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Season 14, Episode 8: Lush Lifelessness

Started by Tekin Nevir, October 18, 2021, 01:04:17 PM

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Zavrol Gohun


Gohun received the hail to go to the transporter room. He was eager to visit another planet. While Gohun knew the planet was only vegetables he also knew of planets that had meat eating vegetables.  With that in mind Gohun took a standard phaser and a tricorder with him. With that he made it to the transporter room. As Gohun entered the tranporter room he remembered that they were actuality taking a shuttlecraft down. At that po[int he ran over to shuttlebay 4. When no one was in the shuttlebay he went to the correct shuttle bay.

Danjar-Torra Addams


NPC Crewman Kitaa Horg (Tellerite)
[USS Discovery - Lounge]

Quote from: Ariste Stark on October 22, 2021, 02:53:35 PM

[USS Discovery - Auxiliary Science Labs ]

Ariste sat cross legged in one of the labs, PADD sitting in her lap as she tinkered with her latest project. With the permission of the CSO, she had essentially bogarted one of the labs for her various projects, and though she tried to take up the least amount of space she possibly could, occasionally her mess would expand and start eating the rest of the space. When this happened, she tried the only work when nobody else was present, lest she anger her superiors. Now though, with the ban on synthetics repealed, she immediately restarted Stark's efforts into developing AI and cybernetics. "SERIF, what's the status?"

A pause.  A chirp. "Eight-five percent." he responded. Ariste grinned, glancing at her PADD. "Perfect. I'll be in and out of here before Halverstrom decides to airlock me." Redoubling her efforts, she finished up with her work, before tidying the labs again and quickly skirting out. Surely the next shift would be coming in at any moment, so she made herself scarce and headed to the lounge.

Kitaa hurried her way through the corridors towards the lounge.  She had a limited amount of time on break and couldn't waste a moment of it!  Just as she entered the recreational area at a brisk pace, Kitaa misjudged her timing dodging around a slower patron and found herself bumping into the person in front of her.  A human female from appearances.

In proper Tellerite etiquette, Kitaa allowed the other to be at fault.  "Haven't you learned to walk yet? You're lucky I hadn't yet gotten my drink or it would be all over you - though looking at you that might've been an improvement."

Kitaa raised her lips into a half snarl of greeting, showing tusk to the human woman.   "I'm Kitaa.  You can buy me my drink in compensation for my wasted time."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Tekin Nevir

(Pushing this a bit)

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

As the shuttle took off, it was all quiet on the bridge.  There was really nothing much they would be able to concentrate on.  From the vantage point above the planet, they could see the green, but nothing much in the way of details.  The quiet of the bridge, however, was disrupted.

The tactical console gave an alert of weapons fire, at least one shot.  Deck 10, section 21 alpha.

At the same time, there was a surge in the power systems on that deck, and a plasma conduit ruptured; its bio-gel pack exploding into the corridor.  A lone crewman was left, laying there.  With a phaser burn.

[On the planet below]

The shuttle ride seemed alright, at least while they entered the upper atmosphere.  In the smaller ship, they were able to read pockets of what looked like electromagnetic disturbances.  And at first, it was easy to map and avoid... but the pockets were constantly moving.  Shifting.  And then... altering direction.  At least two pockets seemed to just turn and start coming towards the shuttle.  Sensors had trouble even determining the boundaries of these disturbances, let alone what they could be.

Currently, the shuttle only had about 20 seconds or so before intercept.

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 14, 2021, 07:21:29 PM

(Pushing this a bit)

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

As the shuttle took off, it was all quiet on the bridge.  There was really nothing much they would be able to concentrate on.  From the vantage point above the planet, they could see the green, but nothing much in the way of details.  The quiet of the bridge, however, was disrupted.

The tactical console gave an alert of weapons fire, at least one shot.  Deck 10, section 21 alpha.

At the same time, there was a surge in the power systems on that deck, and a plasma conduit ruptured; its bio-gel pack exploding into the corridor.  A lone crewman was left, laying there.  With a phaser burn.

[On the planet below]

The shuttle ride seemed alright, at least while they entered the upper atmosphere.  In the smaller ship, they were able to read pockets of what looked like electromagnetic disturbances.  And at first, it was easy to map and avoid... but the pockets were constantly moving.  Shifting.  And then... altering direction.  At least two pockets seemed to just turn and start coming towards the shuttle.  Sensors had trouble even determining the boundaries of these disturbances, let alone what they could be.

