Season 14, Episode 8: Lush Lifelessness

Started by Tekin Nevir, October 18, 2021, 01:04:17 PM

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Tekin Nevir

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Whether it was farmland or a town, the evidence was there... it was evidence of civilization.  So Starfleet was right; this was an inhabited planet.  The question was... where were they?  And how advanced were they?  The size of the marking indicated a large population, which ruled out pre-industrialization.  There were a couple of other indicators they could go through.

"Check carbon levels and radioactive isotopes," he stated, though he felt that second one was not as likely thanks to the amount of growth on the planet.  It was positively lush; almost enough to make Risa jealous.

After getting the answers, he sighed.  "If they reached fusion energy or antimatter, there would be no real evidence.  Commander, assemble an away team ad take the shuttle down.  See what you can find.  And see why it appears that the life on this planet is just... missing."

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 27, 2021, 02:36:19 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Whether it was farmland or a town, the evidence was there... it was evidence of civilization.  So Starfleet was right; this was an inhabited planet.  The question was... where were they?  And how advanced were they?  The size of the marking indicated a large population, which ruled out pre-industrialization.  There were a couple of other indicators they could go through.

"Check carbon levels and radioactive isotopes," he stated, though he felt that second one was not as likely thanks to the amount of growth on the planet.  It was positively lush; almost enough to make Risa jealous.

After getting the answers, he sighed.  "If they reached fusion energy or antimatter, there would be no real evidence.  Commander, assemble an away team and take the shuttle down.  See what you can find.  And see why it appears that the life on this planet is just... missing."

While Torra knew the Captain was making the request of Science, and not Operations, Torra found herself checking the same sensor logs as the science personnel out of curiosity and to expand her rather poor understanding of the science discipline.   Though she had been a part of the department for a short period of time - back when she was switching departments as often as some people switched socks (it amused the Grazerite to use that colloquial expression... since Torra didn't wear socks) - Torra felt she was always lacking in the knowledge of the core fundementals of the department.    She had no clue what checking carbon levels and radioactive isoltopes would indicate.

When the Science department gave their report, Torra nodded her horned head in slow agreement.  Her readings showed the same... but what it meant was beyond her.  But despite her lack of understanding, Torra had a good idea of what was going to come next.... and sure enough the Captain's words met her expectations,  ordering T'Lara to assemble an away team.   Torra glanced briefly away from her console towards the Vulcan wondering who was going to be called upon this time.

Torra had been fortunate of late to have not been one of those selected for away missions.  The Grazerite wondered if that was because she was such an asset on the Bridge? Or if perhaps it was because Don was often a part of the away team recently - gaining crucial experience to potentially advance his career - that the Commander thought it was best to separate them since they were a couple?

Perhaps Torra would discuss that with her department head the next time her performance evaluation came up.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on October 25, 2021, 12:41:30 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

When Lek saw that Helga took his comment as the simple interdepartmental rivalry that it was, his smile became more lascivious as he replied.

"I sincerely doubt there is anything in the quadrant that my Par'Mach'kai does not know what to do with. It is good to see you here my Warrior Princess. I trust our holodeck reservation in Paris 1925 at the Moulin Rouge is still on?"

Helga had to admit to a bit of thrill at hearing Lek refer to her using not just an endearment - but a Klingon endearment, while in the same breath complimenting her all skills.  The thrill turned into wide smile when in his next sentence he called her his Warrior Princess, complimenting her further.  This time a nod to her fighting prowess and her femininity.   Ooh, Lek was being especially winsome today!   She was so glad she'd thought to start here with her work.  He might not have been this attentive if she'd come later on - especially if his attention had been caught by some engineering problem that needed to be solved by that brilliant brain of his.

She nodded at his question.  Yeah, there was no way she would reschedule that holodeck if this was a sample of how he was planning to have the night go.    "Of course, you still have a lot of making up to do."

While it was true things had improved between them - immensely, Helga was a little worried that this attentive Lek wasn't sustainable.  Time would tell.   

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Danjar-Torra on October 28, 2021, 04:56:56 AM

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Helga had to admit to a bit of thrill at hearing Lek refer to her using not just an endearment - but a Klingon endearment, while in the same breath complimenting her all skills.  The thrill turned into wide smile when in his next sentence he called her his Warrior Princess, complimenting her further.  This time a nod to her fighting prowess and her femininity.   Ooh, Lek was being especially winsome today!   She was so glad she'd thought to start here with her work.  He might not have been this attentive if she'd come later on - especially if his attention had been caught by some engineering problem that needed to be solved by that brilliant brain of his.

