Season 14, Episode 8: Lush Lifelessness

Started by Tekin Nevir, October 18, 2021, 01:04:17 PM

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Everett Wynters

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 27, 2021, 03:49:48 AM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

Pain was the first thing that filtered into Torra's awareness.  The straps that held her in her seat were pressing into her shoulders and abdomen rather tightly to the point of causing pain.   She blearily blinked her eyes open, even as she reached for the belt release, and only just stopped herself from unlatching when she became cognizant of her surroundings.   From her seat, Torra could see clear through the broken cockpit window to the ground below, some 15 meters beneath where the shuttle was suspended in what Torra assumed was a jungle-like canopy.

She glanced about to do a head count of the other team members, calling them out by name to hopefully rouse them if they, like herself had fallen unconscious at the impact.

"Commander T'Lara?  Petty Officer Graham?  Crewman Gohun?  Crewman Wynters? Sound off if you can hear me.  Is anyone injured?"

Wynters groaned softly from where he had been. Pain filtered into his awareness, and it was a good sign, he wasn't dead, hurting, but not so much he couldn't move. Still in his seat and buckled in, his hands slowly ran over himself, feeling the cuts in his uniform and the small trickles of blood. Nothing was broken, just cut a bit. He took a deep breath, making sure to expand his chest as much as possible with the seat belt straps on him. His ribs hurt, probably from falling down, but he was intact. His legs next, again, cuts and minor scrapes, but overall, he was fine. If nothing else, biology had paid off for him.

He heard the call out and spoke. "Wynters here. Alive and moving. I'm going to find some light and see if I can get a damage report. Ship went down pretty hard, but these shuttles are usually tough birds." He called out, feeling around for his tool bag. He always carried a light in there, one that could be strapped to his head so he could keep his hands free. He saw the bag not far away, but given the fact that unbuckling himself might result in a slide, he looked around for a moment. "Don't usually work this high up in gravity... Whatever got us, probably blew most of the circuits. I might be able to reroute a few things, but being this high up it is a risky trick..."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 27, 2021, 03:49:48 AM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

Pain was the first thing that filtered into Torra's awareness.  The straps that held her in her seat were pressing into her shoulders and abdomen rather tightly to the point of causing pain.   She blearily blinked her eyes open, even as she reached for the belt release, and only just stopped herself from unlatching when she became cognizant of her surroundings.   From her seat, Torra could see clear through the broken cockpit window to the ground below, some 15 meters beneath where the shuttle was suspended in what Torra assumed was a jungle-like canopy.

She glanced about to do a head count of the other team members, calling them out by name to hopefully rouse them if they, like herself had fallen unconscious at the impact.

"Commander T'Lara?  Petty Officer Graham?  Crewman Gohun?  Crewman Wynters? Sound off if you can hear me.  Is anyone injured?"

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Section 21]

While Lt Said made her calls, Helga was already scanning the immediate vicinity with her own tricorder.  But her lack of experience in such investigations had her unable to find anything of note from the scene.  She'd even missed that there had been a plasma conduit rupture until the Chief pointed it out.

She was grateful that her role was to only check for intruders.  That at least she could do.  She started off down the hallway making note of all the biosigns on Deck 10 and then began the process to one-by-one approach each to confirm their identities.

Helga had already moved down the opposite hall by the time Lek arrived on scene, though she noted him and his team's arrival on her tricorder as she moved through the corridors.


Alex blinked his eyes as he regained consciousness he still remembered the pain that he was in from the crash as he sat in the shuttle. As he heard the sound of someone calling out he opened his mouth to try and say something at least understandable "œpetty officer Graham I uh think I might be but it could possibly be the pain talking." He looked around the canopy forest and it seemed like they were a few hundred feet from the ground. He used a piece of his uniform to try and stop the blood from falling down everywhere.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on November 27, 2021, 05:27:30 PM

Gohun sat in the shuttle and when he heard emergency landing he know what that mean. He knew that they wee about to cras---. With that the entire universe exploded into stars.
Gohun opened his mouth to speak but what cam out was rather incomprehensible. "œGohun reda ot awkea" With that Gohun torn his unform and made a make shift keep blood out of eye bandage.

