Season 14: Episode 12 - Conjoinment Crisis - Part Two - Crisis of Identity

Started by Rayek trLhoell, December 10, 2022, 12:30:54 AM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 13, 2023, 10:50:18 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The guards in the cage all crowded away from the door.

Rayorik glanced over towards Jaelga and then to her hostage.  He set the knife down and looked at the wrist device a moment.  He then shook his head before reaching into the cage and grabbing a hand of the lead guard.  The Cardassian struggled but the conjoined Romulan/Vulcan dragged the man forward until the guard's hand was pulled outside of the cage and bent at the wrist against the bars.  Swiping the man's finger against wristband in his other hand, Rayorik tested that it would activate the device.  When it did, he nodded satisfied.

"Bring the doctor by all means... but unless I'm mistaken, he's trapped in here just as much as we are." He tossed the wrist band to Jaelga.   "He's lacking one of these. Check if his DNA or prints will activate it.".

While he let Jaelga do that, the conjoined Vulcanoid stuffed the picked up his knife once more ready to use it if Moset wasn't able to unlock the wrist device that was their only way back to the rest of the team on the otherside of the forcefield.

When she did, Jaelga would discover that Moset didn't have access to wrist band, nor if checked, would she find a wrist device on him at all.   Unethical though Moset might be, it would seem he too was a prisoner.
Rayorik took point, on his wrist he had the 'borrowed' wrist device.  In his hand, he had a 'borrowed' phase-disruptor.  In his other hand he had.. a 'borrowed' finger.

A quick search of the lab had provided them with some rough notes...  a bit rough handling of Moset had gained them the password to his electronic experimental log which they then copied all the files of.  Rayek hoped it was enough to help Dem and the other reverse this conjoinment nightmare.

Now to find the others and get back to the ship before their time ran out.

He swiped the dismembered finger against the wrist device and opened the forcefield.   "Call the others." He told Jaelga.  "Find out where they are."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 17, 2023, 04:48:14 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

The sprint across the compound from the facility building to area where the Bird of Prey sat, was a dangerous one. Two security guards remained and they held the ground between the facility and that ship.  For a moment, the Romulan considered sending in the Cardassian/Klingon ahead of him as a distraction (they were certain to be that) but knew he'd regret the decision if they got injured - not to mention Lek would never forgive him.

At present the two guards had their attention on the ship,  and seemed to be talking to a third person on comms.  Rayek couldn't quite make out the discussion at this distance, but he got the impression that they were waiting for someone on the ship to let them in.

He doubted there would be a better time to rush the two guards. They were clearly distracted and only one was occasionally looking out towards the open field.   If he and Jaelga waited any longer they would be spotted.  Best to go now.  So the conjoined Romulan/Vulcan ran headlong towards the pair of Cardassians, ready to dodge to the side if and when either one noticed his approach and aimed their weapon towards him.  He ran silent... he could only hope Jaelga was capable of doing the same.

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jaelga found it satisfying to gag Moset before she led him out, still having an arm - a surprisingly beefy arm - around his neck. There was some likely restraint from the Cardassian side, knowing full well that Moset was too valuable to rip his head off.

Any device that can provide access proved to not be on the old man's person at all. She looked over and gave a glare of mixed befuddlement and outrage.

"Really? The most important person here and you have no means to come and go freely? I honestly hope my father didn't force you into this!"

She didn't even need the part-Klingon vibes to get this out angrily; the chances of her father's involvement has always proved a sore point; the last time she had felt this such raw emotion strongly was when she suffered at the hands of one of his former slaves, Galen Mal, when he was hired as a guard she was momentarily imprisoned at. She had just been about to tell Rayek/Sorik so when she saw he already had a device...on a dismembered finger.

"I guess you didn't need my help in that area..."

Once she ascertained the rest of the teams' location, they were on the move...the old man was still gagged and she had her arm wrapped, and before Jaelga knew it, they were at his organization's...acquired vessel.

"Well, there better be something to un-conjoin us fast old man," Jaelga hissed with a Klingon guttural growl. "If we're like this permanently, I'm going to rip your head off, stake it on a spear and send it back to Bajor to declare the good news. You do remember Bajor, do you?"

She was further surprised to find Rayek/Sorik making a beeline for the guards. She wanted to help, but she had a hostage to keep, although there was a good option to lift Moset by the legs and use him as a bodily club, but he shouldn't be harmed...Attack or keep holding the hostage...? The conundrum was so bad, it was giving her a headache.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 17, 2023, 04:48:14 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

Saqa7 looked up from her bored staring at the floor tiles, when a pair of security personnel arrived not long after the ship-wide announcement.  And sure enough,  being led inside the cell adjacent to hers was the former commander - tr'Siedhri.

The Romulan was clearly upset and his language showed it - by the insults he directed towards guards whom he called traitors.

[Brig | RFS Valadore]
"Ah, welcome to our little randomly put in the brig club" Dem candidly stated while looking at some commander being shoved into another cell. "œAh, Mr Guard person, when is a time that we can see the capt- riov Tekin, so we can continue our work?" Dem looked over at Betaika. He had not said a word since they arrived, not even flinched at the entry of the new prisoner. "œCMO of the Tal Shiar" Dem thought. Who could have known. It still surprises Dem every time he thinks about it.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 17, 2023, 04:48:14 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Vochreb was stunned speechless at hearing General Tam'lok's announcement over the comm.  This had to be some sort of trick by the Feds.   Others on the bridge also seemed taken by surprise, but not enough for the security personnel to not do their job.

He was 'helped' from his command seat, and was lead to the lift, which opened to reveal the Bajoran.  It was HIS fault!

For a moment, when the Bajoran spoke about having his hand forced, Vochreb strained against the grip of the two Security holding onto him.    "We?  There is no we. And your exchange personnel are as good as dead."

He would have liked to say more but the guards had him in the lift and the doors closed before he could think of something more scathing and hurtful to say.

Sunauth let out a quiet exhalation of relief when the lift doors closed, locking tr'Siedhri from the Bridge, and she looked towards the ship's commander for direction.

The acknowledgement from the Helm officer, to the order give was felt by every officer on the Bridge. "Aye sir!"

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

Saqa7 looked up from her bored staring at the floor tiles, when a pair of security personnel arrived not long after the ship-wide announcement.  And sure enough,  being led inside the cell adjacent to hers was the former commander - tr'Siedhri.

