S1E4 Diplomatic Channels

Started by Dylan Torngate, August 02, 2017, 10:42:47 PM

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Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: LK Reede on August 11, 2017, 06:26:41 PM

LK gripped her phaser in one hand and placed her left hand on the med kit at her waist. Something was amiss. She could feel... something. Then she heard what her ears had been listening to. Groaning. Hurrying forward, she rounded a corner to find a female Cardassian attempting to sit up.

"Are you injured?" she asked.

The woman placed both hands on either side of her head. "A headache. Must have gotten hit. Might have fell." Suddenly, she looked up to see a Star Fleet uniform in front of her. "Who are you?" she shouted.

"I'm Dr. Reede." LK ran the tricorder over her new patient. "A slight concussion. More like a bump on the noggin. You'll be fine."

=/\= "Acknowledged. On my way." =/\=

A final scan and Reede helped the Cardassian to her feet. "You'll have a headache for a few more minutes but if it doesn't go away, report to your medical center."

Rushing away, LK made it to engineering and was quickly transported back to the Challenger.

Sighing, the doctor got a brief run-down on the situation now taking place. Knowing the female she'd just treated would be in good hands with Dr. Vaughn, LK left for sickbay.

=/\= "Dr. Vaughn, Reede here. I'm headed for sickbay unless you need me in Cargo Bay One." =/\=

Cargo Bay one

Lizzie awaited the transport of the Cardassians when Reede's call came in. She tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to Reede. No need to come to the Cargo bay. Please get yourself checked out, then stay to assist from there. Vaughan out!=/\=

Lizzie replied, figuring it was better to have the younger woman there rather than joining the already large medical team in the cargo bay.

Hopefully there would be no serious injuries that required the Cardassians to be taken to Sickbay as it would be easier for all concerned to keep them contained in the cargo bay.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Martin Jackson

Quote from: Alexander Wu on August 12, 2017, 01:31:02 AM

"Jackson, this is Wu. Start bringing over Karnat's crew now."

=/\="Understood.  I'll start bringing them on-board,"=/\= Jackson answered.  Running on limited power, and dealing with a possibly hostile force, Jackson started transporting the Cardassians into the cargo bay one by one, guided by their life signatures.

LK Reede

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 12, 2017, 04:57:32 AM

Cargo Bay one

=/\=Vaughan to Reede. No need to come to the Cargo bay. Please get yourself checked out, then stay to assist from there. Vaughan out!=/\=

Lizzie replied, figuring it was better to have the younger woman there rather than joining the already large medical team in the cargo bay.

Hopefully there would be no serious injuries that required the Cardassians to be taken to Sickbay as it would be easier for all concerned to keep them contained in the cargo bay.

LK nodded and tapped her comm badge. =/\= "Acknowledged, doctor." =/\=

A couple of minutes later, Lt. Reede walked through the doors of sickbay and went directly to the assistant CMO's office. It was small, enough room to meet with the head nurses and maybe three others. Slipping into the chair, she keyed on the computer and started reading up on the few patients there were.

Tracha Arjay

Quote from: LK Reede on August 13, 2017, 10:14:27 AM

LK nodded and tapped her comm badge. =/\= "Acknowledged, doctor." =/\=

A couple of minutes later, Lt. Reede walked through the doors of sickbay and went directly to the assistant CMO's office. It was small, enough room to meet with the head nurses and maybe three others. Slipping into the chair, she keyed on the computer and started reading up on the few patients there were.


Arjay rubbed her temple again, trying desperately to push the pain away. While her eyes were pressed tight, she could have sworn that she heard someone walk right past her. She opened her eyes just in time to see a short-haired woman walk into an office and shut the door behind her.

"Hello," she called out. "Can I get some help out here?"

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Martin Jackson on August 12, 2017, 07:46:41 PM

=/\="Understood.  I'll start bringing them on-board,"=/\= Jackson answered.  Running on limited power, and dealing with a possibly hostile force, Jackson started transporting the Cardassians into the cargo bay one by one, guided by their life signatures.


Gauging the speed that the Cardassians were coming onboard compared to the number still on Karnat and her rapidly deteriorating warp core, Alex grimaced. At this rate, we'll be leaving behind almost a hundred spoonheads to go up with their ship. =/\="Jackson, this is Wu. You need to start bringing them over in larger groups, we're running out of time. Coordinate with the security and medical teams, you have two minutes before I'm advise the Captain we move Challenger out of range."=/\=

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Martin Jackson on August 12, 2017, 07:46:41 PM

=/\="Understood.  I'll start bringing them on-board,"=/\= Jackson answered.  Running on limited power, and dealing with a possibly hostile force, Jackson started transporting the Cardassians into the cargo bay one by one, guided by their life signatures.

