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Season 14: Episode 9: Labyrinth

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 14, 2022, 01:51:34 PM

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Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 25, 2022, 04:06:00 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Inside the Labyrinth - The 'Knock Twice' Door]

The face on the door blandly looked from Gid to the Captain before tsking.

"That's what you consider worthy of a Nobel prize?"  As it spoke it turned it's gaze to address Gid, not the Captain. tsking again before it blew a raspberry.  Then in a booming voice, declared. "You shall not pass!!"

Lahr, in the back couldn't contain his outburst of laughter.  "Was wondering when one of them would quote that movie"  He was surprised to note that instead of getting heavier, the log at his back felt a bit lighter.

He looked to Ruth having caught her words to Jael earlier.   "I think you're onto something with that Knock Knock joke idea..  Speaking of which."  Lahr grinned, at a thought.  "Did you know that William Shakespeare is accredited with having written the first Knock-Knock scene? In MacBeth.   Can you guess what award that scene won?....  A No Bell prize."

Despite his attempt, the punchline of the joke was a little forced, so Lahr doubted anyone would laugh. But he was trying to get folks into the right mood to get passed this challenge.  This one at least he understood.

Helga scowled at the door after it raspberried the Bajoran Captain. "Try that again, Door, and I'll rip you off your hinges." she threatened with a huff.
Labyrinth - Outside the Knock Knock Door]

Ruth rolled her eyes in mock exasperation at Lahr but pursed her lips and groaned.  It wasn't worth a laugh but it was worth a pained groan.

"Petty Officer, you can do much better than that!" she said trying (and failing) to supress a grin.  "I'm not sure threatening it, Crewman Tragnar, is going to do any good, but I second your sentiment! That thing is becoming annoying.  Probably better to let it have what it wants... It's probably board stiff and has to have jokes to cheer it up.  It's a hardwood life being a door. Ok I'll stop now!" she said eyes dancing with merriment. 'ch'Verret you are a bad influence!' she thought to herself, looking his way.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 25, 2022, 08:39:51 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael was quite surprised that the door reacting the way it did. Though she turned to make a reassurance to the Orion/Klingon hybrid. "Don't worry, I don't think it'll hurt least not yet," she said.

Jael then looked at Ruth...she wondered if she saw the exchange of glances between her and Gid and correctly interpreted their body language...then she began thinking...and hearing Lahr's logical deduction...

"I think you are on to something, you two," she said."Looks like we definitely need a knock-knock joke to get through this door."

With that, she knocked exactly twice and when she got the question, she replied, "Annie." She decided to try something simple, something that will prompt the door to end with "Who?" In any case, the "Annie" Knock-Knock joke she and Gid often used, or variations of it, chiefly since they were often locked out of their dormitories or study halls at the Academy and had to answer Knock-Knock jokes. That was how they learned about Knock-Knock jokes, though it was both a bullying way of tormenting them, being Cardassian-based, and at the same time, a way of testing their humor. Both siblings, the first time, not knowing about Knock-Knock jokes, were forced to sleep outside the dormitory halls and the ones who locked them out received a reprimand, but the Knock-Knock jokes persisted, though to take a more humorous light rather than in a spiteful approach, but Jael and Gid were on to them, suspecting the jokes will continue despite the administration, and so they practiced Knock-Knock jokes on each other before they were faced by the "doormen."

And here they were again, only the doorman took the form of an actual door. She hoped it would begin to work...and she also wondered if it was going to be a test of humor on the troupe, particularly on Tekin and the Ferengi.

"Oh that's baaaad, Jael... but good, for this at least!" Ruth smiled at the former counsellor in encouragement.  "For those that don't have one prepared I can probably whisper you one before I go through.  I offer to go through last so everyone has a joke.  Who needs one?  Captain? Mr Lek? Crewman Tragnar?"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Everett Wynters

[Knock Knock Door]

Wynters listened and watched what was going on. When the one known as Ruth mentioned jokes, something sprang to mind and made him smile under his helmet. His grandfather had so many old jokes, held onto from the time in space and the colony travelers and so many more. A simple Knock Knock joke then huh? He chuckled a bit, looking at the door, he waited for his turn to make an attempt.

When his turn did finally roll up, he spoke with a bit a grin. "Knock knock." He waited a moment before speaking the next part. "Justin." If the door responded with 'Justin who', he would step closer and hold out his arms, "Justin time for dinner! Lemme on in!"

It was a corny joke, one his grandfather must had made a million times. He hoped it worked, he hoped a number of things. If this worked, it might help to give the others a chance to make a joke and it would give him a moment to scout the other side and make sure it is safe.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Knock Knock Door]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 27, 2022, 08:53:50 AM

Labyrinth - Outside the Knock Knock Door]

Ruth rolled her eyes in mock exasperation at Lahr but pursed her lips and groaned.  It wasn't worth a laugh but it was worth a pained groan.

"Petty Officer, you can do much better than that!" she said trying (and failing) to supress a grin.  "I'm not sure threatening it, Crewman Tragnar, is going to do any good, but I second your sentiment! That thing is becoming annoying.  Probably better to let it have what it wants... It's probably board stiff and has to have jokes to cheer it up.  It's a hardwood life being a door. Ok I'll stop now!" she said eyes dancing with merriment. 'ch'Verret you are a bad influence!' she thought to herself, looking his way.

Lahr grinned over to Ruth.  "I'm just warming up." he assured her, yet hung back, continuing to play the rearguard and keep look out for anything approaching.   He figured he'd be that last through the door.
Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 25, 2022, 08:39:51 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael was quite surprised that the door reacting the way it did. Though she turned to make a reassurance to the Orion/Klingon hybrid. "Don't worry, I don't think it'll hurt least not yet," she said.

Jael then looked at Ruth...she wondered if she saw the exchange of glances between her and Gid and correctly interpreted their body language...then she began thinking...and hearing Lahr's logical deduction...

"I think you are on to something, you two," she said. "Looks like we definitely need a knock-knock joke to get through this door."

With that, she knocked exactly twice and when she got the question, she replied, "Annie." She decided to try something simple, something that will prompt the door to end with "Who?" In any case, the "Annie" Knock-Knock joke she and Gid often used, or variations of it, chiefly since they were often locked out of their dormitories or study halls at the Academy and had to answer Knock-Knock jokes. That was how they learned about Knock-Knock jokes, though it was both a bullying way of tormenting them, being Cardassian-based, and at the same time, a way of testing their humor. Both siblings, the first time, not knowing about Knock-Knock jokes, were forced to sleep outside the dormitory halls and the ones who locked them out received a reprimand, but the Knock-Knock jokes persisted, though to take a more humorous light rather than in a spiteful approach, but Jael and Gid were on to them, suspecting the jokes will continue despite the administration, and so they practiced Knock-Knock jokes on each other before they were faced by the "doormen."