The Romulan was clearly upset and his language showed it - by the insults he directed towards guards whom he called traitors.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Accessing the bio-locked console was proving to be a bit of a challenge for Torra.   The task was made even more difficult when at random her both would sudden twitch move without her conscious thought.   She'd look over to the wall suddenly, or tap herself on the shoulder for no known reason.   It was this last action that had her wondering if Alex were attempting to communication with her.

Feeling a bit awkward doing so, Torra spoke out loud trying to bridge the barrier between them.   "Alex?  Are you trying to get my attention?   Do you know a way to get around the biometric lock?  If so, do tell... we need to find those logs and help the others."

She went on to explain what she was attempting.  "I'm attempting to have the system go into an emergency lockdown mode which override the biometric lock and required an access code then at least I should be able to connect my PADD to the console and cheat the system that way."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

The sprint across the compound from the facility building to area where the Bird of Prey sat, was a dangerous one. Two security guards remained and they held the ground between the facility and that ship.  For a moment, the Romulan considered sending in the Cardassian/Klingon ahead of him as a distraction (they were certain to be that) but knew he'd regret the decision if they got injured - not to mention Lek would never forgive him.

At present the two guards had their attention on the ship,  and seemed to be talking to a third person on comms.  Rayek couldn't quite make out the discussion at this distance, but he got the impression that they were waiting for someone on the ship to let them in.

He doubted there would be a better time to rush the two guards. They were clearly distracted and only one was occasionally looking out towards the open field.   If he and Jaelga waited any longer they would be spotted.  Best to go now.  So the conjoined Romulan/Vulcan ran headlong towards the pair of Cardassians, ready to dodge to the side if and when either one noticed his approach and aimed their weapon towards him.  He ran silent... he could only hope Jaelga was capable of doing the same.

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œYes I have an idea if you don't mind on how we can get around the biometric lock but we are going to need to work together. If this idea works then you should be able to connect your PADD and do what you need to do." Alex gave Torra a nod as he moved closer to get a better view of the lock. He thought maybe they could disguise their fingerprints or have something like a piece of hair that they could use to unlock it. He had a feeling that what Torra was trying to do might be a better option than his initial idea.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on March 17, 2023, 07:07:53 PM

[Brig | RFS Valadore]
"Ah, welcome to our little randomly put in the brig club" Dem candidly stated while looking at some commander being shoved into another cell. "œAh, Mr Guard person, when is a time that we can see the capt- riov Tekin, so we can continue our work?" Dem looked over at Betaika. He had not said a word since they arrived, not even flinched at the entry of the new prisoner. "œCMO of the Tal Shiar" Dem thought. Who could have known. It still surprises Dem every time he thinks about it.

The Romulan guard standing watch over the brig and it's prisoners, scoffed that the idea that the Riov himself would deal with such troublemakers, when they were headed into enemy territory.   Best to leave them where they were, he thought.

"Ain't the Commander's job to deal with veruul-yikh like you lot.  He'll likely leave you to the Subcommander once we've retrieved the field team.  I'd find a spot to claim and get comfy, you're gonna be here a while."

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on March 17, 2023, 11:43:35 PM

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œYes I have an idea if you don't mind on how we can get around the biometric lock but we are going to need to work together. If this idea works then you should be able to connect your PADD and do what you need to do." Alex gave Torra a nod as he moved closer to get a better view of the lock. He thought maybe they could disguise their fingerprints or have something like a piece of hair that they could use to unlock it. He had a feeling that what Torra was trying to do might be a better option than his initial idea.

That Alex answered - using her voice- was a bit odd, but Torra was grateful for any help and so nodded her agreement.   "What do you have in mind?"

It was at this time that Torra heard what she thought was Helga's voice come over the comm calling for Commander Briggs.  It was such a relief to hear from the other team.

Torra activated her ear comm - she'd opted for the hidden device when recommended by the Subcommander.
=/\= "Addams here... sort of.   Subcommander Briggs and the doctor I think have been captured by Cardassians.  Alex and I lost sight of them when the guards tried to capture us...  and um...  I don't know how it happened but... Alex and I have been conjoined.  He's in my mind  - or I'm in his... I'm not really sure how this works.  We've made it on board the Bird of Prey and are trying to gain access to the logs but they are biometrically locked." =/\=

Torra was going under the assumption that the logs were still the priority - proof of Cardassian involvement in the  atrocities that happened on the VaQ=/\= "Do you need assistance?" =/\=

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 17, 2023, 06:12:46 PM

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Once she ascertained the rest of the teams' location, they were on the move...the old man was still gagged and she had her arm wrapped, and before Jaelga knew it, they were at his organization's...acquired vessel.

"Well, there better be something to un-conjoin us fast old man," Jaelga hissed with a Klingon guttural growl. "If we're like this permanently, I'm going to rip your head off, stake it on a spear and send it back to Bajor to declare the good news. You do remember Bajor, do you?"

She was further surprised to find Rayek/Sorik making a beeline for the guards. She wanted to help, but she had a hostage to keep, although there was a good option to lift Moset by the legs and use him as a bodily club, but he shouldn't be harmed...Attack or keep holding the hostage...? The conundrum was so bad, it was giving her a headache.

The Cardassian doctor could only answer the question put to him by the conjoined Klingon/Cardassian work of art with muffled noises.  He couldn't even nod or shake his head without the hold feeling tight against his throat.
Not that he wanted to answer the question after her threat, knowing his honest response would only get him killed all the sooner.  For now he would wait for his opportunity to escape these intruders, like he had waited to escape the facility.

Not long after, he watched the conjoined Vulcanoid sprint off to deal with the guards staring at the Bird of Prey entrance.   This could be his moment.

Hands bound and gagged, Moset let his body go limp as if he'd passed out and then waited for the woman to  release her choke hold on his unexpected deadweight body.  The moment she did, he would  strike.

~ ~ ~ ~

Rayorik's long stride made short work of the distance - 15 seconds max.  He had timed his run for a moment when he heard the guards' comm go off so that their attention was on the incoming call and not the running footfalls approaching.  His attempt only partially worked... he was just over 15 meters away when one of the two Cardassians lifted his head and turned around in alarm.

Both Rayek and the Vulcan conjoined with him knew that their survival all depended on that guard's reaction time.   Rayek knew he could run 15 meters in 2 seconds, but the average draw time of his own security personnel when tested was only 1.83 seconds - meaning that there was a good chance he was about to get shot.

However that didn't deter him and instead Rayek launched himself forward in a tackle just as the phase disruptor fired.  Missing him by a hairbreadth.

