Season 14: Episode 9: Labyrinth

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 14, 2022, 01:51:34 PM

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Don Damien Addams

Don was far from insulting the Daegan when he was staring at Don. He too stared back. Then he end up getting a log. He looked at it and was not happy. Then he saw his wife was on fire, and he dropped the log to go help her. He was full panicked mode cause that was his wife. His life. Then just as he got there she was transformed. Don was double checking to see his wife was safe.

Then he end up walking back getting the log he dropped. "œWe are not heartless. If you saw a friend in harm you will leap to help," he shouted to the goblins. They are sneered at him.

Then when the first team was taken away and Don was furious. "œHow dare you?" He growled at the Lord of the court. This was one of those days Don should stayed in bed.

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on April 14, 2022, 03:21:54 PM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall]

Torra watched in surprised delight as during Nira's time with the King, her bestfriend's Starfleet uniform transformed into a set of form fitting armor.  Nira looked amazing!  It was like the armor was an extension of her personality.

Don was next, and though he stood firm refusing to bend knee to the King of this realm, his uniform was also sudden transformed.  Don's armor was bright steel and trimmed in gold with a blue cloak and hood.  Torra smiled at the sight of her husband.  He'd always talked about his time as a pirate, to see him now as noble knight was unexpected but it felt right to her.  He had long been her hero.

One by one others transformed, Everett and even Captain Galloway.  Torra looked down to her own uniform and suddenly felt it was inappropriate for this mystical quest that they were embarking on.  Yet she couldn't really see herself in armor - even though she had been trained as Security/Tactical first... it had never really suited her.  She was far too passive for for a fighter.  She was much more true to her nature to keep things smoothly running - to look at the whole of things and see what needed to be done to balance things out and have everything be at peace.

As she considered this, the flame from her torch sparked, landing on her uniform.  The material lit up on flames and Torra, gave a soft bleat of alarming, rapidly patting herself down trying to put out the flames.  But the flames surprisingly weren't hot and where the flame ate away at her uniform, green velvet material showed.  Torra stopped her attempt to put out the fire and instead following an odd instinct, twirled, giving the flame more air.  For a moment Torra was completely engulfed in blue flame before the last of her uniform was consumed and she stood instead clothed in a green velvet dress.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall]

Lahr, who had dropped his log in favor of trying to help put out the flame, gave a snort at witnessing this.  More smoke and mirrors.  The whole place was like one giant holodeck.  With Torra fine, Lahr looked about for his dropped log but couldn't see it anywhere.

"Um, did someone take my log? I dropped it right here." he asked quietly looking to those nearby.

To which a chittering laughter sounded from the nearby shadows where a goblin form could just be seen.  "The blue one as lost his wood...."

Another voice joined the laughing.  "Not surprising - given his banality."

More laughter then one of the goblins stepped forward more clearly into view and addressed the Andorian.  "You shouldn't have to be told to safeguard the item your were given.  Always keep it on you, for if you should lose it in the Labyrinth - your fate is sealed," the goblin warned, then motioned Lahr out of line.  "You must re-pledge once more to receive another item.  Try not to lose this one."

With his antenna twitching in annoyance, Lahr left the dias and grumbled his way to the back of the line of volunteers and assigned personnel.

NPC Shadow King Daegan ap Oberon
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall]

One by one the volunteers pledged themselves to the quest and received their Fae item.  After the blue-skinned disbeliever, an Arabic beauty with a name that rivaled most Fae nobles danced for him, and transformed as Fae magic sensed her will.   When she presented her blades before with her declaration to aid the Torchbearer, Shadow King responded.  "Aiding your friend, you no doubt sshall, but I charge you alsso to carry flame forward.  The dangersss are many within the Labyrinth and it iss besst to have more than one torchbearer.  Thusss I give you thisss..."

A goblin scurried forward and passed off to the King an unlit torch.  The King lit the torch from the brazier and handed it to Nira.

To the bland face male with ears like an elf, Daegan sensed the stirrings of imagination.. but he doubted it was strong enough to keep the flame alive.  "Your effortsss to aid uss are appreccciated, grow your imagination and you will be blessssed."  The King then handed the man name Savar, a hearth log.

The next to volunteer rudely stood before the King and declared that he knelt to no one and refused to name himself except as Defender and Protector.  The shadows around the King swirled in displeasure, and rooms shadows deepened.  For a moment, the King considered responding by dumping the man in the Bog of Stench for his insult; but though the man was rude, Fae Glamour responded to his imagination and transformed the man's uniform into a paladin's suit of armor.

Daegan knew it would be foolish to turn aside the aid the man could offer.  Still, feeling slighted, the King decided to show his own displeasure by wordlessly presenting the yet nameless paladin with a hearth log instead of flame and motioned him on.

The next volunteer was only marginally better in Daegan's opinion.  Another refusing to kneel. But this one at least offered a slight bow, not that it helped Daegan's mood any;   especially when the man initially named himself as naught but 'a simple engineer'.

Hopeless!  The room about them darkened more responding to the King's displeasure.

But then just like the nameless paladin, this one also had imagination enough to transform into a metal encased warrior.  Perhaps not so hopeless after all?  But the King noted that the man's lack any sort of weapon.  Hmmph, well maybe one would present itself during the Quest.. if the man could maintain his imagination.

Daegan was silent as he motioned his goblin minion to bring him yet another hearth log since the torches were few and precious.  Though the warrior had named himself plainly, it seemed his Daegan's chatty little minion thought the man deserved better and so offered one in short prose having sensed the truth of the man through his transformation.

Then it was the Scottish Captain who presented himself next.  That the man knelt and showed the proper respect lightened Daegan's mood and the braziers lighting the room with blue flame, brightened.  He listened as the Captain, named those of his crew that would join him on the quest.  The Captain even provided the name of the rude one.  Don.  It was a name Daegan would remember - though not fondly.

"Thank you for your ssservice, Ian the Navigator.  Pleassse acccept thisss torch and carry it to the cccenter of the Labyrinth to aid in relighting the Balefire.  Dessspite your wordsss, your heart and imagination give proof that you are indeed a merry man.  It isss that merriment that will bring you ssuccessss."

Daegan then called on those named by Ian to present themselves.  One by one handing out either torch or hearth log according to how they presented themselves.

The King sighed when he saw the blue-skinned fellow, only realizing now that he hadn't even bothered to get the man's name earlier in his hurry to move on to someone who would actually be of use during the quest.

"Why have you returned?" the King asked, a little put off by having to deal with the man again.

"I'm back because you forgot to mention not to put down the log.  You warned of the weight from disbelief...and yeah I felt it, but that's not gonna stop me from helping.  I want another log, and for the record... you can call me DJ Lahr"

The Andorian had half hoped that by naming himself he too might have been given some cool outfit by whatever automated system was working this holodeck.. but nothing happened.