And here they were again, only the doorman took the form of an actual door. She hoped it would begin to work...and she also wondered if it was going to be a test of humor on the troupe, particularly on Tekin and the Ferengi.

At the double knock from Jael, the mouth animated and asked "Who's there?".  Jael's response of Annie, prompted the question "Annie who?"

Lahr found it amusing to see a hopeful and expectant expression on the wooden door's face.

Quote from: Lek on May 25, 2022, 09:09:54 AM


Lek actually chuckled when the door came to life and asked who was knocking, it just served as further evidence that they were not in their home universe. As the others discussed something called 'knock knock' jokes, Lek sighed and said.

"I think you are thinking too much."

He then walked up to the door and knocked twice as it said to do and when it came to life again, Lek added.

"We are on a quest to save this realm, we were sent by King Daegan, we seek passage to continue our quest."

Lek's answer to the door's question of who is there, was apparently not the one expected.  The face frowned at the explanation - whether that was because of the name drop of King Daegan or just because the response wasn't in the form of a Knock Knock joke wasn't clear, but the door face blew a wet raspberry toward the jester dressed Ferengi, getting spittle on those in the vicinity.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 27, 2022, 08:53:50 AM

"Oh that's baaaad, Jael... but good, for this at least!" Ruth smiled at the former counsellor in encouragement.  "For those that don't have one prepared I can probably whisper you one before I go through.  I offer to go through last so everyone has a joke.  Who needs one?  Captain? Mr Lek? Crewman Tragnar?"

Helga, being half-human and raised on Earth, was well aware of Knock-knock jokes... she just wasn't fond of them, or of this door.   That first impression didn't improve then Lek got raspberried.  "Are you sure you don't want me to just kick the door down?" she asked looking between the Captain, the Commander and Lek.
Quote from: Everett Wynters on May 28, 2022, 09:35:23 PM

[Knock Knock Door]

Wynters listened and watched what was going on. When the one known as Ruth mentioned jokes, something sprang to mind and made him smile under his helmet. His grandfather had so many old jokes, held onto from the time in space and the colony travelers and so many more. A simple Knock Knock joke then huh? He chuckled a bit, looking at the door, he waited for his turn to make an attempt.

When his turn did finally roll up, he spoke with a bit a grin. "Knock knock." He waited a moment before speaking the next part. "Justin." If the door responded with 'Justin who', he would step closer and hold out his arms, "Justin time for dinner! Lemme on in!"

It was a corny joke, one his grandfather must had made a million times. He hoped it worked, he hoped a number of things. If this worked, it might help to give the others a chance to make a joke and it would give him a moment to scout the other side and make sure it is safe.

The wood carved face began to guffaw and the door lock gave an audible 'clunk' as the door unlocked and moments later swung open for Wynters.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Everett Wynters on May 28, 2022, 09:35:23 PM

[Knock Knock Door]

Wynters listened and watched what was going on. When the one known as Ruth mentioned jokes, something sprang to mind and made him smile under his helmet. His grandfather had so many old jokes, held onto from the time in space and the colony travelers and so many more. A simple Knock Knock joke then huh? He chuckled a bit, looking at the door, he waited for his turn to make an attempt.

When his turn did finally roll up, he spoke with a bit a grin. "Knock knock." He waited a moment before speaking the next part. "Justin." If the door responded with 'Justin who', he would step closer and hold out his arms, "Justin time for dinner! Lemme on in!"

It was a corny joke, one his grandfather must had made a million times. He hoped it worked, he hoped a number of things. If this worked, it might help to give the others a chance to make a joke and it would give him a moment to scout the other side and make sure it is safe.

[Knock Knock Door]

Ruth groaned in appreciation of Wynters joke.  Like most of this particular genre of humour, it was more groansome than funny, but it would do the trick!  "Nice one Wynters!" she said with a grin.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2022, 02:10:02 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Knock Knock Door]

Lahr grinned over to Ruth.  "I'm just warming up." he assured her, yet hung back, continuing to play the rearguard and keep look out for anything approaching.   He figured he'd be that last through the door.

"Don't I know it!" she grinned back.  "It's also the reason I didn't offer you a joke... you have enough mirth for the lot of us!..and more to spare!"
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2022, 02:10:02 AM

At the double knock from Jael, the mouth animated and asked "Who's there?".  Jael's response of Annie, prompted the question "Annie who?"

Lahr found it amusing to see a hopeful and expectant expression on the wooden door's face.

The Commander waited... she wasn't quite sure where the 'Annie' bit was going but the door looked interested so that was promising.
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2022, 02:10:02 AM

Lek's answer to the door's question of who is there, was apparently not the one expected.  The face frowned at the explanation - whether that was because of the name drop of King Daegan or just because the response wasn't in the form of a Knock Knock joke wasn't clear, but the door face blew a wet raspberry toward the jester dressed Ferengi, getting spittle on those in the vicinity.

"Ugh, door spittle was not what I wanted as face cream!" she exclaimed and took a few steps back hoping that it would be enough to be out of range.
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2022, 02:10:02 AM

Helga, being half-human and raised on Earth, was well aware of Knock-knock jokes... she just wasn't fond of them, or of this door.   That first impression didn't improve then Lek got raspberried.  "Are you sure you don't want me to just kick the door down?" she asked looking between the Captain, the Commander and Lek.

"Trust me, Crewman, at the moment that is a very tempting offer, but I think, given it's reaction to Mr. Lek, I dread to think what it might hurl at us if you did, and..."
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2022, 02:10:02 AM

The wood carved face began to guffaw and the door lock gave an audible 'clunk' as the door unlocked and moments later swung open for Wynters.

"...well that about proves it.  I was going to say that we have to play by its rules and that violence isn't always the answer so... give it your best Knock Knock and we'll all get thru safely."

She gave a look to Lahr, who had seemingly decided he was being the rearguard on this whole episode, well if he was waiting she was waiting with him.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."


Quote from: Everett Wynters on May 28, 2022, 09:35:23 PM

[Knock Knock Door]

Wynters listened and watched what was going on. When the one known as Ruth mentioned jokes, something sprang to mind and made him smile under his helmet. His grandfather had so many old jokes, held onto from the time in space and the colony travelers and so many more. A simple Knock Knock joke then huh? He chuckled a bit, looking at the door, he waited for his turn to make an attempt.