With the one guard on the ground with him, Rayorik grappled with the man until he was on top and then rammed the heel of his palm into the Cardassian's nose and knocking him senseless.   One down one to go.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 17, 2023, 04:48:14 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Vochreb was stunned speechless at hearing General Tam'lok's announcement over the comm.  This had to be some sort of trick by the Feds.   Others on the bridge also seemed taken by surprise, but not enough for the security personnel to not do their job.

He was 'helped' from his command seat, and was lead to the lift, which opened to reveal the Bajoran.  It was HIS fault!

For a moment, when the Bajoran spoke about having his hand forced, Vochreb strained against the grip of the two Security holding onto him.    "We?  There is no we. And your exchange personnel are as good as dead."

He would have liked to say more but the guards had him in the lift and the doors closed before he could think of something more scathing and hurtful to say.

Sunauth let out a quiet exhalation of relief when the lift doors closed, locking tr'Siedhri from the Bridge, and she looked towards the ship's commander for direction.

The acknowledgement from the Helm officer, to the order give was felt by every officer on the Bridge. "Aye sir!"

[RFS Valdore - Deck 11 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran refused to take the obvious bait as the former Riov was removed from the Bridge without him having to do the order to do so.  It was both a testament to the discipline of the Romulan military... and a reminder of their efficiency when it came to dealing with internal matters.  Even with a freer society, there were some things that were just not likely to break within only 20 years.

As the ship altered course and engaged for their updated mission parameters, the Federation officer debated how much he should say, but finally decided on hitting the all-comm to address the ship.

"Attention crew of the Valdore.  This is acting Riov Tekin Nevir.  As you have recently heard, Romulan command has just altered our mission parameters and enacted a change in command on this ship.  Let me make one thing absolutely clear.  I may be a loannen'galae Bah'jorha, but this is still a Romulan ship and will be run under the Free State military code.  As some of your fellow Federation officers have recently experienced, this means that there will not be any leeway for those who normally work under Federation rules and regulations.  My number one rule is this: there will be no jeopardizing this crew, this ship, or the Romulan Free State.  Our location earlier was compromised by a series of unintentional sabotage and revealing of our location to the Cardassians, the Card'hassinnsu.  This will NOT happen again.  Because of this incident, we now have to take the long way around to return to get our crew thanks to a heightened awareness of our presence by the Cardassians."

"This brings us our to mission.  The away team has confirmed a threat towards both the Federation and the Romulans, and we need to retrieve both them and their information.  This is now paramount.  We will do our best to keep ourselves hidden as long as we can to avoid a possible incident, however, we may end up having to defend ourselves.  I expect this crew to be an exemplary example of the Romulan Free State.   As General Tam'lok stated, Glohhaasi' mnekha!"

With that, he closed the channel, turning towards the Bridge crew.  "I want a level 1 diagnostic on all systems.  Arrain t'Nennien, I want two different sensor cloaks, one showing us as Cardassian, and one showing us as Federation.  To use as backups.  Also, scan for the closest Federation ship."

With that order given, he then tapped to the Brig.  "I want the Chief Medical Officer brought to the conference room immediately."


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 20, 2023, 05:16:08 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 11 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran refused to take the obvious bait as the former Riov was removed from the Bridge without him having to do the order to do so.  It was both a testament to the discipline of the Romulan military... and a reminder of their efficiency when it came to dealing with internal matters.  Even with a freer society, there were some things that were just not likely to break within only 20 years.

As the ship altered course and engaged for their updated mission parameters, the Federation officer debated how much he should say, but finally decided on hitting the all-comm to address the ship.

"Attention crew of the Valdore.  This is acting Riov Tekin Nevir.  As you have recently heard, Romulan command has just altered our mission parameters and enacted a change in command on this ship.  Let me make one thing absolutely clear.  I may be a loannen'galae Bah'jorha, but this is still a Romulan ship and will be run under the Free State military code.  As some of your fellow Federation officers have recently experienced, this means that there will not be any leeway for those who normally work under Federation rules and regulations.  My number one rule is this: there will be no jeopardizing this crew, this ship, or the Romulan Free State.  Our location earlier was compromised by a series of unintentional sabotage and revealing of our location to the Cardassians, the Card'hassinnsu.  This will NOT happen again.  Because of this incident, we now have to take the long way around to return to get our crew thanks to a heightened awareness of our presence by the Cardassians."

"This brings us our to mission.  The away team has confirmed a threat towards both the Federation and the Romulans, and we need to retrieve both them and their information.  This is now paramount.  We will do our best to keep ourselves hidden as long as we can to avoid a possible incident, however, we may end up having to defend ourselves.  I expect this crew to be an exemplary example of the Romulan Free State.   As General Tam'lok stated, Glohhaasi' mnekha!"

With that, he closed the channel, turning towards the Bridge crew.  "I want a level 1 diagnostic on all systems.  Arrain t'Nennien, I want two different sensor cloaks, one showing us as Cardassian, and one showing us as Federation.  To use as backups.  Also, scan for the closest Federation ship."

With that order given, he then tapped to the Brig.  "I want the Chief Medical Officer brought to the conference room immediately."

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek ached an eyebrow at Captain Tekin's announcement. He could only shake his head in amazement and returned to monitoring the ship's power systems until someone ordered him to do something.

"This mission just keeps getting more and more complicated."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 20, 2023, 05:16:08 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 11 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran refused to take the obvious bait as the former Riov was removed from the Bridge without him having to do the order to do so.  It was both a testament to the discipline of the Romulan military... and a reminder of their efficiency when it came to dealing with internal matters.  Even with a freer society, there were some things that were just not likely to break within only 20 years.

As the ship altered course and engaged for their updated mission parameters, the Federation officer debated how much he should say, but finally decided on hitting the all-comm to address the ship.

"Attention crew of the Valdore.  This is acting Riov Tekin Nevir.  As you have recently heard, Romulan command has just altered our mission parameters and enacted a change in command on this ship.  Let me make one thing absolutely clear.  I may be a loannen'galae Bah'jorha, but this is still a Romulan ship and will be run under the Free State military code.  As some of your fellow Federation officers have recently experienced, this means that there will not be any leeway for those who normally work under Federation rules and regulations.  My number one rule is this: there will be no jeopardizing this crew, this ship, or the Romulan Free State.  Our location earlier was compromised by a series of unintentional sabotage and revealing of our location to the Cardassians, the Card'hassinnsu.  This will NOT happen again.  Because of this incident, we now have to take the long way around to return to get our crew thanks to a heightened awareness of our presence by the Cardassians."

