Season 14, Episode 7: Distressed

Started by Tekin Nevir, July 26, 2021, 07:04:42 PM

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Quote from: Ozal Kesah on July 30, 2021, 04:28:08 PM

[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

The crewman's insolence was outstanding, he sort of sat there flabbergasted just flanking her seat while she began to punch in her controls for a holographic display of the neighboring space around the vessel. Sensing a bit of distance from the Vulcan commander's arrival, she allowed a limited empathic flow to ebb from her mind. Another annoyed presence entering the bridge, caused her to whip up from the seat in a flash with arms at the hips, poised for war.

Her nose scrunched in an attempt to hold back her amusement by the ridged aardvark before her. Kesah bit her lip while a flurry of commands spewed from the seconds officer's gnarled lips. Her hands slinked down her sides to the pant leg, a sensuous rub of her side with both palms on the pant leg. Sinking into her hip, she played into her divine feminine energy - on the brink of ravenous and mysterious all at once.

He outranked her. A Ferengi who knew honor was indispensable. Even a Ferengi who traded their life of savagery and trade for one of noble Starfleet allegiance had needs. If they were pricked by a rose, would the scaled raptor not bleed? Advocating for a Ferengi was like advocating for a space pirate. A hopeless, romantic idea. The ensign ended the empathic connection between the pair.

With an audible grunt, she lowered her head in mock apologies and straightened her neck to adopt a more regal posture. "My apologies, sir. I thought a distress signal meant a ship was... well... in distress." A chesnut gaze lowered to his hideous boots before her arms wrapped behind her frame, chest open and prepared for his verbal lashing.

It was difficult to cover the chortle that erupted from her plexus when he dismissed her name. "Ensign Ozal Kesah of Bajor. You may call me Keh-sssah if you wish..." she hissed as if daring him to howl her name against the many moons of her home planet. "My apologies, once again, Lyoo-tehn-ahnt. I didn't catch your name at the commencement ceremony. I had a... trying time attempting to see you from where I was standing."

"Fine - I mean... yessir." Her head bowed curtly in a salute and with a pivot she was back at the science station. Arching her back against the chair, she placed her hands over her face and just loud enough for everyone to hear on the bridge. "I totally just blew it. Frax!"

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek eyed the insolent feemale with suspicion as the 48th Rule of Acquisition played in his head. "The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife." He did not trust this feemale and she would learn that crossing a Ferengi was never a good idea.

"Well then Ensign Ozal, I am Lieutenant Commander Lek, Chief Engineer and your most unmitigated worst nightmare if you get on by bad side. Let me remind you of your sole function aboard this ship. And that is stay out of the way and learn. Whether there is a ship in distress or not, you do not begin issuing orders and taking actions unless specifically told to do so.

"The Captain of this ship just recently sat on a court martial of an ensign that took matters into his own hands. Sixteen people died and he was drummed out of Starfleet. So unless you want to join him, I suggest you get yourself in the right headspace, because the one thing Starfleet doesn't need is an uppity ensign."

It was impossible for Lek to tower over anyone in the crew, but he did draw himself up to his full height and put as much venom into his expression as he knew how to project.

"Blessed Exchequer, save us all from ensigns who think they can think."

He thought as he waited to see if the ensign would push the matter any further.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on July 30, 2021, 04:55:56 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek eyed the insolent feemale with suspicion as the 48th Rule of Acquisition played in his head. "The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife." He did not trust this feemale and she would learn that crossing a Ferengi was never a good idea.

"Well then Ensign Ozal, I am Lieutenant Commander Lek, Chief Engineer and your most unmitigated worst nightmare if you get on by bad side. Let me remind you of your sole function aboard this ship. And that is stay out of the way and learn. Whether there is a ship in distress or not, you do not begin issuing orders and taking actions unless specifically told to do so.

"The Captain of this ship just recently sat on a court martial of an ensign that took matters into his own hands. Sixteen people died and he was drummed out of Starfleet. So unless you want to join him, I suggest you get yourself in the right headspace, because the one thing Starfleet doesn't need is an uppity ensign."

It was impossible for Lek to tower over anyone in the crew, but he did draw himself up to his full height and put as much venom into his expression as he knew how to project.

"Blessed Exchequer, save us all from ensigns who think they can think."

He thought as he waited to see if the ensign would push the matter any further.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

While the senior officers arrived, Nevir kept still in his chair.  It wasn't until someone he was not too familiar with suddenly walked on the bridge and proceeded to act as a senior officer that his attention was grabbed.  He didn't have to say anything; his new Second Officer was on her like a Bajoran Hawk.  He kept quiet, gesturing for the others to take their stations.  It wasn't until the two continued that he stepped in, with a clearing of his throat.

"Alright, I think you made your point Commander," the Captain said, his voice calm in contrast.  "Take your station," he said gesturing to the Engineering station.  That done, he turned to the Ensign.  "Ensign, there are two things.  First, is when I called for the Senior officers, I meant the Department heads.  So who told you to come to the Bridge?" he asked, giving her an opportunity to answer.  Once that was done, his second point was ready.

"Alright, and two... and very important.  Who said anything about a distress signal?  I certainly hadn't.  And I know no one here was talking to you beforehand.  So what made you think you needed to send out a probe with absolutely no information or even direction?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ozal Kesah on July 30, 2021, 06:25:19 AM

=/\= Ensign Ozal, please report to the bridge.  =/\=

=/\= I thought it was only senior officers.  =/\=

=/\= HalverstrÁ¶m is on shore leave. =/\=

=/\= What about Sugiyama?  =/\=

=/\= What about Sugiyama? This is an order, Ozal. =/\=

The ensign huffed aloud before tapping at the comm badge just below her lapel once more.  =/\= Fine.  =/\= With a deflated sigh,  =/\=Understood, Lieutenant Cadbury. Ozal out.   =/\=

After a grimace, her eyes locked on to Stark's form. "Duty calls. My apologies, Doctor Stahrrk," Swiveling at the heel of her boot, she ran off into the crowd.

