Season 14: Episode 9: Labyrinth

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 14, 2022, 01:51:34 PM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 13, 2022, 12:57:21 PM

[The Labyrinth Hedge]

He only wished he could have taken credit for the torch reveal, but the truth was it was completely accidental.  But... as he was the torchbearer, maybe thats what had to happen.  He kept his composure, starting to find it easier to believe.

"Let's hope, Mr. Wynters, that I don't have to face a Minotaur in there.  I'm a scientist, not a... traveler, I guess?" he stated, looking down at his outfit again.  Earthy colors and a natural wooden staff. He had no idea himself.

At the suggestion of Mr. Lek going through the gap that was formed, he knew immediately the Chief Engineer was not going to like it one bit.  But they were low on options, and if they wanted to get back to Discovery, they would have to honestly play along.

"Mr. Lek, if you would, please.  I agree... its interesting that a labyrinth is hard to get into, but if it is because its protecting something, it would make sense.  There was an ancient Bajoran Temple where the trial was to get into the temple before you can even begin to find your way out.  It represented the the start of your journey to find the path of the Prophets before you can be tested to stay on that path.  Ancient Vedeks were required to make it through that maze before they would be ordained."

Quote from: Lek on May 14, 2022, 11:37:43 AM


Lek grimaced at the idea that he go through the menacing hedge first. "I'm an engineer not a gardener dammit!" he thought. However, when the captain backed Lahr's idea, he knew he didn't have a choice.

"Aye Sir."

He said with a tone of resignation as he sized up the opening and his options. It was usually the case that Lek was the smallest person in any activity, so he knew his size actually was a benefit for this task. Knowing that waiting would only make acting more difficult, he steeled himself and ran at the opening with as much speed as he could muster within the short run up distance available. Lek, while annoyed beyond words at Lahr, he did take his suggestion to tumble to heart and executed a pretty decent forward combat roll.

Some of the thorny branches did lash out at him, but his speed and small size made them miss and Lek found himself through the hedge. He rolled to his feet and looked around before calling back to the others.

"No levers or anything mechanical on this side. I think, the trick to making it through is a mix of those torches and simply believing you will be safe. You have to remember that the laws of physics are different in this pocket universe."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 15, 2022, 04:35:37 AM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

After Lek, Jael and her brother went through.

Lahr looked at the opening in the hedge skeptically and then turned to Helga.  "Ladies first."

Helga gave Lahr a bit of a snarl (Lahr found it amusing that her Questing persona matched her real one so perfectly).  "There's no way I'll fit through that hole in the hedge.  I'll get stuck halfway through!" the Klingon turned Troll stated.

"Haven't you heard a word Commander Sigurdsdottir has been saying?" Lahr questioned half teasingly.  "You'll only get stuck if you believe you'll get stuck, " he pointed out.  Lahr didn't believe that for a moment but figured it saying it might convince Helga to give going through the hedge a try.   He figured with her temper, when she did get stuck she'd thrash about enough and hack her way through... opening up the way for the rest.  However to get to that point he needed to convince her to give it a go.  "Don't worry, if you do get stuck, I promise I'll push you through to the other side, Ok?"

Helga grumbled what everyone else might assume was a negative response, Lahr however, grinned recognizing it as her 'reluctant agreement' mood.  "Alright then, let's get to it."

Helga let out a deep sigh. "This is such a bad idea." she muttered to herself.  She called out to Lek.  "I'm going to try going through next - be ready to grab my hands and pull."

Helga sheathed her blades and lined herself up with the hole.

Think positive!  You can do this! she told herself silently then ran and jumped into hole....

... and surprisingly just as her shoulders were about to graze thorns and wedge her in the far too small opening, it enlarged and Helga passed through.  Unlike Lek she hadn't expected to fit through so hadn't prepared to tuck and roll and instead she skidded across the ground and almost bowled over Lek and the others.  Her tough Troll hide kept her from getting any cuts or scrapes.

She looked up at Lek with a huge grin.  "I made it!" then called back through the opening.   "Lahr, you're next!"

Given this new bit of information... getting across was a breeze for the rest of the group.