When his turn did finally roll up, he spoke with a bit a grin. "Knock knock." He waited a moment before speaking the next part. "Justin." If the door responded with 'Justin who', he would step closer and hold out his arms, "Justin time for dinner! Lemme on in!"

It was a corny joke, one his grandfather must had made a million times. He hoped it worked, he hoped a number of things. If this worked, it might help to give the others a chance to make a joke and it would give him a moment to scout the other side and make sure it is safe.


Lek stared open mouthed at the door's refusal to let them pass and was even more dumbfounded that Wynter's 'joke' worked. Especially as Lek was struggling to find how this sort of humor was considered funny. He shook his head and simply said.


Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2022, 02:10:02 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Knock Knock Door]

Lahr grinned over to Ruth.  "I'm just warming up." he assured her, yet hung back, continuing to play the rearguard and keep look out for anything approaching.   He figured he'd be that last through the door.

At the double knock from Jael, the mouth animated and asked "Who's there?".  Jael's response of Annie, prompted the question "Annie who?"

Lahr found it amusing to see a hopeful and expectant expression on the wooden door's face.

Lek's answer to the door's question of who is there, was apparently not the one expected.  The face frowned at the explanation - whether that was because of the name drop of King Daegan or just because the response wasn't in the form of a Knock Knock joke wasn't clear, but the door face blew a wet raspberry toward the jester dressed Ferengi, getting spittle on those in the vicinity.

Helga, being half-human and raised on Earth, was well aware of Knock-knock jokes... she just wasn't fond of them, or of this door.   That first impression didn't improve then Lek got raspberried.  "Are you sure you don't want me to just kick the door down?" she asked looking between the Captain, the Commander and Lek.

The wood carved face began to guffaw and the door lock gave an audible 'clunk' as the door unlocked and moments later swung open for Wynters.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 29, 2022, 09:38:02 AM

[Knock Knock Door]

Ruth groaned in appreciation of Wynters joke.  Like most of this particular genre of humour, it was more groansome than funny, but it would do the trick!  "Nice one Wynters!" she said with a grin.

"Don't I know it!" she grinned back.  "It's also the reason I didn't offer you a joke... you have enough mirth for the lot of us!..and more to spare!"

The Commander waited... she wasn't quite sure where the 'Annie' bit was going but the door looked interested so that was promising.

"Ugh, door spittle was not what I wanted as face cream!" she exclaimed and took a few steps back hoping that it would be enough to be out of range.

"Trust me, Crewman, at the moment that is a very tempting offer, but I think, given it's reaction to Mr. Lek, I dread to think what it might hurl at us if you did, and..."

"...well that about proves it.  I was going to say that we have to play by its rules and that violence isn't always the answer so... give it your best Knock Knock and we'll all get thru safely."

She gave a look to Lahr, who had seemingly decided he was being the rearguard on this whole episode, well if he was waiting she was waiting with him.

Quote from: Lek on May 30, 2022, 10:21:19 AM


Lek stared open mouthed at the door's refusal to let them pass and was even more dumbfounded that Wynter's 'joke' worked. Especially as Lek was struggling to find how this sort of humor was considered funny. He shook his head and simply said.


[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael smiled and could see it working. "Annie way you can let me in?" And to her surprise, she was admitted in. Gid made a similar one ("Lettuce in, please") and was admitted similarly. Fortunately, one of the humans, Wynters, was with them.

Jael could hear the Ferengi's reply and called to him, "Hey, given my brother and I lived on Earth for a long time, we know plenty of human jokes. And understand them as well."

So they waited for the rest of the troupe to come up with knock-knock jokes of their own, because it's obvious that it was the way to get in. Jael hoped they could figure jokes of their own to get in. The Klingon/Orion hybrid was certainly not helping things with threats.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret (aka DJ Lahr)
[Knock Knock Door]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 29, 2022, 09:38:02 AM

[Knock Knock Door]

Ruth groaned in appreciation of Wynters joke.  Like most of this particular genre of humour, it was more groansome than funny, but it would do the trick!  "Nice one Wynters!" she said with a grin.

"Don't I know it!" she grinned back.  "It's also the reason I didn't offer you a joke... you have enough mirth for the lot of us!..and more to spare!"

The Commander waited... she wasn't quite sure where the 'Annie' bit was going but the door looked interested so that was promising.

"Ugh, door spittle was not what I wanted as face cream!" she exclaimed and took a few steps back hoping that it would be enough to be out of range.

"Trust me, Crewman, at the moment that is a very tempting offer, but I think, given it's reaction to Mr. Lek, I dread to think what it might hurl at us if you did, and..."

"...well that about proves it.  I was going to say that we have to play by its rules and that violence isn't always the answer so... give it your best Knock Knock and we'll all get thru safely."

She gave a look to Lahr, who had seemingly decided he was being the rearguard on this whole episode, well if he was waiting she was waiting with him.

That Ruth groaned at his joke had him smiling. He was quite proud that she thought so highly of his comedic personality.
Quote from: Lek on May 30, 2022, 10:21:19 AM


Lek stared open mouthed at the door's refusal to let them pass and was even more dumbfounded that Wynter's 'joke' worked. Especially as Lek was struggling to find how this sort of humor was considered funny. He shook his head and simply said.


Hearing Lek's single disparaging word, Lahr could see that the Ferengi was having trouble with the concept of the Knock Knock joke. "Need a explanation of what a knock knock joke is, sir?"  Lahr quipped.  He was enjoying this.  For once, his log wasn't getting heavier by the minute... in fact it seemed lighter to him.

Fortunately for Lek he wasn't carrying any logs or a torch, they would be giving him issue right now if he had.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 31, 2022, 09:36:18 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael smiled and could see it working. "Annie way you can let me in?" And to her surprise, she was admitted in. Gid made a similar one ("Lettuce in, please") and was admitted similarly. Fortunately, one of the humans, Wynters, was with them.

Jael could hear the Ferengi's reply and called to him, "Hey, given my brother and I lived on Earth for a long time, we know plenty of human jokes. And understand them as well."

So they waited for the rest of the troupe to come up with knock-knock jokes of their own, because it's obvious that it was the way to get in. Jael hoped they could figure jokes of their own to get in. The Klingon/Orion hybrid was certainly not helping things with threats.