"This brings us our to mission.  The away team has confirmed a threat towards both the Federation and the Romulans, and we need to retrieve both them and their information.  This is now paramount.  We will do our best to keep ourselves hidden as long as we can to avoid a possible incident, however, we may end up having to defend ourselves.  I expect this crew to be an exemplary example of the Romulan Free State.   As General Tam'lok stated, Glohhaasi' mnekha!"

With that, he closed the channel, turning towards the Bridge crew.  "I want a level 1 diagnostic on all systems.  Arrain t'Nennien, I want two different sensor cloaks, one showing us as Cardassian, and one showing us as Federation.  To use as backups.  Also, scan for the closest Federation ship."

With that order given, he then tapped to the Brig.  "I want the Chief Medical Officer brought to the conference room immediately."

[Brig-Conference Room | RFS Valadore]

"œGee, thanks" Dem smartly replied to the guards apparent lack of care, before scolding himself. Getting pissed at the guard will not help his case.
His thoughts were interrupted by a communications chime from Tekin. After it was terminated, it took only a few seconds for the guard to form a snarky reply. "œWell it looks like someone will be taking a trip to the bridge then"¦" The guard stared cooly at Betaika, who has not met his gaze since he sat down. The Doctor calmly brought himself to his feet with a composure that made him seem in control, even though he clearly was not. Betaika walked out of the room while another guard trained his phaser on him. The calm woosh of the doors slowly closing out the bustling outside world was the last time Dem would see him for a long time.

Doctor Betaika

While slowly (or what felt like slowly) traveling up the elevator, his cool exterior was a mere facade for the bubbling emotional mess of the inside. The Doctor has been in many sticky situations before, especially in the Tal Shiar. In fact, he has been in more high risk and essential missions than anyone on board. But he was a low life, and doctor, stripped of his pride and reputation. Now getting reprimanded by a federation captain. Before he even realized it, he was stepping through the door of the conference room. He had collected his thoughts enough to say this:
"œYou wanted to see me sir?"

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 18, 2023, 05:53:05 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

The Romulan guard standing watch over the brig and it's prisoners, scoffed that the idea that the Riov himself would deal with such troublemakers, when they were headed into enemy territory.   Best to leave them where they were, he thought.

"Ain't the Commander's job to deal with veruul-yikh like you lot.  He'll likely leave you to the Subcommander once we've retrieved the field team.  I'd find a spot to claim and get comfy, you're gonna be here a while."

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

That Alex answered - using her voice- was a bit odd, but Torra was grateful for any help and so nodded her agreement.   "What do you have in mind?"

It was at this time that Torra heard what she thought was Helga's voice come over the comm calling for Commander Briggs.  It was such a relief to hear from the other team.

Torra activated her ear comm - she'd opted for the hidden device when recommended by the Subcommander.
=/\= "Addams here... sort of.   Subcommander Briggs and the doctor I think have been captured by Cardassians.  Alex and I lost sight of them when the guards tried to capture us...  and um...  I don't know how it happened but... Alex and I have been conjoined.  He's in my mind  - or I'm in his... I'm not really sure how this works.  We've made it on board the Bird of Prey and are trying to gain access to the logs but they are biometrically locked." =/\=

Torra was going under the assumption that the logs were still the priority - proof of Cardassian involvement in the  atrocities that happened on the VaQ=/\= "Do you need assistance?" =/\=

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

The Cardassian doctor could only answer the question put to him by the conjoined Klingon/Cardassian work of art with muffled noises.  He couldn't even nod or shake his head without the hold feeling tight against his throat.
Not that he wanted to answer the question after her threat, knowing his honest response would only get him killed all the sooner.  For now he would wait for his opportunity to escape these intruders, like he had waited to escape the facility.

Not long after, he watched the conjoined Vulcanoid sprint off to deal with the guards staring at the Bird of Prey entrance.   This could be his moment.

Hands bound and gagged, Moset let his body go limp as if he'd passed out and then waited for the woman to  release her choke hold on his unexpected deadweight body.  The moment she did, he would  strike.

~ ~ ~ ~

Rayorik's long stride made short work of the distance - 15 seconds max.  He had timed his run for a moment when he heard the guards' comm go off so that their attention was on the incoming call and not the running footfalls approaching.  His attempt only partially worked... he was just over 15 meters away when one of the two Cardassians lifted his head and turned around in alarm.

Both Rayek and the Vulcan conjoined with him knew that their survival all depended on that guard's reaction time.   Rayek knew he could run 15 meters in 2 seconds, but the average draw time of his own security personnel when tested was only 1.83 seconds - meaning that there was a good chance he was about to get shot.

However that didn't deter him and instead Rayek launched himself forward in a tackle just as the phase disruptor fired.  Missing him by a hairbreadth.

With the one guard on the ground with him, Rayorik grappled with the man until he was on top and then rammed the heel of his palm into the Cardassian's nose and knocking him senseless.   One down one to go.

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œI think it might be better if I show you better than I can explain." Alex proceeded to show Torra the idea that he had to get around the biometric lock. He was rather curious about what was being discussed through the earpiece Torra had. He wondered if what was being discussed could help them or if someone needed help. Maybe if he listened in he could find out more information.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 20, 2023, 05:16:08 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 11 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran refused to take the obvious bait as the former Riov was removed from the Bridge without him having to do the order to do so.  It was both a testament to the discipline of the Romulan military... and a reminder of their efficiency when it came to dealing with internal matters.  Even with a freer society, there were some things that were just not likely to break within only 20 years.

As the ship altered course and engaged for their updated mission parameters, the Federation officer debated how much he should say, but finally decided on hitting the all-comm to address the ship.

"Attention crew of the Valdore.  This is acting Riov Tekin Nevir.  As you have recently heard, Romulan command has just altered our mission parameters and enacted a change in command on this ship.  Let me make one thing absolutely clear.  I may be a loannen'galae Bah'jorha, but this is still a Romulan ship and will be run under the Free State military code.  As some of your fellow Federation officers have recently experienced, this means that there will not be any leeway for those who normally work under Federation rules and regulations.  My number one rule is this: there will be no jeopardizing this crew, this ship, or the Romulan Free State.  Our location earlier was compromised by a series of unintentional sabotage and revealing of our location to the Cardassians, the Card'hassinnsu.  This will NOT happen again.  Because of this incident, we now have to take the long way around to return to get our crew thanks to a heightened awareness of our presence by the Cardassians."