Daegan almost felt a glimmer but the man was too skeptical to will anything into being.  "Normally, I would not waste yet more resources but as you are determined, I will grant you one more log.  Try not to drop this one. There will be no other after this."


Once all volunteers were assembled, lined up on the dias in front of the throne facing the Hall and their fellow crewmembers and Fae hosts, the King began to shuffle his deck of cards once more, whispering in his hissing voice the same Gaelic chant.  Then one by one he flicked a card towards those lined up on the dias.  The moment the card touched the individual, they were engulfed a cloak of shadows, consuming them until all that remained was shadowy forms that then wisped rapidly out of the Hall and into the distance.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[The Dreaming - Troupe 2 - Outside the Labyrinth]

When the shadows reformed, the questers found themselves standing outside a giant hedge.   But they were not altogether.

Lahr looked about trying to get his bearing.  To his perspective, the travel to here had been almost like flying, but he'd had no say in where he went - which was discomforting.  Thankfully, he still had the log held in his hand.  He wondered if there was a way of him tucking into his duty belt so that he could free his hands.

The hedge seemed to run along as far as the eye could see in either direction, unendingly.  "How are we supposed to get in the maze?" he wondered aloud.

He looked about then for Torra, since the King had said she was to enter first... but after a moments search he came to realize that Torra wasn't with them...  several volunteers weren't with them - notably Torra, Ian, Don and Nira.. and a few others that Lahr didn't recall the names of.   Roohz! This wasn't good.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Fae Hall | The Dreaming]

And so Nira took the torch with her free hand while she held her mek'leth in the other. She felt a surge of pride and confidence. She had to admit inwardly, the last time she was like this was in Paradise 1899, disguised as a drifting dancer...when the cover turned into the real thing, curtosy of the T'hunga. This time, however, she was believing in something mystical; her mind wasn't being messed with.

Turning to see Savar had been bestowed a log, a log to keep the fire going, Nira nodded in understanding. Savar shrugged back at her and took off his upper uniform. Then, barechested enough to give a silly girl a swooning fit to stop a heart, he lifted the log up and held it up with his shoulders, thus giving the impression of one being a supply carrier or a water boy.

[Ensign Jael Sherem]

Jael was about to state what she is when Captain Galloway announced her being with him along with Litt, and quite a few others. She decided she'd best say what she is.

"And I being one of his merry band," she said, "I am Jael, Daughter of Nehor and Rahab, one an evil man of infamous repute, the other a gentle mother who knows the right things and has shown her daughter what is right, we who are acolytes of the Prophets of Bajor, we and my brother," she added, looking at Gid.

"That is right," he said, "I with her, Gid, child of Bajor and raised by a repentant conqueror, and another acolyte of the Prophets."

They certainly were both surprised by the change of attire: Where Nira was bedecked in armor befitting a warrior genie, Jael and Gid were dressed more like....monks. Or somewhere between monks and mystics...and they suddenly realized they were both dressed like priests, priests who answered to the different Vedeks of Bajor.

[Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]
And in a flash, the troupes were assembled...but it wasn't Captain Galloway who was leading the group. It was, instead, Captain Tekin from the Discovery. Seeing he was Bajoran, Jael smiled at him sheepishly.

"Ah...hello, Captain," she said. "You're probably wondering my emphasis on the mother was one of two Gul Sherems, but she converted to the religion of the Prophets to get under her superiors' skins, especially my father, former head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau and a man with a reputation rivaled only by Krell Moset."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


[Unknown Throne Room]

Lek had to admit he found the situation they were in a fascinating exploration of alternate physics.

"I suppose that's 'banal' thinking. Hope I don't get turned into a newt."

He chuckled to himself at the thought, but, as an Engineer, he believed in things he could touch and measure. Openly accepting magic as real was never going to work for him.

"I'll stick to alternate physics, I can work with that."

As he knew his skepticism would cause trouble, he was going to keep his mouth shut and would wait until told what happen next.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Dreaming | Fae Hall]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 13, 2022, 09:35:47 AM

[Fae Hall]

Ian gave Tekin what he hoped was a reassuring smile as he replied to the rather logical question.

"This is goin' ta be difficult ta process on top of all this other madness, but the Discovery was reported missin' two months ago. We were sent ta find you."

Ian waited for that to sink in before he continued.

"I have ta assume that in addition ta the ability ta exist in more than one place at a time, that they also live outside of linear time."

Knowing he'd just dumped a steaming pile of enigma on top of the non sequitur he was already dealing with, Ian let Tekin work his way through this new information as he turned to face Daegan and took a knee.

"Majesty. I am hight Ian the...Navigator and I speak for those of clan Galloway. In addition ta myself, and he who is called Don who proclaimed himself 'Protector' I will name Jael Sherem, S'Ria, Richard Litt, and Kirani Dalsirath as my boon companions on this quest."

As he waited for Daegan's response, he felt Glamour enfold him and when the shimmering ended, he saw that his uniform had transformed to the finest flaxen cloth dyed in many shades of green and that a quarterstaff was at his side. He had to admit, it was a lot to take in, but he knew he had something he had to quash immediately before it go started in the crew and he hissed.

"Before any of you wags say it...I am not a Merry Man!"

Though expected, he couldn't help but feel a bit dejected by his acting Captain as he was not chosen to lead the expedition into the restoration of the "Glamour", as the Shadow King had requested. He remained with his head up high, though his tail stopped swishing entirely. He next proceeded to gaze in awe as the chosen first from the USS Discovery now changed into armors or fantasy-like clothing of the highest quality. He felt a twinge of envy now with such dazzling attires. He buried it down, however, chastising himself, as it was not truly befitting of a Federation Officer.

He decided to find shelter within the other fae, heading towards the table where he had first heard the pÁºca speak about the Shakesperean play. He glanced around, motioning slightly at other crewmembers from the USS Challenger to come alongside him, hoping that he could get to know them better. And keep them safe, if anything came up.

Sitting down, he offered a pleasant smile for all gathered. Clearing his throat, he spoke:

"Say, I would be more than happy to learn more about the faeries of this fine land. And I can share some of my knowledge of theatre, if that is an acceptable exchange."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Shadow King Daegan ap Oberon
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall]

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on April 14, 2022, 05:20:16 PM

Don was far from insulting the Daegan when he was staring at Don. He too stared back. Then he end up getting a log. He looked at it and was not happy. Then he saw his wife was on fire, and he dropped the log to go help her. He was full panicked mode cause that was his wife. His life. Then just as he got there she was transformed. Don was double checking to see his wife was safe.

Then he end up walking back getting the log he dropped. "œWe are not heartless. If you saw a friend in harm you will leap to help," he shouted to the goblins. They are sneered at him.

Then when the first team was taken away and Don was furious. "œHow dare you?" He growled at the Lord of the court. This was one of those days Don should stayed in bed.

