Season 14, Episode 7: Distressed

Started by Tekin Nevir, July 26, 2021, 07:04:42 PM

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Quote from: Ozal Kesah on August 03, 2021, 02:24:24 PM

[ USS Discovery - Bridge ]

Kesah stared ahead at the holographic display of her console, studying the charts and allowed Lek's voice to fade into the white noise of her mind. A familiar territory of space, nothing out of the ordinary. Her hands folded into her lap while she continued to dismiss the angry lizard with the bulging eyes and cracked teeth. An ugly species who valued profit over people was not her concern at the moment, her concern was continuing to fly under the radar.

Or so she thought.

A more stern reprimand came from the top of the bridge. Kesah's neck craned over to see the Bajoran captain of the Discovery, Tekin Nevir take his rightful throne. Her body stood upright and at attention, she whipped around quickly to face the voice. Her ridges crinkled in disappointment and a hand settled on the headrest of her seat. Kesah ignored the heat in her chest, the fury that flashed in her eyes with dual reprimand from second officer to captain.

Submission. It was typical of Bajoran men, she saw the way her father had sparred with her mother over words; rhetoric was divisive. The Federation wielded rhetoric well. The Chakrel women of the second house owed everything to their Reverand Mother. Kesah had gone up against the religious figure many times, leaned into the crinkles along her eyelids.

Her father was birthed of the Shakaar Resistance's flames. The Dominion War had ravaged her spirits as a civilian scientist in Federation space. Her eyes darted to the Vulcan commander, brows furrowed despite the fury that her arched brow implied.

"I apologize for my... insolence, Captain. As a cum laude graduate of the University of Bajor with a degree Exobiology, minor in Astrophysics, and Masters in Quantum Physics, I suppose my expertise wasn't required due to... gossip that I overheard at the commencement ceremony." While Kesah was the expert of white lies, she chose to remain still despite the wave of nausea overwhelming her.

Her head bowed to the Ferengi. "Congratulations, Lyoo-ten-ahnt Lick."

Despite the commendation from Deanna Troi as a peace offering between the great houses of Betazed, she still felt like a foolish girl in front of the entire crew. Heat rose to her cheeks but she remained upright in her convictions, in her truths as a Bajoran woman who had been offered as the sacrificial lamb of her family while the other traversed on behalf of government.

The theatrics of it all was a display in itself.

A choke. A sniffle. "I won't do it again," Even though the ensign was hoping to ensnare the captain, she kept mindful of the Vulcan telepath. Barriers were up. That was a secret for another day. An empath and a telepath on board was a dangerous game and if Kesah was good at playing anything, stupid was her forte.

Leaning into her Betazed theatrics, "I did not ahhsk to join the bridge crew for this... endeavor. I was ordered here by Lyoo-ten-ahnt Cod-berry. He was ordered to bed rest by medical as he has been working round the clock to cover shifts for our CSO." And while she wanted to throw in 'for the record', she kept her lips tightly shut.

Her eyes threw daggers at the Vulcan commander, "I won't do it again. I promise."

And like everything else politics had taught her; deny, deny, deny.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

T'Lara could see that Kesah was challenging the CLOs a little. She could see past the emotional lie, the show the science ensign was putting on. There were many things she could say, things she would have discussed in a private meeting if she was the chief science officer. But those days were over, so all she could do was talk to Cadbury and HalverstrÁ¶m. For now Tekin had control of the situation, and Lek was letting his emotions take the lead in his contribution. However, for her last statement, an almost plea for mercy, Kesah had her gaze on the XO. Before Tekin launched into an explanation of their situation, T'Lara stepped closer to the science ensign and spoke softly.

"It seems you are quite adamant on that declaration. Your credentials have me surmising that this was not an innocent error. I will be checking to see if your story is correct. Because you have recently transferred, I have no existing judgement of your character. If I find that you have indeed broken protocol, that judgement will be less than satisfactory. Your statement should therefore be a true one."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 03, 2021, 06:08:14 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain stared long and hard at the new Ensign, his eyes only shifting once to look at her earring.  Lek started up again, and Nevir took that opportunity to sit up.

"I'll let you in on a little secret about me.  It just so happens I hold degrees from Bajor as well.  Geology, meteorology, planetary processes, astronomy, and astrophysics.  This may be a ship designed for combat, but her Captain is a science officer.  I will speak with Mr. Cadbury separately at a later time.  In the meantime, the general rule is this; do not act unless the Captain orders it or asks for it.  It is not your place to take matters into your own hands, nor to criticize others in the crew.  If there is an issue, you take it up the chain of command.  I trust that someone from my alma mater won't make a repeat of this incident." he said, turning back to the front.  At least now the senior staff was in fact hear.

"The reason why I called you to stations is that we did indeed pick up a distress signal.  It's still heavily garbled, but we are decoding it.  What we have been able to figure out is that it's an automatic distress signal, and it's Federation in origin. And its location is deep into unknown territory.  We are currently on course for the source of the signal, but based on it being Federation, this is now a priority.  Lek, we'll need to get engineering teams ready to assess the damage and render assistance.  Obviously, we need to know if it's a go or blow.  Said, we are going to need security to monitor all traffic, and make sure we don't have company.  Plus it would be nice to know the cause of the distress.  Miss Ozal," he said, turning back to the science station.  "Inform medical to have teams standing by, and prepare for injuries and casualties.  In the meantime, keep the sensors active; we don't need to run into anything that will prevent us from rendering aid," he said, looking around the bridge.

"Let's get to work, eta is estimated in two hours.  And Lek, if you decide not to man the bridge station, make sure you have a station connected to the Bridge in Engineering."

With the orders now given, and the ship at warp, it was now a waiting game... or drama.  Whichever came first.

When her piece had been said, she walked quietly back to her post and listened as Tekin brought light to the other subject at hand. It seemed some work had to be done before they knew exactly what they were dealing with; work that did not directly involve her. She sat back down and attempted to provide tips to science on the best ways to get the answers they needed. Other than that, she was also forced to wait. 

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Tekin Nevir

Captain's Log, Supplemental

We have reached the system with the distress call and are en route to the 2nd planet of this 3 planet system.  There is absolutely no data for this region of space as it wasn't a part of the border survey.  Confusing still, the message we received has still evaded the computer's ability to decode it.  At several points, Mr. Banan confided privately that the computer would suddenly stop its analysis, and force him to resume it.  In the state the message is in, this doesn't surprise me too much.  It is more frustrating that the computer is treating it like a discarded message.  If its jumbled enough, the computer may just be checking against the signal database and removing it.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

As the planet itself came into range, the Captain ordered it on screen.  It looked like a decently lush world that was probably in the mists of an ice age... or that the planet's distance was far enough that its polar and mid-latitude sections were white with snow and ice.