Currently, the shuttle only had about 20 seconds or so before intercept.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

It was relatively quiet. Too quiet. All Nira could do was stare at the planet with the odd geometric formations...until her console went off. Because it was so quiet, naturally she flinched at the loud noise...the noise coming from her console. She looked down and immediately tapped her console.

"Captain...weapons fire alert," she said when she checked out the why. "Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One Alpha. One shot reported...there's also a report of a power surge on that deck. Plasma conduit rupture, the bio-gel pack exploded into the corridor. One casualty, phaser burn."

She tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to Crewman Tragnar. Report to Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One Alpha. I'm also sending Ms. Ariste Stark to join you." =/\= She then called Ariste Stark: "Said to Ms. Stark, we have a situation. Report to Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One Alpha."

She then turned back to the Captain and said, "Permission to investigate this, Captain?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shuttlecraft >> planet's upper atmosphere]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 14, 2021, 07:21:29 PM

[On the planet below]

The shuttle ride seemed alright, at least while they entered the upper atmosphere.  In the smaller ship, they were able to read pockets of what looked like electromagnetic disturbances.  And at first, it was easy to map and avoid... but the pockets were constantly moving.  Shifting.  And then... altering direction.  At least two pockets seemed to just turn and start coming towards the shuttle.  Sensors had trouble even determining the boundaries of these disturbances, let alone what they could be.

Currently, the shuttle only had about 20 seconds or so before intercept.

Torra having noted the electromagnetic disturbances when they first began to show in the sensors, had informed the Commander.   She was kept busy, calling out the ever shifting positions.  It was odd.  The disturbances seemed to not just move on air current or at random, but the Grazerite began to suspect that the shuttle was being targeted.  She was about to state this to the Commander when her sensors indicated an impending impact with two of these electromagnetic disturbances.

"Commander.  The shuttle seems to be targeted by these electromagnetic disturbances.  Recommend, shutting down all non-essential power.  Impact in 15 seconds."

Her hand hovered over her tertiary console.  Ready to shut down all power on the shuttle.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 14, 2021, 08:32:16 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

It was relatively quiet. Too quiet. All Nira could do was stare at the planet with the odd geometric formations...until her console went off. Because it was so quiet, naturally she flinched at the loud noise...the noise coming from her console. She looked down and immediately tapped her console.

"Captain...weapons fire alert," she said when she checked out the why. "Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One Alpha. One shot reported...there's also a report of a power surge on that deck. Plasma conduit rupture, the bio-gel pack exploded into the corridor. One casualty, phaser burn."

She tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to Crewman Tragnar. Report to Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One Alpha. I'm also sending Ms. Ariste Stark to join you." =/\= She then called Ariste Stark: "Said to Ms. Stark, we have a situation. Report to Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One Alpha."

She then turned back to the Captain and said, "Permission to investigate this, Captain?"

Helga was only partway done her inventory - since she'd discovered a discrepancy in not so much the count of weapons but rather their serial numbers.  She was in the midst of trying to track when each of the units were last signed out and used, when Lieutenant Said's call came in over her comm badge.  The Klingon hybrid tapped her comm to respond,  "Acknowledged, ma'am."

Helga closed and locked the weapons cache and then with a slight wave to Lek as she passed by his office the security crewman headed out of Main Engineering and took the turbolift up one level to Deck 10.   Since she hadn't been provided any information Helga loosened the clasp on her phasers holster but kept it in place until the situation necessitated its use.

Arriving on Deck 10, she headed towards Section 21 Alpha where she found the downed crewman.   She could see from a distance the phaser burn on the crewmans chest where he'd been struck.  Helga pulled her weapon and more alertly looked over the corridor.   With her other hand she tapped her comm.

=/\="Tragnar to Ops.  Requesting site to site transport to Sickbay of crewman located 2 meters from my location." =/\=  She had to give an detailed location because the phaser burn had visibly damaged the crewman's commbadge which otherwise would have noted his location to the transporter chief.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 05, 2021, 02:18:35 AM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

That both Nira and Don spoke up to wish her well as she rose to leave made her smile softly.  Though all on the ship she considered as her part of her upsol, these two were more than just family.  Don, her husband, she loved beyond compare, and Nira was her closest friend on the ship.