The Shadow King looked at the would-be paladin shouting at the Fae and shook his head in disappointment at the mortal's angry display.  Then when the first Troupe was selected - that too did not meet with the mortal's satisfaction.  Since it mattered little to Daegan who traveled with whom, especially as he expected the mortal to surcome to the weight of the hearth log long before the Troupe got near the center, the Shadow King sent a card towards the growling 'knight' that would teleport the man to the Torchbearer whom he seemed attached to.
Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 16, 2022, 08:17:59 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Dreaming | Fae Hall]

Though expected, he couldn't help but feel a bit dejected by his acting Captain as he was not chosen to lead the expedition into the restoration of the "Glamour", as the Shadow King had requested. He remained with his head up high, though his tail stopped swishing entirely. He next proceeded to gaze in awe as the chosen first from the USS Discovery now changed into armors or fantasy-like clothing of the highest quality. He felt a twinge of envy now with such dazzling attires. He buried it down, however, chastising himself, as it was not truly befitting of a Federation Officer.

He decided to find shelter within the other fae, heading towards the table where he had first heard the pÁºca speak about the Shakesperean play. He glanced around, motioning slightly at other crewmembers from the USS Challenger to come alongside him, hoping that he could get to know them better. And keep them safe, if anything came up.

Sitting down, he offered a pleasant smile for all gathered. Clearing his throat, he spoke:

"Say, I would be more than happy to learn more about the faeries of this fine land. And I can share some of my knowledge of theatre, if that is an acceptable exchange."

The rabbit-eared pÁºca, looked over the catperson and nodded.  "A fair exchange  - though I'm surprised you didn't volunteer as well.  Your tail gives your true feelings away." the pÁºca noted.  "But let me guess, you didn't get picked by your Captain... Isn't that always the way?  The nobility always select for quests amongst their own."

Then in a conspiratorial tone it added.   "But I'll let you in on a bit of secret... on a quest such as this if the mortal proves himself capable of transformation, then they are deemed to be selected by Fate.   You just got to want it bad enough... and believe."


With the first two troupes sent off, Daegan looked over the remaining mortals, trying to decide what to do with them while the Questers were off attempting to beat the Labyrinth.  The banality coming from them, if left unchecked would completely deplete the Glamour that the Hall was made of.   The best thing would be to send them to sleep.  Perhaps in dreams they might have less disbelief.

So once more Daegan shuffled his cards.  He pulled the Four of Swords meaning rest and recuperation and held it aloft and hiss-whispered "Ssssleep.  Those mortals remaining in the Hall began to feel tired.

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall]

Quote from: Lek on April 16, 2022, 07:01:46 PM

[Unknown Throne Room]

Lek had to admit he found the situation they were in a fascinating exploration of alternate physics.

"I suppose that's 'banal' thinking. Hope I don't get turned into a newt."

He chuckled to himself at the thought, but, as an Engineer, he believed in things he could touch and measure. Openly accepting magic as real was never going to work for him.

"I'll stick to alternate physics, I can work with that."

As he knew his skepticism would cause trouble, he was going to keep his mouth shut and would wait until told what happen next.

Helga had worked on completing her count of Discovery's personnel, while others like Torra, Nira and Wynters volunteered to go on this Fairytale quest.  She finished with her final tally but was unable to inform her Chief, since Lieutenant Said was lined up with the others.  Figuring the next best person to inform was the 2nd officer, Helga headed over towards where she'd last seen Lek.

"Commander Lek," Helga was all professional at the moment. "I've completed a tally of the crew.  All are accounted for."  She then looked up towards the dias.

It was then that Torra and the others was a bit were consumed by shadows and send on their quest.   Helga grimaced at the sight and wondered if that was how they have been transported to the Hall in the first place.  Helga hoped not.

"With Lieutenant Said going off on this .. away mission.. would you like me to fetch Lieutenant Bivaal to you to receive orders, sir?  Or is this to be considered like a shoreleave?" she asked stifling a yawn.

One yawn led to another and then another and before Helga could fight off the tiredness that suddenly had overtaken her mind and body, she slumped down onto the ground.  And she wasn't the only one.  Those remaining of the crew were all falling asleep.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 17, 2022, 03:57:16 AM

Crewman Helga Tragnar
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall]

Helga had worked on completing her count of Discovery's personnel, while others like Torra, Nira and Wynters volunteered to go on this Fairytale quest.  She finished with her final tally but was unable to inform her Chief, since Lieutenant Said was lined up with the others.  Figuring the next best person to inform was the 2nd officer, Helga headed over towards where she'd last seen Lek.

"Commander Lek," Helga was all professional at the moment. "I've completed a tally of the crew.  All are accounted for."  She then looked up towards the dias.

It was then that Torra and the others was a bit were consumed by shadows and send on their quest.   Helga grimaced at the sight and wondered if that was how they have been transported to the Hall in the first place.  Helga hoped not.

"With Lieutenant Said going off on this .. away mission.. would you like me to fetch Lieutenant Bivaal to you to receive orders, sir?  Or is this to be considered like a shoreleave?" she asked stifling a yawn.

One yawn led to another and then another and before Helga could fight off the tiredness that suddenly had overtaken her mind and body, she slumped down onto the ground.  And she wasn't the only one.  Those remaining of the crew were all falling asleep.

[Unknown Throne Room]

Lek blinked, startled by Helga's voice, but then pleased to see her. He nodded at her report, which quickly turned to alarm as she slumped. Lek only just managed to catch her and lower her to the floor, before wheeling to face Daegan and snarling.

"Hey you! King Whatever! I don't know what you are or who you are! But this feemale is my mate! You said you needed strong people to go fix your whatsit, well, this woman is the fiercest warrior you will ever meet, wake her and let her prove it and I will be whatever you feel is necessary for me to be, even if no more than a jester for your amusement!"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem


[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael and Gid looked at each other. Their priestly robes made them look regal, but the effect was a little ruined by the fact that they both held logs, but all the same, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

"This is amazing," Jael said. "If it wasn't for the setting, I'd say we'd be escorting a procession of Vedeks."

"Oh, indeed," replied Gid. "If we were taking them to begin stoking the meditational flames as we carry along fuel wood."

They then turned around and saw Lahr, hoisting his heavy log in hand...well, it certainly looked heavy; Jael saw a tad bit of sweat, and she thought of Lahr's homeworld of Andor and it took little imagination to picture an antennaed ice cube melting.

"Are you going to be okay with that, Mister Lahr?" Jael asked. "It could be a good idea to make a pack to carry that so your hands can be free."

She looked around at the rest of the troupe...

