Season 14, Episode 7: Distressed

Started by Tekin Nevir, July 26, 2021, 07:04:42 PM

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Tekin Nevir

[Deck 6 - Transporter Room 1 - USS Discovery... the other one]

Watching the transporter room while being beamed out almost gave a sense of time.  As they materialized on the crashed Discovery's transporter room, the room changed to be darker, and a thin layer of frost or ice coating most of the surfaces.  Power itself was completely down; that much was already certain by the engineering scan of the ship.  Not just the warp cores, but the generators were also offline.  This meant besides the glow of the transporter pad, it was relatively dark.

There was no one in the transporter room itself, alive or otherwise.  But there was also nothing to suggest that this was anything but their actual ship.  It was so far an exact duplicate, except frozen over and powerless.

With no power, they would have to climb up the decks to the bridge or find a way to get some power restored.  Either way, there weren't any answers here in the transporter room.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 13, 2021, 09:35:39 AM

[Deck 6 - Transporter Room 1 - USS Discovery... the other one]

Watching the transporter room while being beamed out almost gave a sense of time.  As they materialized on the crashed Discovery's transporter room, the room changed to be darker, and a thin layer of frost or ice coating most of the surfaces.  Power itself was completely down; that much was already certain by the engineering scan of the ship.  Not just the warp cores, but the generators were also offline.  This meant besides the glow of the transporter pad, it was relatively dark.

There was no one in the transporter room itself, alive or otherwise.  But there was also nothing to suggest that this was anything but their actual ship.  It was so far an exact duplicate, except frozen over and powerless.

With no power, they would have to climb up the decks to the bridge or find a way to get some power restored.  Either way, there weren't any answers here in the transporter room.

[Transporter Room - Alternate Discovery]

Lek swung his flashlight around the room and felt a deep chill. Yes, it was partially attributable to the cold, but not all of it. The ship had obviously been here for some time for so much rime ice to form. However, the ice gave him exactly no insight as to how long ago this had occurred. As this was a temporal event, given the perfect conditions for long term preservation, this Discovery could have been here six months or six centuries. The only way to know more was to restore power and access the ship's logs.

"We're on deck six. Auxiliary engineering is on deck five. I'm heading there and will try to see if I can restore any internal power. If not, I'll have an power generator beamed down and use that to get us some power. Ladder is this way."

Lek then headed off, not bothering to look to see if anyone was following. Not his usual cautious approach, but this was an engineering puzzle and that focused him in a way few other things did.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 13, 2021, 09:35:39 AM

[Deck 6 - Transporter Room 1 - USS Discovery... the other one]

Watching the transporter room while being beamed out almost gave a sense of time.  As they materialized on the crashed Discovery's transporter room, the room changed to be darker, and a thin layer of frost or ice coating most of the surfaces.  Power itself was completely down; that much was already certain by the engineering scan of the ship.  Not just the warp cores, but the generators were also offline.  This meant besides the glow of the transporter pad, it was relatively dark.

There was no one in the transporter room itself, alive or otherwise.  But there was also nothing to suggest that this was anything but their actual ship.  It was so far an exact duplicate, except frozen over and powerless.

With no power, they would have to climb up the decks to the bridge or find a way to get some power restored.  Either way, there weren't any answers here in the transporter room.

Quote from: Lek on August 13, 2021, 11:19:26 AM

[Transporter Room - Alternate Discovery]

Lek swung his flashlight around the room and felt a deep chill. Yes, it was partially attributable to the cold, but not all of it. The ship had obviously been here for some time for so much rime ice to form. However, the ice gave him exactly no insight as to how long ago this had occurred. As this was a temporal event, given the perfect conditions for long term preservation, this Discovery could have been here six months or six centuries. The only way to know more was to restore power and access the ship's logs.

"We're on deck six. Auxiliary engineering is on deck five. I'm heading there and will try to see if I can restore any internal power. If not, I'll have an power generator beamed down and use that to get us some power. Ladder is this way."

Lek then headed off, not bothering to look to see if anyone was following. Not his usual cautious approach, but this was an engineering puzzle and that focused him in a way few other things did.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Transporter Room 1 >- Derelict Transporter Room | Deck Six >- Deck Six >- USS Discovery NCC-78393-B >- Derelict Discovery]

=/\="Oh, and Mister Gohun, drop by my forensics lab before the armory first, please, to get my forensics kit," =/\= said Nira, remembering her kit and realizing there's a definite possibility of examining bodies.

Once she had her kit and compression rifle, Nira was ready for what lay in the derelict lookalike Discovery.

Once the beaming was completed, Nira blinked in surprise. If one wasn't aware of all the frost and the cold, they would've remained where they were after beaming. Well, that and lack of people. No bodies...yet. But Nira remained ever on the alert. The light shining from the flashlight attached to the rifle, shining as much as the other flashlights the away team had, didn't seem to help much, but at least Nira could see.

Hearing Lek's intention of restoring power, Nira turned to Mister Gohun and said, "Mister Gohun, go with Commander Lek. I'll stick with Commander T'Lara. And keep your ears out for anything unusual. If this is the work of the T'hunga, be prepared for any surprises, even if there are no lifesigns."

As paranoid as Nira sounded about the T'hunga, she needed to act as fast as possible if she they showed themselves. Of course, she was still expecting a trap. As much as the computer detected no lifesigns, just because there were no lifesigns to be detected did not mean there are lifeforms; she was sure that there are ways to hide biosigns from sensors. The T'hunga would easily be so adept at avoiding detection.

Besides, Nira hated the idea of Lek wandering off alone. A party of two is bounded to have lower odds of being surprised than one. She then moved to T'Lara's side, almost in a manner of a bodyguard.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Savar had had enough of waiting for the new doctor. He then decided to meet another doctor, one he knew and one who had just recently attained more of a medical prominence.

