Season 14: Episode 9: Labyrinth

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 14, 2022, 01:51:34 PM

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Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Lek on April 28, 2022, 01:11:32 PM


Lek smiled wanly at Ruth, but kept his reply to a short.

"I made a deal on behalf of my Par'Mach'kai, and according to the 16th Rule of Acquisition, a deal is a deal."

[Labyrinth hedge prior to being bound and gagged by vines...]

Ruth gave Lek a bemused look but nodded, never one to be very verbal at the best of times, she figured that the Ferengi didn't want to talk about it even less than normal.

Quote from: Lek on April 28, 2022, 01:11:32 PM


Not long after Ruth went through her long dissertation, which Lek had to accept he didn't understand in the slightest, the hedge grabbed Helga, and despite being unarmed, Lek leapt forward and grabbed her shoulders and began pulling with all of his surprisingly stronger than he looked strength, to keep her from being dragged into the hedge.

"Help me save her!"

He shouted to no one in particular as he held on for dear life.

Ruth would have liked to have helped but gave a grunt and swivelled her eyes to where the vines bound her in a sort of mute acting out of 'Well, don't ask me...I'm a little... tied up at present!'
Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 29, 2022, 08:22:39 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth]

Jael and Gid smiled at the sight of varied reunions, but the chatter was cut short. They reached a point where they were unexpectedly attacked.

"HOLY PROPHETS!" shouted Jael. Together, with their free hands, Jael and Gid hung on to the Ferengi with dear life. With her other hand, Jael swung the torch at the vines.

"Back!" she snarled, waving the torch with instinctive defensiveness. "Get back!" She wasn't sure if the vines would respond, but the fact that they move and attack meant they had to be sentient in some way.

Quote from: Everett Wynters on April 29, 2022, 03:45:12 PM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters watched as the vines shrank back from his onslaught, and then heard the call for aid. It was hard to focus when the fighting started, at least on not simply on helping others but attacking. He ran over to the one called Lahr, who was trying to help the one called Ruth, and went to work. With the vine stretched out as it was trying to pull someone, he opened his hand, aiming to chop down over the vines, electricity still sparking along the edge as he aimed to cut the vines and free the one being pulled away.

"Dig your heels in and lean back with your knees bent! Make a leverage point!" He called out, wrapping his arm now around the vine, still protected by the metal armor, and lashing out once more, cutting through several of the vines and working to finish off the remaining ones. While he was leaned back, like he was playing tug of war, he was cutting said rope. "Carry hope! This will not defeat us!"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 29, 2022, 02:07:42 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr having remained in the back of the group - fulfilling his role of 'rear-guard' - watched in alarm as the hedge seemed to come alive after a green skinned Helga slashed at it with her sword.  The thorny vines not only attacked the Troll looking Klingon, but Ruth as well.

"Hey! Let go of her!" the Andorian shouted as he leapt forward to grab onto Ruth's waist, pulling against the force of the vines which were beginning to drag her towards the hedge.  Lahr wasn't armored so the thorns dug into his arms where he held Ruth.  Each scratched burned fiercely, but Lahr refused to let go.  However, even with his pulling, the pair were slowly being dragged towards the wall of thorns.

"Need some help here!  I can't pull her back alone!"  he called out looking around, but so many others were either helping Helga or fighting the wall that Lahr didn't have much hope of aid getting to the fast enough.  Roohz! What could he do to save Ruth?  Unlike others, he didn't have a weapon - all he had was some stupid log that weighed him down.

Lahr flinched when he saw Iron Man's lightning punch knock back the vines that had been surrounding the metal encased engineer.   The Andorian didn't have a clue what the engineer's almost poetic comment meant but he saw someone who could help.     "Yo! Iron Man!  Could use a little bit of help here!"

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (before the vine attack)

Helga, who was headed towards the hedge to try hacking her way through, smiled a tusked grin at Lek's words.  She loved that Lek was being open about their relationship with his peers despite the significant difference in their respective ranks, but even more so than that the Klingon in her loved his sense of honor.   'A deal was deal' and though Ferengi were slandered throughout the Federation as untrustworthy, she knew hers... she could trust with her life.

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (during the vine attack)
The thorny vine surprised Helga initially and her grip on her blade loosened when the Troll/Klingon hit the ground - her sword sliding out of reach.  But before the vines could drag her into the hedge... as if self-prophesized by her own earlier thoughts, Lek grabbed hold of Helga by the shoulders and fought the pull of the help calling for additional help.  Helga chuckled, unafraid of the vines though each scratch of it's thorns burned painfully with some neuro-toxin.  "The King got your outfit completely wrong.  Who's the hero now? " she pointed out.

Maybe Lek could have pulled her completely to safety on his own, but he didn't seize the opportunity to find out.  Instead he called out for aid and Jael and her Bajoran brother lent a hand to Lek, holding him while he kept hold of her.   Helga tried reaching for her dropped blade.  If she could just reach it before the vines wound further up her body then she could cut herself loose.   Thankfully, the vines were kept at bay somewhat by the flailing of Jael's torch.

"That's it, Jael!  Keep the vines away from you and Lek... I'll free myself."

Like snakes the vines reared back from the flames giving Helga more time to stretch to her limit and with a single pad of her middle finger drag the pommel of the sword closer until she was able to wrap her palm about its grip.

Then with a feral shout, "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!" Helga swung the sword down towards her feet where the blade cut through several vines loosening their hold on her.  She was pulled free easily after that by Lek and the Sherem siblings, and the four tumbled away in a heap.   It was fortunate no one got skewered by Helga's sword.

Afterwards Helga got her feet quickly and offered a hand up to her mate and the others.  She seemed gleeful as she eyed the challenge of the writhing hedge.  "Shall we try that again?"

Ruth watched while they all went to save Helga. 'Charming...' she thought, tho she couldn't see Lahr amongst them and heard him shouting at the vines and to 'Iron Man'... and realised he was right behind her... holding on.  She also heard Wynters yelling about digging heels in... it was a valid point both literally and figuratively.  She tried but what he was saying poetically also kinda made sense... somehow, that their efforts were fruitless.  However his lightning did seem to keep the vines away a bit.

'You haven't deserted me!' she thought inwardly.

She initially hadn't felt him because the vines around her arms were tighter even than he was.

She shook her head and turned her panicked gaze to him, pleading with him to understand and let go, trying to shake him off and hoping he understood.  Better one of them entangled than both of them.

When Jael swung the torch and the vines recoiled, Ruth's mind started working.  'OK... so you don't like fire, you don't like being cut... can we talk to you in some way.  Look I'm sorry about this...' she said almost apologetically to the vines as if she was holding a conversation with them in her head. 'I don't mean to hurt you... well I do right now because it's the only way you're going to get off me.'