[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

The ensign was out of breath as she entered the bridge, tucking down the bottom of her uniform's tunic half before crossing the threshold. Every passing second that she spent changing out of her garb into a proper science uniform felt more like hours. Yet, as she took in the sight of the bridge, her arms made their way to her hips in indignation. Not a single soul on the senior staff had made their way to the bridge despite a Federation distress signal on the horizon.

Urgency guided her every stride to her station and she hunched over Crewman Montana at the console. "Have you released a probe yet?" she inquired to which the crewman shook their head. "Well? What are you waiting for? The second coming of the four deities? You're relieved of duty, crewman."

The crewman's brows flared while the Bajoran ignored his bickering and scooted over to the console. "Sorry, Lyoo-tenn-ahnt's orders." And with a shrug she began her work.

"Computer." Chime. "Release a Type 1 probe to scan the Federation vessel."

Quote from: Lek on July 30, 2021, 12:25:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek was by no means a disciplinarian. Despite having a reputation for being grumpy, something he allowed to continue because it fit his role as chief engineer and all chief engineers were considered grumpy. However, when the new science ensign stepped onto the bridge and began imperiously berating the crewman on duty and ordering the launch of a probe, that was one step over the line for Lek.

Perhaps it was his new designation as second officer that made him speak up, he'd like to think it was something that noble, but the fact was, he was annoyed at being called to the bridge while trying to reconnect with Helga that was the real reason.

"Computer! Belay probe launch. Authorization Lek four one gamma eight."

"Authorization confirmed. Launch aborted."

He then stood up and faced the new ensign with an expression that brooked no debate.

"Ensign... whoever you are. What in the Purple Moons of Nimbus do you think you are doing? I'm not sure what academy you attended, but in Starfleet Academy, ensigns to not walk onto the bridge while the Captain and Second Officer are present and begin issuing orders, especially before being briefed on the situation.

"Now what you will do is sit down next to Crewman Montana and observe how bridge operations are supposed to be conducted by an experienced member of the crew. And consider yourself lucky that I haven't put you on report...yet. Do I make myself clear?"

Lek then gave the unknown ensign a hard stare and dared her to question his order.

Quote from: Ozal Kesah on July 30, 2021, 04:28:08 PM

[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

The crewman's insolence was outstanding, he sort of sat there flabbergasted just flanking her seat while she began to punch in her controls for a holographic display of the neighboring space around the vessel. Sensing a bit of distance from the Vulcan commander's arrival, she allowed a limited empathic flow to ebb from her mind. Another annoyed presence entering the bridge, caused her to whip up from the seat in a flash with arms at the hips, poised for war.

Her nose scrunched in an attempt to hold back her amusement by the ridged aardvark before her. Kesah bit her lip while a flurry of commands spewed from the seconds officer's gnarled lips. Her hands slinked down her sides to the pant leg, a sensuous rub of her side with both palms on the pant leg. Sinking into her hip, she played into her divine feminine energy - on the brink of ravenous and mysterious all at once.

He outranked her. A Ferengi who knew honor was indispensable. Even a Ferengi who traded their life of savagery and trade for one of noble Starfleet allegiance had needs. If they were pricked by a rose, would the scaled raptor not bleed? Advocating for a Ferengi was like advocating for a space pirate. A hopeless, romantic idea. The ensign ended the empathic connection between the pair.

With an audible grunt, she lowered her head in mock apologies and straightened her neck to adopt a more regal posture. "My apologies, sir. I thought a distress signal meant a ship was... well... in distress." A chesnut gaze lowered to his hideous boots before her arms wrapped behind her frame, chest open and prepared for his verbal lashing.

It was difficult to cover the chortle that erupted from her plexus when he dismissed her name. "Ensign Ozal Kesah of Bajor. You may call me Keh-sssah if you wish..." she hissed as if daring him to howl her name against the many moons of her home planet. "My apologies, once again, Lyoo-tehn-ahnt. I didn't catch your name at the commencement ceremony. I had a... trying time attempting to see you from where I was standing."

"Fine - I mean... yessir." Her head bowed curtly in a salute and with a pivot she was back at the science station. Arching her back against the chair, she placed her hands over her face and just loud enough for everyone to hear on the bridge. "I totally just blew it. Frax!"

Quote from: Lek on July 30, 2021, 04:55:56 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek eyed the insolent feemale with suspicion as the 48th Rule of Acquisition played in his head. "The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife." He did not trust this feemale and she would learn that crossing a Ferengi was never a good idea.

"Well then Ensign Ozal, I am Lieutenant Commander Lek, Chief Engineer and your most unmitigated worst nightmare if you get on by bad side. Let me remind you of your sole function aboard this ship. And that is stay out of the way and learn. Whether there is a ship in distress or not, you do not begin issuing orders and taking actions unless specifically told to do so.

"The Captain of this ship just recently sat on a court martial of an ensign that took matters into his own hands. Sixteen people died and he was drummed out of Starfleet. So unless you want to join him, I suggest you get yourself in the right headspace, because the one thing Starfleet doesn't need is an uppity ensign."

It was impossible for Lek to tower over anyone in the crew, but he did draw himself up to his full height and put as much venom into his expression as he knew how to project.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 30, 2021, 06:19:14 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

While the senior officers arrived, Nevir kept still in his chair.  It wasn't until someone he was not too familiar with suddenly walked on the bridge and proceeded to act as a senior officer that his attention was grabbed.  He didn't have to say anything; his new Second Officer was on her like a Bajoran Hawk.  He kept quiet, gesturing for the others to take their stations.  It wasn't until the two continued that he stepped in, with a clearing of his throat.

"Alright, I think you made your point Commander," the Captain said, his voice calm in contrast.  "Take your station," he said gesturing to the Engineering station.  That done, he turned to the Ensign.  "Ensign, there are two things.  First, is when I called for the Senior officers, I meant the Department heads.  So who told you to come to the Bridge?" he asked, giving her an opportunity to answer.  Once that was done, his second point was ready.

