Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 17, 2023, 05:35:12 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Rayek tensed when the Cardassian guard struck Jael.  He had to stifle his urge to retaliate, because the other guard had a good aim towards the majority of the team and Rayek knew full well what sort of damage could be wrought with a phase-disruptor.

He was shoved forward with instruction to keep walking.  "Turn left at the second hallway.  All the way to the end."

Following the Cardassian guards directions, Rayek led the group through the hall to a sealed door.  Again the guard used his wrist device to unlock and open the door.  Inside was a lab.  In the lab was a Cardassian scientist.  Even aged as he was the man was recognizable.

"Dr. Crell Moset."

"These were supposed to be more guards for the facility but they somehow learned of your experiments, Doctor.  I figured rather than just waste them, you could use a few more test subjects?" the guard announced.

"Yes. That's an excellent idea. Cage them while I prepare the unit."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael was taken into the facility with the others, and after a long walk through multiple hallways, they arrived at the lab. She was expecting to meet the brains of the operation, but she did not expect...

"YOU!" she snarled. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that Crell Moset would go a step further to pull a Frankenstein. On the other hand, maybe she should not have been surprised to see Moset there; rumor had it that he had been experimenting on Betazoids during the Dominion War, when Betazed was captured by the Dominion, in an attempt to create telepathic Jem'Hadar, but was unsuccessful.

"I never thought you'd go a step further, Moset!" Jael snarled. "First Bajorans, then Betazoids, now turning into Frankenstein? Are you becoming more demented in your old age?!?"

She didn't care of Moset stared long and hard at her. She wouldn't even care whether or not her parents had often ran into him frequently during the Occupation of Bajor, and she wouldn't care if Moset recognized her because she somewhat looked like her mother...

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 17, 2023, 05:35:12 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]
When Lek returned to Engineering he found the lighting had gotten even darker than usual with red dominating more of the consoles and the engineers were scrambling about powering down several stations. He was informed that the ship was about to 'run silent' because of a Cardassian patrol ship actively scanning in the area.

"The Riov has ordered the ship to cover our emissions and put everything to stand-by." the junior officer informed the Ferengi.

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek nodded to the Romulan and took his place at one of the secondary consoles, mainly because the chief engineer had limited his access to anything of importance. This didn't bother Lek as he would have done the same if a Romulan was in Discovery's engine room. Since he had very little to do, he simply kept an eye on how the Romulans procedures to reduce emissions and waited to see what happened next as he thought.

"Sure will be glad when this mission is over. This interchange program business is not for me."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 19, 2023, 07:16:24 AM

Gohun saw that the lights went out. Looking over the nanoprobes he now saw that they had a self defense mechanisms. This caused an emp to be generated. Gohun spoke up and mentioned this problem.
" I can make a copy of their programming and work on it that way. " With that Gohun starts to copy a program and the nanoprobe and the sprinkling system started. Sitting in the middle of the downpour Gohun reexamined his life choice. "Sir the nanno probe" just then the sprinkler turned off. " self defense kicked in. I'm at 50% of the program. With that Gohun started again and the probes defence once again fired up but this time the gravity in the ship was targetted. Suddenly Gohun was floating in the air. This would not be a problem if the room wasn't full of water and electronic devices. As the electronic devices met the water a rather strong electric surge his most of the people in the room. Then gravity cut back on and Gohun fell down about five feet.
Computer "program copied"

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]

Dem looked at himself through the shiny reflection of a metallic tray, spinning on its axis. There he was, slowly drifting through the medical bay, shielding himself from wayward sparks of misfunctioning machinery, and globs of fire suppression coolant and water splattering on his now discoloured tunic. He looked once more at the tray, and his grin widened. Then he started to laugh. More, the laughter boiled out of him.

And he laughed some more after he saw Betaika, flailing his arms around, clearly uncomfortable with the prospect of no attachment to the ground. He looked like a bug drowning in the ocean, swatting away machinery and trying to keep level, while congealed water droplets splattered his face. Dem had so much laughter in fact, that tears welled in his eyes as he came down to the floor.  After a few moments, he collected himself enough to look up at Betaika's displeased face. "œCall clean-up, get this place sorted. Oh and Gohun, check if we have any viruses after this mishap." The Doctor stepped away from where he was talking, shaking his head. He then wiped a glob of fire suppression liquid onto the parched floor, leaving behind a dark stain. He winked over at Dem and he could swear he saw the corner of his lips rise. There is fun somewhere inside his cool exterior.

After a few moments of careful thought, Dem had come to a different resolve. While they were floating around having a space bath with fireworks, there was a crew that needed them. Risking their lives for the greater good. That thought was the only thing that made his laughter stop, as he tried to consider what to do next.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on February 20, 2023, 01:21:39 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek nodded to the Romulan and took his place at one of the secondary consoles, mainly because the chief engineer had limited his access to anything of importance. This didn't bother Lek as he would have done the same if a Romulan was in Discovery's engine room. Since he had very little to do, he simply kept an eye on how the Romulans procedures to reduce emissions and waited to see what happened next as he thought.

"Sure will be glad when this mission is over. This interchange program business is not for me."

Gwiu hated how old the ship's cloaking technology had become. What was once the Romulan Empire's major achievement, over the past century had become their liability.  The Feds has long since discovered how to 'see through' the cloak to know when one of their ships were in an area, and once a Fed ship knew it was only a matter of time before all others learned the trick.

She'd heard rumor once, prior to Hobus, that a new stealth technology was being worked on by top scientists on the homeworld but all rumor of that had died along with two thirds of their people.   She wondered what was the point of the cloak at all at this point.

A ping on her console, informed her that neutrino emissions were climbing again into detectable range.

"Hey Ferengi, you've watching long enough.  It's your turn to tighten up those neutrino emissions." the engineering officer called out towards Lek.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

On the bridge, Sunauth held her breath as the Cardassian vessel approached.  She watched, using passive readings, the other ship's power readings.   'Pass on by.  Pass on by,' she willed, but the Elements were not with her today.  A sudden flare of activity lit up the other vessel.

