familiar with an Earth book, 'Frankenstein,' about a scientist who tries to make life by assembling body parts to make a reanimated monster. I hate to think if any monster in there is conjured up from a mishmash of DNA the same way Frankenstein puts together a mishmash of body parts..."

She was putting in a subtle hint, wondering if Crell Moset was in never knew...

The guard looked between the two - Harold and Tilan - clearly shaken at their apparent knowledge.  He stepped back a few paces and pulled his phase-disruptor on the party of four.  "Hands where I can see them!" he ordered.

Rayek grimaced as his attempt to gain a bit more intel backfired.  The man's finger was already on the trigger of the phase-disruptor so he opted to raise his hands in apparent surrender, rather than risk getting someone on his team shot.

"Hey easy now.   There's no need for all this.  So, yeah - we caught wind of your little secret here.  Did you really think no one outside the facility knew?  But at the end of the day, it's not like we care - as long as the money is good." Rayek tried to talk their way out the situation.

"Shut up!"  the guard with his free hand flipped open his communicator.

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

The call to the guards communicator was heard clearly by all.   Now it was just a matter of who had the faster reflexes.   The Subcommander had given them permission to take out the guards if they could do so unobserved.    This wasn't quite unobserved but it was no or likely never, as 'the ward' didn't sound all that hospitable a place to be taken to under guard.

She figured Subcommander Briggs and the doctor would likely make a break for the ship - this potentially being their last chance to do so.

As their weapons had been 'checked and left' at the gate, Torra had to rely on her hand-to-hand combat skills.  The long-legged Grazerite kicked out towards the guard even as his hand pulled his phase-disruptor from his holster.  The weapon went flying.   Now the odds were more in their favor.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 12, 2023, 10:16:07 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

There was something very familiar about the attitude of the Romulan doctor just prior to his issuing orders.  Saqa7 was reminded of a lone Centurion guard she met some 8... 9... years ago.

"Now look at him." she murmured quietly, before nodding her acknowledgement of the task assigned her.

She looked to Dem.  "There's a supply of benzene in the Science lab."   She'd seen it her first day while doing an inventory of the labs resources.

Benzene was classed as an aromatic hydrocarbon.  A colorless, highly flammable liquid with a sweet smell, but known to be toxic to most humanoids being carcinogenic.  She'd been surprised to find it on the Romulan ship and wondered about its use.

"I'll bring it here."

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
After the Doctor issued the orders, he noticed that Dem was happy, but Saq7 was uncomfortable and uneasy. Maybe his "œTriumphant Return" was too pre-emptive? However, what was done was done, and he had work to do now.

Dem Broadshire
"œYeah, ok, well I'll be over here to set up?" Dem pointed candidly into the distance of the medical bay. He was happy that a strong voice was leading the team on. While it was his project, it all fell to the prophets the moment he invied others to join. He has much to learn about team leadership.


[Outside tr'Lhoell Quarters - RFS Valdore]

It turned out Tess had just gotten their son to sleep and couldn't talk, so Lek simply whispered.

"If you need anything, comm me."

Rather short on things to do, Lek went back to Engineering and pretended to monitor the ship's systems.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 12, 2023, 10:16:07 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

There was something very familiar about the attitude of the Romulan doctor just prior to his issuing orders.  Saqa7 was reminded of a lone Centurion guard she met some 8... 9... years ago.

"Now look at him." she murmured quietly, before nodding her acknowledgement of the task assigned her.

She looked to Dem.  "There's a supply of benzene in the Science lab."   She'd seen it her first day while doing an inventory of the labs resources.

Benzene was classed as an aromatic hydrocarbon.  A colorless, highly flammable liquid with a sweet smell, but known to be toxic to most humanoids being carcinogenic.  She'd been surprised to find it on the Romulan ship and wondered about its use.

"I'll bring it here."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The guard looked between the two - Harold and Tilan - clearly shaken at their apparent knowledge.  He stepped back a few paces and pulled his phase-disruptor on the party of four.  "Hands where I can see them!" he ordered.

Rayek grimaced as his attempt to gain a bit more intel backfired.  The man's finger was already on the trigger of the phase-disruptor so he opted to raise his hands in apparent surrender, rather than risk getting someone on his team shot.

"Hey easy now.   There's no need for all this.  So, yeah - we caught wind of your little secret here.  Did you really think no one outside the facility knew?  But at the end of the day, it's not like we care - as long as the money is good." Rayek tried to talk their way out the situation.