"Alright, and two... and very important.  Who said anything about a distress signal?  I certainly hadn't.  And I know no one here was talking to you beforehand.  So what made you think you needed to send out a probe with absolutely no information or even direction?"

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira's suspicious reverie was broken by a row caused by Kesah, whom Nira was absolutely surprised to find on the bridge. She remembered Lieutenant Halverstrom was on leave, Savar had mentioned it a couple of days ago, and technically Lieutenant Cadbury was supposed to be in charge in Halverstrom's absence. The next person in line after Cadbury was Savar...but he had gone to Sickbay. So what in Allah's name was Kesah thinking?!? Nira thought to herself.

The exchange between Lek and Kesah caused Nira to stare cold and hard at her. She was suddenly reminded of when she provoked Commander K'Lizh with her telepathy on the Athena and was reprimanded by Captain Carter shortly thereafter; the incident made Nira all the more determined never to use her telepathy and also brought a fear of Caitians at the same time. Except this was worse. Much worse.

Lek snarling at Kesah made Nira think of K'Lizh snarling at her, and if Nira never knew Lek as much as she never gotten to know K'Lizh better, if she had bore the brunt of Lek's rage, she would've probably attained a fear of Ferengi, regardless of their antics. But most significant as Kesah trying to launch a probe without permission...what was she doing, trying to go over the Captain's head? Nira was never so foolish as to go over anybody's head, even when was still a greenhorn, to coin the human expression.

Then Nira began wondering where Lieutenant Cadbury was, and often shifted her eyes to the turbolift, expecting the deputy CSO to enter the bridge, but she still scowled at Kesah in disapproval.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 30, 2021, 06:19:14 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

While the senior officers arrived, Nevir kept still in his chair.  It wasn't until someone he was not too familiar with suddenly walked on the bridge and proceeded to act as a senior officer that his attention was grabbed.  He didn't have to say anything; his new Second Officer was on her like a Bajoran Hawk.  He kept quiet, gesturing for the others to take their stations.  It wasn't until the two continued that he stepped in, with a clearing of his throat.

"Alright, I think you made your point Commander," the Captain said, his voice calm in contrast.  "Take your station," he said gesturing to the Engineering station.  That done, he turned to the Ensign.  "Ensign, there are two things.  First, is when I called for the Senior officers, I meant the Department heads.  So who told you to come to the Bridge?" he asked, giving her an opportunity to answer.  Once that was done, his second point was ready.

"Alright, and two... and very important.  Who said anything about a distress signal?  I certainly hadn't.  And I know no one here was talking to you beforehand.  So what made you think you needed to send out a probe with absolutely no information or even direction?"

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek stepped back when the captain approached and stiffened as he spoke. Based on the situation there was only one answer possible.

"Aye Sir"

Lek returned to the engineering station and transferred his command codes so that he'd have full access to anything he might need to do. He turned to face the center seat and waited to find out what was going on.

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Don Damien Addams on July 27, 2021, 03:04:23 AM

Don smiled to the newly rank Commander. "I will be right back with your Vulcan brandy," Don replied. He would get anyone their drinks.


[Forward Lounge - USS Discovery]

After the Captain pinned on the new open pip that complemented the two full pips he already had, Lek wasn't sure if his heart would stay in his chest it was beating so fiercely. He had attained his goal. He was now truly a Chief Engineer and he couldn't be prouder. He wasn't so sure about the second officer part, that was additional work that would only serve to drag him from the engine room, but he was certain that he'd be able to fob that off on someone at a later date. Someone that had the knack for command, maybe Addams or Said, but for now, he wouldn't let anything dampen the pride he felt in this moment. Once the ceremony was over, he went and shook the hands of all the others that had been promoted. Except for T'Lara as he knew Vulcans preferred to avoid physical contact to her he said.

"It is pleasing to see you recognized for your accomplishments Commander."

When Addams offered to get drinks, Lek was oblivious to the pilot's jealousy and and simply said.

"Vodka, neat for me."

Once he had his drink, there was only one person he wanted to see and found her tucked away in a corner looking out of one of many windows in the lounge.

[Forward Lounge]

T'Lara gave a neat bow to Don in place of a smile as he grinned at her and went to retrieve her drink. To Lek, she gave a nod.

"I will say the same for you, Lieutenant Commander. It has been an agreeable time spent working with you this last year or so. May we continue to grow in friendship," she attempted some semblance of fondness in her tone, but was not sure if it came across as amiable.

Soon, Don was back with both their drinks and the two males dispersed to be with their significant others. Not having such a thing, T'Lara stayed in her preferred spot, watching those around her. She took a sip of the brandy, taking in the sharp citrus and smooth finish. She did not make a habit of drinking and therefore had no idea if what she had in front of her was "the good stuff." Amidst a moment of contemplation she noticed Tekin leave, and briefly considered joining him. But with Lek preoccupied she decided that at least one commander should remain for chatting with the group as a whole, if said group members desired. They were tiresome, these events. Not physically, but mentally. The Vulcan officer had to constantly think up scenarios and how to best respond to them. Her image did not used to matter, but since becoming an executive officer she worked to maintain a general "likeableness."

The two new crewmembers seemed to be having a conversation, one that she did not necessarily want to interrupt. She decided this by attempting to read their body language, but of course she could be wrong. It was a shame, because now would be the best opportunity to get to know them. Perhaps something like this would happen again. T'Lara continued to people watch for a time, until she got the comm.


[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

It was a quiet period of time.  But finally, the computer chimed.

"Captain, the computer has been able to clean up the signal.... oh my god."

"What is it?"

"Captain... it's a Federation distress signal."

There was silence on the bridge.  The Discovery was supposed to be the first ship out this far.  When did another ship go missing?  When?  Still, the Federation meant their people.. and they were in distress, then needed assistance.  "Understood, keep decoding the message."

"Aye, sir."

Nevir hit the comm on his chair.   =/\= "All senior officers report to the bridge."  =/\=


[Lieutenant Nira Said | Forward Lounge >- Bridge | Deck Six >- Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira decided to return to the conversation and make her proposal with Ariste. This was the perfect opportunity she was waiting for...