Quote from: Everett Wynters on November 27, 2021, 08:00:21 PM

Wynters groaned softly from where he had been. Pain filtered into his awareness, and it was a good sign, he wasn't dead, hurting, but not so much he couldn't move. Still in his seat and buckled in, his hands slowly ran over himself, feeling the cuts in his uniform and the small trickles of blood. Nothing was broken, just cut a bit. He took a deep breath, making sure to expand his chest as much as possible with the seat belt straps on him. His ribs hurt, probably from falling down, but he was intact. His legs next, again, cuts and minor scrapes, but overall, he was fine. If nothing else, biology had paid off for him.

He heard the call out and spoke. "Wynters here. Alive and moving. I'm going to find some light and see if I can get a damage report. Ship went down pretty hard, but these shuttles are usually tough birds." He called out, feeling around for his tool bag. He always carried a light in there, one that could be strapped to his head so he could keep his hands free. He saw the bag not far away, but given the fact that unbuckling himself might result in a slide, he looked around for a moment. "Don't usually work this high up in gravity... Whatever got us, probably blew most of the circuits. I might be able to reroute a few things, but being this high up it is a risky trick..."

Quote from: Alexander Graham on November 27, 2021, 11:14:39 PM


Alex blinked his eyes as he regained consciousness he still remembered the pain that he was in from the crash as he sat in the shuttle. As he heard the sound of someone calling out he opened his mouth to try and say something at least understandable "œpetty officer Graham I uh think I might be but it could possibly be the pain talking."
He used a piece of his uniform to try and stop the blood from falling down everywhere.

One by one the away team members answered her request to 'sound off' - all but Commander T'Lara, which was worrisome.  What made the situation worse in Torra's mind was that with the Commander unresponsive, responsibility fell to her to lead the others in dealing with this situation.

Torra took a deep calming breathe before triaging the situation, from there she would decide on a course of action. Seated beside Gohun, despite his incomprehensible response, Torra could see the security crewman alert and already self-administering first aid to his head wound.  For the moment, his injury could wait.

She'd seen Wynters do his self-check as well, and his verbal response was clear and oriented.  What injuries he had seemed like he also could self-management for the time being, especially when he seemed to opt to focus on assessing the damage to the shuttle first. A true engineer!

"Be very slow in your movements.  I'm not too certain how secure the shuttle is in these branches."  She spoke in response to Wynters' planned activity, but it was intended for the entire away team.

Petty officer Graham's reply however seemed uncertain.  Obviously, he and the Commander had taken the brunt of the impact when they crashed.  Her focus needed to be on them.

"You're doing well, Alexander." she encouraged.   "Continue applying pressure to any of the deep wounds.  Tie them off with a tourniquet if you need to."

Then after recalling where this shuttle's medkit was kept (tucked under the copilot's seat where the Commander sat), Torra slowly lifted a foot to brace again the back of the pilot's chair.   "I'm going to unbuckle and make my way forward slowly so that I can check on Commander T'Lara and grab the medkit.  I'll do my best not to jar us loose. But be ready to brace for another fall." she informed the away team so that they could prepare in case her movement jostled the shuttle loose from its perch.

With that said she pressed her back against her seat aided by her braced foot and unclipped her selt belt.  Its strained release nearly dumped Torra out of her chair if not for that braced foot.  Then gripping onto her seat back she shifted her weight and brought her other foot up to step on the back of the pilot's chair.    The shuttle shifted with the new weight distribution and Torra's pulse raced fearing that they were going to drop the remaining distance to the ground.  But the movement stilled when she froze.

Climbing down the chairs could take some time...

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Nira Said

Quote from: Lek on November 26, 2021, 10:34:10 AM

[Main Engineering --> Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

Lek had already been notified of the power drop when the call from Said came in and he replied immediately.