"Ensign Wentlock?" he asked.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery - Darkside colder Discovery]

The chill of the darkness was felt on Don's face. If there was light he would see the mist slipping out from his mouth and nostrils. He wished they had brought some jackets for warmth. They had flashlights. They figured there was no power then they had some resource with light.

Don brought his torch light to see ice on the wall. That could be humid air in the atmosphere in the ship which causes possible humid form into ice.

Lek had started to go to Engineering "œSuggest someone go with him?" He might be jealous of the small fellow but he still has to look out for each other.

Thank the stars that Nira had ordered someone to be with Lek. He was starting to dislike this darkness as in a tunnel. What if they had T'hunga on this ship. He had not wanted to be a mind slave in their story again. He had made him feel he was not a man and husband to his own wife. He hated how he felt he had to wives and made him dream about a woman who was not real.

"œI reckon we're going to work our way to the bridge?" he asked T'Lara.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun sat at the communication center when he received a message.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 11, 2021, 10:09:29 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]
"Aye, sir," said Nira, then she tapped her comm badge as she made her way to the turbolift, following T'Lara, Lek and Don.  =/\="Lieutenant Said to Mister Gohun. Report to Deck Six, Mister Gohun, you'll be informed which transporter room. Stop by the armory on the way and bring along the usual phasers. And a compression rifle for myself." =/\=

With that Gohun ran to the armory and grabbed a phaser kit. Being that he did not know how many people were on the away mission. The kit had 6-8 phasers and Lieutenant Said asked for plural phasers as well as a compression rifle. Not wanting to be out gunned Gohun also brought one for himself. Fortunately regulations allowed for this as he was probably entering a hostile environment. With that Gohun ran to the transporter and when he was 50 feet away he received another message.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 11, 2021, 10:09:29 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]
"Oh, and Mister Gohun, drop by my forensics lab before the armory first, please, to get my forensics kit,"  said Nira, remembering her kit and realizing there's a definite possibility of examining bodies.

At that point Gohun had to run bad where he came from and grab the forensics kit also he grabbed a tricorder. It was at that point that he arrived in the transporter room.


Quote from: Nira Said on August 13, 2021, 06:20:30 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Transporter Room 1 >- Derelict Transporter Room | Deck Six >- Deck Six >- USS Discovery NCC-78393-B >- Derelict Discovery]

=/\="Oh, and Mister Gohun, drop by my forensics lab before the armory first, please, to get my forensics kit," =/\= said Nira, remembering her kit and realizing there's a definite possibility of examining bodies.

Once she had her kit and compression rifle, Nira was ready for what lay in the derelict lookalike Discovery.

Once the beaming was completed, Nira blinked in surprise. If one wasn't aware of all the frost and the cold, they would've remained where they were after beaming. Well, that and lack of people. No bodies...yet. But Nira remained ever on the alert. The light shining from the flashlight attached to the rifle, shining as much as the other flashlights the away team had, didn't seem to help much, but at least Nira could see.

Hearing Lek's intention of restoring power, Nira turned to Mister Gohun and said, "Mister Gohun, go with Commander Lek. I'll stick with Commander T'Lara. And keep your ears out for anything unusual. If this is the work of the T'hunga, be prepared for any surprises, even if there are no lifesigns."

As paranoid as Nira sounded about the T'hunga, she needed to act as fast as possible if she they showed themselves. Of course, she was still expecting a trap. As much as the computer detected no lifesigns, just because there were no lifesigns to be detected did not mean there are lifeforms; she was sure that there are ways to hide biosigns from sensors. The T'hunga would easily be so adept at avoiding detection.

Besides, Nira hated the idea of Lek wandering off alone. A party of two is bounded to have lower odds of being surprised than one. She then moved to T'Lara's side, almost in a manner of a bodyguard.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Savar had had enough of waiting for the new doctor. He then decided to meet another doctor, one he knew and one who had just recently attained more of a medical prominence.

"Ensign Wentlock?" he asked.

[Deck 5 - Alternate Discovery]

Lek waved a hand as Nira mentioned having someone one go with him. He subconsciously agreed it was a good idea, after all, one never knew when something could go wrong. He didn't bother looking to see who was assigned or where they were. His mind was fixed on getting to auxiliary engineering and getting some sort of power back to this Discovery.

As the ship was in overall good condition, the biggest obstacle to getting to his destination was with no power, none of the doors opened automatically. Instead, he had to open the access panel to release the mechanism that opened them, then manually force them open. Fortunately, there were only two such doors. Once in auxiliary engineering, he began opening access panels and going through the steps necessary to bring the impulse engines online.

"Okay, let's see what we have to work with here."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Luby Wentock

Quote from: Nira Said on August 13, 2021, 06:20:30 PM

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Savar had had enough of waiting for the new doctor. He then decided to meet another doctor, one he knew and one who had just recently attained more of a medical prominence.

"Ensign Wentlock?" he asked.

[Sickbay - USS Discovery]

"Lt. Savar!  How nice to see you!  How can I help?!" Luby said with a warm smile.  "And while I love hearing that I'm now an Ensign, there's an informality down here if you can leave the Vulcan-ness at the door!" she said with a wink.  "So Luby is perfectly fine with me, or 'Doc' if you want a modicum of formality!"


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 13, 2021, 09:35:39 AM

[Deck 6 - Transporter Room 1 - USS Discovery... the other one]

Watching the transporter room while being beamed out almost gave a sense of time.  As they materialized on the crashed Discovery's transporter room, the room changed to be darker, and a thin layer of frost or ice coating most of the surfaces.  Power itself was completely down; that much was already certain by the engineering scan of the ship.  Not just the warp cores, but the generators were also offline.  This meant besides the glow of the transporter pad, it was relatively dark.