Remembering that her arms were bound by her side and her legs were bound just below the knee, but nothing between she wriggled her heals up to her butt, stretching her fingers to the very extent of their reach.  She just managed to get her boot knife out but dropped it.

Looking like some sort of humanoid caterpillar dressed in a white (totally the wrong colour for this exercise... it was now somewhat green and brown streaked!) dress she managed to work her way around so that she could pick it up in her left hand, it was better than nothing and then she was able to cut the vines around her knees.  'Caterpillering' again she had to roll to avoid encroaching vines trying to get the advantage again.  She managed to hold the knife upright between her feet and knowing she needed to work quickly she bent forward from the waist 'Gymnastics and ballet as a kid sure came in handy, Mamma!' she said to herself doing a pretty good impersonation of 'The Dying Swan' from Swan Lake bar the arms.

She didn't see the vine from the right which missed it's target a little but was enough to give her a good slap across the face putting Ruth out of line with the knife and send the blade through Ruth's cheek instead.  Swallowing quickly she pulled back focused on where the blade was and managed to cut the vines around her mouth.

Rolling and now able to shout, albeit painfully she called.  "Jael, please, can you keep the vines away, Lahr take my knife and cut the ones around my arms.  Wynters your lightening could be useful...Back off two seconds I'll throw this to you, Lahr!"

She threw the knife as close to Lahr as she could with her feet, it still landed some 5-7ft away from him but out of range of the vines.

Ruth still had to roll and weave to keep out of the vines snare... She attempted, and managed albeit barely, a kip-up, giving a significant look at Lahr as if to say 'OK, I admit this was in an emergency and adrenaline is probably at play but do that without arms, just using your shoulder blades...' as she then ran towards him so he could get at her arms.

As an afterthought she called to the others "Don't hurt the vines, I think they are sentient they react to the heat of the torch they don't want to be burnt, and to being cut...maybe we can ask nicely?  Anyone talk vine? It's not in my repertoire." she spat blood out of her mouth the scar on her cheek already starting to heal.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Everett Wynters on April 29, 2022, 03:45:12 PM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters watched as the vines shrank back from his onslaught, and then heard the call for aid. It was hard to focus when the fighting started, at least on not simply on helping others but attacking. He ran over to the one called Lahr, who was trying to help the one called Ruth, and went to work. With the vine stretched out as it was trying to pull someone, he opened his hand, aiming to chop down over the vines, electricity still sparking along the edge as he aimed to cut the vines and free the one being pulled away.

"Dig your heels in and lean back with your knees bent! Make a leverage point!" He called out, wrapping his arm now around the vine, still protected by the metal armor, and lashing out once more, cutting through several of the vines and working to finish off the remaining ones. While he was leaned back, like he was playing tug of war, he was cutting said rope. "Carry hope! This will not defeat us!"

Lahr was grateful for Iron Man's help.  Who said the guy didn't have heart?  (Oh wait, was he mixing up Marvel Universe with Wizard of Oz?)  Lahr followed the man's advice and dug in with his heels.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on April 29, 2022, 04:52:10 PM

[Labyrinth hedge prior to being bound and gagged by vines...][/b

Ruth watched while they all went to save Helga. 'Charming...' she thought, tho she couldn't see Lahr amongst them and heard him shouting at the vines and to 'Iron Man'... and realised he was right behind her... holding on.  She also heard Wynters yelling about digging heels in... it was a valid point both literally and figuratively.  She tried but what he was saying poetically also kinda made sense... somehow, that their efforts were fruitless.  However his lightning did seem to keep the vines away a bit.

'You haven't deserted me!' she thought inwardly.

She initially hadn't felt him because the vines around her arms were tighter even than he was.

She shook her head and turned her panicked gaze to him, pleading with him to understand and let go, trying to shake him off and hoping he understood.  Better one of them entangled than both of them.

When Jael swung the torch and the vines recoiled, Ruth's mind started working.  'OK... so you don't like fire, you don't like being cut... can we talk to you in some way.  Look I'm sorry about this...' she said almost apologetically to the vines as if she was holding a conversation with them in her head. 'I don't mean to hurt you... well I do right now because it's the only way you're going to get off me.'

Remembering that her arms were bound by her side and her legs were bound just below the knee, but nothing between she wriggled her heals up to her butt, stretching her fingers to the very extent of their reach.  She just managed to get her boot knife out but dropped it.

Looking like some sort of humanoid caterpillar dressed in a white (totally the wrong colour for this exercise... it was now somewhat green and brown streaked!) dress she managed to work her way around so that she could pick it up in her left hand, it was better than nothing and then she was able to cut the vines around her knees.  'Caterpillering' again she had to roll to avoid encroaching vines trying to get the advantage again.  She managed to hold the knife upright between her feet and knowing she needed to work quickly she bent forward from the waist 'Gymnastics and ballet as a kid sure came in handy, Mamma!' she said to herself doing a pretty good impersonation of 'The Dying Swan' from Swan Lake bar the arms.

She didn't see the vine from the right which missed it's target a little but was enough to give her a good slap across the face putting Ruth out of line with the knife and send the blade through Ruth's cheek instead.  Swallowing quickly she pulled back focused on where the blade was and managed to cut the vines around her mouth.

Rolling and now able to shout, albeit painfully she called.  "Jael, please, can you keep the vines away, Lahr take my knife and cut the ones around my arms.  Wynters your lightening could be useful...Back off two seconds I'll throw this to you, Lahr!"

She threw the knife as close to Lahr as she could with her feet, it still landed some 5-7ft away from him but out of range of the vines.

Ruth still had to roll and weave to keep out of the vines snare... She attempted, and managed albeit barely, a kip-up, giving a significant look at Lahr as if to say 'OK, I admit this was in an emergency and adrenaline is probably at play but do that without arms, just using your shoulder blades...' as she then ran towards him so he could get at her arms.

As an afterthought she called to the others "Don't hurt the vines, I think they are sentient they react to the heat of the torch they don't want to be burnt, and to being cut...maybe we can ask nicely?  Anyone talk vine? It's not in my repertoire." she spat blood out of her mouth the scar on her cheek already starting to heal.

It seemed like he and Iron Man were making some headway but then unexpectedly, Ruth ceased her struggles and just stared at him, before giving what Lahr could only interpret to be a 'let go' shake.   What the hell?!  No way!  But Ruth seemed dead serious and years of enlisted training had him releasing her as 'ordered'.  But Lahr was crushed.  Did she not think he could save her?

Apparently not.  He watched from the sidelines as she 'wormed' her way to her boot knife and cut the cloth from her mouth, catching her cheek in the process.  'Roohz! Why wouldn't she let him help?'

