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Season 14, Episode 7: Distressed

Started by Tekin Nevir, July 26, 2021, 07:04:42 PM

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Everett Wynters

Quote from: Lek on August 16, 2021, 05:57:58 PM

[Deck 4 - Alternate Discovery]

Lek started when his combadge chirped and hissed.

"Dammit, settle down."

He snarled at himself before replying.

"Just like we did with decks one through ten. Nothing specific to look for, but if you find any chronitons, let me know. Just be thorough, I'm trying to eliminate possible T'hunga influence. Lek out."

[Deck 11 - USS Discovery]

=/\= "Understood. Wynters out." =/\=

Chronitons. Time particles. Look for those and also seek out everything that might be wrong with the ship itself. Wonderful. A needle in a haystack full of needles that changed into hay when you blinked. Alright. He went into the Jefferies Tubes, starting at the door and scanning backwards. This was going to be time consuming to say the very least, but it was ok. It was alright. He was active, he was moving, and he was making everything better for everyone. He scanned the door, scanning all the way down to the atomic scale and then working his way up, comparing it to what it should be based on technical manuals on his own personal padd.

He could hear grumbling as people were scanning. "Yes yes. Grumble grumble. I get this, but this isn't busy work or a wild rock quest. If the Chief sent us ALL to do this, do you think it would be for nothing? To do busy work?" He asked, looking at the two other crew men with him and then getting back to it. "When I was a kid, every task for our very survival. It wasn't busy work. It was to make sure everyone survived to the next day. So... If we are scanning for anything being wrong, then he probably knows something we don't yet, and doesn't want us to panic while we do our jobs and miss something. So quit complaining and let's get this done right, and done quickly." He might not have rank, but he could knew he could always put things in a way to make people pay attention and do their job.

He started moving through the Jefferies Tubes now, scanning down the way in a painfully slow manner.


Quote from: T'Lara on August 16, 2021, 11:26:30 PM

[Transporter Room --> Bridge - Alternate Discovery]

The journey was not without its obstacles, understandable given the state this Discovery was in. They had to backtrack a bit when the hatch proved too strong to move manually. As they climbed, T'Lara thought the extra effort of taking this route was useful, as it helped her keep up her body heat. However, if they had not needed to take this route, power would have been on and ship temperatures would be at normal parameters. The Vulcan shook off this cancelling logic and focused on the task ahead. Not having any emotional thoughts on the possible implications of their surroundings, T'Lara was not inclined to engage in the atmosphere of eeriness. If she had been; the cold, lifeless nature of this ship would certainly bring a shiver to the back of her neck. The air reeked of ghosts and memories. What it would feel like, she assumed, if you returned to a home you had left in childhood only to find it abandoned.

They strolled in this fashion for a period of time, the exact number T'Lara of course had logged in her thoughts. They would need to make a status update soon. They reached the door, and the XO assisted Nira in opening it. When the three of them stepped through, the sight that met them encouraged a similar reaction to that of the initial beam onto the transporter. However, this room felt different, stronger. This was a place they spent the majority of their time, and the life and activity that normally filled it had been sucked out.

When she stepped in with the others, her flashlight scanned at range the area in front of her until she came to a stop at flight control. This was where she could most clearly see the form of a body. A...person. Quickly, she stepped forward into the very center of the room (if anyone with hostile intentions was present they would have attacked already). She turned her back to the main view screen and shined her light on the Captain's chair, searching the features of the frozen form residing there. It was indeed their own Captain Tekin. She almost did not want to look, but her eyes strayed the few feet to her left to confirm the presence of her own lifeless shell. Before she could suck in an astounded breath, the lights blinked on.

Turning in a circle, T'Lara took recorded evidence of what they were seeing. Each station was filled with a corpse, each one as strikingly chilled and rigid as the last. To T'Lara, seeing her own likeness was like seeing a pause in time. As if her body had been cryogenically frozen, but none of the safety measures insuring her survival had been implemented. Nira began working on studying the bodies, and T'Lara began conducting her own data collection and analysis. She had done a sweep of everyone but herself, having saved the most jarring for last. Before she could start, Lek's comm came in.

=/\= "T'Lara to Commander Lek. We have discovered bodies of the same nature, members of our Bridge crew. I concur with your statement. I shall be giving our ship a status update presently. If there is any additional information you would like me to relay, state it now. T'Lara out."  =/\=

That message sent, her mind returned to the sight in front of her. Her own face white as a sheet and eyes closed. She did not know why she chose this particular detail to focus on, but she noticed the relaxed set of the cheeks and eyelids. Whatever had transpired here, whether it had happened several days or thousands of years from now, she must have let her guard down before letting death take her. She looked to be...content in her eternal rest. What a disappointment.

She reached out a hand with a tricorder and scanned, not taking her gaze off the ice-kissed eyelashes of this mysterious puzzle.

[Deck 4 - Matter/Antimatter Reactor - Alternate Discovery]

When Lek entered the compartment with the Alpha hull's warp core, he found it as depressing as the compartments he'd been in. The same layer of ice and the forlorn sense of abandonment that hung in the air like a cloud. There was much about this whole situation that didn't make sense, but the one that stood out the most to him was the fact that ship was in such good condition. They had to have landed under control, but based on the bodies, it didn't look like anyone survived and those two facts simply didn't fit together. Pulling himself away from pointless speculation, Lek began the initiation sequence to start the matter/antimatter reactor.

"If this thing will start, that will give enough power to access primary systems and maybe find out how and in which when it happened."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: T'Lara on August 16, 2021, 11:26:30 PM

[Transporter Room --> Bridge - Alternate Discovery]

The journey was not without its obstacles, understandable given the state this Discovery was in. They had to backtrack a bit when the hatch proved too strong to move manually. As they climbed, T'Lara thought the extra effort of taking this route was useful, as it helped her keep up her body heat. However, if they had not needed to take this route, power would have been on and ship temperatures would be at normal parameters. The Vulcan shook off this cancelling logic and focused on the task ahead. Not having any emotional thoughts on the possible implications of their surroundings, T'Lara was not inclined to engage in the atmosphere of eeriness. If she had been; the cold, lifeless nature of this ship would certainly bring a shiver to the back of her neck. The air reeked of ghosts and memories. What it would feel like, she assumed, if you returned to a home you had left in childhood only to find it abandoned.