There was no one in the transporter room itself, alive or otherwise.  But there was also nothing to suggest that this was anything but their actual ship.  It was so far an exact duplicate, except frozen over and powerless.

With no power, they would have to climb up the decks to the bridge or find a way to get some power restored.  Either way, there weren't any answers here in the transporter room.

Quote from: Lek on August 13, 2021, 11:19:26 AM

[Transporter Room - Alternate Discovery]

Lek swung his flashlight around the room and felt a deep chill. Yes, it was partially attributable to the cold, but not all of it. The ship had obviously been here for some time for so much rime ice to form. However, the ice gave him exactly no insight as to how long ago this had occurred. As this was a temporal event, given the perfect conditions for long term preservation, this Discovery could have been here six months or six centuries. The only way to know more was to restore power and access the ship's logs.

"We're on deck six. Auxiliary engineering is on deck five. I'm heading there and will try to see if I can restore any internal power. If not, I'll have an power generator beamed down and use that to get us some power. Ladder is this way."

Lek then headed off, not bothering to look to see if anyone was following. Not his usual cautious approach, but this was an engineering puzzle and that focused him in a way few other things did.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 13, 2021, 06:20:30 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Transporter Room 1 >- Derelict Transporter Room | Deck Six >- Deck Six >- USS Discovery NCC-78393-B >- Derelict Discovery]

=/\="Oh, and Mister Gohun, drop by my forensics lab before the armory first, please, to get my forensics kit," =/\= said Nira, remembering her kit and realizing there's a definite possibility of examining bodies.

Once she had her kit and compression rifle, Nira was ready for what lay in the derelict lookalike Discovery.

Once the beaming was completed, Nira blinked in surprise. If one wasn't aware of all the frost and the cold, they would've remained where they were after beaming. Well, that and lack of people. No bodies...yet. But Nira remained ever on the alert. The light shining from the flashlight attached to the rifle, shining as much as the other flashlights the away team had, didn't seem to help much, but at least Nira could see.

Hearing Lek's intention of restoring power, Nira turned to Mister Gohun and said, "Mister Gohun, go with Commander Lek. I'll stick with Commander T'Lara. And keep your ears out for anything unusual. If this is the work of the T'hunga, be prepared for any surprises, even if there are no lifesigns."

As paranoid as Nira sounded about the T'hunga, she needed to act as fast as possible if she they showed themselves. Of course, she was still expecting a trap. As much as the computer detected no lifesigns, just because there were no lifesigns to be detected did not mean there are lifeforms; she was sure that there are ways to hide biosigns from sensors. The T'hunga would easily be so adept at avoiding detection.

Besides, Nira hated the idea of Lek wandering off alone. A party of two is bounded to have lower odds of being surprised than one. She then moved to T'Lara's side, almost in a manner of a bodyguard.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 13, 2021, 10:01:34 PM

[USS Discovery - Darkside colder Discovery]

The chill of the darkness was felt on Don's face. If there was light he would see the mist slipping out from his mouth and nostrils. He wished they had brought some jackets for warmth. They had flashlights. They figured there was no power then they had some resource with light.

Don brought his torch light to see ice on the wall. That could be humid air in the atmosphere in the ship which causes possible humid form into ice.

Lek had started to go to Engineering "œSuggest someone go with him?" He might be jealous of the small fellow but he still has to look out for each other.

Thank the stars that Nira had ordered someone to be with Lek. He was starting to dislike this darkness as in a tunnel. What if they had T'hunga on this ship. He had not wanted to be a mind slave in their story again. He had made him feel he was not a man and husband to his own wife. He hated how he felt he had to wives and made him dream about a woman who was not real.

"œI reckon we're going to work our way to the bridge?" he asked T'Lara.

[Transporter Room - Alternate USS Discovery]

When they materialized, T'Lara felt the cold hit and shivered for half a second. Having been away from her home planet for quite some time the Vulcan XO had learned to acclimate to her much cooler surroundings on Earth and on starships, but she still reacted to extreme cold before she had the chance to mask the response. Switching on a light source, she scanned their surroundings. Except for the ice and the absence of power, it appeared to be a duplicate of the place they'd just come from. At least, from what she could see. There could be a small difference, a knob out of place on the transporter console, a panel slightly crooked. Still not convinced this was "their" Discovery, T'Lara was on the lookout for discrepancies such as these. If it was light enough for her to see them, that is. At present it was not. They needed to restore power, and Lek was already on it.

When the Ferengi engineer started on his way and Nira assigned Gohun to follow, she gave a simple nod of approval. She was technically in charge of this team, but Lek was now a command officer and had just as much authority to do as he wished. Even if this had not been the case, she trusted him to carry out logical tasks.

With the two of them gone, that left her with Said and Addams. Nira had moved closer to her, almost to the point where she was uncomfortable. However, T'Lara realized that the security chief was simply doing her job and was therefore allowed. Even if the XO knew she was perfectly capable of defending herself if they found themselves in a combative situation. She addressed Don.

"Indeed, Lieutenant. We will have to walk there manually. Perhaps, by the time we get there, Commander Lek will have restored power."

With that she indicated for Nira to take the lead, and they exited the transporter room through the door Lek had already opened. From there they would need to get to the stairs, climb up to Deck One, and manually open the door to the Bridge.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Nira Said

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 13, 2021, 10:01:34 PM

[USS Discovery - Darkside colder Discovery]

The chill of the darkness was felt on Don's face. If there was light he would see the mist slipping out from his mouth and nostrils. He wished they had brought some jackets for warmth. They had flashlights. They figured there was no power then they had some resource with light.