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Dreaming | Fae Hall]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 17, 2022, 03:57:16 AM

NPC Shadow King Daegan ap Oberon
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall]

The Shadow King looked at the would-be paladin shouting at the Fae and shook his head in disappointment at the mortal's angry display.  Then when the first Troupe was selected - that too did not meet with the mortal's satisfaction.  Since it mattered little to Daegan who traveled with whom, especially as he expected the mortal to surcome to the weight of the hearth log long before the Troupe got near the center, the Shadow King sent a card towards the growling 'knight' that would teleport the man to the Torchbearer whom he seemed attached to.

The rabbit-eared pÁºca, looked over the catperson and nodded.  "A fair exchange  - though I'm surprised you didn't volunteer as well.  Your tail gives your true feelings away." the pÁºca noted.  "But let me guess, you didn't get picked by your Captain... Isn't that always the way?  The nobility always select for quests amongst their own."

Then in a conspiratorial tone it added.   "But I'll let you in on a bit of secret... on a quest such as this if the mortal proves himself capable of transformation, then they are deemed to be selected by Fate.   You just got to want it bad enough... and believe."


With the first two troupes sent off, Daegan looked over the remaining mortals, trying to decide what to do with them while the Questers were off attempting to beat the Labyrinth.  The banality coming from them, if left unchecked would completely deplete the Glamour that the Hall was made of.   The best thing would be to send them to sleep.  Perhaps in dreams they might have less disbelief.

So once more Daegan shuffled his cards.  He pulled the Four of Swords meaning rest and recuperation and held it aloft and hiss-whispered "Ssssleep.  Those mortals remaining in the Hall began to feel tired.

"Ah... so you noticed." The Caitian seemed more than a little embarrassed at the realization that his body language had given him away. He should have kept it more in check, he admonished himself. Taking a short pause, he finally nodded, "You are correct... I was not chosen as a representative for the crew by my Captain. Though I will admit it does not surprise me. It is the first time I have served on a ship of the Federation."

He raised an eyebrow at his second statement, his ears raising on top of his head as he listened to the possibility of him being able to accompany the troupe on their journey. But only if he wished it hard enough. And believed.

"Excuse me... did I heard... your... statement... correctly?" Zhukdra'shar attempted to keep cohesion within his words, yet couldn't help but yawn, as he suddenly felt tired. He closed his eyes, holding his head with a hand, as he tried to make sense of why taking a nap seemed like such a good idea now. He couldn't be exhausted, he had made sure to rest appropriately as to his species standards in his room. Correct? Slowly, but surely, however, he began to lay upon the table, his eyes opening for a brief instant to glance over at the pÁºca to which he was talking, before closing once more.

Something within his mind clicked as he began to doze off, trying to imagine himself as a capable knight, clad in reddish armor, with golden indentations. He tried to perceive himself employing a bow, with a quiver of arrows on his back. And most of all, he decided that he would have to believe. Not that he wasn't convinced at what he was seeing, but still, he wasn't one to believe in superstition or legends. So, he did his best to eliminate the doubt from his mind. Just before he completely lost consciousness.

(In the Cat's Imagination~)

And then he began to snore.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Zavrol Gohun


Gohun was not as excited about the quest as he should be. This entire thing smelled of a trap. Looking over at his comerads he could not help but be a little amused. With a heavy heart he introduced himself to the king.
"Greetings oh mighty Goblin King my name is Gohun. I am here to do the quest and while I don't trust you I want to leave this area." With that Gohun gets a log. A log? Nothing useful just a piece of wood with that Gohun tosses. With that Gohun took the wood and walked away.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Shadow King Daegan ap Oberon
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall] (before the Troupes left)

Quote from: Nira Said on April 14, 2022, 06:40:50 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem]

Jael was about to state what she is when Captain Galloway announced her being with him along with Litt, and quite a few others. She decided she'd best say what she is.

"And I being one of his merry band," she said, "I am Jael, Daughter of Nehor and Rahab, one an evil man of infamous repute, the other a gentle mother who knows the right things and has shown her daughter what is right, we who are acolytes of the Prophets of Bajor, we and my brother," she added, looking at Gid.

"That is right," he said, "I with her, Gid, child of Bajor and raised by a repentant conqueror, and another acolyte of the Prophets."

They certainly were both surprised by the change of attire: Where Nira was bedecked in armor befitting a warrior genie, Jael and Gid were dressed more like....monks. Or somewhere between monks and mystics...and they suddenly realized they were both dressed like priests, priests who answered to the different Vedeks of Bajor.

Daegan looked to the two who introduced themselves together as brother and sister.  He was mildly amused as they looked nothing alike.  They also named themselves acolytes of some unfamiliar prophets.  This was both welcome and unwelcome.  Though the two obviously held enough belief to effect a transformation and would be less of a drain on the Fae Realm Glamour, their belief was not in the Fae but their own religion.

It had been the Romans, with their Catholic religion, that had driven the Fae out of Avalon.  Religious belief was not a friend to the Fae.  He was tempted to hand both a log and had even motioned for the goblins to do so, but a stirring of wind blew through the Hall.  Perhaps unnoticed by the mortals but to the winged Fae, the air current was very noticeable and it swirled momentarily around the female before him.  A sign.   Handing back the second heart log to the goblin, Daegan summoned for a torch and handed this to the woman, Jael.  "The Fatesss sssmile upon you."  The brother received a heart log.  "May thisss not weigh on you greatly."

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on April 12, 2022, 02:07:15 PM

Gohun was excited about the prospect of a quest.   He would need to believe that he was an archer. How could he do this? He could start with his outfit. How could he imagine a better outfit? With that, Gohun closed his eyes and thought about fairies and weird magic. Could he believe in this? With that, Gohun spoke up. "You can have my ax." With that, he reached his hand forward, and a bow and arrow appeared.

Standing in line to volunteer there was an initial spur of Glamour from the ancient listener.   But excitement alone was not enough and a while Gohun attempted a transformation, his own image of himself was seemingly confused - thinking of being an archer yet calling out for an ax.   It was no wonder the magick mixed the two.

From that misfired transformation, the man's disbelief grew, making it harder for his Glamour to be sensed or tapped into.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on April 17, 2022, 07:25:02 PM

Gohun was not as excited about the quest as he should be. This entire thing smelled of a trap. Looking over at his comerads he could not help but be a little amused. With a heavy heart he introduced himself to the king.
"Greetings oh mighty Goblin King my name is Gohun. I am here to do the quest and while I don't trust you I want to leave this area."  With that Gohun gets a log. A log? Nothing useful just a piece of wood with that Gohun tosses. With that Gohun took the wood and walked away.

When the would-be axman stepped forward, little Glamour could be sensed though he did have a bow in hand.  Which was something - but not enough for a torch.  Besides the man sealed Daegan's decision when he misnamed him after that damned mortal movie!

The brief surge of Glamour felt during the mid-1980's didn't make up for how the mortal's collective imagination had managed to physically change his father's form - into one of teased out hair and tight spandex. Daegan shuddered and with a slight scowl handed the man a log.