=/\= "We're on the way, the damage lit up my status board and we had to reroute the plasma around the damaged conduit. We'll be there in less than a minute." =/\=

As promised, Lek arrived with a repair team within a minute.

"There were no system failures that could have caused this. Do you know what happened?"

Lek asked as he arrived and the repair team started working.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira was impressed at how Commander Lek got there so far. As the repair team worked, she took in his reply. Engineering detected no systems failure to cause a bio-gel pack to blow? Remembering the burn mark on the casualty's chest, and the fact that there was a weapons fire alert, Nira began suspecting more and more that there's an intruder who shot a weapon.

"Since you mention it wasn't a systems failure, I'm suspecting there's an intruder on the ship," said Nira. "However, I'm waiting for a medical report from Sickbay regarding that casualty who was here who had been beamed over. And I asked specifically if there was an exit wound on the poor man. Bear in mind, Commander, another sign of the intruder, a surge and weapon fire alert, or anything suspicious is alerted, wherever it happens on that deck, I'm locking that deck down. Just in case."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on November 28, 2021, 09:21:56 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira was impressed at how Commander Lek got there so far. As the repair team worked, she took in his reply. Engineering detected no systems failure to cause a bio-gel pack to blow? Remembering the burn mark on the casualty's chest, and the fact that there was a weapons fire alert, Nira began suspecting more and more that there's an intruder who shot a weapon.

"Since you mention it wasn't a systems failure, I'm suspecting there's an intruder on the ship," said Nira. "However, I'm waiting for a medical report from Sickbay regarding that casualty who was here who had been beamed over. And I asked specifically if there was an exit wound on the poor man. Bear in mind, Commander, another sign of the intruder, a surge and weapon fire alert, or anything suspicious is alerted, wherever it happens on that deck, I'm locking that deck down. Just in case."

[Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

When Said mentioned an intruder, Lek was incredulous and thought.

"An intruder? On a starship?"

He frowned deeply as he replied.

"And exactly where would we pick up an intruder? Never mind, doesn't matter. Have you conducted a sweep with the internal sensors?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Nira Said

Quote from: Lek on November 28, 2021, 11:26:27 AM

[Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

When Said mentioned an intruder, Lek was incredulous and thought.

"An intruder? On a starship?"

He frowned deeply as he replied.

"And exactly where would we pick up an intruder? Never mind, doesn't matter. Have you conducted a sweep with the internal sensors?"

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"My deputy's working on that now," said Nira. "You know, Lieutenant Bivaal. I've yet to hear from him, too. If, however, it's not something to be detected on sensors, if a weapons fire alert goes off again...well, you know how a deck-wide lockdown works. Nothing will even get into the Jefferies Tubes."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on November 28, 2021, 01:41:36 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"My deputy's working on that now," said Nira. "You know, Lieutenant Bivaal. I've yet to hear from him, too. If, however, it's not something to be detected on sensors, if a weapons fire alert goes off again...well, you know how a deck-wide lockdown works. Nothing will even get into the Jefferies Tubes."

[Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

Lek gave Nira a look that implied a horn had suddenly sprouted from her forehead as it replied in a tone of utter amazement.

"'If a weapons fire alert goes off again?' Are you seriously considering just waiting for someone to fire again? What if they choose to take this shot on say, Deck 4 at the matter/antimatter reactor, or better still, Deck 9 in the forward torpedo room, or, and this one is my favorite, on Deck 13 at the anti-matter storage pod? Have you got any idea what would follow from allowing that shot to occur? I can tell you this much, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The conversation would be 'Did you hear that the Discovery was lost with all hands?'

"I'm trying to figure out why you haven't ordered a deck by deck sweep of the entire ship to find this intruder. The amount of damage they could inflict or data they could steal would compromise Starfleet operation throughout the quadrant. Please tell me you have a better plan than 'wait and see'."

