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Season 14, Episode 5: The First Frontier

Started by Tekin Nevir, January 20, 2021, 08:45:37 AM

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Tekin Nevir

The next morning....

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise - Arizona Territory - Earth]

Nevill had a bit of a headache.  And a hangover.  Weird, he didn't think he got hangovers much anymore.  Certainly couldn't remember the last time at any rate.  But as the gunslinging card shark got himself dressed in the morning in front of a mirror, he grinned.  Today was the day.

The town was already abuzz in the fresh morning desert air.  The sounds of hammer hitting iron echoed through the town as the train workers were laying the last couple of pieces. The Bajoran walked out of his room, down the stairs and out into the day, where a feel of jubilation was already around.  Town Folks were greeting him as he walked, headed for a bite to eat at the trainstation.

The Sheriff was already there, of course, with a crowd of people.  Mr. Rinthal was there with a couple of the Sheriff's deputies.  American flags were waving, as the engineer of the train itself was working on getting everything started.

"There he is!  The voice of Paradise, Nevill the Nose Tecan!" the Sheriff stated, urging the man to stand up on the platform with the others.  It made sense; the famous card player, the dancer, the reporter, the artist, and the teacher; people from all walks of life riding this faster than life train to Washington to show the President and Congress their newest invention, and the future of America.

As the other members of the away team made it to the station, the Sheriff would pull them out as well. To say it was a surprise that they were selected was an understatement; Nevill had no idea what they did to make sure an impression.  But it was a free ride nonetheless, and with a game car on this train, he would be able to play against some of the greatest sharks in America.

"Let's hear it for the heralds of the future!  Go ahead and climb on board with Mr. Rinthal, gents, and let's get this train started!" the Sheriff stated, as he picked up a gold plated mallet and a golden railroad spike.  There was just one more spike that needed to be put in, and that was reserved for him.  Once the away team was on the train, the Sheriff walked around and got the spike ready, while a camera was set up to capture the moment.  A few minutes later, and single cling of metal signal the dropping of the last spike... the train was connected to the outside world.  A cheer went through the crowd and the train blew its horn in celebration, as the sheriff cleared the track to allow the train to move on forward.

Outside Paradise...

A'Ron was not going to get into another spat with the ancient engineer.  He just merely shook his head.  "Alright, Chief, I won't stop you if you already know the exact temporal variance needed.  I won't question your 29th century technological expertise." he said, as Savar stated he would be part of the direction team.

"Honestly, Lieutenant, I would be most hesitant on putting you in a position that can compromise your logical reasoning.  Personally I think it would be safer for you to follow Lek down... but that is up to your first officer.
" he said, moving his horse over to where T'Lara was.

"Alright!  This is it!  Disrupt Paradise, and get your team and ship back.  Mount up if you can; let's get ready to ride!
" he shouted, really getting into this.  With them ready to go, they had the large gates opened,and started marking towards the town itself. 

Nira Said

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on March 28, 2021, 01:57:53 AM

[Temp Home - Paradise, AZ]

Don was up as the first shine of the sun was in the window. It was hard when it was literally on his eyelids. He gave a long yawn as he stretched his arms out. Then he sat up, pushing the cover off him and swinging his legs over.

The Sheriff had set of extra clothes delivered to the newcomers. It was a good hospitality cause they seemed to lost their luggage from the robbers the day before or was longer?

"Rise and shine, Alex!" He said as he got up from bed. Don was still wearing the underwear with the outfit for the away mission. Funny it was a good choice to wear it. He had not planned. He had not foreseen it. He figured wear the whole thing even the underclothes to get the feel of it. Though it had saved him from sleeping in butt nekkid or waking up in Starfleet underwear.

"Alex!" he grabbed his pillow and whipped the pillow at Alex in his bed.  "We got to get the others up to have breakfast and we need to get to work."

As Alex was waking up. Don had changed into the clothes the Sheriff had left. It was almost the same like the time period. Don was to deep in this mental prison. There was three piece suit man somewhere in a corner was explaining that this was the Twilight Zone but that was not happening.

This was Don's truth of life now. There was no Starfleet. His parents was some what remembered and his grandparents from his childhood. Anything after when he started to leave to Starfleet, follow his mother's foot steps, hating Romulans and want revenge, getting court martial for going after Romulans, serving time cause he was court martial, leaving a few years doing his time, he took the money he had from his mom to buy a ship for racing, get caught in smuggling, then crash his ship ran into Tekin and the Discovery, he fell in love with Torra and he got married. All that was gone for good but who knows it will return.

He still had this thing with his hair to be perfect. He was getting growth for a beard. He had decided that was something he was going to let grow for a bit.

After preparing himself he went to knock on the doors of his fellow friends who he had travelled. "Come on everyone, wake up!" he knocked on each person's doors. He even knocked on folks he had not known. Why? Why not!

Don had the Bible, and his note book and charcoal pencils with him as he joined with the others.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 29, 2021, 11:43:23 AM

The next morning....

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise - Arizona Territory - Earth]

Nevill had a bit of a headache.  And a hangover.  Weird, he didn't think he got hangovers much anymore.  Certainly couldn't remember the last time at any rate.  But as the gunslinging card shark got himself dressed in the morning in front of a mirror, he grinned.  Today was the day.

The town was already abuzz in the fresh morning desert air.  The sounds of hammer hitting iron echoed through the town as the train workers were laying the last couple of pieces. The Bajoran walked out of his room, down the stairs and out into the day, where a feel of jubilation was already around.  Town Folks were greeting him as he walked, headed for a bite to eat at the trainstation.

The Sheriff was already there, of course, with a crowd of people.  Mr. Rinthal was there with a couple of the Sheriff's deputies.  American flags were waving, as the engineer of the train itself was working on getting everything started.

"There he is!  The voice of Paradise, Nevill the Nose Tecan!" the Sheriff stated, urging the man to stand up on the platform with the others.  It made sense; the famous card player, the dancer, the reporter, the artist, and the teacher; people from all walks of life riding this faster than life train to Washington to show the President and Congress their newest invention, and the future of America.

As the other members of the away team made it to the station, the Sheriff would pull them out as well. To say it was a surprise that they were selected was an understatement; Nevill had no idea what they did to make sure an impression.  But it was a free ride nonetheless, and with a game car on this train, he would be able to play against some of the greatest sharks in America.

"Let's hear it for the heralds of the future!  Go ahead and climb on board with Mr. Rinthal, gents, and let's get this train started!" the Sheriff stated, as he picked up a gold plated mallet and a golden railroad spike.  There was just one more spike that needed to be put in, and that was reserved for him.  Once the away team was on the train, the Sheriff walked around and got the spike ready, while a camera was set up to capture the moment.  A few minutes later, and single cling of metal signal the dropping of the last spike... the train was connected to the outside world.  A cheer went through the crowd and the train blew its horn in celebration, as the sheriff cleared the track to allow the train to move on forward.

[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Inn >- Train Station | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

After conversing with Lu, Nira had an uneasy night. Her mind was too full to sleep. But after a couple of hours, sleep finally came, a sleep filled with stars and her dream elf...who, for some reason, had gone silent. Perhaps he wasn't real after all. Just an Allah-to-goodness figment of her imagination. It didn't matter. She dreamed of him, their lips met, they embraced and kissed for the longest time...only for her to draw back and realize she was kissing the soulless vampire who was the Sheriff of Paradise...or someone similar...

She let out a shocked gasp and bolted upright in the bed. She was so sweaty, she might as well have walked through that desert with her friends. She blinked and realized it was morning. To drive the point home, Before she knew it, the door to the girls' room was rapping. Nira was sure neither girls needed coffee, not with Don waking them up fully.

As she dressed up...and in the same saloon dress, at that, what else did she even have but the same dress to pleasure audiences of aroused men...? There was another, gentler knock. For a moment, she was suspicious; she expected the Sheriff to be right on the other side, waiting to pounce. But then there was a feminine voice, and she recognized the voice of her fellow saloon girl, Patience, who, to Nira, seemed oxymoronically named, considering she was the exact opposite of patient.

"Wake up, you girls!" she said. "Miss Thatcher sent me to tell yeh the Sheriff has selected y'all to join our load of bennyrock to Washington! TO the President!"

Nira blinked. "Why that's...amazing! But why me and Lu of all people? But we just got here!"

"The best persons to represent this blooming garden here in the desert!" Patience replied. "And why not? The Flower of the East, the only Hoochie Coochie dancer this side o' the Mississippi! You're giving this town a name, suga!"

In no time at all, Najwa and Lu were at the station. Najwa was especially surprised to find Don, his son, and the Nose. What was especially amazing was the Sheriff announcing them all, including Nevill "The Nose" Tecan to join Harold to Washington with the finally connected railroad and the load of bennyrock. How fitting to witness the Sheriff to lay the final spike that linked the railroad. But all the same, Najwa was still creeped out by this...walking void.

"Inshallah," said Najwa, which meant, in a nutshell, "God Willing."

She was still smiling. This meant all her friends were together. It made sense. Najwa and the Nose. The two people who made the most money in Paradise...besides Harold.

Najwa saw Nevill gazing at the game car with what she clearly felt was excitement. She felt so much excitement from him, it was like she was just standing inches from a bonfire.

"Looking forward to breaking wallets between here and Washington?" she asked him with amusement. "Tell you what, Nefir...I'd like a game with you on our journey. Us, we who have made the most money since we came money versus your money," she added with a warm smile of friendliness. "I mean, I don't think I'll be doing any dancing, let alone my trademark Hoochie Coochie on this ride."

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim | North of Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Believe me, Lieutenant, I will not let you down," Savar said to A'ron. "I'm certainly not going to let my personal feelings get in my way."

