Season 14: Episode 9: Labyrinth

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 14, 2022, 01:51:34 PM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret


Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Lek on April 20, 2022, 03:46:51 PM


Lek slowly walked forward, alarmed at the changes in Helga, but could tell, now was not the time to mention her appearance, especially as he dealt with his own appearance. Clad, as he was in orange and red vertically striped pants and tunic with a matching hat with belled tassels no less, and bright red shoes with curly toes. Mortified, he growled.

"Yes, it's me."

Hearing Lek, Helga turned and took in the sight that was her mate.  Court jester was the best description for his outfit.  He had no weapon.  The only thing he held in hand was one of the damn hearth-logs.  "He's so dead." she stated in an unamused tone; clearly referring to the King once more.  The Klingon-hybrid-turned-troll snatched the bell-tasseled jesters hat from off Lek's head and stomped barefoot on it.

Helga's transformed persona carried a shield on her left forearm and a heavy serrated sword hung at her hip.  Unlike the others in the group, she had neither torch nor log.   She assumed that was because her sole role in this 'adventure' was to be the grunt fighter - which was fine with her.

She then looked to the Captain, in his padded clothing and with his torch, and Helga reiterated Lahr's suggestion from a moment earlier.   "With your permission sir, I'll take point."

She glanced first one way, then the other.  To the right, maybe 15 meters away there looked to be a foot path that led up to the hedge wall.  That could possibly be the entrance.  She headed towards the path.

However, once at the path; the well-worn trail seemed to head directly into the thorny hedge.   Helga eyed it suspiciously.  There was obviously some trick to entering.  "I think there may be some mechanism to opening the hedge at this spot." she stated before offering options.  "We could look around for the trigger or I can use the sword I've been given to clear an opening?"

Normally, she'd be against using a bladed weapon intended for battle in such an disrespectful and inappropriate manner, but she was still pissed at having been dropped into this quest without her permission.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

After having made his retreat 20 ft away, Lahr watched the interaction between Lek and Helga.  He stifled a laugh at Lek's outfit, not wanting to risk getting punched, or worse, by Helga who was obviously in a bitchy mood.

He was glad to see the two were still obviously together (evidenced by her stomping on the jester hat).   Lahr smirked as he rolled his shoulders trying to get the log into a more comfortable position.  Though the pair seemed odd - it worked for them.  The Andorian was kinda proud for having been the one to suggest the match in the first place.

As they set out, with Lahr guarding the rear, the DJ in him decided to provide some entertainment... this was an adventuring party was it not?  Folk and Fantasy wasn't typically his best genre, but Lahr prided himself on knowing bit of everything - especially the classics.  Thus he began to sing... quietly at first, mostly to himself then growing in volume as the song got rowdier.

"Blunt the knives, bend the forks, Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
Chip the glasses and crack the plates, that what Bilbo Baggins hates!
Cut the cloth. Tread on the fat.  Leave the bones on the bedroom mat.
Pour the milk on the pantry floor.  Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl.  Pound 'em up with thumping pole
And when you're finished if they are whole..  Send them down the hall to roll!

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 22, 2022, 01:51:56 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

After having made his retreat 20 ft away, Lahr watched the interaction between Lek and Helga.  He stifled a laugh at Lek's outfit, not wanting to risk getting punched, or worse, by Helga who was obviously in a bitchy mood.

He was glad to see the two were still obviously together (evidenced by her stomping on the jester hat).   Lahr smirked as he rolled his shoulders trying to get the log into a more comfortable position.  Though the pair seemed odd - it worked for them.  The Andorian was kinda proud for having been the one to suggest the match in the first place.

As they set out, with Lahr guarding the rear, the DJ in him decided to provide some entertainment... this was an adventuring party was it not?  Folk and Fantasy wasn't typically his best genre, but Lahr prided himself on knowing bit of everything - especially the classics.  Thus he began to sing... quietly at first, mostly to himself then growing in volume as the song got rowdier.

"Blunt the knives, bend the forks, Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
Chip the glasses and crack the plates, that what Bilbo Baggins hates!
Cut the cloth. Tread on the fat.  Leave the bones on the bedroom mat.
Pour the milk on the pantry floor.  Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl.  Pound 'em up with thumping pole
And when you're finished if they are whole..  Send them down the hall to roll!

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on April 22, 2022, 06:35:49 AM


Ruth, the ever-verbose had finally been stunned into silence.  When she finally found her voice it was in a shocked tone that she said aloud two things... both in annoyance.

"Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to dress me like this... and in white of all things... I mean honestly, do they even know me?! Thankfully..." she stooped and hoisted up the dress and petticoats in a most unladylike fashion to above her knee... her boot knife was still strapped to her ankle.

"... this doesn't count as 'tech'.  Secondly, Zavrol Gohun...what should we do with you?! Hello Torra, great dress, nice to see you again and I see that Zavrol has come out of his shell a little but to the extent of pyromania?!" she joked.  "Nice to see you too Mister Gohun, maybe a little flame damage and smoke would improve this damn outfit!" she chuckled.

Sighing heavily she took stock of her situation, then took the boot knife and hacked off the skirt (which was currently ankle length) at a height just below the knee.

"Torra, would you be a dear and hack the rest of this off around the back... it's just not practical however pretty it is!  I can't reach, the corset is a wee bit too restricting.  Although..."

She shot a look of bemusement at Ian through the opening where Gohun was stuck, and grinned hoping that it might rub off a little on him and ease some of the stress she could almost feel radiating off him... she'd been in similar situations when she'd been Captain and ... well... it wasn't doing anything but chipping away at life expectancy!

"Captain Galloway can rest easy that I'm not going to strip off here and take that off!  As for the Little Folk... naturally in Norway and Iceland we have folklore of gnomes, pixies and the like.  I think most cultures have some sort of mythology of that sort, the human mind like explanations for things they can't fathom with fact.  I'm a Scientist now but I used to put bread and milk out for the Nisse/Tomte when I was a child.  We have elves... and seeing the Vulcans and Romulans for the first time when we went to larger cities I remember Father trying to keep a straight face when I whispered 'ELVES!!' to him and pointed.  Thankfully the Vulcan gentleman in question was a keen reader and didn't take offence but smiled and said something along the lines of 'some facts seem stranger than the fiction but there are some stranger still than us...' and nodded at a Ferengi on the opposite side of the corridor further down and let out a totally uncharacteristic guffaw of laughter when I hid behind my father's leg and screamed 'TROLL!' "

Ruth smiled at the memory.  "Mentioning Trolls...ah Ferengi.  How's Lek?!"

Getting her mind back on the present she grinned... "Science isn't really helping here, but my heritage might... belief seems to be the trick.  Belief in magic.  Ever see that holomovie about Santa Claus... people had to believe in him for Christmas to be saved... well... I think it's going to be a matter of those who believe, will have an opening appear."

She stood forward to where Gohun was stuck...and lifted her hand as if to knock on a door with her fist "I am as Severi and Vappu, I wish to enter the golden door and live in the copper castle..." it was the first magical door she could remember from an old Finnish tale known in English as 'The Heart's Door'.

A golden door appeared before her in her mind but it was almost like a ghost shape shimmering like heat in the desert to the others and she stepped half across the threshold, seeing those on the other side, and beckoning to those on her side to step through before it closed again.  Ruth was too concerned about getting the others through safely to see if it had also released Gohun... maybe too you had to be 'pure of heart, believe' and all that for any of this to work.

Singing a popular song by an Earthen singer/songwriter from the late 1990's under her breath she smiled and said.... "Just gotta believe....and hope we don't meet any thin, pale women with black fingernails in nighties.... Nattmara are not the most pleasant of ah... .women!"

As she stepped through the imaginary gateway/door, she felt a pang in her heart of wanting to be with Lahr, as if the strings of that organ wanted to be with her beloved, the 'Heart's Door' transported her to stand next to him. [Rest of Ruth's story to be put on Discovery]

[Outside the Labyrinth Wall]

Ruth landed, unceremoniously, knocking into Lahr and falling over herself, in a most undignified lump at his feet.

"Hi, what in the world were you singing?  I'm guessing then that the story I was thinking about took 'The Heart's Door' a little too literally! My heart's door took me to you!  And the um...  Troll I was talking about and an Ogre..." she whispered the last bit hoping the Ferengi's big ears didn't pick up what she said.  She'd have a lot of apologising to do if she did.

