Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 27, 2023, 03:46:32 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

With no physical access to the samples in Sickbay because of the nanites, Saqa7 looked to Dem, Betaika and Gohun.  "What if we attempted to use the transporters to lock onto the nanites... and then hold them in the transporter buffers until their sequence degrades?"

[Medical Bay Waiting Area | RFS Valadore]

"œSounds good to me." Dem stated, trying to keep a positive tone amidst the chaos.

Betaika decided to chime in. "œSorry about that everyone. Romulan command structures are different to how they used to be. Gohoun - can you access that panel and beam out the samples? While clean up sorts out our old one, there are similar services down the hall; that should be to our liking." And with and outstretched hand, the kindly Doctor put his outburst behind him, and returned to his natural, borderline timid state.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on February 25, 2023, 03:10:35 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek blinked in surprise as he didn't think the Romulans would even listen to him, let alone let him try his plan, but once he was certain the Centurion was serious, he immediately began reconfiguring the deflector dish to emit protons. When Captain Tekin called, Lek replied.

"Aye Sir, we're working on something right now. We'll know very soon if it will work or not. Stand by."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 27, 2023, 03:46:32 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Almost immediately after her call down to Sickbay, a shipwide broadcast of some Areinnye-awful caterwauling started up.   The Ops officer looked to her console and attempted to shut it down, but found herself having issues with the commands being accepted.

"Sorry Riov, the comm system isn't responding as it should."
Worse yet, all attempts to access the intership comms were blocked.  The only thing playing was that stupid song.

Then as abruptly as it started, after a minute it cut off.

Sunauth shook her head in bafflement.  "Wasn't me."

She then reported out on searching Cardassian ship.   "They've begun an anti-proton sweep."

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

His seriousness as he brought the ship to its equivalent of a red alert was completely shattered by the sudden comms malfunction, and as soon as it started it seemed to be over, but still... they couldn't afford any kind of malfunction.  He pressed his lips together as he turned to the Centurion.

"No, Arrain, you have proven yourself more than capable.  I know it wasn't you, but we can't afford to have these things happen.  Run a level one diagnostic and find out who in the Prophet's name played with the comms station." he spoke, a bit harsher than earlier.  Almost as if that Federation calm was slipping away a bit.

"Helm, engage maneuvering thrusters to port.  Keep them only as much as needed to gain momentum. The last thing we need is a trail."

He then hit the comms again. "Engineering, the Cardassians have begun an anti-proton sweep.  Its now or never."

"Arrain t'Nennien, bring torpedos online.  If this turns sour, I want us at as much of an advantage as possible."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 27, 2023, 03:46:32 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Almost immediately after her call down to Sickbay, a shipwide broadcast of some Areinnye-awful caterwauling started up.   The Ops officer looked to her console and attempted to shut it down, but found herself having issues with the commands being accepted.

"Sorry Riov, the comm system isn't responding as it should."
Worse yet, all attempts to access the intership comms were blocked.  The only thing playing was that stupid song.

Then as abruptly as it started, after a minute it cut off.

Sunauth shook her head in bafflement.  "Wasn't me."

She then reported out on searching Cardassian ship.   "They've begun an anti-proton sweep."

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

The Erein watched the Ferengi work.   She'd never considered using the deflector dish to emit protons before.  If it worked, it could potentially put the Free State in an even better position when it came to skirmishes against the remnants of the Empire.  There were still a few who couldn't accept that the Empire was gone.

Having figured out what the Ferengi was doing, Gwiu assigned a couple other engineers to assist and it cut the time in half.  Soon protons were flooding the border area of the Cardassian enclave.

Suddenly a blare of music flooded the engineering area.  Gwiu attempted to call up to the Bridge to tear a strip off whatever Fed had butchered the comm system with their prank... but no calls would go through.   This was a real problem.   However, thankfully, just as she was about to send the Ferengi up to the Bridge to relay her disgust with the officer responsible, the song ended as unexpectedly as it had begun - and with it comms were restored.

She was able to pick up on conversation between the Bridge and Sickbay of all places.     The mention of Borg sent a shiver down her spine.    She'd worked the Reclamation site for a while... but it wasn't a good fit for her.  She'd had nightmares for weeks afterwards.

Gwiu looked to the Ferengi.

"If this works, I'll buy your drinks for a night.  If it doesn't.... it was a good theory and attempt anyways."

Only time would tell if they managed to avoid detection.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

With no physical access to the samples in Sickbay because of the nanites, Saqa7 looked to Dem, Betaika and Gohun.  "What if we attempted to use the transporters to lock onto the nanites... and then hold them in the transporter buffers until their sequence degrades?"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

There was little in the way of cover.   There was the facility which was blocked from them by the forcefield.  There was the front entrance gatehouse and wall surrounding the entire property... and there was the landing pad on which the Bird-of-Prey sat.

Torra headed for the ship, keeping low and hopefully out of the line of fire from the Cardassian guards.   As the guards moved nearer they began to fire their phase-disruptors.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

"It's all in the name of science, my dear."  Moset answered back as he worked the controls.  "Let's see if we can get a better blending with you, Miss Sherem."  Once all the adjustments were done,  he motioned for the guards to release her; but before Jael could even take a step she was caught in a transporter effect, same as the raging half Klingon locked in her cage much like Rayek/Sorik was.

Sorek (?) both watched the conjoinment with a mix of scientific curiosity (Sorik) and horror with no small amount of guilt (Rayek).   The two were still struggling to figure out how to move.  Rayek quickly realized he had the ability to move their body's left side limbs, but coordinating movement with Sorik was a struggle, since he could only talk with one side of his mouth.

A shout from the hallway sounded.   "The visitors outside the facility knocked out Denrad and now have his weapon."

The lead guard looked to Moset.   "Can your transporter work at that range?"

"Of course, it can.  Tell your guards to keep a distance." the Doctor answered as he worked the console once more.  Rayik over hearing the man's statement was livid/concerned.

The sound of the transporter preceded both Torra and Alex getting caught up in its beam.