It was true, he had decided to set them aside and focus on his duty, as any Vulcan would do. After weapons and riding practice, he had a moment to meditate. His previous moments of contemplation led him to conclude it was not a good idea at all to use his bond at all. And, remembering etiquette regarding telepathy, he decided that, if and when he and Nira were reunited and things returned to normal, he was going to have a word with her about the use of telepathy between them, and that it was better between them in private, between the two of them, if they had to talk telepathically at all.

Mounting his horse, Savar turned to Commander T'Lara and said, "Where do you recommend me to be, Commander?"

He wondered if they'll get the answer en route, as the gates opened and the crew rode, on horses or on wagon, towards Paradise. He won't mind if he was assigned with Lek if T'Lara preferred it. If he was part of the rescue team, the Captain was first priority. Nira, if need be, will come last.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams


The next morning....

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise - Arizona Territory - Earth]

Nevill had a bit of a headache.  And a hangover.  Weird, he didn't think he got hangovers much anymore.  Certainly couldn't remember the last time at any rate.  But as the gunslinging card shark got himself dressed in the morning in front of a mirror, he grinned.  Today was the day.

The town was already abuzz in the fresh morning desert air.  The sounds of hammer hitting iron echoed through the town as the train workers were laying the last couple of pieces. The Bajoran walked out of his room, down the stairs and out into the day, where a feel of jubilation was already around.  Town Folks were greeting him as he walked, headed for a bite to eat at the trainstation.

The Sheriff was already there, of course, with a crowd of people.  Mr. Rinthal was there with a couple of the Sheriff's deputies.  American flags were waving, as the engineer of the train itself was working on getting everything started.

"There he is!  The voice of Paradise, Nevill the Nose Tecan!" the Sheriff stated, urging the man to stand up on the platform with the others.  It made sense; the famous card player, the dancer, the reporter, the artist, and the teacher; people from all walks of life riding this faster than life train to Washington to show the President and Congress their newest invention, and the future of America.

There is great big bright new tomorrow  - shinning at the every end day - those lyrics seemed to pop in Don's head. It had to be something from his childhood.

As the other members of the away team made it to the station, the Sheriff would pull them out as well. To say it was a surprise that they were selected was an understatement; Nevill had no idea what they did to make sure an impression.  But it was a free ride nonetheless, and with a game car on this train, he would be able to play against some of the greatest sharks in America.

The Sheriff grabbed him by the arm and pulled him toward Tekin and the others. He wasn't expected to be dragged along. He knew as a reporter this was his story. He was planning to work his way up to get close. Not be snagged.

As seeing the big locomotive engine was awestruck. It was huge something he had never seen before in his life. Well. What he would recall from his rest of memories was locked up in a room in his memory.


"Let's hear it for the heralds of the future!  Go ahead and climb on board with Mr. Rinthal, gents, and let's get this train started!" the Sheriff stated, as he picked up a gold plated mallet and a golden railroad spike.  There was just one more spike that needed to be put in, and that was reserved for him.  Once the away team was on the train, the Sheriff walked around and got the spike ready, while a camera was set up to capture the moment.  A few minutes later, and single cling of metal signal the dropping of the last spike... the train was connected to the outside world.  A cheer went through the crowd and the train blew its horn in celebration, as the sheriff cleared the track to allow the train to move on forward.

The reporter accident missed a step as he was going up and missed the railing as he was climbing and accident hit whoever was behind him. "Sorry I am excited and missed a step," he exclaimed. He had to grab the Bible, the note book off one step.

After conversing with Lu, Nira had an uneasy night. Her mind was too full to sleep. But after a couple of hours, sleep finally came, a sleep filled with stars and her dream elf...who, for some reason, had gone silent. Perhaps he wasn't real after all. Just an Allah-to-goodness figment of her imagination. It didn't matter. She dreamed of him, their lips met, they embraced and kissed for the longest time...only for her to draw back and realize she was kissing the soulless vampire who was the Sheriff of Paradise...or someone similar...

She let out a shocked gasp and bolted upright in the bed. She was so sweaty, she might as well have walked through that desert with her friends. She blinked and realized it was morning. To drive the point home, Before she knew it, the door to the girls' room was rapping. Nira was sure neither girls needed coffee, not with Don waking them up fully.

As she dressed up...and in the same saloon dress, at that, what else did she even have but the same dress to pleasure audiences of aroused men...? There was another, gentler knock. For a moment, she was suspicious; she expected the Sheriff to be right on the other side, waiting to pounce. But then there was a feminine voice, and she recognized the voice of her fellow saloon girl, Patience, who, to Nira, seemed oxymoronically named, considering she was the exact opposite of patient.

"Wake up, you girls!" she said. "Miss Thatcher sent me to tell yeh the Sheriff has selected y'all to join our load of bennyrock to Washington! TO the President!"

Nira blinked. "Why that's...amazing! But why me and Lu of all people? But we just got here!"

"The best persons to represent this blooming garden here in the desert!" Patience replied. "And why not? The Flower of the East, the only Hoochie Coochie dancer this side o' the Mississippi! You're giving this town a name, suga!"

In no time at all, Najwa and Lu were at the station. Najwa was especially surprised to find Don, his son, and the Nose. What was especially amazing was the Sheriff announcing them all, including Nevill "The Nose" Tecan to join Harold to Washington with the finally connected railroad and the load of bennyrock. How fitting to witness the Sheriff to lay the final spike that linked the railroad. But all the same, Najwa was still creeped out by this...walking void.

"Inshallah," said Najwa, which meant, in a nutshell, "God Willing."

She was still smiling. This meant all her friends were together. It made sense. Najwa and the Nose. The two people who made the most money in Paradise...besides Harold.

Najwa saw Nevill gazing at the game car with what she clearly felt was excitement. She felt so much excitement from him, it was like she was just standing inches from a bonfire.

"Looking forward to breaking wallets between here and Washington?" she asked him with amusement. "Tell you what, Nefir...I'd like a game with you on our journey. Us, we who have made the most money since we came money versus your money," she added with a warm smile of friendliness. "I mean, I don't think I'll be doing any dancing, let alone my trademark Hoochie Coochie on this ride."

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am a new thing! Now it springs up, do not perceive it? I am making in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Eh, Isiah 43: 18-19," Don shared. He was some what surprised he recalled that verse when he was just looking over the Bible the first time last night.

Then he got up to the platform and smiled. "Thank you for this blessing!" he said looking up at the sky.

Luby Wentock

Quote from: Nira Said on March 28, 2021, 11:15:18 AM

[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Inn | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Technically, we're not founding pioneers," said Nira. "There's been people here before us."

At Lu's offer for coffee, Nira nodded. "Please," she said. In point of fact, her full mind was buzzing so much, it was eventually overriding the posthypnotic suggestion for sleep. She didn't begin feeling very tired. It was only because the Sheriff - who could easily be a literally soulless vampire - suggested it.

As Lu spoke, Nira's mind was abuzz. The way Lu described it, it could've been rehearsed. A single-minded routine of going day after day...and then her description of attire. Somehow, it seemed familiar, reassuring...and her staunch defense of Neville and the way she described him as a spokesperson and leader...she truly meant it.

She sat up, still having a blanket wrapped around her, and then stood next to Lu, gazing out the window to the stars.

"I don't think so," she said, her thick Arabic accent dropping...sounding like her real accent. "I'm thinking so clearly, and I feel you are, too. We didn't even have that much alcohol. At least, I didn't. What's more..."

...I definitely must not be from around here. I must be something...magical. Maybe a part Djinn. How else can I do this? she added psychically. I seem to remember you don't want me to talk like this unless it's an emergency, and right now, it is. The Sheriff seems to have powerful ears; well, there's something with his showing up twice before Neville got out of control. Just think something and I'll be able to hear it.

All she knew was that she had a memory of the townsfolk mentioning that the Sheriff has eyes and ears everywhere. She didn't want to even talk psychically before, but it was beginning to become more and more urgent.

Quote from: Nira Said on March 29, 2021, 06:34:30 PM

[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Inn >- Train Station | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

After conversing with Lu, Nira had an uneasy night. Her mind was too full to sleep. But after a couple of hours, sleep finally came, a sleep filled with stars and her dream elf...who, for some reason, had gone silent. Perhaps he wasn't real after all. Just an Allah-to-goodness figment of her imagination. It didn't matter. She dreamed of him, their lips met, they embraced and kissed for the longest time...only for her to draw back and realize she was kissing the soulless vampire who was the Sheriff of Paradise...or someone similar...

She let out a shocked gasp and bolted upright in the bed. She was so sweaty, she might as well have walked through that desert with her friends. She blinked and realized it was morning. To drive the point home, Before she knew it, the door to the girls' room was rapping. Nira was sure neither girls needed coffee, not with Don waking them up fully.

As she dressed up...and in the same saloon dress, at that, what else did she even have but the same dress to pleasure audiences of aroused men...? There was another, gentler knock. For a moment, she was suspicious; she expected the Sheriff to be right on the other side, waiting to pounce. But then there was a feminine voice, and she recognized the voice of her fellow saloon girl, Patience, who, to Nira, seemed oxymoronically named, considering she was the exact opposite of patient.

"Wake up, you girls!" she said. "Miss Thatcher sent me to tell yeh the Sheriff has selected y'all to join our load of bennyrock to Washington! TO the President!"

Nira blinked. "Why that's...amazing! But why me and Lu of all people? But we just got here!"

"The best persons to represent this blooming garden here in the desert!" Patience replied. "And why not? The Flower of the East, the only Hoochie Coochie dancer this side o' the Mississippi! You're giving this town a name, suga!"

In no time at all, Najwa and Lu were at the station. Najwa was especially surprised to find Don, his son, and the Nose. What was especially amazing was the Sheriff announcing them all, including Nevill "The Nose" Tecan to join Harold to Washington with the finally connected railroad and the load of bennyrock. How fitting to witness the Sheriff to lay the final spike that linked the railroad. But all the same, Najwa was still creeped out by this...walking void.

"Inshallah," said Najwa, which meant, in a nutshell, "God Willing."