"Riov, the Cardassian vessel is dropping out of warp... and they have begun antiproton beaming.  They are looking for us, sir!"

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 18, 2023, 09:06:46 PM

[Medical Bay | RFS  Valadore]
"œShi" Dem decided to keep his language appropriate for a senior officer. "œVermy Timbers. Has anyone tripped anything?" He questioned, with a hint of worry in his voice. This is the last thing we need is a power failure, just when we were making such timely progress. The pair had actually done ten minutes of work, and the Benzene had a 37% percent success rate on the DNA. Looks like that's now a 0 percent success rate for anything. He saw Betaika step out from the slowly flashing consoles, pouring red light over his face every few moments, highlighting the puzzled expression on his brow. "œGohun, could you please find out what happened here?"

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 19, 2023, 07:16:24 AM

Gohun saw that the lights went out. Looking over the nanoprobes he now saw that they had a self defense mechanisms. This caused an EMP to be generated. Gohun spoke up and mentioned this problem.
"I can make a copy of their programming and work on it that way. " With that Gohun starts to copy a program and the nanoprobe and the sprinkling system started. Sitting in the middle of the downpour Gohun reexamined his life choice. "Sir the nano probe" just then the sprinkler turned off. "self defense kicked in. I'm at 50% of the program. With that Gohun started again and the probes defence once again fired up but this time the gravity in the ship was targeted. Suddenly Gohun was floating in the air. This would not be a problem if the room wasn't full of water and electronic devices. As the electronic devices met the water a rather strong electric surge hit most of the people in the room. Then gravity cut back on and Gohun fell down about five feet.
Computer "program copied"

Saqa7 was concerned about the apparently random outages.  Hearing that the problems stemmed from a nanite self-defence mechanism, was not any better, but thankfully Gohun seemed to be getting things under control.  Thought it took a bit of showering, weightlessness and an electrical shock to complete.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on February 20, 2023, 08:27:37 AM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael was taken into the facility with the others, and after a long walk through multiple hallways, they arrived at the lab. She was expecting to meet the brains of the operation, but she did not expect...

"YOU!" she snarled. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that Crell Moset would go a step further to pull a Frankenstein. On the other hand, maybe she should not have been surprised to see Moset there; rumor had it that he had been experimenting on Betazoids during the Dominion War, when Betazed was captured by the Dominion, in an attempt to create telepathic Jem'Hadar, but was unsuccessful.

"I never thought you'd go a step further, Moset!" Jael snarled. "First Bajorans, then Betazoids, now turning into Frankenstein? Are you becoming more demented in your old age?!?"

She didn't care of Moset stared long and hard at her. She wouldn't even care whether or not her parents had often ran into him frequently during the Occupation of Bajor, and she wouldn't care if Moset recognized her because she somewhat looked like her mother...

The Cardassian scientist seemed to pause a moment as he stared at Jael.  Rayek assessed the attentiveness of the guards but they were too alert to risk attempting an escape now.

"Rahab?.... No, you are far too young to be her... You must be her daugher.  HIS daughter... Jael.  Well, I wonder, how much he might grovel and pay to have you returned to him?" The scientist said with an chuckle.  The elderly man motioned to the guards to get moving before turning away towards what looked like a blend of transporter platform and Borg regeneration pod.

The guards in the meanwhile prodded the four captives into individual cages clearly meant to hold predator animals.  Rayek, at 2 meters had to crouch to fit into the meter and a half tall cage.  He tested the bars but it was evident that they were made from some strong alloy and would not be easily moved or damaged.  So he tried again to be persuasive, even going so far as to reach out towards the Cardassian scientist's mind and add a bit of influence that way.  He hated to do so... it left him feeling that he was the villian and not the doctor. "Look there's been some misunderstanding here.  We have no problem at all doing things that are less than legal.  There's no need for this.  Our loyalty, once in contract, is iron-clad.  Let us go and we can negotiate a decent price.  If you need test subjects, we can get you whatever or whoever you want."

For a moment the Cardassian turned back around to look toward Rayek crouched in his cage.  Then Rayek felt the man's mental barrier come down blocking him out.  "Interesting.  You are more than what you appear.  Let's see if that ability will transfer across when you are blended with one of your team."

Moset began working the controls of the console.  "Through my failed earlier attempts, I believe I've discovered the key to conjoinment.  Programming the immune system with a higher tolerance.  Let's see if that works."

Rayek, in his cage, readied himself to launch towards the cage door...  anticipating that it would need to be opened to get him into that Borg pod for the transfer, but Rayek was wrong.  He was completely unprepared for the sensation of a transporter effect coming over him while still caged.

Beside him he noticed Sorik in his cage beginning to dissolve before the whole world went white.    When he became aware of himself once more, Rayek was still in his cage but something was different.  He felt different.  The paranoid tension was gone. The anger was gone.  He felt nothing - which was not like him at all.  With effort, since he was experiencing difficulty in moving his body, he turned to look to Sorik but the Vulcan's cage was empty.

"What.. have you.. done with... Narak?" Rayek stumbled over his words, his voice not sounding like his own.  It almost sounded like... Sorik's voice?!

Moset, who was now pointing a Cardassian medical scanner towards him, smiled. "I've blended you two."

What Rayek couldn't see was exactly how that blending appeared.  It was like he and Sorik were mirror images of each other along a central vertical line - much like a Cheron native.  The right half showed Rayek - oddly as his human alias... Lisa's alteration to his DNA somehow withstanding the process; while the left side was clearly Sorik with his upswept eyebrow and smooth emotionless expression.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 21, 2023, 05:22:42 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

On the bridge, Sunauth held her breath as the Cardassian vessel approached.  She watched, using passive readings, the other ship's power readings.   'Pass on by.  Pass on by,' she willed, but the Elements were not with her today.  A sudden flare of activity lit up the other vessel.

"Riov, the Cardassian vessel is dropping out of warp... and they have begun antiproton beaming.  They are looking for us, sir!"