"Gohun the Archer, trussst me when I sssay - I want you gone assss well."

[The Dreaming - Fae Hall] (after the Troupes left)
Quote from: Lek on April 17, 2022, 11:02:39 AM

[Unknown Throne Room]

Lek blinked, startled by Helga's voice, but then pleased to see her. He nodded at her report, which quickly turned to alarm as she slumped. Lek only just managed to catch her and lower her to the floor, before wheeling to face Daegan and snarling.

"Hey you! King Whatever! I don't know what you are or who you are! But this feemale is my mate! You said you needed strong people to go fix your whatsit, well, this woman is the fiercest warrior you will ever meet, wake her and let her prove it and I will be whatever you feel is necessary for me to be, even if no more than a jester for your amusement!"

Daegan was surprised to see that one of the mortals seemed immune to his sleep magick... but then perhaps it made sense since the man seemed almost goblin in form.   The Shadow King then strode down from his dias to approach the angry little man.  He looked over the woman.   The two had opportunity to volunteer earlier but hadn't, so Daegan was disinclined to wake the woman.  Yet as before... just when he was about to turn, the wind picked up and drawing his attention back to the little man and his woman and it swirled about the two.

The Shadow King couldn't afford to ignore portents.  "Very well, I shall grant you this request."

He shuffled his deck, whispering under his breath and withdrew two cards which he flicked towards the female warrior and her jester mate.  The pair were swallowed by shadows in an instant.

Daegan then looked skyward.  "I heed the wisssdom of the Fates.  Sshow to me thossse othersss that you have blessed."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 17, 2022, 07:12:06 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Dreaming | Fae Hall]

"Ah... so you noticed." The Caitian seemed more than a little embarrassed at the realization that his body language had given him away. He should have kept it more in check, he admonished himself. Taking a short pause, he finally nodded, "You are correct... I was not chosen as a representative for the crew by my Captain. Though I will admit it does not surprise me. It is the first time I have served on a ship of the Federation."

He raised an eyebrow at his second statement, his ears raising on top of his head as he listened to the possibility of him being able to accompany the troupe on their journey. But only if he wished it hard enough. And believed.

"Excuse me... did I heard... your... statement... correctly?" Zhukdra'shar attempted to keep cohesion within his words, yet couldn't help but yawn, as he suddenly felt tired. He closed his eyes, holding his head with a hand, as he tried to make sense of why taking a nap seemed like such a good idea now. He couldn't be exhausted, he had made sure to rest appropriately as to his species standards in his room. Correct? Slowly, but surely, however, he began to lay upon the table, his eyes opening for a brief instant to glance over at the pÁºca to which he was talking, before closing once more.

Something within his mind clicked as he began to doze off, trying to imagine himself as a capable knight, clad in reddish armor, with golden indentations. He tried to perceive himself employing a bow, with a quiver of arrows on his back. And most of all, he decided that he would have to believe. Not that he wasn't convinced at what he was seeing, but still, he wasn't one to believe in superstition or legends. So, he did his best to eliminate the doubt from his mind. Just before he completely lost consciousness.

(In the Cat's Imagination~)

And then he began to snore.

The wind once more blew through the Hall, this time strong enough to lift sleeping bodies.  The Caitian, now transformed in armor was lifted from his table before being consumed by shadow and teleported away towards the Labyrinth.
PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Troupe 2 - Outside the Labyrinth]
Quote from: Nira Said on April 14, 2022, 06:40:50 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem][Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]
And in a flash, the troupes were assembled...but it wasn't Captain Galloway who was leading the group. It was, instead, Captain Tekin from the Discovery. Seeing he was Bajoran, Jael smiled at him sheepishly.

"Ah...hello, Captain," she said. "You're probably wondering my emphasis on the mother was one of two Gul Sherems, but she converted to the religion of the Prophets to get under her superiors' skins, especially my father, former head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau and a man with a reputation rivaled only by Krell Moset."

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 17, 2022, 12:33:35 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael and Gid looked at each other. Their priestly robes made them look regal, but the effect was a little ruined by the fact that they both held logs, but all the same, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

"This is amazing," Jael said. "If it wasn't for the setting, I'd say we'd be escorting a procession of Vedeks."

"Oh, indeed," replied Gid. "If we were taking them to begin stoking the meditational flames as we carry along fuel wood."

They then turned around and saw Lahr, hoisting his heavy log in hand...well, it certainly looked heavy; Jael saw a tad bit of sweat, and she thought of Lahr's homeworld of Andor and it took little imagination to picture an antennaed ice cube melting.

"Are you going to be okay with that, Mister Lahr?" Jael asked. "It could be a good idea to make a pack to carry that so your hands can be free."

She looked around at the rest of the troupe...

Volunteering had been a huge mistake!  The quest had barely begun, there was only a handful of the volunteers here with them, Ruth was nowhere in sight and already the weight of the hearth log had increased from a mere 5 lbs to over 20 lbs in the space of what.. 5 minutes?   He could handle it right now, but yeah... it was quick becoming a given that somewhere along the way he would be unable to lift it at this rate of increase.  Roohz!

Lahr looked over toward the Cardassian and Bajoran siblings as they greeted the Captain of the Discovery and then gave him advice on how to carry the piece of wood he'd been told to carry.   A pack huh?   The Andorian Ops petty officer hadn't transformed like some others had.   All he was wearing currently was his standard Starfleet uniform - he didn't even have the luxury of a tricorder, or phaser.  And while showing off his ripped abs in front of Ruth - like the Vulcan had done earlier - sounded appealing, doing so in front of others without Ruth there - not so much.  But as he stood there puzzling out the problem, it felt like another 5 lbs had been added - and here they hadn't even started on the damn quest.   This sucked!

"Screw it.." he grumbled.  This was gonna chafe.  With one hand he tugged hard at the back collar of his uniform shirt, then with the other hand tried to stick the log down the back of his shirt.   It was an awkward maneuver to do with a 25 lbs, 2 ft firelog.   Nah there was no way he was gonna be able to manage it on his own.

"Can I get a hand here?" he called out to whoever was near.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 18, 2022, 04:37:35 PM

NPC Shadow King Daegan ap Oberon
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall] (before the Troupes left)

Daegan looked to the two who introduced themselves together as brother and sister.  He was mildly amused as they looked nothing alike.  They also named themselves acolytes of some unfamiliar prophets.  This was both welcome and unwelcome.  Though the two obviously held enough belief to effect a transformation and would be less of a drain on the Fae Realm Glamour, their belief was not in the Fae but their own religion.

It had been the Romans, with their Catholic religion, that had driven the Fae out of Avalon.  Religious belief was not a friend to the Fae.  He was tempted to hand both a log and had even motioned for the goblins to do so, but a stirring of wind blew through the Hall.  Perhaps unnoticed by the mortals but to the winged Fae, the air current was very noticeable and it swirled momentarily around the female before him.  A sign.   Handing back the second heart log to the goblin, Daegan summoned for a torch and handed this to the woman, Jael.  "The Fatesss sssmile upon you."  The brother received a heart log.  "May thisss not weigh on you greatly."