"Long story, I'll tell you when we have some free time and I can explain.  Suffice to say my first encounters with Vulcans and other species had me drawing on what I knew... Scandi fairy tales.  Is that Helga?  I'd recognise Lek any which way.  But are you trying to get thru that?  You have to imagine a way in and believe.  I believed in the 'Heart's Door' a story from my childhood.  It did create the Heart's Door, at least to my eyes and created an opening but my yearning for you apparently was stronger so I got yanked here.  Given that you were singing something from Lord of the Rings maybe we should 'Speak, Friend, and Enter?'  Or would that be 'Mellon'?!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Everett Wynters

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 22, 2022, 01:51:56 AM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Hearing Lek, Helga turned and took in the sight that was her mate.  Court jester was the best description for his outfit.  He had no weapon.  The only thing he held in hand was one of the damn hearth-logs.  "He's so dead." she stated in an unamused tone; clearly referring to the King once more.  The Klingon-hybrid-turned-troll snatched the bell-tasseled jesters hat from off Lek's head and stomped barefoot on it.

Helga's transformed persona carried a shield on her left forearm and a heavy serrated sword hung at her hip.  Unlike the others in the group, she had neither torch nor log.   She assumed that was because her sole role in this 'adventure' was to be the grunt fighter - which was fine with her.

She then looked to the Captain, in his padded clothing and with his torch, and Helga reiterated Lahr's suggestion from a moment earlier.   "With your permission sir, I'll take point."

She glanced first one way, then the other.  To the right, maybe 15 meters away there looked to be a foot path that led up to the hedge wall.  That could possibly be the entrance.  She headed towards the path.

However, once at the path; the well-worn trail seemed to head directly into the thorny hedge.   Helga eyed it suspiciously.  There was obviously some trick to entering.  "I think there may be some mechanism to opening the hedge at this spot." she stated before offering options.  "We could look around for the trigger or I can use the sword I've been given to clear an opening?"

Normally, she'd be against using a bladed weapon intended for battle in such an disrespectful and inappropriate manner, but she was still pissed at having been dropped into this quest without her permission.

[Within the Labyrinth]

Being called after an ancient Terran Superhero made him chuckle in the armor. "Wasn't his partner in blue and silver?" He asked as a retort, not really sure of the colors of the old school heroes, but it hardly mattered at this point. He was going to need to test his powers and abilities out, but right now he had enough space to do what he needed with it, as well as plea the case that he had for his idea.

Seeing Helga had transformed into something closer to the fairytales made him smile a bit. It was close to the the style of the legends of the 'Cavern Crawlers' as they had been nicknamed. She offered to take point, and Wynters raised his hand free hand. "I suspect there is more to this than we think. I would also like to join you on point, if I am allowed. Overall right now, I am the least important crewmember, and I am not nearly as defenseless as I might look. Even without a blade, I have a weapon. This log isn't really heavy, and I did some hand to hand training while in the academy, and took some boxing classes on the side."

He realized he was rambling a bit and adjusted himself, pushing the feelings of insecurity and worry, causing the gauntlets he wore to spark some, like electrical currents dancing along the metal. He steadied his emotions before speaking once more. "I lost myself for a moment sir. With permission, I would like to scout forward, with others running a defensive circle around the officers, with the Captain in the center, as he holds the torch we need. Based on the armor I wear, combined with the feeling I have in my heart and hands, I suspect I am most suited for the forward position, or nearly there. I have the heaviest armor of the group, and that should make me nearly immune to most attacks. Once more, with your permission sir." He had been holding the log over his shoulder as if it was little more than a stick, glad for his own biological blessings, but also the fact that in his heart, this was real, as real as the ship floating in space, as real the bite that had been healed on his hand.

He had grown up with fairytales, even with all the advanced science around him, it was part of him. He wasn't religious by any means, but he was willing to accept a lot more than many others. Accepting this was to complete their mission, was to make it so they could go home, so accept it with his whole heart he would.


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 22, 2022, 01:51:56 AM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Hearing Lek, Helga turned and took in the sight that was her mate.  Court jester was the best description for his outfit.  He had no weapon.  The only thing he held in hand was one of the damn hearth-logs.  "He's so dead." she stated in an unamused tone; clearly referring to the King once more.  The Klingon-hybrid-turned-troll snatched the bell-tasseled jesters hat from off Lek's head and stomped barefoot on it.

Helga's transformed persona carried a shield on her left forearm and a heavy serrated sword hung at her hip.  Unlike the others in the group, she had neither torch nor log.   She assumed that was because her sole role in this 'adventure' was to be the grunt fighter - which was fine with her.

She then looked to the Captain, in his padded clothing and with his torch, and Helga reiterated Lahr's suggestion from a moment earlier.   "With your permission sir, I'll take point."

She glanced first one way, then the other.  To the right, maybe 15 meters away there looked to be a foot path that led up to the hedge wall.  That could possibly be the entrance.  She headed towards the path.

However, once at the path; the well-worn trail seemed to head directly into the thorny hedge.   Helga eyed it suspiciously.  There was obviously some trick to entering.  "I think there may be some mechanism to opening the hedge at this spot." she stated before offering options.  "We could look around for the trigger or I can use the sword I've been given to clear an opening?"

Normally, she'd be against using a bladed weapon intended for battle in such an disrespectful and inappropriate manner, but she was still pissed at having been dropped into this quest without her permission.


Lek picked up the hat, put it back on, and sighed.

"I know I look ridiculous, but I think I have to keep this on. I promised I'd take on any role, to include being a jester for the King to wake you. So, I believe, to maintain my end of the bargain, I have to look the part."

Alt of Ian Galloway

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Lek on April 24, 2022, 05:29:50 PM


Lek picked up the hat, put it back on, and sighed.

"I know I look ridiculous, but I think I have to keep this on. I promised I'd take on any role, to include being a jester for the King to wake you. So, I believe, to maintain my end of the bargain, I have to look the part."

The fact that Lek had promised such a thing for her, both warmed Helga's heart and made her even more incensed that the situation had called for such a promise.   "When I see him next, I'm going to rip his damn wings off!"
Quote from: Everett Wynters on April 24, 2022, 12:30:14 AM

[Within the Labyrinth]

Being called after an ancient Terran Superhero made him chuckle in the armor. "Wasn't his partner in blue and silver?" He asked as a retort, not really sure of the colors of the old school heroes, but it hardly mattered at this point. He was going to need to test his powers and abilities out, but right now he had enough space to do what he needed with it, as well as plea the case that he had for his idea.

Seeing Helga had transformed into something closer to the fairytales made him smile a bit. It was close to the the style of the legends of the 'Cavern Crawlers' as they had been nicknamed. She offered to take point, and Wynters raised his hand free hand. "I suspect there is more to this than we think. I would also like to join you on point, if I am allowed. Overall right now, I am the least important crewmember, and I am not nearly as defenseless as I might look. Even without a blade, I have a weapon. This log isn't really heavy, and I did some hand to hand training while in the academy, and took some boxing classes on the side."

He realized he was rambling a bit and adjusted himself, pushing the feelings of insecurity and worry, causing the gauntlets he wore to spark some, like electrical currents dancing along the metal. He steadied his emotions before speaking once more. "I lost myself for a moment sir. With permission, I would like to scout forward, with others running a defensive circle around the officers, with the Captain in the center, as he holds the torch we need. Based on the armor I wear, combined with the feeling I have in my heart and hands, I suspect I am most suited for the forward position, or nearly there. I have the heaviest armor of the group, and that should make me nearly immune to most attacks. Once more, with your permission sir." He had been holding the log over his shoulder as if it was little more than a stick, glad for his own biological blessings, but also the fact that in his heart, this was real, as real as the ship floating in space, as real the bite that had been healed on his hand.

He had grown up with fairytales, even with all the advanced science around him, it was part of him. He wasn't religious by any means, but he was willing to accept a lot more than many others. Accepting this was to complete their mission, was to make it so they could go home, so accept it with his whole heart he would.