She was still smiling. This meant all her friends were together. It made sense. Najwa and the Nose. The two people who made the most money in Paradise...besides Harold.

Najwa saw Nevill gazing at the game car with what she clearly felt was excitement. She felt so much excitement from him, it was like she was just standing inches from a bonfire.

"Looking forward to breaking wallets between here and Washington?" she asked him with amusement. "Tell you what, Nefir...I'd like a game with you on our journey. Us, we who have made the most money since we came money versus your money," she added with a warm smile of friendliness. "I mean, I don't think I'll be doing any dancing, let alone my trademark Hoochie Coochie on this ride."

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim | North of Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Believe me, Lieutenant, I will not let you down," Savar said to A'ron. "I'm certainly not going to let my personal feelings get in my way."

It was true, he had decided to set them aside and focus on his duty, as any Vulcan would do. After weapons and riding practice, he had a moment to meditate. His previous moments of contemplation led him to conclude it was not a good idea at all to use his bond at all. And, remembering etiquette regarding telepathy, he decided that, if and when he and Nira were reunited and things returned to normal, he was going to have a word with her about the use of telepathy between them, and that it was better between them in private, between the two of them, if they had to talk telepathically at all.

Mounting his horse, Savar turned to Commander T'Lara and said, "Where do you recommend me to be, Commander?"

He wondered if they'll get the answer en route, as the gates opened and the crew rode, on horses or on wagon, towards Paradise. He won't mind if he was assigned with Lek if T'Lara preferred it. If he was part of the rescue team, the Captain was first priority. Nira, if need be, will come last.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on March 29, 2021, 10:33:12 PM

There is great big bright new tomorrow  - shinning at the every end day - those lyrics seemed to pop in Don's head. It had to be something from his childhood.

The Sheriff grabbed him by the arm and pulled him toward Tekin and the others. He wasn't expected to be dragged along. He knew as a reporter this was his story. He was planning to work his way up to get close. Not be snagged.

As seeing the big locomotive engine was awestruck. It was huge something he had never seen before in his life. Well. What he would recall from his rest of memories was locked up in a room in his memory.

The reporter accident missed a step as he was going up and missed the railing as he was climbing and accident hit whoever was behind him. "Sorry I am excited and missed a step," he exclaimed. He had to grab the Bible, the note book off one step.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am a new thing! Now it springs up, do not perceive it? I am making in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Eh, Isiah 43: 18-19," Don shared. He was some what surprised he recalled that verse when he was just looking over the Bible the first time last night.

Then he got up to the platform and smiled. "Thank you for this blessing!" he said looking up at the sky.

[Train Station - Paradise, AZ]

Luby regarded Don with something akin to cynicism.  While she was nominally Christian, she didn't go around spouting scripture.

"Indeed..." she murmured.  "Say, Najwa, does your religion say anything similar?  I'm afraid I haven't studied your culture as much as I'd like to sometime!" she smiled.

She sat twisting a linen embroidered handkerchief between her hands, having been told about the trip she had put on her best dress and newly trimmed bonnet (it was her old bonnet but she'd put on a fresh ribbon and some new flowers and beading), but she was confused like Nawja as to why SHE was chosen to go to see the President.  She wasn't political, maybe they felt she, as a schoolteacher would be eloquent enough to speak to someone as important as the President.  She noticed that she hadn't been given any 'accolade' by the gentleman who had described Nawja as the 'Flower of the East'.  She knew that her friend was beautiful and exotic but she couldn't figure the attraction in her, but then all the people she'd come to town with were going.  Neville the nose, Don and his son Alex, Nawja.  She could appreciate Don and Alex... reporter for the local newspaper, this would be something important to document.

Oh well... she could just enjoy the trip she supposed.

"I do enjoy trains, although I've not had much opportunity to travel on them!  I had travelled on them in England, however, much faster than horse-drawn carriage but... time and a place for everything! Do you suppose we'll actually get to speak to the President?  I think I'll swoon if that occurred! President McKinley is such a striking gentleman.  He reminds me of my Uncle Silas however, I trust he doesn't have the same habit of falling asleep after dinner and snoring loudly!"

Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Nira Said on March 29, 2021, 06:34:30 PM

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim | North of Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Believe me, Lieutenant, I will not let you down," Savar said to A'ron. "I'm certainly not going to let my personal feelings get in my way."

It was true, he had decided to set them aside and focus on his duty, as any Vulcan would do. After weapons and riding practice, he had a moment to meditate. His previous moments of contemplation led him to conclude it was not a good idea at all to use his bond at all. And, remembering etiquette regarding telepathy, he decided that, if and when he and Nira were reunited and things returned to normal, he was going to have a word with her about the use of telepathy between them, and that it was better between them in private, between the two of them, if they had to talk telepathically at all.

Mounting his horse, Savar turned to Commander T'Lara and said, "Where do you recommend me to be, Commander?"

He wondered if they'll get the answer en route, as the gates opened and the crew rode, on horses or on wagon, towards Paradise. He won't mind if he was assigned with Lek if T'Lara preferred it. If he was part of the rescue team, the Captain was first priority. Nira, if need be, will come last.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 29, 2021, 11:43:23 AM

Outside Paradise...

A'Ron was not going to get into another spat with the ancient engineer.  He just merely shook his head.  "Alright, Chief, I won't stop you if you already know the exact temporal variance needed.  I won't question your 29th century technological expertise." he said, as Savar stated he would be part of the direction team.

"Honestly, Lieutenant, I would be most hesitant on putting you in a position that can compromise your logical reasoning.  Personally I think it would be safer for you to follow Lek down... but that is up to your first officer.
" he said, moving his horse over to where T'Lara was.

"Alright!  This is it!  Disrupt Paradise, and get your team and ship back.  Mount up if you can; let's get ready to ride!
" he shouted, really getting into this.  With them ready to go, they had the large gates opened,and started marking towards the town itself.

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Mine Infiltration Team]

Torra, being obviously non-human, followed the wagon towards the the mines leaving the main force of infiltration personnel to those who could at least pass for human. Despite her current role in Ops, her previous time in Security had granted her with being the recipient of not just a period weapon - a Winchester Rifle, but also one of the few phasers the crew had among them - collected from an injured security crewmen who was unable to perform their duties.  While Torra would have preferred and even volunteered to be the guard for the injured who were to remain out of the action that wasn't the role she was assigned.   She was to be back up for the infiltration team, guarding their backs and providing long-range support with her rifle.  Her aim with Winchester was fairly spot on.  Torra had always been a quick learner and had picked up how to adjust the sights on the rifle quickly.

As the team neared the mine entrance, Torra split off and took up a covering position by it's mouth.  She crouched low behind some nearby crates rather than lying prone - because the rifle was level-actioned and it would make quick reloading easier. Her brown-eyed gaze swept the mine approach watchfully, ready and alert.

To help her stomach, the Grazerite chewed absently on a corn stalk - something she'd picked up from the refuse pile just outside the Fort.  The tough stalk bobbed up and down comically from her mouth as she chewed but Torra barely noticed.  Her attention was on ensuring no one could get in behind the infiltration team.

NPC Crewman Helga Tragnar
[Outside of Paradise, Arizona Territory - Distraction Team]

At the order to 'ride out', Helga tsked and gave her mount a nudge with the heel of her boot.  This got it to lift it's head from its grazing and it started forward following the lead animal.   With her with many others from the security department.  Helga recognized PO Strider and crewman Jensen.

Elena, Torra's old roommate, Helga noted was also part of the distraction team - being human, Elena had been assigned a more forward position, even if her skills were non-combative.   Helga  grumbled.  She was concerned that the lack of combat experience could mean that the woman would freeze at a crucial time.  Helga hoped she was wrong.

Also with the distraction team was one of the few medical personal that Helga had met.  A Tellerite name Kitaa Horg.  Good to know if she were shot that there was a medic on hand to assist.  This was notable since most medical staff, such as Dr Thane and Dr. Sluchaynyy had been assigned to hang back and care for the already seriously injured.

Helga adjusted her position on the trotting horse.  Damn, this jarring movement aggravated her bruised or cracked ribs. It hurt like a baQa' but Helga would be damned if she let that sideline her during this mission.  She grit her teeth against the pain and spurred her mount to greater speed.  The sooner this was over the better.

As that approached the town, Helga became aware of a large gathering happening alongside the metal tracks and the long metal train that sat upon.  She pointed this out to A'Ron as her burst of speed caught her up to him.  "Isn't that what we need to disrupt? Are we too late?" she called out.

Her voice was muffled by the fabric covering her nose and mouth, used to keep the dust kicked up by the horses out of it.  Now that she was one of the lead riders, she tugged it down.  "Do we head for that crowd?  Or draw them into the town?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 27, 2021, 11:35:06 AM

[Fort Rim - Arizona Territory]

The agent just rolled his eyes.  "You don't have to help get your ship back if you don't want to." he said, shaking his head.  "The wagon was going to be the way to get the infiltration team into the mines.  Since you seem so against anything I come up with.. you can stay here and I'm sure Discovery will pick you up later." he said, pretty much done with this conversation.

The next morning...

The wagon was being filled with their discarded future wear and equipment.  Keeping it all in one place would be better than having to comb the desert to make sure they didn't leave a mark.  The seriously wounded were to be placed in the wagon, with the medical teams.  A second wagon was found and set up for the infiltration team.  The team that would more than likely need to go into the mines.  That seemed to be the best bet on where the other aliens were.

For the rest, it was time to play dress up.   Cowboys, banditos, and blue uniformed soldiers.  Some of the lower deck crewmen even went as far as raising the banner that was there, blue square, white stars, and red and white stripes.  Although A'Ron picked up a hat and rifle, he ended up tapping his badge and appearing in the uniform of the fort commander.  Somehow his uniform seemed to physically adjust itself to be this old style.