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Gwiu hated how old the ship's cloaking technology had become. What was once the Romulan Empire's major achievement, over the past century had become their liability.  The Feds has long since discovered how to 'see through' the cloak to know when one of their ships were in an area, and once a Fed ship knew it was only a matter of time before all others learned the trick.

She'd heard rumor once, prior to Hobus, that a new stealth technology was being worked on by top scientists on the homeworld but all rumor of that had died along with two thirds of their people.   She wondered what was the point of the cloak at all at this point.

A ping on her console, informed her that neutrino emissions were climbing again into detectable range.

"Hey Ferengi, you've watching long enough.  It's your turn to tighten up those neutrino emissions." the engineering officer called out towards Lek.

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek's jaw dropped at what he was being asked to do, on the fly, with technology he only barely understood, nothing less than solve a problem the Romulans themselves have tried to resolve for decades. In minutes no less.

"Well, I suppose if you are going to ask for a miracle, you might as well ask for a big one. In some technologies, if you emit a signal 180 degrees out of phase with the signal being transmitted, you can jam the original signal. If they are using anti-protons to look for us, flood the area around the ship with protons. If you get lucky, you might create enough scatter to go undetected. Best I can come up with no notice."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 21, 2023, 05:22:42 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Gwiu hated how old the ship's cloaking technology had become. What was once the Romulan Empire's major achievement, over the past century had become their liability.  The Feds has long since discovered how to 'see through' the cloak to know when one of their ships were in an area, and once a Fed ship knew it was only a matter of time before all others learned the trick.

She'd heard rumor once, prior to Hobus, that a new stealth technology was being worked on by top scientists on the homeworld but all rumor of that had died along with two thirds of their people.   She wondered what was the point of the cloak at all at this point.

A ping on her console, informed her that neutrino emissions were climbing again into detectable range.

"Hey Ferengi, you've watching long enough.  It's your turn to tighten up those neutrino emissions." the engineering officer called out towards Lek.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

On the bridge, Sunauth held her breath as the Cardassian vessel approached.  She watched, using passive readings, the other ship's power readings.   'Pass on by.  Pass on by,' she willed, but the Elements were not with her today.  A sudden flare of activity lit up the other vessel.

"Riov, the Cardassian vessel is dropping out of warp... and they have begun antiproton beaming.  They are looking for us, sir!"

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 was concerned about the apparently random outages.  Hearing that the problems stemmed from a nanite self-defence mechanism, was not any better, but thankfully Gohun seemed to be getting things under control.  Thought it took a bit of showering, weightlessness and an electrical shock to complete.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The Cardassian scientist seemed to pause a moment as he stared at Jael.  Rayek assessed the attentiveness of the guards but they were too alert to risk attempting an escape now.

"Rahab?.... No, you are far too young to be her... You must be her daugher.  HIS daughter... Jael.  Well, I wonder, how much he might grovel and pay to have you returned to him?" The scientist said with an chuckle.  The elderly man motioned to the guards to get moving before turning away towards what looked like a blend of transporter platform and Borg regeneration pod.

The guards in the meanwhile prodded the four captives into individual cages clearly meant to hold predator animals.  Rayek, at 2 meters had to crouch to fit into the meter and a half tall cage.  He tested the bars but it was evident that they were made from some strong alloy and would not be easily moved or damaged.  So he tried again to be persuasive, even going so far as to reach out towards the Cardassian scientist's mind and add a bit of influence that way.  He hated to do so... it left him feeling that he was the villian and not the doctor. "Look there's been some misunderstanding here.  We have no problem at all doing things that are less than legal.  There's no need for this.  Our loyalty, once in contract, is iron-clad.  Let us go and we can negotiate a decent price.  If you need test subjects, we can get you whatever or whoever you want."

For a moment the Cardassian turned back around to look toward Rayek crouched in his cage.  Then Rayek felt the man's mental barrier come down blocking him out.  "Interesting.  You are more than what you appear.  Let's see if that ability will transfer across when you are blended with one of your team."

Moset began working the controls of the console.  "Through my failed earlier attempts, I believe I've discovered the key to conjoinment.  Programming the immune system with a higher tolerance.  Let's see if that works."

Rayek, in his cage, readied himself to launch towards the cage door...  anticipating that it would need to be opened to get him into that Borg pod for the transfer, but Rayek was wrong.  He was completely unprepared for the sensation of a transporter effect coming over him while still caged.

Beside him he noticed Sorik in his cage beginning to dissolve before the whole world went white.    When he became aware of himself once more, Rayek was still in his cage but something was different.  He felt different.  The paranoid tension was gone. The anger was gone.  He felt nothing - which was not like him at all.  With effort, since he was experiencing difficulty in moving his body, he turned to look to Sorik but the Vulcan's cage was empty.

"What.. have you.. done with... Narak?" Rayek stumbled over his words, his voice not sounding like his own.  It almost sounded like... Sorik's voice?!

Moset, who was now pointing a Cardassian medical scanner towards him, smiled. "I've blended you two."

What Rayek couldn't see was exactly how that blending appeared.  It was like he and Sorik were mirror images of each other along a central vertical line - much like a Cheron native.  The right half showed Rayek - oddly as his human alias... Lisa's alteration to his DNA somehow withstanding the process; while the left side was clearly Sorik with his upswept eyebrow and smooth emotionless expression.

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran almost sneered, clenching his fist.  Of all the species, it was going to be the Cardassians that snooped them out?  He sighed, shaking his head.  He had to keep calm.  He was Federation... even if he were acting in the command of a Romulan Riov.

"Bring us up to combat alert.  Bridge to Engineering, I would like to avoid causing an incident by depriving the Cardassians of a sorely needed vessel.  I think its time we mixed Romulan efficiency with Federation miracle working.  Give me a solution before I start lighting disruptors."