The engineer's offer to work point with her earned a toothy grin from the now tusked Helga.  The guy honestly thought his being in a tin can was gonna help him.  Helga gave a shrug. Whatever.  She looked to the Captain, waiting to see what he would say to the man's offer.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on April 22, 2022, 09:28:45 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Wall]

Ruth landed, unceremoniously, knocking into Lahr and falling over herself, in a most undignified lump at his feet.

"Hi, what in the world were you singing?  I'm guessing then that the story I was thinking about took 'The Heart's Door' a little too literally! My heart's door took me to you!  And the um...  Troll I was talking about and an Ogre..." she whispered the last bit hoping the Ferengi's big ears didn't pick up what she said.  She'd have a lot of apologising to do if she did.

"Long story, I'll tell you when we have some free time and I can explain.  Suffice to say my first encounters with Vulcans and other species had me drawing on what I knew... Scandi fairy tales.  Is that Helga?  I'd recognise Lek any which way.  But are you trying to get thru that?  You have to imagine a way in and believe.  I believed in the 'Heart's Door' a story from my childhood.  It did create the Heart's Door, at least to my eyes and created an opening but my yearning for you apparently was stronger so I got yanked here.  Given that you were singing something from Lord of the Rings maybe we should 'Speak, Friend, and Enter?'  Or would that be 'Mellon'?!"

Despite actually keeping alert while he was singing, Lahr wasn't prepared for the sudden appearance of a door right in front of him, out of which tumbled a woman in an archaic white dressing, bumping into him.  He didn't have time to react to dodge much less try and grab her; instead she landed on her butt at his feet.  It was only as she started talking that Lahr realized who the ginger at his feet was.  "Ruth? Babe!  It is you!"

Lahr reached out at hand and helped her to her feet as he tried to make sense of her ramblings about Heart's Door, Trolls and Orges.  Though her words seemed random, his antenna perked when she commented that imagining might be the way to get through the hedge wall into the actual labyrinth.  "That's easier said than done, babe.... I mean Commander." he corrected himself - belated recognizing that this situation probably counted as an away mission and not personal time.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 19, 2022, 03:14:36 PM

[The Dreaming]

To say the Captain was shocked was an understatement.  By his feeling, they had been down here no more than an hour at the very most, and even that felt too long.  But two months?  The Captain looked at the equal officer in shock, but this so called King didn't much care to let him whallow in the shock... and disbelief.  The disbelief!

Now that he was told that somehow his mental state of mind gave off an enegy that was harming these people, he squinted his eyes shut, pushing that thought out of his mind.  It was harder than he expected... how to push away an intrusive thought like disbelief without it coming back and stronger.  Nevir had to go to the one place where his science gave way... the Prophets.  He did his best, telling himself mentally over and over that this is the path of the Prophets.  There was no disbelief if it was the Prophet's path, it was just a part of the journey.  A part of the journey.

He opened his eyes and felt better as the 'quest' was revealed.  He had to think back to his briefings, specifically the ones about the Q continuum.  If there was ever a force in this universe that proved disbelief incorrect, it was the Q.  The stories of Picard, Janeway, Sisko, and other captains were both legendary and cautionary.  It was possible that this was just another Q trick; perhaps it was his turn to be the plaything for the Q's so-called expert on humanity.  Or maybe it was not.  But there was one truth in every lesson; play along until you find an out.  Regardless of who these beings were, anything that can snap individuals out of existence were an impossible threat.

For a moment he was about to utter the typical phrase every Captain has had to say at one point 'Alright, we'll play your game', but he stopped himself.  Clearly these people were angry, and they were not here to play a game.  No, instead he ended up taking a page from the book of his crew, and followed them in accepting.

Play along....

[Troupe Two - The Labyrinth]

Another flash and suddenly he found himself with some of his crew... and some of Ian's.  He looked out to his surroundings as he got his bearings. It was then he realized his clothes felt looser.  Not like he was smaller, but that his uniform wasn't secured....

His uniform was gone.

He realized he was wearing padded cloth, loosely tied.  His red uniform was now cloths of greens and browns, and while one hand he held a torch, in the other the Bajoran had a walking staff.  And the staff felt alive.  Or was it the wood?  He felt his eyes burn a bit and blinked, suddenly he was able to see more, as if it got lighter. His face felt thicker, so he reached up to it.  His ridges were still there but, they felt a bit scaly.  His mind fought him, saying it wasn't real, none of this was real, and he had to counter with the Prophets again, and his rationalization of the Q continuum.  The torch seemed to flicker, but then returned to normal.

"I know it goes without saying at this point, but seeing must be believing.  Somehow our thoughts can hurt these people, and I'd rather not anger them.  Let's do this, but look out for the Romulans.  I am not going to leave without them."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on April 22, 2022, 09:28:45 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Wall]

Ruth landed, unceremoniously, knocking into Lahr and falling over herself, in a most undignified lump at his feet.

"Hi, what in the world were you singing?  I'm guessing then that the story I was thinking about took 'The Heart's Door' a little too literally! My heart's door took me to you!  And the um...  Troll I was talking about and an Ogre..." she whispered the last bit hoping the Ferengi's big ears didn't pick up what she said.  She'd have a lot of apologising to do if she did.

"Long story, I'll tell you when we have some free time and I can explain.  Suffice to say my first encounters with Vulcans and other species had me drawing on what I knew... Scandi fairy tales.  Is that Helga?  I'd recognise Lek any which way.  But are you trying to get thru that?  You have to imagine a way in and believe.  I believed in the 'Heart's Door' a story from my childhood.  It did create the Heart's Door, at least to my eyes and created an opening but my yearning for you apparently was stronger so I got yanked here.  Given that you were singing something from Lord of the Rings maybe we should 'Speak, Friend, and Enter?'  Or would that be 'Mellon'?!"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 24, 2022, 07:56:04 PM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

The fact that Lek had promised such a thing for her, both warmed Helga's heart and made her even more incensed that the situation had called for such a promise.   "When I see him next, I'm going to rip his damn wings off!"

The engineer's offer to work point with her earned a toothy grin from the now tusked Helga.  The guy honestly thought his being in a tin can was gonna help him.  Helga gave a shrug. Whatever.  She looked to the Captain, waiting to see what he would say to the man's offer.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Despite actually keeping alert while he was singing, Lahr wasn't prepared for the sudden appearance of a door right in front of him, out of which tumbled a woman in an archaic white dressing, bumping into him.  He didn't have time to react to dodge much less try and grab her; instead she landed on her butt at his feet.  It was only as she started talking that Lahr realized who the ginger at his feet was.  "Ruth? Babe!  It is you!"

Lahr reached out at hand and helped her to her feet as he tried to make sense of her ramblings about Heart's Door, Trolls and Orges.  Though her words seemed random, his antenna perked when she commented that imagining might be the way to get through the hedge wall into the actual labyrinth.  "That's easier said than done, babe.... I mean Commander." he corrected himself - belated recognizing that this situation probably counted as an away mission and not personal time.

Quote from: Everett Wynters on April 24, 2022, 12:30:14 AM

[Within the Labyrinth]

Being called after an ancient Terran Superhero made him chuckle in the armor. "Wasn't his partner in blue and silver?" He asked as a retort, not really sure of the colors of the old school heroes, but it hardly mattered at this point. He was going to need to test his powers and abilities out, but right now he had enough space to do what he needed with it, as well as plea the case that he had for his idea.

Seeing Helga had transformed into something closer to the fairytales made him smile a bit. It was close to the the style of the legends of the 'Cavern Crawlers' as they had been nicknamed. She offered to take point, and Wynters raised his hand free hand. "I suspect there is more to this than we think. I would also like to join you on point, if I am allowed. Overall right now, I am the least important crewmember, and I am not nearly as defenseless as I might look. Even without a blade, I have a weapon. This log isn't really heavy, and I did some hand to hand training while in the academy, and took some boxing classes on the side."

He realized he was rambling a bit and adjusted himself, pushing the feelings of insecurity and worry, causing the gauntlets he wore to spark some, like electrical currents dancing along the metal. He steadied his emotions before speaking once more. "I lost myself for a moment sir. With permission, I would like to scout forward, with others running a defensive circle around the officers, with the Captain in the center, as he holds the torch we need. Based on the armor I wear, combined with the feeling I have in my heart and hands, I suspect I am most suited for the forward position, or nearly there. I have the heaviest armor of the group, and that should make me nearly immune to most attacks. Once more, with your permission sir." He had been holding the log over his shoulder as if it was little more than a stick, glad for his own biological blessings, but also the fact that in his heart, this was real, as real as the ship floating in space, as real the bite that had been healed on his hand.