"Think of it this way... we are Starfleet officers rescuing those in need, while still maintaining the Prime Directive." he said, picking up a rifle.  Of course there were weapon enthusiasts in the security department, and figuring out how to work the rifle and reload it wasn't too hard.  They were nowhere near marksman, but it would do.

A'Ron unsteadily got on a horse and surveyed around.  It was peculiar, seeing a 24th century naval crew acting like 19th century army and cavalry.  He walked the horse, after getting used to it, over to the first officer.

"Distract the town, infiltrate the mine, and find and destroy what is keeping us here.  And rescue your away team while we're at it.  And keep in mind that they might fire at you considering they don't remember who you all are." he said, glancing around.  He turned to Lek.

"So... what are you going to do, then?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 29, 2021, 11:43:23 AM

The next morning....

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise - Arizona Territory - Earth]

Nevill had a bit of a headache.  And a hangover.  Weird, he didn't think he got hangovers much anymore.  Certainly couldn't remember the last time at any rate.  But as the gunslinging card shark got himself dressed in the morning in front of a mirror, he grinned.  Today was the day.

The town was already abuzz in the fresh morning desert air.  The sounds of hammer hitting iron echoed through the town as the train workers were laying the last couple of pieces. The Bajoran walked out of his room, down the stairs and out into the day, where a feel of jubilation was already around.  Town Folks were greeting him as he walked, headed for a bite to eat at the trainstation.

The Sheriff was already there, of course, with a crowd of people.  Mr. Rinthal was there with a couple of the Sheriff's deputies.  American flags were waving, as the engineer of the train itself was working on getting everything started.

"There he is!  The voice of Paradise, Nevill the Nose Tecan!" the Sheriff stated, urging the man to stand up on the platform with the others.  It made sense; the famous card player, the dancer, the reporter, the artist, and the teacher; people from all walks of life riding this faster than life train to Washington to show the President and Congress their newest invention, and the future of America.

As the other members of the away team made it to the station, the Sheriff would pull them out as well. To say it was a surprise that they were selected was an understatement; Nevill had no idea what they did to make sure an impression.  But it was a free ride nonetheless, and with a game car on this train, he would be able to play against some of the greatest sharks in America.

"Let's hear it for the heralds of the future!  Go ahead and climb on board with Mr. Rinthal, gents, and let's get this train started!" the Sheriff stated, as he picked up a gold plated mallet and a golden railroad spike.  There was just one more spike that needed to be put in, and that was reserved for him.  Once the away team was on the train, the Sheriff walked around and got the spike ready, while a camera was set up to capture the moment.  A few minutes later, and single cling of metal signal the dropping of the last spike... the train was connected to the outside world.  A cheer went through the crowd and the train blew its horn in celebration, as the sheriff cleared the track to allow the train to move on forward.

Outside Paradise...

A'Ron was not going to get into another spat with the ancient engineer.  He just merely shook his head.  "Alright, Chief, I won't stop you if you already know the exact temporal variance needed.  I won't question your 29th century technological expertise." he said, as Savar stated he would be part of the direction team.

"Honestly, Lieutenant, I would be most hesitant on putting you in a position that can compromise your logical reasoning.  Personally I think it would be safer for you to follow Lek down... but that is up to your first officer.
" he said, moving his horse over to where T'Lara was.

"Alright!  This is it!  Disrupt Paradise, and get your team and ship back.  Mount up if you can; let's get ready to ride!
" he shouted, really getting into this.  With them ready to go, they had the large gates opened,and started marking towards the town itself.

Quote from: Nira Said on March 29, 2021, 06:34:30 PM

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim | North of Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Believe me, Lieutenant, I will not let you down," Savar said to A'ron. "I'm certainly not going to let my personal feelings get in my way."

It was true, he had decided to set them aside and focus on his duty, as any Vulcan would do. After weapons and riding practice, he had a moment to meditate. His previous moments of contemplation led him to conclude it was not a good idea at all to use his bond at all. And, remembering etiquette regarding telepathy, he decided that, if and when he and Nira were reunited and things returned to normal, he was going to have a word with her about the use of telepathy between them, and that it was better between them in private, between the two of them, if they had to talk telepathically at all.

Mounting his horse, Savar turned to Commander T'Lara and said, "Where do you recommend me to be, Commander?"

He wondered if they'll get the answer en route, as the gates opened and the crew rode, on horses or on wagon, towards Paradise. He won't mind if he was assigned with Lek if T'Lara preferred it. If he was part of the rescue team, the Captain was first priority. Nira, if need be, will come last.

[Fort Rim - Arizona Territory]

The plan was set. T'Lara spent the night mostly meditating, but spent a couple hours sleeping with a rolled up article of clothing to support her head. When she woke, she found an outfit to change into so she could really look the part, and put the "cowboy" hat on her head just as she overheard her title being mentioned in a conversation between A'ron and Savar. The Vulcan had mounted a horse already, and the first officer quickly found one for herself. She was not particularly short in stature and, being rather athletically built, she grunted slightly as she hoisted herself onto the saddle. It could've gone better and she felt slightly awkward in this new experience, but she didn't let it show. Instead, she addressed the question from Savar. The fact that he had asked for a recommendation instead of an order did not go unnoticed, but she did not acknowledge it.

As always, she put some thought into the decision and paused a moment before she answered. Of course she understood Savar's motivations for wanting to be on the distraction team. Not in a personal sense, but a general understanding of how relationships worked. Putting this aspect into her consideration she then included his usefulness with his connection to Nira. It could help them find the away team faster, but what if seeing Savar ended up having a negative effect on Nira? T'Lara had seen telepathy used in both positive and negative ways, and sometimes the latter was completely unintentional and unexpected. As first officer, she did not want to be responsible for inflicting that on Nira. The risk had crossed a line she was disinclined to cross, no matter how confident Savar was that the connection would be beneficial.

She may not know Savar personally, but she knew he was a good science officer when his focus was in the right place. His talents would be better served working with Lek in HalverstrÁ¶m's absence. Her thorough process did not forget that Savar may resent her for seemingly denying him trust that he would keep his emotions in check. She had to admit that he had not earned this trust yet, so when she looked over at him to answer, she inclined her head slightly so her face was partially concealed by the hat covering her pointed ears.

"You will go with Lek to infiltrate the mines, Lieutenant. I believe your skills will be most useful there as I will need to accompany A'ron, and Lieutenants HalverstrÁ¶m and Cadbury are indisposed. We are counting on you," she spoke as she moved the reins to try and keep her restless horse still.

The trust would have to be earned at a different time, in a different circumstance. It was not her right to govern Savar's emotions, but in truth she was failing to conceal one of her own. Worry.

When that exchange was finished, she joined up with A'ron and followed as close to him as she could manage, realizing she would need to think through her acting plan as well as cover story.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Nira Said

Quote from: T'Lara on March 30, 2021, 08:17:37 PM

[Fort Rim - Arizona Territory]

The plan was set. T'Lara spent the night mostly meditating, but spent a couple hours sleeping with a rolled up article of clothing to support her head. When she woke, she found an outfit to change into so she could really look the part, and put the "cowboy" hat on her head just as she overheard her title being mentioned in a conversation between A'ron and Savar. The Vulcan had mounted a horse already, and the first officer quickly found one for herself. She was not particularly short in stature and, being rather athletically built, she grunted slightly as she hoisted herself onto the saddle. It could've gone better and she felt slightly awkward in this new experience, but she didn't let it show. Instead, she addressed the question from Savar. The fact that he had asked for a recommendation instead of an order did not go unnoticed, but she did not acknowledge it.

As always, she put some thought into the decision and paused a moment before she answered. Of course she understood Savar's motivations for wanting to be on the distraction team. Not in a personal sense, but a general understanding of how relationships worked. Putting this aspect into her consideration she then included his usefulness with his connection to Nira. It could help them find the away team faster, but what if seeing Savar ended up having a negative effect on Nira? T'Lara had seen telepathy used in both positive and negative ways, and sometimes the latter was completely unintentional and unexpected. As first officer, she did not want to be responsible for inflicting that on Nira. The risk had crossed a line she was disinclined to cross, no matter how confident Savar was that the connection would be beneficial.

She may not know Savar personally, but she knew he was a good science officer when his focus was in the right place. His talents would be better served working with Lek in HalverstrÁ¶m's absence. Her thorough process did not forget that Savar may resent her for seemingly denying him trust that he would keep his emotions in check. She had to admit that he had not earned this trust yet, so when she looked over at him to answer, she inclined her head slightly so her face was partially concealed by the hat covering her pointed ears.

"You will go with Lek to infiltrate the mines, Lieutenant. I believe your skills will be most useful there as I will need to accompany A'ron, and Lieutenants HalverstrÁ¶m and Cadbury are indisposed. We are counting on you," she spoke as she moved the reins to try and keep her restless horse still.

The trust would have to be earned at a different time, in a different circumstance. It was not her right to govern Savar's emotions, but in truth she was failing to conceal one of her own. Worry.

When that exchange was finished, she joined up with A'ron and followed as close to him as she could manage, realizing she would need to think through her acting plan as well as cover story.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim >- Towards Benamite Mine | Arizona Territory | 1899]

Savar nodded in understanding at T'Lara's orders. Inwardly, at first he cursed T'Lara, but the more logical side of him chided himself and soothed his feelings. He began to realize that the farther away he was from Nira at this point, the better off he was. He wondered if T'Lara put him with the infiltration team because if he and Nira met face to face, maybe his very presence would set off the fail safe in her mind, the fail safe A'ron mentioned that could cause brain damage.

This was another reason he didn't want to establish contact with Nira again telepathically. He was worried further thoughts could inadvertently set it off in Nira's head. In any case, the idea of Nira being reduced to a vegetable concerned Savar more than Nira under any form of mind control.

"Understood, Commander," he said. "As Nira would put it, 'Inshallah.'"