"Anyway, Ariste," said Nira, "I wanted to discuss holographic AI with you because I was thinking of bringing in an implementation of the Emergency Command Hologram. It's something necessary I feel for Discovery, in the event of the starship's crew, down to the command staff, taken away or incapacitated in any way, or if a starship unexpectedly went crewless. And with a ship full of holoemitters, it would be perfect. Of course, there hasn't been a technician available from Jupiter Station, but with your expertise at AI, you're just the right person..."

Suddenly, the Captain called for senior officers. Nira instinctively thought in alarm, I knew it! But Nira corrected herself; the fact there wasn't an alarm of any kind, something was up, but there wasn't an attack...yet.

On the way to the bridge, Nira pulled up next to T'Lara, the next best thing and before the opportunity passed, and said, "Ah, T'Lara, if you'll excuse the timing, and my personal congratulations, I've been meaning to bring this up for a while; I wanted to recommend one of my officers for a promotion, Helga Tragnar. Just wanted to bring this to your attention before we get too caught up, but I'll be sure to bring this up when things calm down a little."

Once on the bridge, Nira approached the tactical station where the officer at station, Junior Lieutenant Bivaal, was on hand. "What's going on, Lieutenant?" she asked.

"Automated Distress signal, Chief," Bivaal replied. "Federation origin, near the edge of the galaxy."

Nira pursed her lips as she relieved him. Distress signal? Near the edge of the galaxy? Of Federation origin? Out here in claimed Romulan territory? Nira was immediately suspicious. Naturally, she smelled a trap. Until she saw that it was a Federation starship and determined completely it is, Nira would instantly be on the alert.

[Forward Lounge --> Bridge - USS Discovery]

Just when she was about to join a group, the message came and almost immediately the senior officers started shuffling out. She would have headed straight for the Bridge, only Nira had a matter to discuss. T'Lara refrained from dismissing her with a phrase like "This is not really the best time," or "I would love to discuss this in private," and instead listened as she walked. She paused for just a moment to respond. "Tragnar is certainly worthy of discussion. Please submit the request in writing so I have record of it."

With that, they were on the Bridge and had gone to their respective stations. It was only then that they were made aware of a certain ensign's forwardness and a sort of dressing down ensued.

Quote from: Lek on July 30, 2021, 12:25:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek was by no means a disciplinarian. Despite having a reputation for being grumpy, something he allowed to continue because it fit his role as chief engineer and all chief engineers were considered grumpy. However, when the new science ensign stepped onto the bridge and began imperiously berating the crewman on duty and ordering the launch of a probe, that was one step over the line for Lek.

Perhaps it was his new designation as second officer that made him speak up, he'd like to think it was something that noble, but the fact was, he was annoyed at being called to the bridge while trying to reconnect with Helga that was the real reason.

"Computer! Belay probe launch. Authorization Lek four one gamma eight."

"Authorization confirmed. Launch aborted."

He then stood up and faced the new ensign with an expression that brooked no debate.

"Ensign... whoever you are. What in the Purple Moons of Nimbus do you think you are doing? I'm not sure what academy you attended, but in Starfleet Academy, ensigns to not walk onto the bridge while the Captain and Second Officer are present and begin issuing orders, especially before being briefed on the situation.

"Now what you will do is sit down next to Crewman Montana and observe how bridge operations are supposed to be conducted by an experienced member of the crew. And consider yourself lucky that I haven't put you on report...yet. Do I make myself clear?"

Lek then gave the unknown ensign a hard stare and dared her to question his order.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 30, 2021, 06:19:14 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

While the senior officers arrived, Nevir kept still in his chair.  It wasn't until someone he was not too familiar with suddenly walked on the bridge and proceeded to act as a senior officer that his attention was grabbed.  He didn't have to say anything; his new Second Officer was on her like a Bajoran Hawk.  He kept quiet, gesturing for the others to take their stations.  It wasn't until the two continued that he stepped in, with a clearing of his throat.

"Alright, I think you made your point Commander," the Captain said, his voice calm in contrast.  "Take your station," he said gesturing to the Engineering station.  That done, he turned to the Ensign.  "Ensign, there are two things.  First, is when I called for the Senior officers, I meant the Department heads.  So who told you to come to the Bridge?" he asked, giving her an opportunity to answer.  Once that was done, his second point was ready.

"Alright, and two... and very important.  Who said anything about a distress signal?  I certainly hadn't.  And I know no one here was talking to you beforehand.  So what made you think you needed to send out a probe with absolutely no information or even direction?"

Listening to all of this, the XO made a note to alert HalverstrÁ¶m about Kesah's behavior; for though she was on leave, she still needed to be made aware. Whether she made a decision to return forthwith was up to her. She then contacted Cadbury with a request for clarification on the matter. Lastly she tucked away another task, this time in the off-duty category. To look more closely at Kesah's transfer records. Looking up from her PADD, she finally set her gaze on Tekin.

"Status, Captain?"

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

The new science officer, Ensign Oza had made one interesting first impression on the Bridge. He was shocked how she came on and started to shoot orders and he was not sure what had made her do that. For now, Lek, Lieutenant Commander, had talked to her and the Captain had told them to chill.

That was the Science department and the assistant Science officer had to handle it until the head Department came back from their time off.

[USS Discovery - Forward Lounge]

"œWell, if things do act up. We both will be called on duty," he told Alex. Torra and Don had done great decorations. "œThey got punch," he smiled at Alex. "œYou want some?" He picked up a glass cup, and the ladle.

Ariste Stark

[ USS Discovery - Forward Lounge ]

Ariste let a breath out, as the Ensign Ozal appeared to be called away. Quirking a brow, she nodded to Nira as she was called away as well. "You know where ta find me!" Tilting her head back, she downed the contents of her cup, as her eyes scanned the room. Several more people were called away, slipping out of the party quietly. She might as well take this opportunity to take her leave as well, setting her glass down on the nearest table. Moving quickly, she kept her head down as she strode out to briefly stop back in her quarters.