They strolled in this fashion for a period of time, the exact number T'Lara of course had logged in her thoughts. They would need to make a status update soon. They reached the door, and the XO assisted Nira in opening it. When the three of them stepped through, the sight that met them encouraged a similar reaction to that of the initial beam onto the transporter. However, this room felt different, stronger. This was a place they spent the majority of their time, and the life and activity that normally filled it had been sucked out.

When she stepped in with the others, her flashlight scanned at range the area in front of her until she came to a stop at flight control. This was where she could most clearly see the form of a body. A...person. Quickly, she stepped forward into the very center of the room (if anyone with hostile intentions was present they would have attacked already). She turned her back to the main view screen and shined her light on the Captain's chair, searching the features of the frozen form residing there. It was indeed their own Captain Tekin. She almost did not want to look, but her eyes strayed the few feet to her left to confirm the presence of her own lifeless shell. Before she could suck in an astounded breath, the lights blinked on.

Turning in a circle, T'Lara took recorded evidence of what they were seeing. Each station was filled with a corpse, each one as strikingly chilled and rigid as the last. To T'Lara, seeing her own likeness was like seeing a pause in time. As if her body had been cryogenically frozen, but none of the safety measures insuring her survival had been implemented. Nira began working on studying the bodies, and T'Lara began conducting her own data collection and analysis. She had done a sweep of everyone but herself, having saved the most jarring for last. Before she could start, Lek's comm came in.

=/\= "T'Lara to Commander Lek. We have discovered bodies of the same nature, members of our Bridge crew. I concur with your statement. I shall be giving our ship a status update presently. If there is any additional information you would like me to relay, state it now. T'Lara out."  =/\=

That message sent, her mind returned to the sight in front of her. Her own face white as a sheet and eyes closed. She did not know why she chose this particular detail to focus on, but she noticed the relaxed set of the cheeks and eyelids. Whatever had transpired here, whether it had happened several days or thousands of years from now, she must have let her guard down before letting death take her. She looked to be...content in her eternal rest. What a disappointment.

She reached out a hand with a tricorder and scanned, not taking her gaze off the ice-kissed eyelashes of this mysterious puzzle.

Quote from: Lek on August 17, 2021, 12:12:14 PM

[Deck 4 - Matter/Antimatter Reactor - Alternate Discovery]

When Lek entered the compartment with the Alpha hull's warp core, he found it as depressing as the compartments he'd been in. The same layer of ice and the forlorn sense of abandonment that hung in the air like a cloud. There was much about this whole situation that didn't make sense, but the one that stood out the most to him was the fact that ship was in such good condition. They had to have landed under control, but based on the bodies, it didn't look like anyone survived and those two facts simply didn't fit together. Pulling himself away from pointless speculation, Lek began the initiation sequence to start the matter/antimatter reactor.

"If this thing will start, that will give enough power to access primary systems and maybe find out how and in which when it happened."

[Deck 4 - Auxillary Engineering - Discovery 2]

With power restored to the control panel, it wouldn't take too much of an issue to start the reactor... normally.  However when trying to get the start up sequence, two errors immediately flashed.  One was a fracture in the dilithium chamber, rendering the dilithium unable to regulate the reaction.  The second was even worst.  The magnetic interlocks were fused.  There would be no way to contain the reaction once it was started, and without the dilithium that reaction would have immediately gone critical.

A form at Lek's feet would reveal the body of another crewman... this time Everett Wynters.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - Discovery #2]

It wasn't immediately clear the cause of death.  There were no outward injuries or markings to suggest that anything happened to them at all.  Perhaps they needed someone with the proper knowledge.

There were too many questions right now, and their means of getting answers required access to ship systems.

T'Lara's comm badge would chirp.

=/\= "Discovery to Commander T'Lara.  Have you found anything down there?=/\=


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 17, 2021, 01:40:00 PM

[Deck 4 - Auxillary Engineering - Discovery 2]

With power restored to the control panel, it wouldn't take too much of an issue to start the reactor... normally.  However when trying to get the start up sequence, two errors immediately flashed.  One was a fracture in the dilithium chamber, rendering the dilithium unable to regulate the reaction.  The second was even worst.  The magnetic interlocks were fused.  There would be no way to contain the reaction once it was started, and without the dilithium that reaction would have immediately gone critical.

A form at Lek's feet would reveal the body of another crewman... this time Everett Wynters.

[Deck 4 - Matter/Antimatter Reactor - Alternate Discovery]

When Lek realized there was no hope of activating the Alpha hull reactor without causing an immediate breach, he began to get frustrated.

"Dammit, why are the reactor controls so badly damaged when the ship is structurally sound?"

It was as he was going to leave when he found Wynters' body. Still shaken, but not as surprised as before, he was nonetheless, very rattled to know something had gone so hopelessly wrong. He moved around the corpse and headed for the exit signalling to Crewman Gohun to follow him. As he climbed down from deck 4 to deck 5, he contacted T'Lara.

=/\= "Lek to Commander T'Lara. The Alpha hull reactor is badly damaged and cannot be restarted safely. I'm heading for Deck 5 to try and start the Impulse engine. I will let you know what I find. Lek out." =/\=

As he climbed he muttered.

"It's like having a can of tube grubs in syrup, but the can opener is inside the can."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discover ii - freezer bridge]

The climb up to the bridge was what Don had needed for to warm up his body. He was fit. He had been taking boxing for a new sport.

As they entered the bridge it was cold. The crew was present at their stations. The hairs on his neck, hands and all the hairs all stood up. He had an ill feeling this was something one had not wanted to see.