"This brings us our to mission.  The away team has confirmed a threat towards both the Federation and the Romulans, and we need to retrieve both them and their information.  This is now paramount.  We will do our best to keep ourselves hidden as long as we can to avoid a possible incident, however, we may end up having to defend ourselves.  I expect this crew to be an exemplary example of the Romulan Free State.   As General Tam'lok stated, Glohhaasi' mnekha!"

With that, he closed the channel, turning towards the Bridge crew.  "I want a level 1 diagnostic on all systems.  Arrain t'Nennien, I want two different sensor cloaks, one showing us as Cardassian, and one showing us as Federation.  To use as backups.  Also, scan for the closest Federation ship."

With that order given, he then tapped to the Brig.  "I want the Chief Medical Officer brought to the conference room immediately."

The Operations officer, listened to the Federation Captain's shipwide announcement.  In that moment as she listened - for the first time in a long time - she felt pride in her ship assignment; felt pride at being an officer in the Romulan Free State fleet.

When the Bajoran Riov addressed bridge crew to do the Level 1 diagnostic checks, she nodded her compliance.  More orders were issued and soon Sunauth had her hands full with the tasks assigned her.

She started with running the diagnostic first on her console first.   It showed clear.  Next, she started the longer check of the Operations system.  Once begun, it would continue to check the program files in the background of the computer system for any sign of malware or corruption of data until the entire system was checked.  A diagnostic with that level of scrutiny could take upwards of an hour to finish.

With that underway, Sunauth then ran a scan for any nearby Federation ships; but the Romulan officer wasn't expecting any results.   The Free State kept close tabs on their Federation neighbour and those ships patrolling the Romulan border.   The last ship reported to have been active in their vicinity had been the USS Challenger following the hugely embarrassing attack last month by the remnants of the Romulan Empire and its rogue officers Thelal and Nirreen on the joint Free State/Federation Science Conference.

The last thing Sunauth worked on was preparing the two requested sensor cloaks.  As she did this, the results of the long-distance scan of the Federation border came in. Her slender eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Riov, scans show the closest Federation vessel is located in the vicinity of Starbase 153.   It is the USS Discovery."

Sunauth knew this was notable as it had been announced when the Federation exchange officers had come aboard that they were from the USS Discovery.  The same ship that had aided the Romulan Free State in securing legitimacy as a government in the eyes of other Alpha and Beta quadrant powers.

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on March 20, 2023, 06:08:05 PM

[Engineering - RFS Valdore]

Lek ached an eyebrow at Captain Tekin's announcement. He could only shake his head in amazement and returned to monitoring the ship's power systems until someone ordered him to do something.

"This mission just keeps getting more and more complicated."

There was a laugh from off to the side where t'Kiell was working.   "Are missions really any different in the Federation?" she pointedly asked.  "Is there not a Federation law that states 'What can go wrong.. will go wrong'?   Yet you complain about things being complicated here.  Ha!   Why don't you run that level one diagnostic the Riov asked for on our systems down here."  the female engineer smirked in amusement at having someone to pawn the task off to.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Deck 16 - Sickbay ]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on March 21, 2023, 02:23:19 AM

[Brig-Conference Room | RFS Valadore]

"œGee, thanks" Dem smartly replied to the guards apparent lack of care, before scolding himself. Getting pissed at the guard will not help his case.
His thoughts were interrupted by a communications chime from Tekin. After it was terminated, it took only a few seconds for the guard to form a snarky reply. "œWell it looks like someone will be taking a trip to the bridge then"¦" The guard stared cooly at Betaika, who has not met his gaze since he sat down. The Doctor calmly brought himself to his feet with a composure that made him seem in control, even though he clearly was not. Betaika walked out of the room while another guard trained his phaser on him. The calm woosh of the doors slowly closing out the bustling outside world was the last time Dem would see him for a long time.

Saqa7 sat alone in her cell, nervously fiddling with her hair in worry.  Braiding and unbraiding her length of dark brown hair, with nothing else to do or distract her hands with.   The announcement early by the General, that Tekin was officially in command was a good thing.  Saqa7 knew that; but Tekin's follow-up shipwide call pointing out that some officers - THEM - had nearly revealed the ship to the Cardassians, had her concerned about the consequences.   Not just for them but for the work they'd been doing.   Was someone else continuing where they left off?

Most of all, Saqa7 worried as to why Rayek and his field team needed rescuing.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on March 21, 2023, 08:06:36 PM

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œI think it might be better if I show you better than I can explain." Alex proceeded to show Torra the idea that he had to get around the biometric lock. He was rather curious about what was being discussed through the earpiece Torra had. He wondered if what was being discussed could help them or if someone needed help. Maybe if he listened in he could find out more information.

It was a weird sensation to get used to - having someone else suddenly control your movements.  When Alex, in her altered voice, stated he would show her, suddenly she lost control of her hands.    She watched as he worked the console and outright disabled the biometric monitor, putting the system immediately into keypad code entry.   He'd done it!

Torra had no idea that Alex had no access to her hearing from the side that her in-ear comm was on.  But it suddenly became evident when the starting response from Helga got cut off.   She could hear other sounds in the room but now from her right side only.   The ear-comm was in her left.

"Alex?  What is she saying?"

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

No sooner was the first guard down then Rayek rolled off him and turned towards the second guard.  The fact that Rayek practiced his hand-to-hand combat daily showed in how quick and smooth his movements were.  He'd long since found what he felt was the perfect blend of Llaekh-ae'rl and the various martial arts styles taught to Security personnel in Starfleet.   The end result being swift, adaptable and ... non-lethal.

The Cardassian took one look at the conjoined Vulcanoid and backed away a step, raising his weapon - but before he could fire, it was on him!

Rayek's leap towards the guard had staggered the Cardassian.  The Romulan's arm reached out and hooked around the guard's neck.   It took all of 10 seconds from this point, with the right pressure to the guard's carotid arteries, to suffocate the Cardassian into unconsciousness.

With both guards down,  Rayorik and Jaelga now had a clear path onto the Bird of Prey.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 18, 2023, 05:53:05 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

That Alex answered - using her voice- was a bit odd, but Torra was grateful for any help and so nodded her agreement.   "What do you have in mind?"

It was at this time that Torra heard what she thought was Helga's voice come over the comm calling for Commander Briggs.  It was such a relief to hear from the other team.