With that, he reined in and rode alongside the wagon with Lek and Torra. He found himself to be a good rider. He remembered the times he went horseback riding during his breaks from the Academy. He often rode into the desert, mostly because at first he felt a little homesick for Vulcan, but anyway, California's Death Valley made him nostalgic for Vulcan. Despite his fascination with horses and horseback riding, he rode a horse like just about anybody else: at basic levels, and as means of recreation. After all, recreational horseback riding was still the only use for horses for more than four hundred years. He meant to take Nira horseback riding in the Holodeck somethime...

He then fished out a piece of jewelry he had attached to a necklace in his neckline. A ring. A ring he bought at Katra Station's jewelry shop a day before Discovery departed. A certain ring for Nira...

"She will come back. Her. The Captain. Donald Addams. They will all come back," he said hopefully.

He drew closer to Lek and Torra and said, "Torra? Lek? Anything you'd like me to do when we get to our destination?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 30, 2021, 01:49:03 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Mine Infiltration Team]

Torra, being obviously non-human, followed the wagon towards the the mines leaving the main force of infiltration personnel to those who could at least pass for human. Despite her current role in Ops, her previous time in Security had granted her with being the recipient of not just a period weapon - a Winchester Rifle, but also one of the few phasers the crew had among them - collected from an injured security crewmen who was unable to perform their duties.  While Torra would have preferred and even volunteered to be the guard for the injured who were to remain out of the action that wasn't the role she was assigned.   She was to be back up for the infiltration team, guarding their backs and providing long-range support with her rifle.  Her aim with Winchester was fairly spot on.  Torra had always been a quick learner and had picked up how to adjust the sights on the rifle quickly.

As the team neared the mine entrance, Torra split off and took up a covering position by it's mouth.  She crouched low behind some nearby crates rather than lying prone - because the rifle was level-actioned and it would make quick reloading easier.  Her brown-eyed gaze swept the mine approach watchfully, ready and alert.

To help her stomach, the Grazerite chewed absently on a corn stalk - something she'd picked up from the refuse pile just outside the Fort.  The tough stalk bobbed up and down comically from her mouth as she chewed but Torra barely noticed.  Her attention was on ensuring no one could get in behind the infiltration team.

NPC Crewman Helga Tragnar
[Outside of Paradise, Arizona Territory - Distraction Team]

At the order to 'ride out', Helga tsked and gave her mount a nudge with the heel of her boot.  This got it to lift it's head from its grazing and it started forward following the lead animal.   With her with many others from the security department.  Helga recognized PO Strider and crewman Jensen.

Elena, Torra's old roommate, Helga noted was also part of the distraction team - being human, Elena had been assigned a more forward position, even if her skills were non-combative.   Helga  grumbled.  She was concerned that the lack of combat experience could mean that the woman would freeze at a crucial time.  Helga hoped she was wrong.

Also with the distraction team was one of the few medical personal that Helga had met.  A Tellerite name Kitaa Horg.  Good to know if she were shot that there was a medic on hand to assist.  This was notable since most medical staff, such as Dr Thane and Dr. Sluchaynyy had been assigned to hang back and care for the already seriously injured.

Helga adjusted her position on the trotting horse.  Damn, this jarring movement aggravated her bruised or cracked ribs. It hurt like a baQa' but Helga would be damned if she let that sideline her during this mission.  She grit her teeth against the pain and spurred her mount to greater speed.  The sooner this was over the better.

As that approached the town, Helga became aware of a large gathering happening alongside the metal tracks and the long metal train that sat upon.  She pointed this out to A'Ron as her burst of speed caught her up to him.  "Isn't that what we need to disrupt? Are we too late?" she called out.

Her voice was muffled by the fabric covering her nose and mouth, used to keep the dust kicked up by the horses out of it.  Now that she was one of the lead riders, she tugged it down.  "Do we head for that crowd?  Or draw them into the town?"

[Fort Rim -> Paradise, AZ - Earth]

The entire crew was moving out.. on foot, on horseback, or in wagon.  A'Ron brought his horse to the side of the wagon at the Ferengi.

"You look good, honestly.  According to the maps drawn in the Fort, the mines are just southeast of the main town.  You should be able to see it clearly, but be prepared for a gunfight.  Remember, period appropriate guns until you are sure there are no humans around.  Look for a deep side passage in the mines; they wouldn't make it accessible for the common folk." he said, as he pulled his horse away and was joined by Helga and T'Lara.

At Helga's pointing, A'Ron's eyes looked across the town at the newly constructed train station.  It seems that the new track was completed, and the train was giving off almost invisible steam from its funnel.  Behind the train, the workers started on the next part of the track, headed west.

"A benamite powered steam locomotive... that thing will get up to speed quickly, and when it does, we won't be able to catch it... and I'll bet you the same kind of suppressing device is on that train to keep both the humans and any sensors from finding them.  There is no telling what other changes have occurred as a result of their interference." he said, turning to T'Lara.  "It will take too long to try and ride around the town to get the train station to the south.  We have to get through the town." he stated, as he looked down and nudged the horse with his boots.  The horse started to trot faster.  A'Ron had the US Calvary commander's uniform, and included was a sword and a horn.

"Show time." he said, grabbing the bugle horn and blowing into it.  The first couple of attempts were bad, but after adjusting his lips, he was able to get a sound out.  With that, the signal was given, and the 24th century Starfleet officers became a 19th century horde of military and gunslingers.  It did take long for the first shots to come out of the town, and he grabbed his own gun.

"We'll clean up any damage we caused.  For now, charge!" he shouted as he made it to the town.  Both common townsfolk and what looked like private militia started pouring out, taking positions to defend their town.  The mine entrance was guarded by what looked like a gun gang, who took cover and started shooting back.

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise, AZ]

Neville had just sat down in the passenger car with the rest of the away team when a sound of a horn disturbed the morning air.  Unknown annoyance and anger began filling the away team, but the door of the train was already closed. The Sheriff had pulled out his revolver as the townfolk at the train station began to scatter.  "Damn... I would love to get over there and show them... ah well.  Let's get to Washington." he stated, shaking his head.

"I thought we took care of them... its the Calvary!  Defend our town!" he said, as his deputies immediately left his side and started heading towards the source.  The Sheriff swung his head around at the conductor.  "Take off, now!  They can't catch you once you hit top speed... now go!" he shouted, as the conductor nodded his head and powered on the steam engine.  With a sudden jolt, the train was slowly, very slowly, starting to move.  Time was running out.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 31, 2021, 11:30:37 AM

[Fort Rim -> Paradise, AZ - Earth]

The entire crew was moving out.. on foot, on horseback, or in wagon.  A'Ron brought his horse to the side of the wagon at the Ferengi.

"You look good, honestly.  According to the maps drawn in the Fort, the mines are just southeast of the main town.  You should be able to see it clearly, but be prepared for a gunfight.  Remember, period appropriate guns until you are sure there are no humans around.  Look for a deep side passage in the mines; they wouldn't make it accessible for the common folk." he said, as he pulled his horse away and was joined by Helga and T'Lara.

At Helga's pointing, A'Ron's eyes looked across the town at the newly constructed train station.  It seems that the new track was completed, and the train was giving off almost invisible steam from its funnel.  Behind the train, the workers started on the next part of the track, headed west.

"A benamite powered steam locomotive... that thing will get up to speed quickly, and when it does, we won't be able to catch it... and I'll bet you the same kind of suppressing device is on that train to keep both the humans and any sensors from finding them.  There is no telling what other changes have occurred as a result of their interference." he said, turning to T'Lara.  "It will take too long to try and ride around the town to get the train station to the south.  We have to get through the town." he stated, as he looked down and nudged the horse with his boots.  The horse started to trot faster.  A'Ron had the US Calvary commander's uniform, and included was a sword and a horn.

"Show time." he said, grabbing the bugle horn and blowing into it.  The first couple of attempts were bad, but after adjusting his lips, he was able to get a sound out.  With that, the signal was given, and the 24th century Starfleet officers became a 19th century horde of military and gunslingers.  It did take long for the first shots to come out of the town, and he grabbed his own gun.

"We'll clean up any damage we caused.  For now, charge!" he shouted as he made it to the town.  Both common townsfolk and what looked like private militia started pouring out, taking positions to defend their town.  The mine entrance was guarded by what looked like a gun gang, who took cover and started shooting back.

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise, AZ]

Neville had just sat down in the passenger car with the rest of the away team when a sound of a horn disturbed the morning air.  Unknown annoyance and anger began filling the away team, but the door of the train was already closed. The Sheriff had pulled out his revolver as the townfolk at the train station began to scatter.  "Damn... I would love to get over there and show them... ah well.  Let's get to Washington." he stated, shaking his head.

"I thought we took care of them... its the Calvary!  Defend our town!" he said, as his deputies immediately left his side and started heading towards the source.  The Sheriff swung his head around at the conductor.  "Take off, now!  They can't catch you once you hit top speed... now go!" he shouted, as the conductor nodded his head and powered on the steam engine.  With a sudden jolt, the train was slowly, very slowly, starting to move.  Time was running out.

[Fort Rim -> Paradise, AZ]

Lek sat on the wagon alternating between feeling like an idiot in the period clothes he was wearing and seething at A'ron's condescending attitude. When the agent rode up along the wagon to tell him the plan, he merely nodded his understanding until the bit about a gunfight.

"Gunfight? When did that become a thing? Never mind, find the inhibitor and destroy it. The rest is immaterial."

When the horn sounded, he winced at the discordant tone and got the wagon going. Based on the wild bouncing of the primitive vehicle, Lek doubted he'd survive to reach the mine, let alone live through a gunfight.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Nira Said

Quote from: Luby Wentock on March 30, 2021, 08:28:24 AM

[Train Station - Paradise, AZ]

Luby regarded Don with something akin to cynicism.  While she was nominally Christian, she didn't go around spouting scripture.