The result as a blend of Human and Grazerite.   The only good thing... was that they were still outside and not in a cage.
[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

Being caught in the beam of the transporter was not ideal for him. Alex was rather confused on what parts of him were human and which parts were the grazerite. It was going to take time to get used to his now conjoined appearance. He didn't want to know what would have happened if they were in a cage. He wondered if there was any long lasting effects that would stick around.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 27, 2023, 03:46:32 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

There was little in the way of cover.   There was the facility which was blocked from them by the forcefield.  There was the front entrance gatehouse and wall surrounding the entire property... and there was the landing pad on which the Bird-of-Prey sat.

Torra headed for the ship, keeping low and hopefully out of the line of fire from the Cardassian guards.   As the guards moved nearer they began to fire their phase-disruptors.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

"It's all in the name of science, my dear."  Moset answered back as he worked the controls.  "Let's see if we can get a better blending with you, Miss Sherem."  Once all the adjustments were done,  he motioned for the guards to release her; but before Jael could even take a step she was caught in a transporter effect, same as the raging half Klingon locked in her cage much like Rayek/Sorik was.

Sorek (?) both watched the conjoinment with a mix of scientific curiosity (Sorik) and horror with no small amount of guilt (Rayek).   The two were still struggling to figure out how to move.  Rayek quickly realized he had the ability to move their body's left side limbs, but coordinating movement with Sorik was a struggle, since he could only talk with one side of his mouth.

A shout from the hallway sounded.   "The visitors outside the facility knocked out Denrad and now have his weapon."

The lead guard looked to Moset.   "Can your transporter work at that range?"

"Of course, it can.  Tell your guards to keep a distance." the Doctor answered as he worked the console once more.  Rayik over hearing the man's statement was livid/concerned.

The sound of the transporter preceded both Torra and Alex getting caught up in its beam.

The result as a blend of Human and Grazerite.   The only good thing... was that they were still outside and not in a cage.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem and Crewman Helga Tragnar | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael was herded in along with Helga Tragnar and she just stood in horror. Naturally, Helga lashed out. "Why you...!"

The next thing Jael knew, Helga was gone in a bright transporter beam, and then Jael finished her Klingon. She blinked in surprise and then felt all over her. Her scales were still around, but her spoon...her spoon was gone, and in its place were a few small ridges. Suddenly, horror was mingled with rage, and she bellowed.


She would've made directly for Moset if it weren't for the guards, and she had lifted them in an unconventional way...lifted one as easily as holding a doll and then tossing him into two much strength...she'd want a bat'leth and she'd feel great...

No...that's not me...what are these, aggressive tendencies? Okay, definitely feeling aggressive tendencies...

Another guard grabbed her and she bit him right in the arm, and she was surprised inwardly to find she broke skin, the guard yowling in pain...when she yanked him off, if she didn't know better, she would've been spitting out ink.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 28, 2023, 05:20:15 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

His seriousness as he brought the ship to its equivalent of a red alert was completely shattered by the sudden comms malfunction, and as soon as it started it seemed to be over, but still... they couldn't afford any kind of malfunction.  He pressed his lips together as he turned to the Centurion.

"No, Arrain, you have proven yourself more than capable.  I know it wasn't you, but we can't afford to have these things happen.  Run a level one diagnostic and find out who in the Prophet's name played with the comms station." he spoke, a bit harsher than earlier.  Almost as if that Federation calm was slipping away a bit.

"Helm, engage maneuvering thrusters to port.  Keep them only as much as needed to gain momentum. The last thing we need is a trail."

He then hit the comms again. "Engineering, the Cardassians have begun an anti-proton sweep.  Its now or never."

"Arrain t'Nennien, bring torpedos online.  If this turns sour, I want us at as much of an advantage as possible."

"Ie, rekkai!" she acknowledged the order to run a level one diagnostic and began that right away.  She heard the lift doors open as the Bajoran Riov continued issuing orders, first to Helm, then to  Engineering and lastly to herself once more-  having her bring the torpedos online.

Again she acknowledged the order. "Ie, rekkai!"

Only to have the unexpected voice of Riov tr'Siedhri call out as he stormed forward.  His uniform and hair disheveled - appearing to have just gotten out of bed - despite it being late in the day.  Her keen sense of smell picked up the smell of Romulan ale from the late arriving command officer. "Cease those preparations, immediately.  What in Ariennye is going on?".   He looked to Tekin for explanation, though he didn't seem very receptive to one at the moment.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on February 28, 2023, 04:33:41 AM

[Medical Bay Waiting Area | RFS Valadore]

"œSounds good to me." Dem stated, trying to keep a positive tone amidst the chaos.

Betaika decided to chime in. "œSorry about that everyone. Romulan command structures are different to how they used to be. Gohoun - can you access that panel and beam out the samples? While clean up sorts out our old one, there are similar services down the hall; that should be to our liking." And with and outstretched hand, the kindly Doctor put his outburst behind him, and returned to his natural, borderline timid state.

Saqa7 looked to Gohun to see if he could salvage the samples or if they would need to extract more from Klingon corpse.  That would waste a lot of time.

"You've got this Gohun.  I have faith in you."  Saqa7 encouraged the engineer.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on February 28, 2023, 10:06:45 PM

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

Being caught in the beam of the transporter was not ideal for him. Alex was rather confused on what parts of him were human and which parts were the grazerite. It was going to take time to get used to his now conjoined appearance. He didn't want to know what would have happened if they were in a cage. He wondered if there was any long lasting effects that would stick around.

The result of the conjoinment was a blend of Grazerite ungulate and Human primate.  Torra/Alex, or Torrex, had the Grazerite ram horns, and bovine nose and even the long ears which were twice as perceptive as a humans so that Alex was able to hear in minute detail the approach of the guards.  With the bovine nose he could smell the ozone scent in the air from the phase-disruptor.