Though Torra would have preferred to have all three of them on a team together, she felt safe knowing both would be keeping an eye on things from up here.  She dipped her head first to Nira and then looked to Don and 'blew him a kiss' before taking the turbolift down to the armory.  She was surprised that Helga wasn't present but some other security crewman she didn't know.

[USS Discovery - Shuttlebay]

Torra nodded at the Commander's answer.  She had no other questions, and when it was time to board the shuttle Torra took up one of the back seats, her height and her horns making it difficult for others to see past her when she was seated in front, and knew that people often enjoyed the view during the flight down.    Torra, for her part, would be watching the sensors during the flight down, hoping to get a head-start on investigating this oddity.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on November 06, 2021, 01:59:45 PM

Gohun received the hail to go to the transporter room. He was eager to visit another planet. While Gohun knew the planet was only vegetables he also knew of planets that had meat eating vegetables.  With that in mind Gohun took a standard phaser and a tricorder with him. With that he made it to the transporter room. As Gohun entered the tranporter room he remembered that they were actuality taking a shuttlecraft down. At that po[int he ran over to shuttlebay 4. When no one was in the shuttlebay he went to the correct shuttle bay.

[Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

T'Lara waited for everyone else to arrive, Gohun making it to the bay a little later than the rest, then she gestured for everyone to board the shuttle and told Graham to begin preparing for departure. She sat down next to the flight officer, running through her own checks silently. She wasn't much interested in small talk and thankfully no one else seemed to be in the mood for it.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 14, 2021, 07:21:29 PM

(Pushing this a bit)

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

As the shuttle took off, it was all quiet on the bridge.  There was really nothing much they would be able to concentrate on.  From the vantage point above the planet, they could see the green, but nothing much in the way of details.  The quiet of the bridge, however, was disrupted.

The tactical console gave an alert of weapons fire, at least one shot.  Deck 10, section 21 alpha.

At the same time, there was a surge in the power systems on that deck, and a plasma conduit ruptured; its bio-gel pack exploding into the corridor.  A lone crewman was left, laying there.  With a phaser burn.

[On the planet below]

The shuttle ride seemed alright, at least while they entered the upper atmosphere.  In the smaller ship, they were able to read pockets of what looked like electromagnetic disturbances.  And at first, it was easy to map and avoid... but the pockets were constantly moving.  Shifting.  And then... altering direction.  At least two pockets seemed to just turn and start coming towards the shuttle.  Sensors had trouble even determining the boundaries of these disturbances, let alone what they could be.

Currently, the shuttle only had about 20 seconds or so before intercept.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 15, 2021, 11:28:34 PM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Torra having noted the electromagnetic disturbances when they first began to show in the sensors, had informed the Commander.   She was kept busy, calling out the ever shifting positions.  It was odd.  The disturbances seemed to not just move on air current or at random, but the Grazerite began to suspect that the shuttle was being targeted.  She was about to state this to the Commander when her sensors indicated an impending impact with two of these electromagnetic disturbances.

"Commander.  The shuttle seems to be targeted by these electromagnetic disturbances.  Recommend, shutting down all non-essential power.  Impact in 15 seconds."

Her hand hovered over her tertiary console.  Ready to shut down all power on the shuttle.

[Shuttle --> Liega II]

The XO watched as the green planet came into view. Then as they traveled closer she trained her eyes on the sensors, looking for items of interest or clues of anything amiss. She kept an eye on Graham's actions as he steered them through the disturbances, growing more and more concerned the more "close calls" were made. She was broken out of her intense focus by Torra's voice. This was one of the reasons why she had chosen the Grazerite to be on the team-she was already prepared to complete the task that T'Lara had only decided on moments before.

"Do it, Lieutenant," she looked back at the rest of the group. "All hands brace for impact."

There was nothing they could have done to prevent it, T'Lara was convinced of that. She did not yet know why this was happening, but the logic of knowing that they had done all they could do comforted her somehow. They were close enough now that if they were to crash they had a chance of survival, so she gave the order and waited. Just...waited.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shuttlecraft - upper atmostphere of planet Liega II]

Quote from: T'Lara on November 16, 2021, 08:57:08 PM

[Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

T'Lara waited for everyone else to arrive, Gohun making it to the bay a little later than the rest, then she gestured for everyone to board the shuttle and told Graham to begin preparing for departure. She sat down next to the flight officer, running through her own checks silently. She wasn't much interested in small talk and thankfully no one else seemed to be in the mood for it.