Don brought his torch light to see ice on the wall. That could be humid air in the atmosphere in the ship which causes possible humid form into ice.

Lek had started to go to Engineering "œSuggest someone go with him?" He might be jealous of the small fellow but he still has to look out for each other.

Thank the stars that Nira had ordered someone to be with Lek. He was starting to dislike this darkness as in a tunnel. What if they had T'hunga on this ship. He had not wanted to be a mind slave in their story again. He had made him feel he was not a man and husband to his own wife. He hated how he felt he had to wives and made him dream about a woman who was not real.

"œI reckon we're going to work our way to the bridge?" he asked T'Lara.

Quote from: T'Lara on August 15, 2021, 11:16:01 PM

[Transporter Room - Alternate USS Discovery]

When they materialized, T'Lara felt the cold hit and shivered for half a second. Having been away from her home planet for quite some time the Vulcan XO had learned to acclimate to her much cooler surroundings on Earth and on starships, but she still reacted to extreme cold before she had the chance to mask the response. Switching on a light source, she scanned their surroundings. Except for the ice and the absence of power, it appeared to be a duplicate of the place they'd just come from. At least, from what she could see. There could be a small difference, a knob out of place on the transporter console, a panel slightly crooked. Still not convinced this was "their" Discovery, T'Lara was on the lookout for discrepancies such as these. If it was light enough for her to see them, that is. At present it was not. They needed to restore power, and Lek was already on it.

When the Ferengi engineer started on his way and Nira assigned Gohun to follow, she gave a simple nod of approval. She was technically in charge of this team, but Lek was now a command officer and had just as much authority to do as he wished. Even if this had not been the case, she trusted him to carry out logical tasks.

With the two of them gone, that left her with Said and Addams. Nira had moved closer to her, almost to the point where she was uncomfortable. However, T'Lara realized that the security chief was simply doing her job and was therefore allowed. Even if the XO knew she was perfectly capable of defending herself if they found themselves in a combative situation. She addressed Don.

"Indeed, Lieutenant. We will have to walk there manually. Perhaps, by the time we get there, Commander Lek will have restored power."

With that she indicated for Nira to take the lead, and they exited the transporter room through the door Lek had already opened. From there they would need to get to the stairs, climb up to Deck One, and manually open the door to the Bridge.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Transporter Room | Deck Six | Derelict Discovery]

When Nira realized she got too close to Commander T'Lara, she backed off a pace or two. She didn't know why she did that...maybe her zeal of protecting the away team leader.

Nira nodded at Don's suggestion at the bridge. She understood if it will mean quite a walk, given the power levels. When T'Lara gestured for Nira to take the lead, she replied, "Aye, Commander. Be careful where we're treading, all, though," she added cautiously, still expecting a trap.

Naturally, Nira knew what routes to take without turbolifts, even to the Bridge. She had drilled on such procedures in the past. Some of her own security drills involved turbolifts; the trick being to remember what routes to take if turbolifts weren't operable. She never thought she'd be in a situation where she'd climb through a frozen derelict. A frozen derelict exactly like Discovery, which was why she was expecting a trap by the T'hunga, maybe even the T'hunga showing up unawares.

Aiming her light, she guided T'Lara and Don through the deck, to the nearest panel to get to a Jefferies Tube or to the stairs, if her memory served. All the while, she flared her empathic abilities, using them to ensure she could feel with her feelings, in case somebody was coming, biosigns hidden by sensors...then she remembered, or rather remembered as Najwa Said, escaped-harem-slave-turned-saloon-girl, tried to "read" a T'hunga, but not so much as felt nothing as so much she sensed a void. That was something she wouldn't forget. Mostly she kept her empathy on to feel T'Lara and Don, to make sure they were still behind her. If one of them got lost or disappeared, she will know, and she will respond as fast as she can.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Ah, yes, Doctor," said Savar, feeling it was more right; it would be unusual to actually say "Doc," even for a V'tosh Ka'tur. "I've meant to have my physical checkup for a while now. Plus, I may be coming down with something that has to do with mind melding. Maybe a variant of Pan'ar, but I'm not sure."

In fact, he wasn't sure why he was suddenly feeling so paranoid. Maybe he wasn't afflicted with Pan'ar after all. Maybe his excessive mind melding and neuro-pressure sessions with Nira the past three months was making him hypochondriac. Or maybe he had been in a relationship with Nira long enough, long enough to propose to her, long enough to wonder when a good wedding date can be set, to share in her paranoia about the T'hunga, and frankly, he didn't blame her, not with the amount of time she spent practicing with her blades, especially since she got back from her time in the Officer Exchange Program with Klingons, which also explained the mek'leth that hung under her decorative shamshir in their quarters, a gift from the crew she served with in the Program.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on August 14, 2021, 01:23:07 PM

[Deck 5 - Alternate Discovery]

Lek waved a hand as Nira mentioned having someone one go with him. He subconsciously agreed it was a good idea, after all, one never knew when something could go wrong. He didn't bother looking to see who was assigned or where they were. His mind was fixed on getting to auxiliary engineering and getting some sort of power back to this Discovery.

As the ship was in overall good condition, the biggest obstacle to getting to his destination was with no power, none of the doors opened automatically. Instead, he had to open the access panel to release the mechanism that opened them, then manually force them open. Fortunately, there were only two such doors. Once in auxiliary engineering, he began opening access panels and going through the steps necessary to bring the impulse engines online.

"Okay, let's see what we have to work with here."