The Captain looked over at the Arrain on Ops.  "And in case its unavoidable, give me targeting solutions."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was relieved that everyone was conscious after all the mayhem. Knowing that there was no way a virus could get from the nanno probe.
" ummm sir the containment field is at 50%" not knowing why Gohun looked and noticed a computer virus. " Sir the nanno bots transmitted a virus that is taking down the containment field" just then the sound system on the ship started broadcasting a song really loud.
"One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya"
Gohun looked over. "it's possible that we are not in control"

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 23, 2023, 02:09:04 AM

Gohun was relieved that everyone was conscious after all the mayhem. Knowing that there was no way a virus could get from the nanno probe.
" ummm sir the containment field is at 50%" not knowing why Gohun looked and noticed a computer virus. " Sir the nanno bots transmitted a virus that is taking down the containment field" just then the sound system on the ship started broadcasting a song really loud.
"One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya"
Gohun looked over. "it's possible that we are not in control"

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
"œI don't remember Borg having this sense of humour." Doctor Betaika replied. It took barely a second for him to reply next. "œComputer, initiate emergency lock down protocol 16, isolate all systems in this room and disable them. Authorisation Oaetearai kao ta'jhiyll' Betaika aa eiol'" The Doctor was not taking any chances. Better to cut the tree at the root, not the stem. "œI would recommend, my friends, that we exit this room before it depressurises. With that, Betaika started to walk of the room, not looking back at the catastrophic mess that they made.

The moment Dem heard the uncharacteristically soft chimes of evacuation, he did not like the prospect of remaining in the room. He looked back upon everyone. "œWell I suppose that we should go then"¦"

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 17, 2023, 05:35:12 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]
When Lek returned to Engineering he found the lighting had gotten even darker than usual with red dominating more of the consoles and the engineers were scrambling about powering down several stations. He was informed that the ship was about to 'run silent' because of a Cardassian patrol ship actively scanning in the area.

"The Riov has ordered the ship to cover our emissions and put everything to stand-by." the junior officer informed the Ferengi.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

It didn't take Gohun long to separate the DNA, yet just as he was about to begin work on the nanobots in the forcefielded area prepared by Saqa7, the forcefield strength diminshed by half.   The lighting in the room dimmed and red lights showed on the wall consoles.

Saqa7 looked about in confusion.  Did they blow a fuse?

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Between Torra and Alex's unexpected attack, the two managed to knock the one guard watching over them, unconscious.   She motioned for Subcommander Briggs and Dr. Belmont to head for the ship.  "We'll cover you." she assured them, then motioned for Alex to retrieve the unconscious guards phase-disruptor.

"We're likely going to have more guards arriving soon.  We need to keep them occupied, focused on us to give the Commander and the Doctor enough time to search the ship." she stated.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Rayek tensed when the Cardassian guard struck Jael.  He had to stifle his urge to retaliate, because the other guard had a good aim towards the majority of the team and Rayek knew full well what sort of damage could be wrought with a phase-disruptor.

He was shoved forward with instruction to keep walking.  "Turn left at the second hallway.  All the way to the end."

Following the Cardassian guards directions, Rayek led the group through the hall to a sealed door.  Again the guard used his wrist device to unlock and open the door.  Inside was a lab.  In the lab was a Cardassian scientist.  Even aged as he was the man was recognizable.

"Dr. Crell Moset."

"These were supposed to be more guards for the facility but they somehow learned of your experiments, Doctor.  I figured rather than just waste them, you could use a few more test subjects?" the guard announced.

"Yes. That's an excellent idea. Cage them while I prepare the unit."

[Galantis-Outside the facility]

Alex gave Torra a nod as he went to take the unconscious guards phase-disruptors. "œThen we'll be ready to provide a distraction. It shouldn't be too hard to get the guards to focus their attention on us." In the back of his mind he had a feeling that his confidence will come to potential bite him in the butt. He figured that they needed to give the others enough time.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 22, 2023, 06:43:04 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran almost sneered, clenching his fist.  Of all the species, it was going to be the Cardassians that snooped them out?  He sighed, shaking his head.  He had to keep calm.  He was Federation... even if he were acting in the command of a Romulan Riov.

"Bring us up to combat alert.  Bridge to Engineering, I would like to avoid causing an incident by depriving the Cardassians of a sorely needed vessel.  I think its time we mixed Romulan efficiency with Federation miracle working.  Give me a solution before I start lighting disruptors."

The Captain looked over at the Arrain on Ops.  "And in case its unavoidable, give me targeting solutions."

The Centurion didn't look away from her console as the Bajoran Riov called for targeting solutions.  "Ie, rekkai!* (Yes, sir!)  The Romulan Operations officer began working on the request - looking for targeting options that would nullify the Cardassian threat without destroying the vessel.   "There is always the option of leaving the vicinity and avoiding the Cardassian ship entirely." she remarked as she sent the Commander her suggestions for disabling shots.  They focused on the other ship's sensors, comms and weapons.  The Cardassians couldn't fight what they could find.  Nor could they fight without weapons.  The comms target was to keep them from calling for backup.
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 19, 2023, 07:16:24 AM

Gohun saw that the lights went out. Looking over the nanoprobes he now saw that they had a self defense mechanisms. This caused an emp to be generated. Gohun spoke up and mentioned this problem.
" I can make a copy of their programming and work on it that way. " With that Gohun starts to copy a program and the nanoprobe and the sprinkling system started. Sitting in the middle of the downpour Gohun reexamined his life choice. "Sir the nanno probe" just then the sprinkler turned off. " self defense kicked in. I'm at 50% of the program. With that Gohun started again and the probes defence once again fired up but this time the gravity in the ship was targetted. Suddenly Gohun was floating in the air. This would not be a problem if the room wasn't full of water and electronic devices. As the electronic devices met the water a rather strong electric surge his most of the people in the room. Then gravity cut back on and Gohun fell down about five feet.
Computer "program copied"

Sunauth frowned as a status report came in.   "Sir, we have activation of the fire suppression system in the Sickbay lab."  The Romulan knew that was where the medical staff were studying the conjoined Klingon corpse.  She attempted to open a comm to the room but met with interference.  "Am unable to open a comm to that part of the ship."