She nodded at his question.  Yeah, there was no way she would reschedule that holodeck if this was a sample of how he was planning to have the night go.    "Of course, you still have a lot of making up to do."

While it was true things had improved between them - immensely, Helga was a little worried that this attentive Lek wasn't sustainable.  Time would tell.

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek raised his hands in mock surrender, but maintained his toothy smile as he replied.

"I know I do. I was stupid enough to neglect you once, I won't do it again. I was caught up in an obsession and it consumed me. I never want to be in that frame of mind again as it was not a pleasant place to be, even for me and it was my own head."

He shuddered, but smiled again.

"So what brings you down here? Not many security officers come to engineering."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 27, 2021, 02:36:19 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Whether it was farmland or a town, the evidence was there... it was evidence of civilization.  So Starfleet was right; this was an inhabited planet.  The question was... where were they?  And how advanced were they?  The size of the marking indicated a large population, which ruled out pre-industrialization.  There were a couple of other indicators they could go through.

"Check carbon levels and radioactive isotopes," he stated, though he felt that second one was not as likely thanks to the amount of growth on the planet.  It was positively lush; almost enough to make Risa jealous.

After getting the answers, he sighed.  "If they reached fusion energy or antimatter, there would be no real evidence.  Commander, assemble an away team ad take the shuttle down.  See what you can find.  And see why it appears that the life on this planet is just... missing."

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Carbon levels normal, radiation levels low," announced Savar after he and the CSO worked at the Science station. "I think you'll likely see that as well, Commander T'Lara," he added, remembering T'Lara's science expertise.

Nira looked on and at the two Vulcans. A normal planet like this, and sensors couldn't pick up a potential population? It meant that an away team will have to see whether the population disappeared or just dropped dead.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 28, 2021, 08:07:39 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Carbon levels normal, radiation levels low," announced Savar after he and the CSO worked at the Science station. "I think you'll likely see that as well, Commander T'Lara," he added, remembering T'Lara's science expertise.

Nira looked on and at the two Vulcans. A normal planet like this, and sensors couldn't pick up a potential population? It meant that an away team will have to see whether the population disappeared or just dropped dead.

Given her lack of scientific understanding, Torra glanced over to Savar with a questioning look.  "So shouldn't that mean the planet is fully capable of sustaining more than just plant life?"

From her experience, flora and fauna were symbiotic - to have one without the other seemed almost an impossibility.

While they waited on the Commander to decide on who to take on the away team, Torra check the sensors for anything out of place.  She'd been to places where whole planets crossed dimensions... maybe something similar was happening here?... maybe the fauna of this planet was on a different quantum level?

Even as she came up with the far-fetched notion, she wondered if she had the right terminology.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on October 28, 2021, 10:56:35 AM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek raised his hands in mock surrender, but maintained his toothy smile as he replied.

"I know I do. I was stupid enough to neglect you once, I won't do it again. I was caught up in an obsession and it consumed me. I never want to be in that frame of mind again as it was not a pleasant place to be, even for me and it was my own head."

He shuddered, but smiled again.

"So what brings you down here? Not many security officers come to engineering."

At Lek's teasing surrender and then ever so surprising words, Helga felt a welling of happiness.   His shudder however didn't go unnoticed.  "Don't worry.  If you ever do it again, I'll be sure bring you to your senses."  She warned, teasingly.

His question and comment were met with a slight frown.   "Really?  There should be someone stopping by once a week to check on the weapon's cache, confirming inventory.  That's why I'm here."

She lifted her PADD to look at its screen.  "Inventory Log says it was checked and signed off just last week by... Petty Officer Zull."

Helga knew little about the Petty Officer, since Zull worked Beta shift while Helga was often Alpha.   She did recall that Zull was a Tellerite - and female, but beyond that the enlisted 'officer' was a mystery to her.  "She works the beta shift so maybe that's why you haven't come across her much."  Though you'd think that if Zull was anything like the Tellerite norm, her foul language and insults would be easily remembered and remarked on by Lek's engineers.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Danjar-Torra on October 30, 2021, 03:56:42 AM

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

At Lek's teasing surrender and then ever so surprising words, Helga felt a welling of happiness.   His shudder however didn't go unnoticed.  "Don't worry.  If you ever do it again, I'll be sure bring you to your senses."  She warned, teasingly.