[Deck 2 - Auxillary Fusion Generators - USS Discovery #2]

The hardest part was disabling the mag-locks on the doorways; not only were they needing to be demagnetized, but being frozen made them all the harder to move.  But finding the right section above the upper auxiliary engineering for Alpha hall they were able to slowly get the door open.  Inside was much the same as the rest of the corridors; their light casting a blue tinge as the inside of the room was just as frozen as the outside.  Once they made their way inside, it wouldn't be until they reached the control panel that they would find anything.  The panel itself needed a tricorder just to turn it on, and the reactors, while able to be turned on, were going to be at low power levels at best.  It seemed their own power had been drained; they would be stuck on the bare minimum until the main power generation was restarted..the warp core.

There was a lump in the room near one of the generators, barely distinguishable from the rest of the room, but looking closer would find their first disturbing discovery... Crewman Kat Galvan. She was laying on the group near the generator, completely iced over and still.

Quote from: T'Lara on August 15, 2021, 11:16:01 PM

[Transporter Room - Alternate USS Discovery]

When they materialized, T'Lara felt the cold hit and shivered for half a second. Having been away from her home planet for quite some time the Vulcan XO had learned to acclimate to her much cooler surroundings on Earth and on starships, but she still reacted to extreme cold before she had the chance to mask the response. Switching on a light source, she scanned their surroundings. Except for the ice and the absence of power, it appeared to be a duplicate of the place they'd just come from. At least, from what she could see. There could be a small difference, a knob out of place on the transporter console, a panel slightly crooked. Still not convinced this was "their" Discovery, T'Lara was on the lookout for discrepancies such as these. If it was light enough for her to see them, that is. At present it was not. They needed to restore power, and Lek was already on it.

When the Ferengi engineer started on his way and Nira assigned Gohun to follow, she gave a simple nod of approval. She was technically in charge of this team, but Lek was now a command officer and had just as much authority to do as he wished. Even if this had not been the case, she trusted him to carry out logical tasks.

With the two of them gone, that left her with Said and Addams. Nira had moved closer to her, almost to the point where she was uncomfortable. However, T'Lara realized that the security chief was simply doing her job and was therefore allowed. Even if the XO knew she was perfectly capable of defending herself if they found themselves in a combative situation. She addressed Don.

"Indeed, Lieutenant. We will have to walk there manually. Perhaps, by the time we get there, Commander Lek will have restored power."

With that she indicated for Nira to take the lead, and they exited the transporter room through the door Lek had already opened. From there they would need to get to the stairs, climb up to Deck One, and manually open the door to the Bridge.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

At the same time, though it was a higher climb, the access from the transporter room to the Bridge was a shorter route, and the other three found themselves under the Bridge's deck plate.  But instead of being able to open the emergency hatch directly to the bridge, they found the hatch would not budge.  A slight detour through the empty turbolift shaft was required to make it to the place they were in only 15 minutes or so ago.  After getting the doors open, they were greeted by a very similar sight.  The bridge looked absolutely the same, right down to the Discovery-only renovations that Captain Tekin had put in himself.  This wasn't just another Prometheus Class vessel with Discovery's ID tag... even the interior was clearly Discovery.

Before Lek would be able to get the power on, they would be able to look around the bridge.  For a moment, it looked occupied, but there were still no life signs.  It wouldn't take long before they saw that the bridge was indeed occupied.... by them.  Naturally, the first person really visible was a figure sitting in the Captain's chair, slumped over.  Covered in the same frost rime that covered the floors, panels, and ceiling of the ship, it would be hard to see who it was.  But a quick check would confirm it...

Captain Tekin Nevir was still seated in his position on the bridge, just slumped to the left over the arm of the chair.  His skin was white, but the earring on his ear still gleamed with the lights from their equipment.  It was only when they saw the second form positioned in the first officer's station that a dull blue light came on the bridge; the minimum power they could get.  But that light showed more than just the Captain and the first officer.  Every bridge station was occupied.  From the looks of it.. Alpha shift.  Which meant that most if not all of the senior officers were all around them; frozen where they all fell.

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 16, 2021, 10:46:04 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

At the same time, though it was a higher climb, the access from the transporter room to the Bridge was a shorter route, and the other three found themselves under the Bridge's deck plate.  But instead of being able to open the emergency hatch directly to the bridge, they found the hatch would not budge.  A slight detour through the empty turbolift shaft was required to make it to the place they were in only 15 minutes or so ago.  After getting the doors open, they were greeted by a very similar sight.  The bridge looked absolutely the same, right down to the Discovery-only renovations that Captain Tekin had put in himself.  This wasn't just another Prometheus Class vessel with Discovery's ID tag... even the interior was clearly Discovery.

Before Lek would be able to get the power on, they would be able to look around the bridge.  For a moment, it looked occupied, but there were still no life signs.  It wouldn't take long before they saw that the bridge was indeed occupied.... by them.  Naturally, the first person really visible was a figure sitting in the Captain's chair, slumped over.  Covered in the same frost rime that covered the floors, panels, and ceiling of the ship, it would be hard to see who it was.  But a quick check would confirm it...

Captain Tekin Nevir was still seated in his position on the bridge, just slumped to the left over the arm of the chair.  His skin was white, but the earring on his ear still gleamed with the lights from their equipment.  It was only when they saw the second form positioned in the first officer's station that a dull blue light came on the bridge; the minimum power they could get.  But that light showed more than just the Captain and the first officer.  Every bridge station was occupied.  From the looks of it.. Alpha shift.  Which meant that most if not all of the senior officers were all around them; frozen where they all fell.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

It didn't take long to lead T'Lara and Don to the bridge hatch. The problem was it couldn't budge. Most likely it was iced over.