He had grown up with fairytales, even with all the advanced science around him, it was part of him. He wasn't religious by any means, but he was willing to accept a lot more than many others. Accepting this was to complete their mission, was to make it so they could go home, so accept it with his whole heart he would.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael balked in surprise at the new arrivals. She and Gid were especially perplexed at the robes on Tekin. "Looks like you're also right at home in those robes, Captain," she said. "Although with all that red, you'd look like someone who worships the Pah-Wraiths rather than the Prophets."

She saw Ruth appear out of nowhere, almost like if Lahr wished her to be at her side. And then there was the Ferengi and...Holy Prophets, what was THAT?!?

But she was further perplexed that the huge green woman...was she half Klingon and half Orion...? ...seemed to have an intimate pairing with the Ferengi. Finally, one more it was her, Gid, Litt, Lahr and Ruth from the Challenger. The rest seemed to come from the Discovery.

"Well, I guess we're all present and accounted for, Captain Tekin," she said. "We're ready when you are."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 24, 2022, 07:56:04 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Despite actually keeping alert while he was singing, Lahr wasn't prepared for the sudden appearance of a door right in front of him, out of which tumbled a woman in an archaic white dressing, bumping into him.  He didn't have time to react to dodge much less try and grab her; instead she landed on her butt at his feet.  It was only as she started talking that Lahr realized who the ginger at his feet was.  "Ruth? Babe!  It is you!"

Lahr reached out at hand and helped her to her feet as he tried to make sense of her ramblings about Heart's Door, Trolls and Orges.  Though her words seemed random, his antenna perked when she commented that imagining might be the way to get through the hedge wall into the actual labyrinth.  "That's easier said than done, babe.... I mean Commander." he corrected himself - belated recognizing that this situation probably counted as an away mission and not personal time.

[Outside the Hedge Wall]

"Yep it's me Bluey."  she accepted the hand to be pulled up.  "Despite this get up!" she added rolling her eyes.

When Lahr regarded her skeptically, she took her cue from him calling her 'Commander' to emphasise she meant what she said.  "I know it sounds strange, Petty Officer but I assure you it's true.  I don't really know if everyone has to believe it since Mr. Gohun wasn't having any of it and was stuck half through... but while people can't necessarily see the doorway, in the form that the believer is visualising it... they can certainly make use of it.  I was with Captain Galloway and others from both the Challenger and the Discovery, but then I kinda got yanked and I'm here.  Like I say can't explain it but maybe because I was thinking of the 'Heart's Door' and my heart is, well rather tethered to a certain Andorian gentleman.... here I am!"

Once up she rubbed and kneeded her behind to restore feeling then looked around to make sure that no one was looking, and gave Lahr as swift kiss... like a butterfly landed on his lips, then walked with him and caught up with the rest of the party.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 24, 2022, 11:12:30 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael balked in surprise at the new arrivals. She and Gid were especially perplexed at the robes on Tekin. "Looks like you're also right at home in those robes, Captain," she said. "Although with all that red, you'd look like someone who worships the Pah-Wraiths rather than the Prophets."

She saw Ruth appear out of nowhere, almost like if Lahr wished her to be at her side. And then there was the Ferengi and...Holy Prophets, what was THAT?!?

But she was further perplexed that the huge green woman...was she half Klingon and half Orion...? ...seemed to have an intimate pairing with the Ferengi. Finally, one more it was her, Gid, Litt, Lahr and Ruth from the Challenger. The rest seemed to come from the Discovery.

"Well, I guess we're all present and accounted for, Captain Tekin," she said. "We're ready when you are."

Quote from: Lek on April 24, 2022, 05:29:50 PM


Lek picked up the hat, put it back on, and sighed.

"I know I look ridiculous, but I think I have to keep this on. I promised I'd take on any role, to include being a jester for the King to wake you. So, I believe, to maintain my end of the bargain, I have to look the part."

"Ah Jael... good to see you, Mr. Lek, whatever are you wearing? But good to see you. Crewman Tragnar, likewise.  Long time no see. Gid,  Captain Tekin." she nodded to each politely in turn. w

"I was explaining to Petty Officer ch'Verret that I was sort of dragged here by... magic."

She let out a huge sigh, rolled her eyes and shrugged.  "This is going to sound like I'm some kind of head case, more than normal, and with someone with counselling training here I'm even more wary saying it!" she gave the Challenger's former counsellor a wink and a grin then continued.

"I was with a group that included Lt. Said, Captain Galloway and Crewman Gohun amongst others, Crewman Gohun was trapped half in and half out of the hedge, they'd tried some kind of firey sword... it had partially worked.  Then someone suggested it were magic."

Ruth paused looking to gauge the reaction but thought 'In for a penny... if I get sent to the loony bin after this...I hope Lahr visits me!' "Given that we are all dressed as if for some kind of Renaissance Fair, granted I've ah... modified my dress a little given that the long skirts and a corset were hindering me, but I've also when I was a teen played a lot of a card game called 'Magic:
The Gathering'  there were all kinds of creatures and characters in that and all based on magic.  I'm a Scientist, there is no reason for me to believe in magic but it's also in my heritage that we believe in things like Trolls, Ogres, Pixies um..."
she gave a look around.

"Long story as short as I can make it..." she shrugged apologetically, "Mr. Gohun was trapped in the hedge, someone mentioned needing a doorway, my mind went to my book reading, in this case a trilogy by a Terran author of the 20th Century called J.R.R. Tolkien.  He wrote about such things but while I won't tell the whole story you'll be glad to know... my thought was to a door, which... well the door couldn't be seen, just an archway and words written in Elvish... Elves - think Romulans, Vulcans... tall elegant people with pointed ears... the words said 'Speak, Friend, and Enter' one of the Hobbits - another species involved with the story, I won't go into it now, asked the Wizard called Gandalf what the word for 'Friend' was in Elvish and he said 'Mellon'... the door appeared and they all managed to get into the Mines of Moria... the rest is immaterial at the moment but I do recommend the books."

Drawing a deep breath the Science Chief of Challenger drew a breath.  "Captain, Mr. Lek... I apologise for the long-windedness of this, I know you appreciate brevity, but it's difficult to explain in few words... Magic is the thing of the sagas! Now I don't know any wizards speaking Elvish but I took a chance on something because one of the other party mentioned belief... it struck me that you had to believe in magic for magic to work.  I searched my knowledge of things that I believed in and the one that came to mind from my childhood, the one I fervently wanted to believe in was 'The Heart's Door'.  It appeared, at least in my mind's eye, the golden door... I'm not sure if others saw it more than a gap in the hedge, but it appeared fully to me.  However,... "

She looked sheepish and cast a loving glance over to Lahr with a touch of apology in with it.  "Most of you know that I'm in a relationship with Petty Officer ch'Verret and at times of uncertainty anyone here that is in a loving relationship will know you tend to want to be with the person you love, so that if it is going to be the end... you're with them, if it's not it'll just make you feel safer, more secure.  I think whomever is in charge of magic up there... and I'll swear my favourite god, Loki had a hand in this, decided to take 'Heart's Door' a little too literally and while it opened the hedge for Mr. Gohun to be released and the others to get through, I was about to step though also when it felt like something pulled me by my heart and I landed unceremoniously at Lahr's feet."

Tilting her head to meet the shoulder, and giving a one shoulder shrug with a lop-sided apologetic shrug she said "I'm now with Petty Officer ch'Verret and I don't love anyone else that way so imagining magic doorways is probably safe, unless someone else would like to try.  I know not all of you will believe in magic but even imagining I dunno doors to a holodeck might work if it's something you believe in. I think the key is to believing that it will happen.  Or like Helga said she can try the sword... if I were that hedge I'd not argue with Crewman Tragnar ... like, ever!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 24, 2022, 11:12:30 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael balked in surprise at the new arrivals. She and Gid were especially perplexed at the robes on Tekin. "Looks like you're also right at home in those robes, Captain," she said. "Although with all that red, you'd look like someone who worships the Pah-Wraiths rather than the Prophets."