Torra activated her ear comm - she'd opted for the hidden device when recommended by the Subcommander.
=/\= "Addams here... sort of.   Subcommander Briggs and the doctor I think have been captured by Cardassians.  Alex and I lost sight of them when the guards tried to capture us...  and um...  I don't know how it happened but... Alex and I have been conjoined.  He's in my mind  - or I'm in his... I'm not really sure how this works.  We've made it on board the Bird of Prey and are trying to gain access to the logs but they are biometrically locked." =/\=

Torra was going under the assumption that the logs were still the priority - proof of Cardassian involvement in the  atrocities that happened on the VaQ=/\= "Do you need assistance?" =/\=

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

The Cardassian doctor could only answer the question put to him by the conjoined Klingon/Cardassian work of art with muffled noises.  He couldn't even nod or shake his head without the hold feeling tight against his throat.
Not that he wanted to answer the question after her threat, knowing his honest response would only get him killed all the sooner.  For now he would wait for his opportunity to escape these intruders, like he had waited to escape the facility.

Not long after, he watched the conjoined Vulcanoid sprint off to deal with the guards staring at the Bird of Prey entrance.   This could be his moment.

Hands bound and gagged, Moset let his body go limp as if he'd passed out and then waited for the woman to  release her choke hold on his unexpected deadweight body.  The moment she did, he would  strike.

~ ~ ~ ~

Rayorik's long stride made short work of the distance - 15 seconds max.  He had timed his run for a moment when he heard the guards' comm go off so that their attention was on the incoming call and not the running footfalls approaching.  His attempt only partially worked... he was just over 15 meters away when one of the two Cardassians lifted his head and turned around in alarm.

Both Rayek and the Vulcan conjoined with him knew that their survival all depended on that guard's reaction time.   Rayek knew he could run 15 meters in 2 seconds, but the average draw time of his own security personnel when tested was only 1.83 seconds - meaning that there was a good chance he was about to get shot.

However that didn't deter him and instead Rayek launched himself forward in a tackle just as the phase disruptor fired.  Missing him by a hairbreadth.

With the one guard on the ground with him, Rayorik grappled with the man until he was on top and then rammed the heel of his palm into the Cardassian's nose and knocking him senseless.   One down one to go.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 22, 2023, 06:31:11 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

No sooner was the first guard down then Rayek rolled off him and turned towards the second guard.  The fact that Rayek practiced his hand-to-hand combat daily showed in how quick and smooth his movements were.  He'd long since found what he felt was the perfect blend of Llaekh-ae'rl and the various martial arts styles taught to Security personnel in Starfleet.   The end result being swift, adaptable and ... non-lethal.

The Cardassian took one look at the conjoined Vulcanoid and backed away a step, raising his weapon - but before he could fire, it was on him!

Rayek's leap towards the guard had staggered the Cardassian.  The Romulan's arm reached out and hooked around the guard's neck.   It took all of 10 seconds from this point, with the right pressure to the guard's carotid arteries, to suffocate the Cardassian into unconsciousness.

With both guards down,  Rayorik and Jaelga now had a clear path onto the Bird of Prey.

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Outside the Bird of Prey | Galantis]

Jaelga scowled as Moset went limp. She loosened her grip briefly, whirled him around and then hoisted him up and draped him on one of her shoulders. She once again seemed to demonstrate Klingon strength...or it may be that the old man was light enough to carry him as easily as she would've been carried by her brother Gid, which he often did, particularly at one point when she was drowning her sorrows in kanar.

She approached Rayorik just as he had finished mopping up the two guards.

"Sorry to take so long," Jaelga said. "What's gotten into him," she added, nodding at Moset, "is beyond me. I take it we have a ship to commandeer?"

She perked up when she heard Torra's call - but she was disturbed to hear both her voice and Alex Graham's voice from it, it was like if Torra's voice was a few octaves deeper - and she responded.

"Torra," she said, both in Helga's gruff voice and Jael's slightly oily voice, "I hear you. It''s both Helga and Jael. We're conjoined, too. So are Rayek and Sorik. We haven't heard from Briggs and Belmont..." ...and a disturbing thought crossed her/their mind/s... "...Prophets forbid if they got conjoined, too. However, the four of us - us two conjoined pairs - we've captured the mastermind behind this. You're not going to believe it, but it's Crell Moset himself. Yes, the actual Crell Moset. And we've also found their Bird of Prey."

She looked at Rayorik as she spoke and gave some concern in her expression...Briggs and Belmont...they comandeered the ship, but two more of their team was missing...

"Rayek? Or Sorik...? Or...Rayorik, what can you recommend?"

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 22, 2023, 09:30:10 AM

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Outside the Bird of Prey | Galantis]

Jaelga scowled as Moset went limp. She loosened her grip briefly, whirled him around and then hoisted him up and draped him on one of her shoulders. She once again seemed to demonstrate Klingon strength...or it may be that the old man was light enough to carry him as easily as she would've been carried by her brother Gid, which he often did, particularly at one point when she was drowning her sorrows in kanar.

She approached Rayorik just as he had finished mopping up the two guards.

"Sorry to take so long," Jaelga said. "What's gotten into him," she added, nodding at Moset, "is beyond me. I take it we have a ship to commandeer?"

She perked up when she heard Torra's call - but she was disturbed to hear both her voice and Alex Graham's voice from it, it was like if Torra's voice was a few octaves deeper - and she responded.

"Torra," she said, both in Helga's gruff voice and Jael's slightly oily voice, "I hear you. It''s both Helga and Jael. We're conjoined, too. So are Rayek and Sorik. We haven't heard from Briggs and Belmont..." ...and a disturbing thought crossed her/their mind/s... "...Prophets forbid if they got conjoined, too. However, the four of us - us two conjoined pairs - we've captured the mastermind behind this. You're not going to believe it, but it's Crell Moset himself. Yes, the actual Crell Moset. And we've also found their Bird of Prey."

She looked at Rayorik as she spoke and gave some concern in her expression...Briggs and Belmont...they comandeered the ship, but two more of their team was missing...

"Rayek? Or Sorik...? Or...Rayorik, what can you recommend?"

Rayorik glanced up from his task of retrieving the downed guards weaponry, and looked over towards the Cardassian/Klingon hybrid that was Jaelga.  Normally, the Romulan might have frowned, upset to discovery that their hostage was for some reason unconscious, but the Vulcan's influence was muting his normal reactions so instead he merely acknowledged her statement with a mild request.  "Be careful with him - don't break him. We need him alive."