His question and comment were met with a slight frown.   "Really?  There should be someone stopping by once a week to check on the weapon's cache, confirming inventory.  That's why I'm here."

She lifted her PADD to look at its screen.  "Inventory Log says it was checked and signed off just last week by... Petty Officer Zull."

Helga knew little about the Petty Officer, since Zull worked Beta shift while Helga was often Alpha.   She did recall that Zull was a Tellerite - and female, but beyond that the enlisted 'officer' was a mystery to her.  "She works the beta shift so maybe that's why you haven't come across her much."  Though you'd think that if Zull was anything like the Tellerite norm, her foul language and insults would be easily remembered and remarked on by Lek's engineers.

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek shrugged when Helga mentioned Zull as he couldn't say he knew her, and truth be told, it really didn't matter as long as the weapons were where they were supposed to be.

"Sounds logical why I haven't seen anyone. I have to admit I don't keep a close eye on those sorts of things. If it comes down to us engineers having to defend engineering, things have gone very, very wrong. However, on the other hand, I do believe I'd enjoy having a certain Warrior Princess up close and personal and looking after my safety."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

Don had enjoyed to hear the Captain explain the use of radio telescopes with long range capability to see planets. The Captain went into further detail explaining of gasses emitting color on the atmospheres on planets.

The planet had farmland for landscape. He smiled when he saw Torrs on his side for a double-check to confirm what science had explained.

Don was running through his crew to see who should be lined up for bridge if he was chosen to be fly a shuttle down or who he would suggest to go planet side if T'Lara asked Don who should go on this mission.

Don knew his wife was capable to go on missions with him or not. He had been busy with his job, and trying to side courses for advancing in his career. He had shared to Torra how Captain Tekin was fighting for him to be a Liuetenant Commander, but Starfleet command has been denying. Don had shared to Torra his own poor choice he made when was Commander was a poor choice which cost his career and being court-martial. That was when Don had decided to find way to be better. He had been doing holodeck program on commanding a ship with made up crew.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun returns from Earth several days ago was without ceremony or merit and why should it be. He was injured so severely that the ships medical personal had to put him in stasis and have him sent to Earth for treatment. The only silver lining was he was able to study up on engineering. Right before Gohun went on duty he decided to catch up on what's the ship was doing. Mainly because that was his main job. Interesting they are scanning a planet full of vegetation for life for some reason that Gohun was unaware of. Gohun decided to file that under not his problem as ships security and finished his Raktajino. He had a feeling that nothing interesting could possibly happen this shift.  Famous last words he thought to himself. 


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 27, 2021, 02:36:19 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Whether it was farmland or a town, the evidence was there... it was evidence of civilization.  So Starfleet was right; this was an inhabited planet.  The question was... where were they?  And how advanced were they?  The size of the marking indicated a large population, which ruled out pre-industrialization.  There were a couple of other indicators they could go through.

"Check carbon levels and radioactive isotopes," he stated, though he felt that second one was not as likely thanks to the amount of growth on the planet.  It was positively lush; almost enough to make Risa jealous.

After getting the answers, he sighed.  "If they reached fusion energy or antimatter, there would be no real evidence.  Commander, assemble an away team ad take the shuttle down.  See what you can find.  And see why it appears that the life on this planet is just... missing."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Without further ado, Tekin requested an away team. Many of the same questions were running through T'Lara's mind, though the captain didn't know it. It was up to the Bridge crew to answer them, and the XO's job to lead the team that would uncover more evidence.

"Understood, Captain. Danjar - Addams, you are with me."

The Vulcan wasted no time in getting the group assembled, telling Torra to equip herself with standard phasers and field supplies before sending out a message to the rest of the group, including Graham, Gohun, and Wynters. When they were all assembled outside the shuttle she gave a briefing.

"Sentient life on this planet appears to be missing, and it is our task to discover why. We will do this by recording observations of possible causes for this strange reality, and bringing back samples of various forms of life for analysis. Are there any questions?"

She assumed the ones who had not been on the Bridge had received more in-depth mission news on their PADDs, but as always she opened the floor up for further discussion. She didn't necessarily enjoy being the only one talking anyway.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: T'Lara on November 02, 2021, 09:48:27 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Without further ado, Tekin requested an away team. Many of the same questions were running through T'Lara's mind, though the captain didn't know it. It was up to the Bridge crew to answer them, and the XO's job to lead the team that would uncover more evidence.

