Season 14, Episode 3: Clean Slate

Started by Tekin Nevir, September 30, 2020, 12:48:22 PM

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Don Damien Addams


[Policyon II - on Martha at Administration office]

The two men waited patiently on the Martha. Don was hoping things are going well with T'Lara's party. Nira was aside waiting for them. He did not like to put those folks on hold. To him he had weighed the rescue of people was more priority.

This whole matter was still confusing to Don. The GU destroying a planet for their needs and making these residents to work for them. Refugees working hard labor to benefit GU.

"I do hope things benefit for you and your people, Til'Vor?" Don shared.

"I hope so. My son deserves a good future. This is his home," the Romulan paused as he what they are waiting for. "There! They got them. We can land on the front yard to pick them up. I go down to the ramp and get them on. And we can get out of here!"

That sounded to easy. Land and pick up the prisoners, take off and go pick up Nira and the bartender. He knew Bartender was  like a waitress they can hear things at the right place in the wrong time if people don't play it smart. That was something he knew in the smuggle world. You can say bartender was the man who was ears to hear stories.

Don had set the old freighter toward the front of the Administration building and landed her down. There was not enough good thrusters to keep he hovering the ground. He could not try compensate that which would be a nice benefit.

Til'Vor got the door open and the ramp laid down for the new passengers. He went down and waved them to hurry. He would run out to aid any one who was slow. Yes. He had a son. They were a community and they all work together.

"Come quick!" He was saying as he was helping one prisoner.

Don was scanning the area for any security who would run out. They had weapons on the could fire, but he was not planning to do so. Unless they had to.

Don was keeping a keen eye for Commander T'Lara and Cadet Wentock  as well. When everyone was on board he lifted the Martha up as Til'Vor was closing the ramp and door as he yelled it wall clear.

Then if things was clear to go get LG Said and her fellows they would do that.

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 07, 2021, 03:34:32 PM

[Rally Point - Policyon II]

M'ria smirked, leaning forward while seated while handing a water container to Baran.  "You would make a good operative.  Always listening for, and seeing the dark truth behind words.  But as the Remans taught us; if you constantly see shadows, you'll miss the light." she said, taking the drink back from Baran and taking a swig.

"We are not naive enough to think that they don't exist.  But the organization that you learned about?  Long gone.  We took a gamble in the Dominion war.. and we underestimated their capabilities.  I don't know exactly what happened, but all I know is that the majority of our special fleet went to the Gamma Quadrant... and no one came back.  It severely weakened us, so much so that we made sure the Senate signed a non-aggression pact with them.  Honestly, we didn't want to join the Federation's war, but after we had a Senator assassinated, then Senate stopped listening.  It was just the start of our downfall.  We fractured, lost our grip on our own homeworld, and the rest of the main Tal Shiar was lost in the supernova.  What you've experienced?  Untrained, unorganized loyalists trying to use the name to inspire fear and submission.  Untrained by the real standards, I mean.  I don't mean to insult you, but if they had been the real Tal Shiar, your dealings with them would be more... subtle.  And successful."

She leaned back, looking behind Nira, while Baran nodded to behind her.  "Neither one of us want her to fail... the fact that she's here meant she had the highest chance to succeed... and it paid off." he said, gesturing behind her at the building, where people were leaving the building.

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Rally Point | Policyon II]

Nira was a little flattered by M'ria's compliment. "Well, I do fancy myself as an investigator," she said. "A detective, if one refers to the ancient days of Earth."

Upon what M'ria said about the Tal Shiar she encountered, Nira retorted, "Those untrained, unorganized loyalists pack quite a punch. The time when my captain was framed? They used a ship that used a multispectral emitter, like the drone ships before the Romulan Wars of the late 2150s, to attack the station of the Deutus Alliance, in a bid to keep the Romulan Republic and the Deutus Alliance from merging to form the Free State. It even was of the same make as Shinzon's Scimitar. I'd probably guess they were prototype powerhouse vessels in light of the Tal Shiar's weakening from the Dominion.

"Though you have a point on the level of subtle," Nira added. "The Tal Shiar assassin I helped catch? It took a time loop, wherein the victim eventually pointed him out, to actually find him. But all the same, those untrained, unorganized loyalists seem especially organized to make themselves prominent as a powerful faction, taking particular advantage of the fear of the name."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 07, 2021, 09:29:48 AM

[Administration building - Policyon II]

Seeing where they were and that they were so close, Kierta nodded.  "Alright... I will attract their attention.  You both get in and get out." she said, pulling her sword out.  She disappeared in a side room and later found her way into the hall, calling for the two guards to choose life.  When they decided against it, she disappeared again, but this time the guards ran off after her.  The doorway was clear.

Inside the room there was a single forcefield containing all 15 of the detained fighters.  That, and paired with the new cleared exit nearby, means that Kierta made sure the path was clear.

