Season 14, Episode 7: Distressed

Started by Tekin Nevir, July 26, 2021, 07:04:42 PM

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Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 21, 2021, 04:40:03 AM

Gohun looked around the bodies were the crew. They were all dead. As he started down to the lower level he caught a glimpse of himself. From the appearance he was also dead. Not knowing how to handle this Gohun kept going down and did not mention this to Commander Lek .
They had the problem of fixing the ship without the parts to fix to fix the ship. The parts that if the ship had they would not need to fix the ship.
Gohun " Sir what if we used the replicators on our ship and brought the parts over."
With that Gohun heard noise that sounded like movement and pointed his phaser is that direction.

[Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering - Alternate Discovery]

Lek huffed the last few meters before reaching his destination. He figured if his dead self was going to be anywhere, it would be in this compartment, so he focused purely on the pool table and the other panels that controlled the warp core. As Lek was studiously avoiding much of what was going on around him, he missed when Gohun reacted and instead concentrated on the viable question he'd asked.

"Very good option Crewman, if the warp core over here will not initialize, replicating parts on our Discovery is exactly what we'll have to do. However, I'd rather not delete our resources in the attempt unless we don't have any choice."

Using the power provided by the impulse engine, Lek activated the pool table and started speaking more to keep calm than for any other reason.

"As we are obviously starting from a cold condition, the first thing I have to do is bring the total system temperature and pressure to 2,500,000K using the energy from the EPS combined with the matter reactant injector. Since this core is about as cold as it can be, this is going to take some time."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Zavrol Gohun

As Gohun arrived in the lower main engineering room. As he arrived the lights flickered and went in and out. This makes sense as the power was on the emergency supply. Looking at the control panel Gohun also read that the engines were cold. In typical conditions, regenerating and starting impulse engines without a good phase lock took at least thirty minutes. Unfortunately, these were not typical conditions. There was a technique that could work but it would take the ship back in time. Or at least that is what the original constitution class Enterprise has noted in their logs.
With that being said Gohun knew that he had to secure the area. With that, he walked around the room never leaving Commander Lek out of sight and Gohun was astonished. No battle damage the ship just looks like someone took the parts and left. With that Gohun adjusted his tricorder to pick up movement and put it back in his hip pocket. Nothing, not a sound this ship was dead. It was at that moment that the engines of the ship started to faintly hum and then a hatch opens and a body fell to the ground. Gohun was so surprised by this that he shot the body in mid-air. Had the body been alive it would be stunned at this point.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 20, 2021, 10:51:12 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery (The First)]

The Captain stared out the viewscreen, which had been zoomed onto the location of the crash.  The outside was unmistakable, right down to the lettering and scoring.  He had hoped it was some sort of trick.. like what the Tal Shiar did.  But the confirmation from T'Lara made his blood run cold... almost as cold as the blood in his counterpart's corpse.  How do you answer confirmation that your First Officer is looking at you dead?

=/\= "Acknowledged, Number One.  See what you can find.  We'll send down a medical officer to you shortly." =/\=

He closed the channel and opened one to sickbay, ordering for someone to go down there with a medical kit.  It was... odd.  That feeling of someone walking over his grave was strong, probably because he knew that it was literally happening about 10 or so kilometers below him.

"Mr. Graham... put us in geostationary orbit over the crash site.  Let Commander Lek know he is free to send down repair teams if he sees fit.  I want to know if the Discovery is salvageable, or if we need to scuttle it.  I'll be in my ready room." he stated, looking at Banan to let him know he had the con.  Nevir stood up, and walked over to the doors, letting them open and close behind him.

[Second Discovery - Same location]

At the same time, the doors to the Captain's ready room were able to be pried open, revealing the same simple room that was on their own Discovery.  Frozen PADDs on a frozen desk, but this time with light coming in from an exterior window.  Frosted, but otherwise whole.  This was clearly Captain's Tekin's ready room, as scattered around the office were personal effects that were otherwise too mundane to replicate for the sole purpose of deception.  Although both the holo-emitters and the okudagram panel were off, from the look of the desk set up, the computer had recently still been in use.

A shimmer of the air signaled an incoming transport, and on the bridge next to the ops station, Chief Medical Officer Marcus Thane materialized with a medical tricorder already in hand.  The Doctor was immediately startled by the sight around him of seeing his dead fellow crewmates, but quickly regained himself.  Trying to avoid looking at the dead Captain, or indeed the dead First Officer near the living one, he immediately moved over to both Nira and T'Lara.

"Seems peaceful... downright creepy.  But I guess this is better than beaming into Sickbay if the Bridge is any indication," he said, now trying to avoid looking at Nira hovering over... Nira.

"I have my teams looking over your scans now, but the Captain told me to come down immediately.  So... anything of interest?"

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Discovery #2]

Unfortunately, the more Lek would move throughout the ship, the more he would start to see the dark truth they had discovered... more and more crew and officers would be found in the corridors, and especially in the auxiliary engineering room for Alpha.  Thankfully, the actual manual control room for the impulse engines was empty.  Still iced, but empty.

While there wasn't a way to get the engines online for thrust at the present time, they could still be activated.  And using the reserves for the engines power could be restored.  At least for the critical systems.  All in all, the damage to the engines, while serious, was repairable with the right tools and parts.  There was nothing yet to indicate that the ship couldn't be brought back to life fully.  However, for now, even with the impulse engines charging the ship, it would take time for the power to return to the ship... even the gel packs were frozen and needed to thaw.

Quote from: Lek on August 20, 2021, 01:55:43 PM

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Alternate Discovery]

Despite the horrible nature of having to maneuver around the dead of people you knew, even though you also knew they were alive was very difficult to reconcile for Lek. However, he'd gotten the impulse engines to start, at least for power, whether they would provide lift again was a different story, but at least they now had the hope of accessing the computers to find out what happened and, more importantly, when it happened.

=/\= "Lek to Commander T'Lara, good news. I was able to reinitialize the impulse engine. It will take about half an hour, but we'll finally have power for major systems. Although this ship has sustained significant damage, I believe it to be salvageable, but I'm going to need help. I'm going to start having repair teams join us. I'm headed for Deck 11 and take a look at the primary warp core. I will let you know what I discover. Lek out." =/\=

Lek turned to Crewman Gohun and said.

"Let's go. If we're going to repair this ship, we're going to need the industrial replicators and that means we have to have more power than the impulse engines can provide."

It was a fairly long climb to get to Deck 11, but at least it was going down. As Lek made his way to Main Engineering, he tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to Gianetti. I'm going to need help over here. Send repair teams two, five, and six. While you're at it send team three as well. Lek out." =/\=

He'd added team three because Crewman Wynters was part of that team and he seemed to know his stuff.