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

"Ooh, I know that temple!" said Jael when Captain Tekin mentioned a certain temple. "My mother went through that, one of her many ways to spite her husband, my father. Very enjoyable bedtime story when I was younger."

Naturally, both believed that they could get into the maze, literally, had the confidence to do so, and they were in, just like that. All they had to do now was wait for the rest to get in and determine which way to go.

"Okay, Captain, which way do you think would be a good way to go, once everybody's in, of course?" she asked Captain Tekin.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Alexander Graham

[outside the labyrinth hedge]

Alex made his way through the hedge. He was honestly surprised that he made it through the hole in the hedge. "œI made it through okay" he called out from the opening. He initially thought that the hole in the hedge would have been too small for him to fit through. He had heard about the temple through the many stories that were told to him. He looked at the captain curious to know what the next course of action would have been.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 15, 2022, 03:51:47 PM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

"Ooh, I know that temple!" said Jael when Captain Tekin mentioned a certain temple. "My mother went through that, one of her many ways to spite her husband, my father. Very enjoyable bedtime story when I was younger."

Naturally, both believed that they could get into the maze, literally, had the confidence to do so, and they were in, just like that. All they had to do now was wait for the rest to get in and determine which way to go.

"Okay, Captain, which way do you think would be a good way to go, once everybody's in, of course?" she asked Captain Tekin.

[Entering the Labyrinth]

The one thing he never expected was to see Lek acting so... confident... in a non-engineering situation, but before he knew it, the Ferengi was through.  Even more so when the Ferengi announced that there was no mechanical opening, but feeling required.  Believe.  It was starting to make sense.  Nevir started to think more as others made their way through, starting to realize that the key was belief.  The one thing that helped this alien race, and the one thing that was contrary to their standard thinking.  Finally, it was his turn, and the Bajoran actually smiled.  He looked at his staff, unsure of what to do with it, when we saw what looked like vines emanating from it, and before he knew it he was able to hold the staff on his back.  He looked at the hedge, thinking clearly of his goal, and dashed through.  The hedge seemed to open up gently for him, and even help him through completely, before Nevir ended up inside with everyone else.  He held the torch in front of him as he moved to the front of the group, looking at the different paths.

"I'm starting to think that doesn't really matter, Ensign." he responded to Jael, looking at the paths.  He turned to look at her and the rest of the group.

"Its not about which path we choose.  If we try to logic our way out of this we will only serve to block ourselves and hurt our captors.  This is the challenge... Lek said it best.  Its about belief.  We need to accept what we see as real, and trust in that reality.  We obviously look like this for a reason, which means we were changed into something that defies reason.  I noticed that this staff I have seemed.. alive, kind of." he stated, pulling it from his back.

"Like its not a dead piece of tree.  And I swear I heard the hedge respond.  So if I can turn off that scientist in me..." he said, looking back at the paths.  He glanced from each one, listening, for anything.

"That one... we go this way." he stated, picking a direction and walking off.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 15, 2022, 03:51:47 PM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Naturally, both believed that they could get into the maze, literally, had the confidence to do so, and they were in, just like that. All they had to do now was wait for the rest to get in and determine which way to go.

"Okay, Captain, which way do you think would be a good way to go, once everybody's in, of course?" she asked Captain Tekin.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 18, 2022, 08:33:52 AM

[Entering the Labyrinth]

The one thing he never expected was to see Lek acting so... confident... in a non-engineering situation, but before he knew it, the Ferengi was through.  Even more so when the Ferengi announced that there was no mechanical opening, but feeling required.  Believe.  It was starting to make sense.  Nevir started to think more as others made their way through, starting to realize that the key was belief.  The one thing that helped this alien race, and the one thing that was contrary to their standard thinking.  Finally, it was his turn, and the Bajoran actually smiled.  He looked at his staff, unsure of what to do with it, when we saw what looked like vines emanating from it, and before he knew it he was able to hold the staff on his back.  He looked at the hedge, thinking clearly of his goal, and dashed through.  The hedge seemed to open up gently for him, and even help him through completely, before Nevir ended up inside with everyone else.  He held the torch in front of him as he moved to the front of the group, looking at the different paths.