Cargo Bay One

Lizzie looked on in mild astonishment as the crewman started beaming the Cardassians over one by one. While better from a security point of view, surely there wasn't enough time to do it that way?

As the first Cardassian appeared, she went straight over to where they were and gave him a quick check over. Satisfied that he was uninjured, she took a retina scan before nodding to the security officer. The Cardassian was then escorted over to the far side.

'One down, several hundred to go!' She thought to herself as she went back for the next one.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Martin Jackson

Quote from: Alexander Wu on August 14, 2017, 03:44:56 AM

[Bridge]=/\="Jackson, this is Wu. You need to start bringing them over in larger groups, we're running out of time. Coordinate with the security and medical teams, you have two minutes before I'm advise the Captain we move Challenger out of range."=/\=

Jackson tapped his commbadge.  "Yes, sir," he acknowledged, then called out to Ms Vaughn, "Ma'am, the ship's going, so I'm going to start bringing them in wholesale."  After giving the Security personnel the same message, Jackson changed his tactic to beaming in a much wider range at once.  He'd have to have the ship evacuated in a minute and a half, if two minutes was the hard limit.


Quote from: Alexander Wu on August 14, 2017, 03:44:56 AM


Gauging the speed that the Cardassians were coming onboard compared to the number still on Karnat and her rapidly deteriorating warp core, Alex grimaced. At this rate, we'll be leaving behind almost a hundred spoonheads to go up with their ship. =/\="Jackson, this is Wu. You need to start bringing them over in larger groups, we're running out of time. Coordinate with the security and medical teams, you have two minutes before I'm advise the Captain we move Challenger out of range."=/\=

Lek felt a little uncomfortable at being ignored, but knew he had important information that the command staff needed to know, so he took leave to speak.

"Sir, although I do recommend getting some distance from the Karnat, she will not explode. Her warp core already did, and the impulse drive is offline. She's going to break up because of structural failure, not because of engine failure."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Martin Jackson on August 14, 2017, 09:13:29 AM

Jackson tapped his commbadge.  "Yes, sir," he acknowledged, then called out to Ms Vaughn, "Ma'am, the ship's going, so I'm going to start bringing them in wholesale."  After giving the Security personnel the same message, Jackson changed his tactic to beaming in a much wider range at once.  He'd have to have the ship evacuated in a minute and a half, if two minutes was the hard limit.

Cargo Bay One

Lizzie looked at the crewman and nodded.

"Understood Mr Jackson." She replied before turning to her own team.

"Give each arriving Cardassian an triage scan. If they are uninjured, take a retina scan as we have no time to take personal details and send them over to the far side of the cargo bay out of the way. If they are in need of medical care use the colour code scheme. For those who are unaware of the classification listen up! Yellow is uninjured. They go to the far side. Green is walking wounded, minor scrapes, cuts and minor fractures. They need to be gathered together for later treatment. Blue is minor incapacitated, broken legs or other such injuries that prevent mobility. They too can be place to one side for later treatment. Indigo is serious but stable injuries. They need to be made comfortable and transferred to a ward for further treatment. Red is injuries with imminent risk of death. If you find one like this, call me over and I will asses them on an individual basis. And finally Black is dead on arrival. Place them to one side so their details can be recorded. Does everyone understand?" She asked.

"Yes Doctor." They all replied.

Satisfied, Lizzie turned to await the first transporter load.

Seconds later, they were inundated. Soon the whole medical team were hard at work separating the uninjured from the injured and categorising the injured.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Lek on August 14, 2017, 10:18:15 AM

Lek felt a little uncomfortable at being ignored, but knew he had important information that the command staff needed to know, so he took leave to speak.

"Sir, although I do recommend getting some distance from the Karnat, she will not explode. Her warp core already did, and the impulse drive is offline. She's going to break up because of structural failure, not because of engine failure."


Alex hesitated, brows furrowing at the engineer's report. "You're right," He puzzled, taking a closer look at the readings. "Mr.Lek, I'll have you take a look at this when you have a moment." Alex patched his sensor data over to a spare engineering display nearby. "There's an energy spike coming from something onboard that ship, and you'll probably have a better idea of what since you worked on her."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Lek on August 14, 2017, 10:18:15 AM

Lek felt a little uncomfortable at being ignored, but knew he had important information that the command staff needed to know, so he took leave to speak.