"Now is a good time to see what he's really made of, because if you can handle seeing your dead self, then odds are you had the right stuff for Starfleet."

He muttered as he climbed.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 20, 2021, 06:17:58 PM

[Other Discovery = Bridge]

With the Commander's words had calmed him. It had to be the Vulcan able to stay calm. Which was an addition to help Don from going stir crazy.

"He might leave it unlock," he suggested.

The thing had puzzled Don was the crew seemed to be at peace. He frowned. Like they died and someone placed them at their stations.

"You know, Commander I think I have another way that can help us. After checking the logs. We can check the personal crew quarters or personal where we are off duty," he had not liked this idea. "I know this going to sound eerie like going to a cemetery. We can see how they are placed? We can check corridors to see any crew are laying peaceful on the floor too. Cause what something had happened to them. And someone placed them where they are rest in peace," he stopped. He closed his eyes. He had not like saying that one bit. It was an angel. A clue for them to gain more information. "And we can check if there was any crash damage on the planet and figure what angel, speed when 'this' Discovery crashed. If I can get access to the helm  might figure it out."

Then he went to the Captain's ready room.

Don did take his time to check things out. The detail was down to the exact what he would know. "Commander, the computer seemed it was being used like few moments ago..." he was wondering more as he was checking the computer. "I wonder if the Captain had done something to save his crew from something...." he had been listening to much Nira's stories and theories. Perhaps that was a good merit to learn from someone who was in Security.
Quote from: Nira Said on August 20, 2021, 08:33:45 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

Nira nodded at T'Lara, but furrowed her brow at mention of the EMH. "That's a good idea, with the EMH," she said. "The holoemitters everywhere on the ship would work better. Question is, how much would the EMH know?"

She kept looking down at herself and was startled when Doctor Thane beamed aboard the bridge. She provided him the scans she made and said, "Here's what I've gotten so far. I can't determine what's wrong, Doctor. My scans don't show anything wrong with the least the corpse I'm studying so far...aside from the puzzling fact that...I'm...dead."

She sighed in frustration. She was realizing that she had a headache bordering on; she can't figure out what's wrong alone. Of course, that's the point of an away team, but Nira felt she needed assistance. She looked down at the kit she had. It was a small bag, enough room only for her tricorder, her ocular sensor, and a couple of vials in a pouch. Looking long and hard, she was realizing she was strictly Security, while she was holding what seemed more like a science kit. She therefore needed a Science Officer to help her.

"Commander," asked Nira, "would it be possible to have one or two other officers from Science and Medical to assist me? I was thinking of Lieutenant Savar. And Ensign Wentlock."

She felt instantly to ask for permission to have other department members assist her. More and more she felt she needed an inter-departmental team to help her, a forensics team of sorts. Not many people, given the technology of the day, but certainly not one person. Besides, the people she recommended were people she knew - Savar more intimately - and she felt their expertise would be of great help.

Once done with T'Lara, she followed Don into the ready room. She realized that, as a Security officer, she should be looking at clues; for analyzing, she definitely feels she needs help. She heard Don mention the computer and she looked at it. Sure enough, it definitely looked like the computer had been used recently.

"If it's being used recently," said Nira, "it means somebody on this ship is still alive. And is hiding biosigns from ship sensors. Unless it was a hologram in use, knowing the holoemitters...still, if we can access this, then we can get a good idea of how long this ship's been here...and how long the other 'us' have been dead."

Pity androids are illegal, Nira thought to herself. An android would be useful here.

[Deck 1 - Bridge - Alternate USS Discovery]

=/\= "T'Lara to Captain Tekin. Understood. Will keep you updated."  =/\=

Having done all she could for the moment, the first officer sent off the remainder of her scans as Thane showed up. Nira walked over to him to bring him up to speed, so she answered Lek's update.

=/\= "T'Lara to Commander Lek. Acknowledged. Let me know if you require my assistance. T'Lara out."  =/\=

Next she spoke with Don.

"These are valid points, Lieutenant. Records from any of the crew could prove useful." She raised an eyebrow at his next hypothesis. "Are you suggesting that this scene was staged? That perhaps it was not a crash that killed these bodies?...this possibility should not be ignored, however unlikely it may be. We truly have next to no idea what we are dealing with. When we restore power, more details may help us narrow down cause of death."

"Could it be murder? The sheer amount of people makes it hard to believe. However, Addams does have a point..."

She then acknowledged Nira.

"You may contact them, Lieutenant Said. The more hands we have, the faster we will find the right solution."

As Don's voice came from the ready room, she answered loud enough for him to hear, but maintaining a level tone.

"Perhaps...the cause of death was sudden. When we have power we will find out if Captain Tekin was aware of their fate." She had a thought just then. "We will need to figure out the cause of death before it happens to our Discovery. We may not have much time."

It was a distressing thought and she knew it would have an effect on the others.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Nira Said

Quote from: T'Lara on August 21, 2021, 09:57:43 PM

[Deck 1 - Bridge - Alternate USS Discovery]

=/\= "T'Lara to Captain Tekin. Understood. Will keep you updated."  =/\=

Having done all she could for the moment, the first officer sent off the remainder of her scans as Thane showed up. Nira walked over to him to bring him up to speed, so she answered Lek's update.

=/\= "T'Lara to Commander Lek. Acknowledged. Let me know if you require my assistance. T'Lara out."  =/\=

Next she spoke with Don.

"These are valid points, Lieutenant. Records from any of the crew could prove useful." She raised an eyebrow at his next hypothesis. "Are you suggesting that this scene was staged? That perhaps it was not a crash that killed these bodies?...this possibility should not be ignored, however unlikely it may be. We truly have next to no idea what we are dealing with. When we restore power, more details may help us narrow down cause of death."

"Could it be murder? The sheer amount of people makes it hard to believe. However, Addams does have a point..."

She then acknowledged Nira.

"You may contact them, Lieutenant Said. The more hands we have, the faster we will find the right solution."

As Don's voice came from the ready room, she answered loud enough for him to hear, but maintaining a level tone.

"Perhaps...the cause of death was sudden. When we have power we will find out if Captain Tekin was aware of their fate." She had a thought just then. "We will need to figure out the cause of death before it happens to our Discovery. We may not have much time."

It was a distressing thought and she knew it would have an effect on the others.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

"Thank you, Commander," she said, and was about to contact them when she heard T'Lara's words further. "Staged? But then again, if this was murder...if we all just suddenly died here, at our stations...if the crash didn't kill us, and odds are it didn't, otherwise we'd all be sprawled about, necks and bones broken in different ways, it would be that obvious...that leaves two possibilities: Poison gas administered into the bridge...or life support was cut off before the ship lost power...hence why we are all breathing now..."