"I'm starting to think that doesn't really matter, Ensign." he responded to Jael, looking at the paths.  He turned to look at her and the rest of the group.

"Its not about which path we choose.  If we try to logic our way out of this we will only serve to block ourselves and hurt our captors.  This is the challenge... Lek said it best.  Its about belief.  We need to accept what we see as real, and trust in that reality.  We obviously look like this for a reason, which means we were changed into something that defies reason.  I noticed that this staff I have seemed.. alive, kind of." he stated, pulling it from his back.

"Like its not a dead piece of tree.  And I swear I heard the hedge respond.  So if I can turn off that scientist in me..." he said, looking back at the paths.  He glanced from each one, listening, for anything.

"That one... we go this way." he stated, picking a direction and walking off.

When it was his time to actually make the attempt at the jumping through the hole in the hedge, Lahr was a bit hesitant.   His speed and mobility were being drastically impacted by the weight of the log at his back.  But if Helga could make it through with her being twice his size currently, then even he should be able to fit.   Or so he hoped.

Lahr backed a few steps, giving himself some space and then charged the hole.   Unlike Lek he didn't need to jump, all he needed to do was dive through - if nothing else momentum alone given the weight of the log (Lahr figured it was closed to a 100 lbs by now) would see him through - and it did.

Unfortunately, the hedge - much like Fae - didn't seem to like his personality and as he dove through, the vines took the opportunity to lash out at him.  The Starfleet uniform that he wore offered little protection against the thorns.  Lahr emerged on the other side of the hedge sporting several bleeding scratches - all of which itched and burned painfully.

Once all were across, the Discovery's Captain made some rather deep comment about the nature of this quest they were on before selecting a direction.   Maybe if Lahr wasn't in so much pain from the thorn scratches, the Andorian would have made more of an effort to pay attention- but then again maybe not, Lahr didn't have the best of attention spans.

As the troupe started out, following after Captain Tekin this time, Lahr hung back to continue his task of rear guard - while discreetly scratching at his minor wounds.

Helga joined the Captain at the head of the troupe, keeping alert for any possible trap or ambush.  There was no way she'd let harm come to the Captain while she was present.

The troupe moved through the Labyrinth unimpeded, following the direction provided by the Captain until they came to stone archway and wooden door that block the path.   Engraved onto the door was a large face with closed eyes.  From the moment the door was in sight, Helga was on high alert.   She was the first to notice the small plaque set to the side of the door that read:  PLEASE KNOCK TWICE.

She pointed this out to the Captain, but urged him to let someone else Knock first.   "Sir, you are far too important to risk if that door is trapped."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 18, 2022, 08:33:52 AM

[Entering the Labyrinth]

The one thing he never expected was to see Lek acting so... confident... in a non-engineering situation, but before he knew it, the Ferengi was through.  Even more so when the Ferengi announced that there was no mechanical opening, but feeling required.  Believe.  It was starting to make sense.  Nevir started to think more as others made their way through, starting to realize that the key was belief.  The one thing that helped this alien race, and the one thing that was contrary to their standard thinking.  Finally, it was his turn, and the Bajoran actually smiled.  He looked at his staff, unsure of what to do with it, when we saw what looked like vines emanating from it, and before he knew it he was able to hold the staff on his back.  He looked at the hedge, thinking clearly of his goal, and dashed through.  The hedge seemed to open up gently for him, and even help him through completely, before Nevir ended up inside with everyone else.  He held the torch in front of him as he moved to the front of the group, looking at the different paths.

"I'm starting to think that doesn't really matter, Ensign." he responded to Jael, looking at the paths.  He turned to look at her and the rest of the group.

"Its not about which path we choose.  If we try to logic our way out of this we will only serve to block ourselves and hurt our captors.  This is the challenge... Lek said it best.  Its about belief.  We need to accept what we see as real, and trust in that reality.  We obviously look like this for a reason, which means we were changed into something that defies reason.  I noticed that this staff I have seemed.. alive, kind of." he stated, pulling it from his back.

"Like its not a dead piece of tree.  And I swear I heard the hedge respond.  So if I can turn off that scientist in me..." he said, looking back at the paths.  He glanced from each one, listening, for anything.