Her question about commandeering the Bird of Prey took a bit more thought to answer.   "Temporarily.   We need access to their transporters to get to our own shuttle.   Can't leave it here.  The modifications to the Valdore's shuttle might pass a cursory inspection but if we weren't to return then that ship could implicate the Romulan Free State."

However, Jaelga' seemed like she was listening to something else and this was confirmed when she seemed to speak to Torra.  He nodded, glad that at least some of the other team had managed to evade capture.  Her statement to Torra that 'they were conjoined TOO' logically implied that Torra had informed Jaelga that she was conjoined... likely with one of the other team members.  If it were based on proximity, it would most likely be with the Chief Petty Officer - Erei'erein Graham.

The Romulan/Vulcan blend was about to point out to Jaelga to ask after the Subcommander and Doctor Belmont, but she did so on her own.  The look Jaelga gave him suggested that Torra hadn't heard from them either.  "We can do a scan for their human bio-signs once we get aboard the ship."

As if in answer to his statment, the loading ramp descended.    Rayorik led the way in, warily, cautioning Jaelga,  with a hand signal to hang back.  She had their 'proof and prize' slung over her shoulder.

The entrance to the cargo area seemed clear and though ready for a trap, Rayek waved Jaelga in before leading way towards where the transporters would be located.  It was time to regroup and get back to their ship.

NPC Taev tr'Marrus
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay - Morgue]

With the incarceration of the Medical Chief, the Federation Science Chief and a number of other key personnel who had been working on the Klingon conjoined beast and it's Borg nanite source, the task had fallen to Taev to continue the work.    Taev, being a fond believer of delegation, called on his underlings to assist... especially the Starfleet Exchange officer that had arrived late - the Vulcan, Savel.

The pair were down in the morgue to take a look at the Klingon/Sark conjoined creature, hidden currently under a tarp thankfully, since he'd just recently eaten.  "Savel, let's first go over what the other team uncovered so far."

He looked over the Romulan tablet and read out the details. "It was discovered that amidst the fused body were thousands of dormant nanites.  And it was the theory that they are what initially conjoins the two bodies together, not unlike when a Borg 'assimilates' an individual.  The nanoprobes break down the tissue and remake it.  Makes sense, right?"

He scrolled along the PADD a bit more.  "Death results after about 6 hours because the immune response by each of the two bodies - rejects the other genetic material"  Again that made sense.

He continued to read and summarize. "It seems the team were working on two separate angles.   A virus to disrupt the nanites and knock out the blended creature....  and a transporter method of removing the nanites, separating the two differing DNAs and rebuilding the two subjects that way.  A third option was considered and then left untouched... and that was to reprogram the Borg nanites into unmaking the blend and separating the two source beings using the nanites."

Taev set the tablet down and looked to the Vulcan.  "What are your thoughts?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



NPC Taev tr'Marrus
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay - Morgue]

With the incarceration of the Medical Chief, the Federation Science Chief and a number of other key personnel who had been working on the Klingon conjoined beast and it's Borg nanite source, the task had fallen to Taev to continue the work.    Taev, being a fond believer of delegation, called on his underlings to assist... especially the Starfleet Exchange officer that had arrived late - the Vulcan, Savel.

The pair were down in the morgue to take a look at the Klingon/Sark conjoined creature, hidden currently under a tarp thankfully, since he'd just recently eaten.  "Savel, let's first go over what the other team uncovered so far."

He looked over the Romulan tablet and read out the details. "It was discovered that amidst the fused body were thousands of dormant nanites.  And it was the theory that they are what initially conjoins the two bodies together, not unlike when a Borg 'assimilates' an individual.  The nanoprobes break down the tissue and remake it.  Makes sense, right?"

He scrolled along the PADD a bit more.  "Death results after about 6 hours because the immune response by each of the two bodies - rejects the other genetic material"  Again that made sense.

He continued to read and summarize. "It seems the team were working on two separate angles.   A virus to disrupt the nanites and knock out the blended creature....  and a transporter method of removing the nanites, separating the two differing DNAs and rebuilding the two subjects that way.  A third option was considered and then left untouched... and that was to reprogram the Borg nanites into unmaking the blend and separating the two source beings using the nanites."

Taev set the tablet down and looked to the Vulcan.  "What are your thoughts?"

Ensign Savel
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay - Morgue]

The Vulcan Ensign certainly did not have this in mind for an introduction to his new crew. He had yet to even step foot on their ship and now he was suddenly thrust into the center of quite the crisis. The only thing he could do now was get to work, forget having a chance to settle in.

Savel stood with Taev taking a moment to get a look at the covered creature that was hidden. He felt it was important to actually get a look at what these nanites actually did to conjoin two separate beings. It wasn't a pleasant sight, but a necessary one to take in to increase his already limited understanding. A brief glance was all that was taken though, as none of the affected crew members had the time for him to study the corpse in depth, otherwise they'd find themselves on a table of their own.

"The transport method would require somewhere secure for the nanites to be moved into. Has anyone attempted using gamma radiation to disable the nanites?"

Savel walked over to one of the consoles in the morgue, pulling up as much information as possible on nanites in general. Once the information was displayed on one of the viewscreens nearby, Savel invited Taev closer to inspect it with him.

"Gamma radiation, especially when delivered in bursts, is known to have strong effects on computers and electric systems. We would need a strong container that could be shielded. Both to keep the radiation and the nanites inside. As soon as they were transported into the container, a burst of radiation is pushed inside of the container; ideally leaving behind nothing but useless dead nanites."

That only solved the first half of the problem though. Rebuilding the DNA of two unique individuals was not as easy as administering a hypospray to someone. The qualified medical staff would need to be standing by. If Savel and Taev seemed to be the only ones around in Sickbay at the moment, the odds of that did not look good.

"Are there enough experienced medical personnel still on board to carry out those procedures? And have we seen what happens to patients when the nanites are suddenly ripped away?"

It was possible the nanites sustained the lives of those that get conjoined until the process is complete, which is when the nanites stop working to keep them alive. Though, death was certain if nothing was done as well.

Vulcan - Male Savel Personnel File


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 22, 2023, 06:31:11 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

There was a laugh from off to the side where t'Kiell was working.   "Are missions really any different in the Federation?" she pointedly asked.  "Is there not a Federation law that states 'What can go wrong.. will go wrong'?   Yet you complain about things being complicated here.  Ha!   Why don't you run that level one diagnostic the Riov asked for on our systems down here."  the female engineer smirked in amusement at having someone to pawn the task off to.