Despite Helga's offer to tear the door off its hinges, she knew the Captain wouldn't go for such a solution.  Being half human, raised on Earth, she was quite familiar knock-knock jokes.  Her father had used to tell them to her and her friends at her birthday parties.  His jokes were lame and she had used to cringe it was so embarrassing.

Hearing Lahr's comment to Lek, Helga looked over to her mate wondering if really needed help or if he was just grousing about having to lower his comedic standards to human level.

"Back off Lahr, I got this."  Leaving the Captain to make his own way through the Knock knock door, Helga went over to Lek and motioned him towards the door,   "I'll get you through.  Go ahead and knock on the door... I'll prompt you for what to say."   

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tekin Nevir

[Labyrinth - Door]

With the door obviously not happy and the number of voices, the door finally shouted for everyone to leave him alone.  That ended up shutting up the group, with Lahr being the last voice talking to the Captain.  Nevir looked around him, and then nodded.

"I... I think I understand.  Let me try this..." he said, walking up and knocking twice on the door.

"Who's there?!" the face on the door stated, now clearly annoyed.

"Nevir." the Captain answer, and the door gave a look of disgust.  With an exasperated sigh, the door shook his head.

"Fine.. fine... Nevir who?" it responded, clearly unimpressed.

The Captain gave a small sigh and a smile.  "Nevir mind who. We're expected inside."

The door looked at him weirdly, and then snorted.  "Thats at least a new one, I will give you that." it stated, as a click was heard and the door opened.

The Captain lead the way torch first into the room, where it opened to a straw filed room with beds and an ancient spinning wheel currently in the process of spinning straw into gold wire.  And in each of the beds laid a Romulan crewman, poised with a bouquet of flowers in their hands like a princess from a fairy tale.

"Well... I think we found the missing crewmen..." the Captain said, as he surveyed the room.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 01, 2022, 08:46:11 AM

[Labyrinth - Door]

With the door obviously not happy and the number of voices, the door finally shouted for everyone to leave him alone.  That ended up shutting up the group, with Lahr being the last voice talking to the Captain.  Nevir looked around him, and then nodded.

"I... I think I understand.  Let me try this..." he said, walking up and knocking twice on the door.

"Who's there?!" the face on the door stated, now clearly annoyed.

"Nevir." the Captain answer, and the door gave a look of disgust.  With an exasperated sigh, the door shook his head.

"Fine.. fine... Nevir who?" it responded, clearly unimpressed.

The Captain gave a small sigh and a smile.  "Nevir mind who. We're expected inside."

The door looked at him weirdly, and then snorted.  "Thats at least a new one, I will give you that." it stated, as a click was heard and the door opened.

The Captain lead the way torch first into the room, where it opened to a straw filed room with beds and an ancient spinning wheel currently in the process of spinning straw into gold wire.  And in each of the beds laid a Romulan crewman, poised with a bouquet of flowers in their hands like a princess from a fairy tale.

"Well... I think we found the missing crewmen..." the Captain said, as he surveyed the room.

[Labryrinth - Knock Knock Door]

Ruth let out an audible groan like she was actually in physical pain at the Captain's joke.  "Lahr, I think the Captain has you licked on this one, tho that might be unhygienic!" she said with a bemused grimace. "Gonna take a lot to top that!"

Ruth looked at Lahr "I'm getting sick of this... My turn."

She walked up to the door like someone who meant business and rapped smartly on it with two sharp knocks.

"Here, missy be gentle.. I mean Who's There?"

"Olive!" Ruth stated flatly waiting for the door to answer.

It sighed but the markings in the door looked like they formed a quizzical eyebrow like 'OK this wone might be a rarer one too.' "Olive who?"

The Challenger's CSO looked over with her eyes full of love and a certain 'je ne sais pas' and promise of ' When I get you back to the Challenger...."Olive you and I don't care who knows it!"

"Why thank you, young..." the door began.  Then saw where she was looking.  "Oh right not me.  For that you can tell me another!"

Ruth sighed and rolled her eyes at the peeved door.  "I'll just say Knock, Knock rather than you getting your knocker in a twist about me knocking too hard!"

The door remained silent.  "Well go on, oh... you're waiting for me to say it? Knock, Knock!" she said rather laboriously in a bored stiff sort of voice.

Echoing her bored tone, the door answered "Who's.. There...*sigh*"


"Carmen who?"

"Carmen let me in already!"

"I asked for that one!" the door said, swinging open, and you could almost hear the shrug in it's voice.

Ruth took one last look at Lahr and mouthed 'See you on the other side'"Good luck you two, Helga, Lahr.. .you've got this!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Knock Knock Door]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 01, 2022, 08:46:11 AM

[Labyrinth - Door]

With the door obviously not happy and the number of voices, the door finally shouted for everyone to leave him alone.  That ended up shutting up the group, with Lahr being the last voice talking to the Captain.  Nevir looked around him, and then nodded.

"I... I think I understand.  Let me try this..." he said, walking up and knocking twice on the door.

"Who's there?!" the face on the door stated, now clearly annoyed.

"Nevir." the Captain answer, and the door gave a look of disgust.  With an exasperated sigh, the door shook his head.

"Fine.. fine... Nevir who?" it responded, clearly unimpressed.

The Captain gave a small sigh and a smile.  "Nevir mind who. We're expected inside."

The door looked at him weirdly, and then snorted.  "Thats at least a new one, I will give you that." it stated, as a click was heard and the door opened.

When the Captain answered the 'Who's there?' question with his given name Nevir... Lahr dropped his head and facepalmed, thinking the Bajoran Captain hadn't understood the concept like he thought he had.

But then the Discovery's Captain responded back to the 'Nevir who?' so perfectly, that Lahr's head lifted displaying a wide smile.  He laughed, appreciating the pun all the more for it's unexpectedness.

Then it was Ruths' turn....

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 01, 2022, 12:05:14 PM

[Labryrinth - Knock Knock Door]

Ruth let out an audible groan like she was actually in physical pain at the Captain's joke.  "Lahr, I think the Captain has you licked on this one, tho that might be unhygienic!" she said with a bemused grimace. "Gonna take a lot to top that!"

Ruth looked at Lahr "I'm getting sick of this... My turn."

She walked up to the door like someone who meant business and rapped smartly on it with two sharp knocks.

"Here, missy be gentle.. I mean Who's There?"

"Olive!" Ruth stated flatly waiting for the door to answer.

It sighed but the markings in the door looked like they formed a quizzical eyebrow like 'OK this wone might be a rarer one too.' "Olive who?"