[Rally point - Policyon II]

Baran gave a chuckle, shaking his head.  "No, no, this is part of the plan.  Their top priority is our people in the administration building.  Only if it becomes clear Kierta isn't making it out of there that we will take the long trek back.  So of course, Kierta take the job with a lowest chance of success and highest chance of death." he said, leading to both him and M'ria to chuckle.  They were pretty jovial about a plan where Kierta seemed certain to fail.  M'ria looked at Nira for a bit, and then gave a smile.

"Qowat Milat sisters only take very specific missions.  Its part of their creed.  They only take lost causes.  Lost causes of worthy causes." she said looking up at the building.  "They were the only group that not only openly defied us, but caused us to fear and hate them.  When one of their sisters got involved... they rarely lost." she said, as they started seeing people coming out of the building.  Don's ship would be arriving to pick them up any second.

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

As Kierta volunteered to distract the guards, T'Lara looked to Luby to follow her as they followed the clear path to the room where Kierta's people were. She knew Luby would be better equipped for bedside manner if any of them were in bad shape so she allowed her to do so while she kept watch and prepared to usher them out.

"You can trust us, we come on Kierta's orders and you will see her soon. But we need to act quickly," she told them with a controlled level of urgency in her tone.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on January 06, 2021, 06:00:30 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Not long after Nira's picked up communication, Torra received another Morse code message from Don.  She was surprised.  He'd mentioned that after his last the coded messages would be done.  Evidently not.

"Captain, Don has sent another coded message."


Torra swiveled her chair around to look to the Captain.  "We are passively monitoring all communications off planet. To monitor intra-planetary comms we could reconnect to the probe we left over the mining site using a tight-beam.  It would be less noticeable but if picked up on it would definitely give away our location."

Torra waited for the Captain to decide and issue her his orders.


[RFS  aNarrocian]

The cloaked Romulan ship beamed down the medical supplies to the coordinates provided at the northern outskirts of the city.
It too had picked up on the Federation communication, though at the order of its Captain all record of it was deleted from all permanent and transitory records.

Then sent a tight-beam message back to Discovery using the very same Morse code Discovery had been using to keep in contact with its away team on the planet.

... ..- .--. .--. .-.. .. . ... / -.. . .-.. .. ...- . .-. . -.. / .- ... / .-. . --.- ..- . ... - . -.. .-.-.- / .. -. - . .-. -.-. . .--. - . -.. / ..- -. ..- ... ..- .- .-.. / -.-. --- -- -- / .- -.-. - .. ...- .. - -.-- / -....- / ... ..- ... .--. . -.-. - / .- -. --- -- .- .-.. --- ..- ... / .- -. -.. / .... .- ...- . / -.. . .-.. . - . -.. / ..-. .-. --- -- / .-. . -.-. --- .-. -.. ... .-.-.- / . -..- .--. .-.. --- ... .. --- -. ... / -.. . - . -.-. - . -.. / --- -. / ... ..- .-. ..-. .- -.-. . .-.-.- / -- .. -. .. -. --. / ... .. - . ... .-.-.- / . -..- .--. .-.. .- -. .- - .. --- -. ..--..


Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Before the Captain could respond, Torra received another morse code message.  "Another message, sir."

She ran it through translation and then paled a bit.  "It's from RFS Narrocian and reads: Supplies delivered as requested. Intercepted unusual comm activity - suspect anomalous and have deleted from records.  Explosions detected on surface.  Mining sites. Explanation?"

Once more Torra turned to the Captain for direction.

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Torra wondered just how well known this 'Morse Code' was in human history for the Romulan Sub-Commander to have found it?  Or was it just that easy a code to break?   Torra hoped the ease of his figuring it out was more a statement of his intelligence rather than how simple to code was, otherwise maybe Galactic United might have deciphered it was well.  This worried her.

News of explosions on the planet also had Torra worried.  Did that have something to do with why Donny had request medical supplies?  He all but told her not to worry, yet she still did.  And as a result her stomach was doing somersaults and churning unhappily.

She ignored this as she patiently waited on either an acknowledgement or new orders based on the new information provided.  Torra oddly was torn.  She should be pleased with the Captain's thoughtful deliberation - as it was very much a Grazerite trait that was very useful, yet at the same time she kind of wished that Tekin would just react and help out these Romulan people.  Torra truly didn't understand why they hadn't been allowed to help openly in the first place.  But that was why he was Captain - he understood these sort of things. 

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: T'Lara on January 08, 2021, 09:04:48 PM

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

As Kierta volunteered to distract the guards, T'Lara looked to Luby to follow her as they followed the clear path to the room where Kierta's people were. She knew Luby would be better equipped for bedside manner if any of them were in bad shape so she allowed her to do so while she kept watch and prepared to usher them out.

"You can trust us, we come on Kierta's orders and you will see her soon. But we need to act quickly," she told them with a controlled level of urgency in her tone.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on January 07, 2021, 03:59:43 PM

[Policyon II - on Martha at Administration office]

The two men waited patiently on the Martha. Don was hoping things are going well with T'Lara's party. Nira was aside waiting for them. He did not like to put those folks on hold. To him he had weighed the rescue of people was more priority.