Lek had kept his tone even and tried to pitch his voice so that only Nira could hear, but it was clear he was not pleased at the state of the investigation.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Nira Said

Quote from: Lek on November 29, 2021, 07:36:32 PM

[Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

Lek gave Nira a look that implied a horn had suddenly sprouted from her forehead as it replied in a tone of utter amazement.

"'If a weapons fire alert goes off again?' Are you seriously considering just waiting for someone to fire again? What if they choose to take this shot on say, Deck 4 at the matter/antimatter reactor, or better still, Deck 9 in the forward torpedo room, or, and this one is my favorite, on Deck 13 at the anti-matter storage pod? Have you got any idea what would follow from allowing that shot to occur? I can tell you this much, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The conversation would be 'Did you hear that the Discovery was lost with all hands?'

"I'm trying to figure out why you haven't ordered a deck by deck sweep of the entire ship to find this intruder. The amount of damage they could inflict or data they could steal would compromise Starfleet operation throughout the quadrant. Please tell me you have a better plan than 'wait and see'."

Lek had kept his tone even and tried to pitch his voice so that only Nira could hear, but it was clear he was not pleased at the state of the investigation.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira's jaw gaped open in horror as she hung onto Lek's every single word. "Oh. Good. Allah," said Nira. "I haven't thought of that. And...well, if somebody is still on this deck..."

She tapped her comm badge again.  =/\="Said to Security, I want a deck by deck sweep of the ship. And post guards and security sensors at the following locations: The matter/antimatter reactor on Deck Four, the torpedo bays, the anti-matter storage pod on Deck Thirteen, and any vital system on the ship. Alpha Shift, take half of Gamma Shift and conduct the deck by deck sweep. Beta Shift, and the rest of Gamma Shift, you are the guards." =/\=

Then she turned her attention to the second ranking security officer.  =/\="Lieutenant Bivaal? How's the internal sensor sweep happening?" =/\=

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Section 20]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 29, 2021, 07:54:31 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

=/\="Said to Security, I want a deck by deck sweep of the ship. And post guards and security sensors at the following locations: The matter/antimatter reactor on Deck Four, the torpedo bays, the anti-matter storage pod on Deck Thirteen, and any vital system on the ship. Alpha Shift, take half of Gamma Shift and conduct the deck by deck sweep. Beta Shift, and the rest of Gamma Shift, you are the guards." =/\=

Since Helga already had her orders to check this deck she didn't need to concern herself about the other decks at the moment.  Without pausing her cautious check of the Section 20 corridor and the rooms off it using her tricorder,  Helga tapped her comm to contact her Team leader, Petty Officer Strider, and informed him of her current location and assignment as given by Lt Said.   Helga knew the process whereby; he would pass that information on to the security duty officer who would mark Helga as monitoring Deck 10, Section 20.. so as not to double up effort on that deck.  Though since she was working solo... a partner might be assigned. 
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Tekin Nevir

[On board USS Discovery]

Upon sickbay getting the poor crewman, it didn't take long until the report came in that the crewman did not survive.  As Dr. Thane worked on the patient, he frowned as he found that the injuries were consistent with a plasma burn; that still left several possibilities but didn't rule out a phaser.

The ship's sensors took a while to sweep for lifeforms... longer than expected, but there was already one bypass that was set up.

=/\= There are no anomalous lifeforms detected on board.  All hands accounted for except for the shuttle Tereshkova's complement.  =/\=

Soon after came the call from Bivaal.

=/\= "Bivaal here.  Nothing is showing on the internal sensors.  Computer suggests weapon's fire but it can't read type.  Only thing we have for certain is that it is a plasma discharge.  Currently running a full diagnostic." =/\=

Finally, Sickbay responded to Nira and Lek.   =/\= "This is Dr. Thane, when you get a chance I need Security, Engineering and the Captain here."  =/\=

[On the planet]

The shuttle was clearly unstable, and every moment seem to create another sound of a snap.  There were no shudders as the shuttle shifted, implying that the shuttle was at the very least not perched dangerously.