At this distance, they didn't need to track the distress signal, they were able t find it with their own sensors, which s exactly what Nevir ordered.

"Miss Said... what do we have?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 09, 2021, 06:08:02 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

As the planet itself came into range, the Captain ordered it on screen.  It looked like a decently lush world that was probably in the mists of an ice age... or that the planet's distance was far enough that its polar and mid-latitude sections were white with snow and ice.

At this distance, they didn't need to track the distress signal, they were able t find it with their own sensors, which s exactly what Nevir ordered.

"Miss Said... what do we have?"

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira had immediately set to work with the sensors. She was still wary of a trap, and as such she was prepared to expect a Federation ship crippled by an unknown enemy or a trap ready to be sprung with the aforementioned Federation ship. She was not expecting what the computer told her.

"I have where the distress signal's originating," said Nira. "It's in a mountain valley, up in the planet's northern hemisphere...which, of course, means it's trapped on the icy part of the planet. Fortunately, the planet's atmosphere is breathable, given high concentrations of CO2, even if it is a Class L, though it is at the edge of its star's habitable zone; there's more flora than there is fauna, but given the ice age look of the planet..."

She left the sentence hanging as she analyzed the distress signal. The computer seemed to be having trouble discerning the distress signal...almost as if it was confused.

"The distress signal is definitely of Federation origin," she said. "It's definitely a Federation ship...the computer's trying to work out what it is, I don't know why it's so slow with..."

The results came back with the beeping; the computer has finished its analysis.

"The computer has finished analyzing," she said, "It has identified the shi...Oh. Good. Allah," she said in surprise, gobsmacked with what she saw. With every word she spoke next, her brow furrowed in confusion, and by the time she was finished, her eyebrows were so scrunched together in surprised confusion that, had they scrunched further, they would've connected to a unibrow: " Name: USS...Discovery."

She was absolutely flummoxed. What the hell was this? No wonder the computer was so slow with its analysis, perhaps it was more gobsmacked than Nira was. Once again, hypotheses scrambled through her head. She still considered the possibility it was a trap, but it looked like a stupid one; at least, those who set the trap, if they were expecting a starship to pick up Discovery's signal...they wouldn't be expecting Discovery itself. But if it wasn't a trap, was this some sort of time distortion?

She shook her head to clear her mind of hypotheses, but she just still stared at the viewscreen, gazing in surprise at the planet below, jaw dropped after the last word, still in surprise, enough that, if she wasn't in good mental health, she would've been in catatonia with the amount of surprise she had gotten.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was summoned to monitor the situation in order to best deploy security. He thought about the situation and came to the conclusion that he thought it was an elaborate trap. With that in mind he also looked at the incoming hails and noticed it sure looked Star Fleet. But he was security and could not take anything at face value.

Everett Wynters

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Orders had come down the pipe. It was quick and clean, engineering repair crews on standby, situation unknown, be ready for anything. Gear had been pulled out and set up, quick grab bags of basic supplies to do repairs on damned near anything. Everett Wynters had been selected to be on one of the crews sent to deal with whatever disaster had been given to them. He rolled his shoulders, the familiar weight of his gear upon himself. It was only a matter of time before they got new details. It was a waiting game now, being put on stand by, shuffled as needed during the flight to the location. While he had not been given any information, he was still ready to go.

When his rotation came back up, he took a seat near the rapid deployment group, looking over his padd once more. Another failure in terms of what he could do, but it was still valued data. He had a mind bursting with ideas, and while many of them might not be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but innovation was something he knew that was the hallmark of any engineer of note. He looked at the padd for a moment, shutting off the basic simulation and going to his notes, noting where he had failed and what happened, before his eyes traveling to the next set of ideas he had. Perhaps in time, he could bring things to the Chief, maybe get authorization to attempt some of his experiments. He set his padd in his bag, taking a deep breath and looking at the people on the crew he was going to deploy with. Sure, it might be hours, but anything that was minor that didn't have any emergency need could wait, as much as he wanted to keep himself from being idle.

He was roused from his mind wandering to be told they had arrived, and a heightened state of readiness was prepared. He stood up, grabbing his gear and was glad to move a little. The others looked at him like he was crazy, but he hated being idle. "œJust ready to move, nothing more, nothing less."

Luby Wentock

[Sickbay - side room]

Luby had her eyes fixed so firmly on her PADD since she was reading something in a medical journal, that Kestra had to physically shake her to get the Ensign to actually acknowledge her.

"4 times, I've called you... that must be really interesting!" the head nurse said with a grin.

"Sorry Kestra, I thought studying would stop once I graduated.  I've come to discover you study almost more, but the only exam we have on it is if we ever have to use that knowledge in some situation... mostly.  I mean I don't mind training up on a new procedure or bit of equipment that might be for routine stuff." Luby said wiping her eyes with thumb and forefinger then pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Well, while you learn a lot at Academy and it might be all you ever need if you're lucky, you gain a lot more with hands on experience and your own research.  Plus think about it... you're in your twenties, there's a good chance you couldn't read before you were 2 or 3 years old, and even at that point you were unlikely to be reading more than fairy stories... so let's say you maybe learnt some basic first aid from your parents, possibly from you or siblings getting into scrapes while playing!  That knowledge will be retained ... used later when you have to patch up younger siblings and parents aren't around.  But book learning... that wouldn't start properly in the terms of you eventually becoming a doctor until you were at school.  And even then it wouldn't be until you finished high school that you could dedicate your brain to medical science.... erm... I mean..."

Kestra started giggling as Luby started walking with a lumbering gait, arms outstretched at shoulder height, hands hanging limp from the wrist and staring eyes chanting "Brains, brains..."

"I didn't mean your brain had been used for a medical experiment and you needed one, Silly!  But I needed the laugh... I mean you know... applying it solely to medical stuff rather than it having to compete with history and geography or whatever too!  Then you have this pesky thing you need to do called sleep, and eat and... well you get the idea, even if, after high school you were even physically able to dedicate 24/7/365 to learning medicine... you couldn't learn it all, maybe not even in your entire lifetime unless maybe if you were an El-Aurian!"  Kestra smiled and jerked her head at the PADD.