This whole matter was still confusing to Don. The GU destroying a planet for their needs and making these residents to work for them. Refugees working hard labor to benefit GU.

"I do hope things benefit for you and your people, Til'Vor?" Don shared.

"I hope so. My son deserves a good future. This is his home," the Romulan paused as he what they are waiting for. "There! They got them. We can land on the front yard to pick them up. I go down to the ramp and get them on. And we can get out of here!"

That sounded to easy. Land and pick up the prisoners, take off and go pick up Nira and the bartender. He knew Bartender was  like a waitress they can hear things at the right place in the wrong time if people don't play it smart. That was something he knew in the smuggle world. You can say bartender was the man who was ears to hear stories.

Don had set the old freighter toward the front of the Administration building and landed her down. There was not enough good thrusters to keep he hovering the ground. He could not try compensate that which would be a nice benefit.

Til'Vor got the door open and the ramp laid down for the new passengers. He went down and waved them to hurry. He would run out to aid any one who was slow. Yes. He had a son. They were a community and they all work together.

"Come quick!" He was saying as he was helping one prisoner.

Don was scanning the area for any security who would run out. They had weapons on the could fire, but he was not planning to do so. Unless they had to.

Don was keeping a keen eye for Commander T'Lara and Cadet Wentock  as well. When everyone was on board he lifted the Martha up as Til'Vor was closing the ramp and door as he yelled it wall clear.

Then if things was clear to go get LG Said and her fellows they would do that.

[Administration building]

Whether it was because of the surgical alterations or just the fact that they saw Kierta fly past the window and attracting the guard, the detained fighters had no issue at all with going with the two other officers.  Luckily, the way out truly was cleared, and they had no issues getting out into the night polluted air, just as Don arrived.  Just before the ship could lift, Kierta finally showed up and jumped on board as well.

"Let's pick up our other sisters and brothers." she said, slightly out of breath.  There were specks of blood on her dark clothing, but otherwise seemed uninjured.

"It did take some convincing, but in the end, they chose life.  The best kind of possible outcome." she stated, holding on while the Martha moved.

Quote from: Nira Said on January 08, 2021, 10:10:54 AM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Rally Point | Policyon II]

Nira was a little flattered by M'ria's compliment. "Well, I do fancy myself as an investigator," she said. "A detective, if one refers to the ancient days of Earth."

Upon what M'ria said about the Tal Shiar she encountered, Nira retorted, "Those untrained, unorganized loyalists pack quite a punch. The time when my captain was framed? They used a ship that used a multispectral emitter, like the drone ships before the Romulan Wars of the late 2150s, to attack the station of the Deutus Alliance, in a bid to keep the Romulan Republic and the Deutus Alliance from merging to form the Free State. It even was of the same make as Shinzon's Scimitar. I'd probably guess they were prototype powerhouse vessels in light of the Tal Shiar's weakening from the Dominion.

"Though you have a point on the level of subtle," Nira added. "The Tal Shiar assassin I helped catch? It took a time loop, wherein the victim eventually pointed him out, to actually find him. But all the same, those untrained, unorganized loyalists seem especially organized to make themselves prominent as a powerful faction, taking particular advantage of the fear of the name."

[Rally Point - Policyon II]

M'ria laughed.  "I'd be offended if they didn't.  You can't just use our name without the power behind it.  Though that does answer what happened to our vessel research division.  Old tech thought to have been made new again with the Dominion.. never had a chance to get off the ground, though.  Probably either discovered by survivors, or lead by one of our research operatives.  I may still have some access to the old files, if I find something I'll let your Captain know.  However..." she stood up, gesturing towards the building, where the Martha was now just about on top of them.

"Get up Baran, or we'll leave you here." she said, kicking the resting bartender.  Baran grunted, but got himself up, as the rest of the team was ready to board. As soon as everyone was on board, Kierta made her way to the cockpit to talk to Don.

"Alright.. send a distress call on this frequency about what happened here.  That should attract attention of both our people, and yours.  Take us back to the port.  We've succeeded."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on January 09, 2021, 02:11:24 AM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Torra wondered just how well known this 'Morse Code' was in human history for the Romulan Sub-Commander to have found it?  Or was it just that easy a code to break?   Torra hoped the ease of his figuring it out was more a statement of his intelligence rather than how simple to code was, otherwise maybe Galactic United might have deciphered it was well.  This worried her.

News of explosions on the planet also had Torra worried.  Did that have something to do with why Donny had request medical supplies?  He all but told her not to worry, yet she still did.  And as a result her stomach was doing somersaults and churning unhappily.

She ignored this as she patiently waited on either an acknowledgement or new orders based on the new information provided.  Torra oddly was torn.  She should be pleased with the Captain's thoughtful deliberation - as it was very much a Grazerite trait that was very useful, yet at the same time she kind of wished that Tekin would just react and help out these Romulan people.  Torra truly didn't understand why they hadn't been allowed to help openly in the first place.  But that was why he was Captain - he understood these sort of things.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

It took every bit of discipline to not react and hold position.  He knew that he had to be patient.  The Prophets would guide them.  As much as it killed him.  That said, they did have a line of communication set up, and even through it was slow, it was effective.