He saw Nira catch sight of a frozen body at tactical/security station, T'Lara had this long stare at the body next...that was when he leaned to see the earring the Captain wore. He felt sick. He slowly turned to look at the bodies at helm and operations. It was a real site one would never dare want to experience. This was like a total out of the body experience. Worse, this was NOT an out of the body experience.

He took baby steps to go over to look at the Operations to see it was indeed Torra's frozen body. He felt sick. He held his hand about to touch her, but he withdrew his hands. "œTorra," he said to her frozen body. Her face was looking at his own frozen face. They died together. Or froze together. Then he was about to believe it was the one he married. He then remembered she was safe. This was NOT his Torra but it was her still in a way.

He then moved over to his sloped over body which laid over the helm. The hologram image was off. It had been from the rough landing. The landing was good too. "œI must compensate power over to reverse impulse like a crazy brake job."

The hard part was his body was literally on the console he was unable to see the information on the console.

What could cause all this? He was puzzled and he actually jumped in his own boots when the "˜warm living Captain' called to T'Lara to get heads up what had occurred down here on the planet.

If this was temporary they might be able to fix the problem, save the ship and the crew. But how? And how can they stop it from happening to them"¦

"œIf this is a temporal event. . . we are here. Which means it won't happen unless we stay here," he shared. It was a good science theory there. Unless there was a pattern where it happens in layers. They can be wave two and then maybe there will be wave three and so on.

"œYou think the Captain's ready room will have an update on what occurred? Does he make small report notes for daily activity?" he asked.

He bent down to look under the console of the helm and operations. He saw the panel where a phaser would be hidden. It was still there. And he figured he could attempt to restart the hologram computer to see more.

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 17, 2021, 01:40:00 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - Discovery #2]

It wasn't immediately clear the cause of death.  There were no outward injuries or markings to suggest that anything happened to them at all.  Perhaps they needed someone with the proper knowledge.

There were too many questions right now, and their means of getting answers required access to ship systems.

T'Lara's comm badge would chirp.

=/\= "Discovery to Commander T'Lara.  Have you found anything down there?=/\=

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 17, 2021, 06:07:28 PM

[USS Discover ii - freezer bridge]

The climb up to the bridge was what Don had needed for to warm up his body. He was fit. He had been taking boxing for a new sport.

As they entered the bridge it was cold. The crew was present at their stations. The hairs on his neck, hands and all the hairs all stood up. He had an ill feeling this was something one had not wanted to see.

He saw Nira catch sight of a frozen body at tactical/security station, T'Lara had this long stare at the body next...that was when he leaned to see the earring the Captain wore. He felt sick. He slowly turned to look at the bodies at helm and operations. It was a real site one would never dare want to experience. This was like a total out of the body experience. Worse, this was NOT an out of the body experience.

He took baby steps to go over to look at the Operations to see it was indeed Torra's frozen body. He felt sick. He held his hand about to touch her, but he withdrew his hands. "œTorra," he said to her frozen body. Her face was looking at his own frozen face. They died together. Or froze together. Then he was about to believe it was the one he married. He then remembered she was safe. This was NOT his Torra but it was her still in a way.

He then moved over to his sloped over body which laid over the helm. The hologram image was off. It had been from the rough landing. The landing was good too. "œI must compensate power over to reverse impulse like a crazy brake job."

The hard part was his body was literally on the console he was unable to see the information on the console.

What could cause all this? He was puzzled and he actually jumped in his own boots when the "˜warm living Captain' called to T'Lara to get heads up what had occurred down here on the planet.

If this was temporary they might be able to fix the problem, save the ship and the crew. But how? And how can they stop it from happening to them"¦

"œIf this is a temporal event. . . we are here. Which means it won't happen unless we stay here," he shared. It was a good science theory there. Unless there was a pattern where it happens in layers. They can be wave two and then maybe there will be wave three and so on.

"œYou think the Captain's ready room will have an update on what occurred? Does he make small report notes for daily activity?" he asked.

He bent down to look under the console of the helm and operations. He saw the panel where a phaser would be hidden. It was still there. And he figured he could attempt to restart the hologram computer to see more.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

Nira was frustrated. Her tricorder wasn't giving any good results. She couldn't find any markings, blemishes, anything to indicate what was wrong. For all she knew, the crew looked in good health, regardless of the fact they were obviously dead.

"I'm not getting any results, Commander," she said. "There's nothing to indicate how...we...died. I could scan to determine how long we've been dead, but it's proving tricky. I don't know what's wrong with my tricorder. Or my general forensics equipment overall."

That, in point of fact, was true. She had even put on an ocular exographic sensor, an essential part of her kit, the "Borg Monocle," as it was humorously nicknamed, giving her the look of a liberated Borg with a cybernetic eye - or fused monocle - when she put it on. Rather than its relations, the exographic targeting sensors, which can seek out any targets by seeing through walls, Nira's ocular exographic sensor was modified for a different purpose. It was designed as something as a lightweight ocular microscope, as well as an X-ray. She could easily see all the way into the bloodstream of an open wound if she could, see the blood cells up close and personal. But that's the microscopic range that it could go; otherwise, she would've been capable of seeing, with the ocular sensor, on the subatomic level, if she could. Of course, something like that was downright impossible, even with today's technology. Savar often borrowed the sensor at times for use in his experiments, and Nira allowed not just him, but the rest of the Science Department, to borrow it from time to time.

But even her ocular sensor could find nothing wrong with the corpse of herself. She tapped it a few times before she removed it in frustration.

Hoping to get her mind off her frustration, she looked at Don...and with another sharp inhale, she saw him looking at not just himself, but Torra. They died together. She could tell that he was just as disturbed as she was; she could feel it like a wave of cold that had nothing to do with the literal cold they were all feeling now.