Suddenly, Ruth was calling out to Jael, Iron man and himself.  It seemed she had a plan... not that he understood it very well.  But as before he was too well trained to argue.

When she tried throwing the knife to him with her feet, understandably her aim was off, but Lahr ran for it and snatched it up before returning towards her.  As he did that Ruth did her kippup.  Impressive.  If things weren't so hectic he'd have applauded.

The two met just out of reach of the whipping vines and Lahr started to cut through the thorny vines binding her arms, while Ruth suggested they try talking to the hedge.   "What? You wanna try talking it to it?"  Though he didn't say the notion was ridiculous - out loud; he thought it..  and the sudden increased weight of the hearth log on his back suggested to him that she probably was on the right track.

"Sorry ba- I mean Commander.  While I'd like to offer my skills as a negotiator,  I don't think my level of belief will pass the muster."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 02, 2022, 02:39:34 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr was grateful for Iron Man's help.  Who said the guy didn't have heart?  (Oh wait, was he mixing up Marvel Universe with Wizard of Oz?)  Lahr followed the man's advice and dug in with his heels.

It seemed like he and Iron Man were making some headway but then unexpectedly, Ruth ceased her struggles and just stared at him, before giving what Lahr could only interpret to be a 'let go' shake.   What the hell?!  No way!  But Ruth seemed dead serious and years of enlisted training had him releasing her as 'ordered'.  But Lahr was crushed.  Did she not think he could save her?

Apparently not.  He watched from the sidelines as she 'wormed' her way to her boot knife and cut the cloth from her mouth, catching her cheek in the process.  'Roohz! Why wouldn't she let him help?'

Suddenly, Ruth was calling out to Jael, Iron man and himself.  It seemed she had a plan... not that he understood it very well.  But as before he was too well trained to argue.

When she tried throwing the knife to him with her feet, understandably her aim was off, but Lahr ran for it and snatched it up before returning towards her.  As he did that Ruth did her kippup.  Impressive.  If things weren't so hectic he'd have applauded.

The two met just out of reach of the whipping vines and Lahr started to cut through the thorny vines binding her arms, while Ruth suggested they try talking to the hedge.   "What? You wanna try talking it to it?"  Though he didn't say the notion was ridiculous - out loud; he thought it..  and the sudden increased weight of the hearth log on his back suggested to him that she probably was on the right track.

"Sorry ba- I mean Commander.  While I'd like to offer my skills as a negotiator,  I don't think my level of belief will pass the muster."

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Ruth gave Lahr an understanding look then tried to fill her eyes with as much love as she could to convey her next words.

"Petty Officer, I appreciate the help, I just didn't want you pulled in too.  I saw a way to get free without risking another member of our party and well... " she put a hand up to her cheek which was still gently oozing blood.

"...I admit it wasn't the best plan but I'm free and mostly unharmed and importantly you are free too!"

She pulled a face that she hoped wouldn't be seen by anyone but Lahr but if they did it was one of puzzlement mixed with a sense of 'Ah well... I'm free what's next' but it wasn't something you expected to see on the face of a senior officer.

"Ouch, note to self, don't screw face up until cheek has been mended...Anyhow yes Petty Officer, we need to parly, or least try to.  The tendrils reacted to being hurt, like you or I would.  If I slapped you, you'd want to slap back or well if Crewman Tragnar went for you with her fists you'd duck I imagine... same idea!" the Commander said suddenly thinking that Lahr probably would stand there and take a hit from her because he'd not want to hurt her.

"Same goes for that hedge, Crewman Tragnar cut it, then I've cut it.  I'm not sure if it understands Federation Standard but I have a few languages we can try!"

She got close and whispered so the others couldn't hear.  "Thanks for being my blue knight, next time we do renaissance I'll make sure you're in shiny hero armour!  But I'll give my thanks properly later!"

"So... Mr Negotiator... fire away... use your skills on that hedge but don't get too close.  Believe in yourself if nothing else!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 02, 2022, 07:51:43 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Ruth gave Lahr an understanding look then tried to fill her eyes with as much love as she could to convey her next words.

"Petty Officer, I appreciate the help, I just didn't want you pulled in too.  I saw a way to get free without risking another member of our party and well... " she put a hand up to her cheek which was still gently oozing blood.

"...I admit it wasn't the best plan but I'm free and mostly unharmed and importantly you are free too!"

She pulled a face that she hoped wouldn't be seen by anyone but Lahr but if they did it was one of puzzlement mixed with a sense of 'Ah well... I'm free what's next' but it wasn't something you expected to see on the face of a senior officer.

"Ouch, note to self, don't screw face up until cheek has been mended...Anyhow yes Petty Officer, we need to parly, or least try to.  The tendrils reacted to being hurt, like you or I would.  If I slapped you, you'd want to slap back or well if Crewman Tragnar went for you with her fists you'd duck I imagine... same idea!" the Commander said suddenly thinking that Lahr probably would stand there and take a hit from her because he'd not want to hurt her.

"Same goes for that hedge, Crewman Tragnar cut it, then I've cut it.  I'm not sure if it understands Federation Standard but I have a few languages we can try!"

She got close and whispered so the others couldn't hear.  "Thanks for being my blue knight, next time we do renaissance I'll make sure you're in shiny hero armour!  But I'll give my thanks properly later!"

"So... Mr Negotiator... fire away... use your skills on that hedge but don't get too close.  Believe in yourself if nothing else!"

Lahr could understand Ruth wanting to protect the one she loved; but Lahr knew he was the type to prefer doing the protecting - even if he wasn't very good at it.  The Andorian watched Ruth put a hand up to her scratched creek. Ruth always seemed to get hurt - even when he was around to prevent it.

Seeing the seep of blood from her minor cut, Lahr wished he had a dermal regenerator or even an adhesive bandage to cover the wound.  But he had neither and could do nothing to help.   Of course, thinking those banal thoughts had the weight at his back grew more burdensome.     Really?!  He couldn't even want to help his girlfriend?

Helga, who was free by that point too, spoke up suggesting she go again with her sword.   Lahr couldn't keep silent on the subject.  "Hell no!  I think that sword of your has stirred up enough problems, Helga."  The scratches on his arms from the thorns still stung fiercely - leaving purplish welts on Andorian's light blue skin.

He looked back to Ruth, with a slight grimace he wondered if he should ask any one of the three Bajoran priests if they could help.   In the ship's roleplay community (of which Crewman Tim participated and often talked about) however, Lahr knew priests were supposed to be the party's healers.

"Any of you priests know how to do a Lay on Hands?"  Lahr had no clue that he was suggesting a Paladin's ability and not a Priest's spell to neutralize poison - it wasn't like he ever played and would know the difference.