"The hatch is stuck," said Nira when she gave up trying to open it. "Looks like we'll have to go around. The best alternate route is through the turbolift shaft. Let's hope there are no turbolifts up at the bridge. And let's hope nobody minds climbing up a shaft with a seemingly bottomless pit."

Of course, Nira never minded it, it was also in her drills. She had to admit, when she first climbed a turbolift shaft in her drills at the Academy, she momentarily suffered vertigo, not to mention the "bottomless pit" unnerved her. But she got over it; the trick was to focus on the climb. And to simply not look down.

Fifteen minutes later, after climbing the ladder through the shaft, they were at the turbolift doors to the bridge. It took a moment to force the door open. Nira had to admit that she felt tense, what with trying to open a door at the edge of a precipice of sorts with a compression rifle and her forensics kit strapped on her back.

What she saw when she opened it was a sharp exhale enough that she looked like she was breathing out a column of steam, what with it being so cold her breath was steaming.

As she stepped in and allowed T'Lara and Don space to get in, she took in everything. There were bodies strewn about, but the most recognizable was the Captain. She recognized him through the ice rime. Then the lights came on and she saw T'Lara equally frozen dead in her station. She realized that it was Alpha Shift, which meant...

Nira approached the Tactical station. And there she was. She was looking at her frozen corpse. With exception to the frost and the lack of life and thus thought and emotion, it was like Nira was looking at herself. Asleep.

Dead at her station. Savar wasn't at her side. She was slumped against the chair, head up.

Nira got over the shock and set to work with her forensic kit. She may as well start with herself, see how everybody died...well, specifically how long they've been dead.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 16, 2021, 10:46:04 AM

[Deck 2 - Auxillary Fusion Generators - USS Discovery #2]

The hardest part was disabling the mag-locks on the doorways; not only were they needing to be demagnetized, but being frozen made them all the harder to move.  But finding the right section above the upper auxiliary engineering for Alpha hall they were able to slowly get the door open.  Inside was much the same as the rest of the corridors; their light casting a blue tinge as the inside of the room was just as frozen as the outside.  Once they made their way inside, it wouldn't be until they reached the control panel that they would find anything.  The panel itself needed a tricorder just to turn it on, and the reactors, while able to be turned on, were going to be at low power levels at best.  It seemed their own power had been drained; they would be stuck on the bare minimum until the main power generation was restarted..the warp core.

There was a lump in the room near one of the generators, barely distinguishable from the rest of the room, but looking closer would find their first disturbing discovery... Crewman Kat Galvan. She was laying on the group near the generator, completely iced over and still.

[Deck 2 - Auxiliary Fusion Generators -->Deck 4 Matter/Antimatter Reactor - Alternate Discovery]

When the fusion generator started up, Lek was pleased until he saw how low the power reserves were. They only just operational and most of the ship's major systems would not even initiate at such a low level. He knew he was going to have get either the impulse engine or the matter/anti-matter reactor for Alpha hull functional before they'd have sufficient power to accomplish anything useful. It was then that Lek found Crewman Galvan. He leapt back in surprised and squeaked at the discovery. This brought  Crewman Gohun running to see if Lek was okay.

"Sorry, the body surprised me. I guess if there was any doubt this was Discovery, then she's proof that it is. How we've gotten displaced in time to learn this, I don't know, but we are now without doubt in some sort of temporal event. We've got to get to deck four."

Lek gathered his tools and headed for the nearest ladder. As he did, he tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to Commander T'Lara. I've found the body of one of the crew of this Discovery and it's someone from engineering from our Discovery. I don't know how or even if we can avoid it, but this ship is clearly our ship. I'm on my way to see if I can get the matter/anti-matter reactor on deck four operational. Lek out." =/\=

Lek began climbing down the ladder and thought.

"Just don't let this be a pre-destination paradox. There has to be a way to alter our fate."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Everett Wynters

Quote from: Lek on August 10, 2021, 11:02:32 AM

Lek tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to repair teams one, three, and four. You are to begin an in depth, by hand inspection of all systems starting with deck eleven. For specifics, consult with Crewman Wynters, who knows what to look for. Lek out." =/\=

It wasn't what he expected, but there was a suspicion of what they might be encountering and why they are put on searching the decks. Several eyes raised to him, the youth of the group, the new guy in a way, and he was being set in the way of being in charge. He grabbed his tool bag, looking to everyone. "Physical inspection of every inch of the deck. All systems. Anything that is abnormal, no matter how random it might seem, log it and dump it into Lek's messages. Check for everything. Check everything. Deck plates, wiring, fluids used to make things work."

With that, he grabbed his back and took off. Heading to Deck 11 to start doing his job.

As he walked, he pondered. =/\= "Wynters to Chief Lek. I have the crews mobilized and we are starting searches. Aside from the base anomalies we were looking for before, anything else we should focus on? Even with three crews on this, this is going to take time, having a location or idea to focus towards might speed this up."=/\=


Quote from: Everett Wynters on August 16, 2021, 05:36:51 PM

It wasn't what he expected, but there was a suspicion of what they might be encountering and why they are put on searching the decks. Several eyes raised to him, the youth of the group, the new guy in a way, and he was being set in the way of being in charge. He grabbed his tool bag, looking to everyone. "Physical inspection of every inch of the deck. All systems. Anything that is abnormal, no matter how random it might seem, log it and dump it into Lek's messages. Check for everything. Check everything. Deck plates, wiring, fluids used to make things work."

With that, he grabbed his back and took off. Heading to Deck 11 to start doing his job.

As he walked, he pondered. =/\= "Wynters to Chief Lek. I have the crews mobilized and we are starting searches. Aside from the base anomalies we were looking for before, anything else we should focus on? Even with three crews on this, this is going to take time, having a location or idea to focus towards might speed this up."=/\=

[Deck 4 - Alternate Discovery]

Lek started when his combadge chirped and hissed.