After what seemed like ages, a distress signal was detected from the planet.  It has a Romulan and a Federation frequency, and it appeared to be a distress from Galactic United.  A mining accident lead to an explosion and they were requesting assistance.

Nevir looked up at confusion that GU would make such a call.. but it was official enough to let them off the hook.

"Well.. we shouldn't keep them waiting.  Helm, set a course for the second planet.  Torra, inform Ralik's ship, and GU, that we are responding to a distress signal, and to prepare for our arrival.  Let's... get our people home."

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 10, 2021, 09:14:51 AM

[Rally Point - Policyon II]

M'ria laughed.  "I'd be offended if they didn't.  You can't just use our name without the power behind it.  Though that does answer what happened to our vessel research division.  Old tech thought to have been made new again with the Dominion.. never had a chance to get off the ground, though.  Probably either discovered by survivors, or lead by one of our research operatives.  I may still have some access to the old files, if I find something I'll let your Captain know.  However..." she stood up, gesturing towards the building, where the Martha was now just about on top of them.

"Get up Baran, or we'll leave you here." she said, kicking the resting bartender.  Baran grunted, but got himself up, as the rest of the team was ready to board. As soon as everyone was on board, Kierta made her way to the cockpit to talk to Don.

"Alright.. send a distress call on this frequency about what happened here.  That should attract attention of both our people, and yours.  Take us back to the port.  We've succeeded."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Rally Point >- Martha | Policyon II]

"Vessel research...?" Nira blinked in surprise. "Surely that whole department wasn't involved; the aforementioned ship self-destructed when we exposed them. There's bound to be more secret vessels like that out there, your vessel research division surely couldn't have all gone down with that ship..."

But as M'ria continued to speak, Nira nodded in agreement. "That's be appreciated," she said, realizing M'ria may make for an important contact. But her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the Martha. Nira blinked in surprise. She thought Don wasn't going to show up after what she did.

She followed M'ria and Baran in when she saw Kierta, T'Lara and Cadet Wentlock in tow with a great deal more people and Kierta instructed Don in a particular frequency. Nira took note of it.

"Is this a GU frequency?" she asked Kierta. "Clever."

She then turned to Don and said apolegetically, "I'm sorry, Lieutenant, for using my Comm Badge. I was in a hurry, I didn't think of anything else, not to mention there was no other means of communication that I can think of then, nor did I know what other means of communication to use."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 10, 2021, 09:14:51 AM

[Administration building]

Whether it was because of the surgical alterations or just the fact that they saw Kierta fly past the window and attracting the guard, the detained fighters had no issue at all with going with the two other officers.  Luckily, the way out truly was cleared, and they had no issues getting out into the night polluted air, just as Don arrived.  Just before the ship could lift, Kierta finally showed up and jumped on board as well.

"Let's pick up our other sisters and brothers." she said, slightly out of breath.  There were specks of blood on her dark clothing, but otherwise seemed uninjured.

"It did take some convincing, but in the end, they chose life.  The best kind of possible outcome." she stated, holding on while the Martha moved.

[MARTHA - Policyon II Administration office]

Life a better outcome. Don would agree on that. He had a quick look to see who was with her. She was alone. Some shadow type warrior he guess.


[Rally Point - Policyon II]

M'ria laughed.  "I'd be offended if they didn't.  You can't just use our name without the power behind it.  Though that does answer what happened to our vessel research division.  Old tech thought to have been made new again with the Dominion.. never had a chance to get off the ground, though.  Probably either discovered by survivors, or lead by one of our research operatives.  I may still have some access to the old files, if I find something I'll let your Captain know.  However..." she stood up, gesturing towards the building, where the Martha was now just about on top of them.

"Get up Baran, or we'll leave you here." she said, kicking the resting bartender.  Baran grunted, but got himself up, as the rest of the team was ready to board. As soon as everyone was on board, Kierta made her way to the cockpit to talk to Don.

"Alright.. send a distress call on this frequency about what happened here.  That should attract attention of both our people, and yours.  Take us back to the port.  We've succeeded."
Tight squeeze as more passengers got on. Then he heard what Kietra had to say. Then he sent the communications all out. Let everyone hear loud and clear. He felt this was good or bad. Depends on how Starfleet sees it later.
Quote from: Nira Said on January 10, 2021, 01:50:05 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Rally Point >- Martha | Policyon II]

"Vessel research...?" Nira blinked in surprise. "Surely that whole department wasn't involved; the aforementioned ship self-destructed when we exposed them. There's bound to be more secret vessels like that out there, your vessel research division surely couldn't have all gone down with that ship..."

But as M'ria continued to speak, Nira nodded in agreement. "That's be appreciated," she said, realizing M'ria may make for an important contact. But her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the Martha. Nira blinked in surprise. She thought Don wasn't going to show up after what she did.