"That one... we go this way." he stated, picking a direction and walking off.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 20, 2022, 12:04:58 AM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

When it was his time to actually make the attempt at the jumping through the hole in the hedge, Lahr was a bit hesitant.   His speed and mobility were being drastically impacted by the weight of the log at his back.  But if Helga could make it through with her being twice his size currently, then even he should be able to fit.   Or so he hoped.

Lahr backed a few steps, giving himself some space and then charged the hole.   Unlike Lek he didn't need to jump, all he needed to do was dive through - if nothing else momentum alone given the weight of the log (Lahr figured it was closed to a 100 lbs by now) would see him through - and it did.

Unfortunately, the hedge - much like Fae - didn't seem to like his personality and as he dove through, the vines took the opportunity to lash out at him.  The Starfleet uniform that he wore offered little protection against the thorns.  Lahr emerged on the other side of the hedge sporting several bleeding scratches - all of which itched and burned painfully.

Once all were across, the Discovery's Captain made some rather deep comment about the nature of this quest they were on before selecting a direction.   Maybe if Lahr wasn't in so much pain from the thorn scratches, the Andorian would have made more of an effort to pay attention- but then again maybe not, Lahr didn't have the best of attention spans.

As the troupe started out, following after Captain Tekin this time, Lahr hung back to continue his task of rear guard - while discreetly scratching at his minor wounds.

Helga joined the Captain at the head of the troupe, keeping alert for any possible trap or ambush.  There was no way she'd let harm come to the Captain while she was present.

The troupe moved through the Labyrinth unimpeded, following the direction provided by the Captain until they came to stone archway and wooden door that block the path.   Engraved onto the door was a large face with closed eyes.  From the moment the door was in sight, Helga was on high alert.   She was the first to notice the small plaque set to the side of the door that read:  PLEASE KNOCK TWICE.

She pointed this out to the Captain, but urged him to let someone else Knock first.   "Sir, you are far too important to risk if that door is trapped."

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

They had gotten past, and so they all followed their leader. Jael and Gid flanked Captain Tekin, almost like they were two prylars escorting a vedek.

Jael got a good look at Captain Tekin as she did so. He seemed more, more stern than Captain Galloway. Then again, maybe the difference between him and Galloway was, aside from their planets of origin, Galloway seemed to have more the sense of adventure, despite his responsibility as a commanding officer. Tekin, meanwhile, seemed a tad cold, maybe calculative...any more than that, and he'd be comparable to Jael's own father, Nehor Sherem, who had quite a reputation as a cunning killer, rivaled only by Krell Moset...small wonder that Sherem was appointed head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, least of all followed the lead of Gul Dukat...

Everybody stopped at the door. Jael was quite surprised at the sight of the door. Now that was quite a detailed face carved in stone...

The Orion/Klingon hybrid began urging Captain Tekin not to knock. Jael had to scoff. "Trapped? Well, I can understand concern for our leader's safety, but then again, it's not impossible..."

She at first thought that it would be quite comparable to a typical Cardassian soldier to presume it was trapped, but on the other hand, considering the vines outside the maze, she'd be a fool not to consider it would be trapped.

"Knock twice," she said, reading the message.

Gid looked at Jael and said, "Only one way to find out. I'll do the knocking." And with that, he knocked on the door twice. Of course, he was ready to move fast in case of a trap...

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Everett Wynters

[Entering the Labyrinth]

Wynters looked at the hole that had been made, and smiled under his helmet for the comment about not wanting to fight a minotaur. In a way, that was what he was for, wasn't it? He watched as everyone else jumped through the hole, listening to what they said about belief that they could make it, before finally jumping through himself. The thorns raked at his armor, but nothing got through. He knew it would hold, he knew it would remain intact, so it did. The hole was wide enough for him to fit through, but only just barely.