While he was asking this, Ruth tried explaining why the hedge attacked.  Lahr wasn't too keen on being understanding about its actions but since that seemed to be what Ruth wanted, Lahr nodded.    He liked that she took a moment to quietly thank him for being her 'blue knight'.    Her promise of 'proper thanks later' made his efforts all the more worth it.

However, when she seemed to suggest he be the one to try negotiating with the hedge - Lahr shook his head, and the weight on his back increased.  "No offense, Commander.   But I'm not the right person for that task.  You and I both know it.  Why not ask one of the others?"

He looked about to see if anyone might volunteer and save him from being ordered to do it.

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Helga was disappointed that there wasn't chorus of agreeing cheers in response to her suggestion to try again with cutting their way through.  She'd been hoping for a second chance at cutting through; instead she got shot down by the Andorian.

Helga looked to Lek.  He would back her.  Right?

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 29, 2022, 02:07:42 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr having remained in the back of the group - fulfilling his role of 'rear-guard' - watched in alarm as the hedge seemed to come alive after a green skinned Helga slashed at it with her sword.  The thorny vines not only attacked the Troll looking Klingon, but Ruth as well.

"Hey! Let go of her!" the Andorian shouted as he leapt forward to grab onto Ruth's waist, pulling against the force of the vines which were beginning to drag her towards the hedge.  Lahr wasn't armored so the thorns dug into his arms where he held Ruth.  Each scratched burned fiercely, but Lahr refused to let go.  However, even with his pulling, the pair were slowly being dragged towards the wall of thorns.

"Need some help here!  I can't pull her back alone!"  he called out looking around, but so many others were either helping Helga or fighting the wall that Lahr didn't have much hope of aid getting to the fast enough.  Roohz! What could he do to save Ruth?  Unlike others, he didn't have a weapon - all he had was some stupid log that weighed him down.

Lahr flinched when he saw Iron Man's lightning punch knock back the vines that had been surrounding the metal encased engineer.   The Andorian didn't have a clue what the engineer's almost poetic comment meant but he saw someone who could help.     "Yo! Iron Man!  Could use a little bit of help here!"

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (before the vine attack)

Helga, who was headed towards the hedge to try hacking her way through, smiled a tusked grin at Lek's words.  She loved that Lek was being open about their relationship with his peers despite the significant difference in their respective ranks, but even more so than that the Klingon in her loved his sense of honor.   'A deal was deal' and though Ferengi were slandered throughout the Federation as untrustworthy, she knew hers... she could trust with her life.

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge] (during the vine attack)
The thorny vine surprised Helga initially and her grip on her blade loosened when the Troll/Klingon hit the ground - her sword sliding out of reach.  But before the vines could drag her into the hedge... as if self-prophesized by her own earlier thoughts, Lek grabbed hold of Helga by the shoulders and fought the pull of the help calling for additional help.  Helga chuckled, unafraid of the vines though each scratch of it's thorns burned painfully with some neuro-toxin.  "The King got your outfit completely wrong.  Who's the hero now? " she pointed out.

Maybe Lek could have pulled her completely to safety on his own, but he didn't seize the opportunity to find out.  Instead he called out for aid and Jael and her Bajoran brother lent a hand to Lek, holding him while he kept hold of her.   Helga tried reaching for her dropped blade.  If she could just reach it before the vines wound further up her body then she could cut herself loose.   Thankfully, the vines were kept at bay somewhat by the flailing of Jael's torch.

"That's it, Jael!  Keep the vines away from you and Lek... I'll free myself."

Like snakes the vines reared back from the flames giving Helga more time to stretch to her limit and with a single pad of her middle finger drag the pommel of the sword closer until she was able to wrap her palm about its grip.

Then with a feral shout, "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!" Helga swung the sword down towards her feet where the blade cut through several vines loosening their hold on her.  She was pulled free easily after that by Lek and the Sherem siblings, and the four tumbled away in a heap.   It was fortunate no one got skewered by Helga's sword.

Afterwards Helga got her feet quickly and offered a hand up to her mate and the others.  She seemed gleeful as she eyed the challenge of the writhing hedge.  "Shall we try that again?"

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 02, 2022, 07:51:43 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Ruth gave Lahr an understanding look then tried to fill her eyes with as much love as she could to convey her next words.

"Petty Officer, I appreciate the help, I just didn't want you pulled in too.  I saw a way to get free without risking another member of our party and well... " she put a hand up to her cheek which was still gently oozing blood.

"...I admit it wasn't the best plan but I'm free and mostly unharmed and importantly you are free too!"

She pulled a face that she hoped wouldn't be seen by anyone but Lahr but if they did it was one of puzzlement mixed with a sense of 'Ah well... I'm free what's next' but it wasn't something you expected to see on the face of a senior officer.

"Ouch, note to self, don't screw face up until cheek has been mended...Anyhow yes Petty Officer, we need to parly, or least try to.  The tendrils reacted to being hurt, like you or I would.  If I slapped you, you'd want to slap back or well if Crewman Tragnar went for you with her fists you'd duck I imagine... same idea!" the Commander said suddenly thinking that Lahr probably would stand there and take a hit from her because he'd not want to hurt her.

"Same goes for that hedge, Crewman Tragnar cut it, then I've cut it.  I'm not sure if it understands Federation Standard but I have a few languages we can try!"

She got close and whispered so the others couldn't hear.  "Thanks for being my blue knight, next time we do renaissance I'll make sure you're in shiny hero armour!  But I'll give my thanks properly later!"

"So... Mr Negotiator... fire away... use your skills on that hedge but don't get too close.  Believe in yourself if nothing else!"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 04, 2022, 05:57:31 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lahr could understand Ruth wanting to protect the one she loved; but Lahr knew he was the type to prefer doing the protecting - even if he wasn't very good at it.  The Andorian watched Ruth put a hand up to her scratched creek. Ruth always seemed to get hurt - even when he was around to prevent it.

Seeing the seep of blood from her minor cut, Lahr wished he had a dermal regenerator or even an adhesive bandage to cover the wound.  But he had neither and could do nothing to help.   Of course, thinking those banal thoughts had the weight at his back grew more burdensome.     Really?!  He couldn't even want to help his girlfriend?

Helga, who was free by that point too, spoke up suggesting she go again with her sword.   Lahr couldn't keep silent on the subject.  "Hell no!  I think that sword of your has stirred up enough problems, Helga."  The scratches on his arms from the thorns still stung fiercely - leaving purplish welts on Andorian's light blue skin.