"Shut up!"  the guard with his free hand flipped open his communicator.

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

The call to the guards communicator was heard clearly by all.   Now it was just a matter of who had the faster reflexes.   The Subcommander had given them permission to take out the guards if they could do so unobserved.    This wasn't quite unobserved but it was no or likely never, as 'the ward' didn't sound all that hospitable a place to be taken to under guard.

She figured Subcommander Briggs and the doctor would likely make a break for the ship - this potentially being their last chance to do so.

As their weapons had been 'checked and left' at the gate, Torra had to rely on her hand-to-hand combat skills.  The long-legged Grazerite kicked out towards the guard even as his hand pulled his phase-disruptor from his holster.  The weapon went flying.   Now the odds were more in their favor.

[Galantis-Outside the facility]

With the sub commander giving the permission to take out the guards he assisted with dealing with the guards. He was pretty decent in hand to hand combat and he had to rely on his reflexes as he fought the guards. He figured that it might be a matter of time before something goes completely wrong. Now that the odds were in their favor he was confident that it would be semi fair without someone having the upper hand. He knew that things were either going to go well or well things were going to go south for them.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun did know a lot of biology. After several minutes of work Gohun separated the DNA into three separate species. A Romulan, a Centauri and a Gorn. That can't be right. The Centauri is not in Star Trek. Maybe Gohun should stick to mechanics and not biology. With that Gohun started working on the programming of the nanobots.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 12, 2023, 10:16:07 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The guard looked between the two - Harold and Tilan - clearly shaken at their apparent knowledge.  He stepped back a few paces and pulled his phase-disruptor on the party of four.  "Hands where I can see them!" he ordered.

Rayek grimaced as his attempt to gain a bit more intel backfired.  The man's finger was already on the trigger of the phase-disruptor so he opted to raise his hands in apparent surrender, rather than risk getting someone on his team shot.

"Hey easy now.   There's no need for all this.  So, yeah - we caught wind of your little secret here.  Did you really think no one outside the facility knew?  But at the end of the day, it's not like we care - as long as the money is good." Rayek tried to talk their way out the situation.

"Shut up!"  the guard with his free hand flipped open his communicator.

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

The call to the guards communicator was heard clearly by all.   Now it was just a matter of who had the faster reflexes.   The Subcommander had given them permission to take out the guards if they could do so unobserved.    This wasn't quite unobserved but it was no or likely never, as 'the ward' didn't sound all that hospitable a place to be taken to under guard.

She figured Subcommander Briggs and the doctor would likely make a break for the ship - this potentially being their last chance to do so.

As their weapons had been 'checked and left' at the gate, Torra had to rely on her hand-to-hand combat skills.  The long-legged Grazerite kicked out towards the guard even as his hand pulled his phase-disruptor from his holster.  The weapon went flying.   Now the odds were more in their favor.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

"I concur with Richards," Jael put in. "Depending on how many Frankensteins you have, you might as well have displayed work to the entire quadrant..."

"Did we not say shut up?!?" snarled another guard, who then slapped Jael across the face. The blow certainly made Jael flinch and stare in shock while his colleague called for the visitors to be captured. She remembered the other team "in waiting." Hopefully Torra and the others will get by okay.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on February 15, 2023, 06:42:11 PM

[Outside tr'Lhoell Quarters - RFS Valdore]

It turned out Tess had just gotten their son to sleep and couldn't talk, so Lek simply whispered.

"If you need anything, comm me."

Rather short on things to do, Lek went back to Engineering and pretended to monitor the ship's systems.

When Lek returned to Engineering he found the lighting had gotten even darker than usual with red dominating more of the consoles and the engineers were scrambling about powering down several stations. He was informed that the ship was about to 'run silent' because of a Cardassian patrol ship actively scanning in the area.

"The Riov has ordered the ship to cover our emissions and put everything to stand-by." the junior officer informed the Ferengi.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 14, 2023, 03:05:37 AM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
After the Doctor issued the orders, he noticed that Dem was happy, but Saq7 was uncomfortable and uneasy. Maybe his "œTriumphant Return" was too pre-emptive? However, what was done was done, and he had work to do now.

Dem Broadshire
"œYeah, ok, well I'll be over here to set up?" Dem pointed candidly into the distance of the medical bay. He was happy that a strong voice was leading the team on. While it was his project, it all fell to the prophets the moment he invied others to join. He has much to learn about team leadership.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 15, 2023, 09:37:29 PM

Gohun did know a lot of biology. After several minutes of work Gohun separated the DNA into three separate species. A Romulan, a Centauri and a Gorn. That can't be right. The Centauri is not in Star Trek. Maybe Gohun should stick to mechanics and not biology. With that Gohun started working on the programming of the nanobots.