[Shuttle --> Liega II]

The XO watched as the green planet came into view. Then as they traveled closer she trained her eyes on the sensors, looking for items of interest or clues of anything amiss. She kept an eye on Graham's actions as he steered them through the disturbances, growing more and more concerned the more "close calls" were made. She was broken out of her intense focus by Torra's voice. This was one of the reasons why she had chosen the Grazerite to be on the team-she was already prepared to complete the task that T'Lara had only decided on moments before.

"Do it, Lieutenant," she looked back at the rest of the group. "All hands brace for impact."

There was nothing they could have done to prevent it, T'Lara was convinced of that. She did not yet know why this was happening, but the logic of knowing that they had done all they could do comforted her somehow. They were close enough now that if they were to crash they had a chance of survival, so she gave the order and waited. Just...waited.

Hearing the Commanders' order confirming her recommendation, Torra began powering down the shuttle.  "Yes, ma'am"

The idea being the slight electromagnetic charge from the shuttle's power usage was acting an an attractant for the disturbances.  Remove the attractant and they might avoid further encounters.  There was also the hope that with the shuttles systems powered down the electromagnetic disruption would have less damaging of an effect -  and that after impact it might be possible to restart the shuttle once they had dropped out of range of the phenomenon or so Torra hoped.

It took mere seconds to power down the shuttle completely.  With everything off the shuttle could retain life-support norms such as heat and oxygen for 10 minutes after that things began to edge into levels that were poor for most humanoids.

Wisely, the Commander called out for those in the shuttle to 'Brace for impact', and Torra did so, tightening her chair's safety belt and then covering her head beneath and between her horns.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

The one thing about being on the bridge was you are stuck there. He had faith in the security team to do what they can do to that call that Nira jumped on. Someone had used a weapon on Deck Ten. What in the cat lives was going on! There was a power surge a plasma one. Someone shot the area. But why? He was confused but he figured Nira would get down to it.

Don had wondered how Graham doing with piloting the shuttle down on the planet. He was hoping it was not going to be a rough ride.

Tekin Nevir

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain frowned, but turned behind him and nodded to Nira.  "Sounds like something you should take a look at.  Engineering will probably find out about it in a moment or so with the conduit.  Make sure nothing bad is going on.  Accidents happen." he stated, looking at the planet again as the shuttle started to fade from contact with increasing interference.

"Okay... shuttle is on their own for now.  Let's hope for the best." he stated with a sigh.

[Atmosphere to planet]

The shuttle emergency shutdown activated, and as the sensors turned off it seemed the clouds were still making a beeline... but if they were, they stopped after the shuttle went dark.  Obviously it was not possible to verify now that they were in a flying brick.  With just the transparent aluminum giving them any kind of view outside of the shuttle, the away team watched as the clouds broke through and the dense jungle rose up to meet the shuttle.  Then... darkness.

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 15, 2021, 11:28:34 PM

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Helga was only partway done her inventory - since she'd discovered a discrepancy in not so much the count of weapons but rather their serial numbers.  She was in the midst of trying to track when each of the units were last signed out and used, when Lieutenant Said's call came in over her comm badge.  The Klingon hybrid tapped her comm to respond,  "Acknowledged, ma'am."

Helga closed and locked the weapons cache and then with a slight wave to Lek as she passed by his office the security crewman headed out of Main Engineering and took the turbolift up one level to Deck 10.   Since she hadn't been provided any information Helga loosened the clasp on her phasers holster but kept it in place until the situation necessitated its use.

Arriving on Deck 10, she headed towards Section 21 Alpha where she found the downed crewman.   She could see from a distance the phaser burn on the crewmans chest where he'd been struck.  Helga pulled her weapon and more alertly looked over the corridor.   With her other hand she tapped her comm.

=/\="Tragnar to Ops.  Requesting site to site transport to Sickbay of crewman located 2 meters from my location." =/\=  She had to give an detailed location because the phaser burn had visibly damaged the crewman's commbadge which otherwise would have noted his location to the transporter chief.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 24, 2021, 10:27:41 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain frowned, but turned behind him and nodded to Nira.  "Sounds like something you should take a look at.  Engineering will probably find out about it in a moment or so with the conduit.  Make sure nothing bad is going on.  Accidents happen." he stated, looking at the planet again as the shuttle started to fade from contact with increasing interference.