Arrain t'Nennien blinked as another warning light on her console lit.   "Fire suppression is off but now the lab has lost artificial gravity.   I think we might have a problem, Sir."

By the time she reported this, the artificial gravity was showing as working once more.  "Or not...? It's showing as active again."  The Ops officer wondered if it was a sensor glitch in her console.  She sent a request to Engineering to have it checked out, and tried calling to the Sickbay Lab once more. This time it went through.

=/\= "Operations to Sickbay Lab.  Is everything alright there?  Our sensors were showing activation of the fire suppression and deactivation of the artificial gravity.  Did the nanites escape?" =/\= she asked in half joking concern.

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]
Quote from: Lek on February 21, 2023, 04:56:54 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek's jaw dropped at what he was being asked to do, on the fly, with technology he only barely understood, nothing less than solve a problem the Romulans themselves have tried to resolve for decades. In minutes no less.

"Well, I suppose if you are going to ask for a miracle, you might as well ask for a big one. In some technologies, if you emit a signal 180 degrees out of phase with the signal being transmitted, you can jam the original signal. If they are using anti-protons to look for us, flood the area around the ship with protons. If you get lucky, you might create enough scatter to go undetected. Best I can come up with no notice."

Gwiu hadn't expected the Ferengi to actually provide an answer, much less two that had even the remote possibility of working; yet in theory either one could actually work.

The engineer knew that anti-protons tended to be how most cloaks were discovered, so she immediately assigned the Ferengi to that.   "Work on flooding the area with protons then, we'll give that a try.  I'd suggest ionizing the hull but that would disrupt the cloak.  Do what you can."

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

=/\= "Operations to Sickbay Lab.  Is everything alright there?  Our sensors were showing activation of the fire suppression and deactivation of the artificial gravity.  Did the nanites escape?" =/\= came the call from the Bridge in a half joking/half concerned tone of voice.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 23, 2023, 02:09:04 AM

Gohun was relieved that everyone was conscious after all the mayhem. Knowing that there was no way a virus could get from the nanno probe.
" ummm sir the containment field is at 50%" not knowing why Gohun looked and noticed a computer virus. " Sir the nanno bots transmitted a virus that is taking down the containment field" just then the sound system on the ship started broadcasting a song really loud.
"One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya"
Gohun looked over. "it's possible that we are not in control"

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 23, 2023, 02:48:28 AM

[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
"œI don't remember Borg having this sense of humour." Doctor Betaika replied. It took barely a second for him to reply next. "œComputer, initiate emergency lock down protocol 16, isolate all systems in this room and disable them. Authorisation Oaetearai kao ta'jhiyll' Betaika aa eiol'" The Doctor was not taking any chances. Better to cut the tree at the root, not the stem. "œI would recommend, my friends, that we exit this room before it depressurises. With that, Betaika started to walk out of the room, not looking back at the catastrophic mess that they made.

The moment Dem heard the uncharacteristically soft chimes of evacuation, he did not like the prospect of remaining in the room. He looked back upon everyone. "œWell I suppose that we should go then"¦"

And this was why Saqa7 had so much reservation when it came to working with Borg nanites.  She was dripping wet.  Her digits still tingled from the electrical shock she'd received.  The Science officer was more than happy to leave to confines of the lab.  "Gohun, you too.  It's time to go."

She hurried the engineer out the door and followed suit.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on February 23, 2023, 09:53:15 PM

[Galantis-Outside the facility]

Alex gave Torra a nod as he went to take the unconscious guard's phase-disruptor. "œThen we'll be ready to provide a distraction. It shouldn't be too hard to get the guards to focus their attention on us." In the back of his mind he had a feeling that his confidence will come to potential bite him in the butt. He figured that they needed to give the others enough time.

Torra nodded in agreement.  She looked back towards where the Commander and Doctor had been but the pair were no longer in sight.   She hoped that it was because they were already on the Bird of Prey.

"Let's find some cover and keep the guards from the ship." she suggested to Alex.

As if on cue the sound the door to the facility opened and through the shimmering forcefield the Away Team pair could see another two guards.    "Take cover!" Torra warned as she sprinted for the landing struts of the nearby ship.

One of the guards touched the band at his wrist and the forcefield came down. Their weapons raised to aim towards the Grazite and her human partner, but didn't fire.  Torra was aware that they were at the extreme range of the hand-held phase-disruptor.  Targeting at this range was difficult and the potency of the weapon would be diminished.  The guards would have to get nearer to be assured of a decent hit.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

In his cage, Rayek/Sorik was coming to the realization that he wasn't alone in his own mind.  There was another that was fighting him for control of his body.  The conjoined body twitched and jerked as the conflicting synaptic impulses were sent.  As a precaution, Rayek tried lock down his memories - keeping them from the Vulcan's presence.

The Cardassian doctor in the meantime had taken his scans and returned to the machine, opening up audio visual log to record his findings. "Conjoinment log 893-1.  Conjoinment of Human and Vulcan test subjects. Physically, the conjoinment appears more stable with a complete vertical split.  Nanites are concentrated along the vertical line."  He checked the machine over and tsked after a moment.  "But there are already signs of rejection. White blood cells counts are already beginning to elevate.  The experimental subject is not viable.  I'll have to try again."

Moset glanced then towards Jael and the female Klingon.  "Thankfully, I have other test subjects."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 22, 2023, 06:43:04 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran almost sneered, clenching his fist.  Of all the species, it was going to be the Cardassians that snooped them out?  He sighed, shaking his head.  He had to keep calm.  He was Federation... even if he were acting in the command of a Romulan Riov.

"Bring us up to combat alert.  Bridge to Engineering, I would like to avoid causing an incident by depriving the Cardassians of a sorely needed vessel.  I think its time we mixed Romulan efficiency with Federation miracle working.  Give me a solution before I start lighting disruptors."