On the primate side, Torra was amazed to discover she... they had a long prehensile tail, which stood upright and twitched from side to side, throwing off her balance as she ran towards the landing struts so that her path zigzagged erratically.  The erraticness however saved her from being hit by the guards as they couldn't see from track where she was going to step from moment to moment until it was too late and she/they were undercover.

But what pleased Torra the most was that 'borrowed' phase-disruptor that Alex had taken from the downed guard... was now also in her hands.   Now that they had cover, they could return fire.

She knelt by the Bird of Prey landing strut and took aim on the rapidly approaching pair of guards.   Yet when she went to fire she discovered she suddenly had no control over her hands or any of her limbs anymore.   It was like she was on autopilot because she was still moving.  Oh! It must be Alex... he has control of our body now.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Erein Sorik
NPC Erei'erein Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 02, 2023, 09:40:50 PM

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem and Crewman Helga Tragnar | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael was herded in along with Helga Tragnar and she just stood in horror. Naturally, Helga lashed out. "Why you...!"

The next thing Jael knew, Helga was gone in a bright transporter beam, and then Jael finished her Klingon. She blinked in surprise and then felt all over her. Her scales were still around, but her spoon...her spoon was gone, and in its place were a few small ridges. Suddenly, horror was mingled with rage, and she bellowed.


She would've made directly for Moset if it weren't for the guards, and she had lifted them in an unconventional way...lifted one as easily as holding a doll and then tossing him into two much strength...she'd want a bat'leth and she'd feel great...

No...that's not me...what are these, aggressive tendencies? Okay, definitely feeling aggressive tendencies...

Another guard grabbed her and she bit him right in the arm, and she was surprised inwardly to find she broke skin, the guard yowling in pain...when she yanked him off, if she didn't know better, she would've been spitting out ink.

The Vulcan/Romulan watched in impassive detachment as Helga and Jael were blended.  The conjoined Klingon/Cardassian raged at what had been done to them.   But where was his rage? he wondered to himself.   His thought was answered by another presence in his mind - the Vulcan who was melding his thoughts with the Romulan in order to communicate.  ~ "Your anger is there; however my control is enough to keep it locked away." ~

Where normally Rayek might feel revulsion at melding with a Vulcan, presently he was void of such emotions.  Though he did question himself, what to do about the situation they found themselves in?

~ "Escape seems the most logical option." ~

Seeing Jael/Helga...Jaelga(?) throw one of the guards across the room, an idea formed.  If she throw one at the cage, he/they might be able to grab the keys off the unconscious body.

But how to get that idea across to the Klingon/Cardassian?  He still couldn't talk or move without lurching about like malfunctioning animatronic.

~ "I believe I can relinquish control of our body to you, temporarily." ~ the Vulcan stated and then as if a switch was flipped Rayek suddenly had full control of his body.

He called out Jaelga.  "Throw our guide this way.   We need his wrist band."  Rayek had seen the guard unlock & lock the cage with the same wrist mechanism which opened/closed the forcefield entrance.

Helga, without any control over her new conjointed body, raged.   But even raging, her body wouldn't do what she wanted it to.  Where would have pummeled the guards face to a bloody pulp, instead she threw them and cussed in a Cardassian voice.  This only served to anger her more.

When the Vulcan/Romulan managed to speak instead of making only grunts and unintelligible noises, Helga understood the order - but lacked the ability to action it.

Meanwhile the Cardassian 'mad' scientist, Crell Moset, scrambled to get away from the conjoined Cardassian/Klingon.  "Shoot it!" he ordered the guards that were shakily getting back up to their feet after having one of there own tossed towards them.

One managed to raise his weapon to fire towards the vicious fighting machine, but she moved suddenly out of his line of fire at the last second and instead his phase-disruptor shot struck the console that Crell had used to conjoin them.  Sparks flew and the transporter console which had been in a sort of standby mode... suddenly lost all power.

"No! You imbecile!  What have you done?  You've destroyed the proto-type!"   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zavrol Gohun

In just a moment the situation went from in control to out of control. The ship rocked as the nanobots tried to get by the force field. The entire five field started to sizzle as the nannobots tried to escape.
Computer voice "Force field integrity down to 40%" Gohun was not sure what to do. The truth is that the little robots keep adapting. Gohun spoke with a little worry in his voice. "If we can get a signal lock we can spread their atoms across---" Boom the area was knocked by a large explosion. Sparks started flying. Running to the panel Gohun takes it off and starts working on the transporter.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 03, 2023, 02:52:10 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

"Ie, rekkai!" she acknowledged the order to run a level one diagnostic and began that right away.  She heard the lift doors open as the Bajoran Riov continued issuing orders, first to Helm, then to  Engineering and lastly to herself once more-  having her bring the torpedos online.

Again she acknowledged the order. "Ie, rekkai!"

Only to have the unexpected voice of Riov tr'Siedhri call out as he stormed forward.  His uniform and hair disheveled - appearing to have just gotten out of bed - despite it being late in the day.  Her keen sense of smell picked up the smell of Romulan ale from the late arriving command officer. "Cease those preparations, immediately.  What in Ariennye is going on?".   He looked to Tekin for explanation, though he didn't seem very receptive to one at the moment.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 looked to Gohun to see if he could salvage the samples or if they would need to extract more from Klingon corpse.  That would waste a lot of time.

"You've got this Gohun.  I have faith in you."  Saqa7 encouraged the engineer.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

The result of the conjoinment was a blend of Grazerite ungulate and Human primate.  Torra/Alex, or Torrex, had the Grazerite ram horns, and bovine nose and even the long ears which were twice as perceptive as a humans so that Alex was able to hear in minute detail the approach of the guards.  With the bovine nose he could smell the ozone scent in the air from the phase-disruptor.

On the primate side, Torra was amazed to discover she... they had a long prehensile tail, which stood upright and twitched from side to side, throwing off her balance as she ran towards the landing struts so that her path zigzagged erratically.  The erraticness however saved her from being hit by the guards as they couldn't see from track where she was going to step from moment to moment until it was too late and she/they were undercover.