Nira nodded at Don's suggestion of finding more information from the Ready Room and said, as she put her forensic equipment, from tricorder to ocular sensor, back into its kit, "That's a good idea, Lieutenant. In addition, once Lek gets power back up, maybe we can activate this ship's EMH, see if he can share more information...though I probably won't expect much, given frequency of activation. Then again, we'll have better chances of finding things out, and together; I can't seem to figure out how we died...and how long we've been dead."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery (other) - Bridge]

The grey handsome flight officer walked over to the Captain's ready room. The doors had not opened. The ice on the doors showed it was not going to bulge.

Then he went back to the flight control, bent down, grabbed the phaser which was magnet under neath. Whoever designed that was a brilliant.

He placed set phaser on wide range, and placed it on setting medium/high as he was working on the melting the ice. This was something was good for Don. He had needed to be doing something and not worry about his wife who was not his wife and frozen.


Quote from: Lek on August 17, 2021, 12:12:14 PM

[Deck 4 - Matter/Antimatter Reactor - Alternate Discovery]

When Lek entered the compartment with the Alpha hull's warp core, he found it as depressing as the compartments he'd been in. The same layer of ice and the forlorn sense of abandonment that hung in the air like a cloud. There was much about this whole situation that didn't make sense, but the one that stood out the most to him was the fact that ship was in such good condition. They had to have landed under control, but based on the bodies, it didn't look like anyone survived and those two facts simply didn't fit together. Pulling himself away from pointless speculation, Lek began the initiation sequence to start the matter/antimatter reactor.

"If this thing will start, that will give enough power to access primary systems and maybe find out how and in which when it happened."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 17, 2021, 01:40:00 PM

[Deck 4 - Auxillary Engineering - Discovery 2]

With power restored to the control panel, it wouldn't take too much of an issue to start the reactor... normally.  However when trying to get the start up sequence, two errors immediately flashed.  One was a fracture in the dilithium chamber, rendering the dilithium unable to regulate the reaction.  The second was even worst.  The magnetic interlocks were fused.  There would be no way to contain the reaction once it was started, and without the dilithium that reaction would have immediately gone critical.

A form at Lek's feet would reveal the body of another crewman... this time Everett Wynters.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - Discovery #2]

It wasn't immediately clear the cause of death.  There were no outward injuries or markings to suggest that anything happened to them at all.  Perhaps they needed someone with the proper knowledge.

There were too many questions right now, and their means of getting answers required access to ship systems.

T'Lara's comm badge would chirp.

=/\= "Discovery to Commander T'Lara.  Have you found anything down there?=/\=

Quote from: Lek on August 17, 2021, 04:42:36 PM

[Deck 4 - Matter/Antimatter Reactor - Alternate Discovery]

When Lek realized there was no hope of activating the Alpha hull reactor without causing an immediate breach, he began to get frustrated.

"Dammit, why are the reactor controls so badly damaged when the ship is structurally sound?"

It was as he was going to leave when he found Wynters' body. Still shaken, but not as surprised as before, he was nonetheless, very rattled to know something had gone so hopelessly wrong. He moved around the corpse and headed for the exit signalling to Crewman Gohun to follow him. As he climbed down from deck 4 to deck 5, he contacted T'Lara.

=/\= "Lek to Commander T'Lara. The Alpha hull reactor is badly damaged and cannot be restarted safely. I'm heading for Deck 5 to try and start the Impulse engine. I will let you know what I find. Lek out." =/\=

As he climbed he muttered.

"It's like having a can of tube grubs in syrup, but the can opener is inside the can."

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 17, 2021, 06:07:28 PM

[USS Discover ii - freezer bridge]

The climb up to the bridge was what Don had needed for to warm up his body. He was fit. He had been taking boxing for a new sport.

As they entered the bridge it was cold. The crew was present at their stations. The hairs on his neck, hands and all the hairs all stood up. He had an ill feeling this was something one had not wanted to see.

He saw Nira catch sight of a frozen body at tactical/security station, T'Lara had this long stare at the body next...that was when he leaned to see the earring the Captain wore. He felt sick. He slowly turned to look at the bodies at helm and operations. It was a real site one would never dare want to experience. This was like a total out of the body experience. Worse, this was NOT an out of the body experience.

He took baby steps to go over to look at the Operations to see it was indeed Torra's frozen body. He felt sick. He held his hand about to touch her, but he withdrew his hands. "œTorra," he said to her frozen body. Her face was looking at his own frozen face. They died together. Or froze together. Then he was about to believe it was the one he married. He then remembered she was safe. This was NOT his Torra but it was her still in a way.

He then moved over to his sloped over body which laid over the helm. The hologram image was off. It had been from the rough landing. The landing was good too. "œI must compensate power over to reverse impulse like a crazy brake job."

The hard part was his body was literally on the console he was unable to see the information on the console.

What could cause all this? He was puzzled and he actually jumped in his own boots when the "˜warm living Captain' called to T'Lara to get heads up what had occurred down here on the planet.

If this was temporary they might be able to fix the problem, save the ship and the crew. But how? And how can they stop it from happening to them"¦

"œIf this is a temporal event. . . we are here. Which means it won't happen unless we stay here," he shared. It was a good science theory there. Unless there was a pattern where it happens in layers. They can be wave two and then maybe there will be wave three and so on.

"œYou think the Captain's ready room will have an update on what occurred? Does he make small report notes for daily activity?" he asked.

He bent down to look under the console of the helm and operations. He saw the panel where a phaser would be hidden. It was still there. And he figured he could attempt to restart the hologram computer to see more.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 17, 2021, 09:10:01 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

Nira was frustrated. Her tricorder wasn't giving any good results. She couldn't find any markings, blemishes, anything to indicate what was wrong. For all she knew, the crew looked in good health, regardless of the fact they were obviously dead.

"I'm not getting any results, Commander," she said. "There's nothing to indicate how...we...died. I could scan to determine how long we've been dead, but it's proving tricky. I don't know what's wrong with my tricorder. Or my general forensics equipment overall."