"Okay... shuttle is on their own for now.  Let's hope for the best." he stated with a sigh.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge >- Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck One >- Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Of course, sir," said Nira, "but a weapons alert coupled with a power surge...well, you have a point that accidents can happen, but it doesn't hurt to make sure."

She made her way to the turbolift and was in Section Twenty-One Alpha in a matter of time. She met Crewman Tragnar there. So, a typical, random corridor...and yet it could be something more. She took notice of the burned crewman before he was beamed to Sickbay.

Nira took a look around. The only burn damage was on the crewman. That could only mean one thing.

"Crewman Tragnar, do you see any indication of systems damage around here?" she asked. "Power surge and weapons fire alert...we could potentially have an intruder."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 24, 2021, 10:27:41 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain frowned, but turned behind him and nodded to Nira.  "Sounds like something you should take a look at.  Engineering will probably find out about it in a moment or so with the conduit.  Make sure nothing bad is going on.  Accidents happen." he stated, looking at the planet again as the shuttle started to fade from contact with increasing interference.

"Okay... shuttle is on their own for now.  Let's hope for the best." he stated with a sigh.

[Atmosphere to planet]

The shuttle emergency shutdown activated, and as the sensors turned off it seemed the clouds were still making a beeline... but if they were, they stopped after the shuttle went dark.  Obviously it was not possible to verify now that they were in a flying brick.  With just the transparent aluminum giving them any kind of view outside of the shuttle, the away team watched as the clouds broke through and the dense jungle rose up to meet the shuttle.  Then... darkness.

When the impact from the electrical storm didn't occur immediately - Torra uncovered her head.  It had worked!  Now to avoid crashing.

She waited until the shuttle broke free of the clouds before hurriedly attempting a power restart in order to stop their rapid descent.  But before she could do complete the process...  darkness swallowed them.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 25, 2021, 09:46:55 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge >- Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck One >- Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Of course, sir," said Nira, "but a weapons alert coupled with a power surge...well, you have a point that accidents can happen, but it doesn't hurt to make sure."

She made her way to the turbolift and was in Section Twenty-One Alpha in a matter of time. She met Crewman Tragnar there. So, a typical, random corridor...and yet it could be something more. She took notice of the burned crewman before he was beamed to Sickbay.

Nira took a look around. The only burn damage was on the crewman. That could only mean one thing.

"Crewman Tragnar, do you see any indication of systems damage around here?" she asked. "Power surge and weapons fire alert...we could potentially have an intruder."

It didn't take long for the transporter to lock onto the injured crewman following Helga's direction.   She had intended to do a more thorough search of the area after transport, but the arrival of the Chief on scene delayed that.

"My thoughts exactly, ma'am.  The injured personnel didn't have a weapon in hand or around him.  So where did the firearm that was discharged go?" she reasoned aloud.  Unfortunately, because of time lost arriving on scene, and the speed of the turbolifts, there was no point in locking down this deck.. the chances of locating the culprit nearby was ridiculously low.  "How would you like to proceed, Chief?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 26, 2021, 03:18:42 AM

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Main Engineering]

It didn't take long for the transporter to lock onto the injured crewman following Helga's direction.   She had intended to do a more thorough search of the area after transport, but the arrival of the Chief on scene delayed that.

"My thoughts exactly, ma'am.  The injured personnel didn't have a weapon in hand or around him.  So where did the firearm that was discharged go?" she reasoned aloud.  Unfortunately, because of time lost arriving on scene, and the speed of the turbolifts, there was no point in locking down this deck.. the chances of locating the culprit nearby was ridiculously low.  "How would you like to proceed, Chief?"

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira looked around. She did arrive to help Helga, but she could see she was going to need more help. She thought a moment. What was on this deck? Too many important things for a potential intruder to take advantage of.

"We conduct a scan of the deck," said Nira. "And we call Security to help hunt this intruder down. The only reason this was detected was a weapons fire alert. If another happens somewhere else on the ship, I'm calling for a lockdown on that whole deck."

She then remembered: Plasma conduit rupture, the bio-gel pack exploded into the corridor. They were so focused on the casualty and the intruder, she forgot about it.

"Wait a minute...where was that plasma conduit rupture...?"

She looked back at where the crewman had beamed away. Sure enough, there it was. A blast dispersal. That must be where the bio-gel pack exploded. Question was, what caused the explosion?