But what pleased Torra the most was that 'borrowed' phase-disruptor that Alex had taken from the downed guard... was now also in her hands.   Now that they had cover, they could return fire.

She knelt by the Bird of Prey landing strut and took aim on the rapidly approaching pair of guards.   Yet when she went to fire she discovered she suddenly had no control over her hands or any of her limbs anymore.   It was like she was on autopilot because she was still moving.  Oh! It must be Alex... he has control of our body now.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Erein Sorik
NPC Erei'erein Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The Vulcan/Romulan watched in impassive detachment as Helga and Jael were blended.  The conjoined Klingon/Cardassian raged at what had been done to them.   But where was his rage? he wondered to himself.   His thought was answered by another presence in his mind - the Vulcan who was melding his thoughts with the Romulan in order to communicate.  ~ "Your anger is there; however my control is enough to keep it locked away." ~

Where normally Rayek might feel revulsion at melding with a Vulcan, presently he was void of such emotions.  Though he did question himself, what to do about the situation they found themselves in?

~ "Escape seems the most logical option." ~

Seeing Jael/Helga...Jaelga(?) throw one of the guards across the room, an idea formed.  If she throw one at the cage, he/they might be able to grab the keys off the unconscious body.

But how to get that idea across to the Klingon/Cardassian?  He still couldn't talk or move without lurching about like malfunctioning animatronic.

~ "I believe I can relinquish control of our body to you, temporarily." ~ the Vulcan stated and then as if a switch was flipped Rayek suddenly had full control of his body.

He called out Jaelga.  "Throw our guide this way.   We need his wrist band."  Rayek had seen the guard unlock & lock the cage with the same wrist mechanism which opened/closed the forcefield entrance.

Helga, without any control over her new conjointed body, raged.   But even raging, her body wouldn't do what she wanted it to.  Where would have pummeled the guards face to a bloody pulp, instead she threw them and cussed in a Cardassian voice.  This only served to anger her more.

When the Vulcan/Romulan managed to speak instead of making only grunts and unintelligible noises, Helga understood the order - but lacked the ability to action it.

Meanwhile the Cardassian 'mad' scientist, Crell Moset, scrambled to get away from the conjoined Cardassian/Klingon.  "Shoot it!" he ordered the guards that were shakily getting back up to their feet after having one of there own tossed towards them.

One managed to raise his weapon to fire towards the vicious fighting machine, but she moved suddenly out of his line of fire at the last second and instead his phase-disruptor shot struck the console that Crell had used to conjoin them.  Sparks flew and the transporter console which had been in a sort of standby mode... suddenly lost all power.

"No! You imbecile!  What have you done?  You've destroyed the proto-type!"

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

Having control over someone else's body parts was a strange phenomenon. Since they had cover he was able to fire back using the phase-disruptor that he took from the guard that was down. He took aim at the guards that were fast approaching towards them. He figured that it was going to please Torra that he was able to shoot back at the guards. The pair was going to have to work as a team to get through this.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 28, 2023, 05:20:15 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

His seriousness as he brought the ship to its equivalent of a red alert was completely shattered by the sudden comms malfunction, and as soon as it started it seemed to be over, but still... they couldn't afford any kind of malfunction.  He pressed his lips together as he turned to the Centurion.

"No, Arrain, you have proven yourself more than capable.  I know it wasn't you, but we can't afford to have these things happen.  Run a level one diagnostic and find out who in the Prophet's name played with the comms station." he spoke, a bit harsher than earlier.  Almost as if that Federation calm was slipping away a bit.

"Helm, engage maneuvering thrusters to port.  Keep them only as much as needed to gain momentum. The last thing we need is a trail."

He then hit the comms again. "Engineering, the Cardassians have begun an anti-proton sweep.  Its now or never."

"Arrain t'Nennien, bring torpedos online.  If this turns sour, I want us at as much of an advantage as possible."

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek waited as the Cardassian ship's anti-proton beam swept across the Valdore and found he was holding his breath. He forced himself to breathe and when the other ship didn't react to their presence, he felt the vise around his heart loosen and he could truly breathe again. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Engineering to Captain Tekin, it looks like our ruse worked. I'd keep power levels to absolute minimum though, any spikes and they are likely to find us." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on March 03, 2023, 06:25:08 PM

In just a moment the situation went from in control to out of control. The ship rocked as the nanobots tried to get by the force field. The entire five field started to sizzle as the nannobots tried to escape.
Computer voice "Force field integrity down to 40%" Gohun was not sure what to do. The truth is that the little robots keep adapting. Gohun spoke with a little worry in his voice. "If we can get a signal lock we can spread their atoms across---" Boom the area was knocked by a large explosion. Sparks started flying. Running to the panel Gohun takes it off and starts working on the transporter.

It was frightening from Saqa7's perspective, that the few nanites that they had extracted from the corpse, had managed to replicated themselves exponentially to the point that their collective was visible to the naked eye as a swarm or murmuration.  It was this that slammed against the forcefield in an attempt to breakfree with such force that Sickbay shook.  She wondered if the Bridge some 3 decks up could feel it as well?  Or if sensors were being tripped in Engineering?

Hearing that the force field integrity was down by over half with just one attempt was worrying.  The up side of the nanites attempt on the forcefield was that the laws of physics applies -equal and opposite reaction... the nanite swarm was notably smaller now.  Thousands?  Millions? (How many nanites did it take to be seen visibly?) - taken out by the forcefield's recoil.

When Gohun began to offer a possible solution suggesting a signal lock and spreading the nanite atoms, Saqa7 nodded emphatically.   "Do it!"

The room shook again - this time from an explosion.   What were the nanites attempting this time?

Saqa7 looked to Doctor Betaika - the ranking officer.   "You need to contact the Bridge.  Warn them about what's going on here and inform them our Gohun's plan to deal with it.  We can't have Ops on the bridge working against his attempts here.  Maybe get them to assist?  Put up another forcefield or increase the transporter power load?"