"What had you so engrossed?"

"Interspecies impregnation and care of the pregnancy... complicated stuff cuz even the species where it's feasible, they still hold their own complications!" Luby said with a sigh.

"Sweetie... all pregnancies come with some degree of risk even in fit healthy, same species pregnancies...our job is just to keep the risk down, but it's one of the most unpredictable things we can learn about.  You'll get more confident about it with practice and reading all you can about it is a great idea.  But for now, Miss... you need a break.  You're no use to anyone if you're half asleep and hungry.  Did you have breakfast?  Pretty sure you didn't so... Coffee and some bacon sandwiches I made you!" the older woman smiled.

"Kestra, you're a life saver!  And if nothing comes in I'll recalibrate the biobeds and charge tricorders for a while!  Mind-bogglingly boring but I need to give my poor noggin a break!" Luby smiled, biting into a bacon sandwich.   "Mmmm, nectar of the Gods!"

"Good, plan, enjoy and if I don't see you don't something out here in the main Sickbay inside 20 mins I'll come turf you out and lock the door!"

"No worries I'll be out soon as I've had this... don't think it would be a good look me stuffing my face... a mug of Ratkajino I think most people would accept!"


Quote from: Nira Said on August 09, 2021, 07:00:46 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira had immediately set to work with the sensors. She was still wary of a trap, and as such she was prepared to expect a Federation ship crippled by an unknown enemy or a trap ready to be sprung with the aforementioned Federation ship. She was not expecting what the computer told her.

"I have where the distress signal's originating," said Nira. "It's in a mountain valley, up in the planet's northern hemisphere...which, of course, means it's trapped on the icy part of the planet. Fortunately, the planet's atmosphere is breathable, given high concentrations of CO2, even if it is a Class L, though it is at the edge of its star's habitable zone; there's more flora than there is fauna, but given the ice age look of the planet..."

She left the sentence hanging as she analyzed the distress signal. The computer seemed to be having trouble discerning the distress signal...almost as if it was confused.

"The distress signal is definitely of Federation origin," she said. "It's definitely a Federation ship...the computer's trying to work out what it is, I don't know why it's so slow with..."

The results came back with the beeping; the computer has finished its analysis.

"The computer has finished analyzing," she said, "It has identified the shi...Oh. Good. Allah," she said in surprise, gobsmacked with what she saw. With every word she spoke next, her brow furrowed in confusion, and by the time she was finished, her eyebrows were so scrunched together in surprised confusion that, had they scrunched further, they would've connected to a unibrow: " Name: USS...Discovery."

She was absolutely flummoxed. What the hell was this? No wonder the computer was so slow with its analysis, perhaps it was more gobsmacked than Nira was. Once again, hypotheses scrambled through her head. She still considered the possibility it was a trap, but it looked like a stupid one; at least, those who set the trap, if they were expecting a starship to pick up Discovery's signal...they wouldn't be expecting Discovery itself. But if it wasn't a trap, was this some sort of time distortion?

She shook her head to clear her mind of hypotheses, but she just still stared at the viewscreen, gazing in surprise at the planet below, jaw dropped after the last word, still in surprise, enough that, if she wasn't in good mental health, she would've been in catatonia with the amount of surprise she had gotten.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

When Nira reported the identity of the wrecked ship, Lek's head snapped so fast in her direction that he felt his neck twinge in protest. He sat there open mouthed and found everything on the bridge had become a muddled mass of incoherent sounds and images. It took several seconds before his portion of the universe and the rest of it caught up and he could process what was going on around him. As he'd always been fascinated by temporal mechanics, this situation fit into that realm and thinking in four dimensions made the impossible, all too possible. Now that he felt he had a place in this space time continuum, he could now comment and have the words come out in a form that would make sense to others.

"Sir, I think we have a temporal split here. I don't know if it hasn't happened yet or has and we don't know it has, but clearly we are or will be facing an event that causes us to crash on this planet. Basic temporal mechanics and multi-dimensional theory tells us that in some dimension, every decision point happens. For example, in one dimension, we immediately withdraw and ask another ship to look into this. In another, we make standard orbit and conduct our own investigation, and in at least one of those dimensions, the Discovery ends up in that mountain valley.

Lek paused and cringed.

"I knew I should have kept searching for T'hunga influence. I stopped on deck ten. This could be my fault. At the very least Sir, we know Alpha and Beta hull are not compromised. I will get crews working on Gamma hull right away."

Lek tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to repair teams one, three, and four. You are to begin an in depth, by hand inspection of all systems starting with deck eleven. For specifics, consult with Crewman Wynters, who knows what to look for. Lek out." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Nira Said on August 09, 2021, 07:00:46 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira had immediately set to work with the sensors. She was still wary of a trap, and as such she was prepared to expect a Federation ship crippled by an unknown enemy or a trap ready to be sprung with the aforementioned Federation ship. She was not expecting what the computer told her.

"I have where the distress signal's originating," said Nira. "It's in a mountain valley, up in the planet's northern hemisphere...which, of course, means it's trapped on the icy part of the planet. Fortunately, the planet's atmosphere is breathable, given high concentrations of CO2, even if it is a Class L, though it is at the edge of its star's habitable zone; there's more flora than there is fauna, but given the ice age look of the planet..."

She left the sentence hanging as she analyzed the distress signal. The computer seemed to be having trouble discerning the distress signal...almost as if it was confused.

"The distress signal is definitely of Federation origin," she said. "It's definitely a Federation ship...the computer's trying to work out what it is, I don't know why it's so slow with..."

The results came back with the beeping; the computer has finished its analysis.

"The computer has finished analyzing," she said, "It has identified the shi...Oh. Good. Allah," she said in surprise, gobsmacked with what she saw. With every word she spoke next, her brow furrowed in confusion, and by the time she was finished, her eyebrows were so scrunched together in surprised confusion that, had they scrunched further, they would've connected to a unibrow: " Name: USS...Discovery."

She was absolutely flummoxed. What the hell was this? No wonder the computer was so slow with its analysis, perhaps it was more gobsmacked than Nira was. Once again, hypotheses scrambled through her head. She still considered the possibility it was a trap, but it looked like a stupid one; at least, those who set the trap, if they were expecting a starship to pick up Discovery's signal...they wouldn't be expecting Discovery itself. But if it wasn't a trap, was this some sort of time distortion?