The Captain looked over at the Arrain on Ops.  "And in case its unavoidable, give me targeting solutions."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 24, 2023, 02:44:30 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Gwiu hadn't expected the Ferengi to actually provide an answer, much less two that had even the remote possibility of working; yet in theory either one could actually work.

The engineer knew that anti-protons tended to be how most cloaks were discovered, so she immediately assigned the Ferengi to that.   "Work on flooding the area with protons then, we'll give that a try.  I'd suggest ionizing the hull but that would disrupt the cloak.  Do what you can."

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek blinked in surprise as he didn't think the Romulans would even listen to him, let alone let him try his plan, but once he was certain the Centurion was serious, he immediately began reconfiguring the deflector dish to emit protons. When Captain Tekin called, Lek replied.

"Aye Sir, we're working on something right now. We'll know very soon if it will work or not. Stand by."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 21, 2023, 05:22:42 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Gwiu hated how old the ship's cloaking technology had become. What was once the Romulan Empire's major achievement, over the past century had become their liability.  The Feds has long since discovered how to 'see through' the cloak to know when one of their ships were in an area, and once a Fed ship knew it was only a matter of time before all others learned the trick.

She'd heard rumor once, prior to Hobus, that a new stealth technology was being worked on by top scientists on the homeworld but all rumor of that had died along with two thirds of their people.   She wondered what was the point of the cloak at all at this point.

A ping on her console, informed her that neutrino emissions were climbing again into detectable range.

"Hey Ferengi, you've watching long enough.  It's your turn to tighten up those neutrino emissions." the engineering officer called out towards Lek.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

On the bridge, Sunauth held her breath as the Cardassian vessel approached.  She watched, using passive readings, the other ship's power readings.   'Pass on by.  Pass on by,' she willed, but the Elements were not with her today.  A sudden flare of activity lit up the other vessel.

"Riov, the Cardassian vessel is dropping out of warp... and they have begun antiproton beaming.  They are looking for us, sir!"

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 was concerned about the apparently random outages.  Hearing that the problems stemmed from a nanite self-defence mechanism, was not any better, but thankfully Gohun seemed to be getting things under control.  Thought it took a bit of showering, weightlessness and an electrical shock to complete.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The Cardassian scientist seemed to pause a moment as he stared at Jael.  Rayek assessed the attentiveness of the guards but they were too alert to risk attempting an escape now.

"Rahab?.... No, you are far too young to be her... You must be her daugher.  HIS daughter... Jael.  Well, I wonder, how much he might grovel and pay to have you returned to him?" The scientist said with an chuckle.  The elderly man motioned to the guards to get moving before turning away towards what looked like a blend of transporter platform and Borg regeneration pod.

The guards in the meanwhile prodded the four captives into individual cages clearly meant to hold predator animals.  Rayek, at 2 meters had to crouch to fit into the meter and a half tall cage.  He tested the bars but it was evident that they were made from some strong alloy and would not be easily moved or damaged.  So he tried again to be persuasive, even going so far as to reach out towards the Cardassian scientist's mind and add a bit of influence that way.  He hated to do so... it left him feeling that he was the villian and not the doctor. "Look there's been some misunderstanding here.  We have no problem at all doing things that are less than legal.  There's no need for this.  Our loyalty, once in contract, is iron-clad.  Let us go and we can negotiate a decent price.  If you need test subjects, we can get you whatever or whoever you want."

For a moment the Cardassian turned back around to look toward Rayek crouched in his cage.  Then Rayek felt the man's mental barrier come down blocking him out.  "Interesting.  You are more than what you appear.  Let's see if that ability will transfer across when you are blended with one of your team."

Moset began working the controls of the console.  "Through my failed earlier attempts, I believe I've discovered the key to conjoinment.  Programming the immune system with a higher tolerance.  Let's see if that works."

Rayek, in his cage, readied himself to launch towards the cage door...  anticipating that it would need to be opened to get him into that Borg pod for the transfer, but Rayek was wrong.  He was completely unprepared for the sensation of a transporter effect coming over him while still caged.

Beside him he noticed Sorik in his cage beginning to dissolve before the whole world went white.    When he became aware of himself once more, Rayek was still in his cage but something was different.  He felt different.  The paranoid tension was gone. The anger was gone.  He felt nothing - which was not like him at all.  With effort, since he was experiencing difficulty in moving his body, he turned to look to Sorik but the Vulcan's cage was empty.

"What.. have you.. done with... Narak?" Rayek stumbled over his words, his voice not sounding like his own.  It almost sounded like... Sorik's voice?!

Moset, who was now pointing a Cardassian medical scanner towards him, smiled. "I've blended you two."

What Rayek couldn't see was exactly how that blending appeared.  It was like he and Sorik were mirror images of each other along a central vertical line - much like a Cheron native.  The right half showed Rayek - oddly as his human alias... Lisa's alteration to his DNA somehow withstanding the process; while the left side was clearly Sorik with his upswept eyebrow and smooth emotionless expression.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 24, 2023, 02:44:30 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Crell Moset[/color
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

In his cage, Rayek/Sorik was coming to the realization that he wasn't alone in his own mind.  There was another that was fighting him for control of his body.  The conjoined body twitched and jerked as the conflicting synaptic impulses were sent.  As a precaution, Rayek tried lock down his memories - keeping them from the Vulcan's presence.

The Cardassian doctor in the meantime had taken his scans and returned to the machine, opening up audio visual log to record his findings. "Conjoinment log 893-1.  Conjoinment of Human and Vulcan test subjects. Physically, the conjoinment appears more stable with a complete vertical split.  Nanites are concentrated along the vertical line."  He checked the machine over and tsked after a moment.  "But there are already signs of rejection. White blood cells counts are already beginning to elevate.  The experimental subject is not viable.  I'll have to try again."

Moset glanced then towards Jael and the female Klingon.  "Thankfully, I have other test subjects."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael screamed in horror. "NO!" The guards pretty much restrained her, and there was nothing further to do but to watch in horror as Rayek and Sorik were merged together. And then she looked at Moset, even more horrified. She realized that she and Helga were likely to be next.