That, in point of fact, was true. She had even put on an ocular exographic sensor, an essential part of her kit, the "Borg Monocle," as it was humorously nicknamed, giving her the look of a liberated Borg with a cybernetic eye - or fused monocle - when she put it on. Rather than its relations, the exographic targeting sensors, which can seek out any targets by seeing through walls, Nira's ocular exographic sensor was modified for a different purpose. It was designed as something as a lightweight ocular microscope, as well as an X-ray. She could easily see all the way into the bloodstream of an open wound if she could, see the blood cells up close and personal. But that's the microscopic range that it could go; otherwise, she would've been capable of seeing, with the ocular sensor, on the subatomic level, if she could. Of course, something like that was downright impossible, even with today's technology. Savar often borrowed the sensor at times for use in his experiments, and Nira allowed not just him, but the rest of the Science Department, to borrow it from time to time.

But even her ocular sensor could find nothing wrong with the corpse of herself. She tapped it a few times before she removed it in frustration.

Hoping to get her mind off her frustration, she looked at Don...and with another sharp inhale, she saw him looking at not just himself, but Torra. They died together. She could tell that he was just as disturbed as she was; she could feel it like a wave of cold that had nothing to do with the literal cold they were all feeling now.

Nira nodded at Don's suggestion of finding more information from the Ready Room and said, as she put her forensic equipment, from tricorder to ocular sensor, back into its kit, "That's a good idea, Lieutenant. In addition, once Lek gets power back up, maybe we can activate this ship's EMH, see if he can share more information...though I probably won't expect much, given frequency of activation. Then again, we'll have better chances of finding things out, and together; I can't seem to figure out how we died...and how long we've been dead."

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - Alternate Discovery]

T'Lara had been taking scans, mostly for the sake of recording. She'd need data to bring back for analysis and comparison. She was not an expert in medical matters, but to her general understanding of the ticorder readings, the bodies in front of her seemed to have died peacefully. This did not make sense given the state of the ship. Unless they had come back here to die? The logic was not adding up. While she was pondering, a message came from Tekin. Raising an eyebrow, she belatedly realized she was supposed to have made a status report five minutes ago.

=/\= "T'Lara to Discovery. We have since traveled to the Bridge of this vessel. As far as we can ascertain, this ship is indeed an exact replica of our own. Commander Lek and Crewman Gohun are on deck four, attempting to regain power. Perhaps the most intriguing information to relay is that we have come upon bodies in various parts of the ship...they are the remains of members of our own crew. We need to regain power to find out more, but I will be sending scans of the bodies to medical for analysis. Unless you object, we will stay awhile longer to obtain more concrete answers. T'Lara out."  =/\=

Eyes sweeping the Bridge, she caught sight of Don caught up in his own emotional reactions to this reality. She almost wished she could transfer her own sense of calm in this situation to him, but she did not have the ability. She moved closer to him so she could respond as gently as she could.

"That may be true. Or else it is not a temporal event, and this reality we are seeing is not real at all." She paused a moment at his suggestion. "It is unlikely, but possible. More likely, the ships logs will be contained in the main computer. If Captain Tekin made a log on some other device we may not be able to access it, unless of course he used pen and paper."  Soon after, she received an update from Lek.  She looked to Don with a face that hopefully said he could investigate his idea, then responded to the chief engineer.

=/\= "Understood, Commander. Will standby for update. T'Lara out."  =/\=

She then looked to Nira, detecting the mood of her slightly defeatist statements.

"I can understand your frustration, Lieutenant. However, sometimes in science, receiving no answers is in itself an answer. What we see before us may not be meant for us to understand. We will send our readings back to Discovery for further analysis. We will wait for power to be restored so we can find out what we can from the EMH. If the answers turn out to be unsatisfactory...we will discuss other solutions. Understood?"

It appeared like she was attempting to regain control of her team's morale, and that very well may be the case. If the crew found themselves brought down by the 'doom and gloom' the presence of these bodies suggested, they'd be less likely to find a way to stop it from becoming their reality.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Zavrol Gohun

When Gohun arrived he turn the light on his weapon on and made sure it was set to stun. After that, he took the safety off and looked around the room. There was no power which meant that life support might not be working as well. As Gohun followed Commander Lek he had a weird feeling that they were being watched. Probably just paranoia as they walked for a very long time before Commander Lek stopped and started to work on some gizmo. It was at that moment that he heard someone scream and Gohun went running to discover Commander Lek being scared by a dead body. With that Gohun knew a way to determine if this ship was their ship. He took his tricorder and took a quick scan of the probes in the ship and noted the same probe that was launched from their ship was missing.   

Tekin Nevir


[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery (The First)]

The Captain stared out the viewscreen, which had been zoomed onto the location of the crash.  The outside was unmistakable, right down to the lettering and scoring.  He had hoped it was some sort of trick.. like what the Tal Shiar did.  But the confirmation from T'Lara made his blood run cold... almost as cold as the blood in his counterpart's corpse.  How do you answer confirmation that your First Officer is looking at you dead?

=/\= "Acknowledged, Number One.  See what you can find.  We'll send down a medical officer to you shortly." =/\=

He closed the channel and opened one to sickbay, ordering for someone to go down there with a medical kit.  It was... odd.  That feeling of someone walking over his grave was strong, probably because he knew that it was literally happening about 10 or so kilometers below him.

"Mr. Graham... put us in geostationary orbit over the crash site.  Let Commander Lek know he is free to send down repair teams if he sees fit.  I want to know if the Discovery is salvageable, or if we need to scuttle it.  I'll be in my ready room." he stated, looking at Banan to let him know he had the con.  Nevir stood up, and walked over to the doors, letting them open and close behind him.

[Second Discovery - Same location]

At the same time, the doors to the Captain's ready room were able to be pried open, revealing the same simple room that was on their own Discovery.  Frozen PADDs on a frozen desk, but this time with light coming in from an exterior window.  Frosted, but otherwise whole.  This was clearly Captain's Tekin's ready room, as scattered around the office were personal effects that were otherwise too mundane to replicate for the sole purpose of deception.  Although both the holo-emitters and the okudagram panel were off, from the look of the desk set up, the computer had recently still been in use.