As they walked, they came to a stone door. Odd in it's own way, but it made him smile. Stone was real and solid here, something he could examine and look over the stonework. Was it made by hand? With machines? Perhaps something like magic? He pondered all this until he saw the note of 'Please knock twice'. He was about to step forward to know when someone else did so, and now he would simply get ready. If they were lucky, they wouldn't have to fight anything. He would prefer to avoid battles when he could. As the person raised their hand, Wynters moved into position. He was ready to rush, to fight, or to pull someone out of a dangerous situation. He had faith that his armor would protect him, and faith that he was fast enough, but part of him wondered if it would be enough.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

While Lahr kept watch behind them, the others had their attention focused forward towards the stone doorway with its wooden door with a large carved face upon it.   Lahr briefly glanced towards it as well, thinking that there was no way that the door was going to be just an ordinary door... not in this sort of place.

There was a sense of tension in the air as Gid approached the door and those around - Helga and Wynters - tensed, ready for some manner of trap or attack to be sprung.  Even Gid seemed ready to jump back.  Lahr continued to keep watch behind.

Immediately following the double knock, the carved face animated.   It's eyes opened and looked towards Gid, who had knocked.  "Who's there?" it spoke.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 20, 2022, 12:04:58 AM

Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Outside the Labyrinth Hedge]

When it was his time to actually make the attempt at the jumping through the hole in the hedge, Lahr was a bit hesitant.   His speed and mobility were being drastically impacted by the weight of the log at his back.  But if Helga could make it through with her being twice his size currently, then even he should be able to fit.   Or so he hoped.

Lahr backed a few steps, giving himself some space and then charged the hole.   Unlike Lek he didn't need to jump, all he needed to do was dive through - if nothing else momentum alone given the weight of the log (Lahr figured it was closed to a 100 lbs by now) would see him through - and it did.

Unfortunately, the hedge - much like Fae - didn't seem to like his personality and as he dove through, the vines took the opportunity to lash out at him.  The Starfleet uniform that he wore offered little protection against the thorns.  Lahr emerged on the other side of the hedge sporting several bleeding scratches - all of which itched and burned painfully.

Once all were across, the Discovery's Captain made some rather deep comment about the nature of this quest they were on before selecting a direction.   Maybe if Lahr wasn't in so much pain from the thorn scratches, the Andorian would have made more of an effort to pay attention- but then again maybe not, Lahr didn't have the best of attention spans.

As the troupe started out, following after Captain Tekin this time, Lahr hung back to continue his task of rear guard - while discreetly scratching at his minor wounds.

Helga joined the Captain at the head of the troupe, keeping alert for any possible trap or ambush.  There was no way she'd let harm come to the Captain while she was present.

The troupe moved through the Labyrinth unimpeded, following the direction provided by the Captain until they came to stone archway and wooden door that block the path.   Engraved onto the door was a large face with closed eyes.  From the moment the door was in sight, Helga was on high alert.   She was the first to notice the small plaque set to the side of the door that read:  PLEASE KNOCK TWICE.

She pointed this out to the Captain, but urged him to let someone else Knock first.   "Sir, you are far too important to risk if that door is trapped."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 24, 2022, 01:53:28 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

While Lahr kept watch behind them, the others had their attention focused forward towards the stone doorway with its wooden door with a large carved face upon it.   Lahr briefly glanced towards it as well, thinking that there was no way that the door was going to be just an ordinary door... not in this sort of place.

There was a sense of tension in the air as Gid approached the door and those around - Helga and Wynters - tensed, ready for some manner of trap or attack to be sprung.  Even Gid seemed ready to jump back.  Lahr continued to keep watch behind.

Immediately following the double knock, the carved face animated.   It's eyes opened and looked towards Gid, who had knocked.  "Who's there?" it spoke.

[The Labyrinth - Door]

Seeing the door, he instinctively reached for it, or was about to when he was stopped by the green person who was an officer.  He nearly scoffed, however she was a security officer through and through, and there really was no telling what could be here.  He didn't have to think about it, though, as another member of the team decided to take the risk.

Nevir gripped his staff tighter as the door shifted, but seeing a moving face was the last thing he expected.  It was like he was in some sort of children's holodeck program.  But at least this way, this was his time to shine, as it here.

"Greetings, I am Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation Starship Discovery.  We uh... we seek passage through... you."