Standing in line to volunteer there was an initial spur of Glamour from the ancient listener.   But excitement alone was not enough and a while Gohun attempted a transformation, his own image of himself was seemingly confused - thinking of being an archer yet calling out for an ax.   It was no wonder the magick mixed the two.

From that misfired transformation, the man's disbelief grew, making it harder for his Glamour to be sensed or tapped into.

When the would-be axman stepped forward, little Glamour could be sensed though he did have a bow in hand.  Which was something - but not enough for a torch.  Besides the man sealed Daegan's decision when he misnamed him after that damned mortal movie!

The brief surge of Glamour felt during the mid-1980's didn't make up for how the mortal's collective imagination had managed to physically change his father's form - into one of teased out hair and tight spandex. Daegan shuddered and with a slight scowl handed the man a log.

"Gohun the Archer, trussst me when I sssay - I want you gone assss well."

[The Dreaming - Fae Hall] (after the Troupes left)

Daegan was surprised to see that one of the mortals seemed immune to his sleep magick... but then perhaps it made sense since the man seemed almost goblin in form.   The Shadow King then strode down from his dias to approach the angry little man.  He looked over the woman.   The two had opportunity to volunteer earlier but hadn't, so Daegan was disinclined to wake the woman.  Yet as before... just when he was about to turn, the wind picked up and drawing his attention back to the little man and his woman and it swirled about the two.

The Shadow King couldn't afford to ignore portents.  "Very well, I shall grant you this request."

He shuffled his deck, whispering under his breath and withdrew two cards which he flicked towards the female warrior and her jester mate.  The pair were swallowed by shadows in an instant.

Daegan then looked skyward.  "I heed the wisssdom of the Fates.  Sshow to me thossse othersss that you have blessed."

The wind once more blew through the Hall, this time strong enough to lift sleeping bodies.  The Caitian, now transformed in armor was lifted from his table before being consumed by shadow and teleported away towards the Labyrinth.
PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Troupe 2 - Outside the Labyrinth]

Volunteering had been a huge mistake!  The quest had barely begun, there was only a handful of the volunteers here with them, Ruth was nowhere in sight and already the weight of the hearth log had increased from a mere 5 lbs to over 20 lbs in the space of what.. 5 minutes?   He could handle it right now, but yeah... it was quick becoming a given that somewhere along the way he would be unable to lift it at this rate of increase.  Roohz!

Lahr looked over toward the Cardassian and Bajoran siblings as they greeted the Captain of the Discovery and then gave him advice on how to carry the piece of wood he'd been told to carry.   A pack huh?   The Andorian Ops petty officer hadn't transformed like some others had.   All he was wearing currently was his standard Starfleet uniform - he didn't even have the luxury of a tricorder, or phaser.  And while showing off his ripped abs in front of Ruth - like the Vulcan had done earlier - sounded appealing, doing so in front of others without Ruth there - not so much.  But as he stood there puzzling out the problem, it felt like another 5 lbs had been added - and here they hadn't even started on the damn quest.   This sucked!

"Screw it.." he grumbled.  This was gonna chafe.  With one hand he tugged hard at the back collar of his uniform shirt, then with the other hand tried to stick the log down the back of his shirt.   It was an awkward maneuver to do with a 25 lbs, 2 ft firelog.   Nah there was no way he was gonna be able to manage it on his own.

"Can I get a hand here?" he called out to whoever was near.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael double-taked at her seemed to thin to be a log, let alone a hearth log...then she saw the flame attached to it and realized she was given a torch. She remembered then that the King mentioned that the Fates were smiling upon a way, this bolstered her spirits. It was quite interesting and fitting, that a Cardassian had a torch amid a party including a Bajoran Captain. Perhaps it was a way to represent the Cardassians in making up for the Occupation?

But then, Lahr called out for help. Jael looked at Gid. "Can you manage?" she asked.

"It's no problem," he replied, "This log feels like I'm carrying a big hasparat. As long as I believe, Fates and Prophets willing..."

And with that, he went over and grabbed one end of Lahr's log in a bid to help him.

Jael, meanwhile, looked around for the others. She noticed another man whom she did not recognize - he, too, must be from Discovery. There was plenty of people from the Discovery. Speaking softly, she did a little tally.

"Litt? Captain Tekin?" she asked. "And...what happened to the Ferengi?"

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Everett Wynters

[Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Looking over the armor he was wearing, along with the oddity that was his gloves, he smiled a bit under the helmet. While his face was covered, he could see as if there was no mask over him. "Interesting..." He said softly, clenching his fist for a moment and seeing the sparks. There was something that seemed to float above his eyes when he did and he pondered, looking at the log he carried as well. The log was for some kind of hearth in the core of this place, and he rolled his shoulder. When he clenched his fist, it felt like a fire starting to boil inside of himself. As he focused on that, the urge to hit something rose, and the sparks grew stronger. He would need to experiment with this a lot more.

"Hmmm. It seems my hands are my weapon. When I clench my fist, I can feel a boiling of emotions within myself. It is... Interesting... And the sparks seemed to be related to the intent of my wanting to strike..." He said, looking at it and smiling. "Magic, a truly wonderous thing..." He said rolling his shoulders a bit and nodding. "I'm ready when you are." He said, looking to the remaining people who had been set up for the second group, placing the log he needed to carry on his shoulder. The goal now was to make it to the center and get things relit.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 13, 2022, 09:35:47 AM

[Fae Hall]

Ian gave Tekin what he hoped was a reassuring smile as he replied to the rather logical question.

"This is goin' ta be difficult ta process on top of all this other madness, but the Discovery was reported missin' two months ago. We were sent ta find you."

Ian waited for that to sink in before he continued.

"I have ta assume that in addition ta the ability ta exist in more than one place at a time, that they also live outside of linear time."

Knowing he'd just dumped a steaming pile of enigma on top of the non sequitur he was already dealing with, Ian let Tekin work his way through this new information as he turned to face Daegan and took a knee.

"Majesty. I am hight Ian the...Navigator and I speak for those of clan Galloway. In addition ta myself, I will add he who is called Don that proclaimed himself 'Protector' and S'Ria as my boon companions on this quest."

As he waited for Daegan's response, he felt Glamour enfold him and when the shimmering ended, he saw that his uniform had transformed to the finest flaxen cloth dyed in many shades of green and that a quarterstaff was at his side. He had to admit, it was a lot to take in, but he knew he had something he had to quash immediately before it go started in the crew and he hissed.

"Before any of you wags say it...I am not a Merry Man!"