A shimmer of the air signaled an incoming transport, and on the bridge next to the ops station, Chief Medical Officer Marcus Thane materialized with a medical tricorder already in hand.  The Doctor was immediately startled by the sight around him of seeing his dead fellow crewmates, but quickly regained himself.  Trying to avoid looking at the dead Captain, or indeed the dead First Officer near the living one, he immediately moved over to both Nira and T'Lara.

"Seems peaceful... downright creepy.  But I guess this is better than beaming into Sickbay if the Bridge is any indication," he said, now trying to avoid looking at Nira hovering over... Nira.

"I have my teams looking over your scans now, but the Captain told me to come down immediately.  So... anything of interest?"

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Discovery #2]

Unfortunately, the more Lek would move throughout the ship, the more he would start to see the dark truth they had discovered... more and more crew and officers would be found in the corridors, and especially in the auxiliary engineering room for Alpha.  Thankfully, the actual manual control room for the impulse engines was empty.  Still iced, but empty.

While there wasn't a way to get the engines online for thrust at the present time, they could still be activated.  And using the reserves for the engines power could be restored.  At least for the critical systems.  All in all, the damage to the engines, while serious, was repairable with the right tools and parts.  There was nothing yet to indicate that the ship couldn't be brought back to life fully.  However, for now, even with the impulse engines charging the ship, it would take time for the power to return to the ship... even the gel packs were frozen and needed to thaw.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 20, 2021, 10:51:12 AM

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Discovery #2]

Unfortunately, the more Lek would move throughout the ship, the more he would start to see the dark truth they had discovered... more and more crew and officers would be found in the corridors, and especially in the auxiliary engineering room for Alpha.  Thankfully, the actual manual control room for the impulse engines was empty.  Still iced, but empty.

While there wasn't a way to get the engines online for thrust at the present time, they could still be activated.  And using the reserves for the engines power could be restored.  At least for the critical systems.  All in all, the damage to the engines, while serious, was repairable with the right tools and parts.  There was nothing yet to indicate that the ship couldn't be brought back to life fully.  However, for now, even with the impulse engines charging the ship, it would take time for the power to return to the ship... even the gel packs were frozen and needed to thaw.

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Alternate Discovery]

Despite the horrible nature of having to maneuver around the dead of people you knew, even though you also knew they were alive was very difficult to reconcile for Lek. However, he'd gotten the impulse engines to start, at least for power, whether they would provide lift again was a different story, but at least they now had the hope of accessing the computers to find out what happened and, more importantly, when it happened.

=/\= "Lek to Commander T'Lara, good news. I was able to reinitialize the impulse engine. It will take about half an hour, but we'll finally have power for major systems. Although this ship has sustained significant damage, I believe it to be salvageable, but I'm going to need help. I'm going to start having repair teams join us. I'm headed for Deck 11 and take a look at the primary warp core. I will let you know what I discover. Lek out." =/\=

Lek turned to Crewman Gohun and said.

"Let's go. If we're going to repair this ship, we're going to need the industrial replicators and that means we have to have more power than the impulse engines can provide."

It was a fairly long climb to get to Deck 11, but at least it was going down. As Lek made his way to Main Engineering, he tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to Gianetti. I'm going to need help over here. Send repair teams two, five, and six. While you're at it send team three as well. Lek out." =/\=

He'd added team three because Crewman Wynters was part of that team and he seemed to know his stuff.

"Now is a good time to see what he's really made of, because if you can handle seeing your dead self, then odds are you had the right stuff for Starfleet."

He muttered as he climbed.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: T'Lara on August 19, 2021, 08:51:43 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - Alternate Discovery]

T'Lara had been taking scans, mostly for the sake of recording. She'd need data to bring back for analysis and comparison. She was not an expert in medical matters, but to her general understanding of the ticorder readings, the bodies in front of her seemed to have died peacefully. This did not make sense given the state of the ship. Unless they had come back here to die? The logic was not adding up. While she was pondering, a message came from Tekin. Raising an eyebrow, she belatedly realized she was supposed to have made a status report five minutes ago.

=/\= "T'Lara to Discovery. We have since traveled to the Bridge of this vessel. As far as we can ascertain, this ship is indeed an exact replica of our own. Commander Lek and Crewman Gohun are on deck four, attempting to regain power. Perhaps the most intriguing information to relay is that we have come upon bodies in various parts of the ship...they are the remains of members of our own crew. We need to regain power to find out more, but I will be sending scans of the bodies to medical for analysis. Unless you object, we will stay awhile longer to obtain more concrete answers. T'Lara out."  =/\=

Eyes sweeping the Bridge, she caught sight of Don caught up in his own emotional reactions to this reality. She almost wished she could transfer her own sense of calm in this situation to him, but she did not have the ability. She moved closer to him so she could respond as gently as she could.

"That may be true. Or else it is not a temporal event, and this reality we are seeing is not real at all." She paused a moment at his suggestion. "It is unlikely, but possible. More likely, the ships logs will be contained in the main computer. If Captain Tekin made a log on some other device we may not be able to access it, unless of course he used pen and paper."  Soon after, she received an update from Lek.  She looked to Don with a face that hopefully said he could investigate his idea, then responded to the chief engineer.

[Other Discovery = Bridge]

With the Commander's words had calmed him. It had to be the Vulcan able to stay calm. Which was an addition to help Don from going stir crazy.

"He might leave it unlock," he suggested.


=/\= "Understood, Commander. Will standby for update. T'Lara out."  =/\=

She then looked to Nira, detecting the mood of her slightly defeatist statements.

"I can understand your frustration, Lieutenant. However, sometimes in science, receiving no answers is in itself an answer. What we see before us may not be meant for us to understand. We will send our readings back to Discovery for further analysis. We will wait for power to be restored so we can find out what we can from the EMH. If the answers turn out to be unsatisfactory...we will discuss other solutions. Understood?"