The Challenger's CSO looked over with her eyes full of love and a certain 'je ne sais pas' and promise of ' When I get you back to the Challenger...."Olive you and I don't care who knows it!"

"Why thank you, young..." the door began.  Then saw where she was looking.  "Oh right not me.  For that you can tell me another!"

Ruth sighed and rolled her eyes at the peeved door.  "I'll just say Knock, Knock rather than you getting your knocker in a twist about me knocking too hard!"

The door remained silent.  "Well go on, oh... you're waiting for me to say it? Knock, Knock!" she said rather laboriously in a bored stiff sort of voice.

Echoing her bored tone, the door answered "Who's.. There...*sigh*"


"Carmen who?"

"Carmen let me in already!"

"I asked for that one!" the door said, swinging open, and you could almost hear the shrug in it's voice.

Ruth took one last look at Lahr and mouthed 'See you on the other side'"Good luck you two, Helga, Lahr.. .you've got this!"

Lahr gave an little head up-nod towards Ruth when she looked at him and declared her love.

"Olive you too."

There were still several people left so Lahr continued to wait.  Seeing Helga approach the door and direct Lek on what to say, Lahr listened in.

"When it asks Who's there.. you're gonna answer 'Khan'..."
Helga paused a moment there, watching - waiting for indication that Lek had a clue where this pun was going.  "Khan sounds like 'Can'... so when the door replies back 'Khan who?'... You'll respond back with a question of your own beginning with Khan...  makes sense?"

What Helga didn't realize, was that while she was explaining the process of the knock knock joke, her trollish features were fading from her.

"Give it a go."

Only after Lek had made it safely across would Helga approach the door herself and knock twice.

She answered "Dora" in answer to its 'Who's there?' query.

Helga grinned toothily when it asked 'Dora who?'  and responded "Dora better open, or I'll-a open it myself" with a bit of an Italian thug accent.

The door chuckled.  "Your pun is terrible but you made up for it with the accent." and the door opened for her.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 01, 2022, 08:46:11 AM

The Captain lead the way torch first into the room, where it opened to a straw filed room with beds and an ancient spinning wheel currently in the process of spinning straw into gold wire.  And in each of the beds laid a Romulan crewman, poised with a bouquet of flowers in their hands like a princess from a fairy tale.

"Well... I think we found the missing crewmen..." the Captain said, as he surveyed the room.

Once across, Helga followed closely after the Captain keeping alert watch for any potential danger.   At the sight of the Romulans, Helga immediately moved in front of the Captain to act as his shield... but that selfless action seemed unnecessary when it appeared that the Romulans were asleep.

She glanced about a moment.. grimacing at the realization that she, Jael and the Commander were the only females in the bunch.  "I hope you're not expecting us to kiss them awake?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 01, 2022, 08:46:11 AM

[Labyrinth - Door]

With the door obviously not happy and the number of voices, the door finally shouted for everyone to leave him alone.  That ended up shutting up the group, with Lahr being the last voice talking to the Captain.  Nevir looked around him, and then nodded.

"I... I think I understand.  Let me try this..." he said, walking up and knocking twice on the door.

"Who's there?!" the face on the door stated, now clearly annoyed.

"Nevir." the Captain answer, and the door gave a look of disgust.  With an exasperated sigh, the door shook his head.

"Fine.. fine... Nevir who?" it responded, clearly unimpressed.

The Captain gave a small sigh and a smile.  "Nevir mind who. We're expected inside."

The door looked at him weirdly, and then snorted.  "Thats at least a new one, I will give you that." it stated, as a click was heard and the door opened.

The Captain lead the way torch first into the room, where it opened to a straw filed room with beds and an ancient spinning wheel currently in the process of spinning straw into gold wire.  And in each of the beds laid a Romulan crewman, poised with a bouquet of flowers in their hands like a princess from a fairy tale.

"Well... I think we found the missing crewmen..." the Captain said, as he surveyed the room.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on June 02, 2022, 03:43:02 AM

NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Knock Knock Door]

When the Captain answered the 'Who's there?' question with his given name Nevir... Lahr dropped his head and facepalmed, thinking the Bajoran Captain hadn't understood the concept like he thought he had.

But then the Discovery's Captain responded back to the 'Nevir who?' so perfectly, that Lahr's head lifted displaying a wide smile.  He laughed, appreciating the pun all the more for it's unexpectedness.

Then it was Ruths' turn....

Lahr gave an little head up-nod towards Ruth when she looked at him and declared her love.

"Olive you too."

There were still several people left so Lahr continued to wait.  Seeing Helga approach the door and direct Lek on what to say, Lahr listened in.

"When it asks Who's there.. you're gonna answer 'Khan'..."
Helga paused a moment there, watching - waiting for indication that Lek had a clue where this pun was going.  "Khan sounds like 'Can'... so when the door replies back 'Khan who?'... You'll respond back with a question of your own beginning with Khan...  makes sense?"

What Helga didn't realize, was that while she was explaining the process of the knock knock joke, her trollish features were fading from her.

"Give it a go."

Only after Lek had made it safely across would Helga approach the door herself and knock twice.

She answered "Dora" in answer to its 'Who's there?' query.

Helga grinned toothily when it asked 'Dora who?'  and responded "Dora better open, or I'll-a open it myself" with a bit of an Italian thug accent.

The door chuckled.  "Your pun is terrible but you made up for it with the accent." and the door opened for her.

Once across, Helga followed closely after the Captain keeping alert watch for any potential danger.   At the sight of the Romulans, Helga immediately moved in front of the Captain to act as his shield... but that selfless action seemed unnecessary when it appeared that the Romulans were asleep.

She glanced about a moment.. grimacing at the realization that she and the Commander were the only females in the bunch.  "I hope you're not expecting us to kiss them awake?"

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael had to snicker at Captain Tekin's choice of joke. She began to wonder if he had been given those puns before in the past. Nevir say never, etcetera...

And they were in a room with a spinning wheel and a bunch of sleeping Romulans. Considering the mythical elements of the labyrinth so far, Jael stared ponderously at the spinning wheel. She was roused by the Orion/Klingon hybrid's suggestion and she approached her.

"I don't think it's that easy," said Jael. "Besides, look at that spinning wheel. I do recall an Earth fairy tale about an imp who did something what that wheel is doing now: spinning gold. He was helping a poor captive girl, but he did demand a price, until she exploited a loophole by revealing his name: Rumpelstiltskin. It certainly reminded me of one of the old Bajoran legends, it was about a Pah-Wraith fooling a poor greedy man by conjuring gold around him...when in fact, there wasn't, and it took a Prophet to shatter the illusion. Another favorite bedtime story."