She followed M'ria and Baran in when she saw Kierta, T'Lara and Cadet Wentlock in tow with a great deal more people and Kierta instructed Don in a particular frequency. Nira took note of it.

"Is this a GU frequency?" she asked Kierta. "Clever."

She then turned to Don and said apolegetically, "I'm sorry, Lieutenant, for using my Comm Badge. I was in a hurry, I didn't think of anything else, not to mention there was no other means of communication that I can think of then, nor did I know what other means of communication to use."

Now with Martha stuff people like pack like sardines. He was more caution with the cargo of people. It was more delicate cause they are more fragile then cargo bins. There seemed to be no resistant trying to take them down. Thank by solar system and the stars.

He took the might Martha and landed her down in the port. "Thank you for choose Martha airlines," Don announced. He then turned to wait for the folks to leave and see what T'Lara want to do.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 10, 2021, 09:24:07 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

It took every bit of discipline to not react and hold position.  He knew that he had to be patient.  The Prophets would guide them.  As much as it killed him.  That said, they did have a line of communication set up, and even through it was slow, it was effective.

After what seemed like ages, a distress signal was detected from the planet.  It has a Romulan and a Federation frequency, and it appeared to be a distress from Galactic United.  A mining accident lead to an explosion and they were requesting assistance.

Nevir looked up at confusion that GU would make such a call.. but it was official enough to let them off the hook.

"Well.. we shouldn't keep them waiting.  Helm, set a course for the second planet.  Torra, inform Ralik's ship, and GU, that we are responding to a distress signal, and to prepare for our arrival.  Let's... get our people home."

Given Ralik's coded message earlier, the distress signal from GU hadn't come completely out of the blue.

"Aye, sir."

She opened a channel to the Galactic United and the RFS Narrocian informing them of the having received the distress signal from the planet regarding a mining explosion.  =/\= "Discovery is responding and will be on site shortly.  Please prepare for our arrival. " =/\=

Soon the ship was in orbit, and Torra was scanning the mining site and surrounding area - sending copies of all scans to the Captain.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on January 10, 2021, 04:48:57 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Given Ralik's coded message earlier, the distress signal from GU hadn't come completely out of the blue.

"Aye, sir."

She opened a channel to the Galactic United and the RFS Narrocian informing them of the having received the distress signal from the planet regarding a mining explosion.  =/\= "Discovery is responding and will be on site shortly.  Please prepare for our arrival. " =/\=

Soon the ship was in orbit, and Torra was scanning the mining site and surrounding area - sending copies of all scans to the Captain.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

With the ship now in orbit, and the response to the distress signal sent, it amused the Captain when it was the assistant to Tavis on screen in a state of confusion.  Apparently she hadn't sent the distress signal, but there was an undertone that she was supposed to.  When they checked the logs, and found where the distress signal came from, it was clear that whatever plan GU made had failed.

With both Discovery and Ralik's ship acting as 'rescue', as dawn broke over the mining area both Free State and Federation officers beamed down to assess the damage.  With enough traffic in communications, Nevir called out to Don and the Martha.

=/\= "Good work, Lieutenant.  We're going to beam your ship directly to the shuttle bay.  I'd suggest staying with the away team.  Tekin out.=/\= he said, signaling to have the ship beamed.  That way, they wouldn't see the vessel fly out and dock with Discovery.

It was then that both the Discovery and the Narrocian received encrypted files, which detailed GU's plans for the planet, and what they had been doing.  Including the poisoning of the planet and the number of deaths marked as 'accidents'.

Hours later....

[Administration Building - Dome - Policyon II]

Nevir had replaced T'Lara due to her being recognized, and had her handle the ship and recovery efforts.  Here in the administration building, most of the GU personnel surrendered, or were completely unaware of what had been going on.  It seemed just the board of directors, a handful of managers and supervisors, and of course, the head honcho himself had been in on this conspiracy.

Travid was in restraints as both Nevir, Ralik, Kierta, M'Ria, Baran, and the rest of the away team were there... on Kierta's side of course.  Nevir tried not to give away the fact that he knew of them, and in fact he had to resist doing a double-take on seeing these Romulans and recognizing some of them.

"Don't play coy with me, Captain.  You knew about this!  They were your people!"

"What is he talking about?" he asked, looking at Kierta.

"It would appear that my cousin bears a striking resemblance to an officer on your ship, Captain." M'ria piped up, while Kierta bit her lip.  She lived a life of absolute candor.. but she was also smart enough to know when to let others speak.  This was one of those times.

"Cousin my ass!  Where is this cousin?"

Nevir sighed, and stepped forward.  "I don't think you are in any position to make demands.  Poisoning a planet, deaths under your watch, intentional delay of a project in good faith?  Its not looking good for you."

"Try me, Captain... I know the laws, there is no court in the Federation that could convict me." he stated smugly.  Nevir was silent, and then nodded.