She shook her head to clear her mind of hypotheses, but she just still stared at the viewscreen, gazing in surprise at the planet below, jaw dropped after the last word, still in surprise, enough that, if she wasn't in good mental health, she would've been in catatonia with the amount of surprise she had gotten.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

The odds of the identification Nira read off being there own were unsurprisingly not high. However, given their past experiences with temporal anomalies they could possibly be a little higher. The unfortunate reality was that this version of themselves, probably their future, was in distress. Unless it was a faulty or fabricated reading, they had to be extra careful with how they were going to approach this. She glanced at Nira and the captain, wondering what their thoughts were on how to proceed.

"Life signs?" She asked simply. They needed to know everything about the crew of that ship, whether it was actually them or not.

Quote from: Lek on August 10, 2021, 11:02:32 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

When Nira reported the identity of the wrecked ship, Lek's head snapped so fast in her direction that he felt his neck twinge in protest. He sat there open mouthed and found everything on the bridge had become a muddled mass of incoherent sounds and images. It took several seconds before his portion of the universe and the rest of it caught up and he could process what was going on around him. As he'd always been fascinated by temporal mechanics, this situation fit into that realm and thinking in four dimensions made the impossible, all too possible. Now that he felt he had a place in this space time continuum, he could now comment and have the words come out in a form that would make sense to others.

"Sir, I think we have a temporal split here. I don't know if it hasn't happened yet or has and we don't know it has, but clearly we are or will be facing an event that causes us to crash on this planet. Basic temporal mechanics and multi-dimensional theory tells us that in some dimension, every decision point happens. For example, in one dimension, we immediately withdraw and ask another ship to look into this. In another, we make standard orbit and conduct our own investigation, and in at least one of those dimensions, the Discovery ends up in that mountain valley.

Lek paused and cringed.

"I knew I should have kept searching for Thunga influence. I stopped on deck ten. This could be my fault. At the very least Sir, we know Alpha and Beta hull are not compromised. I can get crews working on Gamma hull right away if you want."

Lek seemed to be entirely certain the ship sending the distress signal was indeed them. T'Lara trusted his judgement, though she herself was open to other possibilities. In light of this fact, she crept back to the science console and began doing her own analysis of the distress signal and the planet, conferring with ops and science. If the Thunga were involved they would have something tangible to combat, but if it was something else they could not go in blindly.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

"That is one planet I would not want to be on," Don had shared to the bridge. He had wondered who would want to live here. Then he recalled certain species can easily live on a planet like ahead of them.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 09, 2021, 07:00:46 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira had immediately set to work with the sensors. She was still wary of a trap, and as such she was prepared to expect a Federation ship crippled by an unknown enemy or a trap ready to be sprung with the aforementioned Federation ship. She was not expecting what the computer told her.

"I have where the distress signal's originating," said Nira. "It's in a mountain valley, up in the planet's northern hemisphere...which, of course, means it's trapped on the icy part of the planet. Fortunately, the planet's atmosphere is breathable, given high concentrations of CO2, even if it is a Class L, though it is at the edge of its star's habitable zone; there's more flora than there is fauna, but given the ice age look of the planet..."

And....the silence felt it was frozen on that planet.

She left the sentence hanging as she analyzed the distress signal. The computer seemed to be having trouble discerning the distress signal...almost as if it was confused.

"The distress signal is definitely of Federation origin," she said. "It's definitely a Federation ship...the computer's trying to work out what it is, I don't know why it's so slow with..."

Moments of pause are time killers.

The results came back with the beeping; the computer has finished its analysis.

"The computer has finished analyzing," she said, "It has identified the shi...Oh. Good. Allah," she said in surprise, gobsmacked with what she saw.

Now Don had to look around wondering what was up!

With every word she spoke next, her brow furrowed in confusion, and by the time she was finished, her eyebrows were so scrunched together in surprised confusion that, had they scrunched further, they would've connected to a unibrow: " Name: USS...Discovery."

No way. How can that be? Another Discovery... Don had slowly looked at the planet. He was in disbelief.

She was absolutely flummoxed. What the hell was this? No wonder the computer was so slow with its analysis, perhaps it was more gobsmacked than Nira was. Once again, hypotheses scrambled through her head. She still considered the possibility it was a trap, but it looked like a stupid one; at least, those who set the trap, if they were expecting a starship to pick up Discovery's signal...they wouldn't be expecting Discovery itself. But if it wasn't a trap, was this some sort of time distortion?

She shook her head to clear her mind of hypotheses, but she just still stared at the viewscreen, gazing in surprise at the planet below, jaw dropped after the last word, still in surprise, enough that, if she wasn't in good mental health, she would've been in catatonia with the amount of surprise she had gotten.

Quote from: Lek on August 10, 2021, 11:02:32 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

When Nira reported the identity of the wrecked ship, Lek's head snapped so fast in her direction that he felt his neck twinge in protest. He sat there open mouthed and found everything on the bridge had become a muddled mass of incoherent sounds and images. It took several seconds before his portion of the universe and the rest of it caught up and he could process what was going on around him. As he'd always been fascinated by temporal mechanics, this situation fit into that realm and thinking in four dimensions made the impossible, all too possible. Now that he felt he had a place in this space time continuum, he could now comment and have the words come out in a form that would make sense to others.

"Sir, I think we have a temporal split here. I don't know if it hasn't happened yet or has and we don't know it has, but clearly we are or will be facing an event that causes us to crash on this planet. Basic temporal mechanics and multi-dimensional theory tells us that in some dimension, every decision point happens. For example, in one dimension, we immediately withdraw and ask another ship to look into this. In another, we make standard orbit and conduct our own investigation, and in at least one of those dimensions, the Discovery ends up in that mountain valley.

Don was wondering what would cause their...temporal...mirror ship to crash. He was quickly thinking tactics of what he would do. I mean there was picture of failure right front of them. He licked his lips thinking many ways.

Lek paused and cringed.

"I knew I should have kept searching for Thunga influence. I stopped on deck ten. This could be my fault. At the very least Sir, we know Alpha and Beta hull are not compromised. I can get crews working on Gamma hull right away if you want."