Well, whatever the cause of death, she needed an opinion. She tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Said to Lieutenant Savar and Ensign Wentlock? Please transport down here as soon as possible. The transporter chief will give you our coordinates. Oh, and if you can fetch Miss Aristotle Stark? Maybe her expertise can be of assistance down here." =/\=

It had just occurred to her to include Ariste Stark into this because of her knowledge of AI, and that would me she would know computers. Therefore, she'd be valuable in getting computer information.

Then it also occurred to her: there was another person she could turn to with scientific expertise.

=/\="Lieutenant Said to Captain Tekin?" she said. "I'm transmitting my current findings to you know, to see what you can make of them. They'll be coming to your chair." =/\=

She looked at T'Lara with a look that said, "sorry with chain of command and all," and sent her findings to the Captain's Chair. She would like to see what the Captain's opinion will be, given his background as a scientist.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay >- Transporter Room | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Savar perked up at Nira's call. She needed him. And she needed Luby. It was understandable, they knew each other well. And calling for the new girl, Ariste Stark, he wondered what was going on.

"Understood, Lieutenant," he said. "Shall we, Ensign?"

Then he tapped his comm badge.  =/\="Lieutenant Savar to Aristotle Stark, can you please report to Transporter Room One? I believe we're in need of your expertise." =/\=

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Everett Wynters

Quote from: Lek on August 20, 2021, 01:55:43 PM

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Alternate Discovery]

Despite the horrible nature of having to maneuver around the dead of people you knew, even though you also knew they were alive was very difficult to reconcile for Lek. However, he'd gotten the impulse engines to start, at least for power, whether they would provide lift again was a different story, but at least they now had the hope of accessing the computers to find out what happened and, more importantly, when it happened.

=/\= "Lek to Commander T'Lara, good news. I was able to reinitialize the impulse engine. It will take about half an hour, but we'll finally have power for major systems. Although this ship has sustained significant damage, I believe it to be salvageable, but I'm going to need help. I'm going to start having repair teams join us. I'm headed for Deck 11 and take a look at the primary warp core. I will let you know what I discover. Lek out." =/\=

Lek turned to Crewman Gohun and said.

"Let's go. If we're going to repair this ship, we're going to need the industrial replicators and that means we have to have more power than the impulse engines can provide."

It was a fairly long climb to get to Deck 11, but at least it was going down. As Lek made his way to Main Engineering, he tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to Gianetti. I'm going to need help over here. Send repair teams two, five, and six. While you're at it send team three as well. Lek out." =/\=

He'd added team three because Crewman Wynters was part of that team and he seemed to know his stuff.

"Now is a good time to see what he's really made of, because if you can handle seeing your dead self, then odds are you had the right stuff for Starfleet."

He muttered as he climbed.

[Deck 11 - Jefferies Tubes - USS Discovery]

Wynters was nearly halfway down the Jefferies Tube when his badge clicked at him.

=/\= "Wynters, you are part of Repair Crew 3, head to the nearest transporter room and prepare to beam down. The Chief needs help down there."=/\=

=/\="Confirmed, moving out."=/\= He dumped the data he had gathered at this point, grabbing his tool bag and crawling out. It seemed the others were already moving as well. He was going to have his hands full if the task they were being sent to deal with was taking so many of them.

It only took a few moments before he got to the transporter room and was beamed down...

[Transporter Room - Alternate USS Discovery]

When he was beamed down, he half expected it to be some kind of cruel joke, but here he was"¦ In the Discovery Transporter room meets the ice caps"¦ Odd. Then he recalled what Lek had said, to look out for, chronitons. Time based particles. This was an alternate version of everything. He frowned a bit and then took a deep breath. Step one, move at a hustle through the Jefferies Tubes and decks to Main Engineering. The cold made his exposed skin sting, it wasn't something he was used. The planet he was on was warm, and the winters were mild.

The rest of the repair crew was right behind him, wondering the same things he was no doubt.

[Main Engineering - Alternate USS Discovery]

It had not taken too long to get here, and stepping out into the frozen core of the ship made him shiver. He didn't like this at all.


[Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering - Alternate Discovery]

Lek huffed the last few meters before reaching his destination. He figured if his dead self was going to be anywhere, it would be in this compartment, so he focused purely on the pool table and the other panels that controlled the warp core. As Lek was studiously avoiding much of what was going on around him, he missed when Gohun reacted and instead concentrated on the viable question he'd asked.

"Very good option Crewman, if the warp core over here will not initialize, replicating parts on our Discovery is exactly what we'll have to do. However, I'd rather not delete our resources in the attempt unless we don't have any choice."

Using the power provided by the impulse engine, Lek activated the pool table and started speaking more to keep calm than for any other reason.

"As we are obviously starting from a cold condition, the first thing I have to do is bring the total system temperature and pressure to 2,500,000K using the energy from the EPS combined with the matter reactant injector. Since this core is about as cold as it can be, this is going to take some time."

Everett's eyes instantly started to move around the room, taking in the damage and starting to quickly ponder. He stepped on the carpeted floor, frost crunching under his boots as he walked towards the Chief. "This one has seen better days... Assuming they are all not all ruined, we might be able to scavenge some of the parts from the other warp cores, potentially the shuttles as well. Magnetic restrictors tend to be rather universal... I used to have to scavenge them from older ground transports, so the tech should be easily adapted to at least get some power back online... Assuming we weren't trying to flee, the shuttles should be undamaged..." He remembered his place however and his head snapped up. "If those are your orders sir. Sorry, got lost in thought."


Quote from: Everett Wynters on August 22, 2021, 03:39:27 AM

[Deck 11 - Jefferies Tubes - USS Discovery]

Wynters was nearly halfway down the Jefferies Tube when his badge clicked at him.

=/\= "Wynters, you are part of Repair Crew 3, head to the nearest transporter room and prepare to beam down. The Chief needs help down there."=/\=

=/\="Confirmed, moving out."=/\= He dumped the data he had gathered at this point, grabbing his tool bag and crawling out. It seemed the others were already moving as well. He was going to have his hands full if the task they were being sent to deal with was taking so many of them.

It only took a few moments before he got to the transporter room and was beamed down...

[Transporter Room - Alternate USS Discovery]

When he was beamed down, he half expected it to be some kind of cruel joke, but here he was"¦ In the Discovery Transporter room meets the ice caps"¦ Odd. Then he recalled what Lek had said, to look out for, chronitons. Time based particles. This was an alternate version of everything. He frowned a bit and then took a deep breath. Step one, move at a hustle through the Jefferies Tubes and decks to Main Engineering. The cold made his exposed skin sting, it wasn't something he was used. The planet he was on was warm, and the winters were mild.

The rest of the repair crew was right behind him, wondering the same things he was no doubt.

[Main Engineering - Alternate USS Discovery]

It had not taken too long to get here, and stepping out into the frozen core of the ship made him shiver. He didn't like this at all.