He looked back to Ruth, with a slight grimace he wondered if he should ask any one of the three Bajoran priests if they could help.   In the ship's roleplay community (of which Crewman Tim participated and often talked about) however, Lahr knew priests were supposed to be the party's healers.

"Any of you priests know how to do a Lay on Hands?"  Lahr had no clue that he was suggesting a Paladin's ability and not a Priest's spell to neutralize poison - it wasn't like he ever played and would know the difference.

While he was asking this, Ruth tried explaining why the hedge attacked.  Lahr wasn't too keen on being understanding about its actions but since that seemed to be what Ruth wanted, Lahr nodded.    He liked that she took a moment to quietly thank him for being her 'blue knight'.    Her promise of 'proper thanks later' made his efforts all the more worth it.

However, when she seemed to suggest he be the one to try negotiating with the hedge - Lahr shook his head, and the weight on his back increased.  "No offense, Commander.   But I'm not the right person for that task.  You and I both know it.  Why not ask one of the others?"

He looked about to see if anyone might volunteer and save him from being ordered to do it.

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Helga was disappointed that there wasn't chorus of agreeing cheers in response to her suggestion to try again with cutting their way through.  She'd been hoping for a second chance at cutting through; instead she got shot down by the Andorian.

Helga looked to Lek.  He would back her.  Right?

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael had to admit that things got hectic and confused for a bit while fighting, what with the Klingon/Orion hybrid encouraging her. Finally, they backed off a stance and took a breather.

As such, Jael looked at Gid and they studied each others' robes some more. Undoubtedly, they began to realize they were wearing Prylar robes, the lowest rank in the Bajoran religion. At least they knew what they were.

Jael perked up when it was decided to attempt to negotiate with the hedge, and that Lahr wasn't the right person for the job. It then occurred to her that this would be kind of where her counseling skills would be of use...for once.

"Then I'll do it," said Jael. "I would expect, as a counselor, to assist in diplomatic negotiations, even if the last time I did so I was so horrified by the Nori as a whole, but you would know what I mean, Lahr," she added, looking at the Andorian. "If this wall has some form of sentience, let's see how well it can communicate."

She then approached the wall, bold as one pleases, her torch held aloft and replied, "Hello? We are sent from the Shadow King. Will it be possible for you to let us pass, please?"

Even as she spoke, she realized how childish she sounded, but it was the best she could do, and truth be told, she never was in a negotiating stance before. Nonetheless, she strived to do her best.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 29, 2022, 02:07:42 PM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Helga was disappointed that there wasn't chorus of agreeing cheers in response to her suggestion to try again with cutting their way through.  She'd been hoping for a second chance at cutting through; instead she got shot down by the Andorian.

Helga looked to Lek.  He would back her.  Right?


Lek looked skeptical about their options, especially as he struggled with everything he'd seen so far. He was only able to keep his equilibrium by focusing on this entire encounter taking place in a pocket universe that happened to have physics different from their own. He gave Helga what he hoped was a supportive smile as he replied to her unasked question.

"I believe doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result will usually fail again if it failed the first time. Since brute force didn't work, maybe we could make a deal?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

[The Labyrinth]

The Captain was honestly.. and for the first time in a long time... at a complete loss.  The always thinking Bajoran found it more and more difficult to not try to think about explanations and to just... accept things.  Believe in them.  But how was it that he found his faith easier to accept than his current predicament?  The Federation classified his gods as non-linear non-corporeal entities; highly advanced aliens.  And while they no longer believed in the Prophets having a direct hand in the affairs of Bajor, there was clear enough evidence to support thei beliefs, right?  Wasn't it the Federation Emissary who confirmed that they did work to protect Bajor?  Even a highly secular society like the Federation had to begrudgingly accept that the Bajoran faith was not misplaced, and though it seems backwards to worship a race of being as gods despite the advancement of their own technology, no one really questioned it.

So why, when faced with something that is almost completely similar, did he find it difficult to turn off that part of his brain that seeks the truth?

As the group with him worked on their first issue, he stood leaning with his staff and holding the torch loosely. Cutting through it didnt seem to work, and it seemed accepted that the hedge was somehow sentient. Now they wanted to communicate with it.  The Captain was a bit frustrated as his inability to think of solutions without worrying about the effects on the alien race that held them there.  His first thought went to the torch in his hand... if they can't cut their way, maybe they can burn through it?  But that thought he tried to dismiss.  Clearly their torch was for a special purpose, and this was after all a test.  He almost scoffed at the idea of communicating, but when Challenger's counselor wanted to give it a try, he found himself hard pressed to disagree.

With a sigh, he let go of his thoughts, and moved over to where the shrub was.  There was something weird, or peculiar, about this hedge, and as he reached out and touched it he felt... something.  Something unfamiliar, almost like the hedge itself found someone it could look to.  He closed his eyes and turned to Jael as she spoke, unsure of how to describe what he was feeling.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Lek on May 05, 2022, 02:08:00 PM


Lek looked skeptical about their options, especially as he struggled with everything he'd seen so far. He was only able to keep his equilibrium by focusing on this entire encounter taking place in a pocket universe that happened to have physics different from their own. He gave Helga what he hoped was a supportive smile as he replied to her unasked question.

"I believe doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result will usually fail again if it failed the first time. Since brute force didn't work, maybe we could make a deal?"

Lek's supportive smile was deceiving, and it took a moment for Helga to realize he wasn't agreeing with her.   She scowled towards him before accepting that his words made sense.

"Whatever... " she groused under her breath and stepped away from the hedge moving to the back of the troupe allowing for the Bajoran woman in her priestly robes to speak directly to the hedge without any further interruption.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]
Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 05, 2022, 08:45:29 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael had to admit that things got hectic and confused for a bit while fighting, what with the Klingon/Orion hybrid encouraging her. Finally, they backed off a stance and took a breather.

As such, Jael looked at Gid and they studied each others' robes some more. Undoubtedly, they began to realize they were wearing Prylar robes, the lowest rank in the Bajoran religion. At least they knew what they were.

Jael perked up when it was decided to attempt to negotiate with the hedge, and that Lahr wasn't the right person for the job. It then occurred to her that this would be kind of where her counseling skills would be of use...for once.

"Then I'll do it," said Jael. "I would expect, as a counselor, to assist in diplomatic negotiations, even if the last time I did so I was so horrified by the Nori as a whole, but you would know what I mean, Lahr," she added, looking at the Andorian. "If this wall has some form of sentience, let's see how well it can communicate."

She then approached the wall, bold as one pleases, her torch held aloft and replied, "Hello? We are sent from the Shadow King. Will it be possible for you to let us pass, please?"