At this point, Saqa7 was just offering out any plausible way to help, because she really didn't want to be assimilated.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on March 03, 2023, 06:25:08 PM

In just a moment the situation went from in control to out of control. The ship rocked as the nanobots tried to get by the force field. The entire five field started to sizzle as the nannobots tried to escape.
Computer voice "Force field integrity down to 40%" Gohun was not sure what to do. The truth is that the little robots keep adapting. Gohun spoke with a little worry in his voice. "If we can get a signal lock we can spread their atoms across---" Boom the area was knocked by a large explosion. Sparks started flying. Running to the panel Gohun takes it off and starts working on the transporter.

On the Bridge, Sunauth hesitated, uncertain which Riov to obey.  While it was true that the title of Riov had been granted to the Federation Captain, she knew that he had no allegiance to the Romulan Free State and that he was not the true Commander of the RFS Valdore.  However, that being said, in just that past hour that this Bajoran Riov had sat the Bridge she felt he displayed more respect for the position than she'd ever seen from tr'Siedhri.

She secretly hoped the Bajoran stood his ground, declared tr'Siedhri unfit and assumed Command of the ship.  With this hope in mind, t'Nennian discreetly continued working on the orders issued by Tekin.... or rather she would have when she heard an alarm going off on her console.

"Sirs," she interrupted, turning seat to address the two Riov"There's been a huge drain on the forcefield in the Sickbay Lab.  Force field integrity shows as only 40% presently."

"What are they doing down there that requires a forcefield?" Vochreb demanded to know, looking to Ops for an answer.

"According to their lab use request, they were extracting inactive nanites from the corpse to attempt some form of virus to take down any infected creatures, as a sort of defense/offense measure."

Another alarm went off on her console and Sunauth turned back to check what it was.  "Something is overloading the power box in the Sickbay Lab... one just exploded.  Fire suppression should have activated but since it went off earlier, it hasn't recharged.  They'll need to put the fire out themselves."

It was at this point in time that Engineering responded to Tekin's call from a while back... with a sort of disbelief, Sunauth realized she'd completely forgotten about the Cardassian vessel sweeping the area from across the boundary with anti-protons looking for a cloaked ship - them.

Quote from: Lek on March 04, 2023, 04:12:55 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek waited as the Cardassian ship's anti-proton beam swept across the Valdore and found he was holding his breath. He forced himself to breathe and when the other ship didn't react to their presence, he felt the vise around his heart loosen and he could truly breathe again. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Engineering to Captain Tekin, it looks like our ruse worked. I'd keep power levels to absolute minimum though, any spikes and they are likely to find us." =/\=

The Ops officer checked the status of the other ship.    "Confirmed sirs.  The Cardassian vessel is holding off on their side of the border.   No indication of them powering up their weapons systems.  It looks like we may have fooled them."

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on March 03, 2023, 11:35:11 PM

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

Having control over someone else's body parts was a strange phenomenon. Since they had cover he was able to fire back using the phase-disruptor that he took from the guard that was down. He took aim at the guards that were fast approaching towards them. He figured that it was going to please Torra that he was able to shoot back at the guards. The pair was going to have to work as a team to get through this.

It was strange not having control over one's body.  She had only been able to watch was Alex aimed and with an excellent shot taken down the last guard present.  She would have cheered him on if she could.

From the radio on the guard she'd knocked out, she heard chatter about a conjoined creature being captured on the ship.

Oh no! Commander Briggs and Doctor Belmont must have been targeted as well.  Wait, if they'd been captured then that meant they hadn't gotten the needed intel.   It was up to her and Alex now.

But how was she supposed to communicate with him when she had no control of her body?  Yet even as she questioned that suddenly she had she realized her movements were she own.   Yes!

"I don't know if you relinquished control or if it will at some point revert back to you Alex... but we need to complete the mission... find those datalogs.  I'm heading us into the ship... there is at least one other guard in there that we either have to avoid or take out."  As she spoke quietly aloud, informing Alex as to what her plan was she ran around to the gangplank of the ship and hurried their way inside.   She held the phase-disruptor up and ready to use.

The Bird of Prey was gloomy inside as more Klingon build vessels.  From what she recalled of the schematics of the Bird of Prey design, the Bridge was a straight shot up through the neck to the 'head' of the ship. All they'd need to do is get to the nearest lift system.

She spotted, one down the hallways and made a dash for it.   As she passed a T-intersection a disruptor blast narrowly missed her head, this startled the Grazerite and suddenly she had no control over her body once.    Oh dear... this was bad.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 05, 2023, 05:00:59 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

It was frightening from Saqa7's perspective, that the few nanites that they had extracted from the corpse, had managed to replicated themselves exponentially to the point that their collective was visible to the naked eye as a swarm or murmuration.  It was this that slammed against the forcefield in an attempt to breakfree with such force that Sickbay shook.  She wondered if the Bridge some 3 decks up could feel it as well?  Or if sensors were being tripped in Engineering?

Hearing that the force field integrity was down by over half with just one attempt was worrying.  The up side of the nanites attempt on the forcefield was that the laws of physics applies -equal and opposite reaction... the nanite swarm was notably smaller now.  Thousands?  Millions? (How many nanites did it take to be seen visibly?) - taken out by the forcefield's recoil.

When Gohun began to offer a possible solution suggesting a signal lock and spreading the nanite atoms, Saqa7 nodded emphatically.   "Do it!"

The room shook again - this time from an explosion.   What were the nanites attempting this time?

Saqa7 looked to Doctor Betaika - the ranking officer.   "You need to contact the Bridge.  Warn them about what's going on here and inform them our Gohun's plan to deal with it.  We can't have Ops on the bridge working against his attempts here.  Maybe get them to assist?  Put up another forcefield or increase the transporter power load?"

At this point, Saqa7 was just offering out any plausible way to help, because she really didn't want to be assimilated.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

On the Bridge, Sunauth hesitated, uncertain which Riov to obey.  While it was true that the title of Riov had been granted to the Federation Captain, she knew that he had no allegiance to the Romulan Free State and that he was not the true Commander of the RFS Valdore.  However, that being said, in just that past hour that this Bajoran Riov had sat the Bridge she felt he displayed more respect for the position than she'd ever seen from tr'Siedhri.