Everett's eyes instantly started to move around the room, taking in the damage and starting to quickly ponder. He stepped on the carpeted floor, frost crunching under his boots as he walked towards the Chief. "This one has seen better days... Assuming they are all not all ruined, we might be able to scavenge some of the parts from the other warp cores, potentially the shuttles as well. Magnetic restrictors tend to be rather universal... I used to have to scavenge them from older ground transports, so the tech should be easily adapted to at least get some power back online... Assuming we weren't trying to flee, the shuttles should be undamaged..." He remembered his place however and his head snapped up. "If those are your orders sir. Sorry, got lost in thought."

[Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering - Alternate Discovery]

Lek looked up from the pool table when Wynters' spoke and replied.

"There a lot to be done. The primary concern is accessing the ship's computer core to find out what happened to this ship. Here's the gist of where we are. The Alpha hull warp core is too badly damaged at the moment to start without it turning into a supernova. As that would be bad for everyone, we won't be starting the Alpha warp core. I have been able to get the impulse engines to start and that's why we have lights and some power.

"However, priority of work is nursing the compound warp core back to life. The plasma is still warming from a cold start, so we are looking at about an hour before we can have a reasonable amount of power. Once we have that, then we can start figuring out how this version of our ship came to be here.

"I caution you, we are in the middle of a temporal event. Somehow, we're caught in between the Discovery we know that is fine and orbiting this planet and this Discovery that's crashed. In addition and this is where we find out who is cut out for a career in Starfleet and who isn't. When I say this is a version of our Discovery, it is in every detail, to include the crew. We have already encountered many bodies, people we know on this ship, so be prepared to find yourself. Wynters, just so you know, your corpse is on deck 4, if that bothers you, you are certainly free to decline working there. Since there is a lot of work to be done, you can find something to do that doesn't involve deck 4.

"Now, I'm going to ask all of you, when you encounter my corpse, please cover it up and tell me where it is. I'm not quite ready to enter the Divine Treasury to bid on my next life yet, even if the Lek from this Discovery has already done, so I rather not see the dead me.

"Okay, you know what we need to do, concentrate on whatever will get this warp core to initiate first. Next priority is accessing the ship's log. Any other task that you see that needs to be done will be third. Move out."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 20, 2021, 10:51:12 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery (The First)]

The Captain stared out the viewscreen, which had been zoomed onto the location of the crash.  The outside was unmistakable, right down to the lettering and scoring.  He had hoped it was some sort of trick.. like what the Tal Shiar did.  But the confirmation from T'Lara made his blood run cold... almost as cold as the blood in his counterpart's corpse.  How do you answer confirmation that your First Officer is looking at you dead?

=/\= "Acknowledged, Number One.  See what you can find.  We'll send down a medical officer to you shortly." =/\=

He closed the channel and opened one to sickbay, ordering for someone to go down there with a medical kit.  It was... odd.  That feeling of someone walking over his grave was strong, probably because he knew that it was literally happening about 10 or so kilometers below him.

"Mr. Graham... put us in geostationary orbit over the crash site.  Let Commander Lek know he is free to send down repair teams if he sees fit.  I want to know if the Discovery is salvageable, or if we need to scuttle it.  I'll be in my ready room." he stated, looking at Banan to let him know he had the con.  Nevir stood up, and walked over to the doors, letting them open and close behind him.

[Second Discovery - Same location]

At the same time, the doors to the Captain's ready room were able to be pried open, revealing the same simple room that was on their own Discovery.  Frozen PADDs on a frozen desk, but this time with light coming in from an exterior window.  Frosted, but otherwise whole.  This was clearly Captain's Tekin's ready room, as scattered around the office were personal effects that were otherwise too mundane to replicate for the sole purpose of deception.  Although both the holo-emitters and the okudagram panel were off, from the look of the desk set up, the computer had recently still been in use.

A shimmer of the air signaled an incoming transport, and on the bridge next to the ops station, Chief Medical Officer Marcus Thane materialized with a medical tricorder already in hand.  The Doctor was immediately startled by the sight around him of seeing his dead fellow crewmates, but quickly regained himself.  Trying to avoid looking at the dead Captain, or indeed the dead First Officer near the living one, he immediately moved over to both Nira and T'Lara.

"Seems peaceful... downright creepy.  But I guess this is better than beaming into Sickbay if the Bridge is any indication," he said, now trying to avoid looking at Nira hovering over... Nira.

"I have my teams looking over your scans now, but the Captain told me to come down immediately.  So... anything of interest?"

[Deck 5 - Impulse engine control - Discovery #2]

Unfortunately, the more Lek would move throughout the ship, the more he would start to see the dark truth they had discovered... more and more crew and officers would be found in the corridors, and especially in the auxiliary engineering room for Alpha.  Thankfully, the actual manual control room for the impulse engines was empty.  Still iced, but empty.

While there wasn't a way to get the engines online for thrust at the present time, they could still be activated.  And using the reserves for the engines power could be restored.  At least for the critical systems.  All in all, the damage to the engines, while serious, was repairable with the right tools and parts.  There was nothing yet to indicate that the ship couldn't be brought back to life fully.  However, for now, even with the impulse engines charging the ship, it would take time for the power to return to the ship... even the gel packs were frozen and needed to thaw.

[USS Discovery-deck-main bridge 1]

"œAye Captain Nevir"

He put them in a geostationary orbit over the crash site. He let lieutenant commander Lek know through his comm badge that he was free to send down the repair teams. As they were in the orbit he continued to monitor the flight systems and the situation as it unfolded. He payed attention to anything that seemed suspicious or was damaged.

Ariste Stark

Quote from: Nira Said on August 22, 2021, 12:29:01 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

"Thank you, Commander," she said, and was about to contact them when she heard T'Lara's words further. "Staged? But then again, if this was murder...if we all just suddenly died here, at our stations...if the crash didn't kill us, and odds are it didn't, otherwise we'd all be sprawled about, necks and bones broken in different ways, it would be that obvious...that leaves two possibilities: Poison gas administered into the bridge...or life support was cut off before the ship lost power...hence why we are all breathing now..."

Well, whatever the cause of death, she needed an opinion. She tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Said to Lieutenant Savar and Ensign Wentlock? Please transport down here as soon as possible. The transporter chief will give you our coordinates. Oh, and if you can fetch Miss Aristotle Stark? Maybe her expertise can be of assistance down here." =/\=

It had just occurred to her to include Ariste Stark into this because of her knowledge of AI, and that would me she would know computers. Therefore, she'd be valuable in getting computer information.

Then it also occurred to her: there was another person she could turn to with scientific expertise.