[ Science Labs ]

Ariste made her way back down to the labs - where she had been before the ceremony. Although now she was in her work clothes. Her boxes were strewn everywhere, moving all of her necessary equipment into a free space. She'd gotten a considerable amount unpacked, but she still had yet to assemble it all. And there was still yet more to be unpacked. Sucking in a deep breath, she moved to begin assembling things, trying to stay out of the officers' way.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 01, 2021, 02:27:15 AM

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

The new science officer, Ensign Oza had made one interesting first impression on the Bridge. He was shocked how she came on and started to shoot orders and he was not sure what had made her do that. For now, Lek, Lieutenant Commander, had talked to her and the Captain had told them to chill.

That was the Science department and the assistant Science officer had to handle it until the head Department came back from their time off.

[USS Discovery - Forward Lounge]

"œWell, if things do act up. We both will be called on duty," he told Alex. Torra and Don had done great decorations. "œThey got punch," he smiled at Alex. "œYou want some?" He picked up a glass cup, and the ladle.

[USS Discovery-forward lounge]

"œYeah I agree but I think that Don will be at the helm this shift. They really outdone themselves I'm going to let them know eventually that they've done such a great job."He got a cup so that he could get some punch.

Luby Wentock

[Sickbay - USS Discovery]

Luby had just about recovered from the delirious happiness at getting her Ensign pip and being allowed to be called 'Doctor' now.  Even if the staff in Medical still called her 'Lubes'.  She wasn't bothered, it was more that she could now feel she truly belonged there and no more enforced study.  Naturally... both because it was in her nature and a sensible thing for any medic to do, she would read up on new procedures, techniques and equipment as well as filling any gaps in her knowledge.

For that reason she was about to start a session with Kestra, the ship's midwife, because although she knew the theory, she wasn't fully up on the practice.

"Hi Kestra, is Ensign Sh'riall around do you know?" she asked

"Um... good question, I haven't seen her but I came straight here cuz you wanted some extra tuition on interspecies pregnancies." Kestra answered.

Ozal Kesah


[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

Kesah stared ahead at the holographic display of her console, studying the charts and allowed Lek's voice to fade into the white noise of her mind. A familiar territory of space, nothing out of the ordinary. Her hands folded into her lap while she continued to dismiss the angry lizard with the bulging eyes and cracked teeth. An ugly species who valued profit over people was not her concern at the moment, her concern was continuing to fly under the radar.

Or so she thought.

A more stern reprimand came from the top of the bridge. Kesah's neck craned over to see the Bajoran captain of the Discovery, Tekin Nevir take his rightful throne. Her body stood upright and at attention, she whipped around quickly to face the voice. Her ridges crinkled in disappointment and a hand settled on the headrest of her seat. Kesah ignored the heat in her chest, the fury that flashed in her eyes with dual reprimand from second officer to captain.

Submission. It was typical of Bajoran men, she saw the way her father had sparred with her mother over words; rhetoric was divisive. The Federation wielded rhetoric well. The Chakrel women of the second house owed everything to their Reverand Mother. Kesah had gone up against the religious figure many times, leaned into the crinkles along her eyelids.

Her father was birthed of the Shakaar Resistance's flames. The Dominion War had ravaged her spirits as a civilian scientist in Federation space. Her eyes darted to the Vulcan commander, brows furrowed despite the fury that her arched brow implied.

"I apologize for my... insolence, Captain. As a cum laude graduate of the University of Bajor with a degree Exobiology, minor in Astrophysics, and Masters in Quantum Physics, I suppose my expertise wasn't required due to... gossip that I overheard at the commencement ceremony." While Kesah was the expert of white lies, she chose to remain still despite the wave of nausea overwhelming her.

Her head bowed to the Ferengi. "Congratulations, Lyoo-ten-ahnt Lick."

Despite the commendation from Deanna Troi as a peace offering between the great houses of Betazed, she still felt like a foolish girl in front of the entire crew. Heat rose to her cheeks but she remained upright in her convictions, in her truths as a Bajoran woman who had been offered as the sacrificial lamb of her family while the other traversed on behalf of government.

The theatrics of it all was a display in itself.

A choke. A sniffle. "I won't do it again," Even though the ensign was hoping to ensnare the captain, she kept mindful of the Vulcan telepath. Barriers were up. That was a secret for another day. An empath and a telepath on board was a dangerous game and if Kesah was good at playing anything, stupid was her forte.

Leaning into her Betazed theatrics, "I did not ahhsk to join the bridge crew for this... endeavor. I was ordered here by Lyoo-ten-ahnt Cod-berry. He was ordered to bed rest by medical as he has been working round the clock to cover shifts for our CSO." And while she wanted to throw in 'for the record', she kept her lips tightly shut.

Her eyes threw daggers at the Vulcan commander, "I won't do it again. I promise."

And like everything else politics had taught her; deny, deny, deny.


Quote from: Ozal Kesah on August 03, 2021, 02:24:24 PM

[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

Kesah stared ahead at the holographic display of her console, studying the charts and allowed Lek's voice to fade into the white noise of her mind. A familiar territory of space, nothing out of the ordinary. Her hands folded into her lap while she continued to dismiss the angry lizard with the bulging eyes and cracked teeth. An ugly species who valued profit over people was not her concern at the moment, her concern was continuing to fly under the radar.

Or so she thought.

A more stern reprimand came from the top of the bridge. Kesah's neck craned over to see the Bajoran captain of the Discovery, Tekin Nevir take his rightful throne. Her body stood upright and at attention, she whipped around quickly to face the voice. Her ridges crinkled in disappointment and a hand settled on the headrest of her seat. Kesah ignored the heat in her chest, the fury that flashed in her eyes with dual reprimand from second officer to captain.

Submission. It was typical of Bajoran men, she saw the way her father had sparred with her mother over words; rhetoric was divisive. The Federation wielded rhetoric well. The Chakrel women of the second house owed everything to their Reverand Mother. Kesah had gone up against the religious figure many times, leaned into the crinkles along her eyelids.