Quote from: T'Lara on August 10, 2021, 07:37:09 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

The odds of the identification Nira read off being there own were unsurprisingly not high. However, given their past experiences with temporal anomalies they could possibly be a little higher. The unfortunate reality was that this version of themselves, probably their future, was in distress. Unless it was a faulty or fabricated reading, they had to be extra careful with how they were going to approach this. She glanced at Nira and the captain, wondering what their thoughts were on how to proceed.

"Life signs?" She asked simply. They needed to know everything about the crew of that ship, whether it was actually them or not.

Lek seemed to be entirely certain the ship sending the distress signal was indeed them. T'Lara trusted his judgement, though she herself was open to other possibilities. In light of this fact, she crept back to the science console and began doing her own analysis of the distress signal and the planet, conferring with ops and science. If the Thunga were involved they would have something tangible to combat, but if it was something else they could not go in blindly.

A truly good question so he had turned his head to the operations station to see if they were able to find.

This was  small wonder itself. They were getting a distress signal which was from their twin version. He had no mind exploring but he admit. He hated these events. They just blow things out of the water.

Don had nothing to say because he was the pilot. Other people had specialized skills and each one had done their job. Everyone was a cog wheel to make a fine machine to run smooth. Throw in a 'newly cadet' throwing orders can try to disengage a cog wheel.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Nira Said on August 09, 2021, 07:00:46 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira had immediately set to work with the sensors. She was still wary of a trap, and as such she was prepared to expect a Federation ship crippled by an unknown enemy or a trap ready to be sprung with the aforementioned Federation ship. She was not expecting what the computer told her.

"I have where the distress signal's originating," said Nira. "It's in a mountain valley, up in the planet's northern hemisphere...which, of course, means it's trapped on the icy part of the planet. Fortunately, the planet's atmosphere is breathable, given high concentrations of CO2, even if it is a Class L, though it is at the edge of its star's habitable zone; there's more flora than there is fauna, but given the ice age look of the planet..."

She left the sentence hanging as she analyzed the distress signal. The computer seemed to be having trouble discerning the distress signal...almost as if it was confused.

"The distress signal is definitely of Federation origin," she said. "It's definitely a Federation ship...the computer's trying to work out what it is, I don't know why it's so slow with..."

The results came back with the beeping; the computer has finished its analysis.

"The computer has finished analyzing," she said, "It has identified the shi...Oh. Good. Allah," she said in surprise, gobsmacked with what she saw. With every word she spoke next, her brow furrowed in confusion, and by the time she was finished, her eyebrows were so scrunched together in surprised confusion that, had they scrunched further, they would've connected to a unibrow: " Name: USS...Discovery."

She was absolutely flummoxed. What the hell was this? No wonder the computer was so slow with its analysis, perhaps it was more gobsmacked than Nira was. Once again, hypotheses scrambled through her head. She still considered the possibility it was a trap, but it looked like a stupid one; at least, those who set the trap, if they were expecting a starship to pick up Discovery's signal...they wouldn't be expecting Discovery itself. But if it wasn't a trap, was this some sort of time distortion?

She shook her head to clear her mind of hypotheses, but she just still stared at the viewscreen, gazing in surprise at the planet below, jaw dropped after the last word, still in surprise, enough that, if she wasn't in good mental health, she would've been in catatonia with the amount of surprise she had gotten.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The silence on the bridge was palpable.  For the second time today, an impossible realization was revealed.  Nevir stared out of the viewscreen in a state of shock, unable to really believe what he heard.  It was their ship, down to the letter B.  He didn't want to, but he was sure if he had visual sensors magnify the location, he would see a Prometheus class vessel too.  Every Captain was trained on this type of situation, but the odds were supposed to be astronomically low that they would encounter this type of situation. Temporal displacement?  Definitely.  Anachronistic Ship contact?  Certainly.  Seeing a duplicate of your ship?  Much less likely.  And yet... here he was.  Here they were.

Quote from: T'Lara on August 10, 2021, 07:37:09 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

The odds of the identification Nira read off being there own were unsurprisingly not high. However, given their past experiences with temporal anomalies they could possibly be a little higher. The unfortunate reality was that this version of themselves, probably their future, was in distress. Unless it was a faulty or fabricated reading, they had to be extra careful with how they were going to approach this. She glanced at Nira and the captain, wondering what their thoughts were on how to proceed.

"Life signs?" She asked simply. They needed to know everything about the crew of that ship, whether it was actually them or not.

Lek seemed to be entirely certain the ship sending the distress signal was indeed them. T'Lara trusted his judgement, though she herself was open to other possibilities. In light of this fact, she crept back to the science console and began doing her own analysis of the distress signal and the planet, conferring with ops and science. If the Thunga were involved they would have something tangible to combat, but if it was something else they could not go in blindly.

Quote from: Lek on August 10, 2021, 11:02:32 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

When Nira reported the identity of the wrecked ship, Lek's head snapped so fast in her direction that he felt his neck twinge in protest. He sat there open mouthed and found everything on the bridge had become a muddled mass of incoherent sounds and images. It took several seconds before his portion of the universe and the rest of it caught up and he could process what was going on around him. As he'd always been fascinated by temporal mechanics, this situation fit into that realm and thinking in four dimensions made the impossible, all too possible. Now that he felt he had a place in this space time continuum, he could now comment and have the words come out in a form that would make sense to others.

"Sir, I think we have a temporal split here. I don't know if it hasn't happened yet or has and we don't know it has, but clearly we are or will be facing an event that causes us to crash on this planet. Basic temporal mechanics and multi-dimensional theory tells us that in some dimension, every decision point happens. For example, in one dimension, we immediately withdraw and ask another ship to look into this. In another, we make standard orbit and conduct our own investigation, and in at least one of those dimensions, the Discovery ends up in that mountain valley.

Lek paused and cringed.

"I knew I should have kept searching for Thunga influence. I stopped on deck ten. This could be my fault. At the very least Sir, we know Alpha and Beta hull are not compromised. I can get crews working on Gamma hull right away if you want."

The Captain wouldn't speak until Nira answered the First Officer, but once she did... it only made him even MORE uncomfortable.  His Chief Engineer was already taking responsibility for... what exactly?  But the Captain only raised his hand as a response to the Ferengi.

"Temporal Uncertainty Protocol, Mr. Lek.  If this is a result of the T'Hunga, then sending crews as well as you to search the rest of the ship may end up sending us there.  We will keep on our current course until there is cause to diverge from it." he said, standing up.