She saw Ruth appear out of nowhere, almost like if Lahr wished her to be at her side. And then there was the Ferengi and...Holy Prophets, what was THAT?!?

But she was further perplexed that the huge green woman...was she half Klingon and half Orion...? ...seemed to have an intimate pairing with the Ferengi. Finally, one more it was her, Gid, Litt, Lahr and Ruth from the Challenger. The rest seemed to come from the Discovery.

"Well, I guess we're all present and accounted for, Captain Tekin," she said. "We're ready when you are."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on April 25, 2022, 06:58:59 AM

[Outside the Hedge Wall]

"Yep it's me Bluey."  she accepted the hand to be pulled up.  "Despite this get up!" she added rolling her eyes.

When Lahr regarded her skeptically, she took her cue from him calling her 'Commander' to emphasise she meant what she said.  "I know it sounds strange, Petty Officer but I assure you it's true.  I don't really know if everyone has to believe it since Mr. Gohun wasn't having any of it and was stuck half through... but while people can't necessarily see the doorway, in the form that the believer is visualising it... they can certainly make use of it.  I was with Captain Galloway and others from both the Challenger and the Discovery, but then I kinda got yanked and I'm here.  Like I say can't explain it but maybe because I was thinking of the 'Heart's Door' and my heart is, well rather tethered to a certain Andorian gentleman.... here I am!"

Once up she rubbed and kneeded her behind to restore feeling then looked around to make sure that no one was looking, and gave Lahr as swift kiss... like a butterfly landed on his lips, then walked with him and caught up with the rest of the party.

"Ah Jael... good to see you, Mr. Lek, whatever are you wearing? But good to see you. Crewman Tragnar, likewise.  Long time no see. Gid,  Captain Tekin." she nodded to each politely in turn. w

"I was explaining to Petty Officer ch'Verret that I was sort of dragged here by... magic."

She let out a huge sigh, rolled her eyes and shrugged.  "This is going to sound like I'm some kind of head case, more than normal, and with someone with counselling training here I'm even more wary saying it!" she gave the Challenger's former counsellor a wink and a grin then continued.

"I was with a group that included Lt. Said, Captain Galloway and Crewman Gohun amongst others, Crewman Gohun was trapped half in and half out of the hedge, they'd tried some kind of firey sword... it had partially worked.  Then someone suggested it were magic."

Ruth paused looking to gauge the reaction but thought 'In for a penny... if I get sent to the loony bin after this...I hope Lahr visits me!' "Given that we are all dressed as if for some kind of Renaissance Fair, granted I've ah... modified my dress a little given that the long skirts and a corset were hindering me, but I've also when I was a teen played a lot of a card game called 'Magic:
The Gathering'  there were all kinds of creatures and characters in that and all based on magic.  I'm a Scientist, there is no reason for me to believe in magic but it's also in my heritage that we believe in things like Trolls, Ogres, Pixies um..."
she gave a look around.

"Long story as short as I can make it..." she shrugged apologetically, "Mr. Gohun was trapped in the hedge, someone mentioned needing a doorway, my mind went to my book reading, in this case a trilogy by a Terran author of the 20th Century called J.R.R. Tolkien.  He wrote about such things but while I won't tell the whole story you'll be glad to know... my thought was to a door, which... well the door couldn't be seen, just an archway and words written in Elvish... Elves - think Romulans, Vulcans... tall elegant people with pointed ears... the words said 'Speak, Friend, and Enter' one of the Hobbits - another species involved with the story, I won't go into it now, asked the Wizard called Gandalf what the word for 'Friend' was in Elvish and he said 'Mellon'... the door appeared and they all managed to get into the Mines of Moria... the rest is immaterial at the moment but I do recommend the books."

Drawing a deep breath the Science Chief of Challenger drew a breath.  "Captain, Mr. Lek... I apologise for the long-windedness of this, I know you appreciate brevity, but it's difficult to explain in few words... Magic is the thing of the sagas! Now I don't know any wizards speaking Elvish but I took a chance on something because one of the other party mentioned belief... it struck me that you had to believe in magic for magic to work.  I searched my knowledge of things that I believed in and the one that came to mind from my childhood, the one I fervently wanted to believe in was 'The Heart's Door'.  It appeared, at least in my mind's eye, the golden door... I'm not sure if others saw it more than a gap in the hedge, but it appeared fully to me.  However,... "

She looked sheepish and cast a loving glance over to Lahr with a touch of apology in with it.  "Most of you know that I'm in a relationship with Petty Officer ch'Verret and at times of uncertainty anyone here that is in a loving relationship will know you tend to want to be with the person you love, so that if it is going to be the end... you're with them, if it's not it'll just make you feel safer, more secure.  I think whomever is in charge of magic up there... and I'll swear my favourite god, Loki had a hand in this, decided to take 'Heart's Door' a little too literally and while it opened the hedge for Mr. Gohun to be released and the others to get through, I was about to step though also when it felt like something pulled me by my heart and I landed unceremoniously at Lahr's feet."

Tilting her head to meet the shoulder, and giving a one shoulder shrug with a lop-sided apologetic shrug she said "I'm now with Petty Officer ch'Verret and I don't love anyone else that way so imagining magic doorways is probably safe, unless someone else would like to try.  I know not all of you will believe in magic but even imagining I dunno doors to a holodeck might work if it's something you believe in. I think the key is to believing that it will happen.  Or like Helga said she can try the sword... if I were that hedge I'd not argue with Crewman Tragnar ... like, ever!"

Lahr didn't know what to make of Ruth's statements about how she got here.  He wanted to say he believed her; but the fact was, he thought maybe there had been something in the food that the others had been eating and it was messing with their minds.  And with that skeptical thought,  the weight of the log on his back noticeably got heavier.

Still if Ruth told him to walk through a magical doorway, Lahr would most certainly try.   While he didn't trust the Fae and their King, his trust in Ruth was absolute!  That thought not only seemed to lighten his burden for the moment, it also seemed to be the precursor to a moment of privacy.

While the others were focused on Wynters offering to take point with Helga, Ruth greeted Lahr with kiss as brief and light as a butterfly.   Woohoo!  That kiss made all this kinda worthwhile.

Lahr listened while Ruth tried to explain her arrival, and magick; and still Lahr struggled with the concept.


Helga was in a foul mood given what she'd heard from Lek.  The arrival of the boisterous and talkative Commander  didn't improve her mood any - especially when the Commander, when the woman thought no one was paying attention to her arrival, snuck in a kiss to Lahr.   Was that really necessary?!

Helga gave a sour grunt at the display, and glanced to Lek in his jester's costume.  No, she would not follow that example. There were proper times and places for that type of greeting.  This was not one of them.

Anticipating an affirmative nod from the Captain regarding Wynters' working point with her, Helga motioned Wynters to follow her towards the hedge wall.  While Commander Siggurdsdottir, gave the troupe a lengthy explanation - that Helga in her current troll form didn't have the patience to stand there and listen to much less decipher - Helga took a test swing at the hedge to see how well her blade would actually cut through the branches.

The blade cut through the hedge like it was butter.   Yet before she could take another long stroke to clear a path, Helga found herself with her feet pulled out from under her.  She landed hard on the gravel path, her feet entangled in a thorny vine.

Wynters and any within 5 ft of the hedge would find themselves being attacked by vine whips.   

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 27, 2022, 05:03:13 AM

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr didn't know what to make of Ruth's statements about how she got here.  He wanted to say he believed her; but the fact was, he thought maybe there had been something in the food that the others had been eating and it was messing with their minds.  And with that skeptical thought,  the weight of the log on his back noticeably got heavier.

Still if Ruth told him to walk through a magical doorway, Lahr would most certainly try.   While he didn't trust the Fae and their King, his trust in Ruth was absolute!  That thought not only seemed to lighten his burden for the moment, it also seemed to be the precursor to a moment of privacy.

While the others were focused on Wynters offering to take point with Helga, Ruth greeted Lahr with kiss as brief and light as a butterfly.   Woohoo!  That kiss made all this kinda worthwhile.

Lahr listened while Ruth tried to explain her arrival, and magick; and still Lahr struggled with the concept.