"Indeed..." she murmured.  "Say, Najwa, does your religion say anything similar?  I'm afraid I haven't studied your culture as much as I'd like to sometime!" she smiled.

She sat twisting a linen embroidered handkerchief between her hands, having been told about the trip she had put on her best dress and newly trimmed bonnet (it was her old bonnet but she'd put on a fresh ribbon and some new flowers and beading), but she was confused like Nawja as to why SHE was chosen to go to see the President.  She wasn't political, maybe they felt she, as a schoolteacher would be eloquent enough to speak to someone as important as the President.  She noticed that she hadn't been given any 'accolade' by the gentleman who had described Nawja as the 'Flower of the East'.  She knew that her friend was beautiful and exotic but she couldn't figure the attraction in her, but then all the people she'd come to town with were going.  Neville the nose, Don and his son Alex, Nawja.  She could appreciate Don and Alex... reporter for the local newspaper, this would be something important to document.

Oh well... she could just enjoy the trip she supposed.

"I do enjoy trains, although I've not had much opportunity to travel on them!  I had travelled on them in England, however, much faster than horse-drawn carriage but... time and a place for everything! Do you suppose we'll actually get to speak to the President?  I think I'll swoon if that occurred! President McKinley is such a striking gentleman.  He reminds me of my Uncle Silas however, I trust he doesn't have the same habit of falling asleep after dinner and snoring loudly!"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 31, 2021, 11:30:37 AM

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise, AZ]

Neville had just sat down in the passenger car with the rest of the away team when a sound of a horn disturbed the morning air.  Unknown annoyance and anger began filling the away team, but the door of the train was already closed. The Sheriff had pulled out his revolver as the townfolk at the train station began to scatter.  "Damn... I would love to get over there and show them... ah well.  Let's get to Washington." he stated, shaking his head.

"I thought we took care of them... its the Calvary!  Defend our town!" he said, as his deputies immediately left his side and started heading towards the source.  The Sheriff swung his head around at the conductor.  "Take off, now!  They can't catch you once you hit top speed... now go!" he shouted, as the conductor nodded his head and powered on the steam engine.  With a sudden jolt, the train was slowly, very slowly, starting to move.  Time was running out.

[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Bennyrock Train | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Not really, Lu," said Najwa. "I study the Qu'ran, whenever I get the chance. And I don't even know that all by heart."

She took her seat and was fascinated by the ride. But then, there was suddenly there was a horn blast. She arose in surprise at the noise, feeling, for some reason, annoyance and anger, and she could feel it from the rest of her friends. The suspicious part of her mind once again cast suspicion that it came from the Sheriff, the vampire of natural hypnosis.

All around, the townspeople were scattering, that was what Najwa could see from the window. Something was happening, something triggered, undoubtedly, from the sound of the horn. Najwa wondered what was going on. Some sort of unknown danger...maybe the bandits that ambushed them outside of town...

Initially, as the train began to move, she changed her spot to sit next to Nevill the Nose. Her instinct to defend him once again arose, albeit in the rumbling sort akin to a volcano threatening to erupt. When Nevill mentioned wanting to join in the potential chaos, she turned slowly and gave out a hard stare at him.

"Not a good idea, Nevill," she said, sternly, dropping her thick accent. "What would we do without you?"

She relaxed her expression a little, not wanting to scare the Nose, but all the same, she felt herself bracing herself, like she was ready for action in case of hostiles boarding the train.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Nevill," she said, "perhaps if we could be able to manage a friendly game on the way over to Washington? It's going to be a long ride and let's see if we, we who make almost as much money as our friend Harold, can manage in a card challenge?"

She wondered about playing cards with him. And she mentioned a friendly game, considering she left her money back at Paradise, and odds were, so did he. It would be interesting to see which of them would come out on top.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 31, 2021, 11:30:37 AM

[Fort Rim -> Paradise, AZ - Earth]

The entire crew was moving out.. on foot, on horseback, or in wagon.  A'Ron brought his horse to the side of the wagon at the Ferengi.

"You look good, honestly.  According to the maps drawn in the Fort, the mines are just southeast of the main town.  You should be able to see it clearly, but be prepared for a gunfight.  Remember, period appropriate guns until you are sure there are no humans around.  Look for a deep side passage in the mines; they wouldn't make it accessible for the common folk." he said, as he pulled his horse away and was joined by Helga and T'Lara.

At Helga's pointing, A'Ron's eyes looked across the town at the newly constructed train station.  It seems that the new track was completed, and the train was giving off almost invisible steam from its funnel.  Behind the train, the workers started on the next part of the track, headed west.

"A benamite powered steam locomotive... that thing will get up to speed quickly, and when it does, we won't be able to catch it... and I'll bet you the same kind of suppressing device is on that train to keep both the humans and any sensors from finding them.  There is no telling what other changes have occurred as a result of their interference." he said, turning to T'Lara.  "It will take too long to try and ride around the town to get the train station to the south.  We have to get through the town." he stated, as he looked down and nudged the horse with his boots.  The horse started to trot faster.  A'Ron had the US Calvary commander's uniform, and included was a sword and a horn.

"Show time." he said, grabbing the bugle horn and blowing into it.  The first couple of attempts were bad, but after adjusting his lips, he was able to get a sound out.  With that, the signal was given, and the 24th century Starfleet officers became a 19th century horde of military and gunslingers.  It did take long for the first shots to come out of the town, and he grabbed his own gun.

"We'll clean up any damage we caused.  For now, charge!" he shouted as he made it to the town.  Both common townsfolk and what looked like private militia started pouring out, taking positions to defend their town.  The mine entrance was guarded by what looked like a gun gang, who took cover and started shooting back.

Quote from: Lek on March 31, 2021, 01:58:56 PM

[Fort Rim -> Paradise, AZ]

Lek sat on the wagon alternating between feeling like an idiot in the period clothes he was wearing and seething at A'ron's condescending attitude. When the agent rode up along the wagon to tell him the plan, he merely nodded his understanding until the bit about a gunfight.

"Gunfight? When did that become a thing? Never mind, find the inhibitor and destroy it. The rest is immaterial."

When the horn sounded, he winced at the discordant tone and got the wagon going. Based on the wild bouncing of the primitive vehicle, Lek doubted he'd survive to reach the mine, let alone live through a gunfight.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim >- Benamite Mine | Arizona Territory | 1899]

The distraction had begun and Savar accompanied the wagon, and the infiltration team, towards the benamite mine. He could see Torra, and again, he thought of her husband...and Nira.

"Don't worry, they'll come back to us, Torra," he said reassuringly. "The other team will succeed."

He could see Lek was in a bad mood, both with A'ron and with the way the wagon was moving. So he thought to try to talk to him, keep his mind off the current situation.

"So, Lieutenant," he said, "it's so unexpected to find a benamite mine here on Earth. Why wouldn't we seal off the mine so that nobody gets to it, after we take down the inhibitor, of course, and then return to the mind once we get back to our present day...unless, of course, we can expend the resources of the mind to get the slipstream going? After all, mines eventually run out of resources to mine; we'll just speed up the process..."

In no time at all, they reached the benamite mine. And as it transpired, it was being guarded. There was a gang stationed at the mine, ready to expel any intruders. A definite hint that something was being hidden at the mine. If they didn't know about the inhibitor, Savar would've definitely figured there was some precious resource in that mine whose security seemed to imply it's not to be touched by anybody else.

"There they are!" Savar called as the security began opening fire. In his mind, he began thinking, almost like how Nira would think: It'll take too long to go through the mine to find the inhibitor the hard way. It's easy to get lost, and there are plenty of places for an invader to get ambushed. He wondered if he had to look for somebody among the gang who's one of the leaders. Maybe they'll know where it'll be.

"Keep on going!" he said. "Pick them off as best as you can from here! I'll ride ahead and draw their fire, if it's all right with you, Lieutenant."

He turned to Lek, who's the highest ranking officer of the team, for permission. He realized that he'll be faster on the horse, along with anybody who's on the horse. Aiming is another matter altogether; it's very tricky to aim when one is on a horse. As a result, this meant he intended to ride ahead and draw the gang's fire. This was no heroic; riding to draw fire in an effort to be a hero was such illogical thinking. No, this was strategic, a distraction of his own, to put it, to get attention focused on him.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Southeast of Paradise, Arizona Territory - Mine Infiltration Team]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 31, 2021, 11:30:37 AM

[Fort Rim -> Paradise, AZ - Earth]

The entire crew was moving out.. on foot, on horseback, or in wagon.  A'Ron brought his horse to the side of the wagon at the Ferengi.

"You look good, honestly.  According to the maps drawn in the Fort, the mines are just southeast of the main town.  You should be able to see it clearly, but be prepared for a gunfight.  Remember, period appropriate guns until you are sure there are no humans around.  Look for a deep side passage in the mines; they wouldn't make it accessible for the common folk." he said, as he pulled his horse away and was joined by Helga and T'Lara.
The mine entrance was guarded by what looked like a gun gang, who took cover and started shooting back.

Quote from: Nira Said on March 31, 2021, 06:22:45 PM

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim >- Benamite Mine | Arizona Territory | 1899]

The distraction had begun and Savar accompanied the wagon, and the infiltration team, towards the benamite mine. He could see Torra, and again, he thought of her husband...and Nira.

"Don't worry, they'll come back to us, Torra," he said reassuringly. "The other team will succeed."

He could see Lek was in a bad mood, both with A'ron and with the way the wagon was moving. So he thought to try to talk to him, keep his mind off the current situation.

"So, Lieutenant," he said, "it's so unexpected to find a benamite mine here on Earth. Why wouldn't we seal off the mine so that nobody gets to it, after we take down the inhibitor, of course, and then return to the mind once we get back to our present day...unless, of course, we can expend the resources of the mind to get the slipstream going? After all, mines eventually run out of resources to mine; we'll just speed up the process..."