Her father was birthed of the Shakaar Resistance's flames. The Dominion War had ravaged her spirits as a civilian scientist in Federation space. Her eyes darted to the Vulcan commander, brows furrowed despite the fury that her arched brow implied.

"I apologize for my... insolence, Captain. As a cum laude graduate of the University of Bajor with a degree Exobiology, minor in Astrophysics, and Masters in Quantum Physics, I suppose my expertise wasn't required due to... gossip that I overheard at the commencement ceremony." While Kesah was the expert of white lies, she chose to remain still despite the wave of nausea overwhelming her.

Her head bowed to the Ferengi. "Congratulations, Lyoo-ten-ahnt Lick."

Despite the commendation from Deanna Troi as a peace offering between the great houses of Betazed, she still felt like a foolish girl in front of the entire crew. Heat rose to her cheeks but she remained upright in her convictions, in her truths as a Bajoran woman who had been offered as the sacrificial lamb of her family while the other traversed on behalf of government.

The theatrics of it all was a display in itself.

A choke. A sniffle. "I won't do it again," Even though the ensign was hoping to ensnare the captain, she kept mindful of the Vulcan telepath. Barriers were up. That was a secret for another day. An empath and a telepath on board was a dangerous game and if Kesah was good at playing anything, stupid was her forte.

Leaning into her Betazed theatrics, "I did not ahhsk to join the bridge crew for this... endeavor. I was ordered here by Lyoo-ten-ahnt Cod-berry. He was ordered to bed rest by medical as he has been working round the clock to cover shifts for our CSO." And while she wanted to throw in 'for the record', she kept her lips tightly shut.

Her eyes threw daggers at the Vulcan commander, "I won't do it again. I promise."

And like everything else politics had taught her; deny, deny, deny.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek sat in his chair, lips pursed and thought.

"The more this feemale speaks the less I like her. She can't even follow the 33rd Rule of Acquisition properly."

Lek waited until she finished babbling before he replied in a very cold tone.

"For someone with so many distinctions, you are a remarkably slow learner. For the last time Ensign. My rank is Lieutenant Commander! My name is Lek! Ell. E. Kay. Get either wrong again and I will put you on report. And since this is your first mission, I will give you a small bit of advice, if you want there to be a second mission. Talk less and listen more."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ozal Kesah on August 03, 2021, 02:24:24 PM

[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

Kesah stared ahead at the holographic display of her console, studying the charts and allowed Lek's voice to fade into the white noise of her mind. A familiar territory of space, nothing out of the ordinary. Her hands folded into her lap while she continued to dismiss the angry lizard with the bulging eyes and cracked teeth. An ugly species who valued profit over people was not her concern at the moment, her concern was continuing to fly under the radar.

Or so she thought.

A more stern reprimand came from the top of the bridge. Kesah's neck craned over to see the Bajoran captain of the Discovery, Tekin Nevir take his rightful throne. Her body stood upright and at attention, she whipped around quickly to face the voice. Her ridges crinkled in disappointment and a hand settled on the headrest of her seat. Kesah ignored the heat in her chest, the fury that flashed in her eyes with dual reprimand from second officer to captain.

Submission. It was typical of Bajoran men, she saw the way her father had sparred with her mother over words; rhetoric was divisive. The Federation wielded rhetoric well. The Chakrel women of the second house owed everything to their Reverand Mother. Kesah had gone up against the religious figure many times, leaned into the crinkles along her eyelids.

Her father was birthed of the Shakaar Resistance's flames. The Dominion War had ravaged her spirits as a civilian scientist in Federation space. Her eyes darted to the Vulcan commander, brows furrowed despite the fury that her arched brow implied.

"I apologize for my... insolence, Captain. As a cum laude graduate of the University of Bajor with a degree Exobiology, minor in Astrophysics, and Masters in Quantum Physics, I suppose my expertise wasn't required due to... gossip that I overheard at the commencement ceremony." While Kesah was the expert of white lies, she chose to remain still despite the wave of nausea overwhelming her.

Her head bowed to the Ferengi. "Congratulations, Lyoo-ten-ahnt Lick."

Despite the commendation from Deanna Troi as a peace offering between the great houses of Betazed, she still felt like a foolish girl in front of the entire crew. Heat rose to her cheeks but she remained upright in her convictions, in her truths as a Bajoran woman who had been offered as the sacrificial lamb of her family while the other traversed on behalf of government.

The theatrics of it all was a display in itself.

A choke. A sniffle. "I won't do it again," Even though the ensign was hoping to ensnare the captain, she kept mindful of the Vulcan telepath. Barriers were up. That was a secret for another day. An empath and a telepath on board was a dangerous game and if Kesah was good at playing anything, stupid was her forte.

Leaning into her Betazed theatrics, "I did not ahhsk to join the bridge crew for this... endeavor. I was ordered here by Lyoo-ten-ahnt Cod-berry. He was ordered to bed rest by medical as he has been working round the clock to cover shifts for our CSO." And while she wanted to throw in 'for the record', she kept her lips tightly shut.

Her eyes threw daggers at the Vulcan commander, "I won't do it again. I promise."

And like everything else politics had taught her; deny, deny, deny.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain stared long and hard at the new Ensign, his eyes only shifting once to look at her earring.  Lek started up again, and Nevir took that opportunity to sit up.

"I'll let you in on a little secret about me.  It just so happens I hold degrees from Bajor as well.  Geology, meteorology, planetary processes, astronomy, and astrophysics.  This may be a ship designed for combat, but her Captain is a science officer.  I will speak with Mr. Cadbury separately at a later time.  In the meantime, the general rule is this; do not act unless the Captain orders it or asks for it.  It is not your place to take matters into your own hands, nor to criticize others in the crew.  If there is an issue, you take it up the chain of command.  I trust that someone from my alma mater won't make a repeat of this incident." he said, turning back to the front.  At least now the senior staff was in fact hear.