Even as she spoke, she realized how childish she sounded, but it was the best she could do, and truth be told, she never was in a negotiating stance before. Nonetheless, she strived to do her best.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 06, 2022, 09:13:01 AM

[The Labyrinth]

The Captain was honestly.. and for the first time in a long time... at a complete loss.  The always thinking Bajoran found it more and more difficult to not try to think about explanations and to just... accept things.  Believe in them.  But how was it that he found his faith easier to accept than his current predicament?  The Federation classified his gods as non-linear non-corporeal entities; highly advanced aliens.  And while they no longer believed in the Prophets having a direct hand in the affairs of Bajor, there was clear enough evidence to support thei beliefs, right?  Wasn't it the Federation Emissary who confirmed that they did work to protect Bajor?  Even a highly secular society like the Federation had to begrudgingly accept that the Bajoran faith was not misplaced, and though it seems backwards to worship a race of being as gods despite the advancement of their own technology, no one really questioned it.

So why, when faced with something that is almost completely similar, did he find it difficult to turn off that part of his brain that seeks the truth?

As the group with him worked on their first issue, he stood leaning with his staff and holding the torch loosely. Cutting through it didnt seem to work, and it seemed accepted that the hedge was somehow sentient. Now they wanted to communicate with it.  The Captain was a bit frustrated as his inability to think of solutions without worrying about the effects on the alien race that held them there.  His first thought went to the torch in his hand... if they can't cut their way, maybe they can burn through it?  But that thought he tried to dismiss.  Clearly their torch was for a special purpose, and this was after all a test.  He almost scoffed at the idea of communicating, but when Challenger's counselor wanted to give it a try, he found himself hard pressed to disagree.

With a sigh, he let go of his thoughts, and moved over to where the shrub was.  There was something weird, or peculiar, about this hedge, and as he reached out and touched it he felt... something.  Something unfamiliar, almost like the hedge itself found someone it could look to.  He closed his eyes and turned to Jael as she spoke, unsure of how to describe what he was feeling.

Jael's remark about her lack of diplomatic skills with the Nori, earned a slight non-committal shrug.  He hadn't agreed with her 'hate-on' for the Nori at the time, and certainly wasn't going to comment on the topic now.

Lahr watched alertly for any sort of reaction to Jael's rather simple words.  The Andorian couldn't tell if the lack of any further attacks from the hedge were a result of Jael's speech or more that Helga moved away and hadn't provoked it with an attack first.  He did notice something odd when Captain Tekin moved up to the hedge and touched it -  the vines in proximity to the torch's blue flame seemed to shrink away

"Uh, sir.  I think your torch is the key."

This created a 3-ft diameter opening in the hedge.  Some of the smaller individuals in the troupe might be able to dive through and tuck 'n' roll on the other side... but there was no way Helga or those in armor where making it through that way. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Everett Wynters

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters was glad the pulling on it, the fighting against the vines had freed the person that had been captured. Lives saved, a small victory, a small win for the team. He took a deep breath and nodded softly. When the torch opened the pathway, he couldn't help but smile a bit under his helmet. It was akin to many stories in history. Ancient Earth had a story about a man with magic sting was it? Something akin to that at least. It allowed him to find his way through the Labyrinth, and the idea was the spark that pulled the name back to his mind. It also caused a wonder in the back of his mind that made him speak up.

"It appears our Captain is now Theseus, and the torch is now our string." He commented, wondering who would even understand. He probably couldn't go through the hole, but it didn't matter, they could find another way in if it came down to it. His eyes did follow the way the flame caused things to shrink back, and push back the nightmare that was around them in places. His eyes moved up, looking around the edges of the Labyrinth Hedge, trying to find a place to climb over if he could as well.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Everett Wynters on May 10, 2022, 01:34:52 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters was glad the pulling on it, the fighting against the vines had freed the person that had been captured. Lives saved, a small victory, a small win for the team. He took a deep breath and nodded softly. When the torch opened the pathway, he couldn't help but smile a bit under his helmet. It was akin to many stories in history. Ancient Earth had a story about a man with magic sting was it? Something akin to that at least. It allowed him to find his way through the Labyrinth, and the idea was the spark that pulled the name back to his mind. It also caused a wonder in the back of his mind that made him speak up.

"It appears our Captain is now Theseus, and the torch is now our string." He commented, wondering who would even understand. He probably couldn't go through the hole, but it didn't matter, they could find another way in if it came down to it. His eyes did follow the way the flame caused things to shrink back, and push back the nightmare that was around them in places. His eyes moved up, looking around the edges of the Labyrinth Hedge, trying to find a place to climb over if he could as well.

The hedge for all its thickness was not very strong structurally.   It's thorny branches were slender and pliable. Never would they hold up the weight of an average man, much less one wearing platemail armor.

It was clear from Lahr's perplexed look that he had no idea who Theseus was, nor how the Captain's torch could be compared to a string.

"Well Captain Tekin? Do we split up and hope there's a clue or mechanism on the other side to help get the others through... or do we keep checking around?" 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 06, 2022, 09:13:01 AM

[The Labyrinth]

The Captain was honestly.. and for the first time in a long time... at a complete loss.  The always thinking Bajoran found it more and more difficult to not try to think about explanations and to just... accept things.  Believe in them.  But how was it that he found his faith easier to accept than his current predicament?  The Federation classified his gods as non-linear non-corporeal entities; highly advanced aliens.  And while they no longer believed in the Prophets having a direct hand in the affairs of Bajor, there was clear enough evidence to support thei beliefs, right?  Wasn't it the Federation Emissary who confirmed that they did work to protect Bajor?  Even a highly secular society like the Federation had to begrudgingly accept that the Bajoran faith was not misplaced, and though it seems backwards to worship a race of being as gods despite the advancement of their own technology, no one really questioned it.

So why, when faced with something that is almost completely similar, did he find it difficult to turn off that part of his brain that seeks the truth?

As the group with him worked on their first issue, he stood leaning with his staff and holding the torch loosely. Cutting through it didnt seem to work, and it seemed accepted that the hedge was somehow sentient. Now they wanted to communicate with it.  The Captain was a bit frustrated as his inability to think of solutions without worrying about the effects on the alien race that held them there.  His first thought went to the torch in his hand... if they can't cut their way, maybe they can burn through it?  But that thought he tried to dismiss.  Clearly their torch was for a special purpose, and this was after all a test.  He almost scoffed at the idea of communicating, but when Challenger's counselor wanted to give it a try, he found himself hard pressed to disagree.

With a sigh, he let go of his thoughts, and moved over to where the shrub was.  There was something weird, or peculiar, about this hedge, and as he reached out and touched it he felt... something.  Something unfamiliar, almost like the hedge itself found someone it could look to.  He closed his eyes and turned to Jael as she spoke, unsure of how to describe what he was feeling.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 08, 2022, 10:32:21 PM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Lek's supportive smile was deceiving, and it took a moment for Helga to realize he wasn't agreeing with her.   She scowled towards him before accepting that his words made sense.