Helga was in a foul mood given what she'd heard from Lek.  The arrival of the boisterous and talkative Commander  didn't improve her mood any - especially when the Commander, when the woman thought no one was paying attention to her arrival, snuck in a kiss to Lahr.   Was that really necessary?!

Helga gave a sour grunt at the display, and glanced to Lek in his jester's costume.  No, she would not follow that example. There were proper times and places for that type of greeting.  This was not one of them.

Anticipating an affirmative nod from the Captain regarding Wynters' working point with her, Helga motioned Wynters to follow her towards the hedge wall.  While Commander Siggurdsdottir, gave the troupe a lengthy explanation - that Helga in her current troll form didn't have the patience to stand there and listen to much less decipher - Helga took a test swing at the hedge to see how well her blade would actually cut through the branches.

The blade cut through the hedge like it was butter.   Yet before she could take another long stroke to clear a path, Helga found herself with her feet pulled out from under her.  She landed hard on the gravel path, her feet entangled in a thorny vine.

Wynters and any within 5 ft of the hedge would find themselves being attacked by vine whips.

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Ruth found herself tangled by vine whip somewhere around the back of her knees, and around her torso, pinning her arms to her chest and pulled her off her feet.  She landed heavily on the gravel, grazing herself where she didn't have clothing rather like if she'd fallen off a pushbike.

"Crewman Tragnar... I'm guessing here, but I don't think the hedge liked being cut! Maybe my belief in magic is an idea to be brokered here?!" she said rather breathlessly, having been winded by the shock of hitting the ground hard.

She was rewarded for her statement by a vine rearing up and with a stance almost like it had it's head on one side trying to figure her out, the tendril 'looked' at her, then without warning 'slapped' her across the face and gagged her just to stop her making any more comments.

"MMMAAAHR!!!" she shrieked around the gag... she was shouting for Lahr, looking around for him but her vision was limited by how tightly bound she was.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Everett Wynters

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters walked with Helga, remaining silent once the permission was given for him to assist with point. He didn't want to make anyone else mad, not in a place like this, and he didn't want anyone to cause problems with the power of belief. He stopped as the woman slashed the hedge wall, he turned towards it. The vine poked out, looking at Helga and then tripping her, before turning towards him. Everett shifted, turning to one side to avoid the initial lash of the vine, slapping next to where he was and lashing out with his hand.

With Helga being a little further away, he could cut loose as it was. Several of the vines rushed at him as he threw the punch, lightning arching off his fist and hitting the vines. From within the helmet, he smiled a bit, the joy of this, the rush of it all, made him feel so alive. While the lightning wasn't enough to vaporize the vines, it would be more than enough to make them pause. The one that make it though hit his armor, doing no damage and not even knocking him off balance. He grabbed the vine, his intent to zap it causing more lightning to arc off him like a telsa coil into the vine.

"The stone is unwavering, what can a plant do against the avalanche?" He asked, wondering if perhaps the vine creature could speak. Who knew in the fae realms? It was only a small thing, but it was a start. The opening to an adventure always starts with a simple challenge.


Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on April 25, 2022, 06:58:59 AM

[Outside the Hedge Wall]

"Ah Jael... good to see you, Mr. Lek, whatever are you wearing? But good to see you. Crewman Tragnar, likewise.  Long time no see. Gid,  Captain Tekin." she nodded to each politely in turn. w


Lek smiled wanly at Ruth, but kept his reply to a short.

"I made a deal on behalf of my Par'Mach'kai, and according to the 16th Rule of Acquisition, a deal is a deal."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 27, 2022, 05:03:13 AM

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr didn't know what to make of Ruth's statements about how she got here.  He wanted to say he believed her; but the fact was, he thought maybe there had been something in the food that the others had been eating and it was messing with their minds.  And with that skeptical thought,  the weight of the log on his back noticeably got heavier.

Still if Ruth told him to walk through a magical doorway, Lahr would most certainly try.   While he didn't trust the Fae and their King, his trust in Ruth was absolute!  That thought not only seemed to lighten his burden for the moment, it also seemed to be the precursor to a moment of privacy.

While the others were focused on Wynters offering to take point with Helga, Ruth greeted Lahr with kiss as brief and light as a butterfly.   Woohoo!  That kiss made all this kinda worthwhile.

Lahr listened while Ruth tried to explain her arrival, and magick; and still Lahr struggled with the concept.


Helga was in a foul mood given what she'd heard from Lek.  The arrival of the boisterous and talkative Commander  didn't improve her mood any - especially when the Commander, when the woman thought no one was paying attention to her arrival, snuck in a kiss to Lahr.   Was that really necessary?!

Helga gave a sour grunt at the display, and glanced to Lek in his jester's costume.  No, she would not follow that example. There were proper times and places for that type of greeting.  This was not one of them.

Anticipating an affirmative nod from the Captain regarding Wynters' working point with her, Helga motioned Wynters to follow her towards the hedge wall.  While Commander Siggurdsdottir, gave the troupe a lengthy explanation - that Helga in her current troll form didn't have the patience to stand there and listen to much less decipher - Helga took a test swing at the hedge to see how well her blade would actually cut through the branches.

The blade cut through the hedge like it was butter.   Yet before she could take another long stroke to clear a path, Helga found herself with her feet pulled out from under her.  She landed hard on the gravel path, her feet entangled in a thorny vine.

Wynters and any within 5 ft of the hedge would find themselves being attacked by vine whips.


Not long after Ruth went through her long dissertation, which Lek had to accept he didn't understand in the slightest, the hedge grabbed Helga, and despite being unarmed, Lek leapt forward and grabbed her shoulders and began pulling with all of his surprisingly stronger than he looked strength, to keep her from being dragged into the hedge.

"Help me save her!"

He shouted to no one in particular as he held on for dear life.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 27, 2022, 05:03:13 AM

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr didn't know what to make of Ruth's statements about how she got here.  He wanted to say he believed her; but the fact was, he thought maybe there had been something in the food that the others had been eating and it was messing with their minds.  And with that skeptical thought,  the weight of the log on his back noticeably got heavier.

Still if Ruth told him to walk through a magical doorway, Lahr would most certainly try.   While he didn't trust the Fae and their King, his trust in Ruth was absolute!  That thought not only seemed to lighten his burden for the moment, it also seemed to be the precursor to a moment of privacy.

While the others were focused on Wynters offering to take point with Helga, Ruth greeted Lahr with kiss as brief and light as a butterfly.   Woohoo!  That kiss made all this kinda worthwhile.

Lahr listened while Ruth tried to explain her arrival, and magick; and still Lahr struggled with the concept.


Helga was in a foul mood given what she'd heard from Lek.  The arrival of the boisterous and talkative Commander  didn't improve her mood any - especially when the Commander, when the woman thought no one was paying attention to her arrival, snuck in a kiss to Lahr.   Was that really necessary?!

Helga gave a sour grunt at the display, and glanced to Lek in his jester's costume.  No, she would not follow that example. There were proper times and places for that type of greeting.  This was not one of them.

Anticipating an affirmative nod from the Captain regarding Wynters' working point with her, Helga motioned Wynters to follow her towards the hedge wall.  While Commander Siggurdsdottir, gave the troupe a lengthy explanation - that Helga in her current troll form didn't have the patience to stand there and listen to much less decipher - Helga took a test swing at the hedge to see how well her blade would actually cut through the branches.

The blade cut through the hedge like it was butter.   Yet before she could take another long stroke to clear a path, Helga found herself with her feet pulled out from under her.  She landed hard on the gravel path, her feet entangled in a thorny vine.

Wynters and any within 5 ft of the hedge would find themselves being attacked by vine whips.

Quote from: Lek on April 28, 2022, 01:11:32 PM


Lek smiled wanly at Ruth, but kept his reply to a short.

"I made a deal on behalf of my Par'Mach'kai, and according to the 16th Rule of Acquisition, a deal is a deal."


Not long after Ruth went through her long dissertation, which Lek had to accept he didn't understand in the slightest, the hedge grabbed Helga, and despite being unarmed, Lek leapt forward and grabbed her shoulders and began pulling with all of his surprisingly stronger than he looked strength, to keep her from being dragged into the hedge.

"Help me save her!"