"The reason why I called you to stations is that we did indeed pick up a distress signal.  It's still heavily garbled, but we are decoding it.  What we have been able to figure out is that it's an automatic distress signal, and it's Federation in origin. And its location is deep into unknown territory.  We are currently on course for the source of the signal, but based on it being Federation, this is now a priority.  Lek, we'll need to get engineering teams ready to assess the damage and render assistance.  Obviously, we need to know if it's a go or blow.  Said, we are going to need security to monitor all traffic, and make sure we don't have company.  Plus it would be nice to know the cause of the distress.  Miss Ozal," he said, turning back to the science station.  "Inform medical to have teams standing by, and prepare for injuries and casualties.  In the meantime, keep the sensors active; we don't need to run into anything that will prevent us from rendering aid," he said, looking around the bridge.

"Let's get to work, eta is estimated in two hours.  And Lek, if you decide not to man the bridge station, make sure you have a station connected to the Bridge in Engineering."

With the orders now given, and the ship at warp, it was now a waiting game... or drama.  Whichever came first.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 03, 2021, 06:08:14 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain stared long and hard at the new Ensign, his eyes only shifting once to look at her earring.  Lek started up again, and Nevir took that opportunity to sit up.

"I'll let you in on a little secret about me.  It just so happens I hold degrees from Bajor as well.  Geology, meteorology, planetary processes, astronomy, and astrophysics.  This may be a ship designed for combat, but her Captain is a science officer.  I will speak with Mr. Cadbury separately at a later time.  In the meantime, the general rule is this; do not act unless the Captain orders it or asks for it.  It is not your place to take matters into your own hands, nor to criticize others in the crew.  If there is an issue, you take it up the chain of command.  I trust that someone from my alma mater won't make a repeat of this incident." he said, turning back to the front.  At least now the senior staff was in fact hear.

"The reason why I called you to stations is that we did indeed pick up a distress signal.  It's still heavily garbled, but we are decoding it.  What we have been able to figure out is that it's an automatic distress signal, and it's Federation in origin. And its location is deep into unknown territory.  We are currently on course for the source of the signal, but based on it being Federation, this is now a priority.  Lek, we'll need to get engineering teams ready to assess the damage and render assistance.  Obviously, we need to know if it's a go or blow.  Said, we are going to need security to monitor all traffic, and make sure we don't have company.  Plus it would be nice to know the cause of the distress.  Miss Ozal," he said, turning back to the science station.  "Inform medical to have teams standing by, and prepare for injuries and casualties.  In the meantime, keep the sensors active; we don't need to run into anything that will prevent us from rendering aid," he said, looking around the bridge.

"Let's get to work, eta is estimated in two hours.  And Lek, if you decide not to man the bridge station, make sure you have a station connected to the Bridge in Engineering."

With the orders now given, and the ship at warp, it was now a waiting game... or drama.  Whichever came first.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek dismissed the feemale as a lost cause as it was clear she wouldn't last long in Starfleet regardless of her Bajoran 'accomplishments.' When the Captain spoke, he replied crisply.

"Aye Sir, I'll have three repair teams on standby and will adjust based on what we find. As for staying on the bridge, I believe I will remain myself and see what there is to see. If we can get a better feel for who is out there, we can start replicating parts for that class of ship before we get there to reduce repair time, if there's anything to repair."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Nira Said

Quote from: Ozal Kesah on August 03, 2021, 02:24:24 PM

"I apologize for my... insolence, Captain. As a cum laude graduate of the University of Bajor with a degree Exobiology, minor in Astrophysics, and Masters in Quantum Physics, I suppose my expertise wasn't required due to... gossip that I overheard at the commencement ceremony." While Kesah was the expert of white lies, she chose to remain still despite the wave of nausea overwhelming her.

Her head bowed to the Ferengi. "Congratulations, Lyoo-ten-ahnt Lick."

Despite the commendation from Deanna Troi as a peace offering between the great houses of Betazed, she still felt like a foolish girl in front of the entire crew. Heat rose to her cheeks but she remained upright in her convictions, in her truths as a Bajoran woman who had been offered as the sacrificial lamb of her family while the other traversed on behalf of government.

The theatrics of it all was a display in itself.

A choke. A sniffle. "I won't do it again," Even though the ensign was hoping to ensnare the captain, she kept mindful of the Vulcan telepath. Barriers were up. That was a secret for another day. An empath and a telepath on board was a dangerous game and if Kesah was good at playing anything, stupid was her forte.

Leaning into her Betazed theatrics, "I did not ahhsk to join the bridge crew for this... endeavor. I was ordered here by Lyoo-ten-ahnt Cod-berry. He was ordered to bed rest by medical as he has been working round the clock to cover shifts for our CSO." And while she wanted to throw in 'for the record', she kept her lips tightly shut.

Her eyes threw daggers at the Vulcan commander, "I won't do it again. I promise."

And like everything else politics had taught her; deny, deny, deny.

Quote from: Lek on August 03, 2021, 02:47:36 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek sat in his chair, lips pursed and thought.

"The more this feemale speaks the less I like her. She can't even follow the 33rd Rule of Acquisition properly."

Lek waited until she finished babbling before he replied in a very cold tone.

"For someone with so many distinctions, you are a remarkably slow learner. For the last time Ensign. My rank is Lieutenant Commander! My name is Lek! Ell. E. Kay. Get either wrong again and I will put you on report. And since this is your first mission, I will give you a small bit of advice, if you want there to be a second mission. Talk less and listen more."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 03, 2021, 06:08:14 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain stared long and hard at the new Ensign, his eyes only shifting once to look at her earring.  Lek started up again, and Nevir took that opportunity to sit up.

"I'll let you in on a little secret about me.  It just so happens I hold degrees from Bajor as well.  Geology, meteorology, planetary processes, astronomy, and astrophysics.  This may be a ship designed for combat, but her Captain is a science officer.  I will speak with Mr. Cadbury separately at a later time.  In the meantime, the general rule is this; do not act unless the Captain orders it or asks for it.  It is not your place to take matters into your own hands, nor to criticize others in the crew.  If there is an issue, you take it up the chain of command.  I trust that someone from my alma mater won't make a repeat of this incident." he said, turning back to the front.  At least now the senior staff was in fact hear.