Jael Sherem

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 24, 2022, 01:53:28 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

While Lahr kept watch behind them, the others had their attention focused forward towards the stone doorway with its wooden door with a large carved face upon it.   Lahr briefly glanced towards it as well, thinking that there was no way that the door was going to be just an ordinary door... not in this sort of place.

There was a sense of tension in the air as Gid approached the door and those around - Helga and Wynters - tensed, ready for some manner of trap or attack to be sprung.  Even Gid seemed ready to jump back.  Lahr continued to keep watch behind.

Immediately following the double knock, the carved face animated.   It's eyes opened and looked towards Gid, who had knocked.  "Who's there?" it spoke.

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Naturally, those closest to the door - Gid, who knocked, and Jael, who was directly behind him - flinched at the sight of the door that immediately came to life.

Suddenly, it began to occur to Jael, once she recovered...two knocks, and the door answers "Who's There?" This better not be a knock-knock joke come to life, Jael thought to herself, setting her jaw.

Jael looked at Gid; after all, he did the knocking, he will be the one to answer, but then Captain Tekin beat him to the punch. Simultaneously, they shrugged; after all, their leader was the one to do the talking, especially now that there was no chance of a trap. They had to grimace a tad at his words, both given that they were more technologically sound, not at all likely to the taste of the realm, and, at the same time, they were both thinking the same thing: The likelihood of the door repeating everything Tekin said and then finishing with "who?" in the typical fashion of a knock-knock joke.

As they awaited an answer, the two adopted siblings flanked Tekin from behind, again, like they were actually two prylars escorting a vedek.

"Pardon for going first, Captain," Gid whispered to him apologetically, "but somebody had to knock, especially just in case it was a trap."

"Well, neither of us may be Security," Jael replied in an equally quiet whisper, "but we all can, at the very least, guarantee your safety."

They especially knew all about away mission protocol, and why it's generally the First Officer who went down, especially for potentially dangerous circumstances. Even then, if it was the Captain joining such an away mission, they...typically thinking in a great-minds-think-alike thing...they were sure that at the very least, the team ought to guarantee the Captain's safety.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[OOC - Apologies for skipping tags, I've been as we call it here 'proper poorly' so I'm just trying to jump in and get on track.]

[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

Ruth was muttering to herself under her breath various knock knock jokes and wondered how many of the non-Earth personnel there would get them.  Jael maybe, Lahr almost certainly because he'd heard most of her jokes before, and probably Captain Tekin because for all that Hrafn was a Trill, she was also half human and spent a lot of time on Earth.  For once she thought it was more fitting for a senior officer not to offer the jokes unless as a last resort to try and get through the door.

Before she knew it more things to do with knocking came into her brain.  Most notably from the Earthen Christian bible.

"I wonder,...'Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.'  It's from the Earth Christian faith's doctrine...  I think that might be more appropriate than the earworm I have... 'Knock Three Times on the ceiling if you're wanting me...' First we don't have a ceiling and second...that was about activities that wouldn't be appropriate here!"

The Commander winked at Lahr and gave him a grin.

"Besides the bible quote... that ties into what I was saying about belief too..." she shrugged in a 'well it might work!' sort of way.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[OOC - Apologies for skipping tags, I've been as we call it here 'proper poorly' so I'm just trying to jump in and get on track.]

[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

Ruth was muttering to herself under her breath various knock knock jokes and wondered how many of the non-Earth personnel there would get them.  Jael maybe, Lahr almost certainly because he'd heard most of her jokes before, and probably Captain Tekin because for all that Hrafn was a Trill, she was also half human and spent a lot of time on Earth.  For once she thought it was more fitting for a senior officer not to offer the jokes unless as a last resort to try and get through the door.

Before she knew it more things to do with knocking came into her brain.  Most notably from the Earthen Christian bible.

"I wonder,...'Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.'  It's from the Earth Christian faith's doctrine...  I think that might be more appropriate than the earworm I have... 'Knock Three Times on the ceiling if you're wanting me...' First we don't have a ceiling and second...that was about activities that wouldn't be appropriate here!"

The Commander winked at Lahr and gave him a grin.

"Besides the bible quote... that ties into what I was saying about belief too..." she shrugged in a 'well it might work!' sort of way.