"You're absolutely right.  Unfortunately, you were so very careful." he said crossing his arms.  "Too careful.  The Federation isn't trying you.  Not our jurisdiction.  They are." he said, jabbing a thumb at Ralik.  Their liason nodded to two of his guards, who promptly grabbed the GU executive.

"On behalf of the Romulan Free State, you have the right to remain silent.  I'd suggest you use it."  he said, tapping his wrist controls and sending the four of them back to the Narrocian.

"That still leaves the issue of Policyon II..." Nevir stated, looking back at the resistance group.


Quote from: Don Damien Addams on January 10, 2021, 02:44:09 PM

[MARTHA - Policyon II Administration office]

Life a better outcome. Don would agree on that. He had a quick look to see who was with her. She was alone. Some shadow type warrior he guess.

Tight squeeze as more passengers got on. Then he heard what Kietra had to say. Then he sent the communications all out. Let everyone hear loud and clear. He felt this was good or bad. Depends on how Starfleet sees it later.

Now with Martha stuff people like pack like sardines. He was more caution with the cargo of people. It was more delicate cause they are more fragile then cargo bins. There seemed to be no resistant trying to take them down. Thank by solar system and the stars.

He took the might Martha and landed her down in the port. "Thank you for choose Martha airlines," Don announced. He then turned to wait for the folks to leave and see what T'Lara want to do.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 14, 2021, 09:39:24 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

With the ship now in orbit, and the response to the distress signal sent, it amused the Captain when it was the assistant to Tavis on screen in a state of confusion.  Apparently she hadn't sent the distress signal, but there was an undertone that she was supposed to.  When they checked the logs, and found where the distress signal came from, it was clear that whatever plan GU made had failed.

With both Discovery and Ralik's ship acting as 'rescue', as dawn broke over the mining area both Free State and Federation officers beamed down to assess the damage.  With enough traffic in communications, Nevir called out to Don and the Martha.

=/\= "Good work, Lieutenant.  We're going to beam your ship directly to the shuttle bay.  I'd suggest staying with the away team.  Tekin out.=/\= he said, signaling to have the ship beamed.  That way, they wouldn't see the vessel fly out and dock with Discovery.

It was then that both the Discovery and the Narrocian received encrypted files, which detailed GU's plans for the planet, and what they had been doing.  Including the poisoning of the planet and the number of deaths marked as 'accidents'.

Hours later....

[Administration Building - Dome - Policyon II]

Nevir had replaced T'Lara due to her being recognized, and had her handle the ship and recovery efforts.  Here in the administration building, most of the GU personnel surrendered, or were completely unaware of what had been going on.  It seemed just the board of directors, a handful of managers and supervisors, and of course, the head honcho himself had been in on this conspiracy.

Travid was in restraints as both Nevir, Ralik, Kierta, M'Ria, Baran, and the rest of the away team were there... on Kierta's side of course.  Nevir tried not to give away the fact that he knew of them, and in fact he had to resist doing a double-take on seeing these Romulans and recognizing some of them.

"Don't play coy with me, Captain.  You knew about this!  They were your people!"

"What is he talking about?" he asked, looking at Kierta.

"It would appear that my cousin bears a striking resemblance to an officer on your ship, Captain." M'ria piped up, while Kierta bit her lip.  She lived a life of absolute candor.. but she was also smart enough to know when to let others speak.  This was one of those times.

"Cousin my ass!  Where is this cousin?"

Nevir sighed, and stepped forward.  "I don't think you are in any position to make demands.  Poisoning a planet, deaths under your watch, intentional delay of a project in good faith?  Its not looking good for you."

"Try me, Captain... I know the laws, there is no court in the Federation that could convict me." he stated smugly.  Nevir was silent, and then nodded.

"You're absolutely right.  Unfortunately, you were so very careful." he said crossing his arms.  "Too careful.  The Federation isn't trying you.  Not our jurisdiction.  They are." he said, jabbing a thumb at Ralik.  Their liason nodded to two of his guards, who promptly grabbed the GU executive.

"On behalf of the Romulan Free State, you have the right to remain silent.  I'd suggest you use it."  he said, tapping his wrist controls and sending the four of them back to the Narrocian.

"That still leaves the issue of Policyon II..." Nevir stated, looking back at the resistance group.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

They had gathered the prisoners, gotten them to safety on the Discovery, and T'Lara was assigned Bridge duty while Tekin essentially took over for her. She had been recognized and would therefore likely cause unneeded trouble if she went, so she stayed and conducted recovery efforts from the center seat Mostly this involved signing off on temporary quarters for each captive and receiving details on the health of each individual. She would actually much rather be in the captain's position, but there was nothing she could do about it so after she went to Sickbay to get her disguise removed she sat and completed her tasks, occasionally speaking to the bridge crew so it wouldn't always be silent.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 14, 2021, 09:39:24 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

With the ship now in orbit, and the response to the distress signal sent, it amused the Captain when it was the assistant to Tavis on screen in a state of confusion.  Apparently she hadn't sent the distress signal, but there was an undertone that she was supposed to.  When they checked the logs, and found where the distress signal came from, it was clear that whatever plan GU made had failed.