=/\="Lieutenant Said to Captain Tekin?" she said. "I'm transmitting my current findings to you know, to see what you can make of them. They'll be coming to your chair." =/\=

She looked at T'Lara with a look that said, "sorry with chain of command and all," and sent her findings to the Captain's Chair. She would like to see what the Captain's opinion will be, given his background as a scientist.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay >- Transporter Room | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Savar perked up at Nira's call. She needed him. And she needed Luby. It was understandable, they knew each other well. And calling for the new girl, Ariste Stark, he wondered what was going on.

"Understood, Lieutenant," he said. "Shall we, Ensign?"

Then he tapped his comm badge.  =/\="Lieutenant Savar to Aristotle Stark, can you please report to Transporter Room One? I believe we're in need of your expertise." =/\=

[ USS Discovery - Laboratories ]

To be honest, the ping to her commbadge startled Ariste. Dropping her wrench, she swore as her head crashed into something. Ducking down, she rubbed the bruised and tender spot gingerly. What could they possibly need her for? It was barely her first day, she needed to get all of her mechanics installed. Rolling her head back though, she tapped her commbadge. "Understood, I'll be right there." Though her voice might have held a hint of her annoyance, it also held curiosity as to why she was called. Dropping her tool belt into a stray box, she tried to dust off any dirt from her outfit. Striding out, she quickly made it to the transporter room.

[ USS Discovery - Transporter Room One ]

One she had reached the place she'd been ordered to, her eyes scanned for the face belonging to the voice. Though she thought she'd briefly met her earlier, being so new to the ship the correlation slipped her mind. Once she thought she'd located her, she moved over and gave her a nod. "Hello, what have I been called for?" Being a civillian, and also having isolated herself in the labs, she didn't really know what was going on. Sure, there was the stray chatter from the commissioned officers in the labs, but Aristotle wasn't really mingling with them. So, she essentially had no clue what she was getting herself into.

Tekin Nevir

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

Dr. Thane had his medical tricorder out by the time Nira got halfway through her explanation and immediately started scanning... well... her.  As his scans went through, however, he frowned.

"There is nothing to indicate anything wrong, either.  You just... stopped." he stated, shaking his head.  "You didn't even drop, just kind of... relaxed." he stated, standing back up.

He nodded when Nira went to call his newest officer, and decided to do scans on the Captain next.

"This one too.  Just.. stopped.  Alright, I want to take these three, you, Commander T'Lara, and the Captain.  I want to do a full atopsy on them in our morgue." he stated, pulling out tags and putting them on the three dead officers.

=/\= "Dr Thane to Discovery, four to beam directly to the morgue." =/\= he stated, as he and the three officers glowed and vanished back to the other ship.  Leaving just T'Lara, Don, and Nira on the bridge.

[Deck 11 - Main Engineering - USS Discovery #2]

As per ususal, the high traffic area that was Main Engineering did have corpses covered in frost.  And at this point, without further investigation, it would be difficult to see who each one was.  Slowly the computer itself came back online as the path EPSs from the impulse engines to both the primary computer core and main engineering defrosted as began shunting power again.  The controls from the compound core came back online, and thankfully showed that the magetic constrictors had actually held. There was just only one thing that would stop the core from being started; the dilithium chamber was noted as empty.  Removing the layer of frost that covered the front of the core would reveal that the entire dilithium housing was missing.

That housing... with the crystal still attached, would end up being on a workstation in the back.  In the hands of a slumped over small engineer.  With big ears.

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 23, 2021, 10:47:22 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

Dr. Thane had his medical tricorder out by the time Nira got halfway through her explanation and immediately started scanning... well... her.  As his scans went through, however, he frowned.

"There is nothing to indicate anything wrong, either.  You just... stopped." he stated, shaking his head.  "You didn't even drop, just kind of... relaxed." he stated, standing back up.

He nodded when Nira went to call his newest officer, and decided to do scans on the Captain next.

"This one too.  Just.. stopped.  Alright, I want to take these three, you, Commander T'Lara, and the Captain.  I want to do a full atopsy on them in our morgue." he stated, pulling out tags and putting them on the three dead officers.

=/\= "Dr Thane to Discovery, four to beam directly to the morgue." =/\= he stated, as he and the three officers glowed and vanished back to the other ship.  Leaving just T'Lara, Don, and Nira on the bridge.

[Deck 11 - Main Engineering - USS Discovery #2]

As per ususal, the high traffic area that was Main Engineering did have corpses covered in frost.  And at this point, without further investigation, it would be difficult to see who each one was.  Slowly the computer itself came back online as the path EPSs from the impulse engines to both the primary computer core and main engineering defrosted as began shunting power again.  The controls from the compound core came back online, and thankfully showed that the magetic constrictors had actually held. There was just only one thing that would stop the core from being started; the dilithium chamber was noted as empty.  Removing the layer of frost that covered the front of the core would reveal that the entire dilithium housing was missing.

That housing... with the crystal still attached, would end up being on a workstation in the back.  In the hands of a slumped over small engineer.  With big ears.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

When Doctor Thane gave her his diagnosis, Nira suddenly felt a chill that had nothing to do with the cold. They just relaxed? Their bodily systems shut down? But if they were relaxed do death...

Nira utterly shuddered, not with cold. Was it completely possible that the T'hunga's natural hypnotism, if it got powerful enough, would cause everybody to completely relax in hypnotism, even their bodily function, enough to stop their hearts, the one critical part of the body? It wouldn't be some kind of gas after all; it would be something worse. A lot worse.

Nira looked back at herself, slumped against the chair of Tactical station. Looking at her closely, she could see the serene relaxation...she shivered even worse. Was it possible she bore the full brunt of being hypnotized to death? She kept staring at the chair long after her corpse, along with those of T'Lara's and the Captain's, was beamed to the morgue. The pose she had of her dead self was forever imprinted in her mind, shelved away into the memory palace of her eidetic memory.

"Relaxed?" she said to herself, quiet, coldly and with overall quiet horror, shaking more and more, not the cold was getting to her, her teeth so set, any harder and they would break. "It has to be the T'hunga, with their natural hypnotism...we've all be hypnotized to death...they're evil. Too evil to exist..."

Quote from: Ariste Stark on August 22, 2021, 11:02:02 PM

[ USS Discovery - Transporter Room One ]

One she had reached the place she'd been ordered to, her eyes scanned for the face belonging to the voice. Though she thought she'd briefly met her earlier, being so new to the ship the correlation slipped her mind. Once she thought she'd located her, she moved over and gave her a nod. "Hello, what have I been called for?" Being a civillian, and also having isolated herself in the labs, she didn't really know what was going on. Sure, there was the stray chatter from the commissioned officers in the labs, but Aristotle wasn't really mingling with them. So, she essentially had no clue what she was getting herself into.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Transporter Room >- Derelict Bridge | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B >- Derelict Discovery]

"You tell me," said Savar. "All I know was that Lieutenant Said has summoned me and requested your presence. It seems she has need of our expertise...Ensign Wentlock might be late, I'll have to let the Lieutenant know...Energize to Lieutenant Said's coordinates, Transporter Chief," he ordered.