She secretly hoped the Bajoran stood his ground, declared tr'Siedhri unfit and assumed Command of the ship.  With this hope in mind, t'Nennian discreetly continued working on the orders issued by Tekin.... or rather she would have when she heard an alarm going off on her console.

"Sirs," she interrupted, turning seat to address the two Riov"There's been a huge drain on the forcefield in the Sickbay Lab.  Force field integrity shows as only 40% presently."

"What are they doing down there that requires a forcefield?" Vochreb demanded to know, looking to Ops for an answer.

"According to their lab use request, they were extracting inactive nanites from the corpse to attempt some form of virus to take down any infected creatures, as a sort of defense/offense measure."

Another alarm went off on her console and Sunauth turned back to check what it was.  "Something is overloading the power box in the Sickbay Lab... one just exploded.  Fire suppression should have activated but since it went off earlier, it hasn't recharged.  They'll need to put the fire out themselves."

It was at this point in time that Engineering responded to Tekin's call from a while back... with a sort of disbelief, Sunauth realized she'd completely forgotten about the Cardassian vessel sweeping the area from across the boundary with anti-protons looking for a cloaked ship - them.

The Ops officer checked the status of the other ship.    "Confirmed sirs.  The Cardassian vessel is holding off on their side of the border.   No indication of them powering up their weapons systems.  It looks like we may have fooled them."

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Main Bridge]

Nevir calmly turned in his chair as he heard the sound of the ship's original Riov, and to be perfectly frank, the Bajoran was not that impressed.  He looked at the Romulan, and frowned.

"Good of you to join us, Commander.  At present, I am keeping this ship and crew safe using the authority granted to me by your government.  Arrain t'Nennien, please make a note in the mission log of Riov tr'Siedhri's arrival on the bridge and the time he arrived." he stated, calmly but sternly.

"We have a mission underway to solve a potential threat to the Free State near Cardassian space, and the ship required a command officer to handle situations, like a Cardassian ship that was actively trying to search for us."

Quote from: Lek on March 04, 2023, 04:12:55 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek waited as the Cardassian ship's anti-proton beam swept across the Valdore and found he was holding his breath. He forced himself to breathe and when the other ship didn't react to their presence, he felt the vise around his heart loosen and he could truly breathe again. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Engineering to Captain Tekin, it looks like our ruse worked. I'd keep power levels to absolute minimum though, any spikes and they are likely to find us." =/\=

"Understood, Mr Lek, good job to you and your team.  Ops, place weapon systems on standby just in case, but go ahead and power down the torpedos.  Helm, keep our momentum and use minimal thrusters for the time being." he then turned to both Ops and the arriving Commander.

"Now, this the third time that some sort of incident down near sickbay has put everyone at risk.  I want to know everyone down there, Federation or Romulan, and I want security down there immediately.  The next issue that comes from down there I will start throwing people in the brig.  They are actively threatening the safety and security of this ship."

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 05, 2023, 02:08:06 PM

"Now, this the third time that some sort of incident down near sickbay has put everyone at risk.  I want to know everyone down there, Federation or Romulan, and I want security down there immediately.  The next issue that comes from down there I will start throwing people in the brig.  They are actively threatening the safety and security of this ship."

[Medical Bay Waiting Area | RFS Valadore]
Betaika look to his comrades. "œThat's it. I am not taking any chances here. Evacuate this deck in time for the security detail to arrive." He looked up at the tattered celling. "œThis is Arrian Betaika to deck 7. Evacuate deck, I repeat evacuate deck. All security personnel report to my position."
Dem objected moments after his communication stopped. "œSir, we can't go, - we need to fight this thing, before it does anymore damage. It is our responsibility to stop this."
As a calculated mind does, it only took a few seconds to evaluate the suggested course of action. He sighed. "œGrab a phaser."

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 05, 2023, 02:08:06 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Main Bridge]

Nevir calmly turned in his chair as he heard the sound of the ship's original Riov, and to be perfectly frank, the Bajoran was not that impressed.  He looked at the Romulan, and frowned.

"Good of you to join us, Commander.  At present, I am keeping this ship and crew safe using the authority granted to me by your government.  Arrain t'Nennien, please make a note in the mission log of Riov tr'Siedhri's arrival on the bridge and the time he arrived." he stated, calmly but sternly.

"We have a mission underway to solve a potential threat to the Free State near Cardassian space, and the ship required a command officer to handle situations, like a Cardassian ship that was actively trying to search for us."

"Understood, Mr Lek, good job to you and your team.  Ops, place weapon systems on standby just in case, but go ahead and power down the torpedos.  Helm, keep our momentum and use minimal thrusters for the time being." he then turned to both Ops and the arriving Commander.

"Now, this the third time that some sort of incident down near sickbay has put everyone at risk.  I want to know everyone down there, Federation or Romulan, and I want security down there immediately.  The next issue that comes from down there I will start throwing people in the brig.  They are actively threatening the safety and security of this ship."

Sunauth glanced between the two Riov as the Bajoran stood his ground in reaction to Vochreb's demand for an explanation.  When she was called on to log the Commander's late arrival, the Ops officer didn't reply, though she did discreetly do the task as ordered, while keeping her head down.  She preferred not being caught in tr'Siedhri's crosshairs, as she was stuck on this ship until her five years mandatory service was up.   She still had another three years to go - getting on her Commander's bad side wasn't going to make those three years pass any swifter.
Vochreb was furious at having a Fed tell him how to command his own ship!  Fvadt! It was all tr'Lhoell's fault.  If that Federation-loving veruul hadn't been placed on HIS ship, then this hhakh Exchange Program wouldn't have been assigned to the Valdore and he wouldn't be losing face to a damned Bajoran sitting in HIS seat!