With both Discovery and Ralik's ship acting as 'rescue', as dawn broke over the mining area both Free State and Federation officers beamed down to assess the damage.  With enough traffic in communications, Nevir called out to Don and the Martha.

=/\= "Good work, Lieutenant.  We're going to beam your ship directly to the shuttle bay.  I'd suggest staying with the away team.  Tekin out.=/\= he said, signaling to have the ship beamed.  That way, they wouldn't see the vessel fly out and dock with Discovery.

It was then that both the Discovery and the Narrocian received encrypted files, which detailed GU's plans for the planet, and what they had been doing.  Including the poisoning of the planet and the number of deaths marked as 'accidents'.

Hours later....

[Administration Building - Dome - Policyon II]

Nevir had replaced T'Lara due to her being recognized, and had her handle the ship and recovery efforts.  Here in the administration building, most of the GU personnel surrendered, or were completely unaware of what had been going on.  It seemed just the board of directors, a handful of managers and supervisors, and of course, the head honcho himself had been in on this conspiracy.

Travid was in restraints as both Nevir, Ralik, Kierta, M'Ria, Baran, and the rest of the away team were there... on Kierta's side of course.  Nevir tried not to give away the fact that he knew of them, and in fact he had to resist doing a double-take on seeing these Romulans and recognizing some of them.

"Don't play coy with me, Captain.  You knew about this!  They were your people!"

"What is he talking about?" he asked, looking at Kierta.

"It would appear that my cousin bears a striking resemblance to an officer on your ship, Captain." M'ria piped up, while Kierta bit her lip.  She lived a life of absolute candor.. but she was also smart enough to know when to let others speak.  This was one of those times.

"Cousin my ass!  Where is this cousin?"

Nevir sighed, and stepped forward.  "I don't think you are in any position to make demands.  Poisoning a planet, deaths under your watch, intentional delay of a project in good faith?  Its not looking good for you."

"Try me, Captain... I know the laws, there is no court in the Federation that could convict me." he stated smugly.  Nevir was silent, and then nodded.

"You're absolutely right.  Unfortunately, you were so very careful." he said crossing his arms.  "Too careful.  The Federation isn't trying you.  Not our jurisdiction.  They are." he said, jabbing a thumb at Ralik.  Their liason nodded to two of his guards, who promptly grabbed the GU executive.

"On behalf of the Romulan Free State, you have the right to remain silent.  I'd suggest you use it."  he said, tapping his wrist controls and sending the four of them back to the Narrocian.

"That still leaves the issue of Policyon II..." Nevir stated, looking back at the resistance group.

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Administration Building | Dome | Policyon II]

It was a matter of time, but Nira had remained with the away team and the other Romulans. She merely shrugged inwardly; she can tolerate the ears and the extra-long eyebrows a few moments longer.

As the arrests were being made, her suspicions were confirmed; the board of directors were definitely in on it, along with a few supervisors. Her instincts about the board of directors being a bunch of sycophants to Travid were correct. She noted T'Lara's departure, and it was realized later that Travid recognized her. Of course, Nira hoped she and the rest of the team weren't recognized; the ears and the long eyebrows would at least do the trick. Though she kept her mind closed as much as possible, because Travid, as a Betazoid, could recognize her. Nonetheless, her indignation at Travid and his inner circle of stooges were quite thorough, though she intended to make sure it passed for the same anger the Romulans shared.

When Travid said there wasn't a court in the Federation that could convict him, Nira narrowed her eyes and curled her lips. As much as it would pass as incensed anger at Travid for what he did to the planet, inwardly, it occurred to her that he would be correct. Regardless of what he has done, the Federation wouldn't likely convict him. The old grudge between the Federation and the Romulans wouldn't likely be forgotten; at least fourteen planets threatened to secede from the Federation if aid was to be given to the Romulans, after all, that was how thorough the memories of the grudge was. Nira had the impression that even if there was a kind of Jack the Ripper who murdered Romulans in droves, not only could he get off, he'd even be given medals. It seemed there was an affliction of corruption in the Federation, and when it came to the Romulans, justice was retarded. If wealth and gain were predominant in the Federation, Nira was sure there'd be people whose wealth was built to the mass murders of their old enemy's population.

Naturally, Nira felt a bit of relief that Travid was facing justice at the hands of the Free State. She even resisted giving out "the right to remain silent." Nonetheless, her expression scowled with hate at Travid; she hated that a terraformer driven by greed tried to do away with refugees, hated even more that he trusted the justice system of the Federation to get by mass murders of an old enemy who no longer had a home, and hated most of all that he was a Betazoid. She stared at Travid long and hard, hoping he got her expression, hoping he won't forget it, even as he was beamed away with Ralik.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Nira Said on January 14, 2021, 11:57:41 AM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Administration Building | Dome | Policyon II]

It was a matter of time, but Nira had remained with the away team and the other Romulans. She merely shrugged inwardly; she can tolerate the ears and the extra-long eyebrows a few moments longer.