The door was there, they just had to find a way to get through it now.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 24, 2022, 08:14:43 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Naturally, those closest to the door - Gid, who knocked, and Jael, who was directly behind him - flinched at the sight of the door that immediately came to life.

Suddenly, it began to occur to Jael, once she recovered...two knocks, and the door answers "Who's There?" This better not be a knock-knock joke come to life, Jael thought to herself, setting her jaw.

Jael looked at Gid; after all, he did the knocking, he will be the one to answer, but then Captain Tekin beat him to the punch. Simultaneously, they shrugged; after all, their leader was the one to do the talking, especially now that there was no chance of a trap. They had to grimace a tad at his words, both given that they were more technologically sound, not at all likely to the taste of the realm, and, at the same time, they were both thinking the same thing: The likelihood of the door repeating everything Tekin said and then finishing with "who?" in the typical fashion of a knock-knock joke.

As they awaited an answer, the two adopted siblings flanked Tekin from behind, again, like they were actually two prylars escorting a vedek.

"Pardon for going first, Captain," Gid whispered to him apologetically, "but somebody had to knock, especially just in case it was a trap."

"Well, neither of us may be Security," Jael replied in an equally quiet whisper, "but we all can, at the very least, guarantee your safety."

They especially knew all about away mission protocol, and why it's generally the First Officer who went down, especially for potentially dangerous circumstances. Even then, if it was the Captain joining such an away mission, they...typically thinking in a great-minds-think-alike thing...they were sure that at the very least, the team ought to guarantee the Captain's safety.

"If it comes down to Knock Knock jokes Jael... I've got you covered!"
she said with a smile.  "They are a rather base form of comic amusement on Earth but I know a lot."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Alexander Graham

[inside the labyrinth-the door]

While Alex might have been a pilot or flight control officer he was prepared to defend the captain when the situation arose. There might be a possibility that something that he either learned from stories,training or something that he learned from his family that might be helpful in this situation. He was sure that he could remember some knock knock jokes that he could possibly tell from the past. He was sure that he'll understand any knock knock joke that'll be told. He hadn't read a bible so he was unfamiliar with the particular verse that was sited but eventually he'll probably understand what it means.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 24, 2022, 07:58:51 AM

[The Labyrinth - Door]

Seeing the door, he instinctively reached for it, or was about to when he was stopped by the green person who was an officer.  He nearly scoffed, however she was a security officer through and through, and there really was no telling what could be here.  He didn't have to think about it, though, as another member of the team decided to take the risk.

Nevir gripped his staff tighter as the door shifted, but seeing a moving face was the last thing he expected.  It was like he was in some sort of children's holodeck program.  But at least this way, this was his time to shine, as it here.

"Greetings, I am Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation Starship Discovery.  We uh... we seek passage through... you."

The face on the door blandly looked from Gid to the Captain before tsking.

"That's what you consider worthy of a Nobel prize?"  As it spoke it turned it's gaze to address Gid, not the Captain. tsking again before it blew a raspberry.  Then in a booming voice, declared. "You shall not pass!!"

Lahr, in the back couldn't contain his outburst of laughter.  "Was wondering when one of them would quote that movie"  He was surprised to note that instead of getting heavier, the log at his back felt a bit lighter.

He looked to Ruth having caught her words to Jael earlier.   "I think you're onto something with that Knock Knock joke idea..  Speaking of which."  Lahr grinned, at a thought.  "Did you know that William Shakespeare is accredited with having written the first Knock-Knock scene? In MacBeth.   Can you guess what award that scene won?....  A No Bell prize."

Despite his attempt, the punchline of the joke was a little forced, so Lahr doubted anyone would laugh. But he was trying to get folks into the right mood to get passed this challenge.  This one at least he understood.

Helga scowled at the door after it raspberried the Bajoran Captain. "Try that again, Door, and I'll rip you off your hinges." she threatened with a huff.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 24, 2022, 10:22:18 AM

[OOC - Apologies for skipping tags, I've been as we call it here 'proper poorly' so I'm just trying to jump in and get on track.]