It appeared like she was attempting to regain control of her team's morale, and that very well may be the case. If the crew found themselves brought down by the 'doom and gloom' the presence of these bodies suggested, they'd be less likely to find a way to stop it from becoming their reality.

The thing had puzzled Don was the crew seemed to be at peace. He frowned. Like they died and someone placed them at their stations.

"You know, Commander I think I have another way that can help us. After checking the logs. We can check the personal crew quarters or personal where we are off duty," he had not liked this idea. "I know this going to sound eerie like going to a cemetery. We can see how they are placed? We can check corridors to see any crew are laying peaceful on the floor too. Cause what something had happened to them. And someone placed them where they are rest in peace," he stopped. He closed his eyes. He had not like saying that one bit. It was an angel. A clue for them to gain more information. "And we can check if there was any crash damage on the planet and figure what angel, speed when 'this' Discovery crashed. If I can get access to the helm  might figure it out."

Then he went to the Captain's ready room.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 20, 2021, 10:51:12 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery (The First)]

The Captain stared out the viewscreen, which had been zoomed onto the location of the crash.  The outside was unmistakable, right down to the lettering and scoring.  He had hoped it was some sort of trick.. like what the Tal Shiar did.  But the confirmation from T'Lara made his blood run cold... almost as cold as the blood in his counterpart's corpse.  How do you answer confirmation that your First Officer is looking at you dead?

=/\= "Acknowledged, Number One.  See what you can find.  We'll send down a medical officer to you shortly." =/\=

He closed the channel and opened one to sickbay, ordering for someone to go down there with a medical kit.  It was... odd.  That feeling of someone walking over his grave was strong, probably because he knew that it was literally happening about 10 or so kilometers below him.

"Mr. Graham... put us in geostationary orbit over the crash site.  Let Commander Lek know he is free to send down repair teams if he sees fit.  I want to know if the Discovery is salvageable, or if we need to scuttle it.  I'll be in my ready room." he stated, looking at Banan to let him know he had the con.  Nevir stood up, and walked over to the doors, letting them open and close behind him.

[Second Discovery - Same location]

At the same time, the doors to the Captain's ready room were able to be pried open, revealing the same simple room that was on their own Discovery.  Frozen PADDs on a frozen desk, but this time with light coming in from an exterior window.  Frosted, but otherwise whole.  This was clearly Captain's Tekin's ready room, as scattered around the office were personal effects that were otherwise too mundane to replicate for the sole purpose of deception.  Although both the holo-emitters and the okudagram panel were off, from the look of the desk set up, the computer had recently still been in use.

Don did take his time to check things out. The detail was down to the exact what he would know. "Commander, the computer seemed it was being used like few moments ago..." he was wondering more as he was checking the computer. "I wonder if the Captain had done something to save his crew from something...." he had been listening to much Nira's stories and theories. Perhaps that was a good merit to learn from someone who was in Security.

A shimmer of the air signaled an incoming transport, and on the bridge next to the ops station, Chief Medical Officer Marcus Thane materialized with a medical tricorder already in hand.  The Doctor was immediately startled by the sight around him of seeing his dead fellow crewmates, but quickly regained himself.  Trying to avoid looking at the dead Captain, or indeed the dead First Officer near the living one, he immediately moved over to both Nira and T'Lara.

"Seems peaceful... downright creepy.  But I guess this is better than beaming into Sickbay if the Bridge is any indication," he said, now trying to avoid looking at Nira hovering over... Nira.

"I have my teams looking over your scans now, but the Captain told me to come down immediately.  So... anything of interest?"

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Discovery #2]

Unfortunately, the more Lek would move throughout the ship, the more he would start to see the dark truth they had discovered... more and more crew and officers would be found in the corridors, and especially in the auxiliary engineering room for Alpha.  Thankfully, the actual manual control room for the impulse engines was empty.  Still iced, but empty.

While there wasn't a way to get the engines online for thrust at the present time, they could still be activated.  And using the reserves for the engines power could be restored.  At least for the critical systems.  All in all, the damage to the engines, while serious, was repairable with the right tools and parts.  There was nothing yet to indicate that the ship couldn't be brought back to life fully.  However, for now, even with the impulse engines charging the ship, it would take time for the power to return to the ship... even the gel packs were frozen and needed to thaw.

Nira Said

Quote from: T'Lara on August 19, 2021, 08:51:43 PM

She then looked to Nira, detecting the mood of her slightly defeatist statements.

"I can understand your frustration, Lieutenant. However, sometimes in science, receiving no answers is in itself an answer. What we see before us may not be meant for us to understand. We will send our readings back to Discovery for further analysis. We will wait for power to be restored so we can find out what we can from the EMH. If the answers turn out to be unsatisfactory...we will discuss other solutions. Understood?"

It appeared like she was attempting to regain control of her team's morale, and that very well may be the case. If the crew found themselves brought down by the 'doom and gloom' the presence of these bodies suggested, they'd be less likely to find a way to stop it from becoming their reality.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 20, 2021, 10:51:12 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery (The First)]

The Captain stared out the viewscreen, which had been zoomed onto the location of the crash.  The outside was unmistakable, right down to the lettering and scoring.  He had hoped it was some sort of trick.. like what the Tal Shiar did.  But the confirmation from T'Lara made his blood run cold... almost as cold as the blood in his counterpart's corpse.  How do you answer confirmation that your First Officer is looking at you dead?

=/\= "Acknowledged, Number One.  See what you can find.  We'll send down a medical officer to you shortly." =/\=

He closed the channel and opened one to sickbay, ordering for someone to go down there with a medical kit.  It was... odd.  That feeling of someone walking over his grave was strong, probably because he knew that it was literally happening about 10 or so kilometers below him.