As they took note of their surroundings, the shuttle would eventually break from its perch, and slowly and smoothly the vehicle would descend until a thud would confirm that it had hit a surface.  The windows showed vines and branches wrapped around the shuttle; it was that reason there weren't more injuries.

T'Lara, however, did not wake from the crash.  She sat strewn on the front panel of the shuttle for now as slowly the signal strength of their comm badges failed under interference.  They were for the moment alone on this planet. A planet that while full of plant life was suspiciously silent of all but the sounds of insects.

Everett Wynters

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on November 28, 2021, 02:59:21 AM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

One by one the away team members answered her request to 'sound off' - all but Commander T'Lara, which was worrisome.  What made the situation worse in Torra's mind was that with the Commander unresponsive, responsibility fell to her to lead the others in dealing with this situation.

Torra took a deep calming breathe before triaging the situation, from there she would decide on a course of action. Seated beside Gohun, despite his incomprehensible response, Torra could see the security crewman alert and already self-administering first aid to his head wound.  For the moment, his injury could wait.

She'd seen Wynters do his self-check as well, and his verbal response was clear and oriented.  What injuries he had seemed like he also could self-management for the time being, especially when he seemed to opt to focus on assessing the damage to the shuttle first. A true engineer!

"Be very slow in your movements.  I'm not too certain how secure the shuttle is in these branches."  She spoke in response to Wynters' planned activity, but it was intended for the entire away team.

Petty officer Graham's reply however seemed uncertain.  Obviously, he and the Commander had taken the brunt of the impact when they crashed.  Her focus needed to be on them.

"You're doing well, Alexander." she encouraged.   "Continue applying pressure to any of the deep wounds.  Tie them off with a tourniquet if you need to."

Then after recalling where this shuttle's medkit was kept (tucked under the copilot's seat where the Commander sat), Torra slowly lifted a foot to brace again the back of the pilot's chair.   "I'm going to unbuckle and make my way forward slowly so that I can check on Commander T'Lara and grab the medkit.  I'll do my best not to jar us loose. But be ready to brace for another fall." she informed the away team so that they could prepare in case her movement jostled the shuttle loose from its perch.

With that said she pressed her back against her seat aided by her braced foot and unclipped her selt belt.  Its strained release nearly dumped Torra out of her chair if not for that braced foot.  Then gripping onto her seat back she shifted her weight and brought her other foot up to step on the back of the pilot's chair.    The shuttle shifted with the new weight distribution and Torra's pulse raced fearing that they were going to drop the remaining distance to the ground.  But the movement stilled when she froze.

Climbing down the chairs could take some time...

Wynters was slow and careful, lifting his feet in a way to brace on things before he started to undo the buckles he had for his seat belt. "Pressure bandage before tourniquet. I don't have the time or skill to make you a new limb while on the planet." Wynters said, getting himself unbelted and braced so he could move. Each movement was careful, slow, testing the weight to see if anything slipped or the ship groaned. Once able to move even a little bit, he shifted down, grabbing his tool bag.

Slowly, he moved to the panels on the walls, slipping one of them free and adjusting the placement of the panel to hopefully not disturb the placement of this ship. With the panel open, he started to scan over the systems. His main goal was to see if he could at least get enough power flowing so they could quickly land without falling to a potential death. "I usually talk to keep my hands steady in high stress situations. Keeps my mind alert." He started, running the tricorder over the main conduits first.

"The planet I come from has really high gravity, so working up high has always been a... Fear of mine, I guess you could say. Odd I would pick a starship right? Doesn't go much higher than space." He chuckled softly, looking over his results and quickly returning to scanning. "If we get the chance, I should make a holodeck simulation of my world. Surface scans show it to be pretty normal, but there massive and vast caves too deep for most sensors to pick up, but need to be explored. I was part of a group who did the exploration. It was a grand time."

Each time he paused, he looked over the scans to that point. If he could reroute things along odd lines, he would once he got the chance.