He shouted to no one in particular as he held on for dear life.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael and Gid smiled at the sight of varied reunions, but the chatter was cut short. They reached a point where they were unexpectedly attacked.

"HOLY PROPHETS!" shouted Jael. Together, with their free hands, Jael and Gid hung on to the Ferengi with dear life. With her other hand, Jael swung the torch at the vines.

"Back!" she snarled, waving the torch with instinctive defensiveness. "Get back!" She wasn't sure if the vines would respond, but the fact that they move and attack meant they had to be sentient in some way.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on April 27, 2022, 10:47:09 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Ruth found herself tangled by vine whip somewhere around the back of her knees, and around her torso, pinning her arms to her chest and pulled her off her feet.  She landed heavily on the gravel, grazing herself where she didn't have clothing rather like if she'd fallen off a pushbike.

"Crewman Tragnar... I'm guessing here, but I don't think the hedge liked being cut! Maybe my belief in magic is an idea to be brokered here?!" she said rather breathlessly, having been winded by the shock of hitting the ground hard.

She was rewarded for her statement by a vine rearing up and with a stance almost like it had it's head on one side trying to figure her out, the tendril 'looked' at her, then without warning 'slapped' her across the face and gagged her just to stop her making any more comments.

"MMMAAAHR!!!" she shrieked around the gag... she was shouting for Lahr, looking around for him but her vision was limited by how tightly bound she was.

Lahr having remained in the back of the group - fulfilling his role of 'rear-guard' - watched in alarm as the hedge seemed to come alive after a green skinned Helga slashed at it with her sword.  The thorny vines not only attacked the Troll looking Klingon, but Ruth as well.

"Hey! Let go of her!" the Andorian shouted as he leapt forward to grab onto Ruth's waist, pulling against the force of the vines which were beginning to drag her towards the hedge.  Lahr wasn't armored so the thorns dug into his arms where he held Ruth.  Each scratched burned fiercely, but Lahr refused to let go.  However, even with his pulling, the pair were slowly being dragged towards the wall of thorns.

"Need some help here!  I can't pull her back alone!"  he called out looking around, but so many others were either helping Helga or fighting the wall that Lahr didn't have much hope of aid getting to the fast enough.  Roohz! What could he do to save Ruth?  Unlike others, he didn't have a weapon - all he had was some stupid log that weighed him down.

Quote from: Everett Wynters on April 27, 2022, 03:47:55 PM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters walked with Helga, remaining silent once the permission was given for him to assist with point. He didn't want to make anyone else mad, not in a place like this, and he didn't want anyone to cause problems with the power of belief. He stopped as the woman slashed the hedge wall, he turned towards it. The vine poked out, looking at Helga and then tripping her, before turning towards him. Everett shifted, turning to one side to avoid the initial lash of the vine, slapping next to where he was and lashing out with his hand.

With Helga being a little further away, he could cut loose as it was. Several of the vines rushed at him as he threw the punch, lightning arching off his fist and hitting the vines. From within the helmet, he smiled a bit, the joy of this, the rush of it all, made him feel so alive. While the lightning wasn't enough to vaporize the vines, it would be more than enough to make them pause. The one that make it though hit his armor, doing no damage and not even knocking him off balance. He grabbed the vine, his intent to zap it causing more lightning to arc off him like a telsa coil into the vine.

"The stone is unwavering, what can a plant do against the avalanche?" He asked, wondering if perhaps the vine creature could speak. Who knew in the fae realms? It was only a small thing, but it was a start. The opening to an adventure always starts with a simple challenge.

Lahr flinched when he saw Iron Man's lightning punch knock back the vines that had been surrounding the metal encased engineer.   The Andorian didn't have a clue what the engineer's almost poetic comment meant but he saw someone who could help.     "Yo! Iron Man!  Could use a little bit of help here!"

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (before the vine attack)
Quote from: Lek on April 28, 2022, 01:11:32 PM


Lek smiled wanly at Ruth, but kept his reply to a short.

"I made a deal on behalf of my Par'Mach'kai, and according to the 16th Rule of Acquisition, a deal is a deal."

Helga, who was headed towards the hedge to try hacking her way through, smiled a tusked grin at Lek's words.  She loved that Lek was being open about their relationship with his peers despite the significant difference in their respective ranks, but even more so than that the Klingon in her loved his sense of honor.   'A deal was deal' and though Ferengi were slandered throughout the Federation as untrustworthy, she knew hers... she could trust with her life.
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (during the vine attack)
Quote from: Lek on April 28, 2022, 01:11:32 PM


Not long after Ruth went through her long dissertation, which Lek had to accept he didn't understand in the slightest, the hedge grabbed Helga, and despite being unarmed, Lek leapt forward and grabbed her shoulders and began pulling with all of his surprisingly stronger than he looked strength, to keep her from being dragged into the hedge.

"Help me save her!"

He shouted to no one in particular as he held on for dear life.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 29, 2022, 08:22:39 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael and Gid smiled at the sight of varied reunions, but the chatter was cut short. They reached a point where they were unexpectedly attacked.

"HOLY PROPHETS!" shouted Jael. Together, with their free hands, Jael and Gid hung on to the Ferengi with dear life. With her other hand, Jael swung the torch at the vines.

"Back!" she snarled, waving the torch with instinctive defensiveness. "Get back!" She wasn't sure if the vines would respond, but the fact that they move and attack meant they had to be sentient in some way.

The thorny vine surprised Helga initially and her grip on her blade loosened when the Troll/Klingon hit the ground - her sword sliding out of reach.  But before the vines could drag her into the hedge... as if self-prophesized by her own earlier thoughts, Lek grabbed hold of Helga by the shoulders and fought the pull of the help calling for additional help.  Helga chuckled, unafraid of the vines though each scratch of it's thorns burned painfully with some neuro-toxin.  "The King got your outfit completely wrong.  Who's the hero now? " she pointed out.

Maybe Lek could have pulled her completely to safety on his own, but he didn't seize the opportunity to find out.  Instead he called out for aid and Jael and her Bajoran brother lent a hand to Lek, holding him while he kept hold of her.   Helga tried reaching for her dropped blade.  If she could just reach it before the vines wound further up her body then she could cut herself loose.   Thankfully, the vines were kept at bay somewhat by the flailing of Jael's torch.

"That's it, Jael!  Keep the vines away from you and Lek... I'll free myself."

Like snakes the vines reared back from the flames giving Helga more time to stretch to her limit and with a single pad of her middle finger drag the pommel of the sword closer until she was able to wrap her palm about its grip.

Then with a feral shout, "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!" Helga swung the sword down towards her feet where the blade cut through several vines loosening their hold on her.  She was pulled free easily after that by Lek and the Sherem siblings, and the four tumbled away in a heap.   It was fortunate no one got skewered by Helga's sword.

Afterwards Helga got her feet quickly and offered a hand up to her mate and the others.  She seemed gleeful as she eyed the challenge of the writhing hedge.  "Shall we try that again?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Everett Wynters

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 29, 2022, 02:07:42 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr having remained in the back of the group - fulfilling his role of 'rear-guard' - watched in alarm as the hedge seemed to come alive after a green skinned Helga slashed at it with her sword.  The thorny vines not only attacked the Troll looking Klingon, but Ruth as well.

"Hey! Let go of her!" the Andorian shouted as he leapt forward to grab onto Ruth's waist, pulling against the force of the vines which were beginning to drag her towards the hedge.  Lahr wasn't armored so the thorns dug into his arms where he held Ruth.  Each scratched burned fiercely, but Lahr refused to let go.  However, even with his pulling, the pair were slowly being dragged towards the wall of thorns.

"Need some help here!  I can't pull her back alone!"  he called out looking around, but so many others were either helping Helga or fighting the wall that Lahr didn't have much hope of aid getting to the fast enough.  Roohz! What could he do to save Ruth?  Unlike others, he didn't have a weapon - all he had was some stupid log that weighed him down.

Lahr flinched when he saw Iron Man's lightning punch knock back the vines that had been surrounding the metal encased engineer.   The Andorian didn't have a clue what the engineer's almost poetic comment meant but he saw someone who could help.     "Yo! Iron Man!  Could use a little bit of help here!"