"Dammit, settle down."

He snarled at himself before replying.

"Just like we did with decks one through ten. Nothing specific to look for, but if you find any chronitons, let me know. Just be thorough, I'm trying to eliminate possible T'hunga influence. Lek out."

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Nira Said on August 15, 2021, 11:56:29 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Transporter Room | Deck Six | Derelict Discovery]

When Nira realized she got too close to Commander T'Lara, she backed off a pace or two. She didn't know why she did that...maybe her zeal of protecting the away team leader.

Nira nodded at Don's suggestion at the bridge. She understood if it will mean quite a walk, given the power levels. When T'Lara gestured for Nira to take the lead, she replied, "Aye, Commander. Be careful where we're treading, all, though," she added cautiously, still expecting a trap.

Naturally, Nira knew what routes to take without turbolifts, even to the Bridge. She had drilled on such procedures in the past. Some of her own security drills involved turbolifts; the trick being to remember what routes to take if turbolifts weren't operable. She never thought she'd be in a situation where she'd climb through a frozen derelict. A frozen derelict exactly like Discovery, which was why she was expecting a trap by the T'hunga, maybe even the T'hunga showing up unawares.

Aiming her light, she guided T'Lara and Don through the deck, to the nearest panel to get to a Jefferies Tube or to the stairs, if her memory served. All the while, she flared her empathic abilities, using them to ensure she could feel with her feelings, in case somebody was coming, biosigns hidden by sensors...then she remembered, or rather remembered as Najwa Said, escaped-harem-slave-turned-saloon-girl, tried to "read" a T'hunga, but not so much as felt nothing as so much she sensed a void. That was something she wouldn't forget. Mostly she kept her empathy on to feel T'Lara and Don, to make sure they were still behind her. If one of them got lost or disappeared, she will know, and she will respond as fast as she can.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Ah, yes, Doctor," said Savar, feeling it was more right; it would be unusual to actually say "Doc," even for a V'tosh Ka'tur. "I've meant to have my physical checkup for a while now. Plus, I may be coming down with something that has to do with mind melding. Maybe a variant of Pan'ar, but I'm not sure."

In fact, he wasn't sure why he was suddenly feeling so paranoid. Maybe he wasn't afflicted with Pan'ar after all. Maybe his excessive mind melding and neuro-pressure sessions with Nira the past three months was making him hypochondriac. Or maybe he had been in a relationship with Nira long enough, long enough to propose to her, long enough to wonder when a good wedding date can be set, to share in her paranoia about the T'hunga, and frankly, he didn't blame her, not with the amount of time she spent practicing with her blades, especially since she got back from her time in the Officer Exchange Program with Klingons, which also explained the mek'leth that hung under her decorative shamshir in their quarters, a gift from the crew she served with in the Program.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 16, 2021, 10:46:04 AM

[Deck 2 - Auxillary Fusion Generators - USS Discovery #2]

The hardest part was disabling the mag-locks on the doorways; not only were they needing to be demagnetized, but being frozen made them all the harder to move.  But finding the right section above the upper auxiliary engineering for Alpha hall they were able to slowly get the door open.  Inside was much the same as the rest of the corridors; their light casting a blue tinge as the inside of the room was just as frozen as the outside.  Once they made their way inside, it wouldn't be until they reached the control panel that they would find anything.  The panel itself needed a tricorder just to turn it on, and the reactors, while able to be turned on, were going to be at low power levels at best.  It seemed their own power had been drained; they would be stuck on the bare minimum until the main power generation was restarted..the warp core.

There was a lump in the room near one of the generators, barely distinguishable from the rest of the room, but looking closer would find their first disturbing discovery... Crewman Kat Galvan. She was laying on the group near the generator, completely iced over and still.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

At the same time, though it was a higher climb, the access from the transporter room to the Bridge was a shorter route, and the other three found themselves under the Bridge's deck plate.  But instead of being able to open the emergency hatch directly to the bridge, they found the hatch would not budge.  A slight detour through the empty turbolift shaft was required to make it to the place they were in only 15 minutes or so ago.  After getting the doors open, they were greeted by a very similar sight.  The bridge looked absolutely the same, right down to the Discovery-only renovations that Captain Tekin had put in himself.  This wasn't just another Prometheus Class vessel with Discovery's ID tag... even the interior was clearly Discovery.

Before Lek would be able to get the power on, they would be able to look around the bridge.  For a moment, it looked occupied, but there were still no life signs.  It wouldn't take long before they saw that the bridge was indeed occupied.... by them.  Naturally, the first person really visible was a figure sitting in the Captain's chair, slumped over.  Covered in the same frost rime that covered the floors, panels, and ceiling of the ship, it would be hard to see who it was.  But a quick check would confirm it...

Captain Tekin Nevir was still seated in his position on the bridge, just slumped to the left over the arm of the chair.  His skin was white, but the earring on his ear still gleamed with the lights from their equipment.  It was only when they saw the second form positioned in the first officer's station that a dull blue light came on the bridge; the minimum power they could get.  But that light showed more than just the Captain and the first officer.  Every bridge station was occupied.  From the looks of it.. Alpha shift.  Which meant that most if not all of the senior officers were all around them; frozen where they all fell.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 16, 2021, 11:30:28 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

It didn't take long to lead T'Lara and Don to the bridge hatch. The problem was it couldn't budge. Most likely it was iced over.

"The hatch is stuck," said Nira when she gave up trying to open it. "Looks like we'll have to go around. The best alternate route is through the turbolift shaft. Let's hope there are no turbolifts up at the bridge. And let's hope nobody minds climbing up a shaft with a seemingly bottomless pit."