"Understood, Captain. Danjar - Addams, you are with me."

The Vulcan wasted no time in getting the group assembled, telling Torra to equip herself with standard phasers and field supplies before sending out a message to the rest of the group, including Graham, Gohun, and Wynters. When they were all assembled outside the shuttle she gave a briefing.

"Sentient life on this planet appears to be missing, and it is our task to discover why. We will do this by recording observations of possible causes for this strange reality, and bringing back samples of various forms of life for analysis. Are there any questions?"

She assumed the ones who had not been on the Bridge had received more in-depth mission news on their PADDs, but as always she opened the floor up for further discussion. She didn't necessarily enjoy being the only one talking anyway.

Hearing her name called to participate on the away mission, Torra's bovine ears flicked in surprise glancing towards her husband initially, before she collected herself and dipped her head and shoulders towards the Commander in acknowledgement.  "Yes, ma'am." she replied.

While being swift to assemble was not a Grazerite strength or usual trait, Torra managed to be ready with field kit and phasers enough for their entire team in advance most of the others.  Given that the Away Team had no assigned Medical personnel, Torra also took along a medical kit for herself to use.  She listened attentively to the Commanders' briefing and having been on the Bridge for the initial scans of the planet, Torra really had no questions at present - beyond the silently obvious one... Why assign her to a science-oriented away team when she had next to no usable experience in Science?   But the Grazer dared not ask such a question of her superior.

The Grazerite recognizing that it showed lack of participation if she said nothing, so Torra tried to come up with a reasonable question.  "Will the team remain together as we record our observations and collect samples, or are we to be assigned in pairs to cover more ground?"

Torra didn't ask about exploring solo because Starfleet safety protocols, and common-sense made that not even an option.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on October 30, 2021, 10:38:57 AM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek shrugged when Helga mentioned Zull as he couldn't say he knew her, and truth be told, it really didn't matter as long as the weapons were where they were supposed to be.

"Sounds logical why I haven't seen anyone. I have to admit I don't keep a close eye on those sorts of things. If it comes down to us engineers having to defend engineering, things have gone very, very wrong. However, on the other hand, I do believe I'd enjoy having a certain Warrior Princess up close and personal and looking after my safety."

Helga found Lek's lack of concern about the potentially uninventoried weapons cache a bit troubling.  He was 2nd officer after all.  Things like this shouldn't be left unchecked.   But as Lek continued on to comment about on his possible enjoyment of having her looking after his safety - up close and personal; well, she got a little distracted.  It was rare for Lek to talk amorous like this.  And never had it happened while he was on duty, so Helga was a bit flustered - and turned on.

She grinned toothily, giving Lek a pleased look.  "You should maybe put in a request to have me re-assigned to the Engineering security detail - or specifically to you.  That way I could act as your body guard.  No way any intruders would get past to me to harm you or your precious engines."

Quick glancing about to be sure they were alone, she reached out a hand towards his tempting lobes.  "Can't have you getting injured again.."  she growled. 

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Nira Said

Quote from: T'Lara on November 02, 2021, 09:48:27 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Without further ado, Tekin requested an away team. Many of the same questions were running through T'Lara's mind, though the captain didn't know it. It was up to the Bridge crew to answer them, and the XO's job to lead the team that would uncover more evidence.

"Understood, Captain. Danjar - Addams, you are with me."

The Vulcan wasted no time in getting the group assembled, telling Torra to equip herself with standard phasers and field supplies before sending out a message to the rest of the group, including Graham, Gohun, and Wynters. When they were all assembled outside the shuttle she gave a briefing.

"Sentient life on this planet appears to be missing, and it is our task to discover why. We will do this by recording observations of possible causes for this strange reality, and bringing back samples of various forms of life for analysis. Are there any questions?"

She assumed the ones who had not been on the Bridge had received more in-depth mission news on their PADDs, but as always she opened the floor up for further discussion. She didn't necessarily enjoy being the only one talking anyway.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 03, 2021, 12:25:28 AM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Hearing her name called to participate on the away mission, Torra's bovine ears flicked in surprise glancing towards her husband initially, before she collected herself and dipped her head and shoulders towards the Commander in acknowledgement.  "Yes, ma'am." she replied.