"Sir, although I do recommend getting some distance from the Karnat, she will not explode. Her warp core already did, and the impulse drive is offline. She's going to break up because of structural failure, not because of engine failure."


Dylan heard the little man speak and the Engineer in the back of his mind snapped on, taking over his thought from other issues. "Quite right, Mr. Lek. However, we still don't want to be caught nearby- no need to scratch the paint and I don't want to find out how a Cardassian EPS grids and plasma reacts to damage. One semester in "Introduction to Alien Engines" was enough for me." he said. It had been quite the nightmare to deal with, especially at 0800 in the morning. "Can you use our main deflector to bolster their SIF generators? We just need a few more minutes," he asked the man as he thought.

He frowned internally- at the moment there was one place he wanted to be, and that was down with his Engines. His tool belt and the rest of his gear sat gathering dust mostly, but regardless he had a job to do here and now.

He turned to his XO. "Mr. Jyur. Report to the cargo bay- make sure the Cardassians have their needs taken care of," he said, as he looked back at the screen.

[Cargo Bay]

The Cardassians began appearing, one by one. Some standing, some bending over, some sitting, some lying down, and some in various... other positions. They were all one thing, however, and that was mad. Shouts and sounds of discontent, and some others who just were confused. A few made boldly toward the door, attempting to leave, while two with the rank insignia of enlisted members rushed at the transporter operator to stop them.

As another transport cycle came up, the sickbay of the Karnat was emptied. One member of the crew had been in the midst of surgery... no, wait... it was the Cardassian equivalent of a cesarean section. The woman was in the middle of giving birth... and would need medical attention rather soon.

Things had gone from complicated to very complicated very quickly.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet


Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 14, 2017, 01:29:00 PM


Dylan heard the little man speak and the Engineer in the back of his mind snapped on, taking over his thought from other issues. "Quite right, Mr. Lek. However, we still don't want to be caught nearby- no need to scratch the paint and I don't want to find out how a Cardassian EPS grids and plasma reacts to damage. One semester in "Introduction to Alien Engines" was enough for me." he said. It had been quite the nightmare to deal with, especially at 0800 in the morning. "Can you use our main deflector to bolster their SIF generators? We just need a few more minutes," he asked the man as he thought.


Lek brought himself to his full height as he replied, even though that left him still below the Captain's shoulder.

"Aye Sir! It will only take a few seconds to reconfigure the deflector, because I too would not care to 'scratch the paint' either. Cardassian technology is heavily over engineered and the plasma distribution system is much more complex than what we use. I will get on the integrity field immediately."

Lek moved to the engineering command console and quickly entered the instructions necessary to bolster the Challenger's protection from kinetic impact.

"Ready here Sir!"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 14, 2017, 01:29:00 PM

He turned to his XO. "Mr. Jyur. Report to the cargo bay- make sure the Cardassians have their needs taken care of," he said, as he looked back at the screen.


Jettis had, for the most part, stood aside as the action kicked up. He had orders poised on his tongue, but the rank of Commander hadn't settled with him yet, and his inner self kicked him to shut up and make himself useful in some other way. Let the Captain handle the orders.

So when Dylan had finally turned to him and issued an order, he glanced up from what he'd been busying himself with, and nodded. With a quick verbal reply, he was off the Bridge and on the turbolift, bound for the cargo bay.

[Cargo Bay]

Striding in, Jettis' eyes immediately made a quick sweep of the room, doing a checklist assessment of how things were going. At first glance, it was going swiftly. People were ordered neatly into groups, presumably Medical's doing.
Not wanting to take any needed staff away from the only ones stopping chaos, he moved to the closest non-medical or security crew member, who happened to be the crewman manning the transportations.

"Crewman Jackson," he called out to catch is attention, "how are things proceeding? Give me a rough estimate when you think the transporations will be complete?"
A while after he spoke, another group was beamed over in severely unfortunate circumstances. Straightening, Jettis' attention was quickly stolen, glancing to the scene, and then the CMO. He refrained from barking an order just yet, but kept an eye on that group, anticipating angry doctors to add to the already large group of angry Cardassians covering every inch of the bay.

Rhymus Cleroux

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 14, 2017, 01:29:00 PM

[Cargo Bay]

The Cardassians began appearing, one by one. Some standing, some bending over, some sitting, some lying down, and some in various... other positions. They were all one thing, however, and that was mad. Shouts and sounds of discontent, and some others who just were confused. A few made boldly toward the door, attempting to leave, while two with the rank insignia of enlisted members rushed at the transporter operator to stop them.