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 30, 2021, 01:58:55 PM

[On board USS Discovery]

Upon sickbay getting the poor crewman, it didn't take long until the report came in that the crewman did not survive.  As Dr. Thane worked on the patient, he frowned as he found that the injuries were consistent with a plasma burn; that still left several possibilities but didn't rule out a phaser.

The ship's sensors took a while to sweep for lifeforms... longer than expected, but there was already one bypass that was set up.

=/\= There are no anomalous lifeforms detected on board.  All hands accounted for except for the shuttle Tereshkova's complement.  =/\=

Soon after came the call from Bivaal.

=/\= "Bivaal here.  Nothing is showing on the internal sensors.  Computer suggests weapon's fire but it can't read type.  Only thing we have for certain is that it is a plasma discharge.  Currently running a full diagnostic." =/\=

Finally, Sickbay responded to Nira and Lek.   =/\= "This is Dr. Thane, when you get a chance I need Security, Engineering and the Captain here."  =/\=

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira scowled. Nothing? That made her all the more suspicious. Unless the crewman shot himself at a powerful setting enough to blow the gel-pack behind him, Nira had good reason to suspect an intruder.

=/\="Thank you, Bivaal," =/\= said Nira.  =/\="Keep me informed. If it isn't a type read yet, there could potentially be an intruder." =/\=

Then Nira heard the call from Doctor Thane and raised an eyebrow with interest. What was up for Thane to call her, Lek and the Captain to them?

=/\="On our way," =/\= said Nira.  =/\="Captain Tekin to Sickbay, please." =/\= She looked at Lek and made her way over.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 30, 2021, 01:58:55 PM

[On board USS Discovery]

Upon sickbay getting the poor crewman, it didn't take long until the report came in that the crewman did not survive.  As Dr. Thane worked on the patient, he frowned as he found that the injuries were consistent with a plasma burn; that still left several possibilities but didn't rule out a phaser.

The ship's sensors took a while to sweep for lifeforms... longer than expected, but there was already one bypass that was set up.

=/\= There are no anomalous lifeforms detected on board.  All hands accounted for except for the shuttle Tereshkova's complement.  =/\=

Soon after came the call from Bivaal.

=/\= "Bivaal here.  Nothing is showing on the internal sensors.  Computer suggests weapon's fire but it can't read type.  Only thing we have for certain is that it is a plasma discharge.  Currently running a full diagnostic." =/\=

Finally, Sickbay responded to Nira and Lek.   =/\= "This is Dr. Thane, when you get a chance I need Security, Engineering and the Captain here."  =/\=

[On the planet]

The shuttle was clearly unstable, and every moment seem to create another sound of a snap.  There were no shudders as the shuttle shifted, implying that the shuttle was at the very least not perched dangerously.

As they took note of their surroundings, the shuttle would eventually break from its perch, and slowly and smoothly the vehicle would descend until a thud would confirm that it had hit a surface.  The windows showed vines and branches wrapped around the shuttle; it was that reason there weren't more injuries.

T'Lara, however, did not wake from the crash.  She sat strewn on the front panel of the shuttle for now as slowly the signal strength of their comm badges failed under interference.  They were for the moment alone on this planet. A planet that while full of plant life was suspiciously silent of all but the sounds of insects.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 30, 2021, 07:52:21 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Section Twenty-One Alpha | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira scowled. Nothing? That made her all the more suspicious. Unless the crewman shot himself at a powerful setting enough to blow the gel-pack behind him, Nira had good reason to suspect an intruder.

=/\="Thank you, Bivaal," =/\= said Nira.  =/\="Keep me informed. If it isn't a type read yet, there could potentially be an intruder." =/\=

Then Nira heard the call from Doctor Thane and raised an eyebrow with interest. What was up for Thane to call her, Lek and the Captain to them?

=/\="On our way," =/\= said Nira.  =/\="Captain Tekin to Sickbay, please." =/\= She looked at Lek and made her way over.