"What is wrong with you? How sicker can you stoop?!?" she shouted in horror.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 24, 2023, 02:44:30 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

The Centurion didn't look away from her console as the Bajoran Riov called for targeting solutions.  "Ie, rekkai!* (Yes, sir!)  The Romulan Operations officer began working on the request - looking for targeting options that would nullify the Cardassian threat without destroying the vessel.   "There is always the option of leaving the vicinity and avoiding the Cardassian ship entirely." she remarked as she sent the Commander her suggestions for disabling shots.  They focused on the other ship's sensors, comms and weapons.  The Cardassians couldn't fight what they could find.  Nor could they fight without weapons.  The comms target was to keep them from calling for backup.

Sunauth frowned as a status report came in.   "Sir, we have activation of the fire suppression system in the Sickbay lab."  The Romulan knew that was where the medical staff were studying the conjoined Klingon corpse.  She attempted to open a comm to the room but met with interference.  "Am unable to open a comm to that part of the ship."

Arrain t'Nennien blinked as another warning light on her console lit.   "Fire suppression is off but now the lab has lost artificial gravity.   I think we might have a problem, Sir."

By the time she reported this, the artificial gravity was showing as working once more.  "Or not...? It's showing as active again."  The Ops officer wondered if it was a sensor glitch in her console.  She sent a request to Engineering to have it checked out, and tried calling to the Sickbay Lab once more. This time it went through.

=/\= "Operations to Sickbay Lab.  Is everything alright there?  Our sensors were showing activation of the fire suppression and deactivation of the artificial gravity.  Did the nanites escape?" =/\= she asked in half joking concern.

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Gwiu hadn't expected the Ferengi to actually provide an answer, much less two that had even the remote possibility of working; yet in theory either one could actually work.

The engineer knew that anti-protons tended to be how most cloaks were discovered, so she immediately assigned the Ferengi to that.   "Work on flooding the area with protons then, we'll give that a try.  I'd suggest ionizing the hull but that would disrupt the cloak.  Do what you can."

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

=/\= "Operations to Sickbay Lab.  Is everything alright there?  Our sensors were showing activation of the fire suppression and deactivation of the artificial gravity.  Did the nanites escape?" =/\= came the call from the Bridge in a half joking/half concerned tone of voice.

And this was why Saqa7 had so much reservation when it came to working with Borg nanites.  She was dripping wet.  Her digits still tingled from the electrical shock she'd received.  The Science officer was more than happy to leave to confines of the lab.  "Gohun, you too.  It's time to go."

She hurried the engineer out the door and followed suit.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Torra nodded in agreement.  She looked back towards where the Commander and Doctor had been but the pair were no longer in sight.   She hoped that it was because they were already on the Bird of Prey.

"Let's find some cover and keep the guards from the ship." she suggested to Alex.

As if on cue the sound the door to the facility opened and through the shimmering forcefield the Away Team pair could see another two guards.    "Take cover!" Torra warned as she sprinted for the landing struts of the nearby ship.

One of the guards touched the band at his wrist and the forcefield came down. Their weapons raised to aim towards the Grazite and her human partner, but didn't fire.  Torra was aware that they were at the extreme range of the hand-held phase-disruptor.  Targeting at this range was difficult and the potency of the weapon would be diminished.  The guards would have to get nearer to be assured of a decent hit.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

In his cage, Rayek/Sorik was coming to the realization that he wasn't alone in his own mind.  There was another that was fighting him for control of his body.  The conjoined body twitched and jerked as the conflicting synaptic impulses were sent.  As a precaution, Rayek tried lock down his memories - keeping them from the Vulcan's presence.

The Cardassian doctor in the meantime had taken his scans and returned to the machine, opening up audio visual log to record his findings. "Conjoinment log 893-1.  Conjoinment of Human and Vulcan test subjects. Physically, the conjoinment appears more stable with a complete vertical split.  Nanites are concentrated along the vertical line."  He checked the machine over and tsked after a moment.  "But there are already signs of rejection. White blood cells counts are already beginning to elevate.  The experimental subject is not viable.  I'll have to try again."

Moset glanced then towards Jael and the female Klingon.  "Thankfully, I have other test subjects."

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œUnderstood Lieutenant Danjar-Kelle." He searched around for somewhere close to take cover. Alex thought that the further they were then it would then they would possibly be good. However he couldn't count on someone needing to come closer to get a decent shot. There was a chance that the guards were skilled at shooting with the phasers.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 24, 2023, 02:44:30 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

=/\= "Operations to Sickbay Lab.  Is everything alright there?  Our sensors were showing activation of the fire suppression and deactivation of the artificial gravity.  Did the nanites escape?" =/\= came the call from the Bridge in a half joking/half concerned tone of voice.

And this was why Saqa7 had so much reservation when it came to working with Borg nanites.  She was dripping wet.  Her digits still tingled from the electrical shock she'd received.  The Science officer was more than happy to leave to confines of the lab.  "Gohun, you too.  It's time to go."

She hurried the engineer out the door and followed suit.

[Medical Bay Entrance | RFS Valadore]
"œThank you officer, we had some Borg malfunctions, under control now." Betaika heard another voice peer down the comm channel. "œAnd this is what you do instead of hanging out with our crew members. Hang out with dypann, round eared, feds!" The doctor heard a chorus of laughter from the bridge, chastising his choices. He recognized that voice as the officer that envied him to the holo game."œwell have fun, arrain. Dismissed." More laughter boiled out of the egotistical officers as the talker enunciated his words in long (sarcastically) dramatic phrases. The last remark was made by the conn officer. 50 years younger then him, and he dismissed him off the line. The comm shut off. He turned around to see his compatriots staring at him, some in pity, some in confusion. His green blood surged, and he lashed out, connecting his closed fist with a slightly damp bulkhead. An audible ring resonated from the displaced wall, paired with a shout of anger from the usually calculated doctor.