"Whatever... " she groused under her breath and stepped away from the hedge moving to the back of the troupe allowing for the Bajoran woman in her priestly robes to speak directly to the hedge without any further interruption.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Jael's remark about her lack of diplomatic skills with the Nori, earned a slight non-committal shrug.  He hadn't agreed with her 'hate-on' for the Nori at the time, and certainly wasn't going to comment on the topic now.

Lahr watched alertly for any sort of reaction to Jael's rather simple words.  The Andorian couldn't tell if the lack of any further attacks from the hedge were a result of Jael's speech or more that Helga moved away and hadn't provoked it with an attack first.  He did notice something odd when Captain Tekin moved up to the hedge and touched it -  the vines in proximity to the torch's blue flame seemed to shrink away

"Uh, sir.  I think your torch is the key."

This created a 3-ft diameter opening in the hedge.  Some of the smaller individuals in the troupe might be able to dive through and tuck 'n' roll on the other side... but there was no way Helga or those in armor where making it through that way.

Quote from: Everett Wynters on May 10, 2022, 01:34:52 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters was glad the pulling on it, the fighting against the vines had freed the person that had been captured. Lives saved, a small victory, a small win for the team. He took a deep breath and nodded softly. When the torch opened the pathway, he couldn't help but smile a bit under his helmet. It was akin to many stories in history. Ancient Earth had a story about a man with magic sting was it? Something akin to that at least. It allowed him to find his way through the Labyrinth, and the idea was the spark that pulled the name back to his mind. It also caused a wonder in the back of his mind that made him speak up.

"It appears our Captain is now Theseus, and the torch is now our string." He commented, wondering who would even understand. He probably couldn't go through the hole, but it didn't matter, they could find another way in if it came down to it. His eyes did follow the way the flame caused things to shrink back, and push back the nightmare that was around them in places. His eyes moved up, looking around the edges of the Labyrinth Hedge, trying to find a place to climb over if he could as well.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 11, 2022, 03:06:19 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

The hedge for all its thickness was not very strong structurally.   It's thorny branches were slender and pliable. Never would they hold up the weight of an average man, much less one wearing platemail armor.

It was clear from Lahr's perplexed look that he had no idea who Theseus was, nor how the Captain's torch could be compared to a string.

"Well Captain Tekin? Do we split up and hope there's a clue or mechanism on the other side to help get the others through... or do we keep checking around?"

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael looked at Captain Tekin extending his torch and making an opening. She smiled at the sight. Maybe her diplomatic skill plus the torch made an opening? She would've expected something, like a guardian or something to respond to permit entrance, but none came...

"Nice one, Captain," she said. And with that, they were in.

Jael had noted Wynters' comment about Theseus and the string, and she remembered the myth from Ancient Earth mythology - it was easy to be a student of mythology when being a convert to a Bajoran religion with deeply rooted mythology of its own.

"Interesting analogy," she said, and once the whole troupe was over, she turned to Captain Tekin on which way to go.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 11, 2022, 09:32:39 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael looked at Captain Tekin extending his torch and making an opening. She smiled at the sight. Maybe her diplomatic skill plus the torch made an opening? She would've expected something, like a guardian or something to respond to permit entrance, but none came...

"Nice one, Captain," she said. And with that, they were in.

Jael had noted Wynters' comment about Theseus and the string, and she remembered the myth from Ancient Earth mythology - it was easy to be a student of mythology when being a convert to a Bajoran religion with deeply rooted mythology of its own.

"Interesting analogy," she said, and once the whole troupe was over, she turned to Captain Tekin on which way to go.

With no clear way through for all the troupe (Helga and Iron man were just to large to fit through such a small opening), Lahr looked about for the smallest of the group.  Ha! That would be Lek.

"Commander Lek,  why don't you tumble on through the opening and see if there's a lever or some illusionary trick to this hedge." the Andorian suggested with a playful grin, really having enjoyed the jester reference he'd made with the 'tumbling'.

"A labyrinth that you can't get into seems rather backwards - usually with a maze you are trapped inside." 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Everett Wynters on May 10, 2022, 01:34:52 AM

[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Wynters was glad the pulling on it, the fighting against the vines had freed the person that had been captured. Lives saved, a small victory, a small win for the team. He took a deep breath and nodded softly. When the torch opened the pathway, he couldn't help but smile a bit under his helmet. It was akin to many stories in history. Ancient Earth had a story about a man with magic sting was it? Something akin to that at least. It allowed him to find his way through the Labyrinth, and the idea was the spark that pulled the name back to his mind. It also caused a wonder in the back of his mind that made him speak up.

"It appears our Captain is now Theseus, and the torch is now our string." He commented, wondering who would even understand. He probably couldn't go through the hole, but it didn't matter, they could find another way in if it came down to it. His eyes did follow the way the flame caused things to shrink back, and push back the nightmare that was around them in places. His eyes moved up, looking around the edges of the Labyrinth Hedge, trying to find a place to climb over if he could as well.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 11, 2022, 09:32:39 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael looked at Captain Tekin extending his torch and making an opening. She smiled at the sight. Maybe her diplomatic skill plus the torch made an opening? She would've expected something, like a guardian or something to respond to permit entrance, but none came...

"Nice one, Captain," she said. And with that, they were in.

Jael had noted Wynters' comment about Theseus and the string, and she remembered the myth from Ancient Earth mythology - it was easy to be a student of mythology when being a convert to a Bajoran religion with deeply rooted mythology of its own.

"Interesting analogy," she said, and once the whole troupe was over, she turned to Captain Tekin on which way to go.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 13, 2022, 03:15:52 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

With no clear way through for all the troupe (Helga and Iron man were just to large to fit through such a small opening), Lahr looked about for the smallest of the group.  Ha! That would be Lek.

"Commander Lek,  why don't you tumble on through the opening and see if there's a lever or some illusionary trick to his hedge." the Andorian suggested with a playful grin, really having enjoyed the jester reference he'd made with the 'tumbling'.

"A labyrinth that you can't get into seems rather backwards - usually with a maze you are trapped inside."

[The Labyrinth Hedge]

He only wished he could have taken credit for the torch reveal, but the truth was it was completely accidental.  But... as he was the torchbearer, maybe thats what had to happen.  He kept his composure, starting to find it easier to believe.

"Let's hope, Mr. Wynters, that I don't have to face a Minotaur in there.  I'm a scientist, not a... traveler, I guess?" he stated, looking down at his outfit again.  Earthy colors and a natural wooden staff. He had no idea himself.