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters watched as the vines shrank back from his onslaught, and then heard the call for aid. It was hard to focus when the fighting started, at least on not simply on helping others but attacking. He ran over to the one called Lahr, who was trying to help the one called Ruth, and went to work. With the vine stretched out as it was trying to pull someone, he opened his hand, aiming to chop down over the vines, electricity still sparking along the edge as he aimed to cut the vines and free the one being pulled away.

"Dig your heels in and lean back with your knees bent! Make a leverage point!" He called out, wrapping his arm now around the vine, still protected by the metal armor, and lashing out once more, cutting through several of the vines and working to finish off the remaining ones. While he was leaned back, like he was playing tug of war, he was cutting said rope. "Carry hope! This will not defeat us!"

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Lek on April 28, 2022, 01:11:32 PM


Lek smiled wanly at Ruth, but kept his reply to a short.

"I made a deal on behalf of my Par'Mach'kai, and according to the 16th Rule of Acquisition, a deal is a deal."

[Labyrinth hedge prior to being bound and gagged by vines...]

Ruth gave Lek a bemused look but nodded, never one to be very verbal at the best of times, she figured that the Ferengi didn't want to talk about it even less than normal.

Quote from: Lek on April 28, 2022, 01:11:32 PM


Not long after Ruth went through her long dissertation, which Lek had to accept he didn't understand in the slightest, the hedge grabbed Helga, and despite being unarmed, Lek leapt forward and grabbed her shoulders and began pulling with all of his surprisingly stronger than he looked strength, to keep her from being dragged into the hedge.

"Help me save her!"

He shouted to no one in particular as he held on for dear life.

Ruth would have liked to have helped but gave a grunt and swivelled her eyes to where the vines bound her in a sort of mute acting out of 'Well, don't ask me...I'm a little... tied up at present!'
Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 29, 2022, 08:22:39 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael and Gid smiled at the sight of varied reunions, but the chatter was cut short. They reached a point where they were unexpectedly attacked.

"HOLY PROPHETS!" shouted Jael. Together, with their free hands, Jael and Gid hung on to the Ferengi with dear life. With her other hand, Jael swung the torch at the vines.

"Back!" she snarled, waving the torch with instinctive defensiveness. "Get back!" She wasn't sure if the vines would respond, but the fact that they move and attack meant they had to be sentient in some way.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 29, 2022, 02:07:42 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr having remained in the back of the group - fulfilling his role of 'rear-guard' - watched in alarm as the hedge seemed to come alive after a green skinned Helga slashed at it with her sword.  The thorny vines not only attacked the Troll looking Klingon, but Ruth as well.

"Hey! Let go of her!" the Andorian shouted as he leapt forward to grab onto Ruth's waist, pulling against the force of the vines which were beginning to drag her towards the hedge.  Lahr wasn't armored so the thorns dug into his arms where he held Ruth.  Each scratched burned fiercely, but Lahr refused to let go.  However, even with his pulling, the pair were slowly being dragged towards the wall of thorns.

"Need some help here!  I can't pull her back alone!"  he called out looking around, but so many others were either helping Helga or fighting the wall that Lahr didn't have much hope of aid getting to the fast enough.  Roohz! What could he do to save Ruth?  Unlike others, he didn't have a weapon - all he had was some stupid log that weighed him down.

Lahr flinched when he saw Iron Man's lightning punch knock back the vines that had been surrounding the metal encased engineer.   The Andorian didn't have a clue what the engineer's almost poetic comment meant but he saw someone who could help.     "Yo! Iron Man!  Could use a little bit of help here!"

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (before the vine attack)

Helga, who was headed towards the hedge to try hacking her way through, smiled a tusked grin at Lek's words.  She loved that Lek was being open about their relationship with his peers despite the significant difference in their respective ranks, but even more so than that the Klingon in her loved his sense of honor.   'A deal was deal' and though Ferengi were slandered throughout the Federation as untrustworthy, she knew hers... she could trust with her life.

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (during the vine attack)
The thorny vine surprised Helga initially and her grip on her blade loosened when the Troll/Klingon hit the ground - her sword sliding out of reach.  But before the vines could drag her into the hedge... as if self-prophesized by her own earlier thoughts, Lek grabbed hold of Helga by the shoulders and fought the pull of the help calling for additional help.  Helga chuckled, unafraid of the vines though each scratch of it's thorns burned painfully with some neuro-toxin.  "The King got your outfit completely wrong.  Who's the hero now? " she pointed out.

Maybe Lek could have pulled her completely to safety on his own, but he didn't seize the opportunity to find out.  Instead he called out for aid and Jael and her Bajoran brother lent a hand to Lek, holding him while he kept hold of her.   Helga tried reaching for her dropped blade.  If she could just reach it before the vines wound further up her body then she could cut herself loose.   Thankfully, the vines were kept at bay somewhat by the flailing of Jael's torch.

"That's it, Jael!  Keep the vines away from you and Lek... I'll free myself."

Like snakes the vines reared back from the flames giving Helga more time to stretch to her limit and with a single pad of her middle finger drag the pommel of the sword closer until she was able to wrap her palm about its grip.

Then with a feral shout, "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!" Helga swung the sword down towards her feet where the blade cut through several vines loosening their hold on her.  She was pulled free easily after that by Lek and the Sherem siblings, and the four tumbled away in a heap.   It was fortunate no one got skewered by Helga's sword.

Afterwards Helga got her feet quickly and offered a hand up to her mate and the others.  She seemed gleeful as she eyed the challenge of the writhing hedge.  "Shall we try that again?"

Ruth watched while they all went to save Helga. 'Charming...' she thought, tho she couldn't see Lahr amongst them and heard him shouting at the vines and to 'Iron Man'... and realised he was right behind her... holding on.

'You haven't deserted me!' she thought inwardly.

She initially hadn't felt him because the vines around her arms were tighter even than he was.

She shook her head and turned her panicked gaze to him, pleading with him to understand and let go, trying to shake him off and hoping he understood.  Better one of them entangled than both of them.

When Jael swung the torch and the vines recoiled, Ruth's mind started working.  'OK... so you don't like fire, you don't like being cut... can we talk to you in some way.  Look I'm sorry about this...' she said almost apologetically to the vines as if she was holding a conversation with them in her head. 'I don't mean to hurt you... well I do right now because it's the only way you're going to get off me.'

Remembering that her arms were bound by her side and her legs were bound just below the knee, but nothing between she wriggled her heals up to her butt, stretching her fingers to the very extent of their reach.  She just managed to get her boot knife out but dropped it.

Looking like some sort of humanoid caterpillar dressed in a white (totally the wrong colour for this exercise... it was now somewhat green and brown streaked!) dress she managed to work her way around so that she could pick it up in her left hand, it was better than nothing and then she was able to cut the vines around her knees.  'Caterpillering' again she had to roll to avoid encroaching vines trying to get the advantage again.  She managed to hold the knife upright between her feet and knowing she needed to work quickly she bent forward from the waist 'Gymnastics and ballet as a kid sure came in handy, Mamma!' she said to herself doing a pretty good impersonation of 'The Dying Swan' from Swan Lake bar the arms.

She didn't see the vine from the right which missed it's target a little but was enough to give her a good slap across the face putting Ruth out of line with the knife and send the blade through Ruth's cheek instead.  Swallowing quickly she pulled back focused on where the blade was and managed to cut the vines around her mouth.

Rolling and now able to shout, albeit painfully she called.  "Jael, please, can you keep the vines away, Lahr take my knife and cut the ones around my arms.  Back off two seconds I'll throw this to you!"

She threw the knife as close to Lahr as she could with her feet, it still landed some 5-7ft away from him but out of range of the vines.

Ruth still had to roll and weave to keep out of the vines snare... She attempted, and managed albeit barely, a kip-up, giving a significant look at Lahr as if to say 'OK, I admit this was in an emergency and adrenaline is probably at play but do that without arms, just using your shoulder blades...' as she then ran towards him so he could get at her arms.

As an afterthought she called to the others "Don't hurt the vines, I think they are sentient they react to the heat of the torch they don't want to be burnt, and to being cut...maybe we can ask nicely?  Anyone talk vine? It's not in my repertoire." she spat blood out of her mouth the scar on her cheek already starting to heal.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.