As the arrests were being made, her suspicions were confirmed; the board of directors were definitely in on it, along with a few supervisors. Her instincts about the board of directors being a bunch of sycophants to Travid were correct. She noted T'Lara's departure, and it was realized later that Travid recognized her. Of course, Nira hoped she and the rest of the team weren't recognized; the ears and the long eyebrows would at least do the trick. Though she kept her mind closed as much as possible, because Travid, as a Betazoid, could recognize her. Nonetheless, her indignation at Travid and his inner circle of stooges were quite thorough, though she intended to make sure it passed for the same anger the Romulans shared.

When Travid said there wasn't a court in the Federation that could convict him, Nira narrowed her eyes and curled her lips. As much as it would pass as incensed anger at Travid for what he did to the planet, inwardly, it occurred to her that he would be correct. Regardless of what he has done, the Federation wouldn't likely convict him. The old grudge between the Federation and the Romulans wouldn't likely be forgotten; at least fourteen planets threatened to secede from the Federation if aid was to be given to the Romulans, after all, that was how thorough the memories of the grudge was. Nira had the impression that even if there was a kind of Jack the Ripper who murdered Romulans in droves, not only could he get off, he'd even be given medals. It seemed there was an affliction of corruption in the Federation, and when it came to the Romulans, justice was retarded. If wealth and gain were predominant in the Federation, Nira was sure there'd be people whose wealth was built to the mass murders of their old enemy's population.

Naturally, Nira felt a bit of relief that Travid was facing justice at the hands of the Free State. She even resisted giving out "the right to remain silent." Nonetheless, her expression scowled with hate at Travid; she hated that a terraformer driven by greed tried to do away with refugees, hated even more that he trusted the justice system of the Federation to get by mass murders of an old enemy who no longer had a home, and hated most of all that he was a Betazoid. She stared at Travid long and hard, hoping he got her expression, hoping he won't forget it, even as he was beamed away with Ralik.

[Administration building - Dome - Policyon II]

Don had reported that the refuges do know his rank and name before he left the great Martha so the Discovery can beam the ship away. The mystery will be what happened Martha as she vanished without a trace. Maybe they going to believe she had enough power to have a cloaking device.

Ralik and Nevir was beamed away because Nevir was the main rodent of this wrong doing. May he rot where he be brought to a trial and  bring to Justice. Disgusted how they wanted poison a world for a gain of power in possible political influence. Pathetic.

And if anyone says Don's real identity name he was going to give them one dirty look that would say. For the sake of stupidity stop it.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

The files received by Discovery and Narrocian were proof enough to have many in GU arrested  - not by Starfleet or the Federation but by the Romulan Free State.

While Torra was glad to see this 'clean up' of the company, she could only hope that those that stepped into the vacancy and took over the company would be more morally sound and begin to actually help these people.  The damage done to the planet made her sad.   Hopefully it wasn't too late to actually do the job they had been paid to do.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Tekin Nevir

Captain's Log - Supplemental

Thanks to the efforts of the local populace, our suspicions about Galactic United were confirmed.  Administrator Travid is awaiting trial on New Romulus, and the exposure of his notes has led to a join operation between the Federation the Romulan Free State.  After spending a few days making sure peace had returned to Policyon II, the USS Solvang has arrived with a detachment of Federation scientists, and has taken over the administration of the recovery project.

The Free State has named Baran and M'ria as the new administrators of the planet, and our sensors have already shown a 0.4% decrease in the radiation of the planet.  It is safe to say that the planet has once again began a recovery effort to make conditions much more livable.  With the combined work of our two governments, total reclamation is expected within 5 years.  In a complete opposite of what GU did, a dome is being set up to contain the conditions of the planet as is, to allow for research into this potential new material.

Our work here is finished, and I know that my team has enjoyed their rest and returned fresh with their normal selves.  I have just received my orders for our surprise trip; refits to be done at Katra Station.  On a personal note, I have made sure to hide our new objective away from Hrafn, intending to surprise her with our visit.  Many cultures have had end of their solar year celebrations, and its only fitting that the star date coincides with that end of year period.  I hope my crew can enjoy some real R&R.  They have no idea what I have planned for Discovery....

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir entered the bridge after leaving the surface for the last time. He looked around at the bridge for a moment, before walking forward and taking his seat in the Captain's chair.  Suddenly that thing felt uncomfortable... and it would certainly be a long couple of weeks to get to where they were going.

"Is our crew accounted for?" he asked, looking down at a delivered PADD.  After hearing the affirmative, he handed the PADD back, and looked at his helmsman.

"Alright, helm, prepare to break orbit.  Ops, secure all stations.  Set course for Ka-.. set course for 234 mark 16, warp 8." he said, as the Discovery started to pull away from the planet, leaving only the Romulan and Federation ship still there.  Discovery swung around and exited the system, ready to engage their warp drive.  Just waiting on the Captain.

Nevir leaned forward with a smirk.  "Let's go!" he said, giving the order to fly.

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