At the suggestion of Mr. Lek going through the gap that was formed, he knew immediately the Chief Engineer was not going to like it one bit.  But they were low on options, and if they wanted to get back to Discovery, they would have to honestly play along.

"Mr. Lek, if you would, please.  I agree... its interesting that a labyrinth is hard to get into, but if it is because its protecting something, it would make sense.  There was an ancient Bajoran Temple where the trial was to get into the temple before you can even begin to find your way out.  It represented the the start of your journey to find the path of the Prophets before you can be tested to stay on that path.  Ancient Vedeks were required to make it through that maze before they would be ordained."


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 13, 2022, 03:15:52 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

With no clear way through for all the troupe (Helga and Iron man were just to large to fit through such a small opening), Lahr looked about for the smallest of the group.  Ha! That would be Lek.

"Commander Lek,  why don't you tumble on through the opening and see if there's a lever or some illusionary trick to this hedge." the Andorian suggested with a playful grin, really having enjoyed the jester reference he'd made with the 'tumbling'.

"A labyrinth that you can't get into seems rather backwards - usually with a maze you are trapped inside."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 13, 2022, 12:57:21 PM

[The Labyrinth Hedge]

He only wished he could have taken credit for the torch reveal, but the truth was it was completely accidental.  But... as he was the torchbearer, maybe thats what had to happen.  He kept his composure, starting to find it easier to believe.

"Let's hope, Mr. Wynters, that I don't have to face a Minotaur in there.  I'm a scientist, not a... traveler, I guess?" he stated, looking down at his outfit again.  Earthy colors and a natural wooden staff. He had no idea himself.

At the suggestion of Mr. Lek going through the gap that was formed, he knew immediately the Chief Engineer was not going to like it one bit.  But they were low on options, and if they wanted to get back to Discovery, they would have to honestly play along.

"Mr. Lek, if you would, please.  I agree... its interesting that a labyrinth is hard to get into, but if it is because its protecting something, it would make sense.  There was an ancient Bajoran Temple where the trial was to get into the temple before you can even begin to find your way out.  It represented the the start of your journey to find the path of the Prophets before you can be tested to stay on that path.  Ancient Vedeks were required to make it through that maze before they would be ordained."


Lek grimaced at the idea that he go through the menacing hedge first. "I'm an engineer not a gardener dammit!" he thought. However, when the captain backed Lahr's idea, he knew he didn't have a choice.

"Aye Sir."

He said with a tone of resignation as he sized up the opening and his options. It was usually the case that Lek was the smallest person in any activity, so he knew his size actually was a benefit for this task. Knowing that waiting would only make acting more difficult, he steeled himself and ran at the opening with as much speed as he could muster within the short run up distance available. Lek, while annoyed beyond words at Lahr, he did take his suggestion to tumble to heart and executed a pretty decent forward combat roll.

Some of the thorny branches did lash out at him, but his speed and small size made them miss and Lek found himself through the hedge. He rolled to his feet and looked around before calling back to the others.

"No levers or anything mechanical on this side. I think, the trick to making it through is a mix of those torches and simply believing you will be safe. You have to remember that the laws of physics are different in this pocket universe."

Alt of Ian Galloway

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Lek on May 14, 2022, 11:37:43 AM


Lek grimaced at the idea that he go through the menacing hedge first. "I'm an engineer not a gardener dammit!" he thought. However, when the captain backed Lahr's idea, he knew he didn't have a choice.

"Aye Sir."

He said with a tone of resignation as he sized up the opening and his options. It was usually the case that Lek was the smallest person in any activity, so he knew his size actually was a benefit for this task. Knowing that waiting would only make acting more difficult, he steeled himself and ran at the opening with as much speed as he could muster within the short run up distance available. Lek, while annoyed beyond words at Lahr, he did take his suggestion to tumble to heart and executed a pretty decent forward combat roll.

Some of the thorny branches did lash out at him, but his speed and small size made them miss and Lek found himself through the hedge. He rolled to his feet and looked around before calling back to the others.

"No levers or anything mechanical on this side. I think, the trick to making it through is a mix of those torches and simply believing you will be safe. You have to remember that the laws of physics are different in this pocket universe."

Quote from: Jael

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael looked at Captain Tekin extending his torch and making an opening. She smiled at the sight. Maybe her diplomatic skill plus the torch made an opening? She would've expected something, like a guardian or something to respond to permit entrance, but none came...

"Nice one, Captain," she said. And with that, they were in.

Jael had noted Wynters' comment about Theseus and the string, and she remembered the myth from Ancient Earth mythology - it was easy to be a student of mythology when being a convert to a Bajoran religion with deeply rooted mythology of its own.

"Interesting analogy," she said, and once the whole troupe was over, she turned to Captain Tekin on which way to go.

After Lek, Jael and her brother went through.

Lahr looked at the opening in the hedge skeptically and then turned to Helga.  "Ladies first."

Helga gave Lahr a bit of a snarl (Lahr found it amusing that her Questing persona matched her real one so perfectly).  "There's no way I'll fit through that hole in the hedge.  I'll get stuck halfway through!" the Klingon turned Troll stated.

"Haven't you heard a word Commander Sigurdsdottir has been saying?" Lahr questioned half teasingly.  "You'll only get stuck if you believe you'll get stuck, " he pointed out.  Lahr didn't believe that for a moment but figured it saying it might convince Helga to give going through the hedge a try.   He figured with her temper, when she did get stuck she'd thrash about enough and hack her way through... opening up the way for the rest.  However to get to that point he needed to convince her to give it a go.  "Don't worry, if you do get stuck, I promise I'll push you through to the other side, Ok?"

Helga grumbled what everyone else might assume was a negative response, Lahr however, grinned recognizing it as her 'reluctant agreement' mood.  "Alright then, let's get to it."

Helga let out a deep sigh. "This is such a bad idea." she muttered to herself.  She called out to Lek.  "I'm going to try going through next - be ready to grab my hands and pull."

Helga sheathed her blades and lined herself up with the hole.

Think positive!  You can do this! she told herself silently then ran and jumped into hole....

... and surprisingly just as her shoulders were about to graze thorns and wedge her in the far too small opening, it enlarged and Helga passed through.  Unlike Lek she hadn't expected to fit through so hadn't prepared to tuck and roll and instead she skidded across the ground and almost bowled over Lek and the others.  Her tough Troll hide kept her from getting any cuts or scrapes.

She looked up at Lek with a huge grin.  "I made it!" then called back through the opening.   "Lahr, you're next!"

Given this new bit of information... getting across was a breeze for the rest of the group.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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