[The Dreaming]

To say the Captain was shocked was an understatement.  By his feeling, they had been down here no more than an hour at the very most, and even that felt too long.  But two months?  The Captain looked at the equal officer in shock, but this so called King didn't much care to let him whallow in the shock... and disbelief.  The disbelief!

Now that he was told that somehow his mental state of mind gave off an enegy that was harming these people, he squinted his eyes shut, pushing that thought out of his mind.  It was harder than he expected... how to push away an intrusive thought like disbelief without it coming back and stronger.  Nevir had to go to the one place where his science gave way... the Prophets.  He did his best, telling himself mentally over and over that this is the path of the Prophets.  There was no disbelief if it was the Prophet's path, it was just a part of the journey.  A part of the journey.

He opened his eyes and felt better as the 'quest' was revealed.  He had to think back to his briefings, specifically the ones about the Q continuum.  If there was ever a force in this universe that proved disbelief incorrect, it was the Q.  The stories of Picard, Janeway, Sisko, and other captains were both legendary and cautionary.  It was possible that this was just another Q trick; perhaps it was his turn to be the plaything for the Q's so-called expert on humanity.  Or maybe it was not.  But there was one truth in every lesson; play along until you find an out.  Regardless of who these beings were, anything that can snap individuals out of existence were an impossible threat.

For a moment he was about to utter the typical phrase every Captain has had to say at one point 'Alright, we'll play your game', but he stopped himself.  Clearly these people were angry, and they were not here to play a game.  No, instead he ended up taking a page from the book of his crew, and followed them in accepting.

Play along....

[Troupe Two - The Labyrinth]

Another flash and suddenly he found himself with some of his crew... and some of Ian's.  He looked out to his surroundings as he got his bearings. It was then he realized his clothes felt looser.  Not like he was smaller, but that his uniform wasn't secured....

His uniform was gone.

He realized he was wearing padded cloth, loosely tied.  His red uniform was now cloths of greens and browns, and while one hand he held a torch, in the other the Bajoran had a walking staff.  And the staff felt alive.  Or was it the wood?  He felt his eyes burn a bit and blinked, suddenly he was able to see more, as if it got lighter. His face felt thicker, so he reached up to it.  His ridges were still there but, they felt a bit scaly.  His mind fought him, saying it wasn't real, none of this was real, and he had to counter with the Prophets again, and his rationalization of the Q continuum.  The torch seemed to flicker, but then returned to normal.

"I know it goes without saying at this point, but seeing must be believing.  Somehow our thoughts can hurt these people, and I'd rather not anger them.  Let's do this, but look out for the Romulans.  I am not going to leave without them."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


NPC Shadow King Daegan ap Oberon
[The Dreaming - Fae Hall] (before the Troupes left)


"Gohun the Archer, trussst me when I sssay - I want you gone assss well."

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on April 18, 2022, 11:28:35 AM

Gohun was apprehensive about the way things were going. While he did imagine the ax, the truth is that he wanted a bow and arrow, and that did not work. As a security guard, the reality is he has been trained to be careful in every situation. As a being that is several thousand years old, Gohun has learned to read situations and anticipate things that would happen. The bonus of Gohan's ability to sense the troll's emotions made Gohun even more concerned that this was just an elaborate trap.
At the same time, he went to see the prophets of Bajor, and the realm of the prophets was controlled by the person's internal consciousness. This is why one person could visit and see a desolate landscape while others could see a beautiful forest. Knowing this, Gohun knew that he could turn into a cool-looking creature Gohun had to try to believe, and with that, he tried to believe. He closed his eyes and thought about a bugbear. That should be strong enough that Gohun could transform into a Bugbear. Gohun was apprehensive about the way things were going. He focused all of his energy and felt the transformation begin.

With that Gohun looked up and realize that He didn't get what he wanted. But this would do after all the squirrel was a strong majestic creature.

Despite having already partially transformed enough to gain a bow... the man's belief kept wavering and his self-image changing on a whim, so that while waiting in the line up on the dias, the bow disappeared to be replaced with ax and  the leathers that had appeared with the bow, replaced with the oddest of things - either Gohun was wearing a squirrel costume... or he'd grown a large poofy, squirrel tail.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 19, 2022, 03:14:36 PM

[The Dreaming]

To say the Captain was shocked was an understatement.  By his feeling, they had been down here no more than an hour at the very most, and even that felt too long.  But two months?  The Captain looked at the equal officer in shock, but this so called King didn't much care to let him whallow in the shock... and disbelief.  The disbelief!

Now that he was told that somehow his mental state of mind gave off an energy that was harming these people, he squinted his eyes shut, pushing that thought out of his mind.  It was harder than he expected... how to push away an intrusive thought like disbelief without it coming back and stronger.  Nevir had to go to the one place where his science gave way... the Prophets.  He did his best, telling himself mentally over and over that this is the path of the Prophets.  There was no disbelief if it was the Prophet's path, it was just a part of the journey.  A part of the journey.

He opened his eyes and felt better as the 'quest' was revealed.  He had to think back to his briefings, specifically the ones about the Q continuum.  If there was ever a force in this universe that proved disbelief incorrect, it was the Q.  The stories of Picard, Janeway, Sisko, and other captains were both legendary and cautionary.  It was possible that this was just another Q trick; perhaps it was his turn to be the plaything for the Q's so-called expert on humanity.  Or maybe it was not.  But there was one truth in every lesson; play along until you find an out.  Regardless of who these beings were, anything that can snap individuals out of existence were an impossible threat.

For a moment he was about to utter the typical phrase every Captain has had to say at one point 'Alright, we'll play your game', but he stopped himself.  Clearly these people were angry, and they were not here to play a game.  No, instead he ended up taking a page from the book of his crew, and followed them in accepting.

Play along....

It seemed to Daegan that the Captain of the Discovery struggled to accept the truth of the situation...  even after honoring the man with a blue flamed torch, the disbelief coming off the man almost made the King retch while he was lined up with the other Firebrands.   The ill feeling eased the more Daegan called out the Charm of Making and shuffled his deck.

By the time Daegan tossed the cards to those lined up on the dias, Daegan could feel the Glamour swelling around the Captain in anticipation of a transformation.  'A shame' Daegan thought, 'I would have liked to see what the Captain became'

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Troupe 2 - Outside the Labyrinth]
Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 18, 2022, 06:16:27 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

But then, Lahr called out for help. Jael looked at Gid. "Can you manage?" she asked.

"It's no problem," he replied, "This log feels like I'm carrying a big hasparat. As long as I believe, Fates and Prophets willing..."

And with that, he went over and grabbed one end of Lahr's log in a bid to help him.

Jael, meanwhile, looked around for the others. She noticed another man whom she did not recognize - he, too, must be from Discovery. There was plenty of people from the Discovery. Speaking softly, she did a little tally.

"Litt? Captain Tekin?" she asked. "And...what happened to the Ferengi?"