While being swift to assemble was not a Grazerite strength or usual trait, Torra managed to be ready with field kit and phasers enough for their entire team in advance most of the others.  Given that the Away Team had no assigned Medical personnel, Torra also took along a medical kit for herself to use.  She listened attentively to the Commanders' briefing and having been on the Bridge for the initial scans of the planet, Torra really had no questions at present - beyond the silently obvious one... Why assign her to a science-oriented away team when she had next to no usable experience in Science?   But the Grazer dared not ask such a question of her superior.

The Grazerite recognizing that it showed lack of participation if she said nothing, so Torra tried to come up with a reasonable question.  "Will the team remain together as we record our observations and collect samples, or are we to be assigned in pairs to cover more ground?"

Torra didn't ask about exploring solo because Starfleet safety protocols, and common-sense made that not even an option.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira had to admit, she was a little disappointed for not being chosen for the away mission. There was something mysterious going on down there. But on the other hand, she felt it would be best; she'd be needed on the ship as much as Don and the Captain were. Plus, Mister Gohun could handle things alright, along with Alex. That would potentially be all the security there would have to be.

She looked at Torra as she departed, winked at her, and said quietly, "Good luck." Of course, she planned to keep an eye on the team's vitals, especially T'Lara's and Torra's. After all, Torra's her best friend. She had something in common with Don: They'd hate to imagine what bad thing could befall her.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 03, 2021, 12:25:28 AM

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Helga found Lek's lack of concern about the potentially uninventoried weapons cache a bit troubling.  He was 2nd officer after all.  Things like this shouldn't be left unchecked.   But as Lek continued on to comment about on his possible enjoyment of having her looking after his safety - up close and personal; well, she got a little distracted.  It was rare for Lek to talk amorous like this.  And never had it happened while he was on duty, so Helga was a bit flustered - and turned on.

She grinned toothily, giving Lek a pleased look.  "You should maybe put in a request to have me re-assigned to the Engineering security detail - or specifically to you.  That way I could act as your body guard.  No way any intruders would get past to me to harm you or your precious engines."

Quick glancing about to be sure they were alone, she reached out a hand towards his tempting lobes.  "Can't have you getting injured again.."  she growled.

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek arched an eyebrow and somehow his smile got even broader. Before shaking his head to return to the reality of where he was.

"I believe I will speak to the Captain about you being my bodyguard. I am important after all and do need someone to look after me. However, perhaps we should save what we both would like to do next until we are in Paris? Now Crewman, you should check those weapons because they won't check themselves. While you do that, I'll go and... uh... align something. See you tonight."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Nira Said on November 03, 2021, 08:36:17 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira had to admit, she was a little disappointed for not being chosen for the away mission. There was something mysterious going on down there. But on the other hand, she felt it would be best; she'd be needed on the ship as much as Don and the Captain were. Plus, Mister Gohun could handle things alright, along with Alex. That would potentially be all the security there would have to be.

She looked at Torra as she departed, winked at her, and said quietly, "Good luck." Of course, she planned to keep an eye on the team's vitals, especially T'Lara's and Torra's. After all, Torra's her best friend. She had something in common with Don: They'd hate to imagine what bad thing could befall her.

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

Don was happy that his wife was chosen for the mission. He had wished he was chosen but not every mission was called for him. He smiled as he turned to his wife as she the news and she was getting up.

"œI will be waiting for you. Stay safe and I love you," he told her.

He will be worried about her when she started to leave the ship. He had not wanted Torra to know that.


Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 03, 2021, 12:25:28 AM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Hearing her name called to participate on the away mission, Torra's bovine ears flicked in surprise glancing towards her husband initially, before she collected herself and dipped her head and shoulders towards the Commander in acknowledgement.  "Yes, ma'am." she replied.

While being swift to assemble was not a Grazerite strength or usual trait, Torra managed to be ready with field kit and phasers enough for their entire team in advance most of the others.  Given that the Away Team had no assigned Medical personnel, Torra also took along a medical kit for herself to use.  She listened attentively to the Commanders' briefing and having been on the Bridge for the initial scans of the planet, Torra really had no questions at present - beyond the silently obvious one... Why assign her to a science-oriented away team when she had next to no usable experience in Science?   But the Grazer dared not ask such a question of her superior.