In no time at all, they were beamed over to where Nira was...and for a moment, he thought there was a joke played when they arrived. They were standing on the Discovery's bridge. At least, it looked like the Discovery's bridge, but it was frozen over and...derelict.

Then, he got a look around. Dead bodies...and Commander T'Lara and Don in the room...and Nira staring over her station, looking as if she had a horrific epiphany, looking at her chair more like it was a coffin. Savar was instantly at her side.

"Lietuenant?" he said. "Nira? What's wrong?"

Nira perked up at Savar's voice. She turned to Savar and he flinched at seeing the expression on her face, like she discovered a cause of death to horrible to imagine...

"Mind-to-mind," said Nira, making a gesture like a mind-meld. "Hard to...explain...verbally."

Savar instantly knew what Nira was asking. She didn't want to explain verbally. She wanted to show Savar what happened. And a mind meld was a necessity, especially around other officers, rather than simple telepathic reading.

For a moment, Savar hesitated. He suspected earlier he was coming down with Pa'nar Syndrome, or a variant...but this was something Nira was desperate to show. Savar put a hand up to the side of Nira's face as she shut her eyes with an exhale, whether relaxed or relieved, he couldn't tell...

"My mind to your mind," he said. "Your thoughts to my thoughts..."

And with that, Nira showed him what she had fact, he was so surprised by what he saw, he broke the connection, but not before he had gotten everything Nira could tell him in the meld:

They've discovered themselves. Dead. Nothing wrong with them. Just relaxed...relaxed to death, it seems...

It has to be the T'hunga! Nira said in horror in the meld as she shared the thoughts of the dead selves. It has to be! They did it! They killed us!

"My apologies, Commander," said Savar, getting a grip on himself. "As the Lieutenant indicated, it's hard to explain. Maybe you'll better explain verbally than she could."

Turning back to Nira, he said, "Nira...there's no T'hunga now...but the question is, are we dealing with some kind of temporal event?"

"We must be, Savar," said Nira. "What happened here could happen to us! The T'hunga could appear at any time on our Discovery...OUR Discovery!...And h..."

"Well, it could be something else that caused us to...relax to death," said Savar, logically, thinking so much more logically, had he had any grip of emotion at the moment, let alone as much as Nira, he'd be in a state of near panic. His words were also coming across as a way to sooth Nira. "The question is to find out why. Now, is there a reason for me and Ms. Stark to be here, Lieutenant?"

Calming down, Nira nodded; getting a grasp of duty seemed to shake her from the momentary horror.

"Yes," she said. "I'd like you to assist here in any way, find trace amounts of potential gas, if it turns out the T'hunga didn't hypnotize us to death, maybe there's some gas that did the job instead. Ms. Stark?" she asked, turning to Ariste. "First, my apologies for the display. Secondly, will it be possible to see what you can make of the computers? And if possible, see if you can bring the EMH online, see how much it can tell us what happened here."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 23, 2021, 10:47:22 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

Dr. Thane had his medical tricorder out by the time Nira got halfway through her explanation and immediately started scanning... well... her.  As his scans went through, however, he frowned.

"There is nothing to indicate anything wrong, either.  You just... stopped." he stated, shaking his head.  "You didn't even drop, just kind of... relaxed." he stated, standing back up.

He nodded when Nira went to call his newest officer, and decided to do scans on the Captain next.

"This one too.  Just.. stopped.  Alright, I want to take these three, you, Commander T'Lara, and the Captain.  I want to do a full atopsy on them in our morgue." he stated, pulling out tags and putting them on the three dead officers.

=/\= "Dr Thane to Discovery, four to beam directly to the morgue." =/\= he stated, as he and the three officers glowed and vanished back to the other ship.  Leaving just T'Lara, Don, and Nira on the bridge.

[Deck 11 - Main Engineering - USS Discovery #2]

As per ususal, the high traffic area that was Main Engineering did have corpses covered in frost.  And at this point, without further investigation, it would be difficult to see who each one was.  Slowly the computer itself came back online as the path EPSs from the impulse engines to both the primary computer core and main engineering defrosted as began shunting power again.  The controls from the compound core came back online, and thankfully showed that the magetic constrictors had actually held. There was just only one thing that would stop the core from being started; the dilithium chamber was noted as empty.  Removing the layer of frost that covered the front of the core would reveal that the entire dilithium housing was missing.

That housing... with the crystal still attached, would end up being on a workstation in the back.  In the hands of a slumped over small engineer.  With big ears.

[Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering - Alternate Discovery]

It was Repair Team Two's leader, Lieutenant JG Phillip Quin that found the corpse of this Discovery's Lek and the dilithium housing. Following the living Lek's request, he gingerly worked the device from the frozen hands and brought it to the Chief by the pool table.

"Um, I found you Chief." Quin said quietly. "He was working on this."

"Thank you Phil, I'll see if I can get this reinstalled. If the crystals are damaged, we're going to have to use the backup crystals from our Discovery. Since we have enough power to access the engineering computer now, please have a look and see if you can find out what happened here."

Knowing that in at least one timeline, it was he that was the last person to work of the housing sent a chill down his spine, but thanks to temporal mechanics, there was at least one timeline were that wasn't necessary. If this Discovery was to be saved, he'd have to get over the morbid reality of death and get the thing working regardless of how he felt about. Thus, he started working.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Everett Wynters

Quote from: Lek on August 22, 2021, 12:17:27 PM

[Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering - Alternate Discovery]

Lek looked up from the pool table when Wynters' spoke and replied.

"There a lot to be done. The primary concern is accessing the ship's computer core to find out what happened to this ship. Here's the gist of where we are. The Alpha hull warp core is too badly damaged at the moment to start without it turning into a supernova. As that would be bad for everyone, we won't be starting the Alpha warp core. I have been able to get the impulse engines to start and that's why we have lights and some power.

"However, priority of work is nursing the compound warp core back to life. The plasma is still warming from a cold start, so we are looking at about an hour before we can have a reasonable amount of power. Once we have that, then we can start figuring out how this version of our ship came to be here.

"I caution you, we are in the middle of a temporal event. Somehow, we're caught in between the Discovery we know that is fine and orbiting this planet and this Discovery that's crashed. In addition and this is where we find out who is cut out for a career in Starfleet and who isn't. When I say this is a version of our Discovery, it is in every detail, to include the crew. We have already encountered many bodies, people we know on this ship, so be prepared to find yourself. Wynters, just so you know, your corpse is on deck 4, if that bothers you, you are certainly free to decline working there. Since there is a lot of work to be done, you can find something to do that doesn't involve deck 4.