It didn't take Gohun long to separate the DNA, yet just as he was about to begin work on the nanobots in the forcefielded area prepared by Saqa7, the forcefield strength diminshed by half.   The lighting in the room dimmed and red lights showed on the wall consoles.

Saqa7 looked about in confusion.  Did they blow a fuse?

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on February 15, 2023, 06:43:47 PM

[Galantis-Outside the facility]

With the sub commander giving the permission to take out the guards he assisted with dealing with the guards. He was pretty decent in hand to hand combat and he had to rely on his reflexes as he fought the guards. He figured that it might be a matter of time before something goes completely wrong. Now that the odds were in their favor he was confident that it would be semi fair without someone having the upper hand. He knew that things were either going to go well or well things were going to go south for them.

Between Torra and Alex's unexpected attack, the two managed to knock the one guard watching over them, unconscious.   She motioned for Subcommander Briggs and Dr. Belmont to head for the ship.  "We'll cover you." she assured them, then motioned for Alex to retrieve the unconscious guards phase-disruptor.

"We're likely going to have more guards arriving soon.  We need to keep them occupied, focused on us to give the Commander and the Doctor enough time to search the ship." she stated.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on February 16, 2023, 08:38:25 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

"I concur with Richards," Jael put in. "Depending on how many Frankensteins you have, you might as well have displayed work to the entire quadrant..."

"Did we not say shut up?!?" snarled another guard, who then slapped Jael across the face. The blow certainly made Jael flinch and stare in shock while his colleague called for the visitors to be captured. She remembered the other team "in waiting." Hopefully Torra and the others will get by okay.

Rayek tensed when the Cardassian guard struck Jael.  He had to stifle his urge to retaliate, because the other guard had a good aim towards the majority of the team and Rayek knew full well what sort of damage could be wrought with a phase-disruptor.

He was shoved forward with instruction to keep walking.  "Turn left at the second hallway.  All the way to the end."

Following the Cardassian guards directions, Rayek led the group through the hall to a sealed door.  Again the guard used his wrist device to unlock and open the door.  Inside was a lab.  In the lab was a Cardassian scientist.  Even aged as he was the man was recognizable.

"Dr. Crell Moset."

"These were supposed to be more guards for the facility but they somehow learned of your experiments, Doctor.  I figured rather than just waste them, you could use a few more test subjects?" the guard announced.

"Yes. That's an excellent idea. Cage them while I prepare the unit."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 17, 2023, 05:35:12 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

It didn't take Gohun long to separate the DNA, yet just as he was about to begin work on the nanobots in the forcefielded area prepared by Saqa7, the forcefield strength diminshed by half.   The lighting in the room dimmed and red lights showed on the wall consoles.

Saqa7 looked about in confusion.  Did they blow a fuse?

[Medical Bay | RFS  Valadore]
"œShi" Dem decided to keep his language appropriate for a senior officer. "œVermy Timbers. Has anyone tripped anything?" He questioned, with a hint of worry in his voice. This is the last thing we need is a power failure, just when we were making such timely progress. The pair had actually done ten minutes of work, and the Benzene had a 37% percent success rate on the DNA. Looks like that's now a 0 percent success rate for anything. He saw Betaika step out from the slowly flashing consoles, pouring red light over his face every few moments, highlighting the puzzled expression on his brow. "œGohun, could you please find out what happened here?"

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun saw that the lights went out. Looking over the nanoprobes he now saw that they had a self defense mechanisms. This caused an emp to be generated. Gohun spoke up and mentioned this problem.
" I can make a copy of their programming and work on it that way. " With that Gohun starts to copy a program and the nanoprobe and the sprinkling system started. Sitting in the middle of the downpour Gohun reexamined his life choice. "Sir the nanno probe" just then the sprinkler turned off. " self defense kicked in. I'm at 50% of the program. With that Gohun started again and the probes defence once again fired up but this time the gravity in the ship was targetted. Suddenly Gohun was floating in the air. This would not be a problem if the room wasn't full of water and electronic devices. As the electronic devices met the water a rather strong electric surge his most of the people in the room. Then gravity cut back on and Gohun fell down about five feet.
Computer "program copied"

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