[Deck Ten - Section Twenty-One Alpha - USS Discovery]

Lek had to admit he was curious why the Doctor would need an engineer, but Thane wasn't the sort to make frivolous requests, so Lek fell into step along side Nira, even though he had to walk a bit faster than her to keep up because of her longer stride.

"I just can't figure out how an intruder got aboard undetected. If they came on during our last stop at a starbase, why did they wait so long to strike? From what I understand, the planet we're orbiting is uninhabited, but that's proven wrong. However, even if it is inhabited, how could they beam somebody aboard without sensors detecting them? And what happened here? Did the crewman just happen to stumble into our intruder? There are far too many questions to suit me."

He growled. 

Alt of Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Everett Wynters on November 30, 2021, 02:52:08 PM

Wynters was slow and careful, lifting his feet in a way to brace on things before he started to undo the buckles he had for his seat belt. "Pressure bandage before tourniquet. I don't have the time or skill to make you a new limb while on the planet." Wynters said, getting himself unbelted and braced so he could move. Each movement was careful, slow, testing the weight to see if anything slipped or the ship groaned. Once able to move even a little bit, he shifted down, grabbing his tool bag.

Slowly, he moved to the panels on the walls, slipping one of them free and adjusting the placement of the panel to hopefully not disturb the placement of this ship. With the panel open, he started to scan over the systems. His main goal was to see if he could at least get enough power flowing so they could quickly land without falling to a potential death. "I usually talk to keep my hands steady in high stress situations. Keeps my mind alert." He started, running the tricorder over the main conduits first.

"The planet I come from has really high gravity, so working up high has always been a... Fear of mine, I guess you could say. Odd I would pick a starship right? Doesn't go much higher than space." He chuckled softly, looking over his results and quickly returning to scanning. "If we get the chance, I should make a holodeck simulation of my world. Surface scans show it to be pretty normal, but there massive and vast caves too deep for most sensors to pick up, but need to be explored. I was part of a group who did the exploration. It was a grand time."

Each time he paused, he looked over the scans to that point. If he could reroute things along odd lines, he would once he got the chance.

Torra looked over towards the engineering crewman as he corrected her on a technicality of her medical advice.  His correction wasn't wrong but then neither was hers - the important part was to control any high-volume bleed immediately.  A glance towards Petty officer Graham showed that for him at least, that wasn't the case.

It was a bit soothing when Crewman Wynters got out of his seat and began talking about the planet that he came from.  Torra could appreciate the need to calm oneself with talk.  It was a common trait among Grazerites.  "I believe I would enjoy such a holodeck program, if you did indeed write one up." Torra remarked to the engineer before resuming her trek towards the Commander.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 30, 2021, 01:58:55 PM

[On the planet]

The shuttle was clearly unstable, and every moment seem to create another sound of a snap.  There were no shudders as the shuttle shifted, implying that the shuttle was at the very least not perched dangerously.

As they took note of their surroundings, the shuttle would eventually break from its perch, and slowly and smoothly the vehicle would descend until a thud would confirm that it had hit a surface.  The windows showed vines and branches wrapped around the shuttle; it was that reason there weren't more injuries.

T'Lara, however, did not wake from the crash.  She sat strewn on the front panel of the shuttle for now as slowly the signal strength of their comm badges failed under interference.  They were for the moment alone on this planet. A planet that while full of plant life was suspiciously silent of all but the sounds of insects.

Torra turned back towards the Commander, intending to offer medical assistance, but that is when the shuttle's perch in the canopy of the trees slowly released.  Torra gripped onto a chair beside her fearing a sudden fall.. but the descent was oddly smooth almost like lowered from a cable.

Once the shuttle was fully on the ground, surprisingly having landed upright rather than nose first, Torra went to work checking the Commander.  Physically she had no major injuries other than a knock to the head... which could be rather serious.  Rather than get assistance moving the Commander to another location, Torra while she was retrieving the medkit from under the Commanders seat, reclined the pilots seat allowing more room in which to attend Torra's patient.