"Now, I'm going to ask all of you, when you encounter my corpse, please cover it up and tell me where it is. I'm not quite ready to enter the Divine Treasury to bid on my next life yet, even if the Lek from this Discovery has already done, so I rather not see the dead me.

"Okay, you know what we need to do, concentrate on whatever will get this warp core to initiate first. Next priority is accessing the ship's log. Any other task that you see that needs to be done will be third. Move out."

[Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering - Alternate Discovery]

That was something else all together... The idea that he was dead and on deck four. He rubbed his chin for a moment and worked to push it out of his mind. "Alright. I'll at least make sure I am covered up. Eyes on the sky and back to the stones." He said, nodding his head and taking a deep breath. He was about to move off, making sure connections are still intact when his eyes lifted up. "Wait... You said I was on deck four?" He rubbing his arms for a moment at the idea of being dead but still working to push it off. "Did I have a data padd near me or on me?" He shook his head once more.

He looked to the pool table and then around the main engineering deck as much as he could. He went over to one of the consoles, brushing off the frost and starting to do the basic checks across the core while Lek was working on dilithium chamber to make sure it was safe to reuse. If push came to shove, he had a few back up ideas. His mind kept wandering back to the idea of that Padd being there, or potentially being there.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 23, 2021, 10:47:22 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

Dr. Thane had his medical tricorder out by the time Nira got halfway through her explanation and immediately started scanning... well... her.  As his scans went through, however, he frowned.

"There is nothing to indicate anything wrong, either.  You just... stopped." he stated, shaking his head.  "You didn't even drop, just kind of... relaxed." he stated, standing back up.

He nodded when Nira went to call his newest officer, and decided to do scans on the Captain next.

"This one too.  Just.. stopped.  Alright, I want to take these three, you, Commander T'Lara, and the Captain.  I want to do a full atopsy on them in our morgue." he stated, pulling out tags and putting them on the three dead officers.

=/\= "Dr Thane to Discovery, four to beam directly to the morgue." =/\= he stated, as he and the three officers glowed and vanished back to the other ship.  Leaving just T'Lara, Don, and Nira on the bridge.

[Deck 11 - Main Engineering - USS Discovery #2]

As per ususal, the high traffic area that was Main Engineering did have corpses covered in frost.  And at this point, without further investigation, it would be difficult to see who each one was.  Slowly the computer itself came back online as the path EPSs from the impulse engines to both the primary computer core and main engineering defrosted as began shunting power again.  The controls from the compound core came back online, and thankfully showed that the magetic constrictors had actually held. There was just only one thing that would stop the core from being started; the dilithium chamber was noted as empty.  Removing the layer of frost that covered the front of the core would reveal that the entire dilithium housing was missing.

That housing... with the crystal still attached, would end up being on a workstation in the back.  In the hands of a slumped over small engineer.  With big ears.

[OTHER USS Discovery - Bridge]

The Chief came out of the Captain's ready room to see what Dr. Thane  had said. He felt sick in his stomach as they going to beam the rested, dead bodies up to the USS Discovery in the morgue. He felt ill. The images of his own beloved Captain laying down as the Dr.  do an autopsy. Don had much respect to the Captain and he had to admit. He was not all mentally strong for these 'surprises' like those mental stress tests that Starfleet Academy throws at you. To be honest they stuff they throw at you was like a sweet rose. The reality of realism mental stress was more taxing like this one.

He had turned to look at his dead body over the console. He hated to see them like this. He removed his uniform jacket and went over to place it over his own body. Then there was Torra.

He was pale as a ghost now. He had nothing to cover her up. He pulled his jacket off his own dead body, and placed carefully on her and he felt truly sad. The pain was deep for him. He had told himself it was not his wife, but it was different. He could not say she was fake. This could be the future of themselves.

He was to numb of the shock to feel his body shiver from the cold chill in the air.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 23, 2021, 10:47:22 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery #2]

Dr. Thane had his medical tricorder out by the time Nira got halfway through her explanation and immediately started scanning... well... her.  As his scans went through, however, he frowned.

"There is nothing to indicate anything wrong, either.  You just... stopped." he stated, shaking his head.  "You didn't even drop, just kind of... relaxed." he stated, standing back up.

He nodded when Nira went to call his newest officer, and decided to do scans on the Captain next.

"This one too.  Just.. stopped.  Alright, I want to take these three, you, Commander T'Lara, and the Captain.  I want to do a full atopsy on them in our morgue." he stated, pulling out tags and putting them on the three dead officers.

=/\= "Dr Thane to Discovery, four to beam directly to the morgue." =/\= he stated, as he and the three officers glowed and vanished back to the other ship.  Leaving just T'Lara, Don, and Nira on the bridge.

[Deck 11 - Main Engineering - USS Discovery #2]

As per ususal, the high traffic area that was Main Engineering did have corpses covered in frost.  And at this point, without further investigation, it would be difficult to see who each one was.  Slowly the computer itself came back online as the path EPSs from the impulse engines to both the primary computer core and main engineering defrosted as began shunting power again.  The controls from the compound core came back online, and thankfully showed that the magetic constrictors had actually held. There was just only one thing that would stop the core from being started; the dilithium chamber was noted as empty.  Removing the layer of frost that covered the front of the core would reveal that the entire dilithium housing was missing.

That housing... with the crystal still attached, would end up being on a workstation in the back.  In the hands of a slumped over small engineer.  With big ears.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 23, 2021, 12:23:17 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Derelict Bridge | Deck One | Derelict Discovery]

When Doctor Thane gave her his diagnosis, Nira suddenly felt a chill that had nothing to do with the cold. They just relaxed? Their bodily systems shut down? But if they were relaxed do death...

Nira utterly shuddered, not with cold. Was it completely possible that the T'hunga's natural hypnotism, if it got powerful enough, would cause everybody to completely relax in hypnotism, even their bodily function, enough to stop their hearts, the one critical part of the body? It wouldn't be some kind of gas after all; it would be something worse. A lot worse.

Nira looked back at herself, slumped against the chair of Tactical station. Looking at her closely, she could see the serene relaxation...she shivered even worse. Was it possible she bore the full brunt of being hypnotized to death? She kept staring at the chair long after her corpse, along with those of T'Lara's and the Captain's, was beamed to the morgue. The pose she had of her dead self was forever imprinted in her mind, shelved away into the memory palace of her eidetic memory.

"Relaxed?" she said to herself, quiet, coldly and with overall quiet horror, shaking more and more, not the cold was getting to her, her teeth so set, any harder and they would break. "It has to be the T'hunga, with their natural hypnotism...we've all be hypnotized to death...they're evil. Too evil to exist..."
[Lieutenant JG Savar | Transporter Room >- Derelict Bridge | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B >- Derelict Discovery]

"You tell me," said Savar. "All I know was that Lieutenant Said has summoned me and requested your presence. It seems she has need of our expertise...Ensign Wentlock might be late, I'll have to let the Lieutenant know...Energize to Lieutenant Said's coordinates, Transporter Chief," he ordered.