Even news of the Cardassian ship in such close proximity didn't shake him from his anger.  "Your rank was only honorary.  We'll see what the Free State Commands says about you assuming any authority over MY ship."  Vochreb then stormed off the Bridge into his office.

Sunauth, was relieved when the Commander left and she called out a bit tardy responses to her orders given early during his tirade.   "Weapon systems on standby and Security has been dispatched."

She then checked the sensor logs to note whose ID badges were located in Sickbay Lab.  "Those working the Sickbay Lab were...  Arrain Tanar Betaika, Arrain Shaka Mountain-Khan, Erein Dem Broadshire and Erei'erein Zavrol Gohun." she announced.

Then she took the liberty to pass along the Riov's warning.  =/\= "Bridge to Arrain Betaika.  The Riov will not tolerate any more failures that threaten the safety of the ship.  He says 'The next issue that comes from down there he will start throwing people in the brig.'  Is that understood?" =/\=

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on March 06, 2023, 01:50:33 AM

[Medical Bay Waiting Area | RFS Valadore]
Betaika look to his comrades. "œThat's it. I am not taking any chances here. Evacuate this deck in time for the security detail to arrive." He looked up at the tattered celling. "œThis is Arrian Betaika to deck 7. Evacuate deck, I repeat evacuate deck. All security personnel report to my position."
Dem objected moments after his communication stopped. "œSir, we can't go, - we need to fight this thing, before it does anymore damage. It is our responsibility to stop this."
As a calculated mind does, it only took a few seconds to evaluate the suggested course of action. He sighed. "œGrab a phaser. (disruptor)"

Saqa7 was figuratively stunned when she was handed a Romulan disruptor that had been accessed from the Sickbay Weapons cache.   That Romulans kept lethal weapon in their Sickbay seemed incongruous to the native doctor.   Saqa7 would have preferred not to ever have to use the deadly weapon, but Dem was correct in assessing that they needed to gain control of the situation before things got worse.

As she stood ready with Dem and Doctor Betaika, Saqa7 hoped that Gohun, who had taken off for the transporter room, could figure out how to get a lock on the nanites deal with them before they broke through the barrier.

By the time Security reinforcements arrived and joined the line of defense, the nanites were in such numbers again that they were visible as a haze to the naked eye.  Then in a rushing murmuration, the haze beat against the forcefield, the room shook once more there was a flash and the field went out.   This was it!  Saqa7 fired her disruptor towards the haze.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility - caged]

Rayek/Sorik watched unable to do anything from their cage to help Jael/Helga fight the Cardassian guards.  Rayek wasn't even sure given the rage the Cardassian/Klingon was displaying whether his words had even registered.

Recalling how infuriated and aggressive the conjoined Klingons were on the freighter, Rayek wondered if after Jael finished with the Cardassians is he might be next.  He couldn't risk dying without passing on confirmation that it was the Cardassians and that Crell Moset was involved.

With jerky movements, since he was still getting used to controlling his conjoined body, he activated his earcomm.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Riov Tekin.  Mission update.  Cardassian involvement  in the conjoinment attacks confirmed.  Discovered a secret lab run by Dr. Crell Moset.   Away Team has been captured and experimented on.  Suspect we have about 6 hours til we face the same fate as previous experiment hosts. "  =/\= 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 03, 2023, 02:52:10 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Erein Sorik
NPC Erei'erein Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The Vulcan/Romulan watched in impassive detachment as Helga and Jael were blended.  The conjoined Klingon/Cardassian raged at what had been done to them.   But where was his rage? he wondered to himself.   His thought was answered by another presence in his mind - the Vulcan who was melding his thoughts with the Romulan in order to communicate.  ~ "Your anger is there; however my control is enough to keep it locked away." ~

Where normally Rayek might feel revulsion at melding with a Vulcan, presently he was void of such emotions.  Though he did question himself, what to do about the situation they found themselves in?

~ "Escape seems the most logical option." ~

Seeing Jael/Helga...Jaelga(?) throw one of the guards across the room, an idea formed.  If she throw one at the cage, he/they might be able to grab the keys off the unconscious body.

But how to get that idea across to the Klingon/Cardassian?  He still couldn't talk or move without lurching about like malfunctioning animatronic.

~ "I believe I can relinquish control of our body to you, temporarily." ~ the Vulcan stated and then as if a switch was flipped Rayek suddenly had full control of his body.

He called out Jaelga.  "Throw our guide this way.   We need his wrist band."  Rayek had seen the guard unlock & lock the cage with the same wrist mechanism which opened/closed the forcefield entrance.

Helga, without any control over her new conjointed body, raged.   But even raging, her body wouldn't do what she wanted it to.  Where would have pummeled the guards face to a bloody pulp, instead she threw them and cussed in a Cardassian voice.  This only served to anger her more.

When the Vulcan/Romulan managed to speak instead of making only grunts and unintelligible noises, Helga understood the order - but lacked the ability to action it.

Meanwhile the Cardassian 'mad' scientist, Crell Moset, scrambled to get away from the conjoined Cardassian/Klingon.  "Shoot it!" he ordered the guards that were shakily getting back up to their feet after having one of there own tossed towards them.

One managed to raise his weapon to fire towards the vicious fighting machine, but she moved suddenly out of his line of fire at the last second and instead his phase-disruptor shot struck the console that Crell had used to conjoin them.  Sparks flew and the transporter console which had been in a sort of standby mode... suddenly lost all power.

"No! You imbecile!  What have you done?  You've destroyed the proto-type!"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 07, 2023, 03:24:27 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility - caged]

Rayek/Sorik watched unable to do anything from their cage to help Jael/Helga fight the Cardassian guards.  Rayek wasn't even sure given the rage the Cardassian/Klingon was displaying whether his words had even registered.

Recalling how infuriated and aggressive the conjoined Klingons were on the freighter, Rayek wondered if after Jael finished with the Cardassians is he might be next.  He couldn't risk dying without passing on confirmation that it was the Cardassians and that Crell Moset was involved.