Of course, Nira never minded it, it was also in her drills. She had to admit, when she first climbed a turbolift shaft in her drills at the Academy, she momentarily suffered vertigo, not to mention the "bottomless pit" unnerved her. But she got over it; the trick was to focus on the climb. And to simply not look down.

Fifteen minutes later, after climbing the ladder through the shaft, they were at the turbolift doors to the bridge. It took a moment to force the door open. Nira had to admit that she felt tense, what with trying to open a door at the edge of a precipice of sorts with a compression rifle and her forensics kit strapped on her back.

What she saw when she opened it was a sharp exhale enough that she looked like she was breathing out a column of steam, what with it being so cold her breath was steaming.

As she stepped in and allowed T'Lara and Don space to get in, she took in everything. There were bodies strewn about, but the most recognizable was the Captain. She recognized him through the ice rime. Then the lights came on and she saw T'Lara equally frozen dead in her station. She realized that it was Alpha Shift, which meant...

Nira approached the Tactical station. And there she was. She was looking at her frozen corpse. With exception to the frost and the lack of life and thus thought and emotion, it was like Nira was looking at herself. Asleep.

Dead at her station. Savar wasn't at her side. She was slumped against the chair, head up.

Nira got over the shock and set to work with her forensic kit. She may as well start with herself, see how everybody died...well, specifically how long they've been dead.

Quote from: Lek on August 16, 2021, 12:52:34 PM

[Deck 2 - Auxiliary Fusion Generators -->Deck 4 Matter/Antimatter Reactor - Alternate Discovery]

When the fusion generator started up, Lek was pleased until he saw how low the power reserves were. They only just operational and most of the ship's major systems would not even initiate at such a low level. He knew he was going to have get either the impulse engine or the matter/anti-matter reactor for Alpha hull functional before they'd have sufficient power to accomplish anything useful. It was then that Lek found Crewman Galvan. He leapt back in surprised and squeaked at the discovery. This brought  Crewman Gohun running to see if Lek was okay.

"Sorry, the body surprised me. I guess if there was any doubt this was Discovery, then she's proof that it is. How we've gotten displaced in time to learn this, I don't know, but we are now without doubt in some sort of temporal event. We've got to get to deck four."

Lek gathered his tools and headed for the nearest ladder. As he did, he tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to Commander T'Lara. I've found the body of one of the crew of this Discovery and it's someone from engineering from our Discovery. I don't know how or even if we can avoid it, but this ship is clearly our ship. I'm on my way to see if I can get the matter/anti-matter reactor on deck four operational. Lek out." =/\=

Lek began climbing down the ladder and thought.

"Just don't let this be a pre-destination paradox. There has to be a way to alter our fate."

[Transporter Room --> Bridge - Alternate Discovery]

The journey was not without its obstacles, understandable given the state this Discovery was in. They had to backtrack a bit when the hatch proved too strong to move manually. As they climbed, T'Lara thought the extra effort of taking this route was useful, as it helped her keep up her body heat. However, if they had not needed to take this route, power would have been on and ship temperatures would be at normal parameters. The Vulcan shook off this cancelling logic and focused on the task ahead. Not having any emotional thoughts on the possible implications of their surroundings, T'Lara was not inclined to engage in the atmosphere of eeriness. If she had been; the cold, lifeless nature of this ship would certainly bring a shiver to the back of her neck. The air reeked of ghosts and memories. What it would feel like, she assumed, if you returned to a home you had left in childhood only to find it abandoned.

They strolled in this fashion for a period of time, the exact number T'Lara of course had logged in her thoughts. They would need to make a status update soon. They reached the door, and the XO assisted Nira in opening it. When the three of them stepped through, the sight that met them encouraged a similar reaction to that of the initial beam onto the transporter. However, this room felt different, stronger. This was a place they spent the majority of their time, and the life and activity that normally filled it had been sucked out.

When she stepped in with the others, her flashlight scanned at range the area in front of her until she came to a stop at flight control. This was where she could most clearly see the form of a body. A...person. Quickly, she stepped forward into the very center of the room (if anyone with hostile intentions was present they would have attacked already). She turned her back to the main view screen and shined her light on the Captain's chair, searching the features of the frozen form residing there. It was indeed their own Captain Tekin. She almost did not want to look, but her eyes strayed the few feet to her left to confirm the presence of her own lifeless shell. Before she could suck in an astounded breath, the lights blinked on.

Turning in a circle, T'Lara took recorded evidence of what they were seeing. Each station was filled with a corpse, each one as strikingly chilled and rigid as the last. To T'Lara, seeing her own likeness was like seeing a pause in time. As if her body had been cryogenically frozen, but none of the safety measures insuring her survival had been implemented. Nira began working on studying the bodies, and T'Lara began conducting her own data collection and analysis. She had done a sweep of everyone but herself, having saved the most jarring for last. Before she could start, Lek's comm came in.

=/\= "T'Lara to Commander Lek. We have discovered bodies of the same nature, members of our Bridge crew. I concur with your statement. I shall be giving our ship a status update presently. If there is any additional information you would like me to relay, state it now. T'Lara out."  =/\=

That message sent, her mind returned to the sight in front of her. Her own face white as a sheet and eyes closed. She did not know why she chose this particular detail to focus on, but she noticed the relaxed set of the cheeks and eyelids. Whatever had transpired here, whether it had happened several days or thousands of years from now, she must have let her guard down before letting death take her. She looked to be...content in her eternal rest. What a disappointment.

She reached out a hand with a tricorder and scanned, not taking her gaze off the ice-kissed eyelashes of this mysterious puzzle.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.