A scan of the Commander had Torra frowning.  "It looks to me that the Commander has entered a Vulcan healing trance.  I'm not certain how long she will remain unresponsive... but I do know it's not wise to wake them while they are in such a trance."

Torra considered what to do next.  She tried her best not to ponder it overly much - since she knew the perception of Grazerites as being slow thinkers.  She looked out the front viewscreen and saw only vines - they had been what had slowed their descent.  But now they were also what prevented them from exiting the downed craft.

"Crewman Gohun, if you would please focus your attention to cutting back some of these vines so that once Crewman Wynters has our systems working again, we can have a clear launch area.  Also, I need you to keep a close eye on our defenses.  We don't know what dangers may lie on this planet.   Petty officer Graham.  I'll attend your injuries next."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Danjar-Torra on December 01, 2021, 12:03:38 PM

Lt jg Danjar-Torra Addams

Torra looked over towards the engineering crewman as he corrected her on a technicality of her medical advice.  His correction wasn't wrong but then neither was hers - the important part was to control any high-volume bleed immediately.  A glance towards Petty officer Graham showed that for him at least, that wasn't the case.

It was a bit soothing when Crewman Wynters got out of his seat and began talking about the planet that he came from.  Torra could appreciate the need to calm oneself with talk.  It was a common trait among Grazerites.  "I believe I would enjoy such a holodeck program, if you did indeed write one up." Torra remarked to the engineer before resuming her trek towards the Commander.

Torra turned back towards the Commander, intending to offer medical assistance, but that is when the shuttle's perch in the canopy of the trees slowly released.  Torra gripped onto a chair beside her fearing a sudden fall.. but the descent was oddly smooth almost like lowered from a cable.

Once the shuttle was fully on the ground, surprisingly having landed upright rather than nose first, Torra went to work checking the Commander.  Physically she had no major injuries other than a knock to the head... which could be rather serious.  Rather than get assistance moving the Commander to another location, Torra while she was retrieving the medkit from under the Commanders seat, reclined the pilots seat allowing more room in which to attend Torra's patient.

A scan of the Commander had Torra frowning.  "It looks to me that the Commander has entered a Vulcan healing trance.  I'm not certain how long she will remain unresponsive... but I do know it's not wise to wake them while they are in such a trance."

Torra considered what to do next.  She tried her best not to ponder it overly much - since she knew the perception of Grazerites as being slow thinkers.  She looked out the front viewscreen and saw only vines - they had been what had slowed their descent.  But now they were also what prevented them from exiting the downed craft.

"Crewman Gohun, if you would please focus your attention to cutting back some of these vines so that once Crewman Wynters has our systems working again, we can have a clear launch area.  Also, I need you to keep a close eye on our defenses.  We don't know what dangers may lie on this planet.   Petty officer Graham.  I'll attend your injuries next."

[Shuttle Tereshkova - Liega II]

Torra was indeed correct, the Vulcan was in a healing trance. Despite her bracing, the impact had thrown her head forward enough that it hit the front console, causing her to sustain a serious concussion. While the rest roused around her and began gingerly setting about their tasks, T'Lara remained silent and motionless as if in a coma.

[T'Lara's subconscious...]

Pain. A familiar feeling. The ringing came first, but it soon vanished as the trance took over.

Calm. Serenity. Words often used in consciousness, but only truly felt in trance or, T'Lara assumed, in death. There were absolutely no distractions, nothing to wait for, nothing to be busy doing. She did not even focus on the healing work her own body was enacting on itself, the minutes ticking by as the tense situation played out surrounding the shell of her being on the shuttle. Much as the mind gravitates toward the rhythm of waves crashing on a shore when in search of peace, the trance, though she was not directly aware of it, had a sound to it not unlike that of white noise. She did not see shapes or images of any kind, only brief pulses of light in varying colours. This continued for some time. When the ship was lowered to the ground, any jostling to the XO's body was thankfully unfelt. She continued existing, the process gradually reviving her...

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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