"Number One, take an away team to investigate.  See if that is really... us.  Lek, Nira, Don, you three go with her.  Take minimal security; the less amount of crew knowing, the better.  We treat this like any other Federation ship.  Understood?" he ordered, crossing his arms as he stood before the viewscreen. 

Nira Said

Quote from: Lek on August 10, 2021, 11:02:32 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

When Nira reported the identity of the wrecked ship, Lek's head snapped so fast in her direction that he felt his neck twinge in protest. He sat there open mouthed and found everything on the bridge had become a muddled mass of incoherent sounds and images. It took several seconds before his portion of the universe and the rest of it caught up and he could process what was going on around him. As he'd always been fascinated by temporal mechanics, this situation fit into that realm and thinking in four dimensions made the impossible, all too possible. Now that he felt he had a place in this space time continuum, he could now comment and have the words come out in a form that would make sense to others.

"Sir, I think we have a temporal split here. I don't know if it hasn't happened yet or has and we don't know it has, but clearly we are or will be facing an event that causes us to crash on this planet. Basic temporal mechanics and multi-dimensional theory tells us that in some dimension, every decision point happens. For example, in one dimension, we immediately withdraw and ask another ship to look into this. In another, we make standard orbit and conduct our own investigation, and in at least one of those dimensions, the Discovery ends up in that mountain valley.

Lek paused and cringed.

"I knew I should have kept searching for Thunga influence. I stopped on deck ten. This could be my fault. At the very least Sir, we know Alpha and Beta hull are not compromised. I can get crews working on Gamma hull right away if you want."

Quote from: T'Lara on August 10, 2021, 07:37:09 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

The odds of the identification Nira read off being there own were unsurprisingly not high. However, given their past experiences with temporal anomalies they could possibly be a little higher. The unfortunate reality was that this version of themselves, probably their future, was in distress. Unless it was a faulty or fabricated reading, they had to be extra careful with how they were going to approach this. She glanced at Nira and the captain, wondering what their thoughts were on how to proceed.

"Life signs?" She asked simply. They needed to know everything about the crew of that ship, whether it was actually them or not.

Lek seemed to be entirely certain the ship sending the distress signal was indeed them. T'Lara trusted his judgement, though she herself was open to other possibilities. In light of this fact, she crept back to the science console and began doing her own analysis of the distress signal and the planet, conferring with ops and science. If the Thunga were involved they would have something tangible to combat, but if it was something else they could not go in blindly.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 11, 2021, 08:53:29 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The silence on the bridge was palpable.  For the second time today, an impossible realization was revealed.  Nevir stared out of the viewscreen in a state of shock, unable to really believe what he heard.  It was their ship, down to the letter B.  He didn't want to, but he was sure if he had visual sensors magnify the location, he would see a Prometheus class vessel too.  Every Captain was trained on this type of situation, but the odds were supposed to be astronomically low that they would encounter this type of situation. Temporal displacement?  Definitely.  Anachronistic Ship contact?  Certainly.  Seeing a duplicate of your ship?  Much less likely.  And yet... here he was.  Here they were.

The Captain wouldn't speak until Nira answered the First Officer, but once she did... it only made him even MORE uncomfortable.  His Chief Engineer was already taking responsibility for... what exactly?  But the Captain only raised his hand as a response to the Ferengi.

"Temporal Uncertainty Protocol, Mr. Lek.  If this is a result of the T'Hunga, then sending crews as well as you to search the rest of the ship may end up sending us there.  We will keep on our current course until there is cause to diverge from it." he said, standing up.

"Number One, take an away team to investigate.  See if that is really... us.  Lek, Nira, Don, you three go with her.  Take minimal security; the less amount of crew knowing, the better.  We treat this like any other Federation ship.  Understood?" he ordered, crossing his arms as he stood before the viewscreen.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira was shook back to reality by Lek's words. She remembered seeing him working during an inspection of the torpedoes, but his mention of the T'hunga, and that there was likely some influence that he missed, made her squirm inside. She hated to meet a T'hunga again, in that she didn't want to come out of it mentally scarred; three months worth of weekly neuropressure sessions with Savar weren't for nothing, but to her, the T'hunga mind control was scarring. Nira was a little surprised, she would've expected Lek to have finished by now, three months after returning to the present, three months after chasing subspace terrorists...for want of a better word.

T'Lara's call for a scan called Nira back to the sensors and she scanned for lifesigns. Once the analysis was complete, she looked back up at T'Lara, a grim expression on her face.

"None," she said simply. "No. Life. Signs." She spoke slowly because she was still shocked, and the shock had increased further at finding the result, added to the unease of the possibility of the T'hunga's involvement...or if something planted by the T'hunga onto Discovery was responsible.

The Captain calling for an away mission including Nira definitely jolted her out of her shocked reverie. She was now fixed with determination. Much as she was expecting to find lifeless...them, a part of her was still expecting a trap, but now she was expecting T'hunga instead of Romulans. She tapped her boots to make sure her knives were sheathed, and she heard a slight metal tinking that indicated that there were. And she already knew who to bring for minimal security.

"Aye, sir," said Nira, then she tapped her comm badge as she made her way to the turbolift, following T'Lara, Lek and Don.  =/\="Lieutenant Said to Mister Gohun. Report to Deck Six, Mister Gohun, you'll be informed which transporter room. Stop by the armory on the way and bring along the usual phasers. And a compression rifle for myself." =/\=

As much as Nira looked to be too heavily armed, or looked potentially paranoid about the T'hunga, she had good reason: she was so taken by surprise by the T'hunga the last time she encountered them, she was determined to respond to threats faster, hence why she had her knives sheathed in her boots, but that was for close-quarters combat, and hence her request for a compression rifle. Whether or not the T'hunga show up, or even if there was no T'hunga, Nira planned to be prepared for them and to defend the away team. And she had Mister Gohun, her "ears to the ground," to back her up.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 11, 2021, 08:53:29 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The silence on the bridge was palpable.  For the second time today, an impossible realization was revealed.  Nevir stared out of the viewscreen in a state of shock, unable to really believe what he heard.  It was their ship, down to the letter B.  He didn't want to, but he was sure if he had visual sensors magnify the location, he would see a Prometheus class vessel too.  Every Captain was trained on this type of situation, but the odds were supposed to be astronomically low that they would encounter this type of situation. Temporal displacement?  Definitely.  Anachronistic Ship contact?  Certainly.  Seeing a duplicate of your ship?  Much less likely.  And yet... here he was.  Here they were.