Nira tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to available Security personnel. Get teams down to Deck Ten and conduct a search in the deck." =/\=

Then she called to her sort-of deputy: =/\="Said to Lieutenant Bivaal," =/\= she called, knowing that, as the second-ranking Security officer, he was manning her post at the bridge.  =/\="Conduct an internal scan of the ship, check for lifesigns that aren't indicating typical Federation-based lifesigns, or potentially unknown lifesigns." =/\=

=/\="Understood, Lieutenant," =/\= Bivaal called.

That done, she made another call. =/\="Said to Engineering," =/\= she said.  =/\="Commander Lek, Crewman Tragnar and I are at Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One alpha. A plasma conduit ruptured, bio-gel pack explosion. Can you send someone from Engineering to check it out?" =/\=

Next:  =/\="Said to Sickbay. You know that casualty that beamed in? There was a burn on his chest...was there, by any chance, an exit wound in his back?" =/\=

And then, well, just so she can make report to the Captain:  =/\="Said to Bridge. Captain, Crewman Tragnar and I are on site. The casualty's been beamed to Sickbay. He's got some kind of burn on his chest, but I'm waiting for Sickbay for more information, and for an engineering officer to get on site to see what caused the gel-pack explosion. There's a possibility there could be an intruder on the ship, so I'm sending security teams and having an internal scan conducted just in case. Also, if  another weapons fire alert goes off somewhere else on the ship, even if it's not on the same deck, I'm going to lock down that deck, again, just in case." =/\=

She looked at Helga, withdrawing a tricorder, and said, "Crewman, we'd best start our sweep of the deck, check for the intruder while the other security officers get here to conduct their search."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on November 26, 2021, 08:29:53 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira looked around. She did arrive to help Helga, but she could see she was going to need more help. She thought a moment. What was on this deck? Too many important things for a potential intruder to take advantage of.

"We conduct a scan of the deck," said Nira. "And we call Security to help hunt this intruder down. The only reason this was detected was a weapons fire alert. If another happens somewhere else on the ship, I'm calling for a lockdown on that whole deck."

She then remembered: Plasma conduit rupture, the bio-gel pack exploded into the corridor. They were so focused on the casualty and the intruder, she forgot about it.

"Wait a minute...where was that plasma conduit rupture...?"

She looked back at where the crewman had beamed away. Sure enough, there it was. A blast dispersal. That must be where the bio-gel pack exploded. Question was, what caused the explosion?

Nira tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to available Security personnel. Get teams down to Deck Ten and conduct a search in the deck." =/\=

Then she called to her sort-of deputy: =/\="Said to Lieutenant Bivaal," =/\= she called, knowing that, as the second-ranking Security officer, he was manning her post at the bridge.  =/\="Conduct an internal scan of the ship, check for lifesigns that aren't indicating typical Federation-based lifesigns, or potentially unknown lifesigns." =/\=

=/\="Understood, Lieutenant," =/\= Bivaal called.

That done, she made another call. =/\="Said to Engineering," =/\= she said.  =/\="Commander Lek, Crewman Tragnar and I are at Deck Ten, Section Twenty-One alpha. A plasma conduit ruptured, bio-gel pack explosion. Can you send someone from Engineering to check it out?" =/\=

Next:  =/\="Said to Sickbay. You know that casualty that beamed in? There was a burn on his chest...was there, by any chance, an exit wound in his back?" =/\=

And then, well, just so she can make report to the Captain:  =/\="Said to Bridge. Captain, Crewman Tragnar and I are on site. The casualty's been beamed to Sickbay. He's got some kind of burn on his chest, but I'm waiting for Sickbay for more information, and for an engineering officer to get on site to see what caused the gel-pack explosion. There's a possibility there could be an intruder on the ship, so I'm sending security teams and having an internal scan conducted just in case. Also, if  another weapons fire alert goes off somewhere else on the ship, even if it's not on the same deck, I'm going to lock down that deck, again, just in case." =/\=

She looked at Helga, withdrawing a tricorder, and said, "Crewman, we'd best start our sweep of the deck, check for the intruder while the other security officers get here to conduct their search."

[Main Engineering --> Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

Lek had already been notified of the power drop when the call from Said came in and he replied immediately.

=/\= "We're on the way, the damage lit up my status board and we had to reroute the plasma around the damaged conduit. We'll be there in less than a minute." =/\=

As promised, Lek arrived with a repair team within a minute.

"There were no system failures that could have caused this. Do you know what happened?"