[Engineering - RFS Vadore]

Lek turned to face the Centurion and shrugged as he replied.

"All true, but I wouldn't say I was complaining, just stating facts. There is a reason I'm an engineer and not on the command track. All I have to do is fix machines. Figuring out how to solve missions is not something I need to be concerned with.

"Level one diagnostics is something I know how to do, so I have no problem doing them. Especially, as I'd otherwise be sitting here with my thumbs up my ears as it's not like you trust me enough to do anything of substance. I'm used to be underestimated, a Ferengi in Starfleet is as out of place as a Denebian slime devil in a ballet, so what you think of me does not phase me in the slightest, I know my own worth and there is no insult or task you can assign me that will offend me."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 22, 2023, 06:31:11 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

The Operations officer, listened to the Federation Captain's shipwide announcement.  In that moment as she listened - for the first time in a long time - she felt pride in her ship assignment; felt pride at being an officer in the Romulan Free State fleet.

When the Bajoran Riov addressed bridge crew to do the Level 1 diagnostic checks, she nodded her compliance.  More orders were issued and soon Sunauth had her hands full with the tasks assigned her.

She started with running the diagnostic first on her console first.   It showed clear.  Next, she started the longer check of the Operations system.  Once begun, it would continue to check the program files in the background of the computer system for any sign of malware or corruption of data until the entire system was checked.  A diagnostic with that level of scrutiny could take upwards of an hour to finish.

With that underway, Sunauth then ran a scan for any nearby Federation ships; but the Romulan officer wasn't expecting any results.   The Free State kept close tabs on their Federation neighbour and those ships patrolling the Romulan border.   The last ship reported to have been active in their vicinity had been the USS Challenger following the hugely embarrassing attack last month by the remnants of the Romulan Empire and its rogue officers Thelal and Nirreen on the joint Free State/Federation Science Conference.

The last thing Sunauth worked on was preparing the two requested sensor cloaks.  As she did this, the results of the long-distance scan of the Federation border came in. Her slender eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Riov, scans show the closest Federation vessel is located in the vicinity of Starbase 153.   It is the USS Discovery."

Sunauth knew this was notable as it had been announced when the Federation exchange officers had come aboard that they were from the USS Discovery.  The same ship that had aided the Romulan Free State in securing legitimacy as a government in the eyes of other Alpha and Beta quadrant powers.

[RFS Valdore - Deck 11 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran Captain couldn't help but smile.  "NCC 78393-B... if it's already at Starbase 153 it must mean the refit is ahead of schedule.  But I can't ask that ship to go into danger so soon and without her Captain.  We'll have to handle any danger ourselves."

He stood up; no doubt the CMO would be arriving shortly.  "Inform me when we are within sensor range of the planet."

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on March 21, 2023, 02:23:19 AM

[Brig-Conference Room | RFS Valadore]

"œGee, thanks" Dem smartly replied to the guards apparent lack of care, before scolding himself. Getting pissed at the guard will not help his case.
His thoughts were interrupted by a communications chime from Tekin. After it was terminated, it took only a few seconds for the guard to form a snarky reply. "œWell it looks like someone will be taking a trip to the bridge then"¦" The guard stared cooly at Betaika, who has not met his gaze since he sat down. The Doctor calmly brought himself to his feet with a composure that made him seem in control, even though he clearly was not. Betaika walked out of the room while another guard trained his phaser on him. The calm woosh of the doors slowly closing out the bustling outside world was the last time Dem would see him for a long time.

Doctor Betaika

While slowly (or what felt like slowly) traveling up the elevator, his cool exterior was a mere facade for the bubbling emotional mess of the inside. The Doctor has been in many sticky situations before, especially in the Tal Shiar. In fact, he has been in more high risk and essential missions than anyone on board. But he was a low life, and doctor, stripped of his pride and reputation. Now getting reprimanded by a federation captain. Before he even realized it, he was stepping through the door of the conference room. He had collected his thoughts enough to say this:
"œYou wanted to see me sir?"

[Deck 11 - Conference Room]

The Riov was waiting as the Romulan was brought in to the room, sat in a chair but looking none too pleased.  It was probably the most Romulan look the Bajoran ever had, and it was because of the pent-up anger over what had transpired.

He stood up as soon as the door closed, and remained standing at the head of the table.  "In case you missed the announcement from the Brig, we are returning to the away team under cloak.  But before we get there, I need to know that your department is not going to jeopardize this ship.  The fact that you were also detained by security is very concerning.  So I am going to ask you once... what happened, and who was responsible?"

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 23, 2023, 06:00:14 PM

[RFS Valdore - Deck 11 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran Captain couldn't help but smile.  "NCC 78393-B... if it's already at Starbase 153 it must mean the refit is ahead of schedule.  But I can't ask that ship to go into danger so soon and without her Captain.  We'll have to handle any danger ourselves."

He stood up; no doubt the CMO would be arriving shortly.  "Inform me when we are within sensor range of the planet."

[Deck 11 - Conference Room]

The Riov was waiting as the Romulan was brought in to the room, sat in a chair but looking none too pleased.  It was probably the most Romulan look the Bajoran ever had, and it was because of the pent-up anger over what had transpired.

He stood up as soon as the door closed, and remained standing at the head of the table.  "In case you missed the announcement from the Brig, we are returning to the away team under cloak.  But before we get there, I need to know that your department is not going to jeopardize this ship.  The fact that you were also detained by security is very concerning.  So I am going to ask you once... what happened, and who was responsible?"

[Breifing Room | RFS Valadore]
Doctor Betaika
"œThank you, Mr Nevir, for allowing us to have this conversation. May I say the security forces were quite unpleasant, and I would like to submit an inquiry into the process around our incarceration.
Over the past few hours, we made amazing progress into separating the two conjoined creatures. If we had a few more hours, we would have perfected our transporter system, and our away mission would be separated.
However, when an engineer tried to manipulate and analyse the Nano probes, they tapped into some of the ships systems, and caused havoc for around 30 minutes. Luckily, we managed to neutralise the outburst before it did any more damage. "œ

Before realising that he should not throw Gohoun under the transport bus, Betaika did something that he would traditionally only do to close friends. A rarity in the dog eat dog society that was the Free State.
"œI take full responsibility for the damage caused and how it has impacted the mission."

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