The Captain wouldn't speak until Nira answered the First Officer, but once she did... it only made him even MORE uncomfortable.  His Chief Engineer was already taking responsibility for... what exactly?  But the Captain only raised his hand as a response to the Ferengi.

"Temporal Uncertainty Protocol, Mr. Lek.  If this is a result of the T'Hunga, then sending crews as well as you to search the rest of the ship may end up sending us there.  We will keep on our current course until there is cause to diverge from it." he said, standing up.

"Number One, take an away team to investigate.  See if that is really... us.  Lek, Nira, Don, you three go with her.  Take minimal security; the less amount of crew knowing, the better.  We treat this like any other Federation ship.  Understood?" he ordered, crossing his arms as he stood before the viewscreen.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek grimaced when the Captain brought up the Temporal Uncertainty Protocol. It was the one element of Temporal Mechanics that he hated. As he stood and headed for the transporter, he went through the concept in his mind.

Essentially, one couldn't deviated from standard procedures to try to avoid a temporal event, because altering from standard procedure might be the cause of the temporal event. However, in Lek's mind, that was a circular logic loop. How was it possible to know that by following standard procedures, you didn't cause the temporal event in the first place?

Lek didn't believe that time was irrefutably linear where each person had to follow events until their conclusion to learn the outcome. Sure, one had to play the an entire game of Tongo to know who won, but not everything was so restrictive. Obviously, in one timeline, the Discovery crashed on this nameless frozen planet. That was an irrefutable fact as the evidence of that happening was right in front of them. But because in the multi-dimensional model, all decision points occur, there had to be at least one where Discovery didn't crash into this nameless frozen planet. More out of a need to vent nervous energy, Lek spoke to the others in the turbolift.

"I don't know what happened to the lifesigns, but the ship itself was in fairly good condition for a forced landing. Much better than the last time we crashed into a planet. I don't if that's good or bad, but its something, because for the other ship to be in the shape it's in, it had to be a controlled landing. Perhaps the survivors found shelter outside the ship after the crash."

Lek couldn't say the thought made him feel better, but the idea that there was no way to avoid crashing was a much worse idea.

"No, there has to be a way to avoid this. We figure that out, and that wreck below will cease to exist."

That thought did provide some comfort as Lek took the phaser handed to him and he stepped on the transporter platform. He wasn't fond of away missions, but this was one time an engineer was critical to avoiding the crash and that was also comforting.... a little.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams


[USS Discovery - Bridge]

After Captain Tekin had announced who was in the landing party he had sent a message to his assistant Alexander Graham.

Alex: Report to bridge duty. You are in charge of the department until I return from the away mission. Lieutenant D.D. Addams

[Jump scene to Transporter on USS Discovery - Transporter room]

Don had pushed the T-Hunga away. He had many counselling sessions, many hours with his wife, many hours self exploring, losing sleep and took to gain some solid reality. Once a while he slips in a nightmare, but he learns to push it away.

He was not sure if there was a truly temporary hiccup where they get caught in and crash. Are they going to crash too? He had no way because he was not a Captain to have science to do scans for disturbance in space or the space they entered.

Did they bother looking at the LOGO of what the ship presented? There could be a chance that it was a Mirror universe ship. Again he figured it was too late to find out. It was an interesting theory.

He heard Lek talking about how he was seeing things. "œWe can always check their computers to see what logs they had," he suggested.

Then he stepped on the transporter pad. Missed his wife, but that was fine. He could do this and she had other matters to attend. He just wished he had the time to say bye.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 11, 2021, 06:20:11 PM

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

After Captain Tekin had announced who was in the landing party he had sent a message to his assistant Alexander Graham.

Alex: Report to bridge duty. You are in charge of the department until I return from the away mission. Lieutenant D.D. Addams

[Jump scene to Transporter on USS Discovery - Transporter room]

Don had pushed the T-Hunga away. He had many counselling sessions, many hours with his wife, many hours self exploring, losing sleep and took to gain some solid reality. Once a while he slips in a nightmare, but he learns to push it away.

He was not sure if there was a truly temporary hiccup where they get caught in and crash. Are they going to crash too? He had no way because he was not a Captain to have science to do scans for disturbance in space or the space they entered.

Did they bother looking at the LOGO of what the ship presented? There could be a chance that it was a Mirror universe ship. Again he figured it was too late to find out. It was an interesting theory.

He heard Lek talking about how he was seeing things. "œWe can always check their computers to see what logs they had," he suggested.

Then he stepped on the transporter pad. Missed his wife, but that was fine. He could do this and she had other matters to attend. He just wished he had the time to say bye.

[USS Discovery-bridge]

Alex got the message from Lieutenant Addams that he was to report for bridge duty and that he was in charge of the department until he returned from the away mission. He reported to the bridge so that he could start his bridge duty. He was sure that Phoenix was going to understand why he had to leave so soon. He hoped that the away crew would be safe as they went on the away mission. There was no way that he was going to let down the chief of the department. He had a lot to prove with being in charge temporarily.


Quote from: Nira Said on August 11, 2021, 10:09:29 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira was shook back to reality by Lek's words. She remembered seeing him working during an inspection of the torpedoes, but his mention of the T'hunga, and that there was likely some influence that he missed, made her squirm inside. She hated to meet a T'hunga again, in that she didn't want to come out of it mentally scarred; three months worth of weekly neuropressure sessions with Savar weren't for nothing, but to her, the T'hunga mind control was scarring. Nira was a little surprised, she would've expected Lek to have finished by now, three months after returning to the present, three months after chasing subspace terrorists...for want of a better word.

T'Lara's call for a scan called Nira back to the sensors and she scanned for lifesigns. Once the analysis was complete, she looked back up at T'Lara, a grim expression on her face.

"None," she said simply. "No. Life. Signs." She spoke slowly because she was still shocked, and the shock had increased further at finding the result, added to the unease of the possibility of the T'hunga's involvement...or if something planted by the T'hunga onto Discovery was responsible.

The Captain calling for an away mission including Nira definitely jolted her out of her shocked reverie. She was now fixed with determination. Much as she was expecting to find lifeless...them, a part of her was still expecting a trap, but now she was expecting T'hunga instead of Romulans. She tapped her boots to make sure her knives were sheathed, and she heard a slight metal tinking that indicated that there were. And she already knew who to bring for minimal security.