Lek asked as he arrived and the repair team started working.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

Pain was the first thing that filtered into Torra's awareness.  The straps that held her in her seat were pressing into her shoulders and abdomen rather tightly to the point of causing pain.   She blearily blinked her eyes open, even as she reached for the belt release, and only just stopped herself from unlatching when she became cognizant of her surroundings.   From her seat, Torra could see clear through the broken cockpit window to the ground below, some 15 meters beneath where the shuttle was suspended in what Torra assumed was a jungle-like canopy.

She glanced about to do a head count of the other team members, calling them out by name to hopefully rouse them if they, like herself had fallen unconscious at the impact.

"Commander T'Lara?  Petty Officer Graham?  Crewman Gohun?  Crewman Wynters? Sound off if you can hear me.  Is anyone injured?"

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Section 21]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 26, 2021, 08:29:53 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira looked around. She did arrive to help Helga, but she could see she was going to need more help. She thought a moment. What was on this deck? Too many important things for a potential intruder to take advantage of.

"We conduct a scan of the deck," said Nira. "And we call Security to help hunt this intruder down. The only reason this was detected was a weapons fire alert. If another happens somewhere else on the ship, I'm calling for a lockdown on that whole deck."

She then remembered: Plasma conduit rupture, the bio-gel pack exploded into the corridor. They were so focused on the casualty and the intruder, she forgot about it.

"Wait a minute...where was that plasma conduit rupture...?"

She looked back at where the crewman had beamed away. Sure enough, there it was. A blast dispersal. That must be where the bio-gel pack exploded. Question was, what caused the explosion?

Nira tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to available Security personnel. Get teams down to Deck Ten and conduct a search in the deck." =/\=

And then, well, just so she can make report to the Captain:  =/\="Said to Bridge. Captain, Crewman Tragnar and I are on site. The casualty's been beamed to Sickbay. He's got some kind of burn on his chest, but I'm waiting for Sickbay for more information, and for an engineering officer to get on site to see what caused the gel-pack explosion. There's a possibility there could be an intruder on the ship, so I'm sending security teams and having an internal scan conducted just in case. Also, if  another weapons fire alert goes off somewhere else on the ship, even if it's not on the same deck, I'm going to lock down that deck, again, just in case." =/\=

She looked at Helga, withdrawing a tricorder, and said, "Crewman, we'd best start our sweep of the deck, check for the intruder while the other security officers get here to conduct their search."

While Lt Said made her calls, Helga was already scanning the immediate vicinity with her own tricorder.  But her lack of experience in such investigations had her unable to find anything of note from the scene.  She'd even missed that there had been a plasma conduit rupture until the Chief pointed it out.

She was grateful that her role was to only check for intruders.  That at least she could do.  She started off down the hallway making note of all the biosigns on Deck 10 and then began the process to one-by-one approach each to confirm their identities.

Quote from: Lek on November 26, 2021, 10:34:10 AM

[Main Engineering --> Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

Lek had already been notified of the power drop when the call from Said came in and he replied immediately.

=/\= "We're on the way, the damage lit up my status board and we had to reroute the plasma around the damaged conduit. We'll be there in less than a minute." =/\=

As promised, Lek arrived with a repair team within a minute.

"There were no system failures that could have caused this. Do you know what happened?"

Lek asked as he arrived and the repair team started working.

Helga had already moved down the opposite hall by the time Lek arrived on scene, though she noted him and his team's arrival on her tricorder as she moved through the corridors.
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun sat in the shuttle and when he heard emergency landing he know what that mean. He knew that they wee about to cras---. With that the entire universe exploded into stars. Then Gohun sat in a studion audience singing "œWho can take a sunrise (who can take a sunrise), Sprinkle it with dew (sprinkle it with dew), Cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two?,The Candy Man (the Candy Man). With that the world started being covered in blood as he slowly regained consciousness.
He heard someone calling out
"Commander T'Lara?  Petty Officer Graham?  Crewman Gohun?  Crewman Wynters? Sound off if you can hear me.  Is anyone injured?"
Gohun looked around and saw the canopy of the forest was about 20 feel below. This meant that they were more than likely 200 feet or more from the ground. Speaking of which what were they caught on exactly? With that Gogun slowly took a tricorder out and started to scan. Oh yeah he cant see with all the blood also someone asked him to sound off.
Gohun opened his mouth to speak but what cam out was rather incomprehensible. "œGohun reda ot awkea" With that Gohun torn his unform and made a make shift keep blood out of eye bandage.

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