The wagons had turned off to head southeast towards the mine.  At Savar's reassurance that Don would be okay, she nodded appreciatively.  While she trusted her husband to be able to look after himself, he did tend to be rather accident prone - and she worried that in such a medically challenged era, he could come to some serious harm just by chance - nevermind in the midst of a gunfight.   She hoped whatever persona that had been implanted in her husbands mind that it would urge him to seek shelter at the first sign of trouble.
Quote from: Nira Said on March 31, 2021, 06:22:45 PM

In no time at all, they reached the benamite mine. And as it transpired, it was being guarded. There was a gang stationed at the mine, ready to expel any intruders. A definite hint that something was being hidden at the mine. If they didn't know about the inhibitor, Savar would've definitely figured there was some precious resource in that mine whose security seemed to imply it's not to be touched by anybody else.

"There they are!" Savar called as the security began opening fire. In his mind, he began thinking, almost like how Nira would think: It'll take too long to go through the mine to find the inhibitor the hard way. It's easy to get lost, and there are plenty of places for an invader to get ambushed. He wondered if he had to look for somebody among the gang who's one of the leaders. Maybe they'll know where it'll be.

"Keep on going!" he said. "Pick them off as best as you can from here! I'll ride ahead and draw their fire, if it's all right with you, Lieutenant."

He turned to Lek, who's the highest ranking officer of the team, for permission. He realized that he'll be faster on the horse, along with anybody who's on the horse. Aiming is another matter altogether; it's very tricky to aim when one is on a horse. As a result, this meant he intended to ride ahead and draw the gang's fire. This was no heroic; riding to draw fire in an effort to be a hero was such illogical thinking. No, this was strategic, a distraction of his own, to put it, to get attention focused on him.

All too soon they arrived at the mine and to find it defended as predicted.  The medical wagon, with the seriously injured, remained far back out of range of even the most accurate long-distance rifle.   The others proceeded forward.

From her practice firing the night before, Torra knew the max range of her weapon, the Winchester rifle, was about 200m - whereas the effective range of most handguns she'd seen being used at the Fort were maybe 50m, this gave her a superior range of a 150m.   So while the main forces continued on. Torra found partial cover and began looking among the mines defenders for those who also had rifles.  Kneeling on one leg with her forward arm's elbow braced on her knee, Torra sighted down the barrel of her weapon.  Torra found this part the hardest. Firing upon people who where being mislead and were only trying to protect what was theirs.  In this instance, Torra was the invader.  She didn't like the role at all.

Taking aim, not at the person but at the weapon they were holding, Torra fired.  Gunpowder weapons were far from accurate in this era, so try as she might to have her shots be non-lethal, there were no guarantees.   With dread she watched the man she had fired at fall to the ground, dead or injured she didn't know.  Torra hung her head a moment before taking aim at the next rifleman.

NPC Crewman Helga Tragnar
[Paradise, Arizona Territory - Distraction Team]
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 31, 2021, 11:30:37 AM

At Helga's pointing, A'Ron's eyes looked across the town at the newly constructed train station.  It seems that the new track was completed, and the train was giving off almost invisible steam from its funnel.  Behind the train, the workers started on the next part of the track, headed west.

"A benamite powered steam locomotive... that thing will get up to speed quickly, and when it does, we won't be able to catch it... and I'll bet you the same kind of suppressing device is on that train to keep both the humans and any sensors from finding them.  There is no telling what other changes have occurred as a result of their interference." he said, turning to T'Lara.  "It will take too long to try and ride around the town to get the train station to the south.  We have to get through the town." he stated, as he looked down and nudged the horse with his boots.  The horse started to trot faster.  A'Ron had the US Calvary commander's uniform, and included was a sword and a horn.

"Show time." he said, grabbing the bugle horn and blowing into it.  The first couple of attempts were bad, but after adjusting his lips, he was able to get a sound out.  With that, the signal was given, and the 24th century Starfleet officers became a 19th century horde of military and gunslingers.  It did take long for the first shots to come out of the town, and he grabbed his own gun.

"We'll clean up any damage we caused.  For now, charge!" he shouted as he made it to the town.  Both common townsfolk and what looked like private militia started pouring out, taking positions to defend their town.

The bugled call was the signal and Helga spurred her horse forward, following after A'Ron keeping to his right.  She pulled her holstered handgun and did her best to control the animal beneath her one-handed while she raised her loaded weapon out in front of her at a 45 degree angle to the right.  This ensured that she wouldn't accidently shoot A'Ron or those ahead of her in the back.  The goal here was to get through town as quickly as possible without getting shot.  The best way to avoid being shot was to keep the 'enemy' ducking down in fear for their own lives.  From what she could see the majority of the town's defenders were ground level so Helga made sure her weapon was aimed above their heads as she fired, breaking windows and ricocheting off metal signs. The noise and shattered glass urging folks to keep their heads down.
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Don Damien Addams


[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Bennyrock Train | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Not really, Lu," said Najwa. "I study the Qu'ran, whenever I get the chance. And I don't even know that all by heart."

She took her seat and was fascinated by the ride. But then, there was suddenly there was a horn blast. She arose in surprise at the noise, feeling, for some reason, annoyance and anger, and she could feel it from the rest of her friends. The suspicious part of her mind once again cast suspicion that it came from the Sheriff, the vampire of natural hypnosis.

All around, the townspeople were scattering, that was what Najwa could see from the window. Something was happening, something triggered, undoubtedly, from the sound of the horn. Najwa wondered what was going on. Some sort of unknown danger...maybe the bandits that ambushed them outside of town...

Initially, as the train began to move, she changed her spot to sit next to Nevill the Nose. Her instinct to defend him once again arose, albeit in the rumbling sort akin to a volcano threatening to erupt. When Nevill mentioned wanting to join in the potential chaos, she turned slowly and gave out a hard stare at him.

"Not a good idea, Nevill," she said, sternly, dropping her thick accent. "What would we do without you?"

She relaxed her expression a little, not wanting to scare the Nose, but all the same, she felt herself bracing herself, like she was ready for action in case of hostiles boarding the train.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Nevill," she said, "perhaps if we could be able to manage a friendly game on the way over to Washington? It's going to be a long ride and let's see if we, we who make almost as much money as our friend Harold, can manage in a card challenge?"

She wondered about playing cards with him. And she mentioned a friendly game, considering she left her money back at Paradise, and odds were, so did he. It would be interesting to see which of them would come out on top.

Don slid over to the window when Nira got up from her seat. He was staring out the window as the train slowly started to move. The loud noise from the start up was making the horn sound little less.

"Odd. I swear I hear the Calvary," he shared.

"Never in all my life I never thought we be in something that was not run by a horse. Alex not even New York has this. And that is a hussle and bussle city."

"I am hoping we can meet the President too!" he smiled. "We are indeed bless. Thank you Lord Jesus!"

Don pulled out his note book, opened it up, licked his finger so he can turned the pages. He saw an empty page. Then he had started to write.

Now if Don had his marbles he would be wishing his wife was with him on his side or across from him to witness this amazing experience.

Luby Wentock

Quote from: Nira Said on March 31, 2021, 06:22:45 PM

[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Bennyrock Train | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Not really, Lu," said Najwa. "I study the Qu'ran, whenever I get the chance. And I don't even know that all by heart."

She took her seat and was fascinated by the ride. But then, there was suddenly there was a horn blast. She arose in surprise at the noise, feeling, for some reason, annoyance and anger, and she could feel it from the rest of her friends. The suspicious part of her mind once again cast suspicion that it came from the Sheriff, the vampire of natural hypnosis.

All around, the townspeople were scattering, that was what Najwa could see from the window. Something was happening, something triggered, undoubtedly, from the sound of the horn. Najwa wondered what was going on. Some sort of unknown danger...maybe the bandits that ambushed them outside of town...

Initially, as the train began to move, she changed her spot to sit next to Nevill the Nose. Her instinct to defend him once again arose, albeit in the rumbling sort akin to a volcano threatening to erupt. When Nevill mentioned wanting to join in the potential chaos, she turned slowly and gave out a hard stare at him.

"Not a good idea, Nevill," she said, sternly, dropping her thick accent. "What would we do without you?"

She relaxed her expression a little, not wanting to scare the Nose, but all the same, she felt herself bracing herself, like she was ready for action in case of hostiles boarding the train.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Nevill," she said, "perhaps if we could be able to manage a friendly game on the way over to Washington? It's going to be a long ride and let's see if we, we who make almost as much money as our friend Harold, can manage in a card challenge?"

She wondered about playing cards with him. And she mentioned a friendly game, considering she left her money back at Paradise, and odds were, so did he. It would be interesting to see which of them would come out on top.

[Bennyrock Train | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Kurran..." Luby said not pronouncing it exactly correctly but slowly and trying to get it right.  "Do they have them in English?  I don't speak...Arabic?! Is that what you would be speaking? Persian... I'm not sure."

The horn blast startled Luby and she flinched but not overly much realising what it was.

"I forgot how loud they sound, oh whatever is happening?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 31, 2021, 11:30:37 AM

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise, AZ]

Neville had just sat down in the passenger car with the rest of the away team when a sound of a horn disturbed the morning air.  Unknown annoyance and anger began filling the away team, but the door of the train was already closed. The Sheriff had pulled out his revolver as the townfolk at the train station began to scatter.  "Damn... I would love to get over there and show them... ah well.  Let's get to Washington." he stated, shaking his head.

"I thought we took care of them... its the Calvary!  Defend our town!" he said, as his deputies immediately left his side and started heading towards the source.  The Sheriff swung his head around at the conductor.  "Take off, now!  They can't catch you once you hit top speed... now go!" he shouted, as the conductor nodded his head and powered on the steam engine.  With a sudden jolt, the train was slowly, very slowly, starting to move.  Time was running out.