"Aye, sir," said Nira, then she tapped her comm badge as she made her way to the turbolift, following T'Lara, Lek and Don.  =/\="Lieutenant Said to Mister Gohun. Report to Deck Six, Mister Gohun, you'll be informed which transporter room. Stop by the armory on the way and bring along the usual phasers. And a compression rifle for myself." =/\=

As much as Nira looked to be too heavily armed, or looked potentially paranoid about the T'hunga, she had good reason: she was so taken by surprise by the T'hunga the last time she encountered them, she was determined to respond to threats faster, hence why she had her knives sheathed in her boots, but that was for close-quarters combat, and hence her request for a compression rifle. Whether or not the T'hunga show up, or even if there was no T'hunga, Nira planned to be prepared for them and to defend the away team. And she had Mister Gohun, her "ears to the ground," to back her up.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 11, 2021, 08:53:29 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The silence on the bridge was palpable.  For the second time today, an impossible realization was revealed.  Nevir stared out of the viewscreen in a state of shock, unable to really believe what he heard.  It was their ship, down to the letter B.  He didn't want to, but he was sure if he had visual sensors magnify the location, he would see a Prometheus class vessel too.  Every Captain was trained on this type of situation, but the odds were supposed to be astronomically low that they would encounter this type of situation. Temporal displacement?  Definitely.  Anachronistic Ship contact?  Certainly.  Seeing a duplicate of your ship?  Much less likely.  And yet... here he was.  Here they were.

The Captain wouldn't speak until Nira answered the First Officer, but once she did... it only made him even MORE uncomfortable.  His Chief Engineer was already taking responsibility for... what exactly?  But the Captain only raised his hand as a response to the Ferengi.

"Temporal Uncertainty Protocol, Mr. Lek.  If this is a result of the T'Hunga, then sending crews as well as you to search the rest of the ship may end up sending us there.  We will keep on our current course until there is cause to diverge from it." he said, standing up.

"Number One, take an away team to investigate.  See if that is really... us.  Lek, Nira, Don, you three go with her.  Take minimal security; the less amount of crew knowing, the better.  We treat this like any other Federation ship.  Understood?" he ordered, crossing his arms as he stood before the viewscreen.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

T'Lara could understand the shock Nira seemed to be going through. However, it was not entirely necessary to assume the worst. Everyone around her shared similar expressions to Said's, including the captain. Their minds had automatically jumped to the most improbable conclusion, but others were possible. Perhaps the crew, their own crew, had actually left the ship and were still alive somewhere. Or the sensors were faulty due to the nature of the possible temporal mechanics at hand. Or maybe this was something else entirely, and what they saw before them was only an extremely complex illusion. There were plenty of possible reasons and the only way they would be able to shed some light on the subject would be to go there, and that's what they were about to do.

"Aye, Captain." She motioned to the others to follow her as she left the Bridge.

Quote from: Lek on August 11, 2021, 11:42:57 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Lek grimaced when the Captain brought up the Temporal Uncertainty Protocol. It was the one element of Temporal Mechanics that he hated. As he stood and headed for the transporter, he went through the concept in his mind.

Essentially, one couldn't deviated from standard procedures to try to avoid a temporal event, because altering from standard procedure might be the cause of the temporal event. However, in Lek's mind, that was a circular logic loop. How was it possible to know that by following standard procedures, you didn't cause the temporal event in the first place?

Lek didn't believe that time was irrefutably linear where each person had to follow events until their conclusion to learn the outcome. Sure, one had to play the an entire game of Tongo to know who won, but not everything was so restrictive. Obviously, in one timeline, the Discovery crashed on this nameless frozen planet. That was an irrefutable fact as the evidence of that happening was right in front of them. But because in the multi-dimensional model, all decision points occur, there had to be at least one where Discovery didn't crash into this nameless frozen planet. More out of a need to vent nervous energy, Lek spoke to the others in the turbolift.

"I don't know what happened to the lifesigns, but the ship itself was in fairly good condition for a forced landing. Much better than the last time we crashed into a planet. I don't if that's good or bad, but its something, because for the other ship to be in the shape it's in, it had to be a controlled landing. Perhaps the survivors found shelter outside the ship after the crash."

Lek couldn't say the thought made him feel better, but the idea that there was no way to avoid crashing was a much worse idea.

"No, there has to be a way to avoid this. We figure that out, and that wreck below will cease to exist."

That thought did provide some comfort as Lek took the phaser handed to him and he stepped on the transporter platform. He wasn't fond of away missions, but this was one time an engineer was critical to avoiding the crash and that was also comforting.... a little.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 11, 2021, 06:20:11 PM

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

After Captain Tekin had announced who was in the landing party he had sent a message to his assistant Alexander Graham.

Alex: Report to bridge duty. You are in charge of the department until I return from the away mission. Lieutenant D.D. Addams

[Jump scene to Transporter on USS Discovery - Transporter room]

Don had pushed the T-Hunga away. He had many counselling sessions, many hours with his wife, many hours self exploring, losing sleep and took to gain some solid reality. Once a while he slips in a nightmare, but he learns to push it away.

He was not sure if there was a truly temporary hiccup where they get caught in and crash. Are they going to crash too? He had no way because he was not a Captain to have science to do scans for disturbance in space or the space they entered.

Did they bother looking at the LOGO of what the ship presented? There could be a chance that it was a Mirror universe ship. Again he figured it was too late to find out. It was an interesting theory.

He heard Lek talking about how he was seeing things. "œWe can always check their computers to see what logs they had," he suggested.

Then he stepped on the transporter pad. Missed his wife, but that was fine. He could do this and she had other matters to attend. He just wished he had the time to say bye.

[Turbolift --> Transporter Room 1 - USS Discovery]

As they traveled from the Bridge to the transporter room, some constructive discussion ensued. T'Lara was not opposed to any of the officers Tekin had chosen, and she found it acceptable that Nira had called Gohun over as well. If anyone could figure this out, it would be all the great minds accompanying her.

"I agree with you, Commander," she spoke to Lek, "there are many possible reasons for why we received those sensor readings. We must be prepared to handle whatever confronts us down there."

She also nodded at Don. "A useful procedure when investigating a distress signal. I am not one to believe in the usefulness of the expression called hope, but in this case it would be advantageous for us if the odds were in our favor and the ship's logs are retrievable."

Equipping herself with standard phaser, she stepped on the transporter pad and waited to be taken to the site of this supposed Discovery duplicate.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.