"The reason why I called you to stations is that we did indeed pick up a distress signal.  It's still heavily garbled, but we are decoding it.  What we have been able to figure out is that it's an automatic distress signal, and it's Federation in origin. And its location is deep into unknown territory.  We are currently on course for the source of the signal, but based on it being Federation, this is now a priority.  Lek, we'll need to get engineering teams ready to assess the damage and render assistance.  Obviously, we need to know if it's a go or blow.  Said, we are going to need security to monitor all traffic, and make sure we don't have company.  Plus it would be nice to know the cause of the distress.  Miss Ozal," he said, turning back to the science station.  "Inform medical to have teams standing by, and prepare for injuries and casualties.  In the meantime, keep the sensors active; we don't need to run into anything that will prevent us from rendering aid," he said, looking around the bridge.

"Let's get to work, eta is estimated in two hours.  And Lek, if you decide not to man the bridge station, make sure you have a station connected to the Bridge in Engineering."

With the orders now given, and the ship at warp, it was now a waiting game... or drama.  Whichever came first.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira kept glaring at Kesah. Making errors in rank at Lek, she was begging for trouble. She made a note to talk to Savar about her, see if Savar can do something with helping Lieutenant Cadbury in helping her improve, he was just above her in rank, but directly below Cadbury.

The Captain then spoke, and Nira realized he was talking to a fellow Bajoran...and likely reprimanding a fellow Bajoran. Then he turned to address the senior staff and her attention was rapt. At least there was confirmation in what Lieutenant Bivaal had told her; given what he had heard what was going on on the bridge, but the Captain's words meant confirmation.

And his orders for her, having Security monitor traffic, all while she made sure the distress signal was of Federation origin, that certainly got her interest.

"Aye, sir," said Nira. "And with your permission, can I have Mister Gohun on hand to assist with traffic monitoring?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Ozal Kesah on August 03, 2021, 02:24:24 PM

[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

Kesah stared ahead at the holographic display of her console, studying the charts and allowed Lek's voice to fade into the white noise of her mind. A familiar territory of space, nothing out of the ordinary. Her hands folded into her lap while she continued to dismiss the angry lizard with the bulging eyes and cracked teeth. An ugly species who valued profit over people was not her concern at the moment, her concern was continuing to fly under the radar.

Or so she thought.

A more stern reprimand came from the top of the bridge. Kesah's neck craned over to see the Bajoran captain of the Discovery, Tekin Nevir take his rightful throne. Her body stood upright and at attention, she whipped around quickly to face the voice. Her ridges crinkled in disappointment and a hand settled on the headrest of her seat. Kesah ignored the heat in her chest, the fury that flashed in her eyes with dual reprimand from second officer to captain.

Submission. It was typical of Bajoran men, she saw the way her father had sparred with her mother over words; rhetoric was divisive. The Federation wielded rhetoric well. The Chakrel women of the second house owed everything to their Reverand Mother. Kesah had gone up against the religious figure many times, leaned into the crinkles along her eyelids.

Her father was birthed of the Shakaar Resistance's flames. The Dominion War had ravaged her spirits as a civilian scientist in Federation space. Her eyes darted to the Vulcan commander, brows furrowed despite the fury that her arched brow implied.

"I apologize for my... insolence, Captain. As a cum laude graduate of the University of Bajor with a degree Exobiology, minor in Astrophysics, and Masters in Quantum Physics, I suppose my expertise wasn't required due to... gossip that I overheard at the commencement ceremony." While Kesah was the expert of white lies, she chose to remain still despite the wave of nausea overwhelming her.

Her head bowed to the Ferengi. "Congratulations, Lyoo-ten-ahnt Lick."

Don was facing the hologram at the helm as he can see the screen of space. However, his ears had heard the wise crack rank and 'lick' to Lek. His eye brows rose, and he made a 'o' with his lips. He could not believe a fresh new crew member was acting like a misfit.

Despite the commendation from Deanna Troi as a peace offering between the great houses of Betazed, she still felt like a foolish girl in front of the entire crew. Heat rose to her cheeks but she remained upright in her convictions, in her truths as a Bajoran woman who had been offered as the sacrificial lamb of her family while the other traversed on behalf of government.

The theatrics of it all was a display in itself.

A choke. A sniffle. "I won't do it again," Even though the ensign was hoping to ensnare the captain, she kept mindful of the Vulcan telepath. Barriers were up. That was a secret for another day. An empath and a telepath on board was a dangerous game and if Kesah was good at playing anything, stupid was her forte.

Leaning into her Betazed theatrics, "I did not ahhsk to join the bridge crew for this... endeavor. I was ordered here by Lyoo-ten-ahnt Cod-berry. He was ordered to bed rest by medical as he has been working round the clock to cover shifts for our CSO." And while she wanted to throw in 'for the record', she kept her lips tightly shut.

Her eyes threw daggers at the Vulcan commander, "I won't do it again. I promise."

And like everything else politics had taught her; deny, deny, deny.

After hearing what the Lek said the Ozal Kesah and the Captain had to speak his mind and he explained the mission. Don had to send a private message to Ozal Kesah because he was that sort of fellow.

To: Ensign Ozal Kesah
From: Chief of Flight, Lieutenant Don Addams


You are a science officer. A graduated officer from Starfleet. They teach the protocol of Captain speaks and puts orders. Its a chain of command. I know you are full of excitement with other emotions. But please, for your sake your future career. Try to think before you speak. By doing that and playing it smart. You will be able to gain the respect and trust. Because the Captain and Command staff will not choose you as part of a landing party. When we go on missions we are presenting what Starfleet is. So for your sake. Please think before actions. You might want advance in your career and to do so. One has to show you can obey orders, follow protocol on the bridge.

Sincerely yours,

Lieutenant Addams


Don't miss pronounce rank and names.

🡱 🡳

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.