"Mr. Graham... put us in geostationary orbit over the crash site.  Let Commander Lek know he is free to send down repair teams if he sees fit.  I want to know if the Discovery is salvageable, or if we need to scuttle it.  I'll be in my ready room." he stated, looking at Banan to let him know he had the con.  Nevir stood up, and walked over to the doors, letting them open and close behind him.

[Second Discovery - Same location]

At the same time, the doors to the Captain's ready room were able to be pried open, revealing the same simple room that was on their own Discovery.  Frozen PADDs on a frozen desk, but this time with light coming in from an exterior window.  Frosted, but otherwise whole.  This was clearly Captain's Tekin's ready room, as scattered around the office were personal effects that were otherwise too mundane to replicate for the sole purpose of deception.  Although both the holo-emitters and the okudagram panel were off, from the look of the desk set up, the computer had recently still been in use.

A shimmer of the air signaled an incoming transport, and on the bridge next to the ops station, Chief Medical Officer Marcus Thane materialized with a medical tricorder already in hand.  The Doctor was immediately startled by the sight around him of seeing his dead fellow crewmates, but quickly regained himself.  Trying to avoid looking at the dead Captain, or indeed the dead First Officer near the living one, he immediately moved over to both Nira and T'Lara.

"Seems peaceful... downright creepy.  But I guess this is better than beaming into Sickbay if the Bridge is any indication," he said, now trying to avoid looking at Nira hovering over... Nira.

"I have my teams looking over your scans now, but the Captain told me to come down immediately.  So... anything of interest?"

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Discovery #2]

Unfortunately, the more Lek would move throughout the ship, the more he would start to see the dark truth they had discovered... more and more crew and officers would be found in the corridors, and especially in the auxiliary engineering room for Alpha.  Thankfully, the actual manual control room for the impulse engines was empty.  Still iced, but empty.

While there wasn't a way to get the engines online for thrust at the present time, they could still be activated.  And using the reserves for the engines power could be restored.  At least for the critical systems.  All in all, the damage to the engines, while serious, was repairable with the right tools and parts.  There was nothing yet to indicate that the ship couldn't be brought back to life fully.  However, for now, even with the impulse engines charging the ship, it would take time for the power to return to the ship... even the gel packs were frozen and needed to thaw.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 20, 2021, 06:17:58 PM

[Other Discovery = Bridge]

With the Commander's words had calmed him. It had to be the Vulcan able to stay calm. Which was an addition to help Don from going stir crazy.

"He might leave it unlock," he suggested.

The thing had puzzled Don was the crew seemed to be at peace. He frowned. Like they died and someone placed them at their stations.

"You know, Commander I think I have another way that can help us. After checking the logs. We can check the personal crew quarters or personal where we are off duty," he had not liked this idea. "I know this going to sound eerie like going to a cemetery. We can see how they are placed? We can check corridors to see any crew are laying peaceful on the floor too. Cause what something had happened to them. And someone placed them where they are rest in peace," he stopped. He closed his eyes. He had not like saying that one bit. It was an angel. A clue for them to gain more information. "And we can check if there was any crash damage on the planet and figure what angel, speed when 'this' Discovery crashed. If I can get access to the helm  might figure it out."

Then he went to the Captain's ready room.

Don did take his time to check things out. The detail was down to the exact what he would know. "Commander, the computer seemed it was being used like few moments ago..." he was wondering more as he was checking the computer. "I wonder if the Captain had done something to save his crew from something...." he had been listening to much Nira's stories and theories. Perhaps that was a good merit to learn from someone who was in Security.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

Nira nodded at T'Lara, but furrowed her brow at mention of the EMH. "That's a good idea, with the EMH," she said. "The holoemitters everywhere on the ship would work better. Question is, how much would the EMH know?"

She kept looking down at herself and was startled when Doctor Thane beamed aboard the bridge. She provided him the scans she made and said, "Here's what I've gotten so far. I can't determine what's wrong, Doctor. My scans don't show anything wrong with the least the corpse I'm studying so far...aside from the puzzling fact that...I'm...dead."

She sighed in frustration. She was realizing that she had a headache bordering on; she can't figure out what's wrong alone. Of course, that's the point of an away team, but Nira felt she needed assistance. She looked down at the kit she had. It was a small bag, enough room only for her tricorder, her ocular sensor, and a couple of vials in a pouch. Looking long and hard, she was realizing she was strictly Security, while she was holding what seemed more like a science kit. She therefore needed a Science Officer to help her.

"Commander," asked Nira, "would it be possible to have one or two other officers from Science and Medical to assist me? I was thinking of Lieutenant Savar. And Ensign Wentlock."

She felt instantly to ask for permission to have other department members assist her. More and more she felt she needed an inter-departmental team to help her, a forensics team of sorts. Not many people, given the technology of the day, but certainly not one person. Besides, the people she recommended were people she knew - Savar more intimately - and she felt their expertise would be of great help.

Once done with T'Lara, she followed Don into the ready room. She realized that, as a Security officer, she should be looking at clues; for analyzing, she definitely feels she needs help. She heard Don mention the computer and she looked at it. Sure enough, it definitely looked like the computer had been used recently.

"If it's being used recently," said Nira, "it means somebody on this ship is still alive. And is hiding biosigns from ship sensors. Unless it was a hologram in use, knowing the holoemitters...still, if we can access this, then we can get a good idea of how long this ship's been here...and how long the other 'us' have been dead."

Pity androids are illegal, Nira thought to herself. An android would be useful here.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

Zavrol Gohun


Gohun looked around the bodies were the crew. They were all dead. As he started down to the lower level he caught a glimpse of himself. From the appearance he was also dead. Not knowing how to handle this Gohun kept going down and did not mention this to Commander Lek .
They had the problem of fixing the ship without the parts to fix to fix the ship. The parts that if the ship had they would not need to fix the ship.
Gohun " Sir what if we used the replicators on our ship and brought the parts over."
With that Gohun heard noise that sounded like movement and pointed his phaser is that direction.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.