[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

Ruth was muttering to herself under her breath various knock knock jokes and wondered how many of the non-Earth personnel there would get them.  Jael maybe, Lahr almost certainly because he'd heard most of her jokes before, and probably Captain Tekin because for all that Hrafn was a Trill, she was also half human and spent a lot of time on Earth.  For once she thought it was more fitting for a senior officer not to offer the jokes unless as a last resort to try and get through the door.

Before she knew it more things to do with knocking came into her brain.  Most notably from the Earthen Christian bible.

"I wonder,...'Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.'  It's from the Earth Christian faith's doctrine...  I think that might be more appropriate than the earworm I have... 'Knock Three Times on the ceiling if you're wanting me...' First we don't have a ceiling and second...that was about activities that wouldn't be appropriate here!"

The Commander winked at Lahr and gave him a grin.

"Besides the bible quote... that ties into what I was saying about belief too..." she shrugged in a 'well it might work!' sort of way.

The door was there, they just had to find a way to get through it now.

"If it comes down to Knock Knock jokes Jael... I've got you covered!"
she said with a smile.  "They are a rather base form of comic amusement on Earth but I know a lot."
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 25, 2022, 04:06:00 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

The face on the door blandly looked from Gid to the Captain before tsking.

"That's what you consider worthy of a Nobel prize?"  As it spoke it turned it's gaze to address Gid, not the Captain. tsking again before it blew a raspberry.  Then in a booming voice, declared. "You shall not pass!!"

Lahr, in the back couldn't contain his outburst of laughter.  "Was wondering when one of them would quote that movie"  He was surprised to note that instead of getting heavier, the log at his back felt a bit lighter.

He looked to Ruth having caught her words to Jael earlier.   "I think you're onto something with that Knock Knock joke idea..  Speaking of which."  Lahr grinned, at a thought.  "Did you know that William Shakespeare is accredited with having written the first Knock-Knock scene? In MacBeth.   Can you guess what award that scene won?....  A No Bell prize."

Despite his attempt, the punchline of the joke was a little forced, so Lahr doubted anyone would laugh. But he was trying to get folks into the right mood to get passed this challenge.  This one at least he understood.

Helga scowled at the door after it raspberried the Bajoran Captain. "Try that again, Door, and I'll rip you off your hinges." she threatened with a huff.

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael was quite surprised that the door reacting the way it did. Though she turned to make a reassurance to the Orion/Klingon hybrid. "Don't worry, I don't think it'll hurt least not yet," she said.

Jael then looked at Ruth...she wondered if she saw the exchange of glances between her and Gid and correctly interpreted their body language...then she began thinking...and hearing Lahr's logical deduction...

"I think you are on to something, you two," she said. "Looks like we definitely need a knock-knock joke to get through this door."

With that, she knocked exactly twice and when she got the question, she replied, "Annie." She decided to try something simple, something that will prompt the door to end with "Who?" In any case, the "Annie" Knock-Knock joke she and Gid often used, or variations of it, chiefly since they were often locked out of their dormitories or study halls at the Academy and had to answer Knock-Knock jokes. That was how they learned about Knock-Knock jokes, though it was both a bullying way of tormenting them, being Cardassian-based, and at the same time, a way of testing their humor. Both siblings, the first time, not knowing about Knock-Knock jokes, were forced to sleep outside the dormitory halls and the ones who locked them out received a reprimand, but the Knock-Knock jokes persisted, though to take a more humorous light rather than in a spiteful approach, but Jael and Gid were on to them, suspecting the jokes will continue despite the administration, and so they practiced Knock-Knock jokes on each other before they were faced by the "doormen."

And here they were again, only the doorman took the form of an actual door. She hoped it would begin to work...and she also wondered if it was going to be a test of humor on the troupe, particularly on Tekin and the Ferengi.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."



Lek actually chuckled when the door came to life and asked who was knocking, it just served as further evidence that they were not in their home universe. As the others discussed something called 'knock knock' jokes, Lek sighed and said.

"I think you are thinking too much."

He then walked up to the door and knocked twice as it said to do and when it came to life again, Lek added.

"We are on a quest to save this realm, we were sent by King Daegan, we seek passage to continue our quest."

Alt of Ian Galloway

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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