The Grazerite recognizing that it showed lack of participation if she said nothing, so Torra tried to come up with a reasonable question.  "Will the team remain together as we record our observations and collect samples, or are we to be assigned in pairs to cover more ground?"

Torra didn't ask about exploring solo because Starfleet safety protocols, and common-sense made that not even an option.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Helga found Lek's lack of concern about the potentially uninventoried weapons cache a bit troubling.  He was 2nd officer after all.  Things like this shouldn't be left unchecked.   But as Lek continued on to comment about on his possible enjoyment of having her looking after his safety - up close and personal; well, she got a little distracted.  It was rare for Lek to talk amorous like this.  And never had it happened while he was on duty, so Helga was a bit flustered - and turned on.

She grinned toothily, giving Lek a pleased look.  "You should maybe put in a request to have me re-assigned to the Engineering security detail - or specifically to you.  That way I could act as your body guard.  No way any intruders would get past to me to harm you or your precious engines."

Quick glancing about to be sure they were alone, she reached out a hand towards his tempting lobes.  "Can't have you getting injured again.."  she growled.

[Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

T'Lara perked up at the question from Torra. A completely valid one, though she had intended to elaborate on it when they got there.

"My intention is to split up, though we will stay relatively close so as to have security personnel at hand in case of trouble. This may change once we have arrived there and assessed the situation."

As they waited for the others to show, the XO adjusted her hold on the various kits and bags she had on her person, feeling completely at ease as awkwardness was not something she often experienced.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 03, 2021, 08:36:17 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

She looked at Torra as she departed, winked at her, and said quietly, "Good luck." Of course, she planned to keep an eye on the team's vitals, especially T'Lara's and Torra's. After all, Torra's her best friend. She had something in common with Don: They'd hate to imagine what bad thing could befall her.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 03, 2021, 05:20:29 PM

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

He smiled as he turned to his wife as she the news and she was getting up.

"œI will be waiting for you. Stay safe and I love you," he told her.

That both Nira and Don spoke up to wish her well as she rose to leave made her smile softly.  Though all on the ship she considered as her part of her upsol, these two were more than just family.  Don, her husband, she loved beyond compare, and Nira was her closest friend on the ship.

Though Torra would have preferred to have all three of them on a team together, she felt safe knowing both would be keeping an eye on things from up here.  She dipped her head first to Nira and then looked to Don and 'blew him a kiss' before taking the turbolift down to the armory.  She was surprised that Helga wasn't present but some other security crewman she didn't know.

[USS Discovery - Shuttlebay]

Quote from: T'Lara on November 04, 2021, 09:40:51 PM

[Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

T'Lara perked up at the question from Torra. A completely valid one, though she had intended to elaborate on it when they got there.

"My intention is to split up, though we will stay relatively close so as to have security personnel at hand in case of trouble. This may change once we have arrived there and assessed the situation."

As they waited for the others to show, the XO adjusted her hold on the various kits and bags she had on her person, feeling completely at ease as awkwardness was not something she often experienced.

Torra nodded at the Commander's answer.  She had no other questions, and when it was time to board the shuttle Torra took up one of the back seats, her height and her horns making it difficult for others to see past her when she was seated in front, and knew that people often enjoyed the view during the flight down.    Torra, for her part, would be watching the sensors during the flight down, hoping to get a head-start on investigating this oddity.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Lek on November 03, 2021, 01:35:33 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek arched an eyebrow and somehow his smile got even broader. Before shaking his head to return to the reality of where he was.

"I believe I will speak to the Captain about you being my bodyguard. I am important after all and do need someone to look after me. However, perhaps we should save what we both would like to do next until we are in Paris? Now Crewman, you should check those weapons because they won't check themselves. While you do that, I'll go and... uh... align something. See you tonight."

Helga had half expected Lek to draw away as she reached out towards his lobes, yet instead he grinned broadly.  She faltered and hesitated and thus lost her chance, as he then shook his head and surprisingly went along with her joking idea to be his body guard.  As if the Captain would go for that idea!

But it was his referring to her by her rank that reminded Helga fully that this was neither the time nor the place for what she'd been wanting to do.   Reluctantly, she dropped her hand to her side and nodded.  "Yessir." she responded to his gentle order. Then added.  "As for Paris, I'm looking forward to it.  Try not to be late."

Helga then moved to the wall panel storage area and using her Security authorization, opened up the Weapons cache to do inventory.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

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