In no time at all, they were beamed over to where Nira was...and for a moment, he thought there was a joke played when they arrived. They were standing on the Discovery's bridge. At least, it looked like the Discovery's bridge, but it was frozen over and...derelict.

Then, he got a look around. Dead bodies...and Commander T'Lara and Don in the room...and Nira staring over her station, looking as if she had a horrific epiphany, looking at her chair more like it was a coffin. Savar was instantly at her side.

"Lietuenant?" he said. "Nira? What's wrong?"

Nira perked up at Savar's voice. She turned to Savar and he flinched at seeing the expression on her face, like she discovered a cause of death to horrible to imagine...

"Mind-to-mind," said Nira, making a gesture like a mind-meld. "Hard to...explain...verbally."

Savar instantly knew what Nira was asking. She didn't want to explain verbally. She wanted to show Savar what happened. And a mind meld was a necessity, especially around other officers, rather than simple telepathic reading.

For a moment, Savar hesitated. He suspected earlier he was coming down with Pa'nar Syndrome, or a variant...but this was something Nira was desperate to show. Savar put a hand up to the side of Nira's face as she shut her eyes with an exhale, whether relaxed or relieved, he couldn't tell...

"My mind to your mind," he said. "Your thoughts to my thoughts..."

And with that, Nira showed him what she had fact, he was so surprised by what he saw, he broke the connection, but not before he had gotten everything Nira could tell him in the meld:

They've discovered themselves. Dead. Nothing wrong with them. Just relaxed...relaxed to death, it seems...

It has to be the T'hunga! Nira said in horror in the meld as she shared the thoughts of the dead selves. It has to be! They did it! They killed us!

"My apologies, Commander," said Savar, getting a grip on himself. "As the Lieutenant indicated, it's hard to explain. Maybe you'll better explain verbally than she could."

Turning back to Nira, he said, "Nira...there's no T'hunga now...but the question is, are we dealing with some kind of temporal event?"

"We must be, Savar," said Nira. "What happened here could happen to us! The T'hunga could appear at any time on our Discovery...OUR Discovery!...And h..."

"Well, it could be something else that caused us to...relax to death," said Savar, logically, thinking so much more logically, had he had any grip of emotion at the moment, let alone as much as Nira, he'd be in a state of near panic. His words were also coming across as a way to sooth Nira. "The question is to find out why. Now, is there a reason for me and Ms. Stark to be here, Lieutenant?"

Calming down, Nira nodded; getting a grasp of duty seemed to shake her from the momentary horror.

"Yes," she said. "I'd like you to assist here in any way, find trace amounts of potential gas, if it turns out the T'hunga didn't hypnotize us to death, maybe there's some gas that did the job instead. Ms. Stark?" she asked, turning to Ariste. "First, my apologies for the display. Secondly, will it be possible to see what you can make of the computers? And if possible, see if you can bring the EMH online, see how much it can tell us what happened here."

[Bridge - Alternate Discovery]

T'Lara observed as Dr. Thane conducted his scans and proceeded to take three of the bodies to Discovery. It was the best decision to make; if they couldn't find any answers here then the next step was to use all of their ship's resources. It was slightly strange to witness her own body leaving the ship. She wondered if this was what it would be like when her Katra left her body upon her death. Especially if she had no one to carry it for her. She believed that event was not to come for quite a long time, and this was just one of the thoughts she used to keep her emotions in check.

When he had gone, she took a minute to think about what Thane had actually said. Nothing wrong. Relaxed. Well, this explained some things, but what had caused this sudden loss of life? What could it have been, to not even show up on a tricorder? Her mind jumped to the T'hunga, but she felt relatively unattached to that solution, open to others. One thing was for sure, medical had their work cut out for them.

When Savar and Stark entered, she gave a bow to the latter and averted her eyes, somewhat uncomfortably as Savar and Nira engaged in a mind meld. To her, the act was deeply personal. It had always been that way in her culture, and so she treated it as such. Savar clearly had different ideas on the matter, but she was not looking to engage in any sort of commentary about it. Instead, she looked up when the male Vulcan addressed her.

"It is of no consequence, Lieutenant."

It seemed that Nira had things handled with her team, so T'Lara quietly left the Bridge. She had gathered plenty of data on the first deck, had sent her body to be autopsied, there was nothing more for her to do here. As such, an exploration of the other decks was her next task. She walked silently down the cold hard floors, scanning bodies and recalling details of her own Discovery. Perhaps she would check on Lek's progress when she reached him.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Tekin Nevir


[Deck 9 - Main Sickbay - USS Discovery]

As the doors opened up and the Captain stepped through, Nevir quickly walked over to the Doctor.  The Doctor was over one of the main biobeds where the less iced body of... him... laid.  Nevir had to stop as he reached the best, and remind himself that he wasn't the one on the bed.

"That... is not something one should get used to..." he commented, looking back at Dr. Thane.  "You wanted to see me?"

"Aye... we have a mystery of how 175 people died suddenly with no tissue damage.  Everyone literally died at their station.  And on top of any investigating we do, there is also a temporal wrench to throw into the mix.  I can only give the best guess, but I think I found something interesting." he stated, bringing up the scans.

"There is a process that occurs upon death that creates a timeline of expected outcomes.  We can practically date each cell based on their functions and when those functions start and stop.  That brought me to this initial anomaly." he stated, showing the Captain the PADD.  Nevir shook his head in slight confusion.

"Cold... we were in an icebox, doctor, how does this help?"

"Like I said... there is a process. I can say with certainty that neither you, Commander T'Lara, nor Lieutenant Said ever made it to rigor mortis.  The cells were too cold within a few hours.  Outside of a harsh frozen condition, this wouldn't happen, and even so, the body is usually able to start rigor mortis.  Which means..."

"Which means the core temperature was already low, to begin with."

"Exactly.. either that or the core temperature was lowered extremely fast."

"Like a flash freeze?"

"Possibly, but not likely.  Their positions show that there was a gradual process to the freeze, it wasn't instant."

"I see..."

"And... I was also able to date them.  Which is perhaps the strangest part.  I can date their time of death and their place in our timeline."

"... gather everything you have.  I want a meeting with the senior staff in one hour."

"Aye, sir." Dr Thane stated, starting to get the rest of the data together. Nevir turned on his heels and started making his way back to the turbolift.

=/\= "Captain Tekin to all senior officers.  Please meet me in the conference room in one hour." =/\=

Almost an hour later, both the Captain and Dr. Thane were in the conference room, waiting for the others to discuss what they had.

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