For once, Luby agreed with the Sheriff to 'take off and go'.  For some reason she felt completely torn as some of her wanted to join in the 'excitement' and find out what was going on.  The other half... well that was the more frightened School ma'am who just wanted to go see the President.

"Oh I do hope no one gets hurt.  Najwa's right, we couldn't stand to see you hurt or killed, I don't like to think of anyone being hurt but you're one of our own, you came to Paradise with us and we look upon you as a very good friend, even family!  Please, stay with us, if there's trouble along the way, I know I'd be grateful to have the protection of another strong man!" she fluttered her eyelashes and looked a little coquettish tilting her head on one side to look even more 'helpless' smiling at all the gentlemen in the carriage.

"That said, I do know how to handle a shotgun should the need arise.  I had friends with an estate back in England and so we shot birds and deer in season... Humans can't fly and are a sight bigger than birds, thus... easier targets!  Works both for and against us!"

She looked to Najwa who seemed to also be trying to dissuade the Nose to do anything brash.

"I'd be interested in learning how to play Poker or Faro I think it's called, for a friendly game, not betting just learning how the games work, although I have some small change if we need to learn about the wagers too.  It would while away the time to Washington!"

All the same she kept glancing out of the window wondering what was going on.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on April 01, 2021, 03:26:21 AM

Don slid over to the window when Nira got up from her seat. He was staring out the window as the train slowly started to move. The loud noise from the start up was making the horn sound little less.

"Odd. I swear I hear the Calvary," he shared.

"Never in all my life I never thought we be in something that was not run by a horse. Alex not even New York has this. And that is a hussle and bussle city."

"I am hoping we can meet the President too!" he smiled. "We are indeed bless. Thank you Lord Jesus!"

Don pulled out his note book, opened it up, licked his finger so he can turned the pages. He saw an empty page. Then he had started to write.

Now if Don had his marbles he would be wishing his wife was with him on his side or across from him to witness this amazing experience.

"Wouldn't the Cavalry be on our side?  Thus if it is them they must be rounding up bandits or something and thus we're safe to continue to Washington!" she said hopefully.  She didn't want to be in the middle of a gunfight.

Tekin Nevir

On the train...

The train had finally cleared the station and was starting its trek into the desert.  But it was going slow... at least to Nevill.  Hearing a whirl from the engine, the train started to move faster.  Instead the Nose smiled at the two ladies.

"Well, if I ain't the luckiest feller this side of the mountains.  How can I pass up a trip with two beautiful women." he stated, looking up at Don's scribbling.  Alex was too young, and Don had to have been married.  Nevill?  He was just a ladies man and enjoyed it.

"Tell ya what... Let's leave Mr Adams to start his work, and we hit the rec car.  Just the three of us.  I'll show you whatever you want." he said with a smirk, stepping up and gesturing for the door to the next car.  He would lead them away and take a seat at the brand new table.

"Oooh, fresh cards, fresh mat... So.. poker or faro?  I'll teach whichever you want." he said as he started breaking and shuffling the cards.

From the mines...

Sure, this was a notorious gang that was defending the mines, but any local gang was considered notorious within a region.  While a couple of the guys fell, some of the others were starting to question why they would give up their lives for a mine... they certainly weren't being paid THAT much.  In a few minutes the survivors scattered, leaving just the injured and still on the ground.  The mine entrance was open.

Inside the mine there were miners with some of the same scaled guards like the Sheriff.  Still dressed in era appropriate clothing with appropriate weapons, as the away team came in, the shooting started, causing the miners to duck for cover.  The inhibitor was definitely here, that much was sure, and it emitted a hum that was much to high for most ears.  Most.

In the town...

A couple of the crewmen were taken down.. some were able to get shot and shake it off due to their biology; others would require some medical care, but as long as they could return to 24th century medical practices, little metal balls in their bodies wouldn't do much.

But whether it was luck or skill, the surprisingly clumsy crew were able to hold their own against the townsfolk.  As they neared the train station it was now the deputies firing at them, with the Sheriff still haven't shown himself.  The train was moving, but so far still slow enough to easily reach it.. but it would start to pick up pace with every second.

Nira Said

Quote from: Luby Wentock on April 01, 2021, 08:40:20 AM

[Bennyrock Train | Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Kurran..." Luby said not pronouncing it exactly correctly but slowly and trying to get it right.  "Do they have them in English?  I don't speak...Arabic?! Is that what you would be speaking? Persian... I'm not sure."

The horn blast startled Luby and she flinched but not overly much realising what it was.

"I forgot how loud they sound, oh whatever is happening?"

For once, Luby agreed with the Sheriff to 'take off and go'.  For some reason she felt completely torn as some of her wanted to join in the 'excitement' and find out what was going on.  The other half... well that was the more frightened School ma'am who just wanted to go see the President.

"Oh I do hope no one gets hurt.  Najwa's right, we couldn't stand to see you hurt or killed, I don't like to think of anyone being hurt but you're one of our own, you came to Paradise with us and we look upon you as a very good friend, even family!  Please, stay with us, if there's trouble along the way, I know I'd be grateful to have the protection of another strong man!" she fluttered her eyelashes and looked a little coquettish tilting her head on one side to look even more 'helpless' smiling at all the gentlemen in the carriage.

"That said, I do know how to handle a shotgun should the need arise.  I had friends with an estate back in England and so we shot birds and deer in season... Humans can't fly and are a sight bigger than birds, thus... easier targets!  Works both for and against us!"

She looked to Najwa who seemed to also be trying to dissuade the Nose to do anything brash.

"I'd be interested in learning how to play Poker or Faro I think it's called, for a friendly game, not betting just learning how the games work, although I have some small change if we need to learn about the wagers too.  It would while away the time to Washington!"

All the same she kept glancing out of the window wondering what was going on.

"Wouldn't the Cavalry be on our side?  Thus if it is them they must be rounding up bandits or something and thus we're safe to continue to Washington!" she said hopefully.  She didn't want to be in the middle of a gunfight.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 01, 2021, 09:08:55 AM

On the train...

The train had finally cleared the station and was starting its trek into the desert.  But it was going slow... at least to Nevill.  Hearing a whirl from the engine, the train started to move faster.  Instead the Nose smiled at the two ladies.

"Well, if I ain't the luckiest feller this side of the mountains.  How can I pass up a trip with two beautiful women." he stated, looking up at Don's scribbling.  Alex was too young, and Don had to have been married.  Nevill?  He was just a ladies man and enjoyed it.

"Tell ya what... Let's leave Mr Adams to start his work, and we hit the rec car.  Just the three of us.  I'll show you whatever you want." he said with a smirk, stepping up and gesturing for the door to the next car.  He would lead them away and take a seat at the brand new table.

"Oooh, fresh cards, fresh mat... So.. poker or faro?  I'll teach whichever you want." he said as he started breaking and shuffling the cards.

[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Rec Car | Bennyrock Train | Gradually Leaving Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"I doubt it, Lu," Najwa replied. "I'm not even sure an English translation even exists."

Najwa cringed a little at Nevill's flirting. For one thing, he was a lot older. For another, she wasn't attracted to him in any way; her defensive feelings were chiefly instinctive, like the night before. And thirdly, she distinctly remembered that he was married, she had seen his wife and children before...but again, she couldn't remember where...

All the same, she had to respond to his flirtatious words, "Now, now, Nevill, what will your wife and children think?"

Nonetheless, she and Lu and the Nose moved to the rec car and sat at a new table. Najwa chose a spot where she can keep an eye on not just Nevill, but also both doors on either end of the car. Her instincts told her to expect trouble. Maybe it was woman's intuition, but she never heard of woman's intuition being so aggressive...maybe it was the Islamic tomboy-like thinking in her...

"Let's do poker. I'm more familiar with it than faro," replied Najwa. Frankly, she was intrigued and excited by the prospect of poker. She knew about chess, that it was an excellent game for intelligent minds, a game to determine the tactics of an "attack." Poker, on the other hand, as much as she could see, seemed to deal with unpredictable odds. Najwa felt it could be good to learn it, and thus learn to expect the unexpected.

Nira did raise an eyebrow at what Lu said at Don's words. The Cavalry was attacking Paradise? Then again, maybe it wasn't the Cavalry, just somebodies who are looking like Cavalry. Remembering the bandits that attacked their stage, Nira wondered if they're getting ambitious if they're impersonating the Cavalry...

She sat at the table, ready to play, all while making aside glances at the doors with her eyes, as well as figuring out what would be the best positions to defend the Nose.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 01, 2021, 09:08:55 AM

From the mines...

Sure, this was a notorious gang that was defending the mines, but any local gang was considered notorious within a region.  While a couple of the guys fell, some of the others were starting to question why they would give up their lives for a mine... they certainly weren't being paid THAT much.  In a few minutes the survivors scattered, leaving just the injured and still on the ground.  The mine entrance was open.

Inside the mine there were miners with some of the same scaled guards like the Sheriff.  Still dressed in era appropriate clothing with appropriate weapons, as the away team came in, the shooting started, causing the miners to duck for cover.  The inhibitor was definitely here, that much was sure, and it emitted a hum that was much to high for most ears.  Most.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Benamite Mines | Southeast of Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

As it turned out, Savar didn't need to draw fire after all. Two casualties, and the gang, to coin the human phrase, skedaddled. Savar smirked at the sight; they wouldn't want to stick around unless they wanted to give up the mine or if they were motivated by payments of fortunes each.

Once in the mine, it was surprisingly easy to navigate through. And inside, the guards proved more interesting: pale, scaled creatures. Those must be T'hunga. The rest were all miners...though, after A'ron's briefing, Savar figured they're more likely slaves, considering the T'hunga mind manipulation. The miners were nothing, but the guards were of concern.

Savar shot as many of them as he could. He aimed to wound, and he shot only at the T'hunga. The miners, like the outdoor security, scattered. Naturally, he's bound to catch the ugly vampires by surprise. It wasn't hard to distinguish T'hunga from the poor souls enslaved to their will.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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