With jerky movements, since he was still getting used to controlling his conjoined body, he activated his earcomm.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Riov Tekin.  Mission update.  Cardassian involvement  in the conjoinment attacks confirmed.  Discovered a secret lab run by Dr. Crell Moset.   Away Team has been captured and experimented on.  Suspect we have about 6 hours til we face the same fate as previous experiment hosts. "  =/\=

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

It took Jael a moment to register what Rayek was saying, the rage was clouding her judgement. However, once it clicked into place, she tried gaining control of herself. In spite of moving around, shots were going her way, and the shock that Moset's control console was destroyed certainly spurned the hybrid into action.

It took her a slight longer moment to engage the guard - the one that Rayek/Sorik...Rayorik?...had wanted specifically. Somehow, Jael's senses were peeking through the fog of Helga's rage, like trying to see with squinted narrow eyes. A few hits to stun him and Jaelga lifted the man up and threw him against Rayorik's cage in a howl, certainly trying to pass it off as a result of random tossing.

All the same Jael was certainly reflecting the horror of the Klingon monsters back in the freighter, but there was one thing that made a difference: Helga was part human; the rage was from her Klingon DNA. The human elements plus those of Jael's Cardassian ones enabled her to get sense from the rage. She ran like a wild animal and reached Moset, wrapping her arm around his neck loosely, ready to strangle him.

"Stop this! Stay back!" she demanded, partially gutturally in a growl. "Drop your weapons or I will kill him!"

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

With the containment field about to collapse Gohun saw the containment field sizzle like cooking bacon. With a speed that was heard of Gohun locked onto the Nannobots and transported them into space as long as there wasn't another ship with a transporter buffer nearby they tiny robots would be destroyed.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 07, 2023, 03:24:27 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Sunauth glanced between the two Riov as the Bajoran stood his ground in reaction to Vochreb's demand for an explanation.  When she was called on to log the Commander's late arrival, the Ops officer didn't reply, though she did discreetly do the task as ordered, while keeping her head down.  She preferred not being caught in tr'Siedhri's crosshairs, as she was stuck on this ship until her five years mandatory service was up.   She still had another three years to go - getting on her Commander's bad side wasn't going to make those three years pass any swifter.

Vochreb was furious at having a Fed tell him how to command his own ship!  Fvadt! It was all tr'Lhoell's fault.  If that Federation-loving veruul hadn't been placed on HIS ship, then this hhakh Exchange Program wouldn't have been assigned to the Valdore and he wouldn't be losing face to a damned Bajoran sitting in HIS seat!

Even news of the Cardassian ship in such close proximity didn't shake him from his anger.  "Your rank was only honorary.  We'll see what the Free State Commands says about you assuming any authority over MY ship."  Vochreb then stormed off the Bridge into his office.

Sunauth, was relieved when the Commander left and she called out a bit tardy responses to her orders given early during his tirade.   "Weapon systems on standby and Security has been dispatched."

She then checked the sensor logs to note whose ID badges were located in Sickbay Lab.  "Those working the Sickbay Lab were...  Arrain Tanar Betaika, Arrain Shaka Mountain-Khan, Erein Dem Broadshire and Erei'erein Zavrol Gohun." she announced.

Then she took the liberty to pass along the Riov's warning.  =/\= "Bridge to Arrain Betaika.  The Riov will not tolerate any more failures that threaten the safety of the ship.  He says 'The next issue that comes from down there he will start throwing people in the brig.'  Is that understood?" =/\=

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

Saqa7 was figuratively stunned when she was handed a Romulan disruptor that had been accessed from the Sickbay Weapons cache.   That Romulans kept lethal weapon in their Sickbay seemed incongruous to the native doctor.   Saqa7 would have preferred not to ever have to use the deadly weapon, but Dem was correct in assessing that they needed to gain control of the situation before things got worse.

As she stood ready with Dem and Doctor Betaika, Saqa7 hoped that Gohun, who had taken off for the transporter room, could figure out how to get a lock on the nanites deal with them before they broke through the barrier.

By the time Security reinforcements arrived and joined the line of defense, the nanites were in such numbers again that they were visible as a haze to the naked eye.  Then in a rushing murmuration, the haze beat against the forcefield, the room shook once more there was a flash and the field went out.   This was it!  Saqa7 fired her disruptor towards the haze.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility - caged]

Rayek/Sorik watched unable to do anything from their cage to help Jael/Helga fight the Cardassian guards.  Rayek wasn't even sure given the rage the Cardassian/Klingon was displaying whether his words had even registered.

Recalling how infuriated and aggressive the conjoined Klingons were on the freighter, Rayek wondered if after Jael finished with the Cardassians is he might be next.  He couldn't risk dying without passing on confirmation that it was the Cardassians and that Crell Moset was involved.

With jerky movements, since he was still getting used to controlling his conjoined body, he activated his earcomm.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Riov Tekin.  Mission update.  Cardassian involvement  in the conjoinment attacks confirmed.  Discovered a secret lab run by Dr. Crell Moset.   Away Team has been captured and experimented on.  Suspect we have about 6 hours til we face the same fate as previous experiment hosts. "  =/\=

[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Nevir didn't give in to the anger of the Commander, and he raised an eyebrow as the Riov turned and went into his own Ready Room.  He stayed silent until the door closed, and sighed.

"Wait until he finds out that the Tal Shiar protocol is still active.  I don't know if he'll be angrier at that, or angrier at the fact he is trying to get the Federation Captain who helped secure the Free State off his ship.
Miss t'Nennien, is he always like that?
" he asked, turning back to the front.

"Despite that interruption, until I have been removed from the bridge we still have work to do.  Arrain t'Nennien, keep a monitor on the Cardassian ship and the situation in sickbay."

He expected for silence until the ship's Commander came to rage again, but instead it was his own crewman who broke the silence.  Finally, a mission update.  And it wasn't good.

"Prophets!" he cursed, gripping the chair.  "Forget the Cardassians, we have a higher priority.  Helm, set course and engage.  Ops, bring us back to full alert.  I don't think the Cardassians are going to ignore us now."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.