Indeed, the fairy tales from Earth and Bajor were coming back and she looked back at the spinner.

"So this begs the question: Does the spinner have anything to do with this, or what are the other options we have to wake these Romulans...besides the True Love Kiss?"

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


NPC Helga 'the Troll' Tragnar and PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Labyrinth - Spinning Wheel Room]

Quote from: Jael Sherem on June 03, 2022, 08:27:43 AM

[Ensign/Prylar Jael Sherem | Troupe Two | The Labyrinth | The Dreaming]

Jael had to snicker at Captain Tekin's choice of joke. She began to wonder if he had been given those puns before in the past. Nevir say never, etcetera...

And they were in a room with a spinning wheel and a bunch of sleeping Romulans. Considering the mythical elements of the labyrinth so far, Jael stared ponderously at the spinning wheel. She was roused by the Orion/Klingon hybrid's suggestion and she approached her.

"I don't think it's that easy," said Jael. "Besides, look at that spinning wheel. I do recall an Earth fairy tale about an imp who did something what that wheel is doing now: spinning gold. He was helping a poor captive girl, but he did demand a price, until she exploited a loophole by revealing his name: Rumpelstiltskin. It certainly reminded me of one of the old Bajoran legends, it was about a Pah-Wraith fooling a poor greedy man by conjuring gold around him...when in fact, there wasn't, and it took a Prophet to shatter the illusion. Another favorite bedtime story."

Indeed, the fairy tales from Earth and Bajor were coming back and she looked back at the spinner.

"So this begs the question: Does the spinner have anything to do with this, or what are the other options we have to wake these Romulans...besides the True Love Kiss?"

Helga nodded.   "Yeah it seems like someone is blending fairytales.  So maybe in that case... to wake the sleeping Romulans all we need is for someone to play the role of Goldilocks, and for them  to fall asleep in the bed that is 'just right'?"

Lahr suddenly chuckled recalling a fairytale himself.  "Nope.   What you need is a small pea.. or pebble... and stick it under their mattresses.   Trust me.  That'll work."

Helga caught on to the Princess and the Pea reference.  "Lahr, I hate to say this but you're a genius."

While she didn't have a pea, Helga realized her 'costume' did have beaded necklace.  She reached for this and tore it from around her neck... several beads and canines falling about the floor.   Still more remained in her hand, and it was these that she set about placing under each of the sleeping Romulan's mattresses.

Then she waited.  It wasn't long before the first of the Romulans began to stir.

Lahr and Helga both suspected that the Romulans might be a little testy - waking up to find themselves lost in the middle of a labyrinth of hedges.  Both former sec/tac crewmen prepared to fend off any aggressive actions the Romulans might take.

Yet before it came down to that the entire room grew with shadows that slithered forward and engulfed Lahr, Helga and the others.


Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant jg Danjar-Torra Addams (aka Torra the Torchbearer)
[Center of the Labyrinth - Troupe 1]

When the smoke dissipated Torra found herself, and the others from both troupes, standing on the dias, in the Fae hall where they had originally started off from.   She looked about the hall.  The bulk of the two ships crew of were beginning to stir from an apparent slumber.  She noted the Shadow King seated upon his throne being attended by a flurry of goblins who offered him what looked like platters of rotted meat.

The King looked up from his selection of these and waved off the gobins as stood up to greet the adventurers.

"Welcome back, mortal firebrandsss!  Your quessst was a sssuccesss!  Congratulationsss!"  The King walked the line of volunteers, as he continued to speak.  His voice ever a whispered hiss... that somehow was clearly audible. "You learned the power of imagination - sssome more than othersss.   Sssome of you even managed to locate the Glamour thievesss... what did you call them again? Romulansss?"

Torra glanced about looking for said Romulan... but hall was teeming with people moving about now.  "Where are they?" she wondered quietly to herself.  The King however, despite being at the opposite end, must have heard for he spoke in answer.  "I've sssent the Romulanss to their ship already.. and have dropped it outside of the Mists."

The King then strode towards the two Captains, who in the line-up were side by side.  "Thank you for relighting the Balefire. Now, while I do enjoy a good ccelebratory party, your crews' overall presssencsse is still far too banal for you to remain.  It's time for you to go."

With a flourish, the Shadow King pulled out his deck of cards and began to shuffle them.  As he shuffled the entire deck began to glow, brighter and brighter until it was too bright to look at. Torra, squinting against the brightness had to close her eyes; but even then the brightness seeped into her eyes and she was forced to turn her head away.


The light was intensely bright; so bright that when it died away it took a moment for Torra's eyes to readjust to the dim lighting on the Bridge.   The Bridge?    Torra glanced about in confusion -- where were they?  What had just happened?   She checked her console and discovered that the Discovery was drifting outside the T'Karr nebula, and that the flash that they had just witnessed had been the birth of a new star within the nebula.   While Torra hadn't been able to keep watch the ship's sensors had captured it beautifully.

Torra's sensor readings also noted a pocket of temporal instability close to where all three ships had emerged from the nebula.   That explained a lot of things; like why Challenger had been sent to the nebula to find Discovery, and why all three crews didn't have very clear memories of what happened within.
Torra checked the status of the Romulan ship that had just been released from their tractor beam.  "Romulan ship is released and under her own power now sir." Torra announced.   She paused a moment as an incoming transmission was received.  She listened.   "The Romulan freighter Captain extends his gratitude to the Discovery and her Captain for the assistance and says that he owes us a drink, if ever we change our minds about accepting his offer to a case of Romulan ale."

Another incoming message this time from Challenger.  Torra smiled at hearing Lahr's charming voice.  The Grazerite looked over her shoulder towards Captain Tekin.  "Challenger thanks us for the 'light show' and their new first officer, but say they've just received orders to head back to Federation territory.  They'll be leaving soon."

Torra glanced over towards the Security/Tactical station and was saddened by the lack of her friend.    Nira had received orders to transfer over to Challenger as their XO shortly after their 'awakening'.  Don was missing.   Oddly, while Torra of course was concerned about his absence, something inside told her he was safe and merely on a journey of his own choosing.   Torra didn't know how she knew this, but she accepted it.   Her husband would return to her when he was ready.  Until then, Torra would explore and experience the wonder of space enough for the both of them.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on June 04, 2022, 08:31:35 PM

Lieutenant jg Danjar-Torra Addams (aka Torra the Torchbearer)
[Center of the Labyrinth - Troupe 1]

Hearing the declaration that another of their troupe passed, Torra looked over towards their newest troupe member.   Unlike many others, he hadn't appeared as anything other than himself it seemed.  Torra wondered if that was because he lacked the imagination for it?  Or if because he was new he was reluctant to share his dreamself to his troupe mates?

The Grazerite offered the blond ensign a warm smile and dipped her horned head in congratulations.  "Well done, McNair"  She knew his name because she'd heard his responses to the old man's questions.  He must be from Challenger; Torra knew all the personnel on Discovery - she made it a point to welcome each new member of her upsol.  At one point in time Challenger had been her home, so she still felt an affinity for the ship's crew and considered most part of her family.

Buck's comment about his adrenaline levels earned an understanding chuckle though she didn't comment on it aloud.  It was only when he questioned about what to do if the Balefire didn't light that Torra spoke.  "That won't happen.  The Balefire will light if we all believe.  We've made it this far... it will light! Trust the your troupe-mates."

With the completion of their quest so close at hand, Torra supposed that her time with Captain Galloway was coming to an end as well.  Unless...

Torra was saddened that Don had been whisked away.  She'd been hoping to talk to him about the possibility of her transferring sooner than they had originally discussed, but it seemed she'd have to talk to him another time.   Wherever he was, she hoped he was okay.

Torra's thoughts about Don were cut short when Nira called to her.  Torra blinked in confusion a bit.  Her torch was already in the pit, now no more than a log.  She didn't know if it mattered who lit the Balefire, but she suggested they go at the same time.

At Zhukdra'shar's words of thanks, Torra smiled again to the Caitian, and watched as he placed his log into the pit as well.  Three logs... four once Gohun placed his.   The fire would be a good one, she was certain.

Torra didn't know why but she knew that the fire would light better if all the troupe members stood in a easy circle around the firepit.   She motioned the others to take up position.  "Circle up." she encouraged.  "And be light of heart! Think of things that bring joy and wonder."

For Torra that was morning dew on the grassy hills of her home on Vacca III.  She pictured that in her mind, recalling the smell of the plants and flowers.  She even tried to picture one of tiny flying fae - pixies, she thinks they are called - fluttering along the meadow much like she had often watched butterflies.

Fixing this in her mind, Torra watched then as their two remaining torchbearers brought their torches to the base of the fire.

The Grazerite had suggested earlier that it might take some time for the logs to catch; and it seemed at first Torra was correct.  Then after thirty seconds, the first log took flame.  It burned strong yet didn't give off any heat.  Within a minute all the logs were burning.

Torra clapped her hands joyfully.   "We did it!"  She leaned over to give Nira and Savar embrace, yet before she could do shadowy smoke suddenly engulfed the entire troupe.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on June 05, 2022, 03:43:47 AM

Lieutenant jg Danjar-Torra Addams (aka Torra the Torchbearer)
[Center of the Labyrinth - Troupe 1]

When the smoke dissipated Torra found herself, and the others from both troupes, standing on the dias, in the Fae hall where they had originally started off from.   She looked about the hall.  The bulk of the two ships crew of were beginning to stir from an apparent slumber.  She noted the Shadow King seated upon his throne being attended by a flurry of goblins who offered him what looked like platters of rotted meat.

The King looked up from his selection of these and waved off the gobins as stood up to greet the adventurers.

"Welcome back, mortal firebrandsss!  Your quessst was a sssuccesss!  Congratulationsss!"  The King walked the line of volunteers, as he continued to speak.  His voice ever a whispered hiss... that somehow was clearly audible. "You learned the power of imagination - sssome more than othersss.   Sssome of you even managed to locate the Glamour thievesss... what did you call them again? Romulansss?"

Torra glanced about looking for said Romulan... but hall was teeming with people moving about now.  "Where are they?" she wondered quietly to herself.  The King however, despite being at the opposite end, must have heard for he spoke in answer.  "I've sssent the Romulanss to their ship already.. and have dropped it outside of the Mists."

The King then strode towards the two Captains, who in the line-up were side by side.  "Thank you for relighting the Balefire. Now, while I do enjoy a good ccelebratory party, your crews' overall presssencsse is still far too banal for you to remain.  It's time for you to go."

With a flourish, the Shadow King pulled out his deck of cards and began to shuffle them.  As he shuffled the entire deck began to glow, brighter and brighter until it was too bright to look at. Torra, squinting against the brightness had to close her eyes; but even then the brightness seeped into her eyes and she was forced to turn her head away.


The light was intensely bright; so bright that when it died away it took a moment for Torra's eyes to readjust to the dim lighting on the Bridge.   The Bridge?    Torra glanced about in confusion -- where were they?  What had just happened?   She checked her console and discovered that the Discovery was drifting outside the T'Karr nebula, and that the flash that they had just witnessed had been the birth of a new star within the nebula.   While Torra hadn't been able to keep watch the ship's sensors had captured it beautifully.

Torra's sensor readings also noted a pocket of temporal instability close to where all three ships had emerged from the nebula.   That explained a lot of things; like why Challenger had been sent to the nebula to find Discovery, and why all three crews didn't have very clear memories of what happened within.
Torra checked the status of the Romulan ship that had just been released from their tractor beam.  "Romulan ship is released and under her own power now sir." Torra announced.   She paused a moment as an incoming transmission was received.  She listened.   "The Romulan freighter Captain extends his gratitude to the Discovery and her Captain for the assistance and says that he owes us a drink, if ever we change our minds about accepting his offer to a case of Romulan ale."

Another incoming message this time from Challenger.  Torra smiled at hearing Lahr's charming voice.  The Grazerite looked over her shoulder towards Captain Tekin.  "Challenger thanks us for the 'light show' and their new first officer, but say they've just received orders to head back to Federation territory.  They'll be leaving soon."

Torra glanced over towards the Security/Tactical station and was saddened by the lack of her friend.    Nira had received orders to transfer over to Challenger as their XO shortly after their 'awakening'.  Don was missing.   Oddly, while Torra of course was concerned about his absence, something inside told her he was safe and merely on a journey of his own choosing.   Torra didn't know how she knew this, but she accepted it.   Her husband would return to her when he was ready.  Until then, Torra would explore and experience the wonder of space enough for the both of them.

[Nira the Sanddancer | Labyrinth >- Fae Hall | Realm of the Fae]

With that, the torchbearers lit the logs, and in a matter of time, the fire was lit. Nira smiled joyfully and was ready for Torra's embrace when they were brought back to the Fae Hall. She took in the Shadow King and did want momentarily to speak to him about the Ifrit and his mother Titania, but it was clear that the sooner the three crews (for the Romulans have been discovered) were gone, the better.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

And in a flash, Nira was back on the bridge. With the rest of her crew. And there seemed to be a brightness simultaneously, and she was squinting so much, her eyes were barely open a crack. And then the light faded, and what Nira saw...well, she certainly felt so many flummoxed feelings around here, it was impossible to determine who was making them specifically, and she was certainly feeling flummoxed herself.

A new star had formed in the T'Karr Nebula. And what flummoxed Nira utterly was that Discovery couldn't be this lucky to witness the formation of a star. She wasn't an astronomer, but she was sure that it would take thousands of years for a nebula to create a star.

"It's beautiful," she said aloud. "Surely we can't be this lucky...but..."

She then remembered the Romulans they were supposed to find, the ship mining the materials of the nebula...and there it was, along with an additional Federation first she wondered what an antique Excelsior was doing there, but a closer inspection, and the fact that the Excelsior had Sovereign-style nacelles, and she realized that it was the Challenger...

"Thank Allah we got the Romulans out in time," she said. "But all the same...I'm no astronomer, but surely it takes a matter of millennia for a nebula to make a star..."

She took in Torra's comms. She smiled momentarily at the Romulans' gratitude - she never forgot her first few weeks on Discovery when she and Captain Tekin saved Commander Ralik's life - and scoffed at Captain Galloway's saying "thanks for the new first officer."

"Well," she said with a scoff. "Did it take Captain Galloway Allah knows how many weeks for him to say thanks for having Commander Addams as his First Off..."

But as she looked back at her console, she was in for two surprises: They were gone two months, according to the chronometer. And then she saw a transmission come in for her, and when she pulled it up on holographic display, she gasped in surprise.

"Why, by Allah!" she sputtered. "Captain Tekin? Captain Galloway has sent me...I'm offered the post of First be his First Officer!"

She looked back at the Challenger, long and hard, her surprise turning to shock. And then she looked back at Torra in concern. What happened to Don? Something must have happened to him for him to disappear.

Nira had expected to be offered the post of First Officer for some time, but she certainly wasn't expecting to be offered the post by Discovery's old First Officer.

"Well...something must've happened to call Challenger here," she said, with a hint of pondering aloud. "And I must've made an impression to Captain Galloway..."

She tried to think of what happened the past two months...the last thing she remembered was wandering the multicolored corridors of the old Romulan ship - the ship was that old to still have that decor, despite the styles seen later in the late 24th century - and her memory was fuzzy on the rest. She sat back to take it in and felt oddly stiff on the back. She felt something metal, pulled it before her, and realized it was her mek'leth...she didn't remember bringing it with her...did something happen to warrant Challenger's presence and...she remembered hacking and slashing Borg drones while in a team with then-Commander Galloway...did she somehow save Captain Galloway's life while she helped to save the crew of the Romulan freighter, for she was leading the away team.

"Well...with all due respect, sir," said Nira, "I think I need to report to the Challenger...but I feel there needs to be some things to get done first...I may need a red shirt, for instance..."

She felt a twinge of irony at the comment. A century and a half ago, if she said "I need to put on a red shirt," she would've caused people to turn in shock; she may as well have told them "I'm going to commit suicide." Of course, that was long before the switching of command and operational colors. She once met one of the first Vulcans who was a Security officer and he once mentioned in nostalgia that when he announced he put on a red shirt, his Academy roommates seemed to look at him mournfully.

She looked over at Torra again, but her concern for Don turned to tears. Discovery had, in point of fact, been her home for a long time. In fact, she considered it completely home. The person she was going to miss the most will be Torra. Nira had considered Torra the closest thing she had to a sister. Therefore, she was going to be the person she will miss most. She will especially miss Alex, Lek, Gohun...even Captain Tekin.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room | Deck Eight | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

A few hours later...

The next few hours were a blur to Nira. The promotion ceremony, being given a third darkened pip - for all Nira knew, it was the old one she had had for a long time, it could've come from Athena with her - and finally, Nira became First Officer of the Challenger.

It meant she needed to report to Captain Galloway as soon as possible, which was why she was on her way to the transporter room. But she felt she needed a tour of the ship, a way of saying goodbye. She had her materials and belongings moved to the Challenger, and all that was left was a duffel and her blades. She spent an exceptionally long time at the bridge, looking with nostalgia at her old station before she finally moved to the transporter room, the bridge being the last place for her to take in before she left.

She had to admit, she only ever saw the Challenger once before in her life, and that was when it and Discovery fought side by side against the Wanderers at Katra. She didn't give much thought of its look, other than it was an Excelsior with Sovereign materials. Now that she got a closer look at it, she was cringing at the sight. She had seen some Excelsior-classes at the last starbase, and she was taken by how much of an overhaul the class had gotten. Challenger's class, it looked like somebody intended to make a new starship with the Excelsior framework, then just gave up and stuck to a Sovereign style deflector dish and nacelles and put the rest on an Excelsior.

Still, what made up for it was her slight anticipation of having to work alongside Captain Galloway...and Ruth. She knew Ruth Sigurdsdottir on the Athena, and she was looking forward to serving with her...

Nira had arrived at the transporter room and was surprised to find Savar waiting for her, and he also had a packed bag.

"Savar?" she said. "Well, it's appreciative to be here early to say goodbye..."

She did extend invitations for a farewell at the transporter room, but frankly, she was expecting only Torra, the person of whom she was closest; she wasn't expecting anybody to make time to say goodbye.

"I'm not bidding farewell, Imzadi," said Savar. "I'm coming with you."

"You are?" said Nira, smiling with joy before her eyebrows scrunched to puzzlement.

"Why yes," Savar replied. "I requested a transfer to Challenger's science department when I heard of your promotion. After all, there's no way in hell we're going to be separated, especially since we're getting married someday."

Puzzlement gone, Nira's smile only widened, and she embraced Savar and kissed him.

"I'm glad my Imzadi will be along with me," she said. "Of course, it looks like it'll have to be Captain Galloway who will marry us off instead of Captain Tekin."

"It may be," said Savar with a shrug. "It means a new life, in a way, a new start..."

"Well, it's an old ship," said Nira, "but it's a good place to get used to being First Officer."

And, still delighted in Savar coming with her, she kissed him again, and she didn't care if the transporter chief was watching.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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