Jael's brother lent Lahr a hand, helping the Andorian wrangle the hearth-log into the back of his shirt.  Lahr then folded the hem up under creating a sling that the log end could sit in, he then pulled the sides of his shirt tight, pulling the fabric taut across the log and along his back. Grabbing the ends, Lahr tied a bit of knot just above his navel.  This of course gave a glimpse of his abs... but it didn't really matter since Ruth was still missing.   Dammit where was she?!

Lahr gave an up-nod towards Gid.   "Thanks." he acknowledged the help, then to be sociable the Andorian added. "Nice robes."   He hoped he sounded sincere.

Jael meanwhile was trying to take tally of who missing.   No sooner has he queried about Captain Tekin than the man appeared out of a thickening wisp of shadows along with was another - Lahr recognized him as the man who had claimed he was just a simple engineer.  Lahr was pretty sure he was named Wynters.

Quote from: Everett Wynters on April 18, 2022, 08:03:21 PM

[Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Looking over the armor he was wearing, along with the oddity that was his gloves, he smiled a bit under the helmet. While his face was covered, he could see as if there was no mask over him. "Interesting..." He said softly, clenching his fist for a moment and seeing the sparks. There was something that seemed to float above his eyes when he did and he pondered, looking at the log he carried as well. The log was for some kind of hearth in the core of this place, and he rolled his shoulder. When he clenched his fist, it felt like a fire starting to boil inside of himself. As he focused on that, the urge to hit something rose, and the sparks grew stronger. He would need to experiment with this a lot more.

"Hmmm. It seems my hands are my weapon. When I clench my fist, I can feel a boiling of emotions within myself. It is... Interesting... And the sparks seemed to be related to the intent of my wanting to strike..." He said, looking at it and smiling. "Magic, a truly wonderous thing..." He said rolling his shoulders a bit and nodding. "I'm ready when you are." He said, looking to the remaining people who had been set up for the second group, placing the log he needed to carry on his shoulder. The goal now was to make it to the center and get things relit.

Lahr gave the metal clab fellow a nod in greeting.   "Hey Ironman... you realize you got the colors all wrong."   Yeah, Lahr was a smart-aleck - especially when he was out of his league with what was going on.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 19, 2022, 03:14:36 PM

[Troupe Two - The Labyrinth]

Another flash and suddenly he found himself with some of his crew... and some of Ian's.  He looked out to his surroundings as he got his bearings. It was then he realized his clothes felt looser.  Not like he was smaller, but that his uniform wasn't secured....

His uniform was gone.

He realized he was wearing padded cloth, loosely tied.  His red uniform was now cloths of greens and browns, and while one hand he held a torch, in the other the Bajoran had a walking staff.  And the staff felt alive.  Or was it the wood?  He felt his eyes burn a bit and blinked, suddenly he was able to see more, as if it got lighter. His face felt thicker, so he reached up to it.  His ridges were still there but, they felt a bit scaly.  His mind fought him, saying it wasn't real, none of this was real, and he had to counter with the Prophets again, and his rationalization of the Q continuum.  The torch seemed to flicker, but then returned to normal.

"I know it goes without saying at this point, but seeing must be believing.  Somehow our thoughts can hurt these people, and I'd rather not anger them.  Let's do this, but look out for the Romulans.  I am not going to leave without them."

"Easier said than done, sir.  But I'll do my best." he answered in response to the comment of 'seeing is believing'  "But no promises"

Lahr looked over the gathered crew - it was barely a third of those who had volunteered.   Maybe the others got sent elsewhere?

Having been trained initially in Security/Tactical, when the Captain said 'Let's do this' - Lahr immediately began looking to see who was available to take point.   Neither Jael, nor Gid were fighters - they medics and science personnel. The guy in armor was a 'simple engineer', the Captain was well.. a Captain.   It was rule that they never took point.  'Roohz This whole thing sucked.'   "Guess I'll take point. I have Security/Tactical experience... don't have a weapon... but hey if we run into problems... I'll sicc Ironman on whatever it is."

But before he could repeat his question of which direction to go (since there didn't seem to be an opening directly in front of them) another pair of shadows appeared.


The Shadow King couldn't afford to ignore portents.  "Very well, I shall grant you this request."

He shuffled his deck, whispering under his breath and withdrew two cards which he flicked towards the female warrior and her jester mate.  The pair were swallowed by shadows in an instant.

And from those shadows emerged what Lahr barely recognized as Helga and Lek.  Helga appeared as a scantily clothed yet armor-clad, tusked, and long-eared warrior.  Her forehead ridges remained; in fact they had grown way more pronounced.

Lahr couldn't help but whistle appreciatively at the sight.  "Damn, Helga.  Looking good."

At his comment, Helga who had been looking about in confusion, turned her savage gaze on him and took a threatening step towards him.

Oh crap!  "Hey wait... we're on the same side, remember?...   I swear I'll behave. In fact, how about I give you point, and I'll guard our backs" Lahr beat a hasty retreat before Helga could decide that she'd rather pummel him.

Helga snorted towards the fleeing Andorian.  It was hard to believe, but it felt like her rage was twice what it normally was; so it was good thing Lahr was giving her space.   She glanced down to her attire - or lack of it and snarled.  This was the King's doing wasn't it?   He was dead meat if she ever saw him again.

Last thing she remembered she'd been giving Lek her report. Wait where was Lek?   "Lek?" the female warrior troll called out.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 20, 2022, 03:42:46 AM

And from those shadows emerged what Lahr barely recognized as Helga and Lek.  Helga appeared as a scantily clothed yet armor-clad, tusked, and long-eared warrior.  Her forehead ridges remained; in fact they had grown way more pronounced.

Lahr couldn't help but whistle appreciatively at the sight.  "Damn, Helga.  Looking good."

At his comment, Helga who had been looking about in confusion, turned her savage gaze on him and took a threatening step towards him.

Oh crap!  "Hey wait... we're on the same side, remember?...   I swear I'll behave. In fact, how about I give you point, and I'll guard our backs" Lahr beat a hasty retreat before Helga could decide that she'd rather pummel him.

Helga snorted towards the fleeing Andorian.  It was hard to believe, but it felt like her rage was twice what it normally was; so it was good thing Lahr was giving her space.   She glanced down to her attire - or lack of it and snarled.  This was the King's doing wasn't it?   He was dead meat if she ever saw him again.

Last thing she remembered she'd been giving Lek her report. Wait where was Lek?   "Lek?" the female warrior troll called out.


Lek slowly walked forward, alarmed at the changes in Helga, but could tell, now was not the time to mention her appearance, especially as he dealt with his own appearance. Clad, as he was in orange and red vertically striped pants and tunic with a matching hat with belled tassels no less, and bright red shoes with curly toes. Mortified, he growled.

"Yes, it's me."

Alt of Ian Galloway

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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