"œThis is the first time I have acted in anger in years" He though in dismay as the ring faded. He took a deep breath before turning around, stammering to suggest some explanation. Dem stepped in just in time.

"œSo, ahh, how are we going to retrieve our samples?"

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on February 23, 2023, 02:09:04 AM

Just then the sound system on the ship started broadcasting a song really loud.
"One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya"

Almost immediately after her call down to Sickbay, a shipwide broadcast of some Areinnye-awful caterwauling started up.   The Ops officer looked to her console and attempted to shut it down, but found herself having issues with the commands being accepted.

"Sorry Riov, the comm system isn't responding as it should."
Worse yet, all attempts to access the intership comms were blocked.  The only thing playing was that stupid song.

Then as abruptly as it started, after a minute it cut off.

Sunauth shook her head in bafflement.  "Wasn't me."

She then reported out on searching Cardassian ship.   "They've begun an anti-proton sweep."

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on February 25, 2023, 03:10:35 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek blinked in surprise as he didn't think the Romulans would even listen to him, let alone let him try his plan, but once he was certain the Centurion was serious, he immediately began reconfiguring the deflector dish to emit protons. When Captain Tekin called, Lek replied.

"Aye Sir, we're working on something right now. We'll know very soon if it will work or not. Stand by."

The Erein watched the Ferengi work.   She'd never considered using the deflector dish to emit protons before.  If it worked, it could potentially put the Free State in an even better position when it came to skirmishes against the remnants of the Empire.  There were still a few who couldn't accept that the Empire was gone.

Having figured out what the Ferengi was doing, Gwiu assigned a couple other engineers to assist and it cut the time in half.  Soon protons were flooding the border area of the Cardassian enclave.

Suddenly a blare of music flooded the engineering area.  Gwiu attempted to call up to the Bridge to tear a strip off whatever Fed had butchered the comm system with their prank... but no calls would go through.   This was a real problem.   However, thankfully, just as she was about to send the Ferengi up to the Bridge to relay her disgust with the officer responsible, the song ended as unexpectedly as it had begun - and with it comms were restored.

She was able to pick up on conversation between the Bridge and Sickbay of all places.     The mention of Borg sent a shiver down her spine.    She'd worked the Reclamation site for a while... but it wasn't a good fit for her.  She'd had nightmares for weeks afterwards.

Gwiu looked to the Ferengi.

"If this works, I'll buy your drinks for a night.  If it doesn't.... it was a good theory and attempt anyways."

Only time would tell if they managed to avoid detection.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 27, 2023, 01:56:24 AM

[Medical Bay Entrance | RFS Valadore]
"œThank you officer, we had some Borg malfunctions, under control now." Betaika heard another voice peer down the comm channel. "œAnd this is what you do instead of hanging out with our crew members. Hang out with dypann, round eared, feds!" The doctor heard a chorus of laughter from the bridge, chastising his choices. He recognized that voice as the officer that envied him to the holo game."œwell have fun, arrain. Dismissed." More laughter boiled out of the egotistical officers as the talker enunciated his words in long (sarcastically) dramatic phrases. The last remark was made by the conn officer. 50 years younger then him, and he dismissed him off the line. The comm shut off. He turned around to see his compatriots staring at him, some in pity, some in confusion. His green blood surged, and he lashed out, connecting his closed fist with a slightly damp bulkhead. An audible ring resonated from the displaced wall, paired with a shout of anger from the usually calculated doctor.

"œThis is the first time I have acted in anger in years" He though in dismay as the ring faded. He took a deep breath before turning around, stammering to suggest some explanation. Dem stepped in just in time.

"œSo, ahh, how are we going to retrieve our samples?"

With no physical access to the samples in Sickbay because of the nanites, Saqa7 looked to Dem, Betaika and Gohun.  "What if we attempted to use the transporters to lock onto the nanites... and then hold them in the transporter buffers until their sequence degrades?"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on February 26, 2023, 10:04:58 PM

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œUnderstood Lieutenant Danjar-Kelle." He searched around for somewhere close to take cover. Alex thought that the further they were then it would then they would possibly be good. However he couldn't count on someone needing to come closer to get a decent shot. There was a chance that the guards were skilled at shooting with the phasers.

There was little in the way of cover.   There was the facility which was blocked from them by the forcefield.  There was the front entrance gatehouse and wall surrounding the entire property... and there was the landing pad on which the Bird-of-Prey sat.

Torra headed for the ship, keeping low and hopefully out of the line of fire from the Cardassian guards.   As the guards moved nearer they began to fire their phase-disruptors.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on February 25, 2023, 10:25:21 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael screamed in horror. "NO!" The guards pretty much restrained her, and there was nothing further to do but to watch in horror as Rayek and Sorik were merged together. And then she looked at Moset, even more horrified. She realized that she and Helga were likely to be next.

"What is wrong with you? How sicker can you stoop?!?" she shouted in horror.

"It's all in the name of science, my dear."  Moset answered back as he worked the controls.  "Let's see if we can get a better blending with you, Miss Sherem."  Once all the adjustments were done,  he motioned for the guards to release her; but before Jael could even take a step she was caught in a transporter effect, same as the raging half Klingon locked in her cage much like Rayek/Sorik was.

Sorek (?) both watched the conjoinment with a mix of scientific curiosity (Sorik) and horror with no small amount of guilt (Rayek).   The two were still struggling to figure out how to move.  Rayek quickly realized he had the ability to move their body's left side limbs, but coordinating movement with Sorik was a struggle, since he could only talk with one side of his mouth.

A shout from the hallway sounded.   "The visitors outside the facility knocked out Denrad and now have his weapon."

The lead guard looked to Moset.   "Can your transporter work at that range?"

"Of course, it can.  Tell your guards to keep a distance." the Doctor answered as he worked the console once more.  Rayik over hearing the man's statement was livid/concerned.

The sound of the transporter preceded both Torra and Alex getting caught up in its beam.

The result as a blend of Human and Grazerite.   The only good thing... was that they were still outside and not in a cage.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.