As another transport cycle came up, the sickbay of the Karnat was emptied. One member of the crew had been in the midst of surgery... no, wait... it was the Cardassian equivalent of a cesarean section. The woman was in the middle of giving birth... and would need medical attention rather soon.

Things had gone from complicated to very complicated very quickly.

[Deck 15 - Cargo Bay 01]

Rhymus was kicking himself, mentally at least. They had only just started and the Security team was already at the edge of their ability. Already, one crewman is dealing with two men who attempted to rush the transporter controls. Another two are guarding the door against a slowly growing group of angry Cardassians. His last crewman was doing the same as him, breaking up anything suspicious, dangerous, or untoward and 'kindly escorting' the Cardassians involved to where they needed to be. He had severely underestimated the number, or perhaps the anger of the Cardassians they would be dealing with, and the man had to act quickly before this circus turned into a full-scale riot in the ship. First thing's first, he needed more manpower.

=/\= "Additional Security personnel to Cargo Bay One. Repeat, additional Security personnel to Cargo Bay One." =/\=

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 14, 2017, 04:16:45 PM

[Cargo Bay]

Striding in, Jettis' eyes immediately made a quick sweep of the room, doing a checklist assessment of how things were going. At first glance, it was going swiftly. People were ordered neatly into groups, presumably Medical's doing.
Not wanting to take any needed staff away from the only ones stopping chaos, he moved to the closest non-medical or security crew member, who happened to be the crewman manning the transportations.

"Crewman Jackson," he called out to catch is attention, "how are things proceeding? Give me a rough estimate when you think the transporations will be complete?"
A while after he spoke, another group was beamed over in severely unfortunate circumstances. Straightening, Jettis' attention was quickly stolen, glancing to the scene, and then the CMO. He refrained from barking an order just yet, but kept an eye on that group, anticipating angry doctors to add to the already large group of angry Cardassians covering every inch of the bay.

Rhymus gave the Commander the merest glance as he entered. Another distraction in a situation growing more dangerous by the second. The crewman silently prayed to whatever deity ruled space to get those extra men and women down here all the faster. Things were not going well, and they would keep deteriorating at this rate.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 14, 2017, 01:29:00 PM

[Cargo Bay]

The Cardassians began appearing, one by one. Some standing, some bending over, some sitting, some lying down, and some in various... other positions. They were all one thing, however, and that was mad. Shouts and sounds of discontent, and some others who just were confused. A few made boldly toward the door, attempting to leave, while two with the rank insignia of enlisted members rushed at the transporter operator to stop them.

As another transport cycle came up, the sickbay of the Karnat was emptied. One member of the crew had been in the midst of surgery... no, wait... it was the Cardassian equivalent of a cesarean section. The woman was in the middle of giving birth... and would need medical attention rather soon.

Things had gone from complicated to very complicated very quickly.

Cargo bay one

Lizzie had just finished scanning the last batch and, despite them being rather angry, they appeared to be uninjured.  She had sent them off with their security minders out of the way when another group arrived. Straight from the other ship's Sickbay it appeared. There was a Cardassian female laying on her back looking like she was i the middle of a C-Section. She immediately went over to the group.

As she approached another of the Cardassians tried to stop her.

"Keep away if you know what's good for you!" A Cardassian male with what looked like the equivalent rank insignia of Ensign said to her in a growl.

Lizzie glared at the Cardassian, trying to keep her temper under control.

"I'm a Doctor and I want to treat this woman. If you do not get out of my way, I will make sure you end up a patient too!" She said, staring at him in the eyes, not intimidated in the least.

"Just try it!" The Cardassian growled again and went to hit her.

Lizzie saw it coming and with the effortless grace of a martial arts master, blocked the punch and knocked the Cardassians feet out from under him. Once he was on the floor, she gave a swift blow to his primary neural point. This knocked him out and he would stay that way. She then waved over a Tech.

"Scan him then move him over with the others." She ordered before heading to the mid-delivery female.

Pulling out her tricorder, she gave a quick scan. Thankfully the unborn child was still alive and in little distress. The mother on the other hand as another story. She had lost alot of blood and her respiration was shallow. she opened her med kit and injected something to slow the mothers heart rate before tapping her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to Sickbay. We have a mother in the middle of a C-section that needs immediate attention. Please prep the surgical bed for use. She cannot be safely carried so we will need transport.=/\= She closed the channel before opening up another one.

=/\=Vaughan to Bridge. Please lock onto my com-badge and transport 2 directly to Sickbay.=/\= She motioned a couple of nurses over.

"Take over here